Monday, October 2, 2023


Behind the scenes of the meeting of the Ministries of Finance and Planning with the governors: The Central Bank is in danger, 2 OCT

 Behind the scenes of the meeting of the Ministries of Finance and Planning with the governors: The Central Bank is in danger

On Monday, reliable sources reported that the Ministries of Finance and Planning had a candid meeting with the governors. The meeting revealed a looming threat to the Central Bank of Iraq.

According to sources interviewed by “Jarida”, the main issue in Iraq is not the lack of dollars, but rather the depreciation of the dinar. The government sells oil in dollars and then delivers those dollars to the central bank. The central bank, in turn, sells dollars to importers so they can buy goods and withdraw the Iraqi dinar from circulation. This causes the dinar to lose value, which is the root of the problem.

According to her statement, the Iraqi Central Bank transfers the funds received from the sale of the dollar to the government through the Ministry of Finance. This money is then utilized for various purposes, including paying salaries and funding projects. As a result, merchants receive money and their demand for dollars increases, thereby continuing the economic cycle.

She pointed out that the government owns the dollar resulting from the sale of oil in the central bank, but American restrictions prevent the central bank from selling it to merchants.

During a recent conversation, she pointed out that the volume of dollar sales made by the Central Bank during the current year does not even cover the budgeted salaries item. This implies that the Central Bank had to purchase dollars and cover the shortfall using its cash stock of dinars, which are about to expire.

Sources have warned that the Central Bank of Iraq will face a difficult and dangerous decision in the near future. The decision is whether to print more Iraqi dinars and introduce them into the market. If this is done, it will result in an increase in the money supply, leading to a rise in inflation and prices.

During a recent discussion, she mentioned that the government may not be able to fund projects in all governorates due to a lack of liquidity. This was confirmed by the Finance Committee’s meeting with the governors, who complained about the lack of funding. She also referred to the explosive budget proposed by the government.

Deputy: 11 countries want to invest in the path of development…the number will reach 50 soon, 2 OCT

 Deputy: 11 countries want to invest in the path of development…the number will reach 50 soon, 2 OCT

Representative Baqir Al-Saadi confirmed on Monday that 11 countries are interested in investing in development projects in Iraq.

During an interview, Al-Saadi emphasized that the development plan is not just a theoretical concept, but a practical reality. The Sudanese government aims to commence the first phase of the project within a few months, and it is a crucial initiative for Iraq’s economic progress.

During a recent statement, he mentioned that as many as 11 countries have expressed their interest in investing in the development of Iraqi road projects. The number of countries willing to invest may increase up to 50, provided the projects are initiated. He emphasized that the world is on the cusp of the development of an exceptional transportation line that will connect Southeast Asian and Indian Ocean countries to Europe via Iraq.

During his speech, he highlighted that the project has 15 significant benefits. These include financial returns, increased investment in building industrial cities and logistical support, job creation, and the development of a new transportation route within Iraq that can attract various international goods.

The Sudanese government announced the contents of the development road months ago. The road will provide a land and rail route to transport goods from the port of Al-Faw to Europe via Turkey.



  The Central Bank announced that approx 90% of the  currency transferred for imports was done electronically at the official rate, which is a good thing as it shows the implementation of the electronic platform is working.

Question: "What if anything is Iraq doing to reduce the note count...isn’t a reduction of the note count required before a float can occur?"   It's very difficult for Iraq to reduce their money supply due to the current monetary policy.  Remember, the currency auctions are a balance between dinars and dollars in order to maintain the exchange rate...Using dinar in international transactions would give them the freedom to unpeg and end auctions.  I think the most important thing for Iraq to do is to diversify their economy...

...In order for Iraq to go international they'll have to be IMF Article VIII compliant.  They're not close with a current market rate of 1152 which is over 18% from the official rate. Well out of compliance.

Evening News with MarkZ 10/02/2023

The Central Bank denies the scarcity of cash liquidity and describes its currency and gold reserves as “historic”, 2 OCT

 The Central Bank denies the scarcity of cash liquidity and describes its currency and gold reserves as “historic”


A source in the Central Bank of Iraq denied that there was a “scarcity” of cash liquidity in the country’s markets.

The source confirmed to Al-Furat News Agency: “There is no scarcity of cash, and cash is available despite the current policy, which is a contractionary policy, but cash is available.”

