Wednesday, August 30, 2023

FRANK26…8-30-23…….WAIT FOR IT


 Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-29-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:16:00

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight - it's Tuesday, August 29th and you're listening to the big call. Welcome everybody all over the globe. I don't know what our reach is tonight. But hopefully we're getting it out there where everybody can pick this up. And we're excited to be here tonight. There's a lot going on as you can imagine - with Bob and several of our people obviously in Florida and other parts of the deep south that have that are in this path of Idalia - Idalia, the hurricane it’s a force 2 hurricane already, and it could elevate to a force 3 or 3+ by the time it makes landfall tomorrow - mid to late morning, I think unless it really accelerates through the night. Alright guys, here you go. You know a lot of people have told me, this will be your last call Bruce. That was your last call - This was your last call - All of that, like what I’ve heard it a dozen times – But I'm gonna say this very well could be my last call. I would say this though - Thursday, might not be a normal call - If we even have a call - it could be a “celebration” call. But I'm gonna tell you why. Because Intel wise, everything is moving in the direction we want it to move. Bondholders received information, even today - yesterday and again today. We received information that says that the bond holders emails should come in tomorrow and that should give them access to funds on Thursday. Remember, Thursday 31st of August. So that's where the bondholders stand – Now we are closely tracking them because we’re supposed to be pretty much on a shotgun start with them and or not much more than 12 hours after they get notified we get notified unless it happens - it could happen at the same time - So let's go to where we are. There’s not that many of us out there In big call universe that are bond holders - most of us are currency holders. The bonds that we have are bearer bonds, which is zim currency as you guys know, on the note it says payable to the bearer. So they're being traded / treated like bearer bonds. Okay in terms of timing, there have been meetings yesterday and today that have been big meetings with redemption center and some of the top bank personnel. Today's meeting was morning meeting that started at 11 o'clock Eastern until about two o'clock right through the lunch hour - And it was a national meeting - So it started at 8am pacific time on the West Coast. And at this particular meeting had a top tier treasury person on the call, I'm going to call it a zoom call - but this particular information that we received, We actually had it prior to this call, but the call verified it to us. We got it last night from another couple of sources and the gist of it is that we should be notified by tomorrow which is Wednesday or Thursday, which is the 31st. And we should start our exchanges either Thursday, or Friday, which is the first of September. The most recent information I've received is saying that we could very well start with exchanges on Thursday, the 31st - We might not even have to start exchanges on September 1 which is Friday. So that's really good news for us. It's been a long ride. I'm doing my best not to call it this is the information that we're getting from multiple sources. And it sounds very doable. Now. We've talked about we've tried out the regime change, political change here in this country. The latest information received today says that will happen Immediately once the RV which is what we call the revaluation of these currencies, the RV is activated when that happens. And the new administration will be coming as part of NESARA - which NESARA may come out as early as the first of September. NESARA - GESARA all of those things that are tied to it. Should I believe they're going to be coming out with some form of announcements - We've also heard that starting October 1st , the EBS Emergency Broadcast System, emergency alert system and EWS - the emergency wireless system should be activated – that will be on October 1st. Now that they hold up and be accurate, could very well be and that would be fine. But I think we should get some form of announcement about the USN which should kick in on Friday the first of September because we understand that the US …. see currently our accounts that are currently in the banks - free exchange -right now have been mirrored on the quantum financial system. They've been mirrored so that we have the protection of the asset backing of the Treasury. However, on Friday, September 1st, we have the full integration of the quantum financial system where our accounts, our current accounts will be fully integrated quantum financial accounts that'll be the system - we'll be we'll be on it. And I did hear something else yesterday. That I think is very important. The past if you have online accounts which most of you have your accounts where you can see your accounts online. consider changing your password Between now and second of September. In other words by Monday or Tuesday at the latest. We have that date right? No by Friday, Friday or Saturday, the first or second of September