Friday, August 11, 2023

"The Art of Investing: Why Do Some Investors Succeed While Most Fail?", 11 AUGUST

 I often wonder why only some active investors succeed while most fail.

With the advent of the internet, commission-free trading, and more information accessible than ever in human history, small, individual investors are empowered like never before.

Nevertheless, despite the many tools at their disposal, it seems to make little difference.

It’s the Market, Silly 

At the heart of the issue is the fact that amateur investors often discount the power of the general market.

If an inexperienced investor is correct on a trade, they may feel accomplished, intelligent, and proud.

Conversely, when new traders have an unprofitable trade, they often will chalk up the losses to market manipulation or the advent of high-frequency trading.

However, there have literally been monkeys that have picked winning stocks. Whether it’s due to beginner luck or pure randomness, you decide.

Investors must accept that the single largest factor impacting a trade’s success or failure is adherence to the general market environment. 75% of a stock’s move is directly linked to the general market’s direction. 

In other words, even if you are a great “stock picker,” you likely lost money on the long-side in the bear market of 2022.

On the other hand, if you have purchased tech stocks in the roaring tech-centric bull market of 2023, you are likely in the green.

Do You Have Staying-Power? 

What do a star baseball batter and a ping pong professional have in common?

Obviously, they are highly coordinated and skilled at their craft. Still, what I want you to remember is that they both tend to keep the ball in play. 

Professional ping pong players can keep the ball in play for minutes with intense focus (this seems like an eternity in real-time). Amateurs get worn out.

Baseball historians often put Boston Red Sox legend Ted Williams at the top of the list of the best hitters ever.

In fact, when Yankee legend Joe DiMaggio broke the record for consecutive games with a hit, Williams still held a higher batting average!

How did he accomplish such a feat?

Williams walked 147 times and only struck out 27 times. In other words, he waited for his pitch.

Most investors fail because they conflate their performance to factors outside the market’s direction. Amateur investors lose hope in bear markets and equate brains with bull markets. Remember, if they don’t scare you out, they’ll wear you out.  ;

Do you have the patience to wait for your pitch?

Wall Street is Filled with Distractions 

You may wonder, “How do I determine if I am in a bull market or a bear market?”

Unfortunately, most investors succumb to watching financial television or get stuck listening to the news.

A financial news station’s success depends on ratings, not correct market calls.

Bombastic, bearish, and viral headlines win out, while calm, collected analysis takes a back seat.

Yet another pitfall newbies fall into is hyper-focusing their energy on economic numbers.

The issue with relying on economic data is that economic numbers are delayed. Understand that Wall Street is a forward-looking, discounting mechanism.

Did you know that over the past three major economic recessions, equity markets bottomed months before earnings did?

That’s right - if you waited for earnings to bottom after the internet bubble, the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, and the COVID Crash, you would have missed out on a significant chunk of the beginning of a multi-year bull market. 

Not only are economic numbers stale, even the savviest investors would not know how to interpret them if given the numbers ahead of time.

Exhibit A: In October 2022, stocks bottomed the exact day the “highest inflation in 40 years” headline hit the news.

How many investors would have predicted such an outcome?

Price Is King 

You don’t need to be overly sophisticated to identify trends.

Paul Tudor Jones is an investor who came to prominence by successfully predicting and profiting from the infamous “Black Monday” crash of 1987, which sent the S&P 500 plummeting by 20% in a single day.

In an interview, Tudor Jones divulged a not-so-secret, unsophisticated, but powerful metric at the heart of his trading system by saying, “My metric for everything that I look at is the 200-day moving average of closing prices.” 

He added: “I’ve seen too many things go to zero, stocks and commodities. The whole trick in investing is: How do I keep from losing everything? If you use the 200-day moving average rule, then you get out. You play defense, and you get out.” 

You would have side-stepped every major market correction by simply avoiding the market when it is below the 200-day moving average.

Conversely, you can catch every primary bull market by getting long stocks above the 200-day moving average. You won’t catch the top or the bottom, but you will catch the meat of the move, and that’s what counts.

Of course, the indicator is not a panacea – none are. However, it can provide investors with much-needed structure.

Furthermore, the economic data is reflected in a price and volume chart. The market cannot hide the basic tenets of supply and demand.

Learn to simply examine price and volume, determine the overarching trend, and get more sophisticated from there. Remember, only price pays, not big, bold theses or opinions. 

Where Should I Park My Money? 

Now that we have hammered out the basics, let’s move into stock selection.

Continued . . .

