Wednesday, January 10, 2024


 Wed. 10 Jan. to Fri. 12 Jan. Texas Snake: 

The folks I am hearing from are suggesting our notifications will occur between the Wed. 10th and Fri. 12th of Jan,  with exchanges commencing somewhere between Thurs. 18th and Sat. 20th. 


 Tues. 9 Jan. Wolverine:

 Redemption Exchange banks already have the Forex Rates that will be offered Tier 4a,b.

 …There are some Whales that got paid, I know I was on the live call when that happened. 

Incredible news again. Lots of movement in Reno. I know AAA High Level Whales who were traveling to Reno to get paid and some Whales have been paid.

Sat. 6 Jan. question from Wolverine to Isaac: 

Are you optimistic for you call on Tuesday?

Issac: Yes I am. Last thing they told me is we are close for advances on German Bonds. We will have a QFS Account you will manage all from there. 

It is like an account in a cloud and only you have the codes to move and do whatever you want. 

I can tell you that in several banks in Europe, private ones, the big Whales will put the money and amazing things will happen there. After German Bonds comes Dragon Bonds and then come the others: first Tier 3, then Tier4a, then Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group)

Telegram post


Forwarded from Wolverine:

They have just confirmed that the Secretary of the Treasury is in Reno finalizing the efforts to launch the final phase of the Pre-Revaluation process.

On Monday the 8th the banks will have the codes and from there to 12 is the window.



Iraqi dinar 🔥 CBI Official Announcement dinar going international 🔥 Iraq...

Politician: Washington is waving the economic card to ensure the survival of its forces in Iraq, 11 JAN

 Politician: Washington is waving the economic card to ensure the survival of its forces in Iraq, 11 JAN

Information / Baghdad…
Political analyst Sabah Al-Ukaili said on Wednesday that the failure of ISIS’s terrorist project in Iraq and the end of the pretext under which American forces are present in the country will push Washington to wave the economic card against Baghdad if the government decides to remove American forces from Iraq.

Al-Ugaili told Al-Maalouma, “America will not be able to create a new version of the terrorist ISIS in Iraq, even though this criminal organization was its creation, but its project has failed and has never been successful.”

He added, “America may resort to other methods to ensure that it does not leave Iraq and establish its presence in military bases by waving the economic card that it uses to threaten Iraq and its government in the event of a tightening pressure on it and an attempt to expel its forces from the country.”

He stated that “Iraqi funds for oil exports are transferred to the US Federal Bank, and therefore America is exploiting these funds as a pressure card on Iraq in order to continue its presence on Iraqi soil after the failure of the ISIS terrorist project.”


 Tues. 9 Jan. 2024 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866pin123456#, 667-770-1865

  • On Wed. 10 Jan. all banks around the Globe were expected to be interconnected and using the Quantum Financial System.
  • On Thurs. 11 Jan. we are supposed to have announcements about NESARA and possibly GESARA.
  • Under NESARA US Tax will be eliminated.
  • There will be a 14% sales tax collected at the state level and shared with the federal.
  • Mon. 8 Jan. Redemption Center leaders and bank managers put in their individual access codes to the US Treasury. There were over 11,000 Redemption Centers in the US.
  • Some Bond Holders (Tier 3) have received emails telling them when they will have access to their funds. Others were expected to receive notification tonight or tomorrow Wed. 10 Jan. They will get 10% of their funds and the rest within 90 days.
  • Tier 4b (Us, the Internet Group) will be notified 10-14 hours after all Bond Holders receive their emails.
  • There was a major emphasis on international arrests right now.
  • On Wed. 17 Jan. the gold/asset-backed US Note may be announced as our new currency.

Iraqi Dinar✅ Floating Hopes: Experts Predict Dinar's Potential Rise Afte...

Details of a ministerial meeting regarding the 2024 budget schedules, 11 JAN

Details of a ministerial meeting regarding the 2024 budget schedules

Information / Baghdad..
Today, Wednesday, the Ministry of Planning announced the holding of a ministerial meeting to prepare the budget schedules for the current year.

The ministry stated in a statement received by the Al-Ma’louma Agency, “Today, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Planning, Muhammad Ali Tamim, chaired an expanded meeting, held at the Ministry of Oil, in the presence of the Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs, the Minister of Oil, Hayan Abdul-Ghani, and the Minister of Finance.” Taif Sami, the Minister of Oil and Natural Resources in the Kurdistan Regional Government, Kamal Muhammad, and his accompanying delegation, as well as undersecretaries of the Ministries of Planning and Oil, a number of general directors in the two ministries, and the Ministry of Finance.