because our accounts when they're integrated to the the starling satellite system for the quantum financial system - our old passwords will not transport so we need you need to be considering putting in a new password. Go ahead and do it tomorrow. Go ahead and do it change your password and put it in there for your existing online bank accounts. Okay. All right. That's what I was hearing to do. And I think I’m glad that I brought that out to you. So that's what's happening with our quantum financial system with the USN - and what came out of BRICS conference which went long by the way it went through Saturday evening. What happened on BRICS was the 6 new countries were admitted into the BRICs. Many more countries that want to be aligned - they are beginning to de dollarized for the USD or fiat currencies. I don't think it's completed but it's in process and most important pieces that the BRICS nations have to all mint and print. They have to mint new coinage for each country and they have to print new currency for each country. Okay, so mint and print, they have until the first of January before that currency will be utilized, or they have to have it done by January 1 2024. Now, in our case, we've been printing our USN currency for years now. And we have it in the redemption centers. They've been reminting coins. And you know, that's why there was such a shortage of change at so many stores - remember for so long, six or eight months ago, and so they were taking the silver out of our old coins and using it to mint our own coins. That's what it's all about. Okay, so we already have our USN in the redemption centers and its my belief is it's already in the bank vaults. in most cases available, they will use that. I don't know if they'll wait till after Labor Day, or bring this out over the weekend - I don’t care - Really, it doesn't affect us. If we want the new cash, the new folding money put in our pocket money. We'll get it at the redemption centers and they want to limit us to around 6500 in cash. I don't know that we need that much anyway - as 2500 - 5 grand max is all I would take - So consider that - and it looks like everything is moving in the right direction. The only other thing I want to mention is to rebuild Maui - there's still some stuff going on over there. It's not good as of last Saturday. Look at the real rod news report from last Saturday. Read that - Real Rod News dot whatever it is. Okay? It's a it's a really important piece. And, you know, we're not you're not in fact, the press has not even allowed to go into that area of Lahaina . And it's probably a two or three mile long stretch on Front Street and further and it's not - I don't know that it's done yet. I mean, to where the rebuilding efforts - it's still kind of a rescue effort. And our good guys military - dropped off water and food and continuing to send supplies. The so called UN C 137 which was full of temporary housing 600 units. That was actually the White House it did that not the UN. It was purported to be the UN it was it was our people. So there's stuff happening, and we're working to try to get communication get contacts there with the local government, of Maui of the county and so on to try to see how we can best fit in and help Now I've heard of the five organizations that are taking donations for Lahaina - only one is legit. My personal feeling is I'm not giving any money At this point yet. Probably the money that I would give is the money that we go into our own rebuild project that we're going to do. Okay, thank you T for helping to initiate and to get that ball rolling over there in Lahaina But in the meantime, we've got hurricane Idalia on its way into the Gulf and that would be something else we have to keep an eye on because hopefully, the damage over that would be minimized. But hurricane path is gonna take us from North western Florida, possibly Apalachicola and that region, across the Panhandle into southern Georgia, and South Carolina and eastern North Carolina, North Carolina, South Carolina. Georgia, and obviously Florida have already declared states of emergency. So we want to be aware of that. And we don't want to continue to lift those people up that are in harm's way and believe for minimal damage in Jesus name and that's what we're going to do. Alright guys listen, this could be the last call. Maybe we'll do a call. It could be a celebration call we'll see. We'll see whether that comes to pass or not Well, listen guys, this is exciting. Intel is aiming to come together to bring this finally to fruition. We're excited about it. It looks like we could get notified tomorrow or Thursday. At some sources are saying we will start on Thursday or before the first which is the only day before Friday is Thursday. That's the day before so it does bring Thursday and tomorrow or Thursday for notifications are here Friday and Thursdays and the start our exchanges. So let's pray and call out. Thanks again for listening everybody. And everybody that's listening out there in big call universe. thank you for tuning in and listening again, And then otherwise, we'll be in touch with you by email, for our future plans, and any calls that we do will be on any podcasts that we do. Right, let's pray the call out.