"Single Industry Green Energy ETFs to Consider", 11 AUGUST

 When it comes to green or renewable energy exchange traded funds, many investors prefer broad-based approaches or those funds providing exposure to multiple clean energy concepts.

That much is confirmed by the fact that 10 largest clean energy ETFs by assets can all be considered “broad.” Upon further examination, investors’ preference for this way of accessing renewable energy makes sense. After all, market participants are constantly hearing about the virtues of diversification and there’s something to be said for accessing industries such as hydrogen, solar and wind under the convenience of one umbrella.

On the other hand, there’s a strong case for industry-specific renewable energy ETFs. Tactical investors can opt to deploy these funds in lieu of or alongside the more diverse counterparts. Part of the case for considering industry-specific green energy ETFs revolves around the point that simply because these stocks, in a broad sense, are part of the same theme, they aren’t always highly correlated.

For example, over the past three years, diverse baskets of wind energy stocks  are basically flat while solar equities are sharply higher. With those factors in mind, here are a few single industry renewable energy ETFs to consider.

First Trust Global Wind Energy ETF (FAN)

The First Trust Global Wind Energy ETF (FAN) was arguably ahead of its time. The fund, which tracks the ISE Clean Edge Global Wind Energy Index, debuted more than 15 years ago and remains one of kingpins of the wind energy ETF space, albeit a sparsely populated segment. FAN has nearly $234 million in assets under management, confirming there is appetite for a deep bench of wind energy equities in fund form.

Those are important factors to be sure, but FAN is underpinned by a credible investment thesis, including wind being the preferred renewable energy source for a variety of countries and states that don’t have the climate advantages of say California or Florida.

“The market outlook for the global wind industry looks even more positive. 557 GW of new capacity is expected to be added in the next five years under current policies,” according to the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC). “That is more than 110 GW of new installations each year until 2026. However, this growth needs to quadruple by the end of the decade if the world is to stay on course for a 1.5C pathway and net-zero by 2050,” adds the GWEC.”

Global X Hydrogen ETF (HYDR)

The Global X Hydrogen ETF (HYDR), which follows the Solactive Global Hydrogen Index and is 25 months old, may not be getting the credit it deserves and that may be attributable to the fact hydrogen hasn’t yet captured hearts and minds on par with solar and wind. However, that arguably belies what’s a compelling long-term opportunity set in the hydrogen power sector.

What makes the hydrogen investment thesis interesting is that it’s arguably disruptive relative to other clean energy concepts and it has myriad industry-level applications. Plus, there’s a long runway for broader adoption.

“Low-carbon hydrogen, particularly green and blue hydrogen, can be used to decarbonize a range of hard-to-electrify activities, such as heating, refining, fertilizer production, and transport,” according to Global X research. “With such versatility, by the end of the decade low-carbon hydrogen could account for around 25% of total hydrogen production, a significant increase from a less than 1% share in recent years.”'

Invesco Solar ETF (TAN)

Like the aforementioned FAN, the Invesco Solar ETF (TAN) is one of the forefathers of the industry-specific ETF segment. TAN, which follows the MAC Global Solar Energy Index, debuted in April 2008. Over that time, TAN has experienced fits and starts and bouts with volatility, but it’s also one of the better-performing renewable energy ETFs over that period.

A primary catalyst behind the ETF’s success (it has $1.78 billion in assets under management) is solar’s status as one of the leading forms of renewable energy. It’s highly popular in states that can accommodate it, such as California. Likewise, large national economies, such as China, are rapid adopters of solar energy.

Past performance isn’t a guarantee of future returns, but as of early May, TAN was the best-performing non-leveraged ETF of any strip over the past five years.

1166 to $1.16 Rate?🔥25000 IQD = $25000 If 1 to 1?🤔Iraq Dinar RV Updates ...


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-10-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:15:00

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight it is Thursday, August 10th and you're listening to the big call. And we're welcoming everybody wherever our signal is going all over the globe with our special technology that actually targets currency holders around the globe. And I can't get into how that works, but I think it's terrific. And that's why we had a week ago - 

