Saturday, February 3, 2024


  Sandy Ingram

   Kuwait, is a country that successfully revalued its currency in the early 90s.  Following the Gulf War Kuwait's economy was in ruins, yet within a short span the Kuwaiti dinar was reinstated as one of the most valuable currencies in the world...Unlike Iraq, Kuwait had a relatively stable political environment and a resilient economy backed by vast oil reserves.  

The international community had faith in Kuwait's ability to rebuild and stabilize which facilitated the revaluation process...A stable political environment, a strong economy, a positive balance of trade and the trust of the international markets are all critical ingredients for successful revaluation.  It's not a magic wand...

 Reuters  Article: "Iraq's Kataib Hezbollah says it suspends attacks on US forces"  "Iran-aligned Iraqi armed group Kataib Hezbollah announced on Tuesday the suspension of all its military operations against U.S. troops in the region, in a decision aimed at preventing 'embarrassment' of the Iraqi government, the group said ."

  The financial World buzzing... Iraq is now making headlines with its own investment fund the AFC Iraq fund managed by Asia Frontier Capital limited has emerged as the top performing long only unleveraged actively managed generalist Equity Fund in the world in 2023 boasting a net performance of over 110%.  

 This remarkable feat can be attributed to the funds investment strategy that focuses on long-term drivers of the transformation of the Iraqi economy...Iraq's investments in streams of income outside of the oil industry goes a long way in helping the country to gain economic stability and to increase the value of their currency.

Iraqi Dinar🎉Redemption Center Ready To Show New Iqd Rate On Bank Screen-...

Jordan denies that its aircraft participated in the American attacks: We respect Iraq’s sovereignty, 4 FEB

 Jordan denies that its aircraft participated in the American attacks: We respect Iraq’s sovereignty

Shafaq News/ An official military source in the General Command of the Jordanian Armed Forces reported, on Saturday, that the Royal Jordanian Air Force did not participate in the air strikes carried out by the American Air Force inside Iraqi territory.

The source stated, according to what was reported by the official Jordanian Petra Agency, that “there is no truth to the press reports that were circulated this morning about the participation of Jordanian aircraft in the operations carried out by American aircraft inside Iraq.”

The source stressed that “the Jordanian Armed Forces – the Arab Army respects the sovereignty of brotherly Iraq,” stressing “the depth of the fraternal relations that unite Jordan with all Arab countries.”

At dawn today, the US Army’s Central Command reported that its forces launched 85 air strikes in Iraq and Syria, targeting sites of the Quds Force of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and its affiliated militia groups.

Some information reported earlier today, Saturday, that F-16 aircraft belonging to the Royal Jordanian Air Force participated in the air strikes led by the United States last night.

The sources indicated that the Jordanian planes joined after targets were identified, according to what was reported by the Wall Street Journal. They pointed out that Jordan’s role came to show solidarity with the United States in the wake of the drone strike on Tower 22, a military site in Jordan near From the Syrian border.

US President Joe Biden had directed the military forces to strike targets in Iraq and Syria that were used by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and its militias to attack American forces, he said, stressing that although the United States was not seeking escalation in the Middle East, it would inevitably respond to those who Hurts Americans.

The spokesman for the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Major General Yahya Rasoul, on Saturday morning, considered the American strikes that targeted areas in the west of the country a “violation of Iraqi sovereignty.”

While White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby confirmed today, Saturday, that the United States had already informed the Iraqi government before launching the air attacks.



  A LOP is the removal and deletion of the zeros...There's no difference between them.  It's removing the zeros off the currency.  I've challenged all these people million times, show me proof.  Show us an article where it says the deletion, removal or lopping of the zeros is coming off the exchange and not the actual currency...

