Monday, January 1, 2024

A government advisor announces the entry into force of the 2024 budget , 2 JAN

  A government advisor announces the entry into force of the 2024 budget


The economic and financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, announced today, Monday, that the 2024 budget has entered into force.

Saleh said {to Al-Furat News} that: “The federal general budget issued pursuant to Law No. 13 of 2023 is a tripartite budget, that is, it was enacted for three years, and therefore the entry into the new fiscal year 2024 has been automatic from today.”

He explained, "This is based on the adoption of the federal general budget for the year 2024, and the 12/1 exchange rule does not currently exist in accordance with the amended Financial Management Law No. 6 of 2019 until the beginning of the year 2026 if the financial situation at that time requires its application."

Saleh added, "This rule, i.e. disbursement 12/1, also depends on the timing of the 2026 budget legislation."

From: Raghad Dahham   LINK



  Question: "Is there a chance de-dollariztion could be delayed...and they keep using the dollar?  No, no, no no no...You can't change the speed of light.  

 Question:  "What would be the punishment for using the dollar after the 1st?"  First time a big fine.  If you continue, a bigger fine and the third one, jail.
 Do we hold them or do we fold them? We have a lot to consider...  

  It's still at 1310...Right now.   Don't you understand [the dinar] is being put into a position to change the rate?  It's that simple.  It's not complicated.  It's that simple at this simple step...That's what you're seeing.  That's what you're witnessing. 
Question:  "Is Iraq going forward with only dinars as of January 1st?"  Yes and that is the key...the next 24 hours is a very important key to see if they use it to unlock the monetary reform....If the Iraqi citizens have absolutely no other currency but the dinar to use in their are they going to do it with a 3-zero note that has almost no value to it?

Salah this morning BY NADER FROM MID EAST

The most important of which is security... Al-Rafidain lists seven advantages of electronic payment, 2 JAN

  The most important of which is security... Al-Rafidain lists seven advantages of electronic payment


 Today, Monday, Rafidain Bank indicated 7 features of the electronic payment system in Iraq.
The bank stated, in a statement received by Al-Mutala’, that: “Electronic payment consists of:

1- Switching from dealing in manual cash to electronic cash.

2- Moving from a cash society to a cashless society and leaving cash payment to electronic card payment.

3- Collecting and collecting funds electronically.

4- Using POS devices in financial and commercial transactions.

5- Proceeding with plans for financial inclusion and digitization in banking transactions.

6- Establishing a culture of bank financial accounts instead of using direct cash.

7- Adopting an electronic card is safer than carrying cash and moving around in markets and other places.   LINK


 Militia Man 

 All of this is coming together. There's no reason for any pessimism or snide remarks for anybody around in dinarland... There's shouldn't be any doubt anymore that this is a real process and it's underway...

Iraq is going to be interconnecting with international countries and they're going to be doing it by International standards and guess what they're not going to be doing that with a 1310 program, or I call it, a  punishment rate..
 The facts are in the pudding. 

 Anybody that says it's never going to happen has not done any study...When people do that I think it's reckless and I don't think they've done their research properly...

Iraq Dinar - Dispursing Payments - Stage Set for Internationalism - MILITIAMAN

Expectations of achieving low dollar prices as benefits for the Iraqi individual, 1 jan

 Expectations of achieving low dollar prices as benefits for the Iraqi individual

The economist, Bask Jamil Antoine, expected to achieve a decrease in dollar exchange rates with interest to the Iraqi individual.

“The low exchange rates of the dollar can bring benefits to the economic reality of the individual if a balanced society is available,” Antoine said {Euphrates News}.

He stressed “the need to follow up the pockets of speculators and traders who do not lower prices even if the dollar exchange rate falls.”

“The dollar directly affects imported goods, but goods that are produced locally, we do not expect that their impact will be significant,” Antoine explained.

To reduce dollar prices in the local market, the Central Bank of Iraq, on Sunday, determined the parties covered by obtaining their foreign transfers in cash in dollar currency starting from January 2, 2024.

This included foreign remittances for diplomatic missions, all international organizations and agencies operating in Iraq, and non-governmental civil society organizations registered in the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers in the event that the foreign donor stipulated the payment of foreign remittances received in dollar currency inside Iraq.

It also included government contracts in force in US dollar currency, and continuous contracts on grants, loans and foreign agreements,” noting that “40 percent of the remittances received by Iraqi exporters resulting from their exports abroad.

