Tuesday, September 5, 2023

The "shifting sands" define the features of the "profound" changes in the Greater Middle East, 5 SEPT

The "shifting sands" define the features of the "profound" changes in the Greater Middle East


The International Monetary Fund confirmed that the Greater Middle East, including in Iraq, which usually suffers from endless conflicts, is currently witnessing a profound shift in geopolitics, creating new possibilities for achieving prosperity, even despite the current international conflicts. 

In an opinion article on the International Monetary Fund's website under the title "Quicksand", translated by Shafaq News Agency, he indicated that the Middle East is usually seen as an arena of endless conflict where regional players compete to achieve their supremacy, while young people struggle against authoritarian rule and faltering economies, but Despite the many challenges facing the region, from the Iranian nuclear program to the raging conflicts in the Palestinian territories, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Syria and Yemen, recent developments indicate that the status of the Middle East in the world is undergoing a profound change. 

The report was considered; There are "pivotal shifts in regional politics," referring in this context to the Abraham Accords between Israel and a group of Arab countries in 2020, and the recent rapprochement between Iran and Saudi Arabia, explaining that the most important motive for this change is the shift in the United States' view of the Middle East. 

The report added that since the Iranian revolution in 1979, the United States has been considered the mainstay of the security structure in the region, referring to Washington's previous efforts to contain Iran first and then Iraq after the invasion of Kuwait, and to its focus after the September 11 attacks on "war Global on Terrorism” in the region, including the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the interventions in Libya and Syria. 

He added that since reaching that peak in intervention and commitment, the United States has shifted its attention towards other global priorities, most notably managing China's rise.

He pointed out that Washington is no longer keen to get involved in the conflicts in the Middle East, as is evident to its friends and enemies in the region, adding that the US wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya ended badly, just as the US influence in the conflicts in Syria and Yemen was limited, noting that Although Washington continues to seek to contain Iran, this is not for the purpose of direct confrontation.

According to the report, this means that the Middle East must envision its own security and manage it by itself to a greater extent. Therefore, in the absence of strict US security guarantees, regional powers consider it wise to mitigate threats and reduce tensions with their adversaries through diplomacy and greater economic engagement. 

Therefore, the report says that this is what prompted Saudi Arabia and the UAE to reform their relations with Qatar and restore relations with Turkey and Iraq, and more recently with Iran and Syria, adding that, according to the same approach, the Abraham Accords were achieved and engagement between Israel and Saudi Arabia was strengthened, and while the Gulf monarchies invest in Israel, Iraq and Turkey Iran and Syria may come to these investments later. 

Integration not confrontation 

The report stated that the retreat of the walls of the chasm since the Arab Spring in 2011 and the Iranian nuclear agreement in 2015 will benefit the countries stuck in the middle, from Lebanon and Iraq in the Levant, to Qatar and the Sultanate of Oman in the Gulf.

He added that the promotion of trade and investment is another important result, as both Saudi Arabia and the UAE are investing in Turkey and Iraq, while the UAE's trade with Iran has increased over the past two years, and Saudi Arabia has indicated that it may invest in Iran if the two countries can normalize relations. 

The report also pointed to the large investment in a trade corridor linking the Gulf to the Mediterranean, with roads and railways linking Oman with Saudi Arabia and then to Iraq, Jordan, Syria and Turkey, with side links with Iran and Israel. 

He added that although the United States is not keen on including Iran in these projects, it supports broader communication between the Gulf, the Levant and India to limit China's role in the region and integrate the Gulf into its Asian strategy.

However, the report saw that as far as this vision may seem from realization, and that there are great obstacles in front of it, the most important of which is the fate of Syria, it confirms the extent to which the geostrategic reality in the region has reached, as the Middle East has come to imagine economic integration instead of confrontation. . 

He pointed out that it was security concerns that constituted an obstacle to such a project, but it has become possible to think of a future that is not different from Southeast Asia at the present time, and to see economic integration as a solution to ongoing security concerns, adding that even the United States itself has become aware of the advantage. The strategy is to promote an economic vision for the region.

The report stated that the two most ambitious powers in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, aspire to be prominent players in the global economy, and for this they need security to build service industries, attract investment and play the role of the economic center of the region. The report called for taking into consideration that India today is the UAE's largest trading partner, while China and East Asia play an important role in this emerging economic vision. China is also Saudi Arabia's largest energy partner, and its investments in the Kingdom exceed those of all other countries. 

