Monday, October 9, 2023



  Question: "Are we at the point in this journey where the rate could be changed at any time?"  Yes.

You will get the HCL when the new exchange rate comes out.  When will the new exchange rate come out?  When they damn well feel like it.

Let's make sure we understand something about this bank [Walkingsticks friend Aki's bank in the US].  I don't want to call it a CBI bank.  I did that because in the beginning you needed a reference to relate it to so we said CBI satellite private banks.  But the reality, anybody can open a bank in the United States of America ...It's not so much they belong to the CBI, they work with the CBI.




 Many folks seem to be having favorable Bank interactions. No exchanges yet, but more bankers saying this is going to happen.

Iraqi DinaršŸ”„Opening Rates Iraqi Dinar $3.81 & Vietnamese Dong $2.25 Toda...


Al-Sudani: The justifications for the American presence in Iraq have ended.. We do not need any forces, 9 OCT

 Al-Sudani: The justifications for the American presence in Iraq have ended.. We do not need any forces

Al-Sudani - The justifications for the American presence in Iraq have ended.. We do not need any forcesInformation/private..
Today, Sunday, Member of the House of Representatives, Muhammad Saadoun Al-Sudani, considered the justifications for the American presence in Iraq to be “over,” while stressing the importance of Iraq’s recovery away from foreign forces.
Al-Sudani said, in an interview with the Al-Ma’louma Agency, that “Iraq, amid the major changes that have occurred recently in the region, must live independently, like the rest of the countries,” adding, “We want to have close relations with neighboring countries and the world.”
He added, “These relations must be built on the basis of mutual respect and non-interference in internal affairs,” indicating that “foreign and American forces are present in Iraq for a specific reason, and now these justifications have ended.”
The member of the House of Representatives explained, “Iraq must recover and take its role away from combat forces, whether the international coalition or American forces,” stressing that “the country currently does not need combat forces, trainers, or any foreign aid.”
The representative of the Sadiqoun parliamentary bloc, Rafiq Al-Salhi, had accused the American side of supporting terrorism to prolong the military presence in Iraq, calling on the government to announce a timetable for withdrawing those forces.
Earlier today, the Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, confirmed that ISIS does not today represent a threat to the Iraqi state, and there is no longer a need for the international coalition, which was formed to confront these gangs.

What happened today in Baghdad banks? Dollar customers will not be patient any longer.. They will close their accounts - Urgent, 9 oct

  What happened today in Baghdad banks? Dollar customers will not be patient any longer.. They will close their accounts - Urgent

Journalists are prohibited from entering

For the second day in a row, chaos has prevailed in the branches of government and private banks in Baghdad, with large numbers of customers arriving to withdraw whatever amounts they can deposited in US dollars, amid fears of “banks exploiting depositors’ accounts,” according to a number of customers.

 Since Monday morning, customers have flocked to the branches of major and regional banks in the hope of withdrawing their dollar balances.

Most banks still refuse to hand over their balances to customers on the grounds of the lack of cash liquidity in foreign currency.

The media was prevented from covering the situation inside or near banks, with security tightened around most banks.

A number of customers describe the banks’ practices as “organized theft” with fears of “bad exploitation” of the balances of depositors and dollar account holders.

Customer trends were divided into three options: those who wanted to close their bank accounts, those who wanted to close them, and those who preferred to wait until the end of the year.

Those wishing to close their accounts hope that this step will force the bank to disburse the rest of their balances, while others seem more clear by demanding that their account be zeroed out and keep it open without a balance in the hope of using it if the situation changes.

Those demanding access to their dollar balances fear that the banks will postpone their disbursement in order to deliver them after the end of the current year in Iraqi dinars and at the official exchange rate, which means that depositors will lose a large percentage of the value of their deposits.

Customers who preferred to wait do not have large accounts or do not care about changing the value of their balances later, while awaiting a solution from the central bank.

source in one of the Baghdad banks:

We advised customers to wait a day or two while awaiting the arrival of an increase in our balances from the Central Bank, which today disbursed a new portion of them.

