Saturday, October 21, 2023

The Governor of the Central Bank sets criteria to achieve exchange rate stability

 The Governor of the Central Bank sets criteria to achieve exchange rate stability


The Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, confirmed today, Saturday, the progress of several measures to move to the digital economy in direct coordination with Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, while pointing to standards that maintain the stability of the exchange rate.

Al-Alaq said, in his speech during the first banking conference of the Central Bank of Iraq, that “the conference is being held within the framework of continuing efforts to strengthen the banking sector to achieve a stable, safe and effective financial system in light of the rapid changes, developments and challenges that the world is witnessing in the transformations of the structure, financial systems and work rules and the accompanying changes.” Significant progress in the use of financial technologies.”

He added, "Following developments to arrange priorities in the infrastructure of financial systems and business rules is the strategic goal to employ this experience in the right and safe directions and to study the risks associated with it."

He continued, "This is done through: consolidating the compliance rules stipulated in the Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism Law No. 39 of 2015, and applying international practices and standards in a way that preserves the integrity of the financial system from local and international risks and procedures, and in a way that ensures the transparency and safety of financial operations, as well as the transition... From cash economy to digital economy.

He pointed out that "these rules are what preserve the integrity of the financial system, and even protect Iraq from serious risks," noting that there is "a close relationship between the application of these standards and the smooth flow of transfer operations and maintaining the stability of the exchange rate."

He noted that "the phenomenon of the monetary economy constitutes a major obstacle to the optimal employment of cash and the development and stimulation of the economy, and a major challenge to achieving the objectives of monetary policy in achieving monetary stability. It also weakens control and oversight of the movement of funds and increases the risks of financial crimes and illicit practices."

He stressed that "many measures are being worked on regarding the transition to the digital economy, in direct and continuous coordination between the government represented by Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani personally, the Central Bank, and the relevant authorities."

This Saturday morning, the first banking conference of the Central Bank of Iraq began in Erbil Governorate.   LINK

Iraqi DinaršŸ”„Everything Is Ready To Go Finally Today 2023šŸ”„iraqi dinar new...



 I missed this one when it first came out. Reuters Article:  "Exclusive: Iraq to end all dollar cash withdrawals by Jan 1, 2024, central-bank official says

 We should see how this affects the value of the Iraqi dinar. I have a feeling come 2024 we're going to start seeing those increments happen.  They're' not going to be large but at least they're going to be heading in the right direction. 

 Stopping the use of the US dollar is a major step towards strengthening the Iraqi dinar. 

    My concern at the moment is whether or not Al-Sudani is going to be able to keep Iraq out of the middle of the crap that's going on over there..

.95% of the people around the world just want peace and to live and do their own thing...As far as Iraq and dinar is concerned, as long as they stay out of trouble and don't get involved then they should be just fine.

Article:  "Iraq to charge Customs Duties/Taxes "Exclusively in Iraqi Dinars"  This is awesome.  There we go - De-dollarizing, heading in the right direction.

 In Iraq they have the ability IMO to do a controlled free float...People ask me , 'Why doesn't Iraqi dinar free float?' Because it could be very very risky.  They could benefit from it.  They might go in the right direction.  People might think they have something to offer...worth investing into, that they have a bright strong future...which I think Iraq does and I think they could benefit from being on the Forex but they have to have the restrictions removed off their currency...Iraqi dinar is on the local one [Forex].  They're not on the big Forex.  

 There's still problems with the exchange rate...Right now the solution they've come up with is increasing the interest rates for customers if they deposit their money and leave it there [In a bank].

  7.5% is a pretty good size interest rate if you're going to leave your money in a deposit at your bank.  In the past we used to have stuff like that but we don't anymore unfortunately.  

Iraqi Prime Minister Calls for Global Effort to End Gaza Crisis, 21 OCT

 Iraqi Prime Minister Calls for Global Effort to End Gaza Crisis, 21 OCT

At the Cairo Peace Summit, as world leaders convened to address the crisis in Gaza, Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani issued a compelling call. A plea for unity, for support, and for swift action to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian people. 

A Plea for Intervention

Al-Sudani’s words reverberated in the summit’s halls, underscoring the urgency of the situation. The Israeli siege on Gaza, he stated, was not merely a political conflict, but a matter of life and death for thousands of Palestinians. He lamented the ongoing genocide and called on the international community to take immediate and effective actions to stop the suffering of the Palestinian people.