 Even with Kuwait 90% of their budget is on the sale of oil.  Where Iraq gets hurt and Kuwait doesn’t, if the oil prices dropped.   That’s what happened at the end of 2019 and 2020.  Their [Iraq’s] …economy was going to crash.  They had to devalue the currency and it saved them.  With Kuwait, that’s not going to happen.  Their Wealth Fund is something they can fall back on…Iraq cannot do that…Iraq is going to get there no doubt about it…We want it to go up in increments and keep the same currency we have…

Collision is leaving Iraq Iqd BY NADER FROM MID EAST

The “Iraqi Resistance” prepares to start the third phase of the conflict with Washington, 4 FEB

The “Iraqi Resistance” prepares to start the third phase of the conflict with Washington

Shafaq News / The “resistance” factions in Iraq are preparing to turn to the third phase of the conflict with the United States of America by responding to sources of fire by targeting their bases in neighboring countries or that embrace American forces.

It comes after the United States, at 11 o’clock on Friday evening, began the first round of U.S. retaliation for the killing of 3 soldiers in the Jordan attack.

U.S. fighter jets began launching strikes in areas of Iraq and Syria, and lasted for more than two hours, at a time when US President Joe Biden warned that these strikes would continue.

These strikes on Iraqi security sites in the areas of Akashat and Al-Qaim, west of Anbar province, led to 16 victims and 25 injuries, including civilians.

Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani directed, on Saturday, the announcement of general mourning in all state departments and institutions, in order to have mercy on the lives of the victims from the armed forces and civilians.

Switching to the third stage

In this context, the spokesman for the Sayyid al-Shuhada Brigades, Sheikh Kazem Al-Fartousi, says that “the targetings that affected the popular crowd and civilians are not a stranger to the occupier and the American enemy, and this is a part of the ongoing war between us and the occupier.”

On the news that spoke about Jordan’s participation in the implementation of these strikes, Al-Fartousi explains to Shafaq News that “a clear and clear message was delivered to these countries that embrace American bases and participate in targeting Iraq such as Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Jordan, with the possibility of turning to the third stage, which is to respond to the sources of fire by targeting US bases located on their territory, and we are able to do so, as evidenced of our arrival at the port of Ashdod and Haifa.”

According to some information, on Saturday, F-16s belonging to the Royal Jordanian Air Force participated in the U.S.-led airstrikes last night.

This was likely in response to the drone attack that took place against a US base on the Jordanian border, known as “Tower 22,” in late January, press sources said.

The sources pointed to the Jordanian planes joining after their targets were identified, according to the Wall Street Journal, and pointed out that Jordan’s role came to show solidarity with the United States in the wake of the drone raid on Tower 22, a military site in Jordan near the Syrian border.

But an official military source at the General Command of the Jordanian Armed Forces, said on Saturday, that the Royal Jordanian Air Force did not participate in the airstrikes carried out by the US Air Force inside Iraqi territory.

The source said, according to the official Jordanian agency Petra, that “there is no truth in the press reports that were circulated this morning about the participation of Jordanian aircraft in the operations carried out by US aircraft inside Iraq.”

The source stressed that “the Jordanian armed forces – the Arab army, respect the sovereignty of brotherly Iraq,” stressing “the depth of brotherly relations that bring Jordan with all Arab countries.”

An attempt to stir sedion between countries

For his part, Jordanian writer and political analyst Amer Al-Tal says that “the American strikes are show, as President Biden needs to save the face of the United States of America in front of the American public as he is running the election race.”

Al-Tal believes in an interview with Shafaq News that “the United States of America does not need the Jordanian Air Force to launch strikes, it has enough and is able to hit any area you want, so this talk comes within an attempt to fragment the region politically and morally by provoking strife between the surrounding countries.”

Taking American troops out of the region in general

In turn, the deputy for the Sadiqun bloc, Mohammed Al-Baldawi, confirms that “what the United States of America has done and its agents in the region by bombing and targeting Iraqi territory, violating Iraq’s sovereignty and elevating this good three of martyrs indicates the treachery and cowardice of these actions, and indicates the great danger that threatens the world because of the American presence in this region.”