In addition, China's economic relations with other Gulf countries, and with Iran, Iraq, Egypt and Pakistan, are also growing, and China has invested more than $56 billion in Pakistan as part of the "Belt and Road Initiative," and is negotiating similar investments in trade and infrastructure in Iran. The report indicated that for China, the Greater Middle East represents a very important part of its vision of Eurasia, which is the bloc that would link China's economy with Europe.

The report added that the Arabian Peninsula is of vital importance to East Asian trade with Africa and Europe, and Iran and Pakistan form two unique passages linking Europe on the one hand and the Arabian Sea on the other with China through Central Asia or by land to the Chinese region of Xinjiang. 

The report stated that while the United States has turned its sights away from the Middle East towards Asia, China is now looking west towards the Middle East, adding that this coupling between the changing interests of the first great powers in the world represents the most important change in the geopolitics of the Middle East in decades. Referring to Beijing's role in normalizing relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia, and its contribution to creating an atmosphere of greater economic interdependence within the region.

According to the report, Russia's war in Ukraine reinforced this geostrategic shift, noting that Russia was already deeply involved in the Middle East through its intervention in the Syrian civil war and the oil production agreement with Saudi Arabia and OPEC. The report added that while the Ukrainian war reduced Russian interference in Syria, it deepened Moscow's relations with Tehran, more clearly in the military arena. 

However, the report saw that Russian dependence on Iran reaches far beyond military supplies, as Russia is increasingly looking forward to a transit corridor that extends from the port of Astrakhan on the Caspian Sea, passing through Iran, to the port of Chabahar on the Arabian Sea, for trade with the world, adding that the growing Russian trade, Important to Iran's cash-strapped economy, it also linked Iran to port cities on the southern shores of the Gulf, which are part of Russia's emerging trade network.

new pipelines

The report considered that the same dynamic applies in North Africa and the Levant, but here it is driven by Europe's reaction to the Russian aggression, explaining that in light of reducing Europe's dependence on Russian oil and gas, it will certainly depend more on energy imports from North Africa and the East. The Middle East, the Caucasus, and Central Asia, which will have an impact on Algeria and Egypt, the gas producers in the region. 

However, the broader effects of this on economic integration across the Mediterranean will be in favor of Morocco and Tunisia, which have been at the forefront of supply chains serving European economies. 

He added that Turkey believes that the future will be through a transit center for energy pipelines coming from the south and east to Europe in the west, indicating that Saudi Arabia and Qatar are considering extending pipelines to transport their own oil and gas, in addition to Iraqi oil and gas, to this Turkish energy center. . 

However, the report notes that these plans depend on resolving conflicts within and between these countries, considering that this is not impossible, and recalling in this context that Lebanon and Israel signed in November 2022 (with Hezbollah's approval) a historic agreement defining their borders at sea. Mediterranean, a necessary precursor to the development of their respective gas fields, noting that the United States helped negotiate this deal. 

Reflecting these emerging trends, he said, Washington hopes to replace its old order in the region with one that connects India to the Gulf and Israel through a network of ports, roads and railways, an American vision aimed in part at containing Iran and China. 

The report concluded by saying that to the extent that this vision depends on economic relations, it will also emphasize the new geopolitical reality in the region. He concluded by saying that, as has happened so often throughout history, the competition between the great powers will contribute to shaping the future of the Greater Middle East, but this time they are working to link these countries together economically instead of tearing them apart, which will open up new possibilities for Region.   LINK

Iraq maintains its credit rating with a stable outlook, 5 SEPT

Iraq maintains its credit rating with a stable outlook

A recent report by Standard & Poor’s Credit Rating Agency (S&P) states that Iraq’s credit rating has been maintained at B- / B, with a stable outlook, highlighting its financial and economic stability.

The Iraqi Ministry of Finance approved a report and the results were distributed in a statement. The report stated that the new classification was a reflection of the Ministry’s continuous economic and financial reforms, as well as its efforts to maintain foreign currency reserves that exceed the external public debt. The statement also mentioned that the Ministry has been fulfilling its external financial obligations due to the stability of crude oil prices.

The statement explains that the report used several indicators to classify the situation. The most important of these indicators were the Iraqi parliament’s approval of the tripartite budget for the years 2023, 2024, and 2025. This budget aims to revive infrastructure projects and economic needs. Additionally, the formation of the government by the end of 2022 has led to a state of political stability.

