Saturday, December 30, 2023

Al-Sudani in 2023: A service-oriented journey filled with obstacles, 31 DEC

 Al-Sudani in 2023: A service-oriented journey filled with obstacles

Shafaq News / Evaluating any government's performance after just one year is challenging. However, Iraq in 2023 has seen tangible achievements, particularly in providing long-lacked basic services since 2003. Despite hurdles on economic and security fronts, the administration led by Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani managed noteworthy progress.

The birth of Al-Sudani's government in October 2022, following a challenging coalition-building process, as stated by political analyst Sabah Al-Akeeli, "is marked by political and popular support. It sets itself apart from past governments by prioritizing services as its primary governmental agenda." Al-Sudani's leadership is characterized as a "Service-Oriented Government," emphasizing a national project to deliver various types of services across the country.

Al-Sudani’s achievements 

Sabah Al-Akeeli, in an interview with Shafaq News Agency, highlighted the challenges faced by Al-Sudani's administration due to past burdens. He mentioned the government's efforts to allocate necessary funds to complete stalled projects, some of which were at 70% completion or more, and a significant number were successfully completed.

Regarding investment, Al-Akeeli explained that two major projects, the Grand Faw Project overseen directly by Al-Sudani and the establishment of the Large Development Road, stood out as promising initiatives that would positively impact the Iraqi economy. These projects are counted among the achievements of Al-Sudani.

Al-Akeeli continued, "Arguably, Al-Sudani's government exhibits superior performance compared to previous governments within the timeframe it has operated. This is evident through numerous projects aimed at alleviating congestion in Baghdad, including 16 projects—a feat unprecedented since 2003."

He further added, "In terms of oversight, Al-Sudani has surpassed the efforts of previous governments in combating corruption. He has actively pursued and termed corruption as a 'pandemic', leading to the referral of many corruption cases to the judiciary."

Regarding administrative reform, Al-Akeeli clarified, "Al-Sudani established committees to evaluate the performance of general directors. There have been significant changes in the administrative system, positively impacting the performance of governmental institutions."

Moreover, Al-Sudani stands out from previous governments by presenting a draft of the federal budget for three years. Past governments faced significant challenges in delaying budget approval, which affected the implementation of governmental programs. This accomplishment is noteworthy.

Al-Akeeli also highlighted another achievement of Al-Sudani's government, stating, "The successful organization of local council elections, marked by the exceptional performance of the Electoral Commission and the provision of security during the electoral process, was a promise fulfilled by Al-Sudani."

He emphasized that the government has pledged 2024 as a year of reconstruction and development, granting some authority to governorates in implementing Article 21 of the Provincial Councils Law.


Since assuming power, Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani's government encountered a myriad of challenges, particularly in the economic, security, and anti-corruption domains. However, the rise in oil prices somewhat alleviated these challenges, enabling Al-Sudani to address numerous issues. This was mainly due to his focus on a highly service-oriented approach, as highlighted by political science professor Issam Al-Faily from Al-Mustansiriya University.

Al-Faily noted that "the service-oriented approach adopted by Al-Sudani allowed him to address many issues. As commonly understood, the service dimension is the primary driver for stabilizing any government." He added, "Al-Sudani succeeded in the employment sector by creating numerous jobs, although some might find it a strain on the budget practically. However, Al-Sudani believed that allocating these funds to citizens was more crucial than letting corrupt individuals embezzle them."

Moreover, Al-Faily mentioned that "Al-Sudani's government succeeded in addressing many issues between the central government and the Kurdistan Region (KRI). Despite pressures from factions opposing federalism and the rights of regional employees, Al-Sudani managed to pay salaries. Some factions even criticized Al-Sudani at the last moment, accusing him of unilaterally deciding to pay the salaries of regional employees. However, Al-Sudani refrained from escalating tensions with political forces in this regard."

Al-Faily continued, saying, "Al-Sudani also succeeded in enhancing relationships with several Arab and regional countries that previously considered Iraq a crucial regional power."

He highlighted that "Al-Sudani's presence and his handling of some issues led to the emergence of various obstacles. Some parties believed that Al-Sudani's actions did not align with the political agreement. He was particularly sharp on the issue of bearing arms, with some parties accusing those who targeted Erbil Airport, Ain al-Assad base, and governmental areas of acting outside the law."

