Friday, November 10, 2023

The implications of threatening US Presence in Iraq: what lies ahead?, 11 NOV

 Shafaq News/ Iraq stands at a critical juncture, grappling with a delicate balance between international commitments and escalating internal conflicts while striving to fulfill its duty of safeguarding diplomatic missions and foreign nationals residing within its boundaries.

Recent developments have starkly emphasized the nation's obligation to guarantee security for everyone, casting doubts on its capacity to sustain stability amid the rising tide of threats. In the past weeks, a series of attacks targeted U.S. military bases in Iraq and Syria, carried out by armed factions expressing solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza.

Pentagon data revealed 17 attacks in Iraq and 12 in Syria between October 17th and November 3rd. The "Islamic Resistance in Iraq" announced plans for intensified attacks on "enemy bases," signaling support for Palestinian resistance.

Approximately 2,500 U.S. soldiers are stationed in Iraq, with an additional 900 in Syria, providing vital advisory support in the ongoing fight against ISIS. Against this backdrop, the Iraqi government is under immense pressure to protect not only its citizens but also foreign installations, particularly diplomatic missions.

Col. Muqdad Al-Mousawi, spokesperson for the Iraqi Ministry of Interior, emphasized the inviolability of diplomatic missions, stressing the Ministry's commitment to nationwide security.

In the face of these mounting challenges, security and strategic expert Imad Allaw emphasized the need for comprehensive approaches beyond mere deployment of security forces. He stressed the importance of engaging in dialogues, negotiations, and internal political actions to address the underlying political dimensions fueling these attacks.

In an interview with Shafaq News Agency, Allaw highlighted that these attacks were intricately linked to internal Iraqi dynamics, necessitating the government's proactive pursuit of consultations and negotiations with political factions potentially jeopardizing the interests of foreign nations and their embassies. "The Iraqi government's efforts to initiate dialogues with these factions are crucial to curbing these attacks, which undermine Iraqi interests," Allaw remarked.

Security and strategic expert Mukhallad Hazem underscored the seriousness of the situation, noting that the Iraqi government faced significant embarrassment due to the targeting of American bases and interests. 

"Iraq, bound by a strategic framework agreement with the United States, is obligated to safeguard American diplomatic missions and bases."

Hazem warned that if these missions came under attack, Iraq could face legal repercussions under international law for failing to ensure the security and safety of individuals associated with these missions or present in American bases affiliated with the Global Coalition or NATO.

He also emphasized the gravity of the situation, stating that these incidents could tarnish Iraq's image and security standing among neighboring, regional, Arab, and European countries.

"These targeted attacks pose a negative perception of Iraq's security situation, particularly at a time when the country is striving to establish ties with neighboring nations, attract investments, and foster economic growth," Hazem pointed out. He further noted that Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani's assurances to international companies regarding security and safety could be compromised, potentially undoing the progress in attracting investments across various sectors, including energy, health, and infrastructure.

Hazem concluded by expressing the challenges faced by the Iraqi government, caught between honoring international agreements, diplomatic responsibilities, and the operations of resistance factions operating beyond its borders. He hinted at possible surprises in the coming days that could impact both the government and the Iraqi people.

Professor of International Relations Moataz Al-Najm emphasized the critical role played by consular and diplomatic missions affiliated with foreign and European countries in Iraq. Al-Najm underscored that the presence of these missions is closely intertwined with the presence of the American embassy, and any departure of the latter could lead to a domino effect, compelling other missions to leave. Such a scenario, he warned, would push Iraq into the dangerous trap of international isolation.

He told our agency the importance of prioritizing national security and Iraqi interests, arguing that addressing the Palestinian issue should be approached with genuine national integration, fostering a unified vision of how to respond to the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

"Iraq operates within the framework of an international system, bound by various international agreements, including the Strategic Framework Agreement with the United States and the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. Therefore, popular, religious, and ideological stances must align with the official position of the Iraqi government," Al-Najm stated.