His call was for more than just words. He urged the establishment of a fund to aid the Palestinian people, the lifting of the siege on Gaza, and the opening of humanitarian corridors for the swift transfer of aid. Iraq, he assured, was ready to organize support and aid convoys to Gaza. His call for unity went beyond his country, emphasizing the need for coordination with all relevant nations and parties to unify the stance and present practical steps to the international community.

Consequences of Inaction

Al-Sudani’s statement, however, was more than a plea for aid. It was a stark warning about the potential global implications of the conflict. The current conflict, he warned, could impact global security, escalate regional conflict, jeopardize energy supplies, exacerbate economic crises, and invite further conflicts. His words echoed the fears of many who have watched the situation in Gaza deteriorate, amplifying concerns about the potential for the conflict to spillover into the broader Middle East.

Iraqi Dinar Breaking News Ali Alaq Addresses Iraq's Exchange Rate | No N...

Deputy: 45 countries expressed their desire to cooperate with Iraq in the way of development, 21 OCT

 Deputy: 45 countries expressed their desire to cooperate with Iraq in the way of development

Baghdad - Iraq Today:

MP Baqir al-Saadi said Friday that the development road project has attracted the interest of 45 countries so far.

Al-Saadi said in a press interview that "the development road project is still enjoying increasing international interaction day by day, especially since all studies indicate its success in economic terms, and will develop in 5 important directions in the field of changing the route of international transport from Southeast Asia towards Europe."

He added that "45 countries are interested in the development road project, and some of them have officially announced their intention to invest directly through the implementation of projects in the first phase," noting that "the investments of this project will lead to the establishment of 10 new cities on the route from Basra to the border with Turkey."

"The project will mark the beginning of changing the face of the entire region in terms of economic activity and the development of land routes that annually transport hundreds of billions of dollars worth of goods," he said.

Iranian-Backed Iraqi Militias Rally at Jordan Border: A New Geopolitical Play?, 21 OCT

 Iranian-Backed Iraqi Militias Rally at Jordan Border: A New Geopolitical Play?, 21 OCT

Hundreds of Iraqi militiamen, purportedly linked to Iran, have gathered near the Jordanian border, their chants resonating across the barren landscape, demanding the route to Palestine be opened.

These protesters, numbering in the hundreds, are members of Iraq’s Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF), an umbrella organization of predominantly Shiite militias with close ties to Iran. Their sit-in at the border crossing in the western Anbar province, a stone’s throw from the Israeli-occupied West Bank, marks a curious Iranian ploy. While Iran maintains a presence in Lebanon and Syria, both sharing borders with Israel, the country has not instigated any significant action through these proxies. Instead, it is now inciting protests at the Jordanian border under the banner of the Palestinian cause.

An Echo Across the Globe

This demonstration is not an isolated event. From the bustling streets of Istanbul and Jakarta to the sprawling squares of Cairo, a swell of solidarity for the Palestinians in Gaza has sparked a wave of protests across the Muslim world. While governments in Egypt permitted gatherings at 27 locations, South Koreans, Malaysians, and Turks took to the streets, raising Palestinian flags, and demanding an end to the violence in Gaza. These demonstrations are a powerful indication of a shared sentiment, transcending borders, against Israel’s actions in Gaza, and a call for justice for Palestinians.

An Iranian Influence

The protests near the Jordanian border, however, hold additional geopolitical significance. Their orchestration by Iranian-backed militias underscores Iran’s intricate play in regional conflicts. These demonstrations serve to spotlight Iran’s recurrent support for the Palestinian cause and its condemnation of Israel’s actions. They also raise concerns about potential escalations and tensions in the region. The question remains: is this a mere show of solidarity, or is Iran signaling a more assertive posture in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

As the world watches, these protests underline the Palestinians’ struggle against Israeli aggression and the demand for an end to the violence and the blockade. They call for international intervention to hold Israel accountable for its actions in Gaza. As the echoes of these protests reverberate across the globe, one thing is clear: the Palestinian issue is not just a regional conflict but a global cause.

Middle East Stabilization Challenged by Palestinian-Israeli Conflict, 21 OCT

Middle East Stabilization Challenged by Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

In the midst of a fragile calm in the Middle East and North Africa, the recent aggression by Hamas against Israel has stirred the waters, threatening the nascent stability that was gradually taking root in the region. Iraq, a nation that has endured the tempestuous winds of conflict for years, was beginning to see glimmers of economic improvement and stability. However, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has ignited a wave of pro-Palestinian protests across Iraq, throwing the nation’s delicate equilibrium into turmoil.