I don't know what the numbers were for Last Tuesday's call, but I know that we can go we had 24 and a half million listeners, and that might be before they shared the link or had maybe more than one or two people listening at the same time. So who knows what the total numbers are, but we're happy that the call is getting out. And we're getting we're getting information that we have out to currency holders and listeners of the big call. So big call universe this call is for you Let's, let's go into the Intel segment - a lot of different things today. The interesting part about where we are, is that we're getting the direction that things are going to happen soon, but we don't know exactly when - we did believe that we would get notified by today. It was going to be Wednesday or Thursday we would be notified - and we'd be exchanging Thursday or Friday - hasn't happened. Bondholders are looking to be notified possibly tomorrow, which is Friday and get their access to funds on Friday or Saturday - And that's something that none of the bondholders except the super whales have received their 1% of their funds. The Super whales, which would still be part of tier three, receive 10% of their total. That's all they're gonna get. Because the 90% that they agreed upon months and months and years ago, would go directly into NESARA and GESARA for humanitarian projects. Now that's not the case with us. If we want to exchange and keep everything for ourselves, we can do that. Most of us have designated a certain portion, at least of the Zim, if not other currencies to be utilized for humanitarian projects - You know I think I told you guys years and years ago, that the value of zim was so great. My plan was to utilize all of it for humanitarian projects. And some of you guys might agree with doing that. It's up to you. But the regular bondholders - the ones that we know and talk to their paymasters are saying they're looking for these guys to get those emails that will give them access to funds, spendable funds, but it's projected like it has been for a while to be, lets say tomorrow and the next day. But will that happen? We just don't know. We hope it does, because we're tied to the tier three bondholders getting access to funds because of the so called shotgun start. That puts us getting notified 12 to 14 hours after they get their notifications by email. So we're tied to that in some way to be notified ourselves. And to take that concept further. Say well, what's going on internationally? Well, let's talk about the BRICS countries. Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa. Well, the BRICS nations have a summit that's going to be in Johannesburg, South Africa, on the 28th on the 22nd through the 24th of this month 22nd to the 24th they are supposed to have a BRICS consortium, gold backed currency has all of these nations. And there's five in there now plus, others that have joined and maybe another 40 that want to be admitted into this consortium. of gold backed currency countries. There's, it's going to be a big deal, and it's already a big deal, because these countries are trading their currencies back and forth. And it's expected that they will have a gold backed currency within the BRICS nations somewhere in that either right before, during or after that summit in South Africa. Now, we, as you know, the USN - We've got that out digitally, and we'll have it out soon enough, but it's supposed to be announced somewhere between the 18th and the 21st of this month. So just prior to the BRICS conference or BRICS summit in Johannesburg, so we know that announcing the USN as our asset backed currency - we talked about Tuesday, we're not truly going back on the gold standard. But in a sense our currency is highly backed by gold and other currencies - other assets - like other types of precious metals, oil, natural gas, intellectual property, all of these things that will back our USN and give it the value that it has - So that's something to keep an eye on. Now. What happens for us between now and then, Could we get notified here in the next day or so and get this party started for currency holders and Zim holders to redeem their zim? We all hope so obviously. The other thing that is going on - this morning at 4am. And I'm not positive whether this was Iraq time at 4am or 4am. Eastern I couldn't get that confirmed by the time of the call. However, the visa direct payment systems. The DPS - visa direct payment system was instituted to be a lot like Zell which is used inside the United States to transfer funds from individual to individual. Well, this visa direct payment system has been designed and been in the works for many years. I know some of the people that have been working on that and it's designed to send funds internationally, person to person – directly - like as if we're using Zell. But this is something that supposedly started today or they had the ability to start today - and it was something that we heard was going to be started in Iraq today, but it's a global system. It's something that could be used in all 209 countries. And if it in fact got started in Iraq this morning, which we haven't confirmed, we're having difficulty getting the confirmation out of Iraq. However, if that did happen, then everything's moving forward in that light. And that's another thing that – quote un quote - needed to be done was the institution of the visa, direct payment system. Now that that's in place, I think that moves us that much closer to what you and I are looking for. Okay, now let's see what else we know. First of all, is the timing, obviously, that we want. We've got the concept of getting notifications - to bondholders being notified - us being notified - We know that the redemption center staff has been going in since last Tuesday, two days. ago. And our understanding is that he's still going in waiting for these numbers to come out. And for them to be able to set the appointments on the redemption center end - And once we get these numbers There's one other thing that's an important point that's supposed to happen tomorrow - And that is that you guys have heard me talk about the Emergency Broadcast System, the Emergency Alert System. Oh, I got another one for you. We believe this is the merger of the emergency broadcast and emergency alert system. It's called the E W S emergency wireless system. And this is what our spooks in our military guys are talking about now. The emergency wireless system will be tested at approximately 2:20pm tomorrow afternoon Eastern, daylight time - based on that we think its a test. It could be more than that. We don't know if it could be more. Maybe it's a free trigger to something. Maybe it's not but I think it's good the way that it's at least designed to be tested tomorrow as the emergency wireless system EWS. So we'll see how it comes out. The other thing is we have international martial law in place now, globally, martial law. We have martial law inside the United States and seven states currently and in approximately 60 cities that are considered hotspots around our country. Speaking of hotspots I wanted to bring up and I should have brought this up far earlier in the call about the fires that took place in Maui Hawaii, in the Lahaina area where I've been at least seven or eight times – I’m pretty familiar with what it used to look like. And it appears from our sources that these fires were intentionally set by deep state. Now, we know that the same type of thing happened in California you might remember where homes were destroyed when trees weren't even affected. Now in the case of the Lahaina, you know, we lost evidently that huge big Banyan tree ( ) over there in Lahaina which was a huge thing for the people and for all of us can appreciate that. The length and longevity of that tree. I understood that I don't know this absolutely understood it that was taken out in this fire. Also a number of businesses and shops and homes on both sides of Main Street in Lahaina - it's devastating for them. I think they're so far they found 39 and lost their lives. We mourn for them. And we just I mean that's a very special place on Maui. And I know the people are absolutely devastated over there. What I'm proposing is that when we do get this blessing that rebuilding Lahaina or rebuilding Maui, in that sense, will be one of our first activities to go over there and help people rebuild. And I've got some ideas about how we're going to do that. So we'll see how that comes about. But that's, that's really terrible, and it's just something that I can't understand why that happened. But I know that that's what the Deep State has done and has done evidenced by what they did in California. So to our Hawaiian brothers and sisters on and I understand the Big Island also might have had some fires over on the Big Island of Hawaii. And your Hawaiian brothers and sisters. I just are aloha is with you we give you our Aloha. And we look forward to seeing that area, rebuild and lives restored. You know? So let's see what happens. We'll see what you guys do about that. If you want to make that a project or if you have another project and you need a way to create that and make that a real thing. Now we do want to pray about those who lost everything over in the Lahaina in Maui. And it just was super, super devastating. And we'll make it a rebuild. Rebuild site. Rebuild America Okay, that's what we need to do. I think guys, all we can do at this point, the same thing. Stay positive. See this future happening for you? Exactly when it's unveil. We'll have to see how it goes in the next few days. Maybe something happens before and during the weekend. Maybe it starts again next week. We'll just have to see what happens. But let's go ahead and pray this call out. And then we'll look into over the weekend. We'll see what else is happening. Usually I get something after I finished the call. Usually I guess something the next day, but we'll have a call next Tuesday if we don't have this beforehand, okay. Let's pray the call out.