She added, “During the meeting, mechanisms for preparing the general budget schedules for this year 2024 were discussed, in its operational and investment aspects, in light of oil prices and the revenues expected to be achieved during this year.”

The Minister of Planning stressed during the meeting, “The government is keen to complete these schedules within this year’s budget as soon as possible and send them to the House of Representatives for approval,” pointing out, “We took into account the quantities of oil exported, including the Kurdistan region’s share, and Iraq’s obligations to the production quotas specified by the Organization.” OPEC Plus.

For his part, the Minister of Oil stressed “the importance of the budget, which requires completing the spending and financial revenue schedules,” noting that “the Ministry of Oil is making great efforts to provide the best conditions to secure the production and export of oil, and to achieve appropriate revenues to secure financing of the budget.”

Minister of Finance, Taif Sami, also indicated, “The Ministry is keen to achieve balance in the budget and secure the necessary funding for the ruling and basic spending sections, whether on the operational or investment side.”

Meanwhile, the Minister of Oil in the Kurdistan Region, Kamal Muhammad, expressed “the region’s readiness to cooperate in the field of oil export in accordance with what was approved by the budget law.”


 Judy Note: The Wed. 10 Jan. 2024 connection of all banks around the World to the new gold/asset-backed Quantum Financial System on the new Star Link Satellites will eliminate the Deep State Cabal’s US Taxpayer income they have been enjoying since 1913.

This KMafia doesn’t appear to be too happy about that as their Central Banks will go kaput in a Worldwide Financial Armageddon. They had hoped to solve the problem with their Great Reset of fiat digital currency – which major countries of the World, including the US Congress, have already rejected.

Don’t panic. The White Hats are in charge. We must prepare, pray hard and Trust the Plan.

We win because we never give up. We succeed because we run with patience, the race that is set before us. Remember that patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world.

And, we will!!! . . . Judy

Iraqi Dinar Update CBI's Official Announcement on January 15th Going Int...

Today.. the launch of the Baghdad Exhibition activities, with wide local and international participation, 10 JAN

   Today.. the launch of the Baghdad Exhibition activities, with wide local and international participation

The Minister of Commerce, Atheer Daoud Al-Ghurairi, announced the completion of all preparations for holding the 47th session of the Baghdad International Fair, which opens today, Wednesday, with wide local and international participation.

Al-Ghurairi confirmed, according to a trade statement after his tour of the exhibition’s pavilions and citizens’ resting places, that the exhibition in this session differs from previous ones in terms of organization, the number of participating countries and companies, and the infrastructure that we have worked on over the previous months, to be at the level of ambition, as the exhibition represents Iraq’s window to the world and contributes to achieving real partnerships. For the Iraqi private sector with its counterparts in other countries of the world.”

He added, “The staff of the General Company for Iraqi Exhibitions, along with the supporting bodies in the ministry’s departments and companies, have completed all final preparations for holding the new session of the Baghdad Fair, and we can say that this session will have a good level of organization, as well as aspects Others related to rehabilitating green spaces, planting them, and creating electronic gates for the first time. We were able to take many measures in the exhibition’s pavilions and halls, which continued over the past months, contributing to fundamental changes that showed the exhibition with artistic beauty and good taste.”

Al-Ghurairi noted the participation of more than 21 countries and more than 850 companies in the session’s activities. Some of the new ones are participating for the first time, and there are many requests to participate in the exhibition that were submitted to the General Company for Iraqi Exhibitions, while the Iraqi Federation of Industries participates with a large pavilion that represents Iraqi industries of locally manufactured materials, and some of them are exported to other countries of the world. It is a step that works to find all means of support for them to enable and support them. Export.   link



  I've heard so many [gurus] talk about - according to the IMF Iraq needs to be within 2% between the parallel rate and their official exchange rate.  No that's not right...To maintain stability Iraq needs to maintain a narrow spread, that's the gap between the official exchange rate and the black market.   Generally a spread of less than 5% is considered acceptable.   Not 2%, 5%.  A spread more than 10% is considered a significant risk to the economy.  Iraq is going to have to shoot for between 5 and 10%.  They want to be less than 10.  It'd be idealistic if they can get around 5...