The report stated that there is a prediction of a significant surplus in Iraq’s current account, which is in line with economic expectations. This surplus will further strengthen Iraq’s foreign currency reserves, which will enhance its ability to service its debt in the next 12 months.

The agency is predicting an annual economic growth rate of 2.6% for the years 2023-2026. This growth is expected to be driven by an increase in oil production and its positive impact on non-oil industries. Furthermore, it is expected that the annual inflation rate will decrease to 4% in July 2023, down from 5-6% during the years 2021 and 2022. This reduction can be attributed to the government’s measures to revalue the currency, control prices, and support food and energy prices.

The agency’s report suggested that Iraq’s credit rating could improve if the country experiences high economic growth, diversifies its public financial revenues from both oil and non-oil sources, increases the per capita share of national income, and consistently implements financial and economic policy reforms.

Iraqi DinaršŸ”„Big Change In Rate Of Iraqi Dinar We Are Looking for Today ...



No, there is no RV as of yet. I can certainly tell you the CBI knows nothing about any recent plan to RV or conduct the project to delete the zeros. I know it’s not what we want to here at this point, but it is reality…sorry. Also remember that Obama’s plan for the redevelopment of Iraq, in part is very unfair to the Iraqi people, as they suffer with inflation due the dollar crisis and low Iraqi dinar rate. The Obama plan is a subjective one meaning who sets the criteria and what are the target dates? Obama is not out of office and so who is still following his outdated plan for Iraq? Why did Dr Shabibi want to reinstate the dinar way back on 2012-2013 and was abruptly stopped due to Nori al-Maliki’s corruption at the CBI? Iraq hadn’t developed their economy yet. You see, Dr Shabibi understood the importance of getting the currency reform completed as early as possible as we are now witnessing the hazards of waiting this long. How could he do it then and the CBI not now?

You get my point? So, anything is possible. Yes, the impossible could happen, but I doubt it until the corruption in the U.S. is cleaned up. What do our prophets say about this too. 

So, all we can do now is watch for the economy to grow and the reconstruction to take place. The funding of the budget now is also key as I told you I believe that when they start dispensing the actual money, they will want the value of the dinar at the right value. We can also follow the prophetic word to see what God is doing to America and this gives us hope. We must persevere in our daily prayers and continue to fight. WE must pray for the Iraqi people. There are some really good words from prophet Hank Kunnerman today in this regard and I hope everyone will listen to what he has to say. 

Some intel gurus want you to believe the “official” dinar rate is now set at 1130 and the CBI has not yet changed their site. This is not true, however I believe this is their next target rate and maybe the last rate change prior to moving ahead once again aggressively with the plan for the reinstatement. Seems this dollar issue has stalled their plan for now but they will overcome it as they always do but it takes time. 

So, what is new in Iraqi news? 

The news today is all about rebuilding Iraq and exploiting the areas of concern that have potential and could bring in huge amounts of revenue to the country. Such areas are the Customs and Tariffs and the Tourism industries. Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani sponsored, on Sunday, the signing of a pioneering agreement with the International Finance Corporation / IFC, to develop and rehabilitate Baghdad International Airport, where the Director General of the Civil Aviation Authority signed on the Iraqi side. They will need these airports to bring in the tourists. I already showed you some of the significant tourist attractions and museums. But I only touched the surface. Iraq is an amazing country. Thre is so much more. 

The researcher in economic affairs, Hashem Al-Baydani, confirmed, on Friday, that the unemployment rate will be significantly reduced in the event of proper planning for development path projects, pointing out that the revenues of this path can reduce dependence on oil as a source of financing the budget.


Mnangagwa Hints At Strengthening The Zimbabwean Dolla, 5 SEPT

  Mnangagwa Hints At Strengthening The Zimbabwean Dollar | Pindula (9/5/23)

President Emmerson Mnangagwa, during his inauguration and swearing-in for his final term as Zimbabwe’s President, highlighted the significance of a national currency for development. While not explicitly mentioned, his remarks hinted at a preference for the Zimbabwean dollar as the sole currency. Additionally, he indicated a focus on utilizing internal resources to foster economic growth. The future of the United States dollar in the country’s currency system remains unclear. He said:

Comrades and Friends; 

The past five years have delivered valuable lessons on our intricate economy, especially the fact that a national currency that is supported by a vibrant productive sector is indispensable to sustainable development. No country has ever developed without its own currency. Further, we can only develop and grow the economy based on our own internal resources.