Number of bank customers:

The words of bank officials cannot be trusted. We have relied on them throughout the past period, and they have led us to where things are today.

The state must intervene to end the crisis. The dollar problem cannot be solved in this way, which raised the exchange rate in the market instead of contributing to controlling it. link

Evening News with MarkZ 10/09/2023

Monday Evening News with MarkZ 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions


Member: Can’t believe we are still waiting. After all the chatter about Sunday, etc. frustrating

Member: Iraq PM is meeting with Putin tomorrow.

MZ: Yes I have heard that….we don’t know what if anything will come from that. Luc oil is one of the biggest Russian oil companies and has a lot of holdings in northern Iraq. 

Member: How is the war affecting the RV… it now delayed???

MZ: I am told it may be a small speed bump but will not distract from it completely. Most of my sources think this is still our week. I sure hope so …I am tired..

Member:  We are all mentally and physically exhausted from this ….tired is an understatement….Come on RV!!!

MZ: Out of the CBI today. They are going to make certain the banks honor and pay out US denominated bank accounts when people want them.   Of course they want to get rid of them totally and soon. 

Member: Is Indonisian Rupiah still in the first basket?

MZ: I continue to hear it is still in the first basket.  And I continue to hear the rate will be $1.47. I hope it is accurate. 

Member: Rumored to be in first basket:   1. US 2. UK 3. Kuwait 4. Canada 5. Mexico 6. Russia 7. China 8. Venezuela 9. Iranian Rial 10. IRAQ 11. Indonesia Rupiah 12. Malaysia 13. Vietnamese 14. Brazil 15. Saudi Arabia 16. Qatar 17. United Arab Emirates 18. Turkey 19. Afghanistan possibly20. India 21. Libya 22. Japan23. Zimbabwe 

MZ: This is huge:  “ Breaking news- gold has surged in China –The Shanghai spot price is more than $112 dollars an ounce higher then levels seen in London” 

MZ: Just a reminder- I will be traveling tomorrow morning but plan on having the usual nightly podcast.  Mods can sleep in……lol

Member: Hope your flights are on time and on schedule….

Membr: Tomorrow is 10-10…..hope its a significant date…….

Member:  Miracles can happen suddenly. Have faith and pray

Member:  Your watching amazing progress happening...more than ever...hang in there...Our Worldwide RAINBOW is AHEAD

Member: Thank you and Safe travels tomorrow Mark….see you Tues night

Member:  hope to see you back stateside in a few days to exchange!!!


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )




Article: "Putin: Sudanese visit to Moscow will be fruitful and come at the right time I bet it will but this also could be why it is that the Biden Administration is putting a clamp down on Iraq with US dollars...

  Question: "Is it worth it to invest in the dinar?" 

 I have them.  I think it's something to consider.  You should have discretionary funds if you're going to buy the Iraqi dinar.  I hold like 4 or 5 million...I think it's worth it.  I'm just holding on to it. 

 It's a legitimate currency.  It's way undervalued.  They have a lot of sanctions on them So what happens if you take away the sanctions?  Well then the currency will be able to function like it should without all this weight on its back

.  I think it's worth it.  Is it going to RV tomorrow?

  No. It's going to take time.  But not a lot of time.  Not like before...

The steps that Iraq's taking at this present moment you can see it go up in increments without a doubt...

Let contenus with our news iqd iraq Ų¹Ų±Ų§Ł‚ ŁˆŲÆŁŠŁ†Ų§Ų± BY NADER FROM MID EAST

Baghdad, Ashgabat Sign MoU to Develop Bilateral Trade Ties , 9 OCT

 Baghdad, Ashgabat Sign MoU to Develop Bilateral Trade Ties , 9 OCT

ERBIL — The federal government of Iraq has signed a memorandum of understanding with Turkmenistan to import gas supplies in an attempt to strengthen bilateral trade relations and resolve the country's chronic power shortages.