Selling prices in banking shops in local markets in Baghdad were recorded on Monday, 153,250 dinars, while the purchase price was 151,250 dinars per 100 dollars.

From: Raghad Dahamتوقعات-بتحقيق-أنخفاض-اسعار-الدولار-فوائداً-للفرد-العراقي



 By mid-January 2024 the CBI is giving a time frame where the IQD CBI exchange rate will be one in the same as the market rate.  That's all that matters.  Let's see what that rate is by mid-January.  The black market rate will be no longer...that shows great control of the CBI official exchange rate for their currency... 

 The goal to de-dollarize has been the goal all along of the monetary reform - to remove the American dollar from Iraq's banking structure.   The fact that we are there is exciting.   

 1310 is actually a really good rate right now because it's good to keep control of the IQD exchange rate.  By keeping it at 1310 until they're ready to pull the trigger, there's no profiteering.  There's no reason to steal a dinar.  As the CBI maintains the exchange rate value of the IQD it is affecting the rate of the USD verses IQD...The CBI is controlling the dinar...

Iraq's Bold Move Resolution Ditching the Dollar and Embracing Internatio...

Al-Sudani promises the Iraqis that 2024 will be a year of achievements, 1 JAN

Al-Sudani promises the Iraqis that 2024 will be a year of achievements

Shafaq News/ On Monday, the Iraqi Prime Minister promised the Iraqis that the year 2024 would be a year of achievements.

Al-Sudani said in a statement distributed by his media office and reported to Shafaq News Agency: “I extend to our honorable Iraqi people my warmest words of congratulations, and I pray to God Almighty to protect them in our beloved Iraq.”

He added, “We enter a new year, in which we carry the aspirations of our people, hold out hope and determination, and renew our insistence that it be a year full of progress, work, and giving, and to carry on with what the government has committed to in its program and executive priorities, that it is a government of services, reform, and fulfillment of requirements and needs, which meet the aspirations of citizens everywhere.” From this dear country.

He continued, “Our new year will be (the year of achievements), God Almighty willing. It will be the year of transforming plans into work reality, and reaping and reaping the fruits of effort, in a way that meets the ambitions of our citizens everywhere.”



  Banking Announcement of the CBI in Iraq:  In an official statement from the CBI of Iraq, customers inside Iraq can receive the dollar with the permission of investors involved in the transaction. Otherwise, all transactions are to be done in the Iraqi Dinar going forward in order to enhance confidence in the dinar.  This official statement is the new monetary policy that has been decided to begin on January the 2nd, 2024 per the Council of Ministries. 

 The Central Bank of Iraq has warned that some people are misusing the electronic payment cards it makes available to meet the legitimate natural needs of citizens.

The bank stressed its commitment to implementing strict measures to limit this phenomenon, protect the financial system, and ward off risks from it, indicating that it will include the names of bank card holders whose misuse or smuggling is caught on black lists and take legal measures against this group.

The bank noted that they will be deprived of issuing other cards and all financial products, and that all necessary measures will be taken against violators, based on the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Law No. 39 of 2015 and the instructions and controls issued pursuant thereto.
Central Bank of Iraq  Information Office   November 20, 2023




Major news.  

The trend is accelerating.


Iraqi Dinar/Wells Fargo Bank Greenlights Iraqi Dinar RV Approved | IQD U...

Parliamentary Resources: The Region’s “Procrastination” Obstructed The Approval Of The Oil Law, 1 JAN

 Parliamentary Resources: The Region’s “Procrastination” Obstructed The Approval Of The Oil Law

Money  and business  Economy News – Baghdad  The Oil, Gas and Natural Resources Committee in the House of Representatives attributed the delay in approving the Oil and Gas Law to the Kurdistan Region’s procrastination in implementing its obligations towards the federal government, while the Committee explained the sale of some oil companies’ shares in Iraq to two things.

Committee member Ali Al-Mashkour said, “There are outstanding points of contention between the center and the region that have caused the delay in approving the oil and gas law until now, in addition to the latter’s procrastination in implementing its obligations towards the center.”