He pointed out that "the foreign reserves and gold at the Central Bank are at historical levels, and the electronic platform is open to anyone who wants to officially enter into buying the dollar at the official price."

Specialists in economic and financial affairs reported that despite the large size of the monetary supply, which amounts to (83) trillion dinars, there is a noticeable scarcity of cash liquidity from the Iraqi dinar in the commercial markets, explaining that this comes for several reasons, the first of which is mismanagement. 

The financial file in the country.

Professor of Economic Affairs, Jaafar Alloush, said in a press statement that “the problem of liquidity scarcity - if it exists - is linked to a number of factors, including the economy’s lack of monetary flexibility in managing public money, while official monetary indicators do not indicate the existence of a liquidity scarcity.” ". 

He explained, "The problem is that the largest portion of the issued currency is with the public, which accounts for 91.3% of the issued currency, amounting to more than 90.070 trillion Iraqi dinars of that currency outside the banking system, and despite the fact that this (huge) monetary mass is used for transaction purposes from... before the public and to carry out its daily economic activity, but it is outside the control of the monetary authorities.”

Raghad Dahham   LINK

Iraqi governorates face funding crisis amid delayed budget allocations, 2 OCT

 Iraqi governorates face funding crisis amid delayed budget allocations, 2 OCT

Shafaq News/ Member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Ikhlas Al-Dulaimi, highlighted the pressing issues confronting Iraqi governorates due to the delayed release of financial funding from the 2023 budget.

Speaking to Shafaq News Agency, Al-Dulaimi expressed deep concerns over the challenges faced by the governorates. She stated that despite the budget being prepared with 197 trillion dinars, the anticipated positive impact on service provision in the governorates has not materialized. 

"As the tenth month of the year progresses, there has been a failure to allocate any funding to the governorates, causing significant problems." She said.

Al-Dulaimi emphasized that the funding rate has not exceeded 2% thus far. The allocations have been minimal, leading to significant complexities for the governorates. Projects are often stalled, with even minor changes requiring projects to be returned to the Ministry of Planning and then to the governorate. 

"This lack of coordination between the Ministries of Finance and Planning has hindered project financing for the governorates."

She further highlighted the paradox where essential projects, such as water desalination, included in the general budget, have not been funded despite being in the year's final months.

On June 12, the Iraqi Parliament approved the financial budget for the three years (2023-2024-2025), totaling 198.9 trillion Iraqi dinars ($153 billion) each year. 

The budget is based on an oil price of $70 per barrel and projects oil exports of 3.5 million barrels per day.

The budget includes a significant increase in spending on public sector salaries, pensions, and social welfare programs. It also funds infrastructure projects, such as roads, bridges, and power plants.

The government has said that the budget aims to stimulate economic growth and create jobs. However, some critics have warned that the budget is too large and could lead to inflation and a budget deficit.

Caught in Crossfire: The Escalating PKK-Turkey Conflict and Its Implications for the Middle East, 2 OCT

Caught in Crossfire: The Escalating PKK-Turkey Conflict and Its Implications for the Middle East, 2 OCT

 The Kurdish Workers’ Party (PKK), a militant organization originating from Turkey, is once again at the forefront of geopolitical discourse following recent movements of its rebels into Iraq. This development forms a complex web of interaction, involving the PKK, Turkey, and the increasingly destabilized region of the Middle East. The continued conflict poses significant challenges for geopolitical stability and the fight against terrorism in the region.

Background: The PKK and Turkey’s Unending Strife

Formed in 1978 by Abdullah Ocalan, the PKK has been waging an insurgency against Turkish authorities since 1984, aiming for greater cultural and political rights and the establishment of an independent Kurdish state. The ongoing conflict has led to approximately 40,000 deaths. The PKK, along with other Kurdish groups, including the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) and the People’s Protection Unit (YPG), have intensified their agitation against the Turkish government, especially following the collapse of a two-year ceasefire in 2015.

Amid the escalating tension, Turkey’s President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has launched a series of military operations both within and outside the country. These actions were aimed at neutralizing the PKK and other terrorist elements, preventing attacks from Northern Iraq, and securing the country’s borders. The operations also extended to Syria, targeting the YPG and the self-declared Islamic State.

The PKK’s Expanding Reach: Iraq and Beyond

The PKK’s influence and operations are not limited to Turkey. Over the years, the group has established a presence in various parts of Iraq. In 2019, Turkey launched Operation Claw, a land and ground assault that enabled it to establish military bases in Iraqi territory. Turkey has since used these bases to plan attacks and airstrikes, including the testing of a new ballistic missile in Iraqi Kurdistan.