Al-Najm further pointed out that the statements made by Prime Minister al-Sudani, emphasizing the state's role as the official position holder and the determiner of foreign policy concerning local, regional, and international issues, underscored the need for a unified Iraqi position. He stressed the importance of aligning both popular and political perspectives to ensure a cohesive approach to the challenges faced by Iraq in the international arena.

For his part, political analyst Saleh Al-Shadher expressed optimism about Iraq's capability to safeguard diplomatic missions and their headquarters, clarifying that certain parties' threats of escalation were primarily targeted against military bases, not diplomatic missions.

In an interview with Shafaq News Agency, Al-Shadher contextualized the current tension as a response to the aggression against Palestine, deeming the reactions, including demonstrations during the visit of U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and rallies by the Sadrist movement, as natural expressions of solidarity with the Palestinian cause.

He suggested the situation could subside into calm and peace if the Iraqi government effectively navigates the middle ground. He credited Prime Minister al-Sudani's relationships with various factions and parties, some of which played a role in his ascent to power, as essential in this effort.

Commenting on Al-Sudani's regional visit to Iran and the Gulf, Al-Shadher highlighted the potential for a humanitarian truce and aid delivery to Gaza, leading to a compromise or peaceful resolution. He expressed hope for positive outcomes if collective Arab and Islamic efforts align in support of the Palestinian cause.

Iraqi Dinar🔥Iraqi Dinar RV Update Today 2023🔥MNT Goat🔥Iraqi dinar news t...

Iraq's al-Sudani experiences a year marked by a blend of outcomes: Report, 11 NOV

Iraq's al-Sudani experiences a year marked by a blend of outcomes: Report

Shafaq News / The Arab Center in Washington said in a report it published on Wednesday that the Iraqi Prime Minister, Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, had a mix of successes and failures, influenced by internal and external factors, including the unresolved oil dispute with the Kurdistan Region.

Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani completed his first year in office on October 27 with a mixed record of successes and failures owing to objective domestic and external circumstances that impacted his parliament-approved government program. The program was a hybrid, two-part document. In the first part, Sudani laid out his own goals, which were firmly oriented toward improving services to citizens. The second was a political agreement adopted by the State Management Alliance, a post-2022 election coalition forged between the Shia Coordination Framework (CF), the Sunni Sovereignty Alliance led by Speaker of the House of Representatives Mohammed al-Halbousi, and the two Kurdish parties, the Kurdistan Democratic Party and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.

The agreement embodied political demands made by each of the allies, and provided the basis for the formation of Sudani’s government in October 2022. The program spelled out five broad priorities—combating corruption; creating jobs; addressing poverty; reforming the economic and financial systems; and improving public services—and elaborated steps to address them. What was absent from Sudani’s governing document were the overtly political goals that were left to the overarching political agreement forged by the State Management Alliance, an absence that in the end may have impacted the prime minister’s ability to make headway on his much-vaunted goals of government.

Hit and Miss on the Economy

During his first year in office, Sudani harnessed his energies to improving services and presented parliament with an unprecedented and record-setting three-year budget to secure continuity of funding for projects and programs. However, the $153 billion 2023-2024 budget (about one-third of which is a budget deficit) is heavily weighted toward operating costs, and only $38 billion is allocated for developmental investment, an imbalance criticized by many observers. To ease unemployment quickly, as many as 600,000 government jobs were added to the already inflated government payroll, in a clearly populist move to win public approval and avert renewed protests.

To alleviate poverty, Sudani oversaw the expansion of the social welfare network to include hundreds of thousands of needy families and individuals. He has pushed the Ministry of Health to improve service in the abysmally broken health sector. The government has launched road and highway projects that can be completed quickly. But these remain short term solutions to deep economic problems, such as a negligible private sector contribution to the gross domestic product, heavy dependence on hydrocarbons and imports, and almost total reliance on government as the employer of first resort. What makes this worse are a sclerotic byzantine bureaucracy and entrenched political interests that impede progress in long term and necessary economic reform.