Regarding the sale of some international oil companies of their shares in Iraq, Al-Mashkour stated that “this is due to two things: The first is to achieve its interests in other countries if a valuable opportunity is available to it, regardless of the place in which it was working. The second reason is “due to the political changes and events taking place in the country in which it was working and the conflict of interests between one country and another.” Views 76 12/31/2023 -




(IMO): This meeting could comprise of these pertinent subjects. 

Artificial Intelligence 
Quantum Computing 
Nanotechnology Immortality 
Anti Gravity Quantum 
Economic Renaissance 
The 10 Freedom Cities 
Anti Gravity Vehicle 
Floating Cities 
Humanitarian Projects 
The New Republic 
Advanced Medical Technology 
Hydrogen Technology 

All of this will be a result of the currency revaluation set to take place. So this is natural that these subjects are covered to prepare the public for monumental changes. Even if everything doesn’t make to the table. We know why it’s important regardless when the plan to schedule.

8:38 PM · Dec 30, 2023




There is supposed to be an historical international meeting sometime in March next year. 

What will be discussed will change the entire landscape of our global economy.

The positive in this is it will not include any old Draconian faction. 

Will not be invited. You will love the turn out. More on this in the future.

7:09 PM · Dec 30, 2023


New Year Coffee with MarkZ. 01/01/2024

Iraqi Dinar🔥Iraqi Dinar 24 Hours Challenge To Shift Today 2024🔥iraqi din...

The Central Bank determines 4 categories that are entitled to receive foreign remittances in cash in dollars, 1 JAN

 The Central Bank determines 4 categories that are entitled to receive foreign remittances in cash in dollars

Baghdad – 964

Yesterday, Sunday, the Central Bank identified 4 categories that are entitled to receive their foreign transfers in cash in US dollars during the year 2024, namely diplomatic missions, organizations and government contracts in effective in dollars and 40% of the remittances received to Iraqi exporters.

The central bank said in a statement, the network received 964 copies of which:

In implementation of the objectives of monetary policy and to enable banks to meet the needs of their foreign currency customers, the Central Bank of Iraq has identified the entities covered by obtaining their foreign remittances in cash in US dollar currency, as of January 2, 2024, according to the following:

– Diplomatic missions, all international organizations and agencies operating in Iraq.

– Non-governmental civil society organizations registered in the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, in case the foreign donor stipulated the payment of foreign remittances received in dollar currency inside Iraq.

– In force government contracts in USD, ongoing contracts on grants, loans and external agreements.

– 40% of the incoming transfers to Iraqi exporters resulting from their exports abroad.

Except for what is mentioned in the above, banks are allowed to hand over to their customers the amounts of their remittances received from abroad in cash, and from the self-resources available to the bank, and according to the agreement between the bank and the customer.

The Central Bank of Iraq confirmed that banks will continue to open bank accounts for customers in foreign currencies in exchange for (interest/returns), and that the customer has the right to withdraw deposits and interest/returns deposited in cash.

The Central Bank of Iraq noted that banks are not allowed to automatically transfer customer funds from outside Iraq in the US dollar currency to the dinar currency except with the customer’s consent, stressing the decisions of the Council of Ministers to prevent the conduct of internal transactions in foreign currency and enhance confidence in the Iraqi dinar.


Sat. 30 Dec. Wolverine’s Chat: 

  • 1) Pentecostal group is now totally silent, off grid, (Wolverine believes them to be silent due to receiving their blessing);
    2) There is mention of the EBS going off before the RV. He does not believe the electricity will be cut.
    3) He believes it will begin first week of January. His sources said the gold backed currency needed to be in place, which happened on Jan. 1 2024.
    4) A very high source has said all is done. He said he knows how difficult this is for us, and for him, but that the RV is A Trillion percent real and will be happening.

🔥Iraqi Dinar🔥This is Really Good🔥News Guru Intel Update IQD Value to USD...

The Sudanese financial advisor determines the basic exchange constants in the budget of 2024, 1 JAN

The Sudanese financial advisor determines the basic exchange constants in the budget of 2024

The financial adviser to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Mohammed Saleh, on Monday, identified the basic exchange constants in the 2024 budget, stressing that the private sector’s financial savings will contribute to supporting labor-proving and income-generating development projects.

Saleh told the official agency that “the federal budget, which was legislated under Law No. 13 of 2023 for three years, will maintain its approved constants while monitoring the developments in the oil asset cycle in the world and its effects on budget resources and in two directions.”