Al-Faily concluded, stating that "there were indeed numerous problems this year, but evaluating the performance of any government within just one year is challenging. Overall, Al-Sudani succeeded in creating relative tranquility and stability. However, this success would not have been possible without some form of collaboration between the factions forming the government. Meanwhile, there are still factions that adhere to a state-severing process."

Unfinished projects

Abbas Al-Jubouri, Director of the Al-Rafid Media and Strategic Studies Center, observed, "The accomplishments attained during this period, despite being few, were significant. This is particularly noteworthy considering the considerable backlog of stalled projects, numbering over 50,000 diverse projects spanning roads, bridges, residential buildings, agriculture, and industry. The exceptional effort was focused on services directly impacting people's lives."

On an international level, Al-Jubouri clarified, "Al-Sudani’s government succeeded internationally through its amicable relations with Gulf, Arab, and foreign countries and managed to host the Gulf 25 tournament in Basra."

Regarding the economy, Al-Jubouri stated, "Achievements included reducing the dollar to 1320 (the official rate), increasing retirees' salaries, expanding the social security network, and permanently securing Law 315 holders' positions. However, there were prior accumulations that negatively impacted the economic situation, so what was achieved was essentially from ground zero."

Supporting minorities

Al-Sudani’s government has issued numerous resolutions and directives aimed at supporting minorities. Among these decisions is a Cabinet decision regarding the preservation of employees from the same component and appointing individuals from this same component to vacant positions within the staff movements across all state institutions, according to Khalef Sinjar, the Prime Minister's advisor on Yazidi affairs.

Sinjar further stated, "There was also a decision to grant ownership of lands and houses to the Yazidis in Sinjar after almost 50 years of deprivation. Additionally, several symbolic decisions were made on occasions such as the festivals of the Yazidis, Christians, and Mandaeans." He affirmed that "the government is working in line with its governmental agenda to implement the Sinjar Agreement, facilitate the return of displaced individuals, and compensate those affected by terrorist activities."


 Militia Man  

The facts are in the pudding.  Anybody that says it's never going to happen has not done any study...When people do that I think it's reckless and I don't think they've done their research properly...


 Militia Man  

We have been watching some of the most fantastic news articles... We can clearly say we have the confidence Iraq is going to be going international...We see evidence of that in a lot of different ways...They're doing things in a big way...The U.N. is saying Iraq has emerged...

Iraq is going to go international.  We don't have very long time to wait as far as what they are telling us .  If they throw us a curve ball and we find out something different, don't shoot the messenger...I hope you have a Happy New Year and I think we're going to be moving forward with some really positive information.

Multi-currency practices are using more than one currency.  For instance if you're using the dinar and the dollar, that's multi-currency practice within internal circumstances.  That's going to go away.

🔥Iraqi Dinar🔥$3+ Range🔥News Guru Intel Update IQD Value to USD🤑💵🤑🎉

Chambers of Commerce: Positive government steps that will attract major merchants and international companies, 31 DEC

 Chambers of Commerce: Positive government steps that will attract major merchants and international companies

Today, Saturday, the Federation of Iraqi Chambers of Commerce confirmed the existence of positive government steps that will attract major international merchants, companies, and labels. While it identified the most prominent tax problems, it pointed out that “merchants’ lack of confidence” is the most important obstacle to tax reform. 

The president of the federation, Abdul Razzaq Al-Zuhairi, said, “Entering the electronic platform to pay taxes has become inevitable and will be implemented within the time frame set by the General Tax Authority, but there is a major problem represented by small merchants who now represent the majority, as they are forced to go to the parallel market,” noting that “There has been an old fear for decades between the merchant and the government.”

He pointed out that "a positive tax system has been launched, but we need to restore trust between the merchant and the government."

He added, "The majority of the Iraqi market is made up of small merchants, due to the circumstances that Iraq went through," adding, "The equation will change during the coming period, and large international companies and labels and major merchants will enter the Iraqi market, while small merchants will be shoppers."