The Parliamentary Defense explains the reasons for the visit of a security delegation to America and directs a request regarding arming
The Parliamentary Defense explains the reasons for the visit of a security delegation to America and directs a request regarding armingInformation / special.
Today, Thursday, the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee revealed the reason for the visit of the Iraqi security delegation headed by the Minister of Defense to America, while it directed a request to the Ministry of Defense regarding armaments, stressing that this file should not be exploited by one country.
Committee member Ali Al-Bandawi said, in an interview with Al-Maalouma Agency, that “the visit of the Iraqi security delegation headed by the Minister of Defense to the United States of America comes in order to discuss the security agreement between Baghdad and Washington.”
He added, “The Ministry of Defense must have more than one source for financing and supplying weapons, that is, it does not depend on the American side only, but there must be several sources to arm the Iraqi army, especially with the presence of many international countries known for the weapons industry.”
Al-Baldawi explained, “The Security and Defense Committee stressed the Ministry of Defense and other security agencies of the need to diversify the supply of weapons to Iraq, so that this file is not exploited by putting pressure on the country in other files.”
And a member of the Parliamentary Security Committee stated, “The Iraqi army is strong and brave and fought all the battles and achieved a great victory, but what the security forces lack is some modern equipment and technology,” noting that “the Minister of Defense moved in this direction in order to provide the necessary equipment for the armed forces in various types of the army, in Foremost among them is air defence.
At a fixed time, the spokesman for the Commander-in-Chief of the Iraqi Armed Forces, Major General Yahya Rasool, stated that a high-ranking delegation headed by Iraqi Defense Minister Thabet Muhammad al-Abbasi began his visit to the United States of America, at the official invitation of the US Department of Defense (the Pentagon).
The United States of America deals with great duplicity in the file of arming Iraq. While it gives the Kurdish Peshmerga forces everything they need, it ignores the requests submitted by Baghdad to arm the Iraqi army.

