Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Iraqi Dinar Makes a Significant Leap Against U.S. Dollar, 15 NOV

 Iraqi Dinar Makes a Significant Leap Against U.S. Dollar, 15 NOV

The Iraqi dinar has taken a sudden and significant leap against the U.S. dollar, marking a noteworthy financial event. The exchange rate has soared to 157,750 Iraqi dinars for 100 U.S. dollars, indicating an almost instant increase of nearly 2,000 dinars. This rapid rise could potentially affect Iraq’s economy, its international trade, and the overall stability of the Iraqi currency.

Plans to Diversify Foreign Currency Baskets

In an attempt to lessen the dependence on the U.S. dollar, Iraq is planning to diversify its foreign currency basket. The parliament has proposed an initiative that would allow the country to strengthen its assets denominated not only in the yuan but also in UAE dirhams. This move is designed to facilitate and finance Iraqi trade more efficiently.

Tackling Corruption to Strengthen the Dinar

Iraq has been making concerted efforts to combat corruption, which has been a significant factor in the devaluation of the Iraqi dinar against the U.S. dollar. By addressing this issue head-on, the country hopes to stabilize and increase the value of its currency.

Implications of International Business on the Dinar

The Central Bank of Iraq’s meetings with American officials, along with the impact of international business, particularly in Vietnam, have been influential in the surge of the Iraqi dinar. The discussions held in the Emirates during the Iraqi American meetings have been crucial in understanding the need for anti-corruption measures to facilitate the rate change.




 Remember, we started with a MR that led to an RV that leads now today to an RD that will lead to an international float.  Now...When it gets to the point of the float, a supply and demand of the Iraqi dinar...will determine which exchange rate of the RV that they cap it at. 

  [Iraqi bank friend Aki update]  How will Aki profit by having these banks ?  By exchanging the Iraqi dinar for dollars.  This is a profit for the bank. For Aki...



Iraqi Dinar Rises Against US Dollar Amidst De-Dollarization Efforts, 15 nov

 Iraqi Dinar Rises Against US Dollar Amidst De-Dollarization Efforts, 15 nov

In a significant and rapid shift, the value of the Iraqi dinar has surged against the US dollar. As per recent figures, 100 dollars now equate to 157,750 dinars, marking an increase of nearly 2000 dinars from the previous rate. This development comes in the wake of Iraq’s strategic decision to ban all transactions involving the US dollar, an attempt to wrest control over the fluctuating black market exchange rate and amplify the use of the Iraqi dinar.

Challenging the Dominance of the US Dollar

This resolution to exclude the US dollar from Iraq’s economic transactions stems from its capricious nature and the challenges it poses for Iraq’s economic stability and sovereignty. By reducing their reliance on the US dollar, Iraq joins a growing global trend of nations seeking to lessen their dependence on the American currency in international trade.

The Chinese Factor in Iraq’s De-dollarization

Further deepening the narrative is China’s expanding economic influence in Iraq. China’s rising presence in Iraq’s economic and trade sectors can be seen as a contributing factor in this de-dollarization journey, pointing towards a potential shift in the global economic order.

Liberalizing the Iraqi Currency

Details have also emerged of discussions between Iraq and America concerning the dollar-dinar exchange rate. The Central Bank of Iraq is making concerted efforts to ease restrictions on Iraqi banks and develop practical solutions. These include opening outlets in most countries for dealing in various foreign currencies as an alternative to the US dollar. This liberalization of the Iraqi currency is, however, not without its challenges. The US Federal Reserve’s restrictions and the impact of US sanctions on Iraqi banks pose significant hurdles on this path.


Evening News with MarkZ. 11/14/2023


 Militia Man 

 There's a lot of things that reeking of going international.  

Article quote: "The Central Bank is making intensive efforts through its discussions with the US Federal Reserve Bank to ease restrictions on Iraqi Banks...as well as developing practical solutions to liberalize the Iraqi currency by opening outlets in most of the countries of the world for dealing."  