Al-baladawi adds to Shafaq News that “these criminal acts confirm the need to remove American forces from the region and not only from Iraq, to maintain the security and stability of this region.”

He explains, “The Gulf region is the heart of the beating world and its source of power is located in Iraq, and that the survival of these forces threatens the security and stability of Iraq and the region, so these criminal acts that try to drag the world into a new war must be stopped,” stressing that “the House of Representatives is supportive of the government by removing American forces from Iraqi territory.”

The presidency of the Iraqi Council of Representatives expressed its strong condemnation of the American aggression on the Iraqi security positions in the areas of Okashat and Al-Qaim at dawn today, and neighboring civilian places, which led to 16 victims and (25) injuries, including civilians.

The presidency confirmed in a statement that “the House of Representatives is determined to hold an extraordinary (emergency) session in the coming days, to identify the recurrence of American attacks on the country, and to put an end to the violations by the international coalition forces of the sovereignty and lives of Iraqis,” noting that “the repetition of American targets of Iraqi security headquarters is a great disregard that cannot be accepted.”

“The situation is out of control”

For his part, political analyst Ali Al-Sahib says that “the American strikes are a blatant attack on the sovereignty of Iraq, and as long as there is an occupying power trying to impose its domination on the Middle East in general and the Gulf region in particular, these strikes will remain, which will confuse the political scene in the region in general.”

Al-Sabib continues his talk to Shafaq News, that “the Iraqi-American crisis has begun to worsen, as the armed factions consider the American presence a serious intervention that must be removed, while American forces refuse to leave the country, at a time when the Iraqi government is trying to calm the situation, but it seems that the situation is out of its control.”

He stresses the importance of “taking a serious pause from Iraqi diplomacy to denounce the American presence, and send strongly worded messages to the US ambassador and file a complaint even to the Security Council, because these attacks have fell in them many martyrs and terrified citizens.”

Speaking about the White House National Security Council spokesman, John Kirby, to inform the Iraqi government before launching the airstrikes, the political analyst considered that they “lies that America fabricate to shake the Iraqi political reality, and create sedition between society or the citizen and his government.”

He explains, “The United States wants to convey a message of this claim to political parties or society, that the Iraqi government is in solidarity with it in these targets, and this is not the first time that the US administration has claimed that its operations have been completed with the approval of the Iraqi government, but this is contrary to reason, because the sovereignty of Iraq is the responsibility of the government and the state as a whole.”

The Iraqi government spokesman on behalf of Al-Awadi denied that there was prior coordination between Baghdad and Washington on strikes by US forces targeting security forces positions in the western province of Anbar.

In turn, the Iraqi Foreign Ministry summoned the charge d’affaires of the United States Embassy in Baghdad, in protest against what it called the “American aggression” that targeted Iraqi military and civilian sites.

According to a State Department statement, reported to Shafaf News, the ministry will summon the charge d’affaires of the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, David Berker, because US Ambassador Alina Romanowski is not present.

According to the statement, the Iraqi Foreign Ministry Berker will hand over an official protest note regarding the “American attack” that affected military and civilian sites in the areas of Akashat and Al-Qaim on Friday evening.

Warnings of counterattacks

In a related context, the professor of political science at George Washington University, Dr. Nabil Michael, “an escalation of the military scene and the war operations currently conducted by America in both Syria and Iraq, which will lead to a kind of instability, and US strikes may lead to counterattacks, especially in Iraq.”

Speaking to Shafaq News, Mikhail describes the U.S. response as “abnormal because it creates a state of war and makes Biden a president of war,” likely “continued strikes against pro-Iran militias in Syria, with Hezbollah opening a front in Lebanon.”

Early on Saturday morning, the U.S. Army Central Command reported that its forces had carried out airstrikes in Iraq and Syria targeting positions of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)-Quds Force and affiliated militia groups.