Maintain exchange rate in cash by NADER FROM MID EAST

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(Really? Then why is the bill not yet before parliament for a vote? How many times must we hear this already over the last month. Then nothing happens or we find out later there are still pending issues.)
The leader in the coordination framework, Turki Jadaan, confirmed that half of the controversial paragraphs on the oil and gas law have been bypassed.
Jadaan said in a press interview followed by (Iraq Today), that “the number of outstanding points in the oil law reaches 14 points, half of which have been exceeded through meetings and discussions between specialized technical committees,” pointing out that “there is political support by all parties in order to overcome All differences and obstacles to reach a space of acceptance support the option to approve it during 2023.
He added, “The adoption of the law will address the challenges of smuggling and the influence of foreign companies and contribute to restoring the administration’s compass towards federalism, considering oil and gas as wealth for all Iraqi components.”
He pointed out that “discussions are currently taking place and there are expectations that a preliminary report will be submitted on the size of what has been achieved next September to the government in order to discuss the possibility of resolving what remains in coordination with the political forces.”
Oil and gas are among the important laws that have been postponed for 4 parliamentary sessions due to disagreements, and the government still has the purpose of coming up with substantive clauses that contribute to a consensus that leads to its approval.


 Mnt Goat 

 This is why we need them to issue the lower denominations. So, when they do reach around 1000 program rate (probably more like just under 1000) they plan to drop the zeros. The rate then changes by just moving the decimal place over by 3..

.It is really that simple...this in-country RV rate will not remain long. They will then move to FOREX after waiting a period of time as they “adjust for inflation”, which they are now doing. This is right out of Dr Shabibi’s plan. In each country, for instance the USA, will have an exchange rate for the dinar based on their economy and currency being exchanged.

The IMF and the CBI told us years ago they are not going to swap out the 3 zeros notes for the newer lower denominations at a fraction of the value. 

The 3 notes will be “legal tender” for up to 10 years but not in general circulation and used primarily for interbank transactions...The banks call this “public” vs “institutional” use. 

 I presented scenarios to you in the past about the rate of these 3 zero notes...the rate is already close to 1:1 only they added 3 zeros to the currency.  By adding these three zeros it circumvents any real profit for us investors until they delete the zeros and issue the newer notes.  

Our 3 zero notes then will still be valid currency, thus we multiply the new rate times the notes face value. 

On High Alert? New Exchange Rate!💣WTO Ascension!🤔Iraq Dinar RV Updates |...



Today, Sunday, the head of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Atwan Al-Atwani, revealed the most important things that were agreed upon during the committee’s hosting of the Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, while indicating his assertion that the stability of the exchange rate takes place with the commitment to purchase from the government platform.
Al-Atwani said in a statement to the official agency, followed by “NAS”, (August 27, 2023), that “it was agreed during the hosting to form a joint committee from the Finance Committee and the competent staff at the Central Bank to study the revival and support of the housing loan initiative and ensure the permanence and continuity of its financing in a way that enhances economic stability and achieves sustainable development”.
He added, “The governor of the central bank affirmed his efforts to reach a state of stability in the exchange rates of the dollar by committing to buying from the government platform.”
And the Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed in a statement issued by it that it discussed with Al-Alaq the Central Bank’s initiative to grant citizens loans to solve the housing crisis, as well as the exchange rate file.
The statement said that “Al-Atwani praised during the hosting the role of the Central Bank in financing loans related to solving the housing crisis in the country, with the aim of facilitating the investment sector, economic movement and employment,” noting that “the suspension of the initiative affects the economic aspect and job opportunities, with the increasing need for housing units, Which requires conducting a feasibility study to reach an appropriate formula that meets the citizen’s needs.
The statement quoted Al-Alaq as explaining the reasons that led to the suspension of the initiative, adding that “money has been allocated to the Real Estate Bank and the Housing Fund with the aim of achieving economic activity and launching the initiative,” while he indicated that “the bank deals with the file with an in-depth study in order to control the monetary mass in accordance with the policy.” Finance, stressing the need to increase capital and support the Central Bank to continue initiatives.
According to the statement, the hosting discussed the exchange rate of the dinar against the dollar, as well as tax procedures on products imported through the ports.

Dinar RV Breaking News🔥Revealed: Iraq & Turkey Increase Trade Exchange &...