Hello!?!  It should be a light bulb everybody!  They're talking about going international with what?  The Iraqi dinar...they're going to liberalize the dinar.

 Iraq's going to have a Real Effective Exchange Rate not just a Nominal Effective Exchange Rate and the WTO is going to know about it, so is the UN, so is the United States Treasury, the Bank of International Settlements.  Everybody is going to be paying attention to the amount of money that's going to come out of this country...

  Salaries, oil and gas, what do they need?  Salaries need an exchange rate.  Oil and gas need an exchange rate.  2023, 24, 25 budget need an exchange rate.  All the contracts for housing need an adjustment to the exchange rate to be able to finish those things...

It's fairly cut and dry...what are they looking for?  They're looking for the exchange rate...It hasn't all happened yet.  Why Because it's obvious now.  We're waiting them four in on that pinpoint.  What is it?  There's only one item I think is left to do...

The International Energy Agency expects oil demand to rise by about 2.4% in 2024, 14 NOV

 The International Energy Agency expects oil demand to rise by about 2.4% in 2024

On Tuesday, the International Energy Agency increased its projection for global oil demand growth for the current and subsequent years despite the expected slowdown in economic growth across most major economies.

The agency’s report raised its expectations for global oil demand growth in 2023 to 2.4 million barrels per day, up from 2.3 million per day.

The agency raised its expectations for global oil demand growth in 2024 to 930,000 barrels per day, up from 880,000 per day.

he Paris-based agency reported that oil demand was supported this year by solid US deliveries and record demand from China in September.

Support for 2024 expectations rose due to lower interest rates and crude prices.

Meanwhile, the agency confirmed that the escalation in Gaza did not have a tangible impact on energy supply flows.


The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) has revised its forecast for global oil demand growth this year to 2.5 million barrels per day, an increase of around 100,000 barrels compared to last month’s estimates. The increase in Chinese demand during the third quarter has contributed to this upward revision.

In its monthly report issued on Monday, the organization maintained its expectations for global oil demand growth in 2024 at 2.2 million barrels per day.

In its October report, OPEC predicted that global oil demand growth would stay steady at 2.4 million barrels per day in 2023, consistent with September’s forecast.

Parliamentary warnings against printing a new monetary mass after the deterioration of the dinar, 14 NOV

 Parliamentary warnings against printing a new monetary mass after the deterioration of the dinar, 14 NOV

Independent MP Nazem Al-Shibli cautioned against printing a new currency bloc, warning that the rising dollar harmed poor citizens’ livelihoods and daily needs.

During an interview with [publication name], Al-Shibli expressed concerns about the governor’s inability to manage monetary policy and how such a failure could lead to the devaluation of the Iraqi dinar.

Central Bank Governor Ali Al-Alaq failed to manage the crisis and could not stabilize the Iraqi dinar’s value. Printing a new monetary mass will lead to adverse damage.

He pointed out that the rise of the dollar directly impacted the daily lives and livelihoods of ordinary Iraqis and criticized the Central Bank for failing to address this issue effectively.

Iraq's Prime Minister Makes Historic Announcement Banks Now Able to Exch...



  [Dinar Story]   

JAMES ONE:   A gentleman came up, definitely someone that had it all together and in a bit of conversation he told us his job.  I don't want to speak of the agency.  

FRANK: Let's say this is a banking agency that is one of the top three agencies banks need in order to function. 

 JAMES ONE:  Very good...This man was former special ops, has

retired and is doing a lot of work with a US agency that all banks around the world have to coordinate with.  There was some small talk and conversation and then it was what do you know about the Iraqi dinar?

 He smiled and he said well I know quite a bit about it...it's no secret in the banking world. The Iraqi dinar is about to reinstate.  He gave me the rate.  You want me to give the rate?  

FRANK:   No.  JAMES ONE:  He said any day has potential but he said definitely before 2024.  He said everything is done and there is a date.  Now he didn't say what it was but he was very forthcoming.  