Solidarity and Threats

Iraqi Prime Minister, in an impassioned response to the crisis, has expressed staunch solidarity with the Palestinian cause, decrying Israeli aggression. This sentiment is echoed by Iraq’s Iran-backed militias, the Badr Organization and Kataib Hezbollah, who have shown support for the attacks and even threatened to target American interests if the US intervenes. But these threats, according to experts, are likely more theatrics than a real intent for escalation. Strategic ambiguity and unlikely conditions for escalation seem to underscore these declarations. However, the Iraqi government’s limited influence over these militias complicates its ability to intervene and manage the situation.

The American Dilemma

The situation has put the United States in a precarious position. With the potential for escalation and mounting pressure on the militias to act, the US must navigate the delicate path of addressing the plight of the Palestinian people without endorsing or tolerating acts of atrocity. The accountability of those who commit war crimes is paramount in reversing the dangerous trend of targeting civilians. As a moderating influence, the US has the opportunity to contribute to deescalation while supporting Israel’s right to protect itself against Hamas.

Israel’s Response and The West Bank Crisis

For Israel, the primary objective is to incapacitate Hamas from repeating such attacks. However, the imposition of a near-total blockade on Gaza and inflicting collective punishment on its population only strengthens Hamas’s control and could potentially trigger a protracted, bloody conflict that Hamas and its Iranian patrons desire. Israel must tread carefully to avoid repeating the mistakes of the US following 9/11, where the response to al-Qaida led to costly wars and unforeseen consequences.

Meanwhile, the situation in the West Bank is fraught with escalating tensions. Clashes between Palestinians and Israeli forces, increasing settler violence and a growing sense of anger are fueling a volatile atmosphere. Palestinians, feeling unprotected against Israeli hostilities, feel compelled to defend themselves, thereby contributing to the cycle of violence.

The Palestinian Authority’s Concerns

In the midst of this chaos, the Palestinian Authority (PA) is wary of the possibility of forced transfer and the impact of the conflict on the Palestinian right to return. The PA has no desire to govern Gaza if Israel succeeds in dismantling Hamas, for they do not wish for Israel’s war on Hamas to pave their way to leadership in Gaza. The PA underscores the need for a comprehensive resolution to the Palestinian issue, bringing an end to the occupation, and the establishment of a sovereign, independent state of Palestine.

In conclusion, the recent attack by Hamas has disrupted the slow path to stabilization in the Middle East and North Africa, with Iraq experiencing some economic improvement and stability. The response from Iraq’s militias and the sentiments of the Iraqi people are overwhelmingly pro-Hamas and anti-Israel. The US and Israel must find ways to address the suffering of the Palestinian people while avoiding escalation and holding actors accountable for war crimes. The situation in the West Bank is also tense, with Palestinians feeling the need to defend themselves and increasing settler violence. The Palestinian Authority emphasizes the need for a comprehensive solution to the Palestinian issue and an end to the occupation.

Exchange rate/you can’t kill an idea by NADER FROM MID EAST

Stability Rate IQD Iraq News

What is the importance of the “electronic platform” in the Iraqi Central Bank’s transactions? A specialist explains, 21 OCT

What is the importance of the “electronic platform” in the Iraqi Central Bank’s transactions? A specialist explains

 Today, Saturday (October 21, 2023), banking affairs specialist Hammam Al-Shamaa revealed the importance of the “electronic platform” in the Central Bank’s transactions to sell the dollar. 

 Al-Shamaa told “Baghdad Today” that “there is great importance in using the (electronic platform) in the Central Bank’s dealings with the sale of the dollar,” noting that “this platform prevented many illegal sales of the dollar as was happening previously, and it also prevented "A lot of currency smuggling operations abroad."

He explained that "Iraq cannot stop working on the electronic platform, because it was imposed on it by the US Federal Reserve, and this imposition came in order to prevent any incorrect external transfers, whose goal is only to transfer the dollar to Iraq."

Al-Shamaa confirmed, “After working on this platform, many of these operations were stopped, and for this reason some people began to rely on black transfers through some companies to extract dollars.”

On May 10, 2023, the Central Bank confirmed that it would continue to meet companies’ requests and finance the personal needs of all citizens.