However, Turkey’s operations within Iraqi borders have not been without resistance. The Iraqi government has lodged complaints against Turkey for the violation of its sovereignty, and Kurdish forces have attacked Turkey’s bases. Amid the increasing tension, the PKK invited the Syrian army to defend Manbij and other areas, marking a significant shift in the dynamics of the conflict.

International Ramifications: A Brewing Crisis

The escalating conflict between Turkey and the PKK has far-reaching implications beyond the borders of the two countries. The possibility of the Kurds establishing an independent state in Syria amid the ongoing chaos could accelerate secessionist movements in other Kurdish areas of the Middle East. The heightened activity by Kurdish separatists also poses a growing concern for the United States and its allies, which designated the PKK a foreign terrorist organization in 1997.

Furthermore, the conflict has strained relations between the United States and Turkey. The Erdogan administration has been demanding the extradition of Fethullah Gülen, a Turkish political and religious leader in self-imposed exile in the United States. Simultaneously, the close relationship between the United States and Kurdish groups, coupled with the increasingly close relationship between Russia and Turkey, has added another layer of complexity to the geopolitical situation.

Looking Ahead: An Uncertain Future

As the conflict between Turkey and the PKK intensifies, the future of the Middle East remains uncertain. The conflict’s escalating profile could carry high costs for both U.S. interests and Iraqi sovereignty. The main beneficiaries of the clashes may be Iran-backed militias, who welcome Turkey’s presence as a new rationale for so-called “resistance” attacks outside the framework of the Iraqi state.

As the situation continues to unfold, it highlights the urgent need for a comprehensive strategy to address the PKK issue, taking into account the rights and aspirations of the Kurdish people, the security concerns of Turkey, and the broader stability of the Middle East.




 Here's the the thing, a country doesn't claim its independence hoping that one day they become independent.  Nope, they claim their independence when they are independent.  

They are no longer waiting for their independence.  I'm talking about banking reform, economic reform, military, geopolitical, every level.  They're not waiting to be independent, they are waiting for the day to celebrate their independence.  Independence is upon them now. 

 It is who they are.  That dinar is about to be independent and travel the world like a free little bird and baby I cannot wait to celebrate!  It has been too long.

 When the UST Secretary Rosenberg was here a couple weeks ago, the day after she left, auctions changed ...and there were changes after the UN meetings.  There have been tons of changes because things have been signed off.


  Community comment:  "Iraq is a sovereign country." 

 If Iraq was really sovereign that would mean no other country would have any power or control over them.  They would have their independence and they would have possession of all their country's property. 

 We're still waiting on the House of representatives within the United States to vote to remove the United State's War Authorization off of Iraq...That's one level of not having sovereignty and still having restrictions on Iraq.

Breaking News!! They "iqd RV" Approved Before joining WTO today 2023 / i...

Strategic Dialogues and Security Cooperation: Iraq’s Multifaceted Approach to National Stability, 2 OCT

 Strategic Dialogues and Security Cooperation: Iraq’s Multifaceted Approach to National Stability, 2 OCT

President Abdullatif Rashid of Iraq recently convened a crucial meeting with influential government figures including the Prime Minister, Parliament Speaker, and Chief Justice. The discussion revolved around the country’s political and security status, the tragic fire at a wedding hall in Nineveh, and the outcomes of the Prime Minister’s visit to the United Nations General Assembly. The leaders committed themselves to support the victims’ families and emphasized the importance of infrastructure development in the region. The meeting also broached the proposal for a special pardon for women and juveniles, excluding those involved in serious crimes.

Reflecting on the Political and Security Landscape

The meeting served as a platform to review Iraq’s political and security situation in-depth. The leaders condemned any aggression towards Iraq and encouraged dialogue as the primary tool for resolving differences. They also highlighted the role of Iraq in the regional context and the crucial need for infrastructure development. These discussions aimed to steer the nation towards a more secure, stable, and economically vibrant future.

Addressing the Nineveh Wedding Hall Tragedy

In light of the recent fire at a wedding hall in Nineveh that resulted in a tragic loss of life, the leaders pledged to support the victims’ families. They agreed on the necessity of implementing safety measures to prevent similar incidents in the future. The incident highlighted the scope for improvement in the nation’s disaster management protocols and infrastructure.