To improve the economic outlook in the medium term, Sudani has energetically pursued foreign investment, but only with some success. The multi-pronged $27 billion agreement with TotalEnergies to develop Iraq’s oil and gas sectors was signed in its final form in July 2023 after languishing for years following objections by Iraqi politicians. Gulf countries have also stepped in: the deal with TotalEnergies includes a 25 percent investment by QatarEnergy. In July also Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates each pledged $3 billion dollars in investments in Iraq.

 Although these are capital-intensive investments, they will serve two important Sudani objectives: to create associated private sector jobs and to reduce Iraq’s dependence on fuel and gas imports from Iran and other sources. More ambitiously, last May Sudani proposed a “Development Road,” a $17 billion transport project that will link Al-Faw Port in southern Iraq with Turkey, and thence to Europe, and generate $4 billion annually and create thousands of jobs.

While partnerships in the energy sector are forthcoming with international corporations, there is little foreign appetite for investment in industries like agribusiness or manufacturing. Red tape, corruption, an opaque legal environment, and uncertain security are all barriers. To top off challenges to the economy, the Iraqi dinar’s decline against the dollar has persisted. Ironically, in February 2023, the government revaluated the Iraqi dinar from IQ1,460 to the dollar to IQ1,320, hoping to strengthen the national currency. 

While this rate has officially held, the move backfired in the parallel market: the dinar fell to 1,560 to the dollar in early October, creating even larger profits for speculators, but also prompting the Central Bank of Iraq to announce a halt to dollar cash withdrawals that commences on January 1, 2024. And despite multiple banking measures, some under pressure from the United States Treasury, dollar smuggling out of Iraq continues unabated.

On Sudani’s first stated priority, combating the “pandemic” of corruption, the record is patchy. There have been several convictions on corruption charges, some of which may be politically driven, of former provincial governors, mid-level officials, and others, yet Sudani’s anti-corruption drive has failed to target the powerful political parties and individuals who instigate, benefit from, and provide cover for corruption rackets. Government contracts, whether by federal or provincial authorities, are a rich mine for personal or party enrichment.

 Impunity has reached epic proportions. This was illustrated by what was called the “heist of the century” in which a monumental $2.5 billion sum was embezzled from the tax authorities of Iraq. In this bizarre and convoluted case, three prominent people were convicted: a businessman, a former member of parliament, and a senior official in the state-owned Rafidain Bank. Despite their admission of guilt and their conviction, both the businessman and the former MP were released after returning a modest percentage of the funds they stole, and they are said to have left the country soon after.

There is a national consensus that such a huge theft could not have been carried out without the involvement of political parties and influential politicians, yet none has been named or accused. Such impunity and the government’s failure to get to the roots of corruption has made the public rightly skeptical of the government’s will or ability to arrest this scourge. With political cover, corruption is systemic, entrenched, and often backed by intimidation from armed militias. Indeed, Sudani cannot challenge the political parties that brought him to power, despite the fact that corruption undermines virtually every aspect of his agenda.

The same gap between Sudani’s goals and the political reality preventing him from realizing them is seen in relations with Arab neighbors. Sudani has successfully advanced the steps taken by his predecessor, Mustafa al-Kadhimi, to strengthen economic and security relations with them, including Jordan, Egypt, and the states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). A major goal is to improve the availability of electrical power and diversifying sources of gas and fuel away from dependence on Iran. For example, by the end of 2024 Iraq will join the electric grid established by the GCC Electricity Interconnection Authority, providing Iraq with much needed power from GCC surpluses. Iraq and Jordan have also established an electricity connection that will supply electrical power to western provinces in exchange for oil exports to Jordan. In addition to energy cooperation, Iraq has stepped up security coordination with both Saudi Arabia and Jordan.