A statement from the Central Bank, received by (Baghdad Today), said, “The bank continues to meet companies’ requests (financing their imports of goods and services), in addition to financing the personal needs of all citizens, such as travel, treatment, and study, through the electronic cash platform, and meeting the requests of banks and electronic payment companies to enhance... Their balances are to cover electronic payment card settlements (Visa, MasterCard) at the official exchange rate of 1,320 dinars per dollar.” 

On (February 19, 2023), the Central Bank of Iraq announced a directive to licensed banks, exchange companies, and brokerage companies buying and selling foreign currency, to apply via the electronic platform to obtain their prescribed share of the foreign currency “dollar.”

According to a document issued by the Iraqi Central Bank, it stated, “The electronic platform for the cash sale of foreign currency (FITR) must be approved as of Monday, February 20, 2023.” link



  [via WiserNow]   ...we heard that once the currency sellers stopped being able to sell...It was our turn...what is remarkable about this, we have three confirmations so far from currency sellers, that they have been advised that they are no longer to sell these currencies that we have 

- which is dinar  - Dong...there's a bunch of others that are going up in value...they are no longer able to sell those  after  11:59pm [last] night - Friday night...Central time...Then all those currency sales will be shut off...that's great news for us because I think that sets the bar for us to get started.

Currency Sellers have been advised they were no longer able to sell currencies after 11:59 pm Fri. night 20 Oct. Central Daylight time.

  Once the Currency Sellers stopped being able to sell, Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) would go. The optimal time we could be notified was Sat. morning 21 Oct.

What we got in report today was all the rates are extremely good

And we know that the dinar came back up on the Forex yesterday and came back up on the streets for trading on forex and on the bank screen today.  The rates are very good.

Al-Alaq: Stability of the exchange rate requires changes in the Iraqi commercial system, 21 OCT

 Al-Alaq: Stability of the exchange rate requires changes in the Iraqi commercial system

Central Bank Governor Ali Al-Alaq considered, on Saturday, the process of stabilizing the exchange rate of the dinar against the dollar as a “major process” that requires changes to the Iraqi commercial system and financial transfers outside the country.

This came in his speech during the first annual banking conference hosted by the city of Erbil under the slogan “The banking sector, opportunities for advancement and the future of international companies,” in its first edition.

Al-Alaq said in his speech, “The rules stipulated in the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Law No. 39 of 2018 must be consolidated, and international practices and standards must be applied in a way that preserves the integrity of the financial system from local and international risks and procedures, and in a way that ensures the transparency and integrity of financial operations.”

He added, "We emphasize once again that these rules are what preserve the integrity of the financial system, and even protect Iraq from serious risks, and what is related to this matter is the relationship between the application of these rules and standards and the process of external transfer and the sale of the dollar in various forms."

Al-Alaq added, “There is a close relationship between establishing these standards and the smooth flow of transfer operations, and maintaining the stability of the exchange rate. To the extent of this commitment, we can determine monetary stability and exchange rate stability, which is a major process that requires making many changes and reorganizing the commercial system in Iraq.”

And the external transfer system and what is related to that,” noting that the Central Bank “is going through this process in daily details until it leads us to the right and correct path, and every day it opens a new channel to facilitate and accelerate this process.”   link


 Militia Man 

 Iraqi-Saudi coordination council has played a major role with their bilateral relations.  Iraq is doing a good job.  If you've noticed in the news, Iraq is a mediator.  It's almost like the Switzerland of the Middle East.  Kudos to Al-Sudani...

 They've increased the interest rate to encourage citizens to save their money.  They're going to be paying 7.5%... What's the main goal here?  I think what they're really trying to do is to get large amounts of money off the street...mattress money is what they call it.  They're still trying to get that money in...

They're going to be building roads, railways, building residential cities, industrial cities...How are they going do that without being Article VIII complaint?


  Everything is there for the citizens concerning the monetary reform.  Everything is in its position.  Everything is ready to go.  

They may be waiting for more Iraqi citizens to open bank accounts...maybe they're waiting for more accounts to open up because that's how they're going to deliver the HCL. 

Iraqi PM Rejects Forced Displacement of Palestinians Amid Gaza Conflict, 21 OCT

 Iraqi PM Rejects Forced Displacement of Palestinians Amid Gaza Conflict, 21 OCT

In the heart of the Middle East, amid the staggering human toll and the rubble of the ongoing Gaza conflict, a voice of the region rises. Prime Minister of Iraq, Mohammed Shia’ Al Sudani, has issued a clarion call: The forced displacement of Palestinians from Gaza and their migration elsewhere is not a viable solution.