 The best suggestion I would make when it comes to this is get a tax expert that can help you with this.  Let them tell you what you can do to help reduce the amount of money you owe based on the amount you get when you swap your currencies.  

When you swap your Iraqi Dinar for US dollar if the exchange rate gets up there to a level you like you're going to have to pay capital gains taxes on it... [Note:  Some gurus feel it will be/could be taxed as ordinary income.  Consult your tax expert to determine what's right for you.]

Iraqi Dinar🔥CBI Said Iraqi Dinar Would Go International Today 2024🔥iraqi...

Al-Sudani: No force will be able to stop the wheel of reconstruction that has begun, 10 JAN

 Al-Sudani: No force will be able to stop the wheel of reconstruction that has begun

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani said on Wednesday that the government he heads is continuing with the wheel of reconstruction and construction in the country despite the many challenges it faces.

This came in a speech during the launch of work on a multi-lane bridge project on the Tigris River in Al-Jadriya in the center of the capital, Baghdad.

Al-Sudani said in a speech followed by “Earth News” that, “The Iraqi government faces many challenges, and there are those who try to occupy us with this or that file, but they face a solid will and determination to continue with this methodology of work regarding the implementation of projects.”

He added, "We pledge to our people that we will not back down from work, and no force will be able to stop the wheel of reconstruction that has begun."  link



 [Aki - Iraq Bank owner in US update] 

Question:  "The new orders you got on January 1st, are they for you to dispense the lower denoms and collect 3 zero notes?"  Here in the Untied States we are preparing to do everything with electronic platforms...We are prepared to collect the 3 zero notes from those that wish to exchange them for American dollars...We follow International banking laws, the same laws American banks follow.  Here in the United States the bank that I am in charge of will be all electronic. 

When you ask about the LDs they are only found in Iraq.  We do not possess them.   Iraq will give to the Iraqi citizens, when the time comes, physical lower notes and coins and collect three zero notes...

The difference is that here in the US I have to do everything electronic where my friends in Iraq, their banks can do it electronic or physically if they want the lower denoms and coins in their hands

Iraqi Dinar🔥Excellent Achievement About RV Of Iraqi Dinar Finally Today ...

Washington disregards Baghdad's decisions. Its forces continue to stay and the dispersion of positions supports them, 10 JAN

 Washington disregards Baghdad's decisions. Its forces continue to stay and the dispersion of positions supports them


The Pentagon expressed a position through which it responded to the Iraqi government, which was determined to schedule the removal of their forces during the current year, so Washington did not pay attention to Baghdad's demands, and hit the desires of political and popular forces "in disregard."

The refusal of the Washington administration to withdraw its forces from Iraq is not new, as it has always maintained that its exit in 2011 was a big mistake, which it was reconciled by introducing ISIS gangs to return from the window again, under the pretext that it was able to return again to Mesopotamia.

The Pentagon confirmed on Monday that it does not currently plan to withdraw its forces of about 2,500 troops from Iraq, under the pretext of fighting ISIS gangs.

The leader of the Fatah Alliance, Aide Sahib, outlined the reasons for the continued US presence in Iraq, while stressing the importance of Washington's commitment to agreements with the Iraqi state.

Sahib said, in an interview with the Information Agency, that "the US presence in Iraq is due, among other things, to Washington's fear for its interests in the region, and therefore it will not abide by any pledge with the Iraqi government or any other political party related to the withdrawal of its forces from Iraq."

He adds, "The other thing revolves around the Iraqi house, where there are three houses inside the Iraqi house, which leads to the absence of unity of discourse, which Washington invests very heavily by pushing the components towards each other, and through this policy can establish its presence in the country."

The leader of the Amiri alliance pointed out that "there are very many international files, where we need a global negotiating team capable of going towards global institutions to embarrass Washington and draw its policy inside Iraq, as is the case in Korea, Japan and Germany "

Sahib stressed "the importance of America's commitment to agreements and commitments with the Iraqi state, especially the previous ones, as Washington cannot violate Iraqi autonomy and not abide by the Strategic Framework Agreement, for example."

Washington disregards Baghdad's decisions. Its forces continue to stay and the dispersion of positions supports them

 Washington disregards Baghdad's decisions. Its forces continue to stay and the dispersion of positions supports them

"Official occupation"

The American response to Baghdad's demands clarifies one reality, which this or that political party is trying to hide to ensure the achievement of mutual interests, away from the interests of the Iraqi people, who have suffered greatly from the American presence on their territory.