“Minister of Electricity Ziad Ali Fadel received today the Minister of State of Turkmenistan for Gas Affairs at the ministry’s headquarters, where they engaged in a round of negotiations that resulted in the signing of a memorandum of understanding to supply gas to meet the needs of power production stations and the electrical system in Iraq," Iraqi News Agency reported on Friday.
In late August, a deal was struck between the federal government and Turkmenistan's government to address the nation's rising gas demand and alleviate persistent electricity shortages by importing gas.
Iraq has been struggling with persistent electricity shortages as it relied on Iranian gas supplies for power generation. However, due to US sanctions on Tehran, Baghdad needed to seek alternative solutions to compensate for these crucial gas imports.

Iraqi Territory Won't Be Used as Launchpad to Undermine Neighbors' Security: PM Sudani , 9 OCT

 Iraqi Territory Won't Be Used as Launchpad to Undermine Neighbors' Security: PM Sudani , 9 OCT

ERBIL — Iraq's Prime Minister Mohammed Shia' al-Sudani on Monday received Foreign Minister of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud to emphasize that Iraqi territory will not be used as a platform to threaten the territorial sovereignty and integrity of neighboring countries.

"Prime Minister Al-Sudani reiterated Iraq's strong stance on upholding the security and territorial integrity of its neighboring countries, emphasizing its commitment to principles of good neighborliness and international resolutions," read a statement released by Sudani's media office today.

Iraq also reaffirmed its commitment to not allowing its territory to be used for attacks against any other nation."

The two sides also spoke about the "developments occurring in the occupied Arab territories in Palestine and the consequences of these events on the Palestinian people."

Iraq shares a long land border with several countries, including with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Baghdad has recently been stepping up border security with neighboring countries, including recently with the Islamic Republic of Iran. The country is also set to activate bilateral security committees with neighboring Turkey to enhance border security, eliminate remnants of the Islamic State (IS) jihadist group, and crack down on drug trafficking in the broader region.

Iraqi dinar šŸ”„ CBI project to delete three zeros active now šŸ”„ Iraqi dinar...