America and Iran reach an agreement to exchange prisoners and release frozen funds

The New York Times reported that the United States and Iran have reached an agreement on the exchange of prisoners, according to which Tehran will receive $6 billion of its frozen funds to be used for humanitarian purposes.

The newspaper reported that the United States and Iran reached an agreement to secure the release of five American prisoners in exchange for several imprisoned Iranians and to unfreeze nearly $6 billion in Iranian oil revenues.

She added that, as a first step in implementing the agreement, Tehran had released people with dual US and Iranian nationalities who had previously been accused of espionage and are currently under house arrest.

And the "AFP" agency reported that this development comes after quiet and painstaking diplomatic efforts between the two countries, which are believed to include the release of $6 billion of Iranian funds frozen in South Korea.  link'

** US Dollar Loses Ground Against Iraqi Dinar in Baghdad and Erbil Markets - Shafaq News (8/10/23)

Shafaq News/ The US dollar declined in its exchange rates against the Iraqi dinar on Thursday, marking a noticeable drop in Baghdad and Erbil markets 

According to a report by Shafaq News agency, the two central stock exchanges, Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya, in Baghdad, registered a morning exchange rate of 152,000 Iraqi dinars for every 100 US dollars. This represents a reduction from the previous day's rates, as Wednesday's figures had reached 153,100 dinars per 100 dollars.

Meanwhile, the exchange shops in the local markets of Baghdad also witnessed a downward trend in dollar prices. The selling price in these markets reached 153,000 dinars for every 100 dollars, while the purchase price was recorded at 151,000 dinars for the same amount.

In Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region, the local stock market reported decreased rates. The selling price for the US dollar in Erbil reached 152,200 dinars per 100 dollars, with the purchase price at 152,100 dinars for the same quantity.

Iraqi Dinar🔥Big Massive Exchange Rates Of Iraqi Dinar And Vietnamese Don...

"Erbil urges Baghdad to abide by the constitution in enacting the oil and gas law", 11 AUGUST

 The Kurdistan government is concerned about the political crisis accompanying the federal budget law. Differences impede the inclusion of Kurdish rights in the draft oil and gas law, which is under discussion in Baghdad before its legislation in parliament.

The region’s cabinet emphasized the importance of adhering to “constitutional foundations” when drafting the oil and gas law in collaboration with the federal government, regional government, and oil and gas-producing provinces. In a statement, the council announced that it held a meeting in Erbil, the capital of the region, chaired by Prime Minister Masrour Barzani and attended by Vice President of the Council, Qubad Talabani, to discuss “various agenda items.”

At the beginning of the first paragraph of its agenda, the Council of Ministers reviewed the Kurdistan Regional Government delegation’s visit to Baghdad regarding the preparation of a draft federal oil and gas law. The law would be created jointly between the federal government, the Kurdistan region, and the Iraqi oil and gas producing provinces, based on the constitutional articles related to the oil and gas sector.

Barzani emphasized the importance of drafting a federal oil and gas law in Iraq, based on the constitutional provisions related to the sector. The draft law should reflect the principles of the federal system in the country and receive approval from the federal government, the Kurdistan region, and the oil-producing provinces in Iraq.

It was stressed that agreements between the Kurdistan region and the federal government must be respected, particularly regarding the region’s constitutionally guaranteed rights.

The Council of Ministers emphasized the importance of enacting a law to regulate Iraq’s oil and gas sector, which should be in accordance with the principles of organizing this sector and the federal system of the Iraqi state as stated in the constitution.

The official spokesman for the Kurdistan Regional Government, Peshwa Hawrami, announced that the government aims to protect citizens’ rights and ensure they receive their dues in relation to the approval of the oil and gas law.
During a press conference, he stated that the oil and gas law differed from the budget law. The region’s political parties’ differences affected the draft budget law, and the citizens’ rights were not fully included in the project due to these differences or the limiting mentality of the region.

He urged political parties to unify on the oil and gas law, which affects citizens. He warned against repeating budget issues due to political differences.

He emphasized that the political parties in Baghdad must recognize the rights of the Kurdistan region. Anything else will be unacceptable.
“We are currently in the initial stages of negotiation and aim to reach a mutually beneficial agreement with Baghdad,” he said.

The federal government relies on negotiations to resolve issues between Baghdad and Erbil, primarily related to oil and financing.