In addition, the leader of the coordination framework, Mahmoud Al-Hayani, commented on the position of the US Department of Defense, which rejected the exit of its forces from Iraq, and while describing the US presence as "occupation", he stressed the lack of need for these forces to survive.

Al-Hayani said, in an interview with the agency / Information /, that "after the recent position issued by the Pentagon, which refused to withdraw its forces from Iraq, those forces have become officially occupied," noting that "the Iraqi government insists on the formation of committees to schedule the removal of all foreign forces, while Washington rejects this idea."

He pointed out that "the security agreement concluded between Baghdad and Washington focused on pushing back the danger and fighting terrorism that threatens the country, but this file has ended after the defeat of ISIS gangs, which confirms that the country does not need these forces." "

"The forces that defended the country from the threat of ISIS were represented by the Iraqi security forces, not the Americans," he said, pointing out that "America's insistence on staying confirms the existence of premeditated goals and intentions."

The American presence in Iraq is due to a basic reason and revolves around the existing political forces, so that each of them searches for its interests, so you see that party is allied with Turkey, and this with the UAE, and the other with America , so it does not consider Iraq its home, but just a geographical location to be on, and stole the largest amount of its wealth. 


 Mnt Goat 


SOON"  If this really does happen we will be in great shape to see the one more program rate change we have been waiting for. But remember they will probably wait and monitor the rate to ensure it is first stable, How long we don’t know.  But this is fantastic news today.

I believe we will not get out of January without seeing the project to delete the zeros and my CBI contact ...gave me assurances that this could be the case. Keep our fingers crossed nothing else interferes in the process.

 I am told they fully intend to have this parallel market on target and under control within January...if they can accomplish this target, we know what their next move will be... We don’t need to speculate...We know as a FACT!

Project Deletion of Zeros Activation?💣Get Ready!?🤔Iraq Dinar RV Updates ...

Al-Sudani: We want a quick exit of the international coalition, and its presence is destabilizing for the region, 10 JAN

   Al-Sudani: We want a quick exit of the international coalition, and its presence is destabilizing for the region

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa al-Sudani announced that Iraq wants a quick and orderly exit of the US-led military forces from its territory through negotiation, but he did not set a final date.

In a statement to Reuters, Al-Sudani described the presence of these forces as “destabilizing in light of the regional repercussions of the Gaza war.”

Al-Sudani said that there is a need to reorganize this relationship so that it is not a goal or justification for any party, whether internal or external, to tamper with stability in Iraq and the region.

He added that the exit of these forces must take place through negotiation.   link



  [via PDK] 

  “Getting Vietnam off the money laundering Gray list”   …the UK seems worried that someone may filter money through Vietnam. And artificially lower their rates to take advantage of trade imbalances. Europe and the US believe Vietnam should have a higher currency rate. What does this tell you?  That your investment with Vietnamese currency should be worth more money than it is.  Comment:  I heard the dong may rv at .47 cents?   MarkZ:  .47 cents would be fantastic…but, I think it will be more than that... I am still hearing the low $2 range…and bankers think it’s higher than that.

 There are a lot of folks looking squarely at today through the 14th-15th...we are very much sitting at the edge of our seats…again...I do feel like we are close to it being over.

Article:  “Iran backs Iraqi call to end presence of US led forces”  Many around the world are pushing this…it is one of the key pieces for us…the removal date appears to be imminent... Flash back to an interview that Donald Trump did…he said to get us out-we will be gone as soon as they pay us. It looks like we are leaving…so what does that tell you?

🔥Iraqi Dinar🔥It's Excellent🔥News Guru Intel Update IQD Value to USD🤑💵🤑🎉

The regional government discusses the results of the talks of the Kurdish delegation in Baghdad, 10 JAN

The regional government discusses the results of the talks of the Kurdish delegation in Baghdad

Mawazine News – Baghdad
The Kurdistan Regional Council of Ministers will meet on Wednesday, chaired by Prime Minister Masroor Barzani, to discuss the political situation and the results of negotiations in Baghdad.
“In the first part of its meeting, the Council will discuss the results of the visit of the delegation of the Kurdistan Government headed by the Minister of Finance and Economy to discuss the salaries of employees of the Kurdistan Regional Government and the amendment of the General Law of the Federal Budget,” a source familiar with the matter said in an interview with Mawazine News.
He added, “The meeting will discuss the resumption of the export of oil from the Kurdistan region and the cost of its production and transportation, and the review of projects and proposals submitted by the Kurdistan Regional Government to the Federal Government.”
He pointed out that “the Council will discuss, in another part of its meeting, the follow-up of the procedures of the concerned ministries on the implementation of a previous decision of the Council of Ministers No. (222) dated 7/6/2023, on the identification of prohibited public roads and the removal of abuses on roads and public places.”