He stated that "taxes created a kind of gap and problems for many Iraqis, including loss of files, similarity of names, taking deposits without refund, calculating the tax twice, and other problems."

He stressed that "the recent decision of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani will change many of those problems mentioned above, but implementation needs to be strict."

He pointed out that "Iraq deals with white money with countries around the world, so the issue of the electronic platform is positive, and it is a global step."

The General Authority for Taxes announced earlier the adoption of electronic payment in a binding manner for the payment of taxes, starting from January 1 of the new year 2024, while confirming the start of implementing the self-assessment system for the first time in Iraq.

The Director of the Authority, Ali Waad, confirmed earlier that the General Tax Authority seeks to obtain proper and legal approvals for the recommendations that were presented by us during the tax reform conference held on the sixth day of this month.

He pointed out that among the most important recommendations for tax reform are:

First: stabilizing property and land values, which will reduce human intervention and reduce opportunities for corruption, which will help in implementing the comprehensive electronic system.

Second: The Authority seeks to encourage local companies to pay all taxes due related to these companies by amortizing the fines and interest they owe, provided that they pay the original tax due.

Third: The Authority is seeking to submit a proposal to amortize 50% of the fines and interest imposed on foreign companies, especially oil companies, on the condition that the original taxes due are paid as an important basic step, to follow the problem-free policy.

Fourth: The Authority seeks to solve the problem of similarity of names, this major problem that exists in the General Authority for Taxes, and it is an existing and previous problem, by canceling all the double names that were previously provided to the General Authority for Taxes, and returning them to the official authorities to complete them and adding the triple name or the first name. Mother, wife, or date of birth. 

As for the common triple names, including the name (Ali Hussein Ali), which is a very common name and greatly obstructs tax accounting operations, especially for taxpayers in Baghdad and the governorates, so the Authority proposes to return these names to the authorities that sent them to the Authority, to provide them with full information.

Fifth: The Authority is working to complete the stages of networking between the Authority’s center and the rest of the state institutions, including ministries, agencies and general directorates, and to link them electronically, by creating electronic interfaces (WebCite) to provide electronic services, especially to taxpayers. 

Sixth: The Authority seeks to cooperate with state departments to electronically connect and adopt the (barcode) system between the Authority and other government departments, as it has been applied in several departments, including all traffic directorates in Baghdad and the governorates, as well as in the company registrars’ department and in the real estate registration departments between the governorates and Baghdad.

Seventh: The authority’s management seeks geographical expansion by opening new branches to reduce the momentum occurring in some branches in the governorates, as well as increasing the tax base, in addition to increasing the number of taxpayers, and simplifying procedures for citizens, as the authority obtained the approval of the Minister of Finance, Taif Sami, to open two branches in each. From the governorates of Basra and Diwaniyah, and one branch in each of the holy governorates of Karbala and Anbar. 

Eighth: The Authority is seriously seeking to implement an electronic system, which will contribute significantly to speeding up transactions, reducing cases of corruption, and increasing state resources  link



   1310 is actually a really good rate right now because it's good to keep control of the IQD exchange rate.  By keeping it at 1310 until they're ready to pull the trigger, there's no profiteering.  There's no reason to steal a dinar.   As the CBI maintains the exchange rate value of the IQD it is affecting the rate of the USD verses IQD...The CBI is controlling the dinar...

Question:  "Where is the new exchange rate?"  You don't see it yet but they are telling you directly what you are about to see.  They are in the process of making the new exchange rate public...This is the monetary reform education at its best.  They are telling the Iraqi citizens while you investors listen.

Wish the best for Iqd BY NADER FROM MID EAST

Iraq and Iran Strengthen Cooperation on Oil Industry, 30 DEC

 The Iraqi and Iranian ministers of oil have agreed to establish committees to expand cooperation, including committees for the development of shared border fields, investment in gas and petrochemical industries, and renewable energy.

Other committees will focus on the qualification and development of refineries, joint training, and collaborative efforts in oil marketing, drilling, pipeline supply, spare parts, oil exploration, and more.

The meeting this week also saw the signing of a memorandum of cooperation in the field of training and development.

