Tuesday, May 7, 2024



  [via PDK]  

 I did have multiple bankers over the weekend get notified and are beginning training today.  They are “Training to handle foreign currency exchanges”. Some of the currencies mentioned are exactly what we are holding...And they are being trained on them...They need to know the security features on the various bills in order to verify them on site. That is what they are training on... NOW - THIS WEEK-IMMEDIATELY!!!  These are banking people who have never been trained before…these are some of the ones the banks had told them “No, this is never going to happen” and now suddenly the banks come to them and say “You have got to get trained now - this week - immediately”...Gave me a good warm and fuzzy feeling today.

There was interesting money movement over the weekend according to my best group contacts.   It is clearly positioned to go...

 Article: “Kuwaiti Dinar to US Dollar-Top 10 highest valued currencies in the world in 2024” 

 This article was in the Indian Express. And the Iraqi dinar used to have that number one spot.  Comment:  I would expect Iraq to be worth more that Kuwait.  MarkZ:  Absolutely.  And when Iraq was the most valuable currency in the world they had not yet developed their natural gas reserves…and were not pumping nearly as much oil as they are now. Every part of Iraq is now in better shape than when they had the most valuable currency in the world.

🔥 Iraqi Dinar 🔥 It has been Announced 🔥 News Guru Intel Update Value IQD...

Al-Rafidain Explains The Importance Of Adopting A Comprehensive Banking System, 8 MAY

 Al-Rafidain Explains The Importance Of Adopting A Comprehensive Banking System

Economy News – Baghdad  On Tuesday, Rafidain Bank explained the importance of adopting a comprehensive banking system, while stressing the work on adopting two advanced systems in the field of combating money laundering and terrorist financing.

The bank’s general manager, Ali Karim Hussein, said in a statement reported by the official news agency, and seen by Al-Iqtisad News, that “since we took over the management of the bank, Rafidain Bank has begun activating the comprehensive banking system in its branches spread across government institutions and border crossings where the collection system is large.” ".

He explained, "The comprehensive banking system will simplify the procedures for opening accounts as well as transfer operations, so that the customer will be able to manage his account without accessing the bank."

He pointed out that "there are many reforms, including the adoption of the AML and GOAML systems, which are among the internationally required systems, specializing in the field of combating money laundering and terrorist financing, in addition to the adoption of electronic systems in which the human hand does not interfere, as they are the ones who prepare the lists and conduct the scanning process electronically and not Manually,

and as a result, it will guarantee the credibility of Rafidain Bank, as well as the banking sector in general, towards international institutions by adhering to the requirements and legislation for combating money laundering and terrorist financing.”

The Director General of Al-Rafidain Bank stated, “The bank’s previous work, due to the lack of an electronic network linking the bank’s branches, the customers were businessmen, merchants, and simple citizens, who could not carry out any banking operation within a short time, but at the present time the system has been transformed electronically,

so the customer can go For any of our branches spread across Baghdad and the governorates that has a comprehensive banking system, he enters his account, and all his data will be available with the employee, which will make it easier for the customer to conduct banking operations, whether by withdrawal or deposit.”  05/07/2024 - https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=43211



 Who's forcing this monetary reform to come out/this new exchange rate?  The citizens of Iraq?  Sudani the prime minister?  The US Treasury?  

They sure want a windfall don't they for the Federal reserves. The CBI?  You and I?  The answer is all of the above is forcing it. 

 That's what's wonderful about it.  We are all on the same page.  We are all in cahoots.  We all agree.  

  It's going to float.  It's just that there's no basket, that's all.

 I just don't see that it's going to be in a basket.  I think it'll be a fixed rate...What would it be?  

Well they want 1 to 1.  IMO maybe $1.50 to 1 or $1.30 to 1. 

 That's a fixed rate.  But that fixed rate is going to be put in the international markets - Forex.  Because of supply and demand, using, buying and trading with it, the value internationally is going to go up...The CBI seeks what's called a REER, Real Effective Exchange Rate.

Float = Forex or Fixed = 1 to 1🚩Green Light Given?🤔Iraq Dinar RV Updates...

The Dinar Is Breathing Through The Eye Of A Needle And The Dollar Is At 145,500, 8 MAY

 The Dinar Is Breathing Through The Eye Of A Needle And The Dollar Is At 145,500

Economy | 05:40 - 05/07/2024  Mawazine News – Baghdad  The exchange rates of the US dollar witnessed a decline this evening, Tuesday, in the capital, Baghdad, while it stabilized in Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region, with the stock market closed.