I urge us all to believe in ourselves and our abilities, as Zimbabweans and Africans. Development and national prosperity based on what we have is more sustainable and durable. We must take pride in who we are and what we can do for ourselves. 

The numerous mineral resources in our country must be sustainably exploited to leap-frog our industrialisation and development. The lives of our citizens and the fortunes of our country as a whole must be improved. We expect nothing less.

Our economy must realise maximum benefits from increased beneficiation and value addition. As such, my new Administration, through the Responsible Mining Initiative, will ensure greater stewardship over our finite natural resources. These must benefit both present and future generations.

During his speech, President Mnangagwa did not discuss the involvement of the African Development Bank (AfDB) in debt arrears or restructuring. Zimbabwe’s consolidated debt as of June 2023 amounted to $17.5 billion, with $14.04 billion owed to international creditors and $3.4 billion in domestic debt. The country is in arrears with multilateral development banks, including the AfDB. Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube said Zimbabwe aims to clear foreign debt by December 2025 to access new lines of credit for economic revitalization. The majority of the multilateral debt comprises arrears and penalties for non-payment.

Some context on Currencies:

Zimbabwe adopted a multi-currency system in 2009 as its national currency, the Zimbabwean dollar, faced hyperinflation and devaluation. The system allowed the use of foreign currencies such as the US dollar, South African rand, and Botswana pula as legal tender. While it provided some stability, challenges like limited access to smaller denominations and reliance on external economies emerged. In 2019, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe reintroduced the Zimbabwean dollar as the sole legal tender, discontinuing the use of foreign currencies for most transactions.

 However, the reintroduction has brought its own challenges, including inflation and currency instability. This forced the authorities to allow the use of the United States dollar together with the local currency albeit making it clear they would prefer having the Zimbabwe dollar as the sole legal tender.

Government critics including former Finance Minister Tendai Biti, argue that Zimbabwe should abandon the local currency due to its premature reintroduction without meeting the necessary prerequisites for sustainability. They propose using the US dollar as the sole legal tender until the prerequisites for reintroducing the Zimbabwean dollar are fulfilled.

These critics believe that the public lost faith in the governance of the ZANU PF government, leading to a lack of confidence in the local currency, which they predict will continue to depreciate until governance issues are addressed. 


Podcast Where to Find Value Stocks Value Investor Podcast

Iraq Achieves The Highest Trade Surplus In History.. An Expert Summarizes The Reasons And Clarifies The "Restrictions", 5 SEPT

 Iraq Achieves The Highest Trade Surplus In History.. An Expert Summarizes The Reasons And Clarifies The "Restrictions" - Urgent

Baghdad today - follow-up    Today, Monday (September 4, 2023), economist Nabil Al-Marsoumi announced that Iraq achieved the highest trade surplus in the past year 2022, while he indicated that the trade surplus had increased unrelated to reform.

In his post, Al-Marsawi outlined the reasons for Iraq achieving the highest trade surplus in the past year, pointing out that the surplus is "the difference between merchandise exports and imports."

And he continued, "The surplus achieved for the year 2022, over the course of the history of the oil industry, which is close to a hundred years old, as the surplus amounted to 53.54 billion dollars due to the increase in oil exports in 2022 to about 120 billion dollars, of which 115 billion dollars came from crude oil exports, and 5 billion dollars most of it." of black oil exports.

Al-Marsoumi added, "This means that the increase in the trade surplus in Iraq has nothing to do with reform, development, diversification of the economy, or any self-efforts, but rather is linked to an external variable, which is oil prices, whose annual rate in 2022 reached more than $95 a barrel."

 Trade Surplus

In addition, statistics conducted by the German company  Statista , which specializes in market and consumer data, today, Monday (September 4, 2023), revealed that Iraq achieved the largest trade surplus for the past year 2022 over the past ten years.

The trade balance indicates the differences in imports and exports of goods in the country during the year. If the value of its exports during a period exceeds the value of its imports, it is called a surplus in the trade balance. If the total value of imports exceeds the total value of exports, it is called a deficit in the trade balance.

And the company stated in a table it published today, that Iraq achieved the highest trade surplus for goods in 2022 over the past ten years, as the surplus last year amounted to $53.54 billion, up by 64% from 2021, when the trade surplus for goods in that year reached $20.08 billion.