Deputy Prime Minister Haidar Al-Abadi, during his official visit to Iran, engaged with Iranian government officials and the Ministry of Oil. The delegation included officials from various Iraqi oil-related entities.   link



 [via PDK]  Everything still appears to be on track with a tremendous amount of anticipation for the next few days... There is a big push now to get the US military out of Iraq immediately.  “Iraq’s PM says government working to end presence of US led coalition forces in the country” Donald Trump once said that that when they reduced the numbers they would not completely leave the country until we have been paid for the war effort. So what does that tell us?  They are trying to get us out in “the next coming days” which means the RV needs to happen…as I understand it.  This could be an indicator of how close we are.  Iraq is also indicating the problems with the parallel or black market selling the dollar would be done by the first.  Buckle up for this week…We may not make it by the first…but I believe it will be very close to it.

  Question:  What do you think the dong rate will be?   MarkZ:   I am still looking at $2 or $2.25…but my bank contacts think this is low. They think it may be as high as the $3+ range.

Well there is plenty of expectation for this weekend...things are highly possible by the first. story...I am going to leave out the name of the bank so they do not get harassed.:  “I went to my nearest ____ bank in California on Mon 12-18 to talk about the possibility of opening an account with them. I told the account rep I had a lot of foreign currency and have been reading that ______ bank was one of the banks doing deals in Iraq and were going to be one of the participating banks when the RV (Re-valuation) happened.  I asked if that was accurate The account rep lowered his voice a bit, smiled at me and said “Yes, they are going to be one of the participating banks when it happens but I would need to have an account in order to redeem”  

 I asked him if I opened an account today would it help with the process, and would this branch be where I would be exchanging?  He said “Yes and No” Yes I could bring in my currencies here…but they would have to send them to a branch in a different city to verify the currencies are legitimate.  I asked if I could just drive to that branch and redeem it myself there and he said “Absolutely” and that way you do not have to let your currency out of your sight.  So what I call a redeeming bank or redemption center- are locations like that one that are set up to verify and exchange it right there in front of you with trained personnel. RC’s are banking facilities specifically set up  with specially trained staff to verify your currency in front of you so you do not have to let it out of your sight. 

Iraqi Dinar✅Finally Iraq Entry Into Forex Markeet-Iraqi Dinar Revaluatio...

Romanski reveals that $73 million has been provided to the Iraqi government to improve services, 30 DEC

 Romanski reveals that $73 million has been provided to the Iraqi government to improve services

Shafaq News/ The US Ambassador to Iraq, Elena Romanski, revealed on Saturday that $73 million had been provided to the Iraqi government for the purpose of cooperation with civil society and improving services.

Romanski said in a tweet on her official account on the X website (formerly Twitter), that the Iraqi government’s goal of supporting community participation and effective local governance is a basic priority within the comprehensive US-Iraqi partnership.

She indicated that the United States Agency for International Development Middle East (USAID Middle East) provided $73 million through the “Iraq Together” program to enable the government to cooperate with civil society and local communities to improve public services.


  Sandy Ingram 

 In January 2024 foreign currencies will no longer be allowed inside Iraq and any violations will be criminalized.  The Iraqi dinar will be used for all transitions. 

Why are we seeing reports of a meeting with the IMF in Jordan and a meeting with the Department of the Treasury and the US Federal Reserve in Dubai?  ...The meeting with the IMF had to do with the IMF staff team helping the Iraqi authorities reform the banking system... This meeting more than any other tells us Iraq may be preparing to join the global financial network, aka Forex Market...Here's the bottom line.  Iraq has never really been on the Forex market.  These reports IMPLY Iraq is headed in the direction of international currency inclusion while using its own currency for transactions within th country beginning January 1, 2024. 

Forex Predictions: The Iraqi Dinar's Future with a Managed Float | HOT NEWS

Sudanese plans to remove the international coalition from Iraq and warns of the repercussions, 30 DEC

 Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani is trying to reduce the pressure exerted against his government regarding the issue of the presence of American forces and the entire international coalition that was formed to combat ISIS by announcing steps to end this presence during the coming period.