He said it's no secret.  This is about to happen...He was so confident of the rate...I come from a military background too, when someone from the special ops says something you don't question... FRANK:  There's no doubting this guy's information...we're presenting it as a rumor but I'm not doubting his rumor. 

Iraqi Prime Minister and President discuss national and international developments, 14 nov

Iraqi Prime Minister and President discuss national and international developments

Shafaq News/ On Tuesday, Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani met with President Abdul Latif Gamal Rashid to discuss national and international developments.

According to a statement from Al-Sudani's office, both leaders emphasized the significance of holding provincial elections as scheduled and ensuring the conditions for their success.

During the meeting, both sides shared a commitment to support the government in implementing its program to "establish security and stability, deliver services, and advance reforms in the fight against corruption."

The discussion also covered President Rashid's participation in the joint Arab-Islamic summit held in Saudi Arabia in solidarity with Palestine and the outcomes of the meetings with leaders from participating countries.


Oil Prices Rise Amid Strong Market Fundamentals and Supply Disruption Concerns, 14 nov

 Oil Prices Rise Amid Strong Market Fundamentals and Supply Disruption Concerns

The world has witnessed a surge in oil prices in the wake of a report issued by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). The report firmly asserted the robustness of market fundamentals, sparking a rise in the futures contracts for Brent and West Texas Intermediate crude oil. Furthermore, it provoked concerns over potential disruptions in supply due to American pressures on Russian oil exports.

Unwavering Market Fundamentals

According to OPEC, the recent drop in oil prices can be attributed to speculators rather than any inherent weakness in the market. OPEC has emphasized the continued strength of oil market fundamentals, arguing that the market concerns about a potential decline in global demand were overly pessimistic.

OPEC’s Forecast on Global Oil Demand

In its report, OPEC has slightly raised its expectations for global oil demand for 2023 while maintaining a relatively high outlook for 2024. This indicates that OPEC foresees a steady demand for oil in the coming years, suggesting a sustained recovery from the pandemic-induced downturn.

A Potential Setback for the Market

Simultaneously, the report also pointed out that the resumption of talks in Iraq to reactivate an oil pipeline could pose a challenge to the market, potentially leading to increased supply and downward pressure on prices. This highlights the intricate balance that shapes the global oil market and the myriad factors that can influence its dynamics.


BREAKING NEWS BRICS Proposes New Internet Order #iqd Rate BY SANDY INGRAM


 Nader From The Mid East 

 Article quote:  "The governor of the Central Bank, Al-Alaq failed to control the rise in the dollar exchange rate.

Don't panic.  Alaq has nothing to do with what's going on.  He's not doing a very good job.  He's a very good guy, hard worker, doing whatever he can but I think this job is too big for him to handle...

I would not be surprised if he got fired.  I would not be sad either...He can not handle the job.  He should do something else...He's not good at controlling things.  He can't control the CBI.  It's too big for him...I'm not saying they're going to fire him, maybe not.  Maybe he's going to get his shit together and do a better job but don't panic.  This has nothing to do with what's going on.


   Review from the articles... The PM announced the banks are now able to exchange foreign in country last week. The digital connections have been activated to collect the tariffs and taxes from all border crossings Monday last week. Their stock mark showed a 3000 point drop in dinars this past Sunday. To me, the dollar to dinar value is adjusting to the actual reissued value of the dinar. 10 days or so, 12 countries did currency swaps with Iraq.  

Contracts that were previously agreed upon are being signed from countries coming into Iraq to do business. TOTAL being one of the largest and along with the infrastructure contracts. All this requiring a new REISSUED rate. IMO, they've gone a far as they can go without not changing the rate...

...we are witnessing the process playing out before us. It means the checks and balance were put in place by the stopping of the launding the dollar causing the decline of the use of the dollar in country. The seed was placed in the ground with all the regulations and the growth started and now, it is braking the surface such we will benefit from it...Articles have revealed it will not be in vain and the change over is taking place...NOW!