 MarkZ hoy Lunes en la maƱana 9 octubre 2023

Miembro: ¿PodrĆ© renunciar a mi trabajo con dos semanas de antelaciĆ³n, Mark?
MZ: Creo que podrƔs darte cuenta esta semana... ya veremos.
Miembro: Realmente espero que estos nuevos disturbios en el Medio Oriente no sean otra tƔctica dilatoria para detener la RV.
Miembro: Durante aƱos han dicho que Israel serĆ­a el Ćŗltimo en limpiar. Estoy tratando de ser optimista acerca de esto. Con suerte, el final de esta pelĆ­cula llegarĆ” pronto.
Miembro: Kim Clement siempre profetizĆ³ que la "RV" sucederĆ­a cuando las cosas parecieran empeorar... ¡parece que estĆ” bastante mal Ćŗltimamente!
Miembro: Parece que tenemos EL evento del cisne negro.
Miembro: SerĆ­a un buen momento para ir mientras el mundo estĆ” distraĆ­do.
MZ: Los rumores sobre bonos son fantĆ”sticos... Tengo varios contactos que esperan anuncios hoy y quĆ© pueden esperar y cuĆ”ndo en el frente de "CuĆ”ndo tendrĆ”n dĆ³lares"... aĆŗn no hay nada sobre los detalles. Varios esperan actualizaciones hoy despuĆ©s del almuerzo.
Miembro: Nuestros amigos de Bonos han sido contactados para prepararse-hace 2 dĆ­as
Miembro: El video de MM de anoche nos dice que sucederƔ mƔs temprano que tarde, amigos. Irak necesita que esto suceda y que suceda rƔpido si quiere ser internacional.
Miembro: ¿Los mil millones de dĆ³lares que Irak pidiĆ³ al Tesoro para pagar sus cuentas son dinero de Irak que Estados Unidos tiene en sus manos? Si es dinero de Irak, ¿por quĆ© Estados Unidos todavĆ­a lo tiene?
Miembro: MM hizo una actualizaciĆ³n increĆ­ble la noche pasada. ExplicĆ³ el cese de envĆ­o de dĆ³lares estadounidenses a Irak.
MZ: "El banco central de Irak advierte a los bancos iraquĆ­es que se niegan a retirar en dĆ³lares". En otras palabras, si quieren dĆ³lares, que se los queden para que no provoque corridas en los bancos. Parte de esos mil millones pertenece al Iraq que Estados Unidos controla. Irak tiene que estar realmente furioso con el gobierno de Estados Unidos en este momento...
MZ: Al unĆ­sono, mis fuentes iraquĆ­es creen que estamos en la vĆ­a rĆ”pida... y esta situaciĆ³n con Israel y Hamas no causarĆ” mĆ”s que un ligero aumento de velocidad en la RV. Espero que sean precisos.
MZ: "Los precios mundiales del petrĆ³leo se disparan despuĆ©s del ataque de HamĆ”s a Israel" Los precios del petrĆ³leo, despuĆ©s de sufrir una caĆ­da, comienzan a dispararse. SerĆ­a mĆ”s fĆ”cil para Irak revaluarse con precios mĆ”s altos del petrĆ³leo.
MZ: "¿Se avecina una crisis bancaria 2.0? Creo que los bancos van a caer durante 2 o 3 semanas". Interesante artĆ­culo. Parece que es posible que tengamos mĆ”s quiebras bancarias esta semana. Comenzando en el Reino Unido y posiblemente mudĆ”ndose a los EE. UU.
MZ: "¿Hong Kong detiene el comercio matutino? Se espera reducir el aviso de tormenta hasta el mediodĆ­a" Hasta ahora sigue estancado
MZ: "Por quĆ© Gran BretaƱa estĆ” al borde de una crisis financiera catastrĆ³fica" Surgen paralelos entre la caĆ­da del mercado de valores de 1987 y la venta masiva de bonos de 2023.
MZ: Estamos viendo cĆ³mo se desarrolla justo frente a nosotros.
MZ: Forbes: "Colapso del dĆ³lar estadounidense - Impacto: el cambio de inflaciĆ³n de la Reserva Federal previsto por 8 billones de dĆ³lares provocarĆ” un auge crĆ­tico de precios de Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP y criptomonedas para rivalizar con el oro" Algunos de los mayores tenedores de bitcoins es el gobierno de EE.UU.
Miembro: Mi banco cerrĆ³ desde el Viernes hasta maƱana por TRANSICIƓN
Miembro: ¿Supongo que tus entraƱas dejaron de gritar, Mark?
MZ: No, mis entraƱas todavĆ­a gritan "¿QuĆ© diablos?" En este momento estĆ”n lanzando curvas, pero esperĆ”bamos esto... el colapso del dĆ³lar estadounidense, Gran BretaƱa estĆ” al borde de una crisis financiera catastrĆ³fica, Hong Kong detuvo las operaciones matutinas... y se estĆ” produciendo el colapso bancario 2.0... Mire los fundamentos que dicen que tenemos que reiniciar... y tenemos que reiniciar AHORA. Para mĆ­ todo esto es una enorme cortina de humo o tal vez una tapadera.
Miembro: Se ha dicho: sucederĆ” en medio de un desastre total, por lo que lo que tenemos ahora encaja.
Miembro: Es difĆ­cil discernir la diferencia entre la realidad y esta estĆŗpida pelĆ­cula. ¡Tan listo para terminar con todas estas cosas!
MZ: Existe una gran posibilidad de que este video no estƩ en youtube despuƩs del final del dƭa de hoy... DespuƩs de hablar con Field... puede que tenga que eliminarlo por seguridad..

Central Bank Governor: We Are Putting The Final Touches To The Lending Strategy. 9 OCT

 Central Bank Governor: We Are Putting The Final Touches To The Lending Strategy

Money  and business  Economy News – Baghdad  Central Bank Governor Ali Al-Alaq confirmed today, Monday, the final touches to the lending strategy.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated in a statement received by “Al-Iqtisad News” that “Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein chaired today the thirtieth session of the Ministerial Council for the Economy, in the presence of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Planning, the Ministers of Finance, Industry, Trade, Labor and Social Affairs, the Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers and the Governor The Central Bank, Chairman of the National Investment Authority, and Advisor to the Prime Minister for Legal Affairs.”