Al-Sudani announced this trend in a press conference he held with his Spanish counterpart, Pedro Sanchez, during the latter’s two-day visit to Baghdad, and whose country participates in the international coalition, expressing his rejection of “hostile attacks” against Iraqi bases, warning that they affect the stability of the country.
Al-Sudani considered that the presence of the international coalition forces against ISIS must be within the framework of support and advice, stressing the ability of his country’s government to preserve and protect diplomatic missions.

In response to stress

Al-Sudani’s statements appear to be a response to some of the pressures exerted by the Shiite forces that make up the coordination framework and have armed groups, after the recent attacks launched by American forces on the headquarters of the Iraqi “Hezbollah Brigades” in the Jurf al-Sakhar district, north of Babylon, and other headquarters of the brigades in the city of Hilla, the capital. Babylon Governorate.
The Shiite factions allied with Iran escalated their media attacks against the government and criticized its recent statements that described these factions’ attacks on Erbil airport and military bases where American forces are located as “outlaw,” considering the government’s speech an attempt to justify the recent American raids on their headquarters.

The interest of Iraq

In this context, the director of the Iraq Center for Strategic Studies, Ghazi Faisal, considered that “the exit of the international coalition forces is not in Iraq’s interest,” ruling out at the same time the exit of these forces at the present time. He said, “The international coalition forces that were formed in 2014 after (the terrorist ISIS) occupied a third of Iraqi territory and declared the (Caliphate State in Iraq and the Levant) came in order to undermine and dismantle the dangerous international organization that was formed in Iraq and the Levant and a number of other countries such as Afghanistan, Mali, Mozambique and Algeria.” Libya, Yemen and other Arab and Islamic countries.”

Global victory

Faisal believed that “the coalition forces present today, consisting of more than 83 countries in the world led by the United States, will not leave Iraq, Syria, and the Middle East in general before achieving complete victory over terrorist organizations,” indicating that “these organizations are ravaging security and stability and threatening international interests, especially for The industrialized countries and the capitalist world through bombings and acts of violence in various countries of the world, especially the expansion into Africa and Asia in general.”
Faisal considered that “the presence of international coalition forces in Iraq is contingent on achieving global victory over ISIS, since terrorism is interconnected in its geography,” ruling out “the exit of American forces from Iraq and Syria at a time when the region is ravaged by dangerous wars and threats to security and energy stability.”

A vital region

The director of the Iraq Center for Strategic Studies pointed out that “the Middle East and the Arabian Gulf region constitutes a vital strategic field for the global economy as it is an important market extending from Turkey to Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt and the countries of the Arabian Gulf,” indicating that “the issue of the exit of American forces is not only related to Iraqi relations – “But by the strategic position of the United States and ensuring security and stability.”
“If American forces leave Iraq, they will be present in the Arabian Gulf and have bases in Kuwait, Qatar, the Fifth Fleet in Bahrain, and a base in the Emirates, in addition to eight bases in Turkey. Therefore, they will continue to confront Iran’s allies in Iraq,” according to Faisal, who pointed out He also pointed out that “the assassination of General (Qassem) Soleimani did not take place from inside Iraq, but rather through drones outside the borders, in addition to the assassination of many figures such as ISIS leaders, and figures that the United States considers hostile to it.”

Political researcher Ali Bader also ruled out that “the United States will neglect Iraq as a strategic partner.” He said, “The year 2014 witnessed the establishment of the international coalition, but many of the details of the formation of this coalition have not been revealed, and these matters make the presence of these forces suspicious to some political parties.” Bader added, “The work is now supposed to be logistical and intelligence, especially after the end of hostilities, given that the Iraqi security forces are now able to fight battles with the remaining remnants of terrorism in accordance with a new security reality and institutional vision,” indicating that “the Prime Minister means here.” The combat presence of the international coalition.”

Difficult request

Al-Baidar pointed out, “It is difficult to ask the United States to withdraw because its presence in Iraq is of great importance due to Iraq’s geopolitical location, in addition to reducing the weight of the Iranian presence in Iraq and putting pressure on Tehran continuously.”