Dollar prices fell with the closure of the Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya stock exchanges in Baghdad, recording 145,450 dinars per 100 dollars, while prices had recorded this morning 145,550 dinars per 100 dollars.

Regarding the selling prices in the exchange shops in the local markets in Baghdad, they stabilized, as the selling price reached 146,500 dinars per 100 dollars, and the purchasing price reached 144,500 dinars.   https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=247504


 Q & A

QUESTION:  Does a rate change need parliament approval or just CBI governor announcement?

MZ:   According to parliament and the president of their country it only requires the CBI governors announcement. The government has already done everything they needed to do. We heard this last week. 

QUESTION:   Would someone please explain Basal 3 ? I'm sorry if this is a repeat. Thanks.

MZ: In a nutshell-Basel 3 is stricter reserve requirements for banks so that they are better able to deal with downturns. or loses or problems in the markets. They have to have more assets in order to pay share holders, depositors ect…… .to have enough reserves in case there is a problem . But imo…its not enough reserves….but its more than what they required before.

QUESTION:   Mark Do we need to sigh an NDA at our exchange?

MZ:  I was told the need for an NDA for currencies is getting slimmer and slimmer. But you may have one for the humanitarian projects. I could be wrong

Excellent step commerce economy 

The Union Of Arab Banks Proposes 4 “Important” Points For Iraqi Banks To Meet Compliance Standards, 7 MAY

 The Union Of Arab Banks Proposes 4 “Important” Points For Iraqi Banks To Meet Compliance Standards

Economy News – Baghdad  Today, Monday, the Secretary-General of the Union of Arab Banks, Wissam Al-Futouh, presented four proposals to confront Iraqi banks with compliance standards and stimulate their relationship with correspondent banks.

Al-Futuh said, in his speech during the conference “The Challenges Facing Arab Banks in Complying with State Laws and Legislation and Meeting the Requirements of Correspondent Banks,” that “the financial and banking challenges that Iraq has suffered recently are many, despite the efforts of the Central Bank of Iraq,” considering that “Iraqi banks deal With a complex network.

He added, "The Arab region is going through fateful dangers resulting from wars and other political conflicts, and this conflict would increase the risks of uncertainty in the prospects of the Middle East and North Africa, resulting in severe economic impacts on many Arab countries."

Al-Futuh proposed a set of points for Iraqi banks to meet compliance standards, stimulate their relationships with correspondent banks, and enhance confidence in Iraqi banks, including: “Iraqi banks must invest in strong infrastructure.”

He continued: The other thing is adopting advanced technology, which leads to changing the rules of the game in the field of compliance, as there are many programs that rely on artificial intelligence to help analyze data and comply.

As for the third matter, Al-Futuh focused on “the necessity of adopting the principle of transparency in banking operations and preparing financial reports, to build sustainable trust with the international community,” pointing out that “the last and most important matter is the preparation of a comprehensive national plan for capacity development, training and qualification, especially in the field of compliance with... During the establishment of a committee under the name of the National Committee for Capacity Development, Training and Qualification, which will be in cooperation between the Union of Arab Banks and the Association of Iraqi Private Banks, under the supervision of the Central Bank of Iraq.

He pointed out, “The tasks of this committee also include 4 important points. The first revolves around training and qualification of Arab cadres and capacity building on the subject of compliance, while the second revolves around providing advice and support and choosing a compliance program specific to each bank.

The third point “represents the formation of a continuous force of influence to develop Iraqi banks’ relations with international bodies, especially the American ones.” The fourth point is “documenting policies and internal controls for banking compliance.”

Views 166   05/06/  https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=43180




🇮🇶The Iraqi Cabinet is set to deliberate and APPROVE the budget law for this year in its upcoming session tomorrow TUESDAY. Mazhar Mohammed Saleh, Financial Advisor to the Prime Minister's office. 

Saleh indicated that the budget would be promptly forwarded to Parliament. However, "the deficit percentage in the budget is yet to be finalized."🤥🙄

The Sudanese adviser explained that "the percentage of deficit in the budget schedules is unknown, and will be determined according to the schedules that will be approved by the Council of Ministers, before sending them to the House of Representatives."

According to Law No. 13 of 2023, lists and schedules of the Tripartite General Budget Law should be submitted to the House of Representatives. 

PM Al-Sudani, Central Bank of Iraq Governor & President Barzani already HAVE the NEW DINAR RATE & are keeping the NEW RATE tight lipped & waiting until last minute (imo).


