Friday, August 11, 2023

Coffee with MarkZ 08/11/2023

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good morning MarkZ, mods and everyone. It’s a great day! I can just FEEL IT!!!

Member: let the weekend, begin!!!!

Member: Mark-are we thinking it’s this weekend or looking at another week yet?

MZ: I could be wrong but I honestly think we will see it before the 20th….so for this weekend or next week…I do not know that answer. But I don’t think I have ever felt this good about things. 

Member: I sure wish we knew what the hold ups have been….

Member: My money is on bad guys with power do not want to lose us all as slaves …they enjoy stealing from us and controlling us all. ….

MZ:  I am still waiting on an update from redemption center folks. As of yesterday they thought they were only on call this weekend. But they are prepared. They said if they are on call….they can be at work within an hour and start seeing folks. So I am not worried if they are only on call this weekend. 

MZ: Nothing out of the bond side. Bond folks had expected to have dollars by yesterday…I have yet to have an update as of this morning….

Member:  (From Dinar Guru)  Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat   Article:  "CENTRAL BANK THREATENS EXCHANGE COMPANIES WITH UNPRECEDENTED MEASURES"  Quote:  "The Central Bank of Iraq issued new directives that included strict measures on exchange companies, reaching the point of withdrawing their licenses and denying them access to the window of buying and selling currency."  WOW!  So the CBI is VERY serious and its about time!

MZ: Yes- they are very serious and they have a lot to rein in for this event. 

MZ: “Dana Gas receives $80 million from Iraq’s Kurdistan region”  oil is absolutely flowing in the Kurdistan region. I think this is a solid sign that the money is moving and so is the HCL (hydrocarbon law) . This is a big one in my book……

Member:  Iraq supposedly has huge veins of gold that have not been mined ...

Member: I think Iraq first ..then RV…Dinar starts low then floats. Ask MM, Frank  and Ariel.

MZ: It absolutely could be a float. But that is not what I hear from my banking side.  A float in-market and since our dinar is being claimed through the oil for dinar program and paid over time….we will get a contract price.  Both stories make sense. I am just telling you what my sources and I believe.  But anything under $1.30 doesn’t make sense for them…mathematically…for their budget and what they need to accomplish. 

Member: If it’s a float-how will exchanging it at a contract rate work?

MZ: I am told they will still have redemption areas……they will still have trained staff to prove the validity of your currency.…I am also told if it comes in at a float they will offer you a multi cucrrency account so you can deposit it  and hold it as Iraqi dinar….

MZ: But the goal was to be in the $4 range…..lets see which way they go. 

Member: Is it true dong could go as high as $3.00 rate. 

MZ: There are a lot of rumors that the dong could go at $3.00 per dong. When I first started I was hoping for .36 cents. I was told recently about $2.25…but as of late….many of my banking folks say about $3.00.   This would be just huge. 

MZ: “ Iran gets $10 Billion of assets after dealing with the US”  I think this is part of the breakthrough in Iran…..and why I think the rial will be in the first basket. I am feeling very comfortable on that front. 

MilitiaMan joins the stream

MZ: Good morning MilitiaMan……there is sure a lot going on in Iraq. 

MM: Happy to be here

MZ: I am feeling good about Iraq and the HCL….where do you think we are at?

MM: Just getting started this morning but, they are doing a lot with the budget and finalizing  disbursements and allocations. They are getting ready to spend money. Some of those time frames are coming on us quickly. 

MM: I have paid attention most to Sudani the last few days and he has stated that there are some advanced projects that need to be funded by a specific time or at least on the table by the 15th. the 24th is also a big date. These things have to be done and everything sorted for them to get the country up and running.  So things will be happening in a few days to next week. 

MM: We did see yesterday some interesting talks between the US and Iran. Getting money together from Korea and Iraq to go to Iran. That was kind of a big deal You mentioned money movement and yes…there is money moving. It has already started. 

MM: Iran is one of the biggest trading partners with Iraq. An article released this morning says they are expecting 12 Billion in trade. 

MM: Talking about the bond market. That it is supposed to be all taken care of which I find fascinating. The process they are going through is supposed to help facilitate money movement. Hopefully, at any time. 

MM: I think things are pretty darn exciting. 

MZ: When do you expect to do your next update? Will you try to do one this evening as news warrants?  

MM: I have to knuckle down today and get into the news. I was planning on doing something this evening. 

MZ: Do you think there will be a contract rate or a float?

MM: My take is a float won’t work in a digital world. I just don’t see it. I think they are going to make an adjustment to their Reel Effective Exchange Rate (REER) and I hope and expect it will be better than it was in a previous era. 

MM: When I first got into this- the IMF had shut them down from $3.22 …so, when they reinstate- I think they will start there…maybe add some for inflation , and they probably will do a “managed float” as they will need it for stable products . The higher the rate=the cheaper it is to rebuild the country. . Things will be a lot cheaper with a higher exchange rate. 

MM: They need stability in pricing as they import almost everything. It will be a lot cheaper if they have a bigger rate. 

MZ: I agree with you. If they come in low and expect it to float- that will cause stability issues. They are going to want a currency that stays within a 2% range….imo. year to year and day to day. They don’t need a rate that swings wildly. 

MM: We are on the same page. Let’s cross our fingers and hope for the best. They have the natural resources…They have the revenue streams…..They are clawing back a lot of money and there are a lot of arrests. They are really going after the corruption in Iraq. 

MM: Al Sudani has had a shake up in his office yesterday …There has been a lot of people getting busted. There was a crime ring that stole $3 trillion dinar. That is a lot of money coming back to Iraq. I hear hundreds have been arrested. 

MM: Once they start spending that budget – that is where we come in . That is going to be an exciting time frame. Maybe I will talk about that this evening. 

MZ: I am looking forward to your update this evening. If you get anything good….please share, and I will do the same with you. Thank you so much for taking the time to be with us today

MM: I appreciate it and will see you all this evening. 


Member: markZ - if you are aware if VK (Vincent Kennedy) he posted just after midnight last night a TikTok video of an RV (motor coach) He has a “comm” in every single post he drops.. I find that exciting!

Member: Bank Story- My mom’s friend went to a Wells Fargo in Oregon and demanded “Rainbow Currency”  They gave it to her. 

MZ: Wow- we seriously need to see pictures of that. 

Member: I am very excited to see our new gold backed USN money. Be sure to get a picture so we all can see it. 

Member:  I am so excited and trying not to be excited about being excited. It's like trying to recap a champagne bottle.

Member: Thanks to all the Mods for all you do! Happy Friday, all

Member: Thank Mark and Militiaman…….very exciting times. 

Member: Continued prayers for everyone in Lahaina, Maui…..such a horrible tragedy. 

The CBD Gurus join the stream at the end. Please listen to the replay for their information 



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