He pointed out that Iraq achieved a deficit in its trade balance for two years, the first in 2020, when the deficit amounted to 4.11 billion dollars, and the second in 2015, when the trade deficit amounted to 0.94 billion dollars.

And the report continued, while in 2019 the balance achieved a trade surplus of $16.62 billion, in 2018 the trade surplus reached $35.95 billion, and the trade surplus in 2017 reached $15.1 billion, indicating that the trade surplus in 2012 amounted to $35.39 billion.

 Oil Export

And Iraq had achieved during the past year (2022) financial revenues of more than 115 billion dollars from the export of crude oil, to be the highest in years, according to official figures announced by the Iraqi Ministry of Oil.

According to those figures, the daily export rate amounted to 3,320,000 barrels, which is a total of one billion, 211,800,000 barrels for a full year.


And about the repercussions of these financial revenues on the economy and the citizen, and their impact on resolving the economic crises facing the country, whose budget depends more than 95% on oil sales, the financial advisor to the Iraqi government, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, says that these revenues were subject to two restrictions in financial behavior due to the absence of the budget law for the year 2022:

The first is by adhering to Article 13 of the amended Financial Management Law No. 6 of 2019, which requires spending 1/12 of the total actual ongoing or current expenditures in the previous budget estimated at 115 trillion dinars ($70 billion).

The second restriction refers to the allocations contained in the Emergency Law for Food Security and Development No. 2 of 2022, amounting to 25 trillion dinars ($17 billion), which means that the total expenditures for 2022 amount to 140 trillion dinars ($88 billion).

Saleh explains that the remaining financial surplus from the 2022 revenues is 27 trillion dinars ($18.5 billion), and it will be an opening balance in the 2023 budget.

Sovereign Fund

For his part, the economic academic at the University of Baghdad, Ali Dadoush, stresses the need to invest the financial surplus in developing industry and agriculture and supporting the foundations of the real private sector, to operate factories and factories and produce locally manufactured goods and services, in conjunction with the gradual re-imposition of taxes on goods that are produced locally, in line with Activating the role of oversight and preventing the removal of locally produced commodities and keeping them within prices equal to or a margin lower than the prices of competing foreign commodities.

Dadush added, "All of the aforementioned is achieved through the method of balancing programs and performance with the establishment of the sovereign fund," which he considers "the first step towards diversifying the sources of the Iraqi economy."

The academic indicated that this guarantees the solution of several problems rooted in the Iraqi economy, such as unemployment and corruption, in both its financial and administrative aspects, the imbalance of the trade balance and the smuggling of foreign currency abroad.

Source: "Baghdad Today - Agencies"   LINK


 MilitiaMan (KTFA)

I wrapped up this week talking about all the progress that has been made. What has been done since January. Big things like joining the World Trade organization as an observer status…which has been ongoing since 2004…in February to August  we see they are gearing up for full ascension to the WTO and this is a big deal. They will be out in the world economy again and in the global financial system.

 My understanding is they have the security and stability in the country…enough that  we can see  all the countries making deals and doing things with Iraq. …Iraq is going to make a lot of money…once they have an article 8 exchange rate …that is required…For full ascension…all of us will have a different venue in a short period of time.

“Deal with the International Finance Corporation for the development and rehabilitation of the Baghdad International Airport”

It’s going to be just like the Saudi Arabia International Airport, Los Angeles International Airport.  It’s going be a big hub and they’re gateway to the country…It shows a sign of sovereignty …internationalism …it’s a massive thing…When it says it’s going to qualify Baghdad as an international airport, it comes will a lot of different things.  We’re not talking about an international currency at 1310.  It doesn’t work that way

Iraq is ready to go international.  What we're hoping and praying for is they show us an Article VIII compliant exchange rate and show us their new currency they're going to be using in the near future.  I think those new small category notes that were printed back in 2018 need to get exposed to the world...

Dinar RV News TodayšŸ”„A Large Development Project in Iraq to Play a Pivota...