However, the rapprochement with Arab countries is not welcomed by some Shia political parties and members of the Iran-friendly Popular Mobilization Forces. To be sure, detente between Saudi Arabia and Iran has made it easier for Sudani to woo GCC countries, but suspicions remain. Militias like al-Nujaba Movement, a radical group closely aligned with Iran, has condemned the building of a long-proposed oil pipeline between Basra and Aqaba, Jordan, and Iraqis who support it. Even as PM Sudani, in his September 22, 2023 address to the UN General Assembly, asserted Iraq’s commitment to respect UN resolutions, MPs from the Coordination Framework were decrying the 2012 agreement with Kuwait over the Khor Abdullah waterway, which was ratified by the Iraqi parliament. Simultaneously, the Supreme Federal Court issued a ruling declaring the agreement unconstitutional and void. The backlash from Kuwait and the GCC countries was immediate and unequivocal, infecting carefully nurtured relations with Iraq.

In his UN address, the prime minister declared Iraq’s determination to maintain an independent and balanced foreign policy, preserving good relations with all nations. Meanwhile, the social media of Shia militia groups were denouncing US and NATO presence in Iraq as a form of occupation and accusing them of promoting “moral deviance.” While Sudani attempts to achieve some stability and even-handedness in foreign policy, he has to look over his shoulder at the hardline Shia armed groups both inside and outside the Coordination Framework.

Such messaging confusion raises a broader question about Sudani’s freedom to pursue his agenda. To the frustration of Sunnis and Kurds, the prime minister has not been able to, or possibly has not been willing to, fulfill the demands laid out in the political agreement that underpins the State Management Alliance and the formation of the current government. The political agreement stipulated a major Kurdish demand: negotiation and approval of a gas and oil law within six months; by the end of the first year, the law is still stalled and differences between Baghdad and Erbil persist. Sunni demands for the return of internally displaced persons to their original homes within six months have not been implemented, and the Amnesty Law eagerly advocated by Sunnis has met with firm opposition from Shia leaders. Similarly, Sudani has been unable to re-deploy paramilitary units (militias) out of urban areas, as stipulated in the agreement, and restrict their activities to national defense under his authority as commander-in-chief of the armed forces.

Coordination Framework parties are using obstruction tactics to assert their authority over their putative Sunni and Kurdish partners. Shortly after the formation of the government in October 2022, the parties within the CF launched a virulent campaign to vilify and unseat Speaker Halbousi. They also attacked vital Kurdish interests, applauding, if not instigating, two Supreme Court rulings that effectively shut down the Kurdistan Regional Government’s oil sector and Kurdish revenues. The Kurds have complained of increasing moves toward centralization. While the prime minister tries to avoid the labyrinths of politics, keep the peace among his backers, and pursue his service agenda, he is inevitably hampered by political divisions and acrimony.

Sudani has done nothing in the past year to bring armed militias under state control, as promised in his political program. Thus the question of who controls policy and decision-making came to a head over the current war on Gaza. On October 19, Prime Minister Sudani published an op-ed in a leading Arab daily in which he condemned Israel’s attacks on civilians, stressed the need for a cease-fire and delivery of humanitarian aid, and called for a unified Arab stance on Palestinian rights. After October 17, however, militia groups launched repeated drone and rocket attacks on bases housing US military personnel. In an explicit interview on October 22, a leading member of the Coordination Framework stated that the Iraqi Resistance Factions (militias) “do not need to coordinate with the Iraqi government regarding their positions and actions against the U.S., ” and will make their own decisions regarding operations against the US presence in Iraq. As if in response, the following day Sudani’s military spokesperson issued a statement rejecting attacks on US military personnel and promised to pursue perpetrators. Nevertheless, over the next several days, attacks by militias against the United States only intensified, and no government action was forthcoming. Leading members of the Coordination Framework called for the expulsion of the US ambassador to Iraq and the closure of the embassy, despite the prime minister’s pledge to protect foreign missions. Such security and political instability, a veritable fog of uncertainty, is sure to severely undermine what Sudani set out to do twelve months ago.

