Monday, December 4, 2023

December 4th Presentation from Bob and Tony

The Critical Decisive Strikes: Analyzing the Recent Military Activities in Iraq, 5 DEC

 The Critical Decisive Strikes: Analyzing the Recent Military Activities in Iraq

Military Activity in Iraq: A Critical Juncture

On December 3, the U.S. army reportedly embarked on a successful mission in the vicinity of Kirkuk in northeastern Iraq. In an operation aimed at eliminating threats to peace and stability, the forces, according to source reports, successfully eliminated five combatants and obliterated an unmanned aerial vehicle.

The Rise of Militancy in the Region

Imposing a substantial threat to peace in Iraq is the Iran-aided group – “Islamic Resistance in Iraq.” In a striking display of provocation, the outfit reportedly launched attacked four American bases straddled across Syria and Iraq on the night of December 3. Drawing information from the data that the Pentagon revealed on November 30, American bases in Syria and Iraq experienced 74 barrages since October 17, launched by Iran-aided groups in the region.

The Role of U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM)

The U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) carries a significant role in maintaining peace and stability in the Middle Eastern, Eastern African, and Central Asian regions. By overseeing the planning of operations in hostile situations and directing the deployment of U.S. forces, CENTCOM seeks to ensure that potential threats are efficiently neutralized.

Defending the Red Sea

In another recent development occurring alongside Iraq’s fragility, an American destroyer reportedly struck down three drones, said to be released from Yemen, in the Red Sea on December 3. The interception of such offensive deployments represents active efforts to stabilize the region against potential disruptors.

The Warning from the U.S. Department of State

Showing a staunch stand against the threats to American forces in Iraq and the Middle East, the U.S. Secretary of State issued a statement on behalf of the U.S. Government. The official warned against anyone endangering American military personnel in the Middle East region, indicating the U.S.’s readiness to shield its forces.

A Word of Caution to Iran

Reflecting the U.S. Government’s strong sentiment against militancy and disruption of peace, a higher authority sent a stern warning to Iran. Reiterating the country’s commitment to protect its interests and uphold peace, the message to Iran was clear: exercise caution.


In light of these developments, it appears that the military activity in Iraq is at a critical juncture. The evolving dynamic between non-state actors and established forces of power portrays a region struggling for stability, peace, and progress. It is imperative to continue analyzing the situation as it unfolds through decisive strikes, international warnings, and proactive defense strategies. In time, these dynamics could respectively outline the future of military engagement and, more importantly, of peace in the Iraq region.

Iraq in Talks with Turkmenistan to Import Natural Gas, 5 DEC

 Iraq in Talks with Turkmenistan to Import Natural Gas

In a significant move towards bolstering its energy security, the Iraqi Ministry of Electricity has commenced negotiations with Turkmenistan Gas Company to import 25 million cubic meters of natural gas daily. This crucial step, as reported by the Iraqi News Agency, intends to fully satiate the fuel needs of six prominent power stations in the region.

Meeting the Energy Demand

The decision by the Ministry of Electricity aligns with the directives of Prime Minister Mohammed Shiaa’ Al-Sudani. The proposed quantity of gas import is aimed at meeting the escalating demand for electricity in the region and ensuring a stable supply of natural gas and electricity, particularly in the event of delays or technical issues in Iran.

Upon successful procurement, this import will entirely meet the natural gas requirements of several operating units, including the Mansuriyah, Sadr, Basmaya, South Baghdad Gas Station Second, Quds, and Taji stations.

Regional Energy Landscape

The negotiation comes amidst a wider reshaping of the Eurasian energy landscape. Countries like Kazakhstan, Russia, and Uzbekistan are currently considering the formation of a trilateral ‘gas union’ for infrastructure development and foreign market expansion. The concept of such a gas union is considered ‘extremely relevant’ and beneficial for all involved nations.

Energy Initiatives Across the Middle East

In related energy news, Saudi Arabia is making significant strides in the realm of renewable energy. It plans to launch renewable energy projects with a capacity of 20 gigawatts in 2024 after quadrupling its renewable energy production from 700 megawatts to 2.8 gigawatts. Furthermore, the kingdom is taking steps to be a major global source of green hydrogen and is developing international partnerships to foster green hydrogen projects within the country.