The political advisor to the Prime Minister, Sabhan Mulla Jiyad, believes that passing the oil and gas law will resolve disputes between the central and regional governments.

During a televised statement, he criticized previous governments for neglecting the oil and gas file. He stated that correcting relations between the center and the region is often done by agreement on paper, but on the ground, there is failure and negligence.

He stated that the government of Muhammad Shia’ al-Sudani has a new vision for the relationship between the center and the region.

According to him, Baghdad and Erbil are trying to solve the issues caused by the constitution, and the Kurdistan region must maintain the friendly relationship between the Kurds and Iraqis.

He said that the oil and gas law will resolve disputes between the two governments and contribute to oil export.

The Parliamentary Oil, Gas and Wealth Committee discussed the latest developments on the oil and gas law during a government meeting held in Baghdad two days ago.

Intisar Al-Jazaery, a committee member, reported that a meeting was held in Baghdad to discuss the oil and gas law with all concerned parties from the executive authority, as well as the governor of Basra, which is the first province to produce oil.

She stated to local news websites that all parties, including Kurdistan, submitted a draft oil and gas law. The draft included materials related to fair distribution and development of oil-producing and non-oil-producing provinces. She also mentioned investing in oil and petroleum in a sophisticated way in the coming years.

She explained that the draft was written to discuss its contents and potential developments, and it will be reviewed by the Oil and Gas Committee responsible for the file.

Al-Jazaery stated that the federal government will approve an oil and gas law to unify management in the Kurdistan region.

She pointed out that the Kurdistan region produces oil but receives salaries from the federal government, which controls all wealth, including the region’s.

According to her, the draft law will soon be presented to the House of Representatives. It will regulate all oil extraction and export operations through SOMO and contains many crucial articles.

Coffee with MarkZ 08/11/2023

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good morning MarkZ, mods and everyone. It’s a great day! I can just FEEL IT!!!

Member: let the weekend, begin!!!!

Member: Mark-are we thinking it’s this weekend or looking at another week yet?

MZ: I could be wrong but I honestly think we will see it before the 20th….so for this weekend or next week…I do not know that answer. But I don’t think I have ever felt this good about things. 

Member: I sure wish we knew what the hold ups have been….

Member: My money is on bad guys with power do not want to lose us all as slaves …they enjoy stealing from us and controlling us all. ….

MZ:  I am still waiting on an update from redemption center folks. As of yesterday they thought they were only on call this weekend. But they are prepared. They said if they are on call….they can be at work within an hour and start seeing folks. So I am not worried if they are only on call this weekend. 

MZ: Nothing out of the bond side. Bond folks had expected to have dollars by yesterday…I have yet to have an update as of this morning….

Member:  (From Dinar Guru)  Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat   Article:  "CENTRAL BANK THREATENS EXCHANGE COMPANIES WITH UNPRECEDENTED MEASURES"  Quote:  "The Central Bank of Iraq issued new directives that included strict measures on exchange companies, reaching the point of withdrawing their licenses and denying them access to the window of buying and selling currency."  WOW!  So the CBI is VERY serious and its about time!

MZ: Yes- they are very serious and they have a lot to rein in for this event. 

MZ: “Dana Gas receives $80 million from Iraq’s Kurdistan region”  oil is absolutely flowing in the Kurdistan region. I think this is a solid sign that the money is moving and so is the HCL (hydrocarbon law) . This is a big one in my book……

Member:  Iraq supposedly has huge veins of gold that have not been mined ...

Member: I think Iraq first ..then RV…Dinar starts low then floats. Ask MM, Frank  and Ariel.

MZ: It absolutely could be a float. But that is not what I hear from my banking side.  A float in-market and since our dinar is being claimed through the oil for dinar program and paid over time….we will get a contract price.  Both stories make sense. I am just telling you what my sources and I believe.  But anything under $1.30 doesn’t make sense for them…mathematically…for their budget and what they need to accomplish. 

Member: If it’s a float-how will exchanging it at a contract rate work?

MZ: I am told they will still have redemption areas……they will still have trained staff to prove the validity of your currency.…I am also told if it comes in at a float they will offer you a multi cucrrency account so you can deposit it  and hold it as Iraqi dinar….

MZ: But the goal was to be in the $4 range…..lets see which way they go. 

Member: Is it true dong could go as high as $3.00 rate. 

MZ: There are a lot of rumors that the dong could go at $3.00 per dong. When I first started I was hoping for .36 cents. I was told recently about $2.25…but as of late….many of my banking folks say about $3.00.   This would be just huge. 