On December 18, Iraq will hold its first provincial elections in ten years. These will be vigorously contested, not least among the different factions within the Coordination Framework, several of which will compete against each other in the central and southern provinces and in some predominantly Sunni ones. Depending on the outcome of these elections, Sudani’s ability to maneuver between the factions, as he does now, may be further restricted. Equally unsettling for the prime minister, the outcome of the provincial elections is likely to determine the outcome of parliamentary elections in 2025 and his own political future. It is thus likely that the post-provincial elections period will be a touchstone for Sudani’s political acumen and resolve, as well as an important moment in the history of the country as it deals with the difficulties facing his multi-faceted and ambitious government program.

(Arab Center Washington DC)

Iraqi Ambassadors Conference in Baghdad issues 6 recommendations, 10 NOV

 Iraqi Ambassadors Conference in Baghdad issues 6 recommendations

Shafaq News / The concluding statement of the seventh Iraqi Ambassadors Conference held in Baghdad outlines six recommendations, emphasizing Iraq's openness in its foreign policy to all parties.

According to the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the conference, held from November 4-8, 2023, focused on diplomatic strategies, balanced international relations, and sustainable economic development. Notable attendees included the President, Prime Minister, and other key figures. The seventh edition, following a hiatus due to the pandemic, involved 85 ambassadors and political and consular mission heads from around the world.

During the conference, the ministry aimed to enhance dialogue with Iraqi parliamentary committees, ministers, experts, advisors, and military leaders, covering topics such as national security, counter-terrorism, energy, oil, sovereignty, borders, planning, development, consular services, passports, industry, finance, monetary policy, environment, climate change, international relations, foreign policy, investment, reconstruction, and housing.

The discussions led to recommendations to elevate coordination and collaboration between the ministry and relevant national entities, diversify economic and developmental partnerships, and strategically reclaim Iraq's strategic role internationally.

The conference highlighted the importance of reshaping external relations bilaterally and multilaterally, aligning with regional and international developments. It emphasized Iraq's diplomatic influence through soft power sources like the economy, energy, and development, contributing to de-escalation in the region.

The initial stance on the Palestinian issue, the unjust war in Gaza, and the significance of humanitarian support were affirmed, promoting continued coordination with Arab and Islamic groups. The conference concluded by reiterating the Foreign Ministry's commitment to expressing national interests, supporting Iraqi communities worldwide, and issuing recommendations to enhance political, diplomatic, administrative, technical, financial, and organizational capacities. These recommendations aim to strengthen Iraq's position, fostering an environment for open foreign policy based on solid principles and mutual interests.

Iraqi Dinar of Reinstatement and the International Float Ahead | HOT NEWS

Iraq Dinar - International - WTO - UNCTAD - Progression - Coins - Conver...BY MILITIAMAN



[Iraqi bank friend Aki update]

When Saddam was removed, many retirees...expatriots...soldiers...citizens left Iraq...A great portion has come to the United States of America therefore these [CBI affiliated] private banks are needed for the reinstatement for the Central Bank of Iraq to re-collect the 3-zero notes that are missing...They turned the private exchange centers into private banks for...the change in the exchange rate of the Iraqi currency. 

You have all these countries that want to pour into Iraq and they're going to bring in their currency...

Go ahead bring in your currency  but you're going to have to convert it into Iraqi dinar.  And that's what?  Supply and demand on the market which will blow the Iraqi dinar value up...  

[Iraqi bank friend Aki update] 

These banks that Aki is representing the CBI with, they were exchange centers... but they were converted into banks recently last year.  The reason why is because they know a change to the Iraqi dinar exchange rate is coming...

Oil companies in Iraqi Kurdistan halt exports until payments issue resolved, 10 NOV

 Oil companies in Iraqi Kurdistan halt exports until payments issue resolved

DNO, the Norwegian company, stated on Thursday that international oil companies operating in the Kurdistan region of Iraq will not export oil through a pipeline until the issue of late payments, which amounts to around one billion dollars, is resolved.

The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), Iraq, and oil producers lost $7 billion after Turkey closed the oil pipeline in March, according to the Association of the Petroleum Industry of Kurdistan (APIKUR) in mid-October.

DNO and the five other members of APIKUR will resume pipeline exports once they receive their contractual entitlements for the already sold and exported oil.