She added, “The Council discussed the items on its agenda and took appropriate decisions regarding them. The Council also hosted the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Prime Minister’s Advisor, two members of the special committee to study the methods of support provided to the agricultural sector and the possibility of their sustainability in light of the water and financial situation, and to benefit from global experiences and modern methods of irrigation, agricultural mechanization, and support.” Strategic agricultural crops.

She continued, "The Council also discussed the recommendations of the committee formed to support private banks in order to advance the work of these banks to be an important part of the Iraqi economy."

The Governor of the Central Bank indicated, according to the statement, that “the bank is putting the final touches to the lending strategy, and is continuing to implement decisions related to electronic payment.”

The Ministry confirmed, “Given the importance of the wastewater treatment unit project to preserve the environment, reduce pollution, and contribute to increasing the life of production machines and protecting them from damage, the Council decided to change the method of implementing this project to contribute to accelerating its completion.”

Views 26  10/09/2023 - 2:12 PM

Government ministers face scrutiny in anti-corruption overhaul, 9 OCT

Government ministers face scrutiny in anti-corruption overhaul

Shafaq News / The Parliamentary Strategic Planning Committee revealed the formation of committees under the supervision of Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, tasked with reevaluating ministers based on their performance and commitment to safeguarding public funds.

Committee Chairwoman Leila Al-Tamimi, speaking to Shafaq News Agency, stated, "Through our dialogue with the government, we believe that imminent ministerial changes are anticipated under the leadership of Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani. 

He has crucial observations, notably pertaining to combating corruption and preventing misappropriation of public funds within ministries."

She emphasized, "The issue of financial mismanagement and anti-corruption measures ranks among the foremost concerns. These matters will determine the work and performance of ministers in the government. Evaluation of ministers and their replacement will be conducted through monitoring and inspection committees within the Prime Minister's office, overseen by Al-Sudani. Consequently, ministers will be assessed and replaced as part of the expected ministerial reshuffle, reflecting the government's commitment to transparency and accountability."

Tehran to send skilled workforce to Iraq, 9 OCT

 Tehran to send skilled workforce to Iraq, 9 OCT

Shafaq News / The Iranian Ministry of Labor has announced its readiness to dispatch surplus Iranian labor force to various job levels in Iraq. According to Mehr News Agency, one of the current opportunities available for job seekers, particularly university graduates, is the possibility of working abroad and participating in the job markets of other countries.

Experts view the deployment of the workforce to other nations as advantageous, citing benefits such as reducing unemployment, generating foreign currency, diversifying the country's income, especially diminishing reliance on oil revenues, and utilizing skilled professionals.

The current Iranian government has prioritized activating the labor market diplomacy as a central policy, overseen by the Ministry of Cooperation, Labor, and Social Welfare. The ministry has been instructed to send Iranian labor force to countries such as Armenia, Qatar, and Iraq as initial steps in this initiative.

In this regard, Omid Malek, the Director-General of Employment Development and Labor Counseling at the Ministry of Labor, announced the ministry's preparedness to send surplus Iranian workforce to Iraq across various job levels, as reported by Mehr News Agency. He emphasized that the Iraqi employers in Basra city have specific labor requirements, urging the Iraqi side to fulfill these needs, including job specifications, contract durations, salaries, and wages. This cooperative approach aims to facilitate the announcement of job opportunities and streamline the issuance of work visas for the incoming workforce.

Mind manipulation In the Middle East



 Article:  “Iraq Central bank warns Iraqi banks refusing USD withdrawals”  

...Iraq has to be positively livid with the US government right now…don't let it throw you Iraqi sources believe we are on the fast track…and this situation with Israel and Hamas will not cause more than a slight speed bump in the RV. I hope they are accurate.

 Very quiet overnight on the RV side…..

but, great expectations for this weekend or the first part of this week. My redemption center folks are on call this weekend. They are not at work…they are “on call”...

Last week I told you all that I know a number of bankers...put on “stand by” for imminent currency value changes. I thought this was huge news. My bank crew is sure ramped up and expecting something big this week. 