MZ: “ Iran gets $10 Billion of assets after dealing with the US”  I think this is part of the breakthrough in Iran…..and why I think the rial will be in the first basket. I am feeling very comfortable on that front. 

MilitiaMan joins the stream

MZ: Good morning MilitiaMan……there is sure a lot going on in Iraq. 

MM: Happy to be here

MZ: I am feeling good about Iraq and the HCL….where do you think we are at?

MM: Just getting started this morning but, they are doing a lot with the budget and finalizing  disbursements and allocations. They are getting ready to spend money. Some of those time frames are coming on us quickly. 

MM: I have paid attention most to Sudani the last few days and he has stated that there are some advanced projects that need to be funded by a specific time or at least on the table by the 15th. the 24th is also a big date. These things have to be done and everything sorted for them to get the country up and running.  So things will be happening in a few days to next week. 

MM: We did see yesterday some interesting talks between the US and Iran. Getting money together from Korea and Iraq to go to Iran. That was kind of a big deal You mentioned money movement and yes…there is money moving. It has already started. 

MM: Iran is one of the biggest trading partners with Iraq. An article released this morning says they are expecting 12 Billion in trade. 

MM: Talking about the bond market. That it is supposed to be all taken care of which I find fascinating. The process they are going through is supposed to help facilitate money movement. Hopefully, at any time. 

MM: I think things are pretty darn exciting. 

MZ: When do you expect to do your next update? Will you try to do one this evening as news warrants?  

MM: I have to knuckle down today and get into the news. I was planning on doing something this evening. 

MZ: Do you think there will be a contract rate or a float?

MM: My take is a float won’t work in a digital world. I just don’t see it. I think they are going to make an adjustment to their Reel Effective Exchange Rate (REER) and I hope and expect it will be better than it was in a previous era. 

MM: When I first got into this- the IMF had shut them down from $3.22 …so, when they reinstate- I think they will start there…maybe add some for inflation , and they probably will do a “managed float” as they will need it for stable products . The higher the rate=the cheaper it is to rebuild the country. . Things will be a lot cheaper with a higher exchange rate. 

MM: They need stability in pricing as they import almost everything. It will be a lot cheaper if they have a bigger rate. 

MZ: I agree with you. If they come in low and expect it to float- that will cause stability issues. They are going to want a currency that stays within a 2% range….imo. year to year and day to day. They don’t need a rate that swings wildly. 

MM: We are on the same page. Let’s cross our fingers and hope for the best. They have the natural resources…They have the revenue streams…..They are clawing back a lot of money and there are a lot of arrests. They are really going after the corruption in Iraq. 

MM: Al Sudani has had a shake up in his office yesterday …There has been a lot of people getting busted. There was a crime ring that stole $3 trillion dinar. That is a lot of money coming back to Iraq. I hear hundreds have been arrested. 

MM: Once they start spending that budget – that is where we come in . That is going to be an exciting time frame. Maybe I will talk about that this evening. 

MZ: I am looking forward to your update this evening. If you get anything good….please share, and I will do the same with you. Thank you so much for taking the time to be with us today

MM: I appreciate it and will see you all this evening. 


Member: markZ - if you are aware if VK (Vincent Kennedy) he posted just after midnight last night a TikTok video of an RV (motor coach) He has a “comm” in every single post he drops.. I find that exciting!

Member: Bank Story- My mom’s friend went to a Wells Fargo in Oregon and demanded “Rainbow Currency”  They gave it to her. 

MZ: Wow- we seriously need to see pictures of that. 

Member: I am very excited to see our new gold backed USN money. Be sure to get a picture so we all can see it. 

Member:  I am so excited and trying not to be excited about being excited. It's like trying to recap a champagne bottle.

Member: Thanks to all the Mods for all you do! Happy Friday, all

Member: Thank Mark and Militiaman…….very exciting times. 

Member: Continued prayers for everyone in Lahaina, Maui…..such a horrible tragedy. 