(Read Also: “Gross Negligence” and Safety Lapses Blamed for Deadly Iraqi Wedding Hall Fire)

Insights from the UN General Assembly Visit

The outcomes of the Prime Minister’s visit to the UN General Assembly were also discussed during the meeting. The visit, which aimed to foster international relations and present Iraq’s position on various global issues, provided valuable insights that were shared with the key government figures. These insights are expected to influence the government’s future strategy and policy decisions.

Fostering U.S.-Iraq Defense Relations

In a parallel development, U.S. and Iraqi defense leaders held talks at the Pentagon to discuss an enduring strategic relationship between the two nations. Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III and Iraqi Defense Minister Thabit Muhammad Al Abassi engaged in a joint security cooperation dialogue. The U.S.-Iraq bilateral engagement, which extends beyond the Defeat ISIS agreement, signifies a maturing strategic partnership. The United States affirmed its commitment to assisting Iraq in building a secure, sovereign, and economically vibrant nation.

(Read Also: Exiled Iranians: Players on a Global Chess Board)

Building a Comprehensive Partnership

The U.S.-Iraq joint security cooperation dialogue reflects the growing capabilities and confidence of Iraqi forces. The enduring defense relationship, encapsulating military training, exchange programs, and more, aims to foster a comprehensive partnership. This partnership is expected to extend beyond military cooperation, encompassing economic collaboration, climate change cooperation, and diplomatic engagements. The joint security cooperation dialogue is an integral part of this process, aiming to normalize the bilateral relationship between the U.S. and Iraqi militaries.

As Iraq navigates its path towards stability and prosperity, these strategic dialogues and partnerships play a pivotal role. The nation’s leaders, through their commitment to dialogue, cooperation, and reform, are steering Iraq towards a secure, sovereign, and economically vibrant future.


Iran and Iraq Reiterate Commitment to Implement Security Agreement, 2 OCT

 Iran and Iraq Reiterate Commitment to Implement Security Agreement, 2 OCT

General Ali-Akbar Ahmadian, the Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, and Qasim al-Araji, Iraq’s National Security Adviser, recently convened to discuss the implementation of the Tehran-Baghdad security agreement. The agreement, inked in March, is designed to bolster the security of the borders of both countries and eliminate any elements that could destabilize the region.

Securing Borders, Enhancing Relations

During their meeting, Ahmadian underscored the necessity of ensuring the security agreement’s strict and comprehensive implementation, suggesting that it serves as an effective roadmap for eradicating insecure elements within the two countries and the broader region. He also pointed to the abundant capacities for improving bilateral relations across different sectors.

Al-Araji reciprocated these sentiments, affirming Iraq’s dedication to the agreement’s full implementation. He also expressed Iraq’s willingness to explore every opportunity to develop and deepen relations with Tehran. The Iraqi official emphasized the determination of the Iraqi government and his National Security Council in implementing the security agreement.

Addressing Regional Security Concerns

The security agreement also addresses the issue of Kurdish groups active in the Arab country’s Kurdistan Region, which Iran identifies as terrorists. Under the agreement, Iraq has pledged to disarm these groups and relocate them to alternate camps.

The deadline to disarm and relocate these groups expired on September 19, with both Iranian and Iraqi authorities working tirelessly to implement the agreement. Political and security officials in Baghdad and the autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan region have confirmed that these groups have been relocated to camps inside Iraq, well away from the border with Iran, where they were previously conducting hit-and-run operations.

Setting The Stage For Sustainable Security

The successful implementation of the security agreement could signify the dawn of a new era of sustainable security for both Iran and Iraq, a development that could unlock significant economic benefits for both nations and the Iraqi Kurdistan region. The presence of the Kurdish militant groups had been a significant hurdle to such benefits, but with the security situation stabilizing along the Iran-Iraq border, new opportunities for economic prosperity could emerge.

Ahmadian also paid tribute to the Iraqi government for organizing the magnificent Arbaeen rituals and the hospitality of the Iraqi people toward Iranian pilgrims. He emphasized the political and cultural significance of these rituals in strengthening the bonds between the Shias in Iran and Iraq. This year, more than 3 million Iranians visited Iraq to mark Arbaeen.

Hopes for Deepened Ties

Both Ahmadian and al-Araji share a vision of deepened ties between Iran and Iraq, a sentiment reinforced by the successful implementation of the security agreement. Al-Araji said, “We will welcome and use any opportunity for developing and deepening Baghdad-Tehran ties.”