He continued, “The first trend is continuous financial reinforcement or discipline, accompanied by maximization in non-oil resources, and the second trend is legal flexibility in the timing and priorities of public spending.”

Saleh added, “The budget will keep the basic exchange constants advanced by salaries, wages, pensions, social welfare and service development projects in the forefront, as well as projects to support the private sector, the labor market and employment through the Iraq Fund for Development, in addition to managing the largest Iraq development project (the development road) and in strategic partnership with the private sector and regional development funds stakeholders in the project.”

He stressed, “The private sector’s financial savings will contribute to supporting labor-saving and income-generating development projects, in accordance with a strategic vision of partnership between the state and the private sector, led by the Private Sector Council, which will take its role in managing and financing development and economic progress, which is chaired by Prime Minister Mohammed Shia’a Al-Sudani.”


 Sat. 30 Dec. Bearded Patriot USA Telegram Post:

  • A Military Team worked from 24th to the 26th December on NESARA/GESARA and the release of funds. The military worked on NESARA all night long on the 25th because they wanted us all to receive the Abundance. 
  • On Tues. 26 Dec. 2024 GESARA was softly announced publicly to select media outlets through the Starlink Satellite system, which made it legal. 
  • GESARA has started between all governments worldwide.
  • NESARA is now liquid under the USN. The money is flowing.
  • On Mon. 1 Jan. the fiat US Dollar became illegal as a legal tender in Iraq.
  • Everything is imminent. Everything changes within 12 hours after the Worldwide Announcement. (Phil G)
  • The Military is in charge, not President Trump, or the White Hats.
  • The Military has been playing 5D chess, along with President Trump, to strategically and meticulously execute the final stages of The Plan.
  • We know timeframes of events, not exact dates.
  • The debts between nations have all been forgiven and wiped clean.
  • Foreign currency will not pay off debt. Foreign currency will help you.
  • Social Security will not exist.
  • The money coming to everyone will come in structured payments up to $5000 for 60 and above, with a possible time frame of January 2024.
  • Disabled seniors will get $7500. There’s no rules to get the $7500.
  • Anyone proving they have a job will get $1200 per month universal basic income.
  • If you cannot work you will still get the $1200 based on the UBI.
  • There’s 200 programs where everyone will get financial abundance according to GESARA.
  • Everything stolen will be returned 1000 times over and more. This is the day of Abundance that will blow Your Mind.
  • Stop attacking each other. Stop attacking Intel providers. When you are angry and impatient you choose to stay in a negative energy field you damage yourself. Get rid of a mindset of lack. Start thinking ABUNDANCE.
  • Everything is done.
  • There is no kicking the can, No delays. The process is slow because of the legalities. 
  • The World Court is going over the paperwork. The Military is waiting on the World Court for all legalities to be finalized properly between nations according to Common Law.
  • The Cabal lies to the banks and when Bankers found out they were angry. Some bankers quit their jobs because we are so close to the end of this.
  • This is happening now, not in 2025.
  • The Banks are getting ready for the RV and GCR.

The Countdown Begins Iraq's 24-Hour Challenge to Shift to Iraqi Dinar-On...

A Representative From Dhi Qar Asks: Where Did The Governorate’s Money Go?, 1 JAN

 A Representative From Dhi Qar Asks: Where Did The Governorate’s Money Go?

Information/Baghdad..  Today, Sunday, the representative of Dhi Qar Governorate, Nissan Al-Zayer, asked about the fate of the money spent on the governorate over the past three years.

Follow the “Al-Ma’louma” channel on Telegram.. News that does not require documentation..

Al-Zayer said in an interview with Al-Maalouma, “Dhi Qar Governorate received approximately one and a half trillion after it was voted afflicted by the previous House of Representatives and it received the Reconstruction Fund.”

She pointed out that "the money did not know its destination in light of the lack of tangible change in the service, urban and even health conditions in Dhi Qar Governorate."

Al-Zayer continued, “The fund’s money was spent on projects that exist on the surface but are riddled with corruption on the inside, most of which are fragile projects.”

She pointed out that "Dhi Qar Governorate has not witnessed a financial and urban revolution since the 1970s that had to change its reality, but unfortunately it is still "dust" as she described it.

Dhi Qar Governorate suffers from many crises, lack of services, and a very poor standard of living, despite granting it huge financial budgets during the past two years and forming its own reconstruction fund.    LINK


 Sandy Ingram 

 In January 2024 foreign currencies will no longer be allowed inside Iraq and any violations will be criminalized.  The Iraqi dinar will be used for all transitions. 