In the pursuit of global climate goals, the Saudis are focusing on innovation and a wide range of technologies to secure affordable energy access in a more sustainable future for all, addressing the fundamental challenges of climate change.



  Sandy Ingram 

 The Central Bank of Iraq confirmed some Iraqi banks are transferring dollars from their accounts to intermediary banks who are distributing the dollars to their customers.  The Central Bank of Iraq said this will contribute to reducing the exchange rate of the parallel dollar...[We're] thinking this is to keep the black market intact. This means the decision to only use Iraqi dinar in all transactions beginning January 1, 2024 may cause concerns and the Central Bank of Iraq is making moves to control any possible issues.

Article:  "Inflation rate in Iraq declines in 2023 compared to 2022

 The Central Bank of Iraq announced the inflation rate decreased in 2023 compared to 2022.  Inflation in Iraq reached approximately 3.7% in August 2023, compared to 4.4% in August 2022.  Iraq's inflation rate is good compared to many countries where inflation has reached 30% and 40%...

Wealthy Iraqis move to the Caribbean.  Guess who's on the list?  ...The leader of the Kurdistan region and the former governor of the Central Bank of Iraq and other businessmen suspected of corruption...Iraq's politician are monitored by the organized Crime and Corruption Report Project (OCCRP)...This is part of the effort to catch

individual involved in corruption....The project reported the purchase of Dominica (tiny Caribbean island) citizenship...enabling them to travel worldwide without a Visa...This country's visa is magical.  Citizens can travel to 144 countries without a visa..

 The country has no tax on foreign income, capital gains, inheritance, stock profits, wealth or gifts...The former Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mustafa Ghaleb Makhif, obtained Dominica citizenship in 2017 along with his wife and two children and did not renounce it upon his appointment as governor of the CBI which was clear violation of article 18 paragraph 4 of the Iraqi Constitution.  He held the position of governor of the Central Bank of Iraq from September 2020 until his removal by the current prime minister on January 23, 2023.. .

There are corruption questions...a legal complaint... has been filed due to the loss and depletion of millions of dollars regarding forged import documents.

  The reason countries have foreign reserves is to make sure that a country has backup funds if its national currency rapidly devalues or becomes entirely worthless.   It's common practice for central banks of different countries around the world to hold large amounts of reserves of foreign exchange.  Most of these reserves are held in US dollars since it is the most traded currency in the world...The amount of monies a country holds in its reserves has a lot to do with the county's currency rate...Iraq has the largest foreign currency reserves in its' history.

 The reason countries have foreign reserves is to make sure that a country has backup funds if its national currency rapidly devalues or becomes entirely worthless.  It's common practice for central banks of different countries around the world to hold large amounts of reserves of foreign exchange.  Most of these reserves are held in US dollars since it is the most traded currency in the world...

The amount of monies a country holds in its reserves has a lot to do with the county's currency rate...Iraq has the largest foreign currency reserves in its' history...

Article:   "Good News for Investors:  US Treasury Continues to Omit Vietnam Currency Off Currency Manipulator's List"  

 Vietnam was not included on the US Treasury Department currency manipulators list this time.   The list comes out twice a year and includes countries that may have surpassed the value of their currency.  When a country does this it cheats investors on potential profits...Iraq is rebuilding after the war so is not yet subject to currency manipulation lists...

  On Wednesday the Prime Minister of Iraq's advisor took the lead from the Central Bank of Iraq and announced Iraq has the largest foreign currency reserves in its' history and that the exchange rate treatment package aims to prevent profiteering at the expense of the economy...

