Thursday, November 23, 2023

Oil: Adopting electronic payment systems at all stations early next year, 23 NOV

   Oil: Adopting electronic payment systems at all stations early next year


The Ministry of Oil announced, on Wednesday, the adoption of electronic payment and the suspension of cash dealing at fuel filling stations, starting from January 1, 2024.

The Ministry stated in a statement that “based on the directives of the Council of Ministers in its session numbered 23620 of 2023, held on 10/31/2023, related to activating... Electronic payment service, adopting modern automation systems, and ending cash dealing.

Accordingly, and in line with government directives, the Ministry of Oil, the Petroleum Products Distribution Company, decided to adopt electronic payment systems in all stations and suspend cash dealing, as of January 1, 2024.”

The statement added, "Citizens must cooperate with the Petroleum Products Distribution Company by adopting modern mechanisms and means in the distribution sector to serve the public interest, by acquiring approved electronic payment cards so that everyone can refuel according to the new mechanisms, and benefit from the services provided in the distribution sector."   LINK

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