The Decline In The Exchange Rate In Baghdad And Erbil With The Closing Of The Stock Exchange, 30 AUGUST

 The Decline In The Exchange Rate In Baghdad And Erbil With The Closing Of The Stock Exchange

Economy   Tuesday, August 29, 2023  Baghdad / The National News Center  The prices of the US dollar fell against the Iraqi dinar, today, Tuesday, in the markets of Baghdad and Erbil, with the closing of the stock exchange.

The correspondent of the National News Center said, “The dollar prices decreased with the closure of the main Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya stock exchanges in Baghdad, to record 153,300 Iraqi dinars against 100 dollars, while the prices this morning were 153,800 dinars.”

He added, "The selling prices in exchange shops in the local markets in Baghdad decreased, as the selling price reached 154,250 dinars, while the purchase price reached 152,250 dinars for every 100 dollars."

In Erbil, the dollar also recorded a decline, as the selling price reached 153,850 dinars for every 100 dollars, and the purchase price was 153,750 dinars for 100 dollars.

Central Bank Sales Amounted To More Than 195.9 Million Dollars

Economy News-Baghdad   Today, Tuesday, the sales of the Central Bank of Iraq in the foreign currency sale window amounted to more than 195.9 million dollars.

The Central Bank's website published a schedule of its dollar sales, and "Al-Iqtisad News" reviewed it, as it included the participation of 26 banks and 132 exchange companies, and covered external transfer requests of $157.8 million, while cash requests amounted to more than $38.1 million.

And the Central Bank of Iraq sells the dollar for documentary credits and international settlements of electronic cards at a price of 1305 dinars per dollar, per dollar for documentary credits and international settlements of electronic cards and at a price of 1310 dinars per dollar for external transfers and at a price of 1310 dinars per dollar in cash. 40 views  08/29/2023 -

Coffee with MarkZ and Andy Schectman. 08/30/2023



On Saturday (August 26, 2023), the expert in economic affairs, Mustafa Akram Hantoush, confirmed the difficulty of canceling dealing in dollars, especially since Iraq imports everything in hard currency .
Hantoush told “Baghdad Today” that “the government’s tendency to sell cars in Iraqi dinars instead of US dollars is very difficult from a practical point of view, despite the government’s attempt to impose pledges on exhibition owners and carry out a massive arrest campaign. “
He added, “The decision is practically difficult to implement, since the car trade passes through a global market that deals in hard currency, because we do not have the possibility of manufacturing cars inside Iraq, and we only have the Mahmoudiya factory .”
He pointed out that “large quantities of cars are imported from abroad and in the currency of the dollar, and therefore they are priced in hard currency, and even if they are priced in dinars, this will be done on the basis of the last price of the dollar, and therefore the citizen will not benefit anything from the process of selling cars in dinars. “
And that “the central bank is trying to strengthen the currency by reducing access to the dollar by traders only .”
The government is trying to control the continuing rise in the exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar in the market, about seven months after its official decision to raise the value of the Iraqi dinar at a price of 1320 per dollar .
The government had taken a decision last February to raise the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar, after its price at the end of 2020 reached 1,470 dinars per dollar. It was implemented by the previous government to bridge the deficit in expenditures and salaries due to the drop in oil prices in global markets .
The dollar is forbidden
The Ministry of the Interior prevented merchants and citizens from dealing in dollars in markets and shops, and restricted transactions to Iraqi dinars.
It seems that the security solution to the rise in the price of the dollar in the parallel market inside Iraq did not achieve any significant results, but rather complicated the economic scene and led in part to a rise in prices in the Iraqi markets.
Economic specialists point out that the market requires many measures to maintain the stability of the currency, most notably preventing smuggling.


 Frank26 (KTFA)

1320 is not the official rate…that’s just the street rate…They told you very plainly 1132 is the official exchange rate today.  I’m not saying they’re using 2 exchange rates.  That’s against the law.  But there’s nothing against the law to have two sets of books.  The CBI website may show 1320 but IMO the economic reforms are at a different rate with permission to do so.  

[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]

FIREFLY: TV says Iran and Iraq agree to disarm and get rid of the militant groups in the KRI.  This leads to better stability.