This high-level meeting and the mutual commitment to the security agreement underscore the ongoing diplomatic efforts by both Iran and Iraq to enhance their cooperation and ensure the security of their borders and the broader region, demonstrating their dedication to fostering mutual security and stability, which remains a priority in their bilateral relationship.


Morgan news coming from the advisor of Sudani IQD Iraq BY NADER FROM MID EAST

Iraqi Oil Exports to Jordan Resume: A Closer Look at Trade, Value and Future Prospects, 2 OCT

 Iraqi Oil Exports to Jordan Resume: A Closer Look at Trade, Value and Future Prospects, 2 OCT

The Iraqi Oil Marketing Company (SOMO) has recently revealed that the average price of crude oil exported to Jordan was $78 per barrel in September. This figure is $14.05 less than the official selling price, indicating a significant discount in favor of Jordan. The total oil exports to Jordan for the month reached 449,423 barrels, averaging 15,000 barrels per day, and amounted to approximately $35 million in value. The resumption of oil exports follows a memorandum of understanding for crude oil supply between the Iraqi Ministry of Oil and the Jordanian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, which was approved by the Iraqi Cabinet in March 2023.

A History of Oil Trade between Iraq and Jordan

Historically, Jordan has depended on oil supplies from Iraq to meet a portion of its domestic demand. In September 2021, Jordan began receiving oil shipments from the Kirkuk fields under an agreement to purchase 10,000 barrels of crude oil daily. However, this supply was halted in February 2022 due to the expiration of the contract, only to resume in April, pause again in August, and then resume once more in September 2022.

(Also Read: Turkey’s Possible Transfer of Advanced Drones to Ukraine: A Shift in Military Power Dynamics )

The Iraqi Cabinet’s approval of the memorandum of understanding signifies an extension of this agreement set for one year, effective from its implementation date. The two countries have since reached an agreement to increase monthly oil imports to 450,000 barrels from the previous 300,000 barrels. Iraq facilitates these exports through tanker trucks, delivering approximately 15,000 barrels daily.

The Impact of Oil Trade on Jordan’s Economy

The resumption of oil imports from Iraq has significant implications for Jordan’s economy. The quantity of oil imported from Iraq constitutes about 7% of Jordan’s needs for crude oil. The discounted rate at which Iraq sells its crude oil to Jordan ($78 per barrel, as opposed to the official selling price of $92.05) represents a substantial economic benefit for Jordan. It is estimated that Jordan makes about $25 million in revenues each year due to this discount.

Future Prospects

Looking forward, the continuation and potential expansion of this oil trade agreement between Iraq and Jordan could have considerable economic and political implications. It not only strengthens the bilateral ties between the two countries but also aids in increasing the value of trade between them. This agreement also represents a strategic move for Iraq, which needs to diversify its export outlets. Jordan offers a reliable and stable partner in this regard.

(Also Read: Legal obstacles to decisions on behalf of children should be removed forthwith – PM)

Furthermore, the potential implementation of the Iraq-Jordan Export Pipeline, a project that has been proposed since 1980, could further increase the capacity for oil trade between the two countries. This pipeline, stretching from Basra in Iraq’s southernmost tip to Jordan’s Red Sea Port of Aqaba, can transfer around 1 million barrels a day, significantly boosting the volume of oil trade.

As the dynamics of global oil trade continue to evolve, the relationship between Iraq and Jordan in this sector will undoubtedly remain a key focus for policymakers, analysts, and industry stakeholders.


Surge in US Dollar Value Against Iraqi Dinar: A Turning Point for Iraq’s Economy, 2 OCT

 Surge in US Dollar Value Against Iraqi Dinar: A Turning Point for Iraq’s Economy, 2 OCT

The US dollar has seen a significant surge in its value against the Iraqi dinar, a trend observed in both Baghdad’s central forex markets and the Kurdistan region. This development has sparked concerns over the potential impact on ordinary Iraqis, already burdened by a fragile economy, and has brought into sharp focus the country’s financial interactions with neighboring Iran.

The Escalating Exchange Rate

The dollar’s exchange rate against the Iraqi dinar has been on an upward trajectory recently. In Baghdad’s al-Kifah and al-Harithiya Central Exchanges, the dollar traded at a rate of 156,150 IQD for 100 dollars, a noticeable increase from the previous rate of 155,700 IQD. In the parallel markets in Baghdad, the selling and buying rates of the dollar were pegged at 157,000 and 155,000 IQD for 100 dollars, respectively. Similarly, in Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan region, the dollar’s selling and buying rates were at 156,250 and 156,150 IQD for 100 dollars, respectively.