Can Iraq achieve financial independence from Washington? A parliamentarian answers, 4 DEC

 Can Iraq achieve financial independence from Washington? A parliamentarian answers

Can Iraq achieve financial independence from Washington - A parliamentarian answersInformation/private..
Member of the House of Representatives, Jassim Al-Moussawi, confirmed today, Sunday, that there are many solutions to get rid of the United States’ control over Iraqi oil sales funds, adding that moving towards this decision requires bearing the burdens and consequences that Washington may issue against the country.
Al-Moussawi said, in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, that “obtaining financial independence requires the support of political forces from all segments of society to proceed with the implementation of this decision,” noting that “it is not possible to build a free and strong economy without moving towards achieving financial independence away from Washington.” “.
He continued, “The general situation and current developments do not allow the continuation of hegemony and the mortgaging of Iraq’s money and economy to the decisions of the United States of America,” noting that “Washington is suffering from a decline in its economy to great degrees recently.”
Al-Moussawi explains: “There are many solutions to get rid of the United States’ control over the money sold by Iraqi oil,” pointing out that “America suffers from all the issues, and this is what will make it negotiate with Iraq regarding the issue of ending the deposit of funds in the Federal Bank instead of directly with the Iraqi banks.”
The leader of the Al-Fatah Alliance, Ali Hussein, had confirmed in a statement to the “Al-Ma’louma” agency, “Changing the policy of the Ministry of Oil by sending money to the Central Bank of Iraq instead of sending it to the Federal Bank will spare the country from continuous pressures from the Washington administration.”

Al-Maliki’s coalition calls for urgent measures to stop US violations of sovereignty, 4 DEC

 Al-Maliki’s coalition calls for urgent measures to stop US violations of sovereignty

Al-Malikis coalition calls for urgent measures to stop US violations of sovereigntyInformation/Baghdad..

On Sunday, representative of the State of Law coalition, Yasser Al-Husseini, called on the government to take the necessary measures to protect Iraqi sovereignty from blatant American interference.'

Al-Husseini said in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, “The government and political forces are required to take measures to stop blatant American interference in Iraqi affairs.”
He added, “Iraqi sovereignty is a red line, and the recent American attacks will not pass.”

He pointed out that “we renew our call to the Iraqi government to take the necessary political, legal and security measures and measures against American transgressions.”
Earlier, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani confirmed to US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken that the attack on the Jurf al-Nasr district in Babil Governorate represents a violation of Iraq’s sovereignty.

Evening News with MarkZ. 12/04/2023

Responding to the professional advisors comments about Mark Z 12/04/23 BY PIMPY



  Question:  'Is it December for Iraq or for international as well? [Frank's current timeline for the RI is before 2024] 

 Both, because the citizens will be receiving their purchasing power and the currency will then start to go outside the border in international trade and start to climb in value.

The CBI wants more dollars?  No, they want less dollars.

  What does the US Treasury want?  More dollars in Iraq

 No, they want the CBI to introduce the new currency with the new exchange rate.  That will benefit the United States because the United States and the Federal Reserve have billions and billions of dinars stacked up just like they did the last time they did this...with Kuwait from 1990 to 1999. 

 The only problem this time is they took twice [the time]...

 Some of you were asking, Frank, 

You don't want me to take my eyes off of my dinars but some of the banks I called said they're going to send them to another bank and inspect them and then bring them back?

  Yeah, well you ask them for the address of that bank and you take your dinars to that bank and let them inspect them in front of you.  Once that's done and they give you credit and you see your account is credited with the right amount well then you're happy they can have all the dinars you took to them.  But never separate yourself from your dinars.  There are evil people in this world.   They'll find a way to steal.

State of Law: America tampered with the file of depositing money from the sale of Iraqi oil, 4 DEC

 State of Law: America tampered with the file of depositing money from the sale of Iraqi oil

State of Law - America tampered with the file of depositing money from the sale of Iraqi oilInformation/private..
Today, Sunday, the leader of the State of Law coalition, Haider Al-Lami, accused the United States of America of circumventing political agreements in the file of depositing oil sales money in the Federal Bank, while stressing that the changes made by Washington amount to an occupation of the country.
Al-Lami said, in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, that “the introduction of ISIS gangs into the country under American sponsorship is to change the security and strategic agreements according to what Washington deems appropriate for it,” noting that “Washington worked to change many of the agreements that were made on the security and military side as well.” “.
He continued, “There are many violations in the file of depositing funds from the sale of Iraqi oil in the US Federal Bank instead of Iraqi banks,” noting that “the internal opposition to the American presence rejected many of the many conditions and dictates that America wanted to impose.”
Al-Lami added: “The United States of America even intervenes in the appointment of many senior positions, including toppling Abdul Mahdi’s government and bringing in Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, whose government’s negative consequences are still present,” adding that “the changes made by Washington to the security, political, and economic agreements are tantamount to the occupation of the country.” “.
A member of the House of Representatives, Jassim Al-Moussawi, had confirmed in an interview with the Al-Ma’louma Agency, that “there are many solutions to get rid of the United States’ control over the funds for selling Iraqi oil,” adding that moving towards this decision requires bearing the burdens and consequences that Washington may rightly issue. Country.
The United States of America continues to impose its influence on Iraq in many vital files, including depositing the funds from the sale of Iraqi oil in the US Federal Bank, amid clear blackmail by passing many files, most notably the dollar bill, which puts great pressure on the government.