…no update yet...from redemption center to whether they expect to work this weekend. 

I have been hitting a brick wall…their phones seem to be turned off…. I don’t know if that is a great thing or a coincidence. Yesterday a number of them told me they are on “stand by” specifically for currency exchanges. I think this is huge.   Let’s see if something comes of it.

Middle East stock markets react to escalating Palestinian-Israeli conflict, 9 oct

 Middle East stock markets react to escalating Palestinian-Israeli conflict, 9 oct

Shafaq News/ Gulf stock markets experienced sharp declines on Monday amid growing concerns of a broader conflict in the Middle East following intensified clashes between Palestinian Hamas militants and Israel.

In Dubai, the benchmark index plummeted by 2.6 percent, marking the most significant drop since June of the previous year. Emaar Properties shares fell by 4.4 percent, and shares of Emaar Development Company experienced a five percent decline. Emirates NBD Bank shares dropped by 1.9 percent, and Dubai Islamic Bank faced a 3.3 percent decrease.

Abu Dhabi saw its benchmark index decline for the fourth consecutive session, closing 1.3 percent at its lowest since May. ADNOC Distribution lost 3.8 percent, and ADNOC Logistics and Distribution faced a 1.9 percent decrease. First Abu Dhabi Bank shares fell by 1.2 percent, and Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank shares dipped by 2 percent.

The Qatari index also experienced its fourth consecutive decline, closing down 1.7 percent. All stocks declined, with Qatar National Bank falling by 2.6 percent and Qatar Islamic Bank experiencing a 1.7 percent decrease.

In Saudi Arabia, the market showed a minor recovery from the previous session's losses, closing 0.2 percent lower after a significant 1.6 percent drop in the last session – the largest decline in ten months. The National Bank of Saudi Arabia fell by 2.2 percent, and shares of the Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) faced a 1.8 percent decrease. Etihad Atheeb Telecom Company shares rose by 1.5 percent, and shares of Al Rajhi Bank, the world's largest Islamic bank in assets, increased by 1.2 percent.

The leading stock index in Egypt recovered slightly from the previous session's losses, rising by 0.3 percent. The finance and communications sectors supported the gains, with Commercial International Bank experiencing a 1.7 percent rise and Telecom Egypt shares increasing by 2.2 percent.

Coffee with MarkZ and joined by Field. 10/09/2023

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ Monday Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Coffee with MarkZ and joined by Field McConnell. 10/09/2023

MZ:  Good Morning and yes, I am still in the US…..gotta love the airline system .

Member: Will I be able to give my two weeks notice soon Mark?

MZ: I think you will be able to notice this week…..we shall see. 

Member: I truly hope this new unrest in the middle east is not another delay tactic to stop the RV

Member: Mark, or anyone. remember Footforward, used to post on dinar recaps. al ooooong time ago her predicted this wouldn’t go till Israel attacked Iran

MZ: I don’t remember that but, if so, it’s probably this week. 

Member: for years, they have said Israel was last to clean up. I’m trying to be optimistic about this. Hopefully, credits come soon on this movie.

Member:  Kim Clement always prophecied that “RV” would happen when things seem at their worse... seems like it’s pretty bad lately!!

Member:  Looks like we got THE black swan event

Member:  It'd be a good time to go whilst the world is distracted.

MZ: Bond rumors are great…I have a number of contacts expecting announcements today and what they can expect and when on the “When they will have dollars front”…..nothing yet though on the specifics. A number are expecting updates after lunch today. 

Member:  our bond friends have been contacted to get ready- 2 days ago

Member: MM vid last night tells us it's going to happen sooner than later folks. Iraq needs this to happen and happen fast if they want to be international.

Member:  Is the billion dollars that Iraq asked the treasury for to pay their bills, Iraqs money that the US is holding? If it's Iraq's money why does the US still have it?

Member:  MM did an awesome update last nite. Explained the US Halt of the US $ to Iraq. 