Resonating Beyond Borders

The Prime Minister’s statement synchronizes with the rhythm of regional tension, echoing through the corridors of power and into the hearts of the beleaguered Palestinians. His words arrive at a time when the region is aflame with conflict, marked by the abrupt cancellation of a visit by the Hamas political bureau chief to Iraq due to escalating strife.

The conflict in Gaza, now the deadliest of the five wars that have convulsed the territory, has left thousands dead and injured. In its aftermath, a fragile lifeline has been extended in the form of aid deliveries, trickling in through the Rafah border crossing. As the humanitarian crisis unfolds, regional leaders, Western officials, and the United Nations chief are converging on Egypt for a summit aimed at forging a path out of the bloodshed.

A Power Play of Perspectives

The international community’s response to the Gaza crisis reflects a complex tapestry of perspectives. While Western leaders largely support Israel’s campaign against Hamas, many Muslim states call for an immediate ceasefire. The Israeli government, for its part, warns its citizens against travelling to Egypt, Jordan, and Morocco due to rising hostility.

Meanwhile, Pakistan’s caretaker Prime Minister condemned the Israeli strikes on Gaza during a call with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, urging the international community to press Israel to halt the violence. Across the Atlantic, the United States welcomes the release of two American hostages in Gaza, with President Joe Biden expressing gratitude to the governments of Qatar and Israel for their assistance.

The Humanitarian Imperative

Caught in the crossfire are the civilians of Gaza, whose plight has prompted the United Nations food chief to call for increased aid. The United Nations Humanitarian Affairs office is also advocating for more aid trucks to enter Gaza daily, with checks at the border being expedited.

Simultaneously, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu remains unyielding, signalling no pause in the military’s bombardment and anticipated invasion of Gaza. As the battle lines harden, the Iranian defense minister expresses support for Hamas fighters and warns of a humanitarian catastrophe if the blockade of Gaza continues and humanitarian aid is denied.

The Prime Minister of Iraq’s stand against forced displacement and migration of Palestinians is more than just a statement. It is a stark reminder of the human cost of conflict and a call to action for a world that cannot afford to turn a blind eye to the suffering in Gaza.

Cairo Peace Summit: A Global Assembly Seeking Resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, 21 OCT

Cairo Peace Summit: A Global Assembly Seeking Resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

The serene landscape of the New Administrative Capital, a suburb of Cairo, was interrupted today by the arrival of world leaders and international organizations representatives for the Cairo Peace Summit. The summit’s goal is clear: to discuss the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict and to find a comprehensive solution to this historical dispute. Representing Morocco in this significant event was none other than King Mohammed VI’s appointee, Nasser Bourita, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation, and Moroccans residing abroad.

A Global Assembly to Resolve a Decades-long Conflict

The summit brought together 31 countries and three international organizations, along with several significant global figures. Leaders of nations such as Qatar, Turkey, Greece, Palestine, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Italy, and Cyprus were in attendance. The United Nations Secretary-General, AntĆ³nio Guterres, also graced the summit, lauding Egypt’s role in providing aid to Gaza via the Rafah crossing.

Seeking Peace and Justice

The summit focused on finding a solution to the Palestinian crisis, de-escalating the situation in Gaza, and achieving peaceful settlement in the Middle East based on the two-state solution principle and the Arab Peace Initiative. The Egyptian-hosted summit aims to resolve the ongoing conflict between the Palestinians and Israelis.

The attending leaders expressed their condemnation of Israeli attacks on Gaza, calling for the protection of civilians and a fair resolution to the Palestinian issue. They voiced their rejection of forced displacement and emphasized the necessity of achieving peace and finding a permanent and comprehensive solution to the Palestinian issue.

Voices of the Middle East

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, in his speech at the summit, lauded Egypt’s role in delivering aid to Gaza through the Rafah crossing. He affirmed that the solution to the Palestinian issue is not displacement, but justice and the Palestinians’ right to self-determination. He warned against dismissing the issue without a fair solution and stressed that Egypt would not permit this at its expense.

King Abdullah II of Jordan also spoke, condemning the extremist policies of the Israeli leadership and emphasizing that the two-state solution has become impossible due to these policies. He warned against international negligence and its disastrous impact on the region, stressing the need to halt the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza and protect civilians.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas affirmed the Palestinians’ determination to remain in their land and their rejection of displacement. He called on the UN Security Council to protect the Palestinian people and cease fire. He expressed his rejection of Israeli occupation operations and called for justice and respect for Palestinian rights.