Central Bank: Agreement on trade exchange with Turkey (dinar versus euro or Turkish lira), 4 DEC

 Central Bank: Agreement on trade exchange with Turkey (dinar versus euro or Turkish lira)

Central Bank - Agreement on trade exchange with Turkey - dinar versus euro or Turkish liraOn Saturday, the Central Bank of Iraq announced an agreement to make arrangements between Iraqi banks and their Turkish counterparts through intermediary banks.
The bank said in a statement, a copy of which was received by Jarida , that “the discussions conducted by a joint Iraqi delegation (the government, the central bank, the Association of Iraqi Private Banks, and the banking sector represented by a number of private banks) were completed in Istanbul and returned to Baghdad yesterday morning.”
He explained, “The discussions culminated in an agreement to make banking arrangements between Iraqi banks and their Turkish counterparts through intermediary banks to ensure trade exchange for major merchants and importers, and to make and pay remittances in the euro and Turkish lira currencies.”
It was also agreed to “organize the trade exchange for small merchants and retailers (dinar in exchange for euros or Turkish lira) under arrangements with combined transfers according to a commercial organization that guarantees the integrated cycle of the commercial process (depositing in dinars inside Iraq, paying in euros or lira in Turkey, shipping goods from Turkey to Iraq.” ).
He continued, “This would facilitate the external transfer of thousands of Iraqi merchants and spare them from working through non-fundamental means. This also comes in the context of regulating trade and external transfer in accordance with sound practices and standards and within the framework of the comprehensive plan pursued by the Central Bank to open multiple channels, outlets and currencies with the aim of maintaining stability.” The financial system, protecting it from risks, and achieving general price stability by covering imports at the official price, which is confirmed by controlling inflation rates.




  [via PDK] at 4:15 pm the Fed will have a meeting on “FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES”   This does not pop up on their calendar very often but today they are discussing foreign currency exchange rates at the Federal Reserve at 4:15 pm. Could this be what we are looking for?  It’s possible.

The group chatter has been amazing as they are waiting for release of funds… sitting at the edge of their seats.   Redemption contacts who are “on call”  have not been called in…yet.  But we are stinking, painfully close….

 Very little out of Iraq overnight. But everything coming out of Iraq this week has been overwhelmingly positive. I know this is tough…I know we have been sitting at the edge of our seats for entirely too long…But, it’s hard to nail down a world-wide historic, once in a millennium event…But we know its coming.

Finance issues a clarification regarding the selection of Ernst & Young to review its data, 4 DEC

  Finance issues a clarification regarding the selection of Ernst & Young to review its data


 Today, Monday, the Ministry of Finance issued a clarification regarding the selection of Ernst & Young to review its data.

The Ministry said in a statement received by {Al-Furat News}, “The media and social networking sites have recently covered topics related to the reasons for the Ministry of Finance choosing the international auditing firm Ernst & Young (EY) to review its financial statements, as a first step within the efforts to correct and evaluate the financial policy, which is compatible with... Adoptions of the Iraqi government's reform program.

She added, "Ernst & Young (EY) is one of the largest and leading professional services companies in the world with more than 700 locations in 150 countries. It was founded in 1903 and has been operating in Iraq since 1923, for nearly 100 years," explaining that "Ernst & Young demonstrated a firm commitment to Iraq by reopening its office in Baghdad in 2004. The Baghdad office works fully with the global network of Ernst & Young offices around the world, and in 2008 the company opened its offices in Erbil and Basra to serve Iraq in the northern and southern regions of Iraq." .