U.S. military forces hit more than 85 targets with several aircraft containing long-range bombers launched from the United States, the command said in a statement today.

According to the statement, the airstrikes used more than 125 precision-guided munitions, noting that the targets included command and control headquarters, intelligence centers, missile stores, darves, munitions and logistics of militias and the Revolutionary Guards.

US President Joe Biden had directed the military forces to strike targets in Iraq and Syria that are used by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and its militias to attack American forces, he said, stressing that although the United States does not seek an escalation in the Middle East, it will inevitably respond to those who harm the Americans.

‘A futility war leads to disaster’

For his part, the writer and political researcher, Kifah Mahmoud, says that “Iraq’s absurd war while it is out of a group of wars that destroyed its economy and its opportunities for progress and increased the rate of poverty and unemployment, not to mention its great impact on the psychology of society over decades, will lead the country to a disaster with the presence of armed groups outside the law and tampering with peace and security of society.”

Mahmoud adds to Shafaq News that “the militias are expected and know the results of this, but it seems that the war is their source of livelihood and the legitimacy of its existence, especially as it uses Palestine as a hager for its behavior,” he said.

“What is going on is a great challenge to the Sudanese government, which the militias are working to thwart and thwart its program that it promised the people,” the writer said.

U.S. and international coalition forces in Iraq and Syria have been subjected to more than 165 attacks since mid-October, many of which have adopted the “Islamic Resistance in Iraq,” an alliance of Iran-backed armed factions that oppose U.S. support for Israel in the Gaza war and the presence of US troops in the region.

Washington responded to previous attacks with a series of strikes in Iraq targeting pro-Iranian groups.تقارير-وتحليلات/المقاومة-العراقية-تستعد-لبد-المرحلة-الثالثة-من-الصراع-مع-واشنطن



  This week into next week many banks around the world are talking about what the CBI deliver to the GOI and they talk about it in Davos.  They know when it's to be delivered, they know the rate, they know the date, they know everything.  It is approaching us very very soon.  It is highly possible we are right around that two month range based on what I know...It's going to explode.  It's going to climb so quickly...It might happen so fast that it might jeopardize us.  We need to make decision quick...

 [Chase Bank story]  I went into Chase Bank to speak to the wealth manager... [I asked] Are you aware of the reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar?   She looked at me and chuckled and said I just got out of a meeting on that..
.I started asking questions and she says, as a banker I cannot answer those question right now...personally I can tell you things are moving.  She said, I will put you in my computer to call you in two months if I have not heard from you.  

Good News!💣CBI Released New Rate to Central Banks?🤔Iraq Dinar RV Updates...

Sudani adviser: We are keen to establish a positive relationship with America after its withdrawal, 4 FEB

 Sudani adviser: We are keen to establish a positive relationship with America after its withdrawal

Mawazine News – Baghdad
Hisham Al-Rikabi, Prime Minister’s adviser, stressed the government’s keenness on “positive relations” with the coalition countries, led by the United States, after its withdrawal from Iraq, expressing the hope that all observers and public opinion will touch “clear indications” in the coming days about the withdrawal mechanisms.

“Iraq is keen to have positive relations with the countries of the international coalition with withdrawal, especially the United States,” Hisham Al-Rikabi said.
“We want this relationship to be diverse and include all sectors and areas that Iraq can benefit from and need,” he explained in this context.

Hisham Al- Rikbi pointed to the Sudanese government since its formation, it has adopted “the option of constructive dialogue with all issues that hinder the work of the government, and how to find quiet solutions far from escalation to ensure the continuation of the stable situation in the country.”
On the subject of the presence of the international coalition, he pointed out that the government program of the Prime Minister, who won the confidence of the parliament, stressed “the need to withdraw this coalition from Iraq, especially after the need for its presence was no longer after the defeat of the terrorist organization ISIS thanks to our armed forces and its military formations, as well as thanks to the international coalition that supported Iraq during these operations.”