Stronger financing system iqd iraq BY NADER FROM MID EAST

“The Shocks Have Changed.” The Governor Of The Central Bank Explains The Impact Of The Openness Of Iraqi Banks On Their International Counterparts, 7 MAY

 “The Shocks Have Changed.” The Governor Of The Central Bank Explains The Impact Of The Openness Of Iraqi Banks On Their International Counterparts

Economy News – Baghdad  On Monday, the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Al-Alaq, highlighted the impact of the openness of Iraqi banks on their international counterparts, while noting that the global economy has begun to face a phase characterized by rising levels of public and private debt.

Al-Alaq, in his speech at the conference “The Challenges Facing Iraqi Banks in Complying with International Laws and Legislation and Meeting the Requirements of Correspondent Banks,” followed by “Al-Iqtisad News,” said, “Central banks have faced increasing challenges after decades of appearances and are closer to quiescence starting with the decline in interest rates.” and inflation,” pointing out that “the global economy has begun to face a phase characterized by rising levels of public and private debt.”

He added, "The nature of local, international and historical shocks has changed due to an increase or decrease in demand, with the exception of supply shocks, in addition to new challenges represented by financial stability in public financial policy and the financial control decision that requires reducing spending or increasing domestic revenues."

The Governor of the Central Bank explained, “Over the past years, the Iraqi banking sector has opened up to local financial institutions over their international counterparts, and to the extent that all of this achieves communication and attention with the outside world, it undoubtedly carries many challenges and impacts.”

Ali Al-Alaq continued: “We hope that this conference will succeed in reaching effective solutions to this challenge and devoting cooperation and coordination between Arab central banks, Arab expenditures and non-banking financial institutions to achieve stability and growth.”

The conference will succeed in reaching effective solutions to this challenge and devoting cooperation and coordination between Arab central banks. Arab expenditures and non-banking financial institutions to achieve stability and growth.”  05/06/2024 - https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=43178

"IRAQ NEWS: Iraq talking about closing down their currency auctions" FROM GINGER'S LIBERTY LOUNGE ROOM ON TELEGRAM, 7 MAY


 Important article regarding Iraq talking about closing down their currency auctions. 5.7.24 

Credit to Southern Boy for this jewel of news

Read article: https://t.me/c/1553385444/51976

Exonomi and steong banking system BY NADER FROM MID EAST

Government move to install gold screening devices at 4 airports, 7 MAY

  Government move to install gold screening devices at 4 airports

Economy News - Baghdad

The Ministry of Planning clarified, on Tuesday, the mechanism for examining gold in the local markets, and while it indicated that many companies submitted their bids to equip airports with modern equipment, it confirmed that the devices will be in 4 airports.

Ministry spokesman Abdul Zahra al-Hindawi said: "There are procedures regarding the examination of gold at airports that have been implemented during the past months, represented by announcing the request for devices for inspection and the name of gold and non-gold precious jewelry."

"Many specialized companies have submitted and work is underway to select the appropriate bids, so that referral can be made to the concerned company to equip the centres with sensitive equipment," he said.

Al-Hindawi added that "the places and offices for the work of the teams of the Central Organization for Standardization and Quality Control have been identified at the airports of Baghdad, Najaf, Basra and Kirkuk," stressing that "work will begin as soon as we are equipped with devices for the examination and weight of gold jewelry."

With regard to the legal procedures followed against those who sell adulterated or manipulated gold, he explained that "the standardization and quality control teams continue to follow up on gold affairs by granting licenses to goldsmiths, as well as following up on gold in goldsmiths' shops through continuous inspection, as well as following up on licenses granted."

He continued: "If untagged gold jewelry is seized or unlicensed gold jewellery shops are seized, legal action will be taken against violators in this regard and referred to the courts."

He pointed out that "the legal procedures against violators are the withdrawal of the license, the closure of the shop and other severe legal procedures, but if the violation is minor, the jeweler may be alerted to that violation and the need to address it within a specific period of time, and in the event that he does not comply with the warning, legal proceedings will proceed against him."



CHIPS Announcement:

"The Clearing House Interbank Payments System (CHIPS) is the largest private sector USD clearing system for wire transfers. Along with its public sector counterpart, Fedwire, CHIPS forms the primary network for transferring and settling payments in US dollars."

The Clearing House is ready to launch the CHIPS ISO 20022 messaging service for a April 2024 implementation. It just so happens to be taking place as MICA goes through it's regulatory process leading to implementation by May 28th, 2024. 