The intelligence aspect

In turn, the military advisor, Safaa Al-Aasam, believes that “Iraq does not need the international coalition forces, as the battle with ISIS has ended in 2017,” indicating that “what Iraq needs is the intelligence aspect.”
Al-Aasam said, “For more than two years, Iraq no longer needs the presence of international coalition forces.” The battle now between the Iraqi forces and the terrorist elements has become a security intelligence battle after the liberation operations took place in mid-2017,” indicating that “the Iraqi military establishment, with all its types, is able to protect the country because there is no interference by the United States, whose role is limited to protecting the skies of Iraq.” And ensuring that terrorist organizations do not enter Iraqi territory.” He pointed out that “the Iraqi military establishment is capable of ending terrorism, especially since ISIS is breathing its last inside Iraq,” noting that “Iraq is currently benefiting from the intelligence aspect of the coalition forces and Western armament, due to the weakness of its armament and intelligence aspect.”
Al-Aasam stressed, “Iraq needs experts, armament, and consultation because weapons are developing, and we need these experts and advisors.”



 Article:  "Parliament is awaiting the 2024 budget schedules...preparing for major changes in numbers"  Remember I told you if they're going to make any kind of change to the exchange rate it would happen at the end of the year or before the beginning of this next year 2024.  The reason for that is businesses in Iraq have to prepare their budgets...based on what the government in Iraq does...The fact that they're saying they need to reconsider the total revenues and expenditures for the year make me wonder what it is they have up their sleeve.  There's no guarantees that's what's going to happen but if they are going to make a change to the exchange rate this would be the time to do it.

There's no float.  It's fixed 1320 for every dollar.  Once it ends up on Forex then you'll see a float.  Most likely it will be a managed float where if it starts to get crazy one way or the other then the government will intervene and control the rate...

Iraqi Dinar✅Finally Iraq Entry Into Forex Markeet-Iraqi Dinar Revaluatio...

Sudanese Advisor: The economic reform law is on its way to legislation and will lead us to prosperity, 30 DEC

Sudanese Advisor: The economic reform law is on its way to legislation and will lead us to prosperity

Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, Advisor to the Prime Minister for Financial Affairs, confirmed today, Saturday, that implementing the economic reform law will achieve optimal use of available material and human resources, indicating that the law is on its way to being legislated by the House of Representatives.

The Sudanese wants to end internal dealings with the dollar

The Sudanese wants to end internal dealings with the dollar, and “dollarization” has been a legacy since 1982.. His advisor Saleh said in an interview with the official agency, followed by the 964 Network , that “the economic philosophy framed by the draft economic reform law presented on its way to legislation to the House of Representatives is based on the vision of the government’s approach to reform and reorganizing the national economy.”

He added, “The government curriculum, which was approved by the House of Representatives in October 2022, is responsible for implementing a reform vision based on the principle of partnership between the state and the private sector (in financing, investment and production), starting with investing in natural resources and manufacturing industries and ending with digital and other services, and generating… High value-added chains enhance growth factors in GDP.”

Saleh explained, “The draft economic reform law is also consistent with the principles of the (National Strategy for Private Sector Development) and the principles of the new formation of the Private Sector Council headed by Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani.”

He pointed out that “the draft reform law, which is in the process of legislation, is consistent with the national strategy for developing the private sector, as both are undoubtedly a realistic embodiment and a central syndrome in building the rules of the (social market) through the vision of partnership between the state and the private sector that we mentioned earlier.”

He continued: “They are also two economic forces that will contribute to their cohesion by diversifying the sources of income in the national economy and dismantling it from the rentier unilateralism on whose ruins coexisted with emergency profit-making liberal capitalisms devoid of any idea of ​​building market institutions. Rather, they remained fleeting to sustainable development or even the tendency to build the foundations of the real investment desired throughout. past decades.

Saleh stressed that “Iraq is advancing the vision of partnership between the state and the social market, through the implementation of the economic reform law immediately upon its enactment, to establish coherent guarantees for a promising economic future that will eliminate the rentier phenomenon and mono-economic problems.”

He stated that “implementing the economic reform law will achieve for our country optimal use of all available resources (material and human), and at the same time guarantee a level of prosperity that results in sustainable growth in a diversified economic climate that guarantees development.”