He expressed his hope that “there will be clear indications in the coming days that will be touched by all observers and public opinion about the mechanisms of withdrawal and how the relationship between the parties represented in the international coalition and Iraq will be felt,” recalling that the government’s statement “was clear about future relations with the coalition forces, which “will be on the basis of mutual cooperation and mutual respect.”


  Nader From The Mid East 

 A lot of people's comparing Iraq with Kuwait.  Kuwait is only 4,400,000 people...they have 104 billion barrels of oil.  Iraq has 140 billion barrels oil and this is only with the 4 or 5 manufacturers.  The other ones are not working yet.  Iraq from here to 2025 will almost 300 billion barrel of oil...

 Algeria is big and has a lot of assets but they have a lot less than Iraq and their dinar is stronger than Iraqi dinars.  If you look a the Tunisian dinars, Tunisia has nothing...and their dinars are 3 to 1 - Three dinars to $1.  My point is these people has nothing.  They're coming out a revolution.  They is a mess.  It's completely a mess.  They lost a lot.  The private sector is a mess and its [their dinar] is still strong.  Iraq, this rate is still a punishment rate...They have to revalue.  If they revalue they're going to revalue 1 to 1.

We coming out from war.  We coming out from the worst thing in our life.  We just start to walk...We just start to grow...It almost collapsed but didn't collapse.  It maintained itself and maintained himself stable...The only thing that destabilize the economy of Iraq is the war...Iraq is a very strong country...In a couple years Iraq is going to be one of the stronger countries in the world...Iraq is very strong.

  Iraq survived the worst thing in their life.  We survived 3 or 4 wars in the last 50 years.  We survived it and each time we came back and we came back strong.  This time we're going to come back very strong...Iraq economy never collapse by himself.  Iraq economy always stable unless somebody else disable it for them.  Iraq's economy is one of the best economy in the world and it's going to come back to the best economy in the world.  The negative things about Iraq will never revalue, it's a scam, that's all bullshit.  Iraq's going to come back one day and it's coming to come back soon.




 [Chase Bank story]

  I went into Chase Bank to speak to the wealth manager... [I asked] Are you aware of the reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar?  She looked at me and chuckled and said I just got out of a meeting on that...I started asking questions and she says, as a banker I cannot answer those question right now...personally I can tell you things are moving.   She said, I will put you in my computer to call you in two months if I have not heard from you.  

   Have I not been telling you for a long time now the next phase for you as an investor in the Iraqi dinar is going to be the most difficult phase. 

 Many of you unfortunately only want to buy the dinar to get rich.  It's like buying a gun - If you don't know how to use it you can hurt yourself or someone else.  You bought the Iraq dinar...I have been begging you to put a team together.

 [NOTE:  At the appropriate time consult great financial Advisors, tax attorneys, tax professionals to build the best exchange strategy for your unique circumstances.]

Al-Sudani: The government will continue its measures to reform the banking sector, 3 FEB

 Al-Sudani: The government will continue its measures to reform the banking sector

Information / Baghdad..
Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani confirmed today, Saturday, that the government has provided sovereign guarantees for projects implemented by the private sector.

A statement from Al-Sudani’s office received by the Al-Ma’louma Agency stated that “the Prime Minister received a number of investors and businessmen who own medium-sized projects.”

The statement added, “The meeting witnessed a review of the most important projects being implemented, the obstacles and problems facing employers, and ways to address them.”

During the meeting, the Prime Minister stressed “the government’s orientation towards supporting the private sector and supporting small companies,” noting “activation measures taken for the first time, including the sovereign guarantees provided by the government for projects implemented by the private sector.”

Al-Sudani stated, “These steps come from the government’s vision of the state’s work that it cannot be managed only through government institutions and the public sector, relying on the budget and oil prices, and on government jobs. Rather, there must be a societal understanding of the private sector, and experience with projects.” Small and developing.