Iraq’s Political Landscape Shifts as Ministers Resign Following Speaker’s Dismissal, 14 NOV

 Iraq’s Political Landscape Shifts as Ministers Resign Following Speaker’s Dismissal

In an unprecedented political shakeup, three ministers backed by the Taqaddum party, a group with ties to Iraq’s House Speaker Mohammed Halbousi, have tendered their resignations from the Iraqi government. This startling move comes in the wake of the Federal Supreme Court’s decision to remove Halbousi as Speaker of Iraq’s Parliament on grounds of forgery charges, a ruling that is final and non-appealable.

Ripples of Political Shakeup

The court’s decision has not only stripped Mohammed Al Halbousi of his prominent role but also removed Mr. Al Dulaimi as a member of parliament. The finality of the ruling, which cannot be appealed, means the parliament faces the imminent task of electing a new speaker. This upheaval has significant implications for Iraq’s political landscape and is predicted to cause ripples in the upcoming provincial elections, scheduled for December 18.

The Dispute’s Background

Behind the court’s decision lies a dispute between al-Halbousi and al-Dulaimi, with al-Halbousi branding the court’s ruling as ‘strange’. However, the court’s decision stands, marking a significant turn of events in Iraq’s political sphere. The departure of three Taqaddum party-backed ministers from the government underlines the far-reaching impacts of this ruling.

Future Implications

The court’s dismissal of both Mohammed al-Halbousi and Laith al-Dulaimi, with no details announced, signals a shift in Iraq’s political dynamics. With the ruling being final and non-appealable, the immediate task ahead for the parliament is to elect a new speaker, a move that will undoubtedly shape Iraq’s future political trajectory. The forthcoming provincial elections will provide a crucial test for the country’s political stability in the aftermath of this ruling.


After the decisions of the Riyadh Summit, Iraq is considering reducing its oil production by one million barrels to stop the aggression against Gaza, 14 NOV

 After the decisions of the Riyadh Summit, Iraq is considering reducing its oil production by one million barrels to stop the aggression against Gaza

Iraqi oilAn Iraqi government source revealed on Sunday that the government is holding discussions to reduce Iraq’s oil production after the decisions of the Arab-Islamic Summit on Gaza.
The source said, “Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani met yesterday, Saturday, with the Minister of Oil and his energy and economic advisors to discuss making a decision to reduce oil exports by one million barrels per day from the allocated export quota.”
He added, “This decision may be taken due to the Arab-Islamic summit not reaching effective decisions to stop the fire in Gaza.”

CBI & US Fed Reserve Intensive Meeting💣VND News!🤔Iraq Dinar RV Updates |...

Parliamentary Finance reveals to “Al-Ma’louma” the details of the discussions between Iraq and America regarding the dollar, 14 NOV

 Parliamentary Finance reveals to “Al-Ma’louma” the details of the discussions between Iraq and America regarding the dollar, 14 NOV

Parliamentary Finance reveals to Al-Ma’louma the details of the discussions between Iraq and America regarding the dollarInformation / Baghdad..
Today, Monday, the Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed the details of the discussions between Iraq and America regarding the price of the dollar against the dinar, while indicating that the Central Bank of Iraq has developed solutions to control the continuous rise in exchange rates.
A member of the Finance Committee, Moeen Al-Kazemi, said in an interview with Al-Maalomah, that “the Central Bank is making intensive efforts through its discussions with the US Federal Reserve to ease restrictions on Iraqi banks, as well as developing practical solutions to liberalize the Iraqi currency by opening outlets in most countries of the world for dealing.” In various foreign currencies instead of the dollar.
He added, “The restrictions imposed by the US Federal Reserve and the failure to release Iraqi funds in dollars are behind political reasons for the purpose of its dominance over countries of the world, including Iraq.”
He pointed out that “Iraq receives approximately $10 billion monthly from selling oil, but it is deposited in the US Federal Reserve, which is constantly trying to obstruct its release.”
Al-Kadhimi continued, “The Central Bank has taken new measures by opening multiple outlets in countries around the world that deal in the currencies of the Chinese yuan, the Indian rupee, the European euro, and the Emirati dirham.”
It is noteworthy that the US sanctions are raising a wave of concern among the Iraqis, especially since all government and central bank measures have not succeeded in bringing the parallel exchange rate closer to the official rate.