She stated that she "has worked with this company since the year 2004 to date on a number of projects, the most important of which was the project to settle Iraqi foreign debts, in addition to other projects of importance.

The company is also currently working, since 2004, with a number of ministries such as the Ministry of Oil, the Office of Financial Supervision, and the Ministry of Reconstruction and Housing, the Ministry of Planning, the Media and Communications Authority and all ministries with regard to auditing the Development Fund for Iraq, in addition to other financial institutions in Iraq, the most important of which is the Central Bank of Iraq, as the company audited the financial statements of the Central Bank of Iraq for more than 13 years, as well as the Trade Bank of Iraq for a number of years. ".

She stressed that "the company has provided our ministries and governmental and financial institutions with a large number of experts, specialists, consultants and leading methodologies in several fields and of different nationalities, who have contributed to developing the competencies of government sector employees in Iraq, and the company is still continuing in this role,"

Explaining that "the company has worked since the year 2004 with Al-Rafidain and Al-Rashid Banks and the Central Bank of Iraq, regarding the project to settle Iraqi foreign debts and a number of other projects, such as supervising the implementation of the comprehensive banking system, auditing the work of electronic payment companies, a project to analyze the gaps in all operations of Al-Rafidain and Al-Rasheed Banks, and auditing the data of Al-Rafidain and Al-Rasheed Banks for the years 2006 and 2014 in accordance with International Accounting Standards (IFRS), which contributed to increasing the company’s knowledge and understanding of the Iraqi financial and banking sector.”

She stated that "the company worked to develop banks, which includes the optimal use of financial, human and technical resources, moving from paper work to possible work, electronic dealing with all banking activities, developing a comprehensive vision for banks in granting credit facilities and loans, and developing work mechanisms, including control and oversight tools." ".   LINK

Digital Dinar Instead Of Cash Dollar.” These Are The Most Prominent Gains Of Electronic Payment, 4 DEC

 Digital Dinar Instead Of Cash Dollar.” These Are The Most Prominent Gains Of Electronic Payment

 Economy |1-12-2023, |  Baghdad Today – Baghdad  Today, Friday (December 1, 2023), Advisor to the Prime Minister for Financial Affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, explained the gains of adopting the electronic payments system in transactions inside Iraq.

Saleh said in a statement received by "Baghdad Today",   "The cash payments system is linked to a high degree of certainty whenever payments are made by electronic or digital means, which provides an indicator of liquidity in the banking system and reduces the degree of uncertainty in banking liquidity."

 He explained that "the payments system provides sufficient information about the flow of cash into the banking system, makes clear the amounts of paid and accumulated amounts, and indicates their actual balances at all times during the banking working day.

Conversely, in light of monetary systems that rely on direct cash payment, banking liquidity management policies surround themselves." With additional hedges of idle liquidity in order to protect against liquidity risks. 

Saleh stated,  “This matter disrupts an aspect of banking and credit operations in particular,

so as electronic payments increase as a behavior in daily dealings, the management of the cash mass and its flow in the banking system will be subject to the rule of clarity in cash management and then directing bank credit towards profitable areas by expanding...

Credit activity provides efficient use of the cash supply, as well as a decrease in the rate of cash leakages outside banks,

which means that a structural change in the behavior of cash demand among individuals and at banks will tend towards a decline, due to dealing with electronic payment systems that are linked to bank accounts.” 

He stressed,  “The development of the payments environment and its transition from a direct cash environment or cash payment in payment and receipt operations to the use of electronic payment will, in all cases, reduce the risks of local cash payment in currencies other than the dinar and distance the national economy’s transactions from cash payment in foreign currency, because payment systems Digital does not allow transactions in the local economy in anything other than the dinar,

 that is, the national currency, and certainly the economy’s tendency in its transaction payments is to (the digital dinar) instead of (the cash dollar), whose transactions in internal settlements are legally rejected completely by virtue of the principle of monetary sovereignty of the Iraqi dinar.الدينار-الرقمي-بدلاً-من-الدولار-النقدي.-هذه-أبرز-مكاسب-الدفع-الإلكتروني.html 

World Wide - Iraq Dinar - Private Sector - Industrial -Internationalism BY MILITIAMAN


 Militia Man  

 Article:  "It's time for the Iraqi economy to be linked to the global economic cycle.  Al-Sudani stresses the government's endeavors to achieve an industry that exports its product outside Iraq."  