What does it mean to achieve Iraq’s largest trade surplus? Government advisor answers, 5 SEPT

 What does it mean to achieve Iraq’s largest trade surplus? Government advisor answers

2023-09-04 05:14
What does it mean to achieve Iraqs largest trade surplus - Government advisor answersShafaq News/ The financial and economic advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, commented today, Monday, on Iraq achieving the largest trade surplus in 2022 over a period of ten years, and said that it achieves 3 main goals.
Today, Monday, a statistic conducted by the German company Statista, which specializes in market and consumer data, revealed that Iraq achieved the largest trade surplus for the past year 2022 over the past ten years.
Saleh explained to Shafaq News Agency, “The importance of the increase in the surplus in the current account comes in relation to the gross domestic product in its positive role in strengthening the means of economic stability represented by the stability of the general level of prices, which are the country’s foreign reserves, which are a lever for stability and a tool in monetary policy to combat harmful inflationary activities.” in order to ensure the purchasing power of cash incomes.
He added, “The high percentage of the surplus, in the current account of the balance of payments to the gross domestic product, provides the financing capacity towards achieving sustainability in investment spending, which is the basis for targeted economic growth without expanding external borrowing.”
He pointed out that “the increase in the aforementioned surplus rate at the level of financial stability and balance is an important and major step towards achieving the so-called (fiscal discipline), which is based in its most important pillars on reducing external public debt and what requires a subsequent step required by fiscal policy in the field of imposing discipline, which is reducing the gap The deficit in the general budget and the movement towards a balanced budget, as reducing public debt and reducing the deficit are considered the most important pillars of financial discipline or what is called fiscal consolidation.
The financial and economic advisor to the Prime Minister concluded by saying, “The surplus proceeds in the current account of the balance of payments achieve three main goals, which are (price stability, stability, financial balance, and finally targeted economic growth).”
The trade balance indicates the differences in imports and exports of goods in the country during the year. If the value of its exports during a period exceeds the value of its imports, it is called a surplus in the trade balance. If the total value of imports exceeds the total value of exports, it is called a deficit in the trade balance.
According to the German company statista, Iraq achieved the highest trade surplus for goods in 2022 over the past ten years, as the surplus last year amounted to $53.54 billion, up by 64% from 2021, when the trade surplus for goods in that year reached $20.08 billion.
She explained that Iraq achieved a deficit in its trade balance for two years, the first in 2020, when the deficit amounted to 4.11 billion dollars, and the second in 2015, when the trade deficit amounted to 0.94 billion dollars.
And the report continued, while in 2019 the balance achieved a trade surplus amounting to 16.62 billion dollars, in 2018 the trade surplus reached 35.95 billion dollars, and the trade surplus in 2017 reached 15.1 billion dollars, indicating that the trade surplus in 2012 amounted to 35.39 billion dollars.
And Iraq had achieved during the past year (2022) financial revenues of more than 115 billion dollars from the export of crude oil, to be the highest in years, according to official figures announced by the Iraqi Ministry of Oil.
According to those figures, the daily export rate reached 3,320,000 barrels, which is a total of one billion, 211,800,000 barrels for a full year.

Three Investments That Put Your Money to Work With Less Risk, 5 SEPT

 Editor’s note: This is part three of a five-part series on supplemental income streams in retirement. Part one, Could Supplemental Income Strategies Work for Your Retirement?, is an introduction to the series. Part two: A Managed Account Offers Optimization and Tax Efficiency. Part three: Annuities Provide Peace of Mind and Lifetime Income. Part five, about putting the cash in your emergency fund to work, arrives on Tuesday, Sept. 12.

As you near the end of your prime earning years, it can be harder to confidently weather fluctuations in the markets. Still, you may be unwilling to give up your retirement assets’ power to grow. Shifting assets to safer classes of investments may be an effective strategy for supplementing your retirement income without sacrificing the safety of your principal investment.

When looking for the most reliable way to grow investable assets, most people turn to the stock market. With an average annual return over the last 50 years of 10%, investing in the market is a great way to help grow your principal retirement assets — when you have time on your side. But as you near retirement, your investments become more susceptible to short-term market dips and may leave you with little time to recover losses. There are less-risky investment classes and financial products that can still put your money to work while hedging against swings in the market. Here are some of them:

Government-backed Treasuries

One of the safest investments during periods of market volatility or high inflationare government-backed Treasuries such as savings bonds and Treasury bills. Treasuries are backed by the U.S. government and can be purchased to mature at varying intervals from as little as a few months to several decades. While you shouldn’t expect a rate of return comparable to most stocks, government Treasuries — in most cases — will at minimum keep pace with inflation and can even be smarter investments as interest rates rise to bring inflation down.

The barrier for entry in Treasury securities is also low, with bonds available in a variety of denominations at or above $1,000. In the event you have a need for immediate cash, government bonds may be sold for at least the value you purchased them for — but you’ll miss out on the bond’s maturity value and any future interest payments.