UN Secretary-General AntĆ³nio Guterres stressed, in his speech, the need to abide by international law, protect civilians, and provide humanitarian aid to Gaza. He called for a ceasefire and the achievement of peace based on the two-state solution.

A Step Towards Peace

The Cairo Peace Summit comes amid escalating tensions in the Middle East, continuing Israeli attacks on Gaza, and military escalation in the region. The summit aims to find a peaceful and comprehensive solution to the Palestinian issue, halt escalation, and protect civilians. Egypt’s call for the summit reflects its desire to revive global momentum for the Palestinian cause and affirm its pivotal role in the issue.

Vietnamese Dong Update / Vietnamese Dong Value / Vietnamese Dong Currenc...

Iraqi Prime Minister Speaks Out on Palestinian Rights Amid Conflict, 21 OCT

 Iraqi Prime Minister Speaks Out on Palestinian Rights Amid Conflict, 21 OCT

In the midst of the escalating Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammad Shia Al Sudani has articulated a different kind of narrative, one that echoes the collective outcry of the Palestinian people. His contention is simple yet profound: if the rights of the Palestinians had been recognized and respected, the current calamity might have been avoided.

A Stand for Palestine

The taut strings of tension in the Middle East are not new, but the recent surge in violence has invoked a global response. In Iraq, thousands have taken to the streets in solidarity with the Palestinians, their chants reverberating with anti-American sentiments and their hands ablaze with Israeli flags. Al Sudani, aligning with his people’s sentiments, has condemned the ‘brutal Zionist aggression’ by Israel, emphasizing the necessity of opening humanitarian corridors and ensuring the delivery of essential aid to war-impacted Gaza.

Suppression and Censorship

Across the Atlantic, the United States grapples with its own internal conflict. The pro-Palestinian narrative, while gaining momentum, faces suppression and intimidation. Major conferences have been canceled, employees voicing support for Palestinians face dismissal threats, and Arab-American voices critical of Israeli policies are intimidated. The issue has become a thorn in the side of the free-speech ethos, leading to the cancellation of interviews and advertising for a book on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

International Response and the Cairo Peace Summit

In response to the crisis, regional leaders have convened for the Cairo Peace Summit, a diplomatic initiative aimed at mitigating the humanitarian crisis and finding peaceful solutions. Al Sudani, invited to the summit, has voiced his support for an immediate ceasefire and the lifting of the siege on Gaza. Other regional leaders, including Egyptian President Abdel Fatah Al Sisi, Kuwaiti Crown Prince Sheikh Meshal al Ahmad al Sabah, and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, have also expressed their concerns.

The United Nations Secretary-General, AntĆ³nio Guterres, has called for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire and emphasized the need for immediate and sustained humanitarian aid for the besieged civilians in Gaza. The Israeli military, however, has restricted aid to southern areas, demanding proof that aid deliveries will not be hijacked by Hamas.

The United States, a key player in the region, faces challenges in responding to the crisis. The pro-Hamas sentiment in Iraq and the wider region, coupled with the brutality of Hamas’s attacks, poses difficulties in finding a balanced approach. The United States can play a role in pressuring its regional partners, including Iraq, to condemn the brutality of the attacks while acknowledging the legitimate grievances of the Palestinian people.



[via PDK]

We were warned that we would see rough things before it happened and we are…I firmly believe we are much closer than it appears. …they could just pull the trigger at any time.

Question: Rumor has it that currency dealers have been notified to stop selling currency after 11:59 CST. Any idea if this is accurate at all?

MarkZ: I was told they would stop selling right before the RV…of course they can change the wording and maybe slow down if they think it’s really close.

In Iraq:
“Barzoni and the CBI Governor discuss economic cooperation”

It was great to see this article come out today. This is a feel good article on how much has been accomplished. I am also getting reports from a finance ministry contact in Iraq that things are exceptionally good right now between Barzoni and the government of Iraq. So this is fantastic.

There is still lots of chatter out of Iraq…there is a huge project that is underway right now as they look to fix their housing crisis. “Bismayah New City”   

This is part of the national housing program …massive new city about 10 miles north of Baghdad. Huge project and they have already broken ground.

 Where is this money coming fromHow are they planning the potential 600,000 population city with houses, high rises, entertainment…you name it?