FRANK: Are you kidding me?  I never thought I’d live long enough to see Iran say they are willing to disarm in order to work with Iraq…This is stability at its highest form, which is exactly what the monetary reform needs. 

FIREFLY: Meeting with the World Bank...They talked about wanting…external transfers made up of international standards…They said it was about banking reforms.  And they’re also saying how important it is for citizens to join this new platform.  This will be set up to ensure citizens are receiving all they are entitled.

FRANK: …You’re seeing it unfold before your eyes right now…you know what you’re entitled to?  A new exchange rate and new currency.


 Global Currency Reset:

  • Tues. 29 Aug. Bruce: Bond Holder emails should come out Wed. 29 Aug. with access to funds on Thurs. 30 Aug. Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) will be notified to set redemption/exchange appointments within 24 hours of Bond Holder notification. On Tues. 29 Aug. a Treasury person on a Zoom call said Tier4b should be notified to set appointments on Wed. 30 Aug. or Thurs. 31 Aug. and start exchanges on Thurs. 31 Aug. or Fri. 1 Sept.
  • Tues. 29 Aug. MarkZ: Bond people still expect contracts Tues. 29 Aug. evening. On Fri. night 25 Aug. a couple of humanitarian projects received full funding.
  • Tues. 29 Aug. RayRen98: “Agency folk are on High Alert supposedly through the night. I have a feeling that tonight’s gonna be a good night.”
  • Mon. 28 Aug. TNT: Everyone is back on track and ready to go waiting on the Green light. All currencies were scheduled to go between now and Fri. 1 Sept.
  • Mon. 28 Aug. Texas Snake:  On Wed. 30 Aug, very positive news about appointment notifications possibly being released. A banker was told to have all his trained exchange personnel at their exchange locations starting Wednesday and forth going.
  • Charlie Ward: “Months ago everything was completed for the Global Currency Reset, it just hasn’t been announced. The BRICS nations, BRICS bank and QFS have been fully trading in gold-backed digital currency for 8-9 months.”
  • Wolverine claimed that on Fri. 18 Aug. Wells Fargo Bank received the cash release codes and the global launch of the funds took place across the Planet, marking the beginning of the registered global asset redemption program.
  • The Global Currency Reset appeared to be announced on Tues. 22 Aug. 2023 whenthe BRICS Summit launched BRICS Pay, a decentralized multicurrency digital international payments system.
  • BRICS-Pay has just been announced for merchants and end customers worldwide! So far, it still looks like a normal payment service provider. It only gets interesting when your own new gold-backed currency is added. I’m not sure there will be a bang overnight and the old money system will shut down and only the new money system will run. There’s also some evidence that there could be a couple of years of transition with both systems. Just let the people and the competition decide. This would give providers the opportunity to integrate this service into websites and POS systems without crippling trade and the global economy for weeks to months overnight.


 Tues. 29 Aug. 2023 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866pin123456#, 667-770-1865

  • Bond Holder emails should come out Wed. 29 Aug. with access to funds on Thurs. 30 Aug.
  • Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) will be notified to set redemption/exchange appointments within 24 hours of Bond Holder notification.
  • On Tues. 29 Aug. a Treasury person on a Zoom call said Tier4b should be notified to set appointments on Wed. 30 Aug. or Thurs. 31 Aug. and start exchanges on Thurs. 31 Aug. or Fri. 1 Sept.
  • The Biden Administration will be removed when the RV is activated.
  • The new administration will be coming in at the same time as NESARA/GESARA, which could happen the first of Sept.
  • The EBS system should be activated on Oct. 1
  • Some form of announcement of the gold/asset-backed US Note should kick in on Fri. 1 Sept.
  • On Fri. 1 Sept. the Quantum Financial System will be fully integrated.
  • Online accounts: change passwords by Fri. or Sat. 1, 2 Sept. because when accounts are integrated into the QFS the old passwords won’t work.

What does “financial inclusion” mean? BY MNT GOAT, 18 SEPT

BY 48.5%.. BANKS ASSOCIATION: FINANCIAL INCLUSION IN IRAQ HAS INCREASED (What does “financial inclusion” mean? Shame on you if you don’t kno...