According to the statement, the Prime Minister touched on “the challenges facing economic and financial reform in several files, as the implementation of the electronic payment system faces many obstacles, and there are also attempts to circumvent tax reform, company registration and customs procedures, and all of them are being addressed,” stressing that “the government also continues to… Its measures to reform the banking sector.

The statement indicated that “the Prime Minister talked about contracts for new residential city projects,” explaining that they “aim to solve the housing crisis and revitalize industry at the same time, as the construction sector serves this trend, which increases local production capacity in these industries.”

🔥Iraqi Dinar🔥The Rate set CBI is Done 🔥Starting Today Going Internation...

Demands to close it.. The American embassy continues its aggressive actions in Iraq, 3 FEB

 Demands to close it.. The American embassy continues its aggressive actions in Iraq

Today, Saturday, the Al-Fatah Alliance called on the government and parliament to adopt a firm and decisive stance to stop the repeated American bombing operations on the headquarters of the security forces and the Popular Mobilization Forces.

The leader of the Al-Fatah Alliance, Ali Al-Fatlawi, told Al-Ma’louma, “Iraqi sovereignty is not complete as long as there are American military bases present on Iraqi territory without revealing to the official authorities the numbers of those present in them.”

He added, “Washington’s embassy and its military bases in Iraq operate in complete secrecy, concealing the truth about the aggressive plans taking place, including targeting our security forces.”

He pointed out, “The American bases continue their violations of Iraqi sovereignty through the launching of drones, as well as aerial reconnaissance operations for intelligence and information purposes.”

The American aggression aircraft launched a series of strikes on sites belonging to the security forces and the Popular Mobilization Forces in Anbar, while the spokesman for the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Major General Yahya Rasoul, confirmed this morning that these strikes constitute a violation of Iraqi sovereignty, an undermining of the efforts of the Iraqi government, and a threat that will drag Iraq and the region into conflict. The undesirable consequences.



 [via WiserNow] 

  ...redemption centers are ready. The rates have been coming up on the screens of banks and redemption centers...they are significantly higher at the redemption centers than the banks...And I think you guys will be more than pleased...

 ...we've heard from a couple of...sources that we should be there...with notifications by [Friday]...and maybe we do get started [Friday] or Saturday but we should go right through the weekend...I think that's great news for us...Even though we didn't get started [Thursday] like we had thought, like we had hoped...I was honestly surprised we were not going to get started [Wednesday]...So things are moving forward...I think it’s coming ...I think it's got to, you just have to say super patient like we’ve been...

Thurs. 1 Feb. Bruce

  Today was termed National Freedom Day and from a special ops person so today Thurs. 1 Feb. through Wed. 7 Feb. we are supposed to have Nesara and Gesara. We will also see an increase in SS this month of February. Med Beds will be with us in five days.

Iraq is in the best shape of financial history BY NADER FROM MID EAST

The American ambassador is not present, and Fouad Hussein summons the Chargé d’Affaires, 3 FEB

 The American ambassador is not present, and Fouad Hussein summons the Chargé d’Affaires

Baghdad – 964
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced today, Saturday, that it will summon the US Chargé d’Affaires in Baghdad, David Pecker, due to the absence of the ambassador and his receipt of a protest note, in response to the US strikes on the Popular Mobilization Forces yesterday, Friday.

The Ministry stated in a statement, a copy of which was received by the 964 Network:
In protest against the American aggression that targeted Iraqi military and civilian sites, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will summon the Charge d’Affairs of the United States Embassy in Baghdad, Mr. David Perker, due to the absence of the American Ambassador, to hand him an official note of protest regarding the American attack that targeted military and civilian sites in the Akashat and Al-Qaim regions last Friday evening. Corresponding to 02/02/2024.


 Thoughts from Holly:

I know a lot of information is swirling around that this is happening. 