 Russia and Iran step up de-dollarization drive with pact to shun the greenback in bilateral trade, report says

Russia and Iran have reportedly agreed to avoid the dollar in bilateral trade and use their own currencies instead.

The move is seen as part of the de-dollarization trend among nations to shift away from using the greenback in trade and investment.

Russia and Iran, both facing US economic sanctions, have been stepping up their cooperation.

Russia and Iran have entered into an agreement to avoid using the dollar in bilateral trade, relying instead on their own currencies, a new report says.

Business Insider Link


Several states are beginning to construct gold and silver depositories across the United States.

This growing option for holding your money in precious Metals and utilizing it through the use of a debit card of some type is a growing trend that is rapidly progressing.

“Oklahoma Bill seeks to create gold and silver depository | KFOR.comOklahoma City”

© Goldilocks

Iraqi Dinar🔥Iraq's Electronic Payments System Being Established Today 20...

The Sudanese Advisor Details The Types Of Loans.. What About The Repayment Mechanism?, 10 JAN

 The Sudanese Advisor Details The Types Of Loans.. What About The Repayment Mechanism?

Economy News – Baghdad Today, Tuesday, the financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, revealed the types of loans granted to citizens and companies, while explaining the repayment mechanism for each loan.

 Saleh told the official agency, followed by Al-Eqtisad News, that “a loan is an amount of money borrowed by an individual or company from banks or financial institutions, in order to manage planned events financially, and thus the borrower bears a debt and must repay it with interest within a certain period of time.”.  He pointed out that "banking applications appear within the scope of granting loans.

The subject of the so-called (term loan) is a cash loan that is usually repaid in regular payments over a specific period of time.

Loans usually last between one and ten years, but they may continue for a period of time." Up to 30 years in some countries. He added, "The term loan usually includes an unfixed interest rate (also known as floating), which may add an additional balance to be repaid," noting that  

"economic life includes financial deficit units willing to invest that borrow from surplus units, who are the depositors in return." Interest paid by the borrower to finance an investment project or a specific economic activity in the fields of housing, industry, trade, agriculture, or services.

This is what is called bank credit, which is the essence of the banking process.

Coffee with MarkZ. 01/10/2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Morning all…..What a happy day when the RV happens.

Member: Mark I am hearing dinar $3.81 and dong .47….is that what you are hearing?

MZ: That’s not what I am hearing but I would be ok with it. That would still be fantastic. But I am hearing higher rates than that.

Member:  Do you think the RV trigger will be pulled very soon ? Is there anything positive?

MZ: There are some group leaders and bond folks with expectations that are high….I am trying to get proof whether money has actually moved or not. Until I vet the rumors to find out if money has moved it doesn’t do anybody any good. 

Member: Yes we need some proof. 

MZ: MilitiaMan and crew did do an excellent one last night. There is hard, real traceable action coming out of the Iraqi government while they are working on the monetary reforms. Be sure to go listen to it. 

MZ: Iraqs stock market is up 90% in valuation based on the US dollar….. and they continuously talk about the exchange rate and what their market is going to look like after a change in the exchange rate. They are telling us its coming and that they will address it in their first parliamentary session.  And that session has just started.  Positive stuff. 

Member: Is there anything I need to do to get ready for the next financial system?

MZ: There is not anything you need to do to get ready. I was told the QFS will integrate with the legacy banking don’t worry. 

Member:  Mark, will we know the Rates when we go into our Appointment? OR, does each Bank give you a different Rate?

Member: We may have to find that out at our appointment

Member:  Rumors:  Several Dinar sites claim low denomination Dinars in ATM's

Member:  Mark, what are your thoughts on our military not leaving Iraq? I’m hearing that new companies would prefer US Military presence while doing major construction?

Member:  Not sure-but maybe they are trying to squash the news about Military leaving not until Iraq pays them. 