Pressure paper.. Deputy identifies four factors that confused the dollar market, 14 NOV

 Pressure paper.. Deputy identifies four factors that confused the dollar market

Pressure paper.. Deputy identifies four factors that confused the dollar marketInformation/private..
On Monday, Representative Muhammad Al-Baldawi identified 4 factors behind the continued turmoil in the dollar market in Iraq.
Al-Baldawi said in an interview with “Al-Ma’louma” that “the post-2003 accumulations, the security unrest, and the lack of clarity of a comprehensive vision for reviving the national economy led to the dollar becoming an influential standard in the economy, especially since all the oil sold goes to a bank account in America before it is sold.” He arrives in Baghdad.
He added, “The turmoil occurring in the parallel market and the rise in the dollar exchange rate in recent weeks are clearly behind 4 important factors, most notably the US Federal Reserve’s delay in sending dollar shipments to the central bank and its repeated threats to impose sanctions on it within the framework of an American pressure policy that wants to directly strangle the national economy.” “.
He pointed out that “the economy is a clearly defined American game that is trying, through the dollar, to raise prices and create instability in the markets,” pointing out “the importance of reconsidering the diversification of the basket of currencies and seeking to end the file of dollarization in the markets by adopting the dinar to pay internal dues to reduce… Demand on the parallel market.
The dollar selling market is witnessing a state of instability in light of the continuous rise and fall, which has created a worry in the Iraqi markets.



 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]  

 FIREFLY:  The United States is meeting all day with Iraq on ways to help with the dollar crisis and now JP Morgan has stepped in too.  They say JP will...help five Iraqi banks and this is a firm standpoint that will help start an end to the black market issue.  We believe it would be the start of also of the float...

  FRANK: ...They are preparing you to make an announcement on your new category notes.  JP Morgan has always said this dinar investment is a scam and now they are 100% behind the dinar monetary reform huh?  Why?  Because they are about to explode the currency internationally with the CBI.

    Right now the monetary reform plan is telling you we're going to be part of the WTO Now, we don't have to have a rise in our currency but we have to have restriction free currency so that our currency can be internationally accepted.  Therefore our currency can now float internationally in an international basket...

Question: "Will there be a short time frame that the Iraqi citizens are informed of the rate change and able to benefit before the rest of the world finds out or do you feel we will all know when they know?" 

 We'll all know at the same time...But a dinar is a dinar inside of Iraq.  It will not be affected by the external exchange rate as it grows it stays at whatever exchange rate they release it at internally. Will citizens become rich?  No, I wouldn't say they're going to be rich but they're going to have a lot more purchasing power...

Wow wow wow # 🙏🙏🙏 Iqd Iraqi #iqd BY NADER FROM MID EAST

What Is The Role Of Private Banks In The Recovery Of The Parallel Market For The Dollar?, 14 NOV

 What Is The Role Of Private Banks In The Recovery Of The Parallel Market For The Dollar?

 Politics/Economy |Yesterday, 21:37 | Baghdad Today – Baghdad   Member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Representative Mudar Al-Karawi, confirmed today, Monday (November 13, 2023), that the

role of banks must be reflected in financing development projects and providing liquidity and lending to citizens and projects, but the role of private banks in Iraq is limited to currency trade.

 Al-Karawi said in an interview with “Baghdad Today” that “recent years have witnessed the opening of dozens of private banks in Baghdad and the rest of the Iraqi governorates in a major revival of the banking sector, which is the largest of its kind since the founding of the Iraqi state more than 100 years ago.” 