Underlying Factors

The rise in the dollar price started shortly after the new government assumed office in late October of last year. During the previous regime, the rate was relatively stable, hovering between 1,450 to 1,470 dinars to the dollar. The sudden surge has been attributed to the alleged smuggling of U.S. dollars or illegal transfers from Iraq to Iran during the term of the new government, comprised primarily of militias and political groups close to Iran.

Iran, currently grappling with a severe economic crisis due to sanctions, has seen the U.S. dollar’s value against the Iranian rial reach an all-time high. Iraq’s regular imports of gas and electricity from Iran, exempt from U.S. sanctions, are paid in Iraqi dinars to accounts in Iraqi banks owned by Iranians. Given the current circumstances, Iran needs U.S. dollars to control rising prices and stabilize its economy, which has resulted in the illegal trafficking of U.S. dollars. However, the smuggling of currency is not confined to Iran, with Iraqi militias reportedly smuggling money to Syria and Turkey as well.

Policy Measures and Implications

To combat this issue, the Iraqi central bank has prohibited four Iraqi banks from using U.S. dollars. These include Al Ansari Islamic Bank for Investment and Finance, Al Qadhaf Islamic Bank for Finance and Investment, Asia Iraq Islamic Bank for Investment and Finance, and the Iraqi Middle East Investment Bank. The central bank is also auditing several other banks and financial organizations in an attempt to halt the illegal use of dollars in Iraq.

While these measures are aimed at curbing illicit financial activities, they might inadvertently affect the functioning of the Iraqi banking sector and the broader economy. The escalating exchange rate has triggered protests in Iraq, with citizens demanding a reduction in the dollar price. They argue that the rising dollar rate has led to an increase in the prices of commodities, including food products, thereby escalating the cost of living in Iraq.

The Iraqi government has responded by raising the value of the Iraqi dinar against the U.S. dollar to limit the impact of the dollar’s appreciation on Iraqi citizens. However, the effectiveness of this measure remains to be seen.

Looking Ahead

The rising dollar’s exchange rate against the Iraqi dinar presents a complex challenge for Iraq’s economy. It underscores the need for stringent financial regulations to curb illegal activities and maintain economic stability. At the same time, it highlights the importance of geopolitical considerations in the country’s economic affairs, particularly its financial dealings with Iran.

As Iraq navigates this economic conundrum, the government’s policy measures and their implications will be closely watched by domestic and international stakeholders. The way forward requires a delicate balance of strong economic governance, regulatory compliance, and geopolitical diplomacy to ensure the stability and prosperity of Iraq’s economy.




   The don't have to have a high exchange rate.  But what do you have to have in order to be part of the WTO?  Your currency must be what?  Sanction free.  There must not be any restrictions on your bank or your currency to join the WTO.

  A program rate is not a stable controlled exchange rate.  They are saying things are different now.  They are secure and stable.  We do have international standards established...

  What was the rate the Kuwait dinar came out at in 1999?  It was a ridiculous rate.  They came out huge!  ...I don't care what they [Iraq] comes out at.   What I care about is are you restriction free?  Are you sanction free?  When you went to the UN I know what you did - You're free!

Question: "Is Article VIII needed?"  Article VIII will automatically come on once Article VII is official.  In other words it's the next step that they walk into under the United Nations Security Council.

 I don't care if they come out at 1132.  I don't care if they come out at $0.10.  I don't care if they come out at $0.50.  You think it's going to stay there for long when the world is wanting to pour in?  Whatever the rate is they come out at, in a blink of an eye - bam, you better know when to hold'm and when to fold'm.

Iraqi Prime Minister to Attend Doha Expo 2023-2024: A Global Confluence of Green Innovation, 2 OCT

 Iraqi Prime Minister to Attend Doha Expo 2023-2024: A Global Confluence of Green Innovation, 2 OCT

Prime Minister Mohammed Shiaa Al-Sudani of Iraq is set to attend the grand inauguration of Expo Doha 2023-2024 in the capital city of Qatar. The highly anticipated International Horticultural Expo will commence on October 2nd, 2023, and conclude on March 28th, 2024. Under the theme ‘Green Desert, Better Environment,’ the Expo aims to encourage the global community to embrace innovative solutions to combat desertification and promote a greener, more sustainable future.