The company owed over $300 million in accumulated debt to the KRG from previous oil sales in 2022 and 2023.

Turkey halted Iraq’s 450,000 barrels of daily oil exports via pipeline from Kurdistan to Ceyhan port on March 25.

Turkey suspended its oil exports due to an arbitration decision by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in Paris.

Due to the KRG’s oil exports without permission from the federal government in Baghdad between 2014 and 2018, Turkey was obliged to pay Baghdad $1.5 billion in compensation for the damages caused.

In 2013, the KRG started exporting crude oil on their own, which was considered illegal by Baghdad.

Turkmenistan and Iraq Agree Gas Deal via Iran, 10 NOV

 Turkmenistan and Iraq Agree Gas Deal via Iran

Turkmenistan and Iraq signed a deal in Ashgabat on Wednesday to supply 9 billion cubic meters of natural gas annually for five years.

The gas will be transported through Iran in a swap arrangement, according to state-run Turkmengaz.

Iraq’s Ministry of Electricity confirms the meeting but provides no information about the duration or volume.

The complete statement from Turkmengaz:

Representatives of the State Concern Türkmengaz met with a delegation from the Republic of Iraq, led by Minister of Electricity Ziad Ali Fadel, in Ashgabat on Wednesday.

During the meeting, the parties discussed issues related to the organization of Turkmen natural gas supplies to Iraq via Iran under the SWAP scheme.

During the meeting, the parties discussed the legal, commercial, financial, and organizational aspects of their future joint activities in the gas industry. They were able to reach an agreement and signed a Protocol that outlined the main commercial terms of the deal. As per the agreement, Turkmen natural gas will be sold to the Republic of Iraq for a period of 5 years. A total of 9 billion cubic meters of gas will be transported annually through Iran to Iraq under the SWAP scheme.

In October of this year, the State Concern “Turkmengas” and the Ministry of Electricity of the Republic of Iraq signed a Memorandum of Understanding. This move is part of Turkmenistan’s efforts to diversify the supply of natural gas to world markets. With its abundant reserves of natural gas, Turkmenistan is actively pursuing international proposals in the energy sector. This includes participation in significant energy projects like the Turkmenistan-China, Turkmenistan-Iran, Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas pipelines, as well as the development of high-voltage power transmission lines from Turkmenistan to Iran and Afghanistan.

Ashgabat is currently considering several states from the Far, Middle, and Middle East, South, and Southeast Asia as promising partners who are showing keen interest in collaborating with Turkmenistan in the energy sector. One of these potential partners is the Republic of Iraq. It is worth noting that Turkmenistan has established itself as a responsible and trustworthy partner over the years of working with foreign states and companies, by carrying out joint activities based on the principles of mutual trust, respect, good neighborliness, and transparency.

Evening News with MarkZ. 11/10/2023


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-9-23 REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:16:26

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight - It is Thursday, November 9th, and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in everybody all around this globe as we refer to the audience as big call universe. Thank you for listening and tuning in. And we're looking forward to having a great call tonight - Got a lot of cool things to share - So let's, cut the intel and we'll see where we stand. First of all today was interesting, because I'm trying to reconstruct where we were Tuesday night, two nights ago knowing that we would likely be notified yesterday, 

Wednesday, and we had timing. We had a timeline, we had certain things that we knew it happened, and a few of them happened, but not our numbers. Let's go back and reconstruct that a little bit. What we were looking for Tuesday night, was the go ahead from the military. We got to have yesterday. We were looking for the green light from the Treasury. We got that yesterday. And we were looking for activation codes from the Treasury to the redemption centers. We got that yesterday. That was to occur between 6pm Yesterday would have been Wednesday evening 6pm anytime from then all the way to 10am in the morning, this morning. The Redemption centers got those that already had rates on the back screens. This enabled them to have the rates on the front screens as well. So they entered those codes. 