MZ: “ Iraq Central bank warns Iraqi banks refusing USD withdrawals”  In other words if they want USD- let them have it so it does not cause runs on the banks. Part of that one billion belongs to Iraq that the US is holding. Iraq has to be positively livid  with the US government right now….

MZ: in lockstep- my Iraqi sources believe we are on the fast track …and this situation with Israel and Hamas will not cause more than a slight speed bump in the RV . I hope they are accurate. 

MZ: “Global oil prices soar after Hamas attack on Israel”  Oil prices after hitting a slump start to spike. It would make it easier for Iraq to revalue with higher oil prices. 

MZ: “Bank crash 2.0 incoming? I think banks are going down for 2-3 weeks”  Interesting article and It does look like we may have more bank collapses this week. Starting in the UK and possibly moving into the US. 

MZ: “Hong Kong halts morning trade? Looks to lower storm warning to midday”  So far it is still tanking

MZ: “ Why Britain is on the verge of a cataclysmic financial crisis”  Parallels emerge between 1987 stock market crash and 2023 bonds sell off. 

MZ: We are watching it unfold right in front of us. 

MZ: Forbes: “US dollar collapse –Shock: $8 Trillion predicted Fed inflation flip to spark a critical Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, and crypto price boom to rival gold”  Some oof the biggest holders of bitcoin is the US government. 

Member: My bank closed Since Friday til tomorrow for TRANSITION

Member: Guess your gut stopped screaming Mark?

MZ: No- my gut is still screaming “What the heck?” right now as they are throwing curves but we did expect this…… US dollar collapse, Britain is on the verge of a cataclysmic financial crisis, Hong Kong halted morning trading…and Banking crash 2.0 happening….watch the fundamentals which say we have to reset….and we have to reset NOW. To me this is all a massive smoke screen or maybe a cover. 

Member: It has been said - it will happen in the middle of a total mess - so what we have now – fits

Member: Hard to discern the difference between Reality & This stupid Movie. So ready to be done with all this … stuff!

MZ: There is a great chance that this video will not be on youtube past the end of the day today…After talking with Field…I may have to remove it for safety…..

Member: Mark, thanks as always for all the latest news & updates

Field McConnell joins the stream about minute 20 today. Please listen to the replay for his opinions. 


Replacing the dinar with the dollar. 8 OCT

 Replacing the dinar with the dollar

 Finally, the Central Bank of Iraq announced in a statement last week that “the coming year will witness the restriction of all internal commercial and other transactions to the Iraqi dinar instead of the dollar, except for those delivered to travelers.”

Financing foreign trade will be directly for merchants dealing in remittances outside the electronic platform, through licensed banks that will deal with correspondent banks in foreign transfer operations and in the local currency of the country from which the merchant wants to import.

 Then the dollar auction will be gradually dispensed with and the central bank will intervene to control the exchange rate through a shift in its tools.

Cash, which will be more effective in achieving monetary stability, due to the expected decline of the so-called black market and the emergence of a real parallel market that will effectively contribute to financing the total demand for foreign currencies after the local currencies of the trading countries are traded within the parallel market following the opening of transfer channels for those currencies in a way Official. 

Thus, we will witness a new phase in which exchange rates will be more stable than the phases witnessed in previous years if dollar smuggling operations are controlled, which is expected to decline automatically with the decline of the dollar supply on the black market.

At that time, the country will witness the real beginning of an attractive investment environment, as the confusion in the dollar exchange rate was often an element that repelled investors due to their inability to delve into the area of expectations in which the exchange rate was fluctuating, which makes financial feasibility studies more difficult in calculating construction and operating costs and recovery periods. Total costs and profit calculations. This is in addition to other repulsive factors, which were the confusion of the security situation, the incompleteness of legislation related to the investment environment and the regulation of market relations, the failure to activate the package of economic laws that had been legislated, and the spread of corruption and bureaucracy. 

However, there is a problem linking the exchange rate and the costs of production in neighboring countries compared to the costs of production inside Iraq.

The lower the exchange rates of neighboring countries’ currencies are against other currencies, such as in Turkey, Iran, and Syria, compared to the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar, the lower the cost of producing goods in those countries.