A Celebration of Green Innovation

Expo Doha 2023-2024 is ready in every aspect to deliver a memorable and enlightening experience for its attendees, from the participating countries to the numerous volunteers who have come forward to assist. The Organizing Committee of the Expo has received an overwhelming number of applications for volunteers both locally and abroad, with many individuals who volunteered in FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 also expressing interest in participating in the Expo.

Over 80 countries, including all Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, will have their own pavilion and garden at Al Bidda Park, the site of Expo Doha 2023-2024. The Expo is designed in alignment with the guiding principles of Qatar National Vision 2030, putting environmental management and sustainable development at the core of its mission. The Expo is expected to draw more than three million visitors over its 179-day run.

Experiences and Highlights of the Expo

Expo Doha 2023-2024 is set to be a global confluence of ideas, cultures, and innovation. Guests will have the opportunity to visit ornamental gardens, attend public debates, conferences, live shows, and enjoy art and culinary performances. The Expo will be the first A1 International Horticultural Exhibition held in the Middle East and North Africa region.

Situated in Al Bidda Park, spanning 1.7 million square meters and facing the azure waters of the Arabian Gulf, the Expo is sure to provide an immersive and aesthetic experience for its visitors. The Expo will draw international visitors and organisers from 80 countries, private sector representatives, non-governmental organisations, and the general public.

The theme of Expo Doha 2023-2024, ‘Green Desert, Better Environment,’ is particularly significant. It aims to inspire attendees to embrace sustainable innovation and reduce desertification. This theme engages visitors physically, intellectually, and emotionally, encouraging them to be part of the change towards a more sustainable future.

Inauguration and Partnerships

The grand inauguration of the Expo has already sparked excitement among its strategic partners. Qatar Airways, a strategic partner of the Expo, has announced a dazzling livery for Doha Expo 2023. His Excellency Mr. Akbar Al Baker, Group Chief Executive of Qatar Airways, embellished an A330-300 aircraft with the EXPO 2023 livery at Hamad International Airport, marking Qatar Airways and Hamad International Airport’s strategic partnership with the six-month event. Several high-profile dignitaries attended the event, enhancing its significance.

Qatar Airways will also offer enhanced in-flight Expo-themed experiences, featuring over 30 gardening-related shows in flight starting from October 11, 2023. The airline will feature the Qatar Airways Garden, which will highlight the theme of the Expo and provide a memorable horticultural experience for passengers.

Looking Ahead

The Expo aims to be more than just a grand event; it strives to be a beacon for environmental progress and sustainable development. With esteemed partners like Qatar Airways, the Expo is poised to deliver an experience that resonates globally and inspires positive change. The Expo will not only represent a celebration of joint efforts but also serve as a powerful symbol of ongoing environmental stewardship in the region.

In the wake of the global challenges faced due to climate change, events such as Expo Doha 2023-2024 provide an opportunity for nations to come together to discuss and devise innovative solutions for a sustainable future. The Expo promises to be a significant milestone in the journey towards a greener and more sustainable world.


Iranian Company Resumes Sewage Network Construction in Shatra, Iraq, After 12-Year Hiatus, 2 OCT

 Iranian Company Resumes Sewage Network Construction in Shatra, Iraq, After 12-Year Hiatus, 2 OCT

After a hiatus of 12 years, the Iranian company, Omar Ab, has resumed construction on a sewage network project in the Shatra district, north of Dhi Qar, Iraq, according to a local official. The project, initially assigned to the Iranian company in 2011, was paused in 2014 due to the war against ISIS. After resuming the project two years ago, the company has faced public dissatisfaction due to slow progress. However, the completion rate of the work has now reached 94% in the stations, though the integral sewage network in the streets of Shatra continues to face delays. 

Overcoming Sanction Hurdles

To bypass the US sanctions imposed on Iran and its companies, the federal government in Baghdad has incorporated an Iraqi partner into the project. The inclusion of a local partner is part of the government’s strategy to pay the company’s dues, thereby circumventing the US sanctions on Iran and its firms. This move underscores the complexities of international politics and the ways in which they can influence local development projects. 

Project’s History and Current Status

The sewage network construction project in Shatra was originally assigned to Omar Ab in 2011. However, the rise of ISIS in 2014 led to a halt in operations. The company finally resumed work two years ago, but progress has been slower than anticipated, leading to public discontent and repeated calls for the contract to be terminated. 