My sources are different than everyone else out there. 

I will tell you what I have heard and it will go against what others are saying. I am not putting anyone down with the information they received nor is this meant to disrespect anyone. I will share what I have heard as my inbox is blowing up for confirmation: 

  • D1 is funded but not released 
  • D2 is funded but not released. 
  • D3 is funded it is not released.
  • D1 when released, it releases D2 and D3
  • the Admiral is not released yet. 
  • I know bond holders who got NDAs and they are not funded yet.

Things are moving in the right direction and we are definitely looking good for this event to happen. I will not give a date when.

Just sit tight and stay grounded till this happens.


Iraqi Dinar✅ iraqi dinar 3-Zero New Notes Out In Iraq Today 2024💥 Iraqi ...

13 members of Iranian-backed groups killed in US strikes: SOHR, 3 FEB

13 members of Iranian-backed groups killed in US strikes: SOHR

The U.S. military forces conducted airstrikes in Iraq and Syria against Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Quds Force and affiliated militia groups, U.S. CENTCOM confirmed on Saturday.

Iraqi Shiite members of the Hashd al-Shaabi paramilitary group secure the border with Syria in al-Qaim, Anbar, Iraq, Nov. 12, 2018. (Photo: AFP))

Syria Syria IRGC Iraq

ERBIL (Kurdistan24) – The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) on Saturday reported that 13 members of Iranian-backed groups were killed in airstrikes that are believed to be carried out by US forces in the countryside of Deir ez-Zor.

“The airstrikes destroyed 17 positions sheltering Iranian militias in Al-Mayadeen (the capital of Iranian militias in Syria) and Al-Bokamal near borders between Syria and Iraq, in addition to airstrikes targeting positions near Deir Ezzor City,” SOHR said.

The U.S. military forces conducted airstrikes in Iraq and Syria against Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Quds Force and affiliated militia groups, U.S. CENTCOM confirmed on Saturday.

The U.S. military said they struck more than 85 targets in both Iraq and Syria.

The strikes are a retaliation for the death of three U.S. Army Reserve soldiers at a remote US base in Jordan by a drone attack carried out by an Iranian-backed Iraqi militia group. 

The Friday strikes are part of an anticipated air campaign that is set to be launched against the IRGC and its affiliated forces in the coming weeks, per US officials.

Following the retaliatory strikes, Biden issued a statement in which he affirmed, “Our response” to the attacks “began today,” and “it will continue at times and places of our choosing.”

That statement was repeatedly echoed by John Kirby, National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications, who briefed reporters, alongside Sims, later that day.

Kirby also provided the strongest expression of any Biden administration official in explaining the administration’s objective in the retaliatory strikes that had just occurred.

“We want the attacks to stop,” Kirby said. “We want them to stop right now.”



Telegram post

Forwarded from TRUTH WARRIORS (Chris):

Everything can happen at anytime! New U.S. Notes announced and other things! Much more information in the audio! Remember that this is his rendition of what he believes will happen. We shall wait and see what occurs.

This is great news! Everything is ready for the reevaluation of the Iraqi Dinar!

Responding to your comments about the Dr Shabibi video 02/02/24

Iraq is the second most Arab gold buyer in 2023. 3 FEB

 Iraq is the second most Arab gold buyer in 2023

Shafaq News / The World Gold Council revealed on Saturday that Iraq, Libya and Qatar came in the list of the top 10 most Arab central banks buying gold in 2023, amid the countries continuing to strengthen their reserves of the yellow metal as a safe haven, especially with the current economic and geopolitical crises.

According to that data, global central banks’ net gold purchases last year fell to 1037.4 tonnes, compared to 1081.9 tonnes in 2022, but remains the second highest level in more than 55 years.

The People’s Bank of China topped the list of the most central banks buying gold in 2023, with a volume of 224.88 tons, followed by Poland second with 130.3 tons, followed by Singapore a third with 76.51 tons, followed by Libya fourth by 30.1 tons, followed by Czech Republic fifth with 18.71 tons, followed by India sixth with 16.22 tons.