That's exactly what we need.  Everybody knows Iraq has been an import country and they've been using oil as a revenue stream.  N ow they're going to go from a rentier oil industry to a non-oil revenue stream country...You have the industrial cities, liquid natural gas, tourism, agriculture...Iraq is filthy with minerals.

What we're seeing is probably one of the most exciting times we've ever been in and there's more to come...  

 We all see the writing on the wall at this point in time that Iraq is going to go international.  They're going to be part of the WTO.  With them going to the private sector you can just see it's going to be a robust economy in this country.  

The President Of The Republic: There Is No Dollar Crisis In Iraq, 4 DEC

 The President Of The Republic: There Is No Dollar Crisis In Iraq

President of the Republic Abdel Latif Gamal   Economy News – Baghdad  On Monday, President Abdel Latif Rashid denied the existence of a “dollar crisis” in the country.

Rashid stated in a television interview followed by “Al-Iqtisad News” that “Iraq’s situation now is good in terms of security, and this is greatly reflected in economic stability. Until a few years ago, we suffered from the repercussions of security instability on the economy, and we are ready to implement the government’s program that aims to To improve infrastructure in all fields, including energy, water, housing, roads, bridges, etc.

Regarding the country's economic situation, and his recent visits to Azerbaijan and Armenia, the Iraqi president stressed "the need to attract investments from various friendly countries."

He continued: “At the same time, our focus is on providing services to the Iraqi people, as the country suffers from an old state of neglect, and the government is taking seriously to improve the service situation in terms of education, health, agriculture and other fields. We encourage cooperation with investors, and starting energy, water and agricultural projects, not Especially since Iraq’s budget is now better than before.”

In response to what is being raised about the dollar crisis in Iraq, Rashid stressed that there is no dollar crisis, and that the issue is related to the change in the dollar exchange rate from time to time.

He added, "Until recently, Iraqi markets were open to any foreign currency, and this does not help the Iraqi currency. Therefore, we took some measures to strengthen the dinar's strength and control the market."

The Iraqi President stressed that his country's economic situation is good, both on the general level and on the individual level, but at the same time he pointed out that there are problems related to unemployment and others: "We hope to improve the situation and encourage the private sector to contribute to providing job opportunities for university graduates."

12/04/2023 -

Coffee with MarkZ. 12/04/2023

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Welcome to another week of hoping, wishing and Praying…….

Member: Hope everyone had a great weekend. 

Member:  Hey Mark!! Give us some good news!

MZ: Remember News starts later on Mondays……should have more news by tonight 

MZ: Normal for Monday it is still fairly quiet. But today at 4:15 pm the Fed will have a meeting on “FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES” This does not pop up on their calendar very often but today they are discussing foreign currency exchange rates at the Federal Reserve at 4:15 pm.  . 

MZ: Could this be what we are looking for?  It’s possible.

MZ: Mr. C has not been paid and everything is very quiet so far today. Bond contacts in Europe have not seen money moving yet today. 

MZ: There is still high hopes and expectations from the West Coast and Reno for this week.

MZ: Still hearing from groups that the leaders have been paid and just waiting for permission to distribute.  

MZ: “India holds the key to a global shift away from SWIFT”  They are bringing their UPI interface . (Unified Payments interface) platform up to speed to move away from the SWIFT system.  This is more de-dollarization….this is part of the reset happening in front of us. 

Member: When does the financial fiscal year end?

MZ: Its different for different countries. Iraq’s is Jan 1. That is why many people are looking for it by that day. 

Member: The US fiscal year started October 1st.  Iraq is hoping to have totally quit using the US dollar by Jan 1st as well. 

Member: Iraq has a Holiday Dec 10th and Dec 22, 25, 31. Also Iraq has election on Dec 18th.

Member: I wonder if the best time to do this is when Congress is out for the holidays?

Member: I have some interesting info. was on the telegram RV channel, rv highlights and heard a podcast on there from a Latin American gentleman. Said he was trained in the RV and QFS for 3 weeks in Zurich.