He added,   “Despite our support for the establishment of banks, what is more important in our view is what they provide to the national economy,

especially since banks are concerned with many issues, most notably  financing development projects and  overcoming obstacles in providing lending liquidity to citizens, companies, and businessmen, and  entering into economic partnerships that directly revive the investment file,  but what we see is It is different in most cases, and the role of banks is directly defined in the currency trade file.” 

He pointed out that  "the presence of more private banks than government banks, or vice versa, does not constitute a factor affecting the exchange rate of the dollar or the parallel market,

if the latter is managed in a way that contributes to stopping its smuggling and speculation, ending the dollarization file, and returning the dinar for all internal financial transactions," pointing out that

"The file of private banks needs real reconsideration and evaluation in order to push them to open up towards financing investments and increasing the pace of financial lending.”  He continued,

"It is unacceptable that some banks turn into more like banking offices and earn money through the currency auction, which needs an objective reconsideration."

The total number of banks in Iraq is 81 banks, of which the number of government banks is only 7, while the number of private banks is 74 banks, according to economic statistics.

On the other hand, the list of dollar sales in the Central Bank of Iraq shows that the number of banks participating in the currency auction, whether for cash sales or foreign transfers in general, ranges between 25 and 30 banks only.

Economic and political circles have accused specific banks of taking over the currency auction at the Central Bank, while

experts point out that this comes because of the so-called “correspondent banks” these banks own in other countries, which makes them capable of organizing foreign financial transfers compared to those banks that It does not have “correspondent banks”. 

However, according to a recent agreement between the Central Bank of Iraq and the Federal Bank, the number of banks capable of conducting external financial transfers will be increased from 5 banks to 10 banks, and  these new banks will be strengthened with advance shares of the dollar,

 making them able to carry out external transfers by relying on the correspondent banks that they own in the country. Several countries.




Academic and economic expert Khaled Haider expected, on Tuesday, that the exchange rate of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar on the black market would stabilize in parallel with the government pricing, starting next year.

Haider said in a statement to Shafaq News Agency, “The global political situation is directly linked to the financial and economic situation of the region, and the recent events in Gaza and the accusations directed at Iran of supporting the Hamas movement, are all reasons that make us expect that the rise in the price of the dollar is to restrict Tehran because Iraq is an important economic region for the neighbor.” Eastern Province and most of the foreign currency goes there.”

He pointed out that “administrative and financial corruption in Iraq plays a major role in the exchange rate difference, especially those who benefit from this difference, which prompts the Central Bank of Iraq to pump large amounts of dollars into the currency auction, ranging from 200 to 250 million dollars daily to cover the market’s need for currency, in while the actual daily need ranges between $190 to $200 million, the bank is pumping more than that in an attempt to control the exchange rate.”

(The CBI told us in a prior articles the need range to support the economy was $150 – 180 million. So, I don’t think this article is very accurate.)

Haider stated, “Near-term expectations may be inaccurate, but it is expected, and according to a scientific economic reading, that the price of the dollar in the markets will approach the government pricing at the beginning of next year after the implementation of the Central Bank of Iraq’s decision to ban financial transactions in anything other than the Iraqi dinar, and this will make the Iraqi dinar more powerful in local markets.

(and also raise the rate. Can they then do the project to delete the zeros?)

Regarding the impact of the fluctuation of the dollar exchange rate on the citizen, the economic expert confirmed that this “reflected negatively on the citizen, as today the exchange rate of 100 dollars reached more than 164 Iraqi dinars, especially if we take into account that until the year 2020 the official exchange rate was 118 thousand dinars compared to 100 One dollar, while it currently ranges above 160 thousand dinars. Certainly, this disparity is reflected in the prices of consumer goods, since Iraq is a consuming country.”

Earlier today, Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that dollar prices fell with the closure of the main Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya stock exchanges in Baghdad, recording 165,250 dinars against 100 dollars, while prices this morning were 166,000 dinars against 100 dollars.