The CBD Gurus join the stream at the end. Please listen to the replay for their information 





Baghdad – NAS
The Kurdistan Regional Council of Ministers on Wednesday approved a prerequisite for the preparation of an oil and gas law with the federal government in Baghdad, which is based on “constitutional foundations.”
According to the statement of the Kurdistan Council of Ministers, a copy of which was received by NAS, (August 9, 2023), “the Council held its weekly meeting under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Masrour Barzani and in the presence of Deputy Chairman of the Council Qubad Talabani, and dealt with a number of topics on its agenda.”
The statement explained that “at the beginning of the first paragraph of its agenda, the Council of Ministers reviewed the results of the visit of the delegation of the Kurdistan Regional Government to Baghdad, related to the preparation of the draft federal oil and gas law jointly between the federal government, the Kurdistan region and the Iraqi provinces producing oil and gas, based on the constitutional articles related to the oil and gas sector.”
The Prime Minister stressed “the need to prepare a draft oil and gas law at the level of federal Iraq, based on the provisions of the constitution related to the oil and gas sector, and these constitutional articles must form the main pillar for this, as clearly stipulated in the constitution, and the draft law should have the approval of the federal government, the Kurdistan region and the oil-producing provinces in Iraq, reflecting the principles of the federal system in the country, as proven in the constitution.”
The Prime Minister stressed “the need to respect the agreements concluded between the Kurdistan Region and the federal government on the constitutionally guaranteed rights of the region.”
Barzani stressed “the importance of having a law regulating the oil and gas sector at the level of Iraq, provided that it complies with the principles of regulating this sector and with the federal system of the Iraqi state, as stated in the constitution.”
In the second paragraph of the meeting’s agenda, Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Quistan Mohammed presented a draft project (the system of the Fund for the Care and Rehabilitation of People with Disabilities, Special Needs and Short Stature), which was prepared in the light of Law No. 22 of 2011, which aims to activate the role of the Fund in collecting revenues collected in this field, and then re-spending them in order to provide the necessary services for people with disabilities and short stature by providing all the care, rehabilitation and social development they need, as well as supporting them. In various economic, community, health and educational fields, under this system, provided that a board of directors of the Fund shall be formed that includes representatives of organizations of persons with disabilities, special needs and short stature, as they will have equal powers with government agencies in making decisions related to the management of the Fund.”
After discussions and deliberations, the Council of Ministers unanimously approved the law and directed the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs in coordination with the relevant ministries and organizations to take the necessary measures after the entry into force of this law.


Today, Wednesday (August 9, 2023), the expert in banking affairs, Nasser Al-Kinani, confirmed that banks affiliated with political parties are behind the dollar crisis in Iraq.
Al-Kinani told “Baghdad Today” that “it is no secret to everyone that there are many banks in Iraq belonging to influential political parties and figures, and these banks are the ones causing the dollar crisis in Iraq, as they work on black transfers and some illegal banking movements.”
And he indicated that “the political protection of some of these banks is a reason why they are not held accountable by the competent Iraqi authorities,” noting that “US sanctions are imposed on them, to prevent misuse of the dollar currency.”
And it is likely that “the continuation of the work of these banks outside international standards means imposing new US sanctions on new banks during the next stage.”
The Dollar Battle:
In early August, Prime Minister Muhammad Shia’ al-Sudani revealed the details of the dollar crisis, which he described as a “battle”, announcing at the same time the arrest of a network of “major speculators” linked to speculators in the Kurdistan region.
Last July, the US Treasury Department imposed sanctions on 14 Iraqi banks, in a move described as a “campaign” against Iran’s dealings in dollars .
The Wall Street Journal quoted US officials as saying: “The move came after the disclosure of information indicating that the targeted banks were involved in money laundering and fraudulent transactions .”
The newspaper added, “Some of these operations may relate to individuals subject to sanctions, which increases fears that Iran will benefit from it .”
“The main danger of sanctions in Iraq is definitely related to Iran, ” the US official added.
With names.. 14 Iraqi banks punished:
“Baghdad Today” learned that the sanctions affected banks (the Islamic Advisor for Investment and Finance, the Islamic Qartas for Investment and Finance, as well as the Islamic Spectrum, Elaf Bank, Erbil Bank for Investment and Finance, the International Islamic Bank, Trans-Iraq Bank, Mosul Bank for Development and Investment, Al-Rajih Bank, Sumer Commercial Bank, Trust International Islamic Bank, and Ur Islamic Bank And the Islamic World Bank for Investment and Finance, as well as Zain Iraq Islamic Bank for Investment and Finance.
The currency market is experiencing unprecedented confusion, which called on merchants and bankers to stop selling the dollar in light of the accelerating disparity, hoping to limit potential huge losses, which could put the government in an embarrassing position.

What does “financial inclusion” mean? BY MNT GOAT, 18 SEPT

BY 48.5%.. BANKS ASSOCIATION: FINANCIAL INCLUSION IN IRAQ HAS INCREASED (What does “financial inclusion” mean? Shame on you if you don’t kno...