Member: I’d like to share a story with everyone…This weekend I talked to a friend who works at Regions bank…They said they are already trained on the QFS. 

MZ: People keep saying that nothing is happening…but some banks are telling us things are happening….

Member: I was watching 60 minutes they were talking about the Quantum Computers.

Member: Good morning, Mark Z! Did you review the Dinar Recaps? Someone on there stated that the Iraqi Dinar Set New Rate $1.28 to $1.45 Today 2023 (past Sunday).

MZ: That’s not what any of my contacts are hearing. 

Member:  the rate is still 1312/$1

Member: I was at ATM getting cash the lady behind us, she said to get as much money as we could. she stated that they are going to close all banks 10 to 30 days. her sister is overseas sent the info,

Member: There are reports that many troops are now being deployed. 

MZ: Yes there were reports that 2000 military troops were put on Active status last night. And that the military will take of their families to “hunker down in place” . with another 7000 put on stand-by. This was allegedly from a military person. But other military contacts think this information is highly suspect. 

MZ: I know a number of military contacts that have been put on stand-by but, those numbers don’t really match. 

Member: How do we hold on to faith when everyday is a groundhog day?

MZ: The problem is we are trying to pick the timing of this historic event. We are looking at all the pieces and trying to guess the timing. If you study historic fiat cycles you know its going to happen. You know the fiat system is coming to its end. We are still very much expecting a new gold standard…or a standard tied to precious metals. 

MZ: You are watching it happen….all the greatest economic voices tell us it is coming….it is not a groundhog day even though we are not across the finish line yet. 

Member:  I am starting to get a little nervous. We should’ve been celebrating long ago.

Member: Don’t be nervous- it will happen at any moment. Everyone will be so glad they stuck this long wait out!! 

Member:  Your watching amazing progress happening...more than ever...hang in there...Our Worldwide RAINBOW is AHEAD

Member: Praying it happens by Christmas…..

Member: While we wait for the RV learn a new hobby, ex: learn a instrument, crochet, painting go do something you always wanted to do. It helps to focus on developing your inner self &makes the wait easier

Member: stay positive, everyone.


The 2023 budget loses its “explosive” character: the year will end with only 58% of it being spent, 4 DEC

 The 2023 budget loses its “explosive” character: the year will end with only 58% of it being spent

The 2023 budget approved by the Iraqi parliament last June was described as an “explosive budget” and the highest in the history of Iraq’s budgets, as it amounted to 199 trillion Iraqi dinars, but as the end of the current year approaches, it is expected that only 58% of the budget will be spent.

Member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Moeen Al-Kadhimi, said, “The committee had a meeting with the Budget Department inMinistry of FinanceWhat has happened so far is the release of allocations to governorates and ministries, but not in the required manner,” noting that “what was spent during the first six months amounted to 47 trillion dinars,” according to the official Al-Sabah newspaper.

Al-Kadhimi added, “In the second six months, the spending rate will reach more than 70 trillion, and thus we will not have a budget deficit, but rather there will be a surplus,” stressing that “next year will be without a deficit.

Al-Kadhimi pointed out that after the elections are completed, more allocations will be made to governorates and ministries to implement projects, which will lead to the advancement of the government program presented by the Prime Minister.

Accordingly, the total amount that will be spent will amount to only 117 trillion dinars during the current year, an amount equivalent to only 58% of the total budget amounting to 199 trillion dinars, which was described as the highest in the history of the country.Iraq.     link

Iraqi Dinar🔥Biggest Exchange Rates Congrats IQD Holders Today🔥iraqi dina...


 Bearded PatriotUSA

Telegram post

Forwarded from Wolverine:

China is going to float U.S. gold price to $2,500 this week to break the U.S. Banks,

OPEC countries now hold Renminbi.

OPEC did another 1mm bbl production cut on Friday December 1st

China will break the U.S. gold paper contracts,

China will break the U.S. Treasury bond market,

The Reverse Repo will be drained to ZERO this week!

The G-SIB’s will all collapse.

ANSWER; ISO 20022 prevents the Fed from ever doing QE again.