Why are we seeing reports of a meeting with the IMF in Jordan and a meeting with the Department of the Treasury and the US Federal Reserve in Dubai?  ...The meeting with the IMF had to do with the IMF staff team helping the Iraqi authorities reform the banking system... 

This meeting more than any other tells us Iraq may be preparing to join the global financial network, aka Forex Market...Here's the bottom line.  Iraq has never really been on the Forex market.  These reports IMPLY Iraq is headed in the direction of international currency inclusion while using its own currency for transactions within th country beginning January 1, 2024. 

A drone attack on a military base hosting US troops near Erbil in northern Iraq...caused casualties...Iran-backed militants claimed responsibility for the attacks...The attacks occurred on December 25th.

  Inflation...political stability... balance of payment...national debt...recession - each of these seven categories helps determine the currency rate of any country...We want to wish each of you a happy holiday..

Article:  "Iraq links Baghdad US embassy attackers to security services"  

The attacks against US forces have continued.  The Iraqi government said several people who are alleged to have attacked the US embassy in Iraq last week have links to the country security services...

Article: "Iraqi council elections: Almost 17 million voters head to polls on Monday"

  Iraqis have begun voting for the first time in a decade to select new provincial council members who in turn will appoint governors...results are expected to be announced on Tuesday.  

   Iraq cuts oil production by 223,000 barrels per day voluntarily.   Iraq is over 90% dependent on oil revenue and oil prices, therefore when OPEC speaks we listen and we listen very carefully, almost as carefully as when the CBI makes and announcement.

 Article: "CIA warns Baghdad of serious consequences if attacks against US personnel  continue"   Since October 17th the US presence in Syria and Iraq has been under constant threat.

 [We] tried to ignore this news however, that is not possible Article:  "Iraqi PM places security forces under investigation over US embassy attack"  Iraq is doing what they can, but have not been able to stop the attacks against American Forces in Iraq.  Article: "Iran-backed militia vows more attacks after US Embassy in Iraq comes under fire"  When you attack the embassy of another country, this is far more serious.

The Central Bank of Iraq confirmed some Iraqi banks are transferring dollars from their accounts to intermediary banks who are distributing the dollars to their customers.  The Central Bank of Iraq said this will contribute to reducing the exchange rate of the parallel dollar...[We're] thinking this is to keep the black market intact. This means the decision to only use Iraqi dinar in all transactions beginning January 1, 2024 may cause concerns and the Central Bank of Iraq is making moves to control any possible issues.

Article:   "Inflation rate in Iraq declines in 2023 compared to 2022

 The Central Bank of Iraq announced the inflation rate decreased in 2023 compared to 2022.  Inflation in Iraq reached approximately 3.7% in August 2023, compared to 4.4% in August 2022.  Iraq's inflation rate is good compared to many countries where inflation has reached 30% and 40%...

Wealthy Iraqis move to the Caribbean.  Guess who's on the list?  ...The leader of the Kurdistan region and the former governor of the Central Bank of Iraq and other businessmen suspected of corruption...Iraq's politician are monitored by the organized Crime and Corruption Report Project (OCCRP)...This is part of the effort to catch

individual involved in corruption....  The project reported the purchase of Dominica (tiny Caribbean island) citizenship...enabling them to travel worldwide without a Visa...This country's visa is magical.  Citizens can travel to 144 countries without a visa..

 The country has no tax on foreign income, capital gains, inheritance, stock profits, wealth or gifts...The former Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mustafa Ghaleb Makhif, obtained Dominica citizenship in 2017 along with his wife and two children and did not renounce it upon his appointment as governor of the CBI which was clear violation of article 18 paragraph 4 of the Iraqi Constitution.  He held the position of governor of the Central Bank of Iraq from September 2020 until his removal by the current prime minister on January 23, 2023.. .

There are corruption questions...a legal complaint... has been filed due to the loss and depletion of millions of dollars regarding forged import documents.

   The reason countries have foreign reserves is to make sure that a country has backup funds if its national currency rapidly devalues or becomes entirely worthless.   It's common practice for central banks of different countries around the world to hold large amounts of reserves of foreign exchange.  Most of these reserves are held in US dollars since it is the most traded currency in the world...