We know that that occurred yesterday, because we got worried about those rates on both front and back screens at the redemption centers. Notice I haven't said anything about banks yet. So we had that good information. The next piece was - once the redemption centers received those activation codes - They would be able to release the toll free numbers to us any time after 10:30 In the morning, yesterday. And we waited and waited and looked past lunch in the afternoon. It was obviously wasn’t going to happen yesterday. We just didn't get it – Now we had a couple of different email updates yesterday to the best of our knowledge – we had this happening in Iraq. We knew that in Kurdistan, the northern most province, Iraq, 

that there were certain people trying to bring in USD across the borders and to go into Iraq with our old USD money which is not allowed. There's no USD being used in Iraq except in the airport in Baghdad. When Americans are there to use it, very limited, very limited. So to where we are with today's information, first of all regarding Iraq, very early in the morning today, Friday, very early this morning the ATM machines which have been loaded with lower denomination dinar – new - but lower denominations – meaning being 5 / 10 / 20 /50 / 100’s - sort of like we would have 20s in our ATMs. I don't know how many different denominations they have. We know many they have, but how many the ATMs are loaded with those are activated early this morning for the first time – that’s new - .we haven't hit up before. So the lower denomination dinar are in the ATMs and were utilized. starting this morning. So the reaction to the let's call it ban on Fiat USD currency to be used in Iraq - and not to be used anymore. That's one aspect of why we didn't go this morning.

 Then we also heard that there were orders finely defined for Israel and for Palestine - I believe that was either yesterday or the day before those were defined. They needed to be done and regarded as such, under GESARA. That's something that they have taken care of let's call, hopefully the fighting going on in southern Israel as been abaited - They shelling the bombs, all of that - hope because we've all been praying for the peace of Jerusalem and the peace in Israel and in the Middle East at large. All right, so let's come back to where we are. We talked about Iraq, and where they are Now. this information is very fresh. I mean, just a half an hour before the big call tonight. So we heard that redemption centers had two conference calls. one this afternoon and one white at 5:30 - 1 Was at 3:00 what was it 530 Eastern Time and these were to go over the final details, last minute touches.

 Before we go, and this was from - Well I'm not sure it was from Wells Fargo, or whether it was from treasury –chances are any conference calls to the redemption centers are being at least participated in by both Wells Fargo corporate and also by the Treasury. Alright, so they had those two calls. But they did say that this came off the calls that we should have our notifications delivered to us by email tomorrow late morning. Let's give them until noon but late morning is 1030 or 11 o'clock. Sometime in that timeframe. We should finally get the 800 numbers in those notifications. We set our appointments and theoretically we would start tomorrow.

 Now Veterans Day is Saturday. I know my bank is closed on Saturday, but open tomorrow. So the banks as far as we can tell are open. Now whether the banks are open or not, does not affect redemption centers being open. You realize we talked about the redemption centers getting the activation codes that allow them to see on front end back screen the rates on all the currencies that we've talked about, and the banks have yet to receive that notification. All they have is rates on their back screen at the banks - They don't have front screen rates yet.

 I don't know when they're gonna get those so remember when we use the toll free number we are directed to the redemption centers. Okay, that's a really good thing and that's what we'll do. We'll set appointments, People that don't believe in the 800 numbers. They don't believe in redemption centers. People that don't. They're telling people on calls something other than that - go pound sand you really don't know what you're talking about. You really don't. So we put that to rest, I think Tuesday night but as they didn't get it, they can get it again now. The other thing is we haven't talked much about the rate of interest that we will be paid on primary or secondary Wells Fargo accounts - this may also apply to other banks. 

But our accounts initially at the redemption centers are all overseen by Wells Fargo. So therefore even Chase bank would have an oversight by Wells Fargo. Okay, our redemption of zim and the exchange of currencies. And so it's what is really interesting is we just heard today they decided on a rate of interest that we would be paid annually and it's called APY annual percentage yearly - the rate that they have agreed to pay us at least Wells Fargo is 8.45 just under eight and a half - 8.45% - You guys that is a terrific interest rate on the money that we have moved from our quantum account into our primary or secondary accounts is your quantum account, which you make no interest on with your primary or secondary accounts with Wells Fargo Bank. So that is terrific.