 It’s clear Iraq is planning for prosperity. They are going to need a new exchange rate to justify this cityimo.

Weekend News with MarkZ. 10/21/2023

Weekend News with MarkZ 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member:  Good morning future Millionaires


MZ: It has been dead silent out of Iraq. I am getting phones that are not on or goes straight to voice mail. I am hoping that is good news but do not want to read to much into that.

MZ: Mr. C has not been paid.  No news on CMKX or Prosperity Packages. So for the most part it’s a nothing burger.

MZ There are some interesting articles from Iraq. “ Teachers in Iraqi Kurdistan strike over delayed salaries”  This is all part of the HCL stuff and the money that is supposed to be flowing to the Kurdish region. They have a urgent need to get this thing done so they can meet their obligations and take care of their people. This new government over there does care about their people and they are working hard to fix things…..

MZ: In Iraq they are reporting  “10 year treasury yield hits 5% the first time since July 2007”  If you don’t remember 2007 –that is when the financial crisis actually occurred. We usually reference 2008 because that is when the government started responding. It was to late of course. But the crash and bubbles popped in 2007

MZ: This is a key thing to watch because these are key indicators.  You see Iraq talking about it in their own local papers…..It means Iraq is worries about the US economy

MZ: It’s important that Iraq…in the middle East is watching the US financial woes….The US is going to need money…and need it quick or they are facing financial ruin. 

MZ: You look at those two articles you see that the US needs it and Iraq needs it. The world needs it. Let this thing go. 

MZ: The world is seeing bank closings, bank failures, and bank runs…..We are watching a larger than 2008 crash and its happening now……the world needs this reset. 

MZ: “Huntington banks to close 34 branches including 3 in Cleveland in 2024”  

Member: The currency dealers did not stop selling on Ebay, I checked the number of Iraq Dinar, Vietnam Dong, Zimbabwe 100 Trillion notes Friday morning and they are almost exactly the same this morning.

Member: I was sure hoping that was a true rumor. 

Member:  Charlie  Ward has said numerous times that they are going to collapse the world economy before this RV will happen

Member:  .. the hardest part of any foot race is nearing the finish line ... give it all you got ...

Member:  Mark, thank you for an awesome podcast and mods. I have no idea how you do it day in and day out. You are so spectacular..... and needed




Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.


Middle East Crisis Escalates: US Influence in the New World Order: Oil, ...


Here we go.

We talked of the next steps about a week ago in this room. How the war between Israel and Hamas would affect the supply chains of those who support these countries.

Maria Fernanda Garza shared in a recent interview said that our "Global value chain" has already been hit by the Ukrainian war and COVID-19. And now, we are dealing with another war in Israel

  She suggested moving forward with the digitization of trade. This would minimize many of the destructive money flows being used to go to war efforts through efficiency and the movement of money quicker, so that, imports and exports to these countries can run much smoother.

The effects of War create value changes inside of an economy, and this includes the currencies many of these countries use to keep their country sustainable.

Many of the values on these currencies are already not sustainable as many countries have moved to trade in localized currencies.

The Global community currently has turned their attention toward movement into virtual currency trades inside our shipping ports. It will help accelerate the next economy as well.

Watch the water.

© Goldilocks
TheFinancialExpress Link

Weekend News with MarkZ. 10/21/2023

Source: Iraqi delegation will withdraw from Cairo Peace Conference If Israel participates, 21 OCT

 Source: Iraqi delegation will withdraw from Cairo Peace Conference If Israel participates, 21 OCT

Shafaq News/ An Iraqi government source revealed on Saturday that the Iraqi delegation, led by Prime Minister Mohammad Shia al-Sudani, would immediately withdraw from the Cairo Peace Conference if any representative of Israel is present.

The source revealed that Prime Minister Al-Sudani received assurance from the Egyptian side that there would be no Israeli representation at the conference before confirming Iraq's participation. 

Al-Sudani arrived in Cairo to attend the conference, invited by Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi. The presence of an Israeli delegation has sparked controversy, leading Tunisia and Algeria to boycott the summit, according to reports from Tunisian Radio Mosaique and Algerian newspaper Al-Shorouk.

What does “financial inclusion” mean? BY MNT GOAT, 18 SEPT

BY 48.5%.. BANKS ASSOCIATION: FINANCIAL INCLUSION IN IRAQ HAS INCREASED (What does “financial inclusion” mean? Shame on you if you don’t kno...