While Iraq came in the seventh with the most gold-buying bank in 2023, reaching 12.25 tons, followed by Qatar eighth with 7.44 tons, followed by the Philippines ninth with 7.10 tons, followed by Kyrgyzstan tenth with 6.95 tons.

According to the World Gold Council report, global demand for gold, excluding the over-the-counter market, fell to 4,448 tonnes in 2023, from 4,699 tons the year before.اقتصـاد/العراق-في-المرتبة-الثانية-بين-الدول-العربية-ال-كثر-شرا-للذهب-في-العام-2023


 Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom

As we move into the months of February and March, look for large swings in the market as we approach the March 11th deadline.

New tokenized assets will be coming on board to replace old traditional banking assets that used to stand on their own.

These new assets will have commodities interfaced with them, giving them new values. Inflation will rear its ugly head during this transition, and it will begin to put price pressures on gold to calm the uncharted seas.

The initial shock will be like sailing into a storm, but mechanisms are in place to absorb it as much as possible.

We have shared enough information together leading up to this event and where it will take us to guide you during this difficult time.

Just know, that all of us will be in this together.


© Goldilocks


Be ready, Gold-Backed Digital Banking and Market Protocols will be locking into position in the months of February and March.

© Goldilocks


Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) has closed a staggering 354 branches and 2297 ATMs in the past five years, with plans to shut down more in the coming weeks.

Australia’s biggest bank, which serves 15.9 million customers, has shut down almost one-third of its branches since June 2018, going from 1082 to 728 countrywide.  News AU


IMF Executive Board Concludes 2023 Article IV Consultation with the People’s Republic of China |  IMF


Russian ‘Digital Asset’ Market Ready for Takeoff, Lawmakers Claim |  Crypto News


Kuwait and Saudi Arabia have renewed their call for Iraq to respect the agreement between the Iraq and Kuwait on the regulation of maritime navigation in the Khor Abdullah waterway. | Iraq Business News


Ripple Edges Closer to Banks Via Crypto Custody Firm Metaco | Coin Desk


XRPL approves AMM amendment, opening new income avenues | Cryptopolitan


ECC approves transition from LIBOR to SOFR – Mettis Global Link

Iraqi Dinar🎉Iraq’s Economy Boost IMF Major Hints For Rv-Iraqi Dinar News...

White House: Iraqi government informed before strikes began, 3 FEB

 White House: Iraqi government informed before strikes began

Shafaq News/ A spokesman for the White House National Security Council, John Kirby, confirmed on Saturday that the Iraqi government has already been informed before launching airstrikes.

“The American response has started tonight, and it won’t end tonight,” Kirby said.

“We believe the strikes were successful, and we don’t know how many militants may have been killed or injured,” the U.S. official noted.

The White House confirmed the success of all airstrikes in hitting their targets in Iraq and Syria.

“Facilities that have been targeted are being used by IRGC groups to target U.S. forces in the Middle East,” Kirby said.

“There have been no contacts with Iran since 3 U.S. soldiers were killed in northeastern Jordan,” he noted.

Following the announcement of the strikes, US President Joe Biden said that US military forces, at his direction, “hit targets in Iraq and Syria used by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and their affiliated militias to attack US forces,” stressing that although the United States does not seek an escalation in the Middle East, it will inevitably respond to those who harm the Americans.

In a statement published by the White House on Friday, he confirmed that the U.S. response “began today and will continue at the times and places we choose.”

He added that “the United States is not seeking conflict in the Middle East or anywhere else in the world, but for everyone who may seek to harm. The following: If you hurt an American, we will respond.” This came according to Reutersسیاسة/البيت-ال-بيض-تم-بلاغ-الحكومة-العراقية-قبل-بد-الضربات

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