The amount of monies a country holds in its reserves has a lot to do with the county's currency rate...Iraq has the largest foreign currency reserves in its' history.

 The reason countries have foreign reserves is to make sure that a country has backup funds if its national currency rapidly devalues or becomes entirely worthless.  It's common practice for central banks of different countries around the world to hold large amounts of reserves of foreign exchange.  Most of these reserves are held in US dollars since it is the most traded currency in the world...

The amount of monies a country holds in its reserves has a lot to do with the county's currency rate...Iraq has the largest foreign currency reserves in its' history...

Article:   " Good News for Investors:  US Treasury Continues to Omit Vietnam Currency Off Currency Manipulator's List"  

 Vietnam was not included on the US Treasury Department currency manipulators list this time.   The list comes out twice a year and includes countries that may have surpassed the value of their currency.  When a country does this it cheats investors on potential profits...Iraq is rebuilding after the war so is not yet subject to currency manipulation lists...

  On Wednesday the Prime Minister of Iraq's advisor took the lead from the Central Bank of Iraq and announced Iraq has the largest foreign currency reserves in its' history and that the exchange rate treatment package aims to prevent profiteering at the expense of the economy...


Article:  "Inflation rate in Iraq declines in 2023 compared to 2022

 The Central Bank of Iraq announced the inflation rate decreased in 2023 compared to 2022.  Inflation in Iraq reached approximately 3.7% in August 2023, compared to 4.4% in August 2022.  Iraq's inflation rate is good compared to many countries where inflation has reached 30% and 40%...

Wealthy Iraqis move to the Caribbean.  Guess who's on the list?  ...The leader of the Kurdistan region and the former governor of the Central Bank of Iraq and other businessmen suspected of corruption...Iraq's politician are monitored by the organized Crime and Corruption Report Project (OCCRP)...This is part of the effort to catch

individual involved in corruption....The project reported the purchase of Dominica (tiny Caribbean island) citizenship...enabling them to travel worldwide without a Visa...This country's visa is magical.  Citizens can travel to 144 countries without a visa..

 The country has no tax on foreign income, capital gains, inheritance, stock profits, wealth or gifts...The former Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mustafa Ghaleb Makhif, obtained Dominica citizenship in 2017 along with his wife and two children and did not renounce it upon his appointment as governor of the CBI which was clear violation of article 18 paragraph 4 of the Iraqi Constitution.  He held the position of governor of the Central Bank of Iraq from September 2020 until his removal by the current prime minister on January 23, 2023...

There are corruption questions...a legal complaint... has been filed due to the loss and depletion of millions of dollars regarding forged import documents.

  The reason countries have foreign reserves is to make sure that a country has backup funds if its national currency rapidly devalues or becomes entirely worthless.   It's common practice for central banks of different countries around the world to hold large amounts of reserves of foreign exchange.  Most of these reserves are held in US dollars since it is the most traded currency in the world... The amount of monies a country holds in its reserves has a lot to do with the county's currency rate...Iraq has the largest foreign currency reserves in its' history.

 The reason countries have foreign reserves is to make sure that a country has backup funds if its national currency rapidly devalues or becomes entirely worthless.  It's common practice for central banks of different countries around the world to hold large amounts of reserves of foreign exchange.  Most of these reserves are held in US dollars since it is the most traded currency in the world...

The amount of monies a country holds in its reserves has a lot to do with the county's currency rate...Iraq has the largest foreign currency reserves in its' history...

Article:   "Good News for Investors:  US Treasury Continues to Omit Vietnam Currency Off Currency Manipulator's List"  

 Vietnam was not included on the US Treasury Department currency manipulators list this time.   The list comes out twice a year and includes countries that may have surpassed the value of their currency.  When a country does this it cheats investors on potential profits...Iraq is rebuilding after the war so is not yet subject to currency manipulation lists...

  On Wednesday the Prime Minister of Iraq's advisor took the lead from the Central Bank of Iraq and announced Iraq has the largest foreign currency reserves in its' history and that the exchange rate treatment package aims to prevent profiteering at the expense of the economy...

What does “financial inclusion” mean? BY MNT GOAT, 18 SEPT

BY 48.5%.. BANKS ASSOCIATION: FINANCIAL INCLUSION IN IRAQ HAS INCREASED (What does “financial inclusion” mean? Shame on you if you don’t kno...