MZ: “Central Banks go for gold in a bold move to safeguard dollar”  Moreso to safeguard themselves from the collapsing dollar ….374 tons just in 2023 in gold to the central banks. 

Member: Wish we knew the date….would make waiting more bearable. .

Member:  Rule of Thumb - If given a definite date for RV - assume misdirection

Member:  It's obvious at this point that the DS is successful in kickin' the can for as long as they wish. Too much "tomorrow, tomorrow" as people suffer and die; that's the reality of it.

Member: I pray there really are white hats helping save the world. 

Member: I think white hats are like leprechauns. We’d like to think they exist and they will bring us good fortune, but they are really a myth

Member: Hang in there everyone……I believe things will happen suddenly….and the best is yet to come. 

Member: Keep your thoughts positive… This week best new moon, very lucky. Hits tomorrow so feeling positive!

Member: Thanks Mark and mods…..everyone have a great day



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )




Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics. 



The next step in the monetary reform investment  that you're involved in will be the most difficult step.  It wasn't difficult to decide to buy the currency.  It wasn't difficult to put it in a safe all these years and wait.  Well I guess it was a little difficult.  But you're now at the point where you have to make decisions with what you have...You will be attacked ...You all need to take this a little bit more serious.

 on the 15th is when the CBI said the dinar would go international.  IMO it already did on January 1, 2024.  On the 15th I think it's when they make it official on the boards.   That would be good because then it's going to be used in markets.  It's going to be used to buy, sell trade.  It's going to develop trust, security, stability, value and that's not even the basket...!

The electronic platforms are being established through Visa and MasterCard for the citizens of Iraq in order to be able to transfer money in and out of their country because the float is about to start.  The dollar is going down and the dinar is going up.  Today you saw a third change 135,000 to 100 USD.  It's going in the right direction and it's moving fast...

Iraq Dinar - Sovereignty - Exchange Rate - Oil & Gas Law - International...

To Strengthen Monetary Sovereignty In Iraq... Chaos In Currency Markets And Accusations Of Manipulation, 10 JAN

To Strengthen Monetary Sovereignty In Iraq... Chaos In Currency Markets And Accusations Of Manipulation

09/01/2024  352 views  Local markets in Iraq are witnessing a state of turmoil as a result of measures to strengthen monetary sovereignty,  as dealing in the dollar is abandoned and the Iraqi dinar is adopted in daily financial transactions,  as a large difference appears between the official and parallel prices, which raises tension in the markets.

In this context, a member of the Parliamentary Economics Committee in Iraq, Soran Omar, accused influential parties of being behind the manipulation of the exchange rate. He pointed out that the government was unable to radically control the exchange rate, and that the measures taken to reduce it are still having limited impact.

He added that the ongoing smuggling and money laundering through some banks and money changers is working to complicate the situation, noting the continuation of the Central Bank’s measures in this context.


 Nader From The Mid East 

  We told you we're going to switch from dollars to dinar and that happened...They talked about it yesterday and I'm really excited about it.  Today they're talking about again about the market and how it's excellent...It's going up slowly.  Listen, it's a lot of steps to do.  They're working on it.  Everyday it's a new step and that's really good.  I'm excited about it.  I hope everybody getting excited.  Don't get too excited though.  Keep grounded.

 It's going to be $3.50 to 1 and it's going to play about Forex between $3.50 and $4.50.  It's true what I tell you. I'm not playing around.

 Many people sending me things, things about 2026.  I don't think they're going to wait till 2026.  I don't think whoever explained you this, he read it wrong...If it start to float it's going to go quick.  We just need to float it...If they did like they said and took off the dollar from the market, from the streets, things going to go quick...I agree with them that it's going to go up gradually but it's not going to take two or three years to reach 1 to 1...

 Question:  "Is the rate and the [lower] currency gonna come out together? I think yes.  This is why I think yes.  First, because they cannot change an exchange rate with a big numbers [rate] and Second, they cannot change a [lower] currency with the small exchange rate...If you change, you've gotta change both.  If you take the 3-zeros from the currency, you're gonna have to take the 3-zeros out of the exchange rate in the same time.    That's what I think.