We must not forget that the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation which is an American Financial Company will be going through this process as well leading up to the May 28th, 2024 deadline.

This will allow our newly formed Global crypto regulatory assets to work with a messaging system to clearly give direction on many of the payments taking place with tokenized assets. 

To keep this information protected Project Aurora will be implemented during this time of testing to prevent money laundering. 

Early June, the Federal Reserve is expected to lower interest rates igniting a fuel to the fire of these newly formed crypto regulations allowing the new digital economy to get their footing on solid ground. 

Gold is beginning to formulate new price patterns as we speak giving our new tokenized assets real values that can be transacted within the new QFS. 

New laws and regulations are expected during this time to be placed on these new crypto regulations, and look for the words Project Genesis to also come into play. 

Project Genesis will provide liquidity to countries willing to transform their society into clean initiatives. Don't you just love when a plan comes together?  

At this point, we will have an operable Quantum Financial System.

© Goldilocks 





Iraqi Dinar update for 05/06/24 - The Iraqi banks need to fix quickly by PIMPY

Politician: America will not leave Iraq, and diplomacy is breathing its last breath, 7 MAY

  Politician: America will not leave Iraq, and diplomacy is breathing its last breath

Political analyst Maher Abdel Joudeh revealed on Monday that there is no American intention to leave Iraq and the Middle East, stressing the necessity of adopting diplomatic solutions.  

Judeh said in a statement to the Al-Maalouma Agency, “The Sudanese visit did not contribute to resolving the issue of the Americans’ withdrawal from Iraq, and the hopes of the popular circles were in vain.”

He continued, "The diplomatic solution and economic pressure is the effective action capable of pushing American soldiers outside the borders and eliminating their presence," stressing that "Iraq does not need the presence of American forces because the Iraqi forces can protect the country from any terrorist threat." 

It is noteworthy that the Iraqi government formed a specialized committee in order to manage the file of the Americans’ exit from Iraq, and it has continued to work according to political controls, but the American efforts to stay may seem stronger this time.  link

Coffee with MarkZ. 05/07/2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Morning RV’ers- Still praying this our golden week!!

Member: Anybody hearing any good news?  


Member: There was of a lot of excitement yesterday saying it started!

Member: If the banks are training staff on foreign currency, the days are numbered

Member: If Iraq gets accepted into the WTO on the 9th….Then maybe the new rate is about to pop.

Member: Thursday is the 9th! Charlie said he heard it would go on a Thursday!

Member: Mark is this our week?

MZ: I do not know if this is our week but I am certainly getting more confirmations from different bank s that are testing to make sure their systems are ready… …There are different banks practicing…even have some reports that they are practicing the call in process for us to make appointments. That is confirmed from a couple places. 

MZ: I’m talking they are training with full blown, sit down role playing process for exchanging as well. 

MZ: Does not give me an idea of the date- but I feel we are much closer now that the rank and file in banks are learning this process and training as well. . 

MZ: It’s been dead silent on the bond side.

Member: It’s the calm before the RV storm. 

MZ: For those who think this is never going to happen. Why would they be training their staff on how to read, understand the currencies we hold and to exchange them if it weren’t going to happen?

Member: Markz did your banking contacts say how long the training would take on foreign currency?

Member: Militia Man had a really good show last night and it sounds like at any time now!!

Member: I watch another truther…. this morning he was saying the black swam event will be coming from Japan…. we will have to see

Member: Rumor has it that the Indian Tribes have been paid . From a pretty reliable source.

Member:  Hope so……We are all tired and beat up and need this to materialize.

Member: Mark what is your gut on what the IQD will revalue at? I always stayed with the conservative $3.22 since watching you. Curious what you feel it will be

M: My gut or GUESS is around .$3.90 or so…….just a guess. 

Member:  BANK STORY: Our Granddaughter called their bank to see about opening an account in the location they’ll be moving. Their bank told her NO, because they (the bank) will be closing.

MZ: There are many banks closing everywhere right now. 

Member: All Chase Banks here in my town show up as Chase Wealth on a computer search

Member: I’m just looking forward to our friends and family realizing we aren’t crazy conspiracy theorists. It gets so old.

Member; I think that day is almost here……I know many who will be eating a generous portion of “crow” on that day. 

Member: Thank you Mark and Mods for showing up each day for us. You are appreciated.

Member: Hope everyone has a great day today!