 And I'm going to ask to see if they can apply that to us and pay us that interest quarterly for me. What I would prefer to get the amount of quarterly and then divide that to LLC accounts as I need it for the projects. So that's a new number we haven’t heard until today. 8.45 to A P y - Annual Percentage Yearly - now that could change. Just like rates could change - But don't confuse interest rate, currency exchange rate . Right, totally different things - . So that the information that we're getting is looking like we should finally get the notifications tomorrow.

 I'm going to say late morning. We'll see what that looks like. And then we'll go ahead and set our appointments. And as far as I can tell, quite possibly start our exchanges tomorrow. And redemption centers should be open all the way through Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday for at least two weeks and about two weeks. Now this is an interesting factoid both of you in Florida - Orlando and Miami will have redemption centers working around the clock redemptions in those two cities in Florida In Tejas or Texas - You got the same thing in Dallas and Houston. Now it doesn't mean every redemption center -I know at least some of them will be 24/7 round the clock exchanges, and they're taking shifts. 

They'll either be six hour shifts in that case or maybe 8 hr shifts and usually the shifts will over lap half an hour at the redemption centers. So that tells us really, how close we are now. Here's another thing that we had verified this morning. We got word at 9am. Eastern this morning, that the RV - the exchanges had started in the UK and in France today. Remember they are 6 hours ahead so that the only two areas in Europe and of course the UK is not Europe I know but its close ok - now I cannot absolutely guarantee that happened. But we did have confirmations come from sources that we trust that spoke to people over there that says that that's what has occurred. 

So that's a good thing. If that happened, great. If not, they're close, just like we're close. So this thing I think what was interesting was it did get started, let's go to bondholders for a minute - We know the super whales were taken care of already last week. And my understanding is that some not all course some bond holders but half a million dollars it's a little more than walking around money I know that - that they did get that against the value of their bonds that they've already hypothecated and they should have the rest of their money and not just 10% of it.

 All of it available to them. Starting Tuesday- talking about bondholders - so some of them got half a million - probably a pretty good sized players - and some of them will get a decent amount but not that much. And most of the bondholders are worth quite a bit more than that quite a bit more. Especially the tier three whales and super whales. So they're all trying to balance out get a sort of a shotgun start. And let's see what happens with that for us tomorrow. I'm hoping everything comes in as everyone heard it would. I don't like getting Intel and putting it out believing that we're in this position and then find out that we weren't in that position

 - because of something else. So I think information is solid. We'll know tomorrow. Before noon let's say whether it has been solid or not. I believe hopefully it will be we’re going to pray it is in place. All right, so I wanted to bring to you guys tonight in the way of update in the way of Intel and I think this is going to do it for us. We don't know when it just realized this you guys -

 These numbers are coming out for reason. When we go to the redemption centers, we will get the best rates available for this - they are better rates than in the banks are going to guarantee that and it's going to be worth your while to set your appointment and go in to the redemption center that's nearest you. You'll enter that information on your touchpad on your phone when you call the redemption Center and the toll free number and then you'll get prompted on what to put in and it'll be I think part of what you'll enter is your zip code. 

 So they will know which redemption center to connect you to on that call to the person who quite possibly will be exchanging you or working with you on your exchange when you get there. Remember the entire appointment they're trying to get done in 30 minutes, including a five to eight minute presentation on your project. Be ready to go with that. I would say let's try to get into it in five minutes or less. You don't have to go into a ton of detail. You just give them an outline of your project ideas.

 Now, there's a lot to do. We've gone over it several times on what you're going to be doing that just be confident. Don't get there more than 10 minutes early for your appointment. 10 minutes early is plenty in get in there. They want you in and out and then you can celebrate quietly in your car on the way home or office - is going to be a real different way to wake up not only to the new numbers coming to the 800 numbers, but it'll be different to wake up with all this behind us all this finally behind us. So let's go ahead and pray the call out now.

IQD minister of commerce Pay attention to the highlights BY NADER FROM MID EAST