Happy New Year, best wishes and all that stuff...A lot of people are sending me messages going like do you see any changes?  ...I don't know why you're asking me that. What you guys heard?  Who told you anything?  Some people wrote me tonight at midnight the currency will be launched.  Some people said their new rate will come out tonight at midnight ...I didn't see anything like that.  They didn't say they're going to change the rate tonight.  They didn't say they're coming out with currency tonight... They'll never tell you they're coming out with it...I'm not expecting anything tonight...

Iraqi dinar 🔥Iraqi dinar electronic platform launched 🔥 Dinar RV latest ...

It Was Withdrawn A Year Ago And Is Surrounded By Mystery... 9 Important Projects In The Corridors Of Parliament Awaiting Legislation, 10 JAN

 It Was Withdrawn A Year Ago And Is Surrounded By Mystery... 9 Important Projects In The Corridors Of Parliament Awaiting Legislation

Posted On01-09-2024 By Sotaliraq  Baghdad/ Haider Hisham  More than 400 days have passed since many important laws were withdrawn from within Parliament, during the Council of Ministers session, at a time when many are wondering about the fate of these laws, and what is the reason that prevents the government from sending them back to the House of Representatives again, to vote on and approve them, but “ “An important obstacle” identified by politicians that may prevent any law from being amended or legislated.

On November 15, 2022, the Council of Ministers, headed by Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, held its regular session, and during the session, the Council authorized Al-Sudani to withdraw important laws from the House of Representatives, which is what Al-Sudani actually worked on, as he worked to withdraw nine draft laws.

According to a statement from the Prime Minister’s Office, received by Al-Mada, “The Council of Ministers decided to withdraw the draft law on addressing residential abuses, the draft law on the Reconstruction Council, the withdrawal of the list of ambassadors, in addition to withdrawing the draft law amending the companies law, as well as withdrawing the law on the first amendment to the National Oil Company law.”

The decision also included the withdrawal of the Flag Service Law, and the draft law on the second amendment to the Public Roads Law, and the last law was represented by the Federal Civil Service.”

The second deputy in the Strategic Planning and Federal Service Committee, Muhammad Al-Baldawi, revealed the fate of the laws that the Council of Ministers withdrew, while noting that The “main reason” for withdrawing these laws is that some of them are likely to be passed during the new legislative term. 

Al-Baldawi said, in an interview with (Al-Mada), that “the Council of Ministers withdrew many important laws to reconsider and audit them and then re-send them,” adding: “There were many comments about them in principle to the Iraqi Council of Representatives, which prompted the government To withdraw it.”

He added, “The Council of Ministers, after withdrawing the laws, decided to hand them over to advisors, who are currently working on holding continuous meetings and meetings in order to complete them and mature them in order to advance them to the House of Representatives, even if they carry few notes, and after that it is possible to proceed inside the dome of Parliament.” “Without any political objections to it.”

The Vice Chairman of the Planning Committee explains, “The new legislative term may witness the passage of many laws in the House of Representatives.”

Important obstacle”
Political affairs researcher, Ziad Al-Arar, identified an “important obstacle” in amending and legislating laws in Iraq, while sending a message to the political forces.

Al-Arar mentioned, in an interview with (Al-Mada), that “there is a real obstacle that everyone collides with, which is (political consensus), which if it is not achieved regarding any file in Iraq, this file will not be amended, and will not see the light,” indicating that “the differences Quotas and political consensus are what manage the process of running the country in Iraq.”

He goes on to say: “Neither the Sudanese nor anyone else can amend or legislate what the government deems appropriate unless there is a political consensus because the political process was built on the basis of consensus,” pointing out that “this consensus took a new turn, so the Shiite forces now have a political consensus on A specific issue, then the Sunni forces, and the same is the case with the Kurdish forces, as there must be consensus in these houses, and then it goes into the public space.”

The political affairs researcher points out, “The scene has become complex, and we cannot blame the government for a specific failure to legislate and amend laws in light of political consensus.

This is a fact that we must speak publicly about so that the political forces know that the people know what is going on behind the scenes.”

At a time when many observers and followers of parliamentary affairs in Iraq consider that the current session is the least in terms of legislation and oversight, including interrogations, compared to previous sessions, there are those who defend this session in terms of the circumstances that accompanied it.

It is noteworthy that the new legislative term of the House of Representatives will begin today, Tuesday, January 9, while the Presidency of the House announced last Sunday that it will set the date for the next regular session to complete legislative and oversight duties, in addition to setting a session to elect the Speaker of Parliament.   LINK 

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