Odysee at: https://odysee.com/@theoriginalmarkz:e OR THE RUMBLE CHANNEL: https://rumble.com/user/theoriginalmarkz

FOLLOW MARKZ : TWITTER . https://twitter.com/originalmarkz?s=21. TRUTH SOCIAL . https://truthsocial.com/@theoriginalm...

Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37oILmAlptM

MARKZ DAILY LINKS: https://theoriginalmarkz.com/home/

MARK’S TELEGRAM ROOM FOR WORLD NEWS EVENTS & CHAT? LINK: https://t.me/TrollingNews_telegram


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics. 

IQD Updates & Journalism Crisis Turkey's President #iqd BY SANDY INGRAM

It is likely that the 2024 budget schedules will be approved today, 7 MAY

   It is likely that the 2024 budget schedules will be approved today

The Iraqi government’s delay in approving the budget schedules has raised questions about the existence of a cash crisis in the country, which may soon be reflected in employees’ salaries.

The extent of fears was reinforced by the government's resort to citizens' pockets to fill the gap in the fiscal deficit after the recent decision to raise gasoline prices.

Yesterday, Monday, the Financial Advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, revealed new details related to the budget lists and schedules for the year 2024, which are still under discussion in the Council of Ministers.

Saleh suggested, during a press statement, that the Council of Ministers, in today’s session on Tuesday, will discuss and approve the budget law schedules, and then send them to the House of Representatives as soon as possible.

The Sudanese advisor explained, “The percentage of the deficit in the budget tables is unknown, and it will be determined according to the tables that will be approved by the Council of Ministers, before sending them to the House of Representatives.”

According to what was stated in Law No. 13 of 2023, the lists and tables of the tripartite general budget law should be submitted to the House of Representatives.  link

Evening News with MarkZ. 05/06/2024

Monday Evening News with MarkZ

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: ​​Good evening one and all and Mark and Mods

Member: Are we there yet???

MZ: I did have multiple bankers over the weekend get notified and are beginning training today. They are “Training to handle foreign currency exchanges”. Some of the currencies mentioned are exactly what we are holding. And they are being trained on them. NOW-THIS WEEK-IMMEDIATELY!!! .  

MZ: This is really cool to get real-world contacts and have it confirmed by someone else on a totally different coast of the United States!!!!! This is very exciting in my book.

MZ: These are banking  people who have never been trained before…these are some of the ones the banks had told them “No, this is never going to happen”  and now suddenly the banks come to them and say “ You have got to get trained now-this week- immediately”

MZ: So these are not the trained redemption center folks. These are banking personell who were told that this RV stuff was hogwash before…Now if its hogwash-why are they suddenly being trained to do it????…..Gave me a good warm and fuzzy feeling today. .

Member: Wonderful news MARKZ!!! It is a feel good news and needed these days!!!

Member: Training?  What kind of training?

MZ: They need to know the security features on the various bills in order to verify them on site. That is what they are training on.

Member: I heard the dong could be as high as $3.60.

MZ: I heard that too…but I think it will be somewhere in the mid $2 range.

Member: A CPA told me if the currency is purchased to make money, it may be taxable. What do you think or know about that?

MZ: Tonight we have 2 different articles from the state department/government sites on taxes. “There are no taxes or subsidies on the purchase or sales on foreign exchange”  and they mention Iraq and Vietnam. One is from 2022 and the other one is earlier. Sounds like to me there are no taxes or subsidies on the purchase or sales on foreign exchange!!!

MZ: This is of course if no laws change. Both links are in my daily links – scroll down to section 6


MARKZ DAILY LINKS: https://theoriginalmarkz.com/home/

Member: So bottom line- There are no Taxes on foreign currency exchange!!

Member: So lets say Iraq has a float…how long will be have to exchange the large notes..

MZ: They will have to tell us. We do not know.

MZ: “China’s Gold buying spree could be the straw that breaks the dollar’s back”  They are catching on….gold backed currency!!!

Member: I went to a credit union today. They were remodeling and had gotten new De la rue machines “that could verify foreign currency”!

Member: The WF bank near me has been ready for awhile now. They sure seem to know who I am. My banker showed me the rainbow currency a long time ago. Just waiting to go

Member:  MarkZ can you give us nervous people some idea what to expect when we go to the bank to redeem our currencies

Member: Go to Recaps to the post RV section…..many articles on that there.

Member:  Mark…….thanks as always, and thanks to all the mods as well.

Member: Very encouraging news tonight…..Thanks so much ….


Odysee at: https://odysee.com/@theoriginalmarkz:e OR THE RUMBLE CHANNEL: https://rumble.com/user/theoriginalmarkz

Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.