Despite their low risk, bonds are not always a perfect solution — particularly when the markets are stable. Because of their lower rate of return, investors should expect only modest gains, which means lost opportunity for more rewarding returns from other investments in good economic times. Also, while Treasury-backed bonds are typically non-callable — meaning the issuer cannot pay off the bond before it matures — other short-term bonds can be called, closing the investor off from additional interest payments.

Brokered CDs

Another potential consideration for investors looking for more predictable or lower-risk returns on investment is a brokered certificate of deposit (CD). A brokered CD differs from a traditional bank CD in that the investor purchases a portion of a larger bank CD from a brokerage firm. The brokered CD earns interest and has a maturity date just like a traditional CD, but also typically has higher yields for investors due to the larger underlying investment from the brokerage firm.

Brokered CDs can be advantageous options for investors who need flexibility with their investable assets. In the event that an investor needs access to their capital before the maturity date of the CD, brokered CDs often can be sold on the secondary market without the high penalty fee you’d pay to withdraw money from a bank CD.

While brokered CDs offer more flexibility and higher yields, they can be problematic for investors in a shifting interest rate environment. As rates rise, investors in a brokered CD may have difficulty selling their lower-interest investment on the secondary market. Conversely, if interest rates drop over the life of the CD, investors run the risk of their CD being called — recouping their principal investment but missing out on future interest earnings.

Short-duration fixed income

Another option for investors to consider: short-duration, fixed-income solutions. These products are offered as either short or ultra-short bonds. Common solutions in this category would be short-term corporate bonds, bond mutual funds or bond ETFs.

Short-duration fixed-income solutions offer investors a capital preservation strategy with strong liquidity, which generally provides a greater yield than the assets in your emergency fund, like money market or bank deposit sweep vehicles.

Fixed annuities

While not fully liquid, fixed annuities can also be a great option when looking to provide a fixed rate of return for a set period that can allow you to plan for sustained growth with certainty. Annuity products will also provide for tax deferral on earnings while the contract is in force, allowing for a more efficient means to accumulate and protect assets.

Often, fixed annuities also can include a return-of-premium feature, which allows the investor to surrender the policy while maintaining the invested principal. While some annuities may offer a return of premium, most contracts may be assessed a surrender penalty (or contingent deferred sales charge, or CDSC) if the policy is surrendered before the end of the required term, generally three to seven years.

Approaching retirement can mean it’s time to re-evaluate how you’re investing your money, but it doesn’t mean you have to pull your funds out of appreciating assets altogether. Working with your financial adviser to ladder these strategies can help provide liquidity at various intervals so you don’t need to surrender or sell before maturity.

Exploring investment opportunities that pay a fixed yield and may be quickly liquidated — such as bonds, brokered CDs and fixed annuities — may provide a worthwhile return on assets without the risk of a significant loss.

Next week, look for the last part of this five-part series, about low-risk, low-yield investment vehicles for your emergency fund.

Iraqi DinaršŸ”„Finally Iraq Ready To Go International Today 2023šŸ”„iraqi dina...


 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]


   EYES:  My Banker...says let me send you some emails...This Vietnam contract is real and a change is coming.  He tells me once that change occurs within 24/hours the Vietnamese dong will also change to be economically fair to both Iraq and Vietnam. 

 He says Vietnam has a lot of Iraqi dinars in reserves and Iraq has a lot of dongs in their reserves.  They will not take advantage of each other...When a financial change occurs it will affect both the VND and IQD.  This is a unilateral financial agreement...

Frank26 (KTFA)

…They wanted from 2003 to now to come up with a fair number.  My number would be $4.25.  But…I’m not going to be greedy.  As soon as I see that $3+ just like the rest of the Middle Eastern countries I’ll jump on that man!  Not all of it.  That’s the beauty.   Even if you only have 1 million dinars, exchange half and hold on to the other half.  Calculate.   You’re going to need a team..lawyers…advisers…your pastors…your family…seek council, make right decisions.  Because…you can only make this decision one time

When the rate is released in Iraq will it go international at the same time?”

Instantly it’s everywhere.  It will be national news.  If there’s a man on the moon, he’ll read about it.  If Hillary is on Mars, she’ll know about it.  Everybody, instantly.  You’ll wake up one morning and everybody will be talking about it.  Everybody will be saying, ‘You were right!’  That’s when it’s going to get tough on you.