Basel III

U.S. Treasury bonds no longer serve as the (global reserve asset) collateral that trades oil to value America’s debt.

China is now coordinating the float the gold price to $2,500 this week to coincide with the Reverse Repo drain.

P.S. see my 11:26PM tweet from last night.

Mike Cristo8


Judy NotePrepare for the challenging days ahead. The strongest people are the ones who are still kind after the World has torn them apart. Be who God wants you to be, not what others want to see. Remember that Heaven is always within reach. We can find our way to the Lord and His higher thoughts and ways by looking at life from a higher perspective.

If you were reading this Update on, or from Operation Disclosure Official, be aware that the information has been redacted. For a complete un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at the end of the Update on Operation Disclosure Official, or read an un-redacted version on the Rumor Mill Website.

Rumored Timeline:

  • Mon. 4 Dec. late afternoon: Global Currency Reset liquidity according to posting on Federal Reserve site.
  • Mon. 4 Dec. China’s second largest real estate company Evergrande faces Bankruptcy Court.
  • Wed. 6 Dec. China to announce gold-backed Yuan, incentivizing countries across the Globe to abandon trading the US Dollar and switch to the Yuan instead.
  • At some point Project Odin Begins: Starlink EBS Active, X, New Financial System, 10 Day Movie, New Currency Rates effective, Trump Return.
  • On Mon. 1 Jan. all gold/asset-backed currencies across the Globe would be on par 1:1 with each other; in the US Social Security benefits will be much higher and the SS R&R payments would start on a monthly basis.
  • Tues. 30 Jan. 2024 deadline for implementation of Protocol 20 by major corporations around the world that have interfaced their networks on the QFS.
  • In three to six months the Rodriguez Trust will begin to administer “universal basic income” for citizens of all GESARA-compliant countries. The amount per individual or family will depend on the status, needs, employment level and age of the person/family and will work to encourage people to work if they can.
  • 2030 was the deadline the Deep State Cabal planned to have their Digital ID Great Reset of non-asset-backed currency in place. Then they could have power over the Peoples of the World through controlling individual bank accounts, what people can spend and what they can spend it on.

Global Currency Reset:

  • Sat. 2 Dec. Wolverine: Very good news, guys. It looks like people are getting paid. Intel from Malaysia: The paymaster said spendable money will happen on Mon. 4 Dec. The Pentecostal Group is Tier 3, and one of their leaders has been paid and is ready to start distributing money on his platform. Two more leaders from other groups will also start distributing money on their platforms. Someone High Up told me it is definite that we are now closer than ever. We heard some rumors about 20 whales being paid from Columbia, and it looks like Reno started, but I CANNOT get this confirmed. I have huge Historic Bond Holders with huge clients that have up to 30 million boxes and they have not been paid. Contacts I have known have received notifications, and I am sure that person will not lie to me, as to what he will get out of it. That is all I can share. Isaac did come through and say we are close. The US treasury is one of Isaac’s clients. No matter how excited I get, there is no use saying it till “it happens.”
  • Sun. 3 Dec. RV Highlights: Reno started paying the paymasters last night at 12:00pm, they did not say exactly how many they paid, but approximately 20 holders from Colombia, it is the country that is most advanced. Panama expects money for now at night. From Nicaragua they say that everyone will have money deposited in the personal account by this Wednesday of next week. I am waiting for confirmation from Panama, I will continue to inform you.
  • Sun. 3 Dec. RayRen TNT: Last night a IMF Contact said that the window is still open to Mon. 4 Dec.
  • On Sun. night 3 Dec the price of Gold began spiking, hitting $2,108.80 on the KITCO chart as of 7:22 PM eastern US Time. This does not bode well for the U.S. Dollar and it is a signal that the people with REAL money, are going for safe harbor.
  • On Sun. 3 Dec. the website Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System posted the schedule: Mon. 4 Dec. 4:15 pm H.10 Foreign Exchange Rates; H.15 Selected Interest Rates.
  • On Wed. 6 Dec. China plans to announce the gold-backed Yuan to incentivize countries across the Globe to abandon trading the US Dollar and switch to the Yuan instead.
  • This week China is going to float U.S. gold price to $2,500 to break the U.S. Banks.