The cost of production is comparable to that in Iraq, which makes the investment environment unattractive at the level of production of traditional goods produced in neighboring countries unless borders are controlled to protect the local product in addition to protecting exchange rates from currency smuggling. link

CBI Active on RV/RIšŸ’£New VND & IQD Rates Revealed!šŸ¤”Iraq Dinar RV Updates ...


 Mnt Goat   

I was...told [by my CBI contact in Iraq] the real reason why the GOI, under prime minister al-Sudani has not directed full funding distribution for all the projects listed in the budget. 

It was for multiple reasons: 1. to first continue to clean up more of the corruption in the provinces; 2. hold back the dollars in the reserves as long as possible needed to back any reinstatement process and global rating for the dinar.

I was...told [by my CBI contact in Iraq] not to over-speculate on the RV and the CBI has a plan and is actively working on it.

 The CBI can not put the cart before the horse and needs the support of the GOI for all the monetary reform.

 They feel that Al-Sudani is definitely onboard with the details of this effort and “fully” supports the plan and what the CBI is doing in this regards. They also told me the re-education news (program) is about to come out.  Stay tuned….

 I asked [my CBI contact in Iraq] about the project to delete the zeros and was told it is coming and is now an active project no longer just a later project.

 I asked for some target dates and was given that they planned to redenominate sometime prior to the end of the year. To me this is so inline what we are thinking for a January 2024 reinstatement timeframe and other events also lining up.

MENA Climate Week: Energy Ministers Advocate for Responsible Transition to Sustainable Energy, 9 OCT

 MENA Climate Week: Energy Ministers Advocate for Responsible Transition to Sustainable Energy, 9 OCT

Key Discussions at MENA Climate Week

The MENA Climate Week 2023, set to take place from 8-12 October in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, has drawn attention for its unique perspective on the role of fossil fuels in the fight against climate change. Ministers of energy from Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates have congregated at the event, arguing that the fossil fuel industry can play a crucial role in facilitating a smooth transition to sustainable energy. They emphasized that discussions about climate change should not hastily condemn oil and gas but instead focus on these resources’ potential to support a responsible transition towards sustainability.

The Iraqi Oil Minister highlighted the continued global demand for fossil fuels and underscored the importance of natural gas in generating electricity. This stance echoes the sentiment of major hydrocarbon producers who, while acknowledging the need for a global shift towards sustainable energy, also recognize the practical challenges posed by an abrupt departure from fossil fuels.

Historical Context and Current Trends

This argument is not entirely new, but its prominence at such a high-profile gathering marks an important shift in the discourse around climate change and renewable energy. Historically, the fossil fuel industry has often been viewed as the villain in conversations about climate change. However, the discussions at the MENA Climate Week suggest a growing recognition of the industry’s potential role in aiding the transition to renewable energy.

The argument hinges on the fact that, despite the urgent need to reduce carbon emissions, the global demand for energy continues to rise. Therefore, a sudden withdrawal from fossil fuels could lead to energy shortages and economic instability. This viewpoint advocates for a balanced approach, gradually integrating renewable energy into the existing infrastructure and using natural gas, the cleanest of the fossil fuels, as a bridge between coal and renewable energy.

Future Ramifications

The discussions at the MENA Climate Week could have significant implications for the future of energy policy. If this perspective gains traction, it could lead to greater investment in technologies that reduce the environmental impact of fossil fuels, such as carbon capture and storage. It could also result in increased attention to the development of natural gas infrastructure, particularly in regions that are heavily reliant on coal.

However, critics argue that the time and resources spent on these initiatives would be better invested in accelerating the development and deployment of renewable energy technologies. They warn that an over-reliance on natural gas could divert attention from renewable energy and result in the continued emission of greenhouse gases.

Neutral Reporting and Stakeholder Impact

As neutral observers, it is crucial to report these discussions without bias, presenting the arguments of all stakeholders accurately. The debates at the MENA Climate Week represent a significant development in the discourse around climate change and renewable energy, and their outcome could have far-reaching consequences for energy producers and consumers alike.