Despite the challenges, the project’s completion rate is currently around 94% in the stations. However, the essential sewage network in the streets of Shatra is still experiencing delays. As per the local official, the slow progress has sparked public discontent, leading to calls for the contract’s termination. 

Implications and Future Outlook

The resumption of this project marks a significant step in infrastructural development for the Shatra district. The successful completion of the sewage network would undoubtedly improve sanitation conditions, thereby enhancing the quality of life for local residents. However, the ongoing delays and slow progress pose a significant challenge to this goal. 

Moreover, the manner in which the government and the company have navigated international sanctions to continue the project provides a fascinating case study in the interplay between international politics and local development. The addition of an Iraqi partner to bypass sanctions demonstrates a strategic approach that could potentially be replicated in other similar contexts.


WTO Accession = New Rate?💣IQD = $0.50 - S0.60!?🤔Iraq Dinar RV Updates | ...

High-profile Iraqi security delegation visits Tehran to advance regional security agreement, 2 OCT

 High-profile Iraqi security delegation visits Tehran to advance regional security agreement, 2 OCT

Shafaq News/ A senior Iraqi security delegation arrived in Tehran on Sunday for talks with Iranian officials on the implementation of the security agreement between the two neighbors, an official press release said on Sunday. 

The deal includes disarming anti-Tehran Kurdish groups operating from the Kurdistan region of Iraq. 

The press release issued by the media office of Iraq's National Security Advisor Qasim al-Araji said that he is heading the delegation himself on behalf of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani.

The delegation includes the Minister of Interior of the Kurdistan region, Rebar Ahmed, and a slew of high-ranking Iraqi security and government officials.

Operation Against Terror: Successful Air Strikes in Northern Iraq, 2 OCT

 Operation Against Terror: Successful Air Strikes in Northern Iraq, 2 OCT

In an escalating effort to eradicate terror activities that threaten international security, a significant air operation was recently executed in the northern regions of Iraq. The operation was successful in achieving its primary objective – to target and eliminate sites associated with terrorist activities. This event underlines the ongoing global attempts to combat terrorism and neutralize threats to national and international security.

Operation Details and Impact

This air operation meticulously targeted sites associated with terror activities, leading to the successful destruction of these targets. The operation was carried out in the northern regions of Iraq, a location known to harbor various terror groups. The precise location of the operation or the entities responsible for carrying out this operation haven’t been explicitly specified. However, the aftermath of the operation clearly signifies a significant blow to the terrorist organizations operating within the region.

It’s worth noting that, during the operation, the utmost attention and sensitivity were given to the safety of civilian life, property, environment, and the protection of historical, religious, and cultural assets. This operation showcases the commitment to fighting terrorism while upholding the sanctity of innocent lives and preserving cultural heritage.

Global Efforts Against Terrorism

The operation in Iraq is a part of a larger global effort against terrorism. The Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners, for instance, have been striking ISIS targets in designated parts of Syria and Iraq. Their actions demonstrate that contending with Daesh and other terror groups remains an ongoing international mission. The coalition continuously exerts pressure on senior terrorist leaders and their associates across multiple networks to degrade, disrupt, and dismantle their structures.

In one such instance, between February 2 and February 8, 2018, the coalition conducted 41 strikes consisting of 65 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq. These ongoing operations underscore the international commitment to defeating terrorism and preventing such groups from regrouping and threatening citizens worldwide.

Terror Organizations and Designations

The Department of State in the United States and several other leading nations have designated various groups as Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs). These designations expose and isolate the said organizations, denying them access to the U.S. financial system and creating significant criminal and immigration consequences for their members and supporters. This strategy complements the law enforcement actions of other U.S. agencies and governments.

For instance, the PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party), responsible for a 40-year terror campaign against Turkey that resulted in over 40,000 deaths, is listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the United States, and the European Union. Similarly, Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), including its Qods Force (IRGC-QF), was designated as an FTO in 2019. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and its aliases have also been included in these designations.


The recent successful air operation in northern Iraq is a testament to the relentless global efforts to tackle terrorism. It reinforces the commitment to neutralize threats to national and international security, targeting terror sites while ensuring the safety of civilian life and cultural assets. These operations, along with the strategic designation of FTOs, are crucial tactics in the ongoing global fight against terrorism. As the world continues to witness terror activities, such operations are essential to maintain peace and security.

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