 Mnt Goat  

 ...we can see what is slowly happening is that Iraq is moving back to a normalcy of their financial system an international normalcy. It takes much more than just putting in place the banking reforms, the means and the mechanisms to do it as we have witnessed over the past years. But now they are actually doing it. It may be slow but remember they are still under the strong arm of the US Treasury on this matter too and are working very closely with them at their pace. In many ways this is good as we want the US to support this process when it comes time to give the “green light”. This is why so many visits by the US Treasury to Iraq.

..there is always one news article to grab my attention and stands out from the rest...WOW, WOW, WOW news. It says that the purpose of foreign currency in Iraq is to deal with it outside the [national] economy, so it is not possible to consider the existence of a price in the dollar and a price in the dinar: one rises and the other falls.  No monetary policy can control such a situation ...Folks this is just what we have been waiting for so long to hear...This is huge news.

 They are finally getting off the sanctioned use of ONLY US dollars for trade outside Iraq.  Yes, they are beginning to act now like they are out of the UN 1991 & 2003 sanctions, that by the way, happened over a year agoSo, yes, it is about time. We all should be jumping for joy and maybe even taking a couple sips (I said just a couple) of that refrigerated champagne… lol.. lol.. lol.  Save the rest for what is coming next and that includes going to the bank

🔥Iraqi Dinar🔥Really Really Good🔥News Guru Intel Update IQD Value to USD🤑💵🤑🎉

Iraq is ranked fourth in the list of the most dynamic countries “with foreign investment”, 30 DEC

Iraq is ranked fourth in the list of the most dynamic countries “with foreign investment”

Iraq ranked fourth among the “10” countries with the growth of “foreign investment momentum” until 2024, with a growth rate in expenses of more than 370% from 2021 until the end of 2023.

According to a report by the fdi website on foreign investment in the world, many economies enjoyed strong investment momentum until 2024.

She pointed out that the Asian continent was particularly good, as 6 out of 10 countries were Asian countries.

The ranking of the ten most dynamic countries in foreign investment until 2024 was as follows:

1- Kapmodia

2- The Philippines

3- Kenya

4- Iraq

5- Namibia

6- Kazakhstan

7- Azerbaijan

8- Morocco

9- Serbia

10- India

The degree of the momentum index of foreign direct investment in Iraq came at about “86” points out of 100, while the growth of GDP 2024 is 2.90%, inflation is 3.60%, the growth in capital expenditures for foreign direct investment between 2021 and 2023 amounted to more than 370%, and the growth in foreign direct investment projects between 2021 and 2023 amounted to about 95%.العراق-في-المرتبة-الرابعة-ضمن-قائمة-الدول-الأكثر-زخماً-بالاستثمار-الاجنبي

Weekend News with MarkZ. 12/30/2023

Weekend News with MarkZ 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

The CBD Guru’s are the first 45 minutes…..then Mark with the news. 


Member: Rv there yet? Should we fire up the grill for Mc RV Burgers?

MZ:  Everything still appears to be on track with a tremendous amount of anticipation for the next few days 

MZ: There is a big push now to get the US military out of Iraq immediately.  “Iraq’s PM says government working to end presence of US led coalition forces in the country” 

MZ: Donald Trump once said that that when they reduced the numbers they would not completely leave the country until we have been paid for the war effort. So what does that tell us?  They are trying to get us out in “the next coming days” which means the RV needs to happen ….as I understand it.  This could be an indicator of how close we are. 

Member: Trump once said the US Treasury holds billions in Iraqi dinar.

MZ: Iraq is also indicating the problems with the parallel or black market selling the dollar woukd be done by the first.  

MZ: Buckle up for this week…. We may not make it by the first…but I believe it will be very close to it. 

Member: Do you still expect all currencies to go at the same time?

MZ: Yes….I still it expect it to all go at once. 

Member: Even the Venezuelan Bolivar?

MZ: I am still being told the bolivar will go as well….

Member:  my Exchange center worker said the owners “may open a redemption center in a different location” he also said he’s hearing much chatter of next few days

Member: I was expecting a lot more news just before the new year. Kinda disappointed. 

Member: It's been a slow week in every way. Typical of week between Christmas and New Year/s.


Member: Mark.. I talked to JPMORGAN/Chase. They said that they are definitely a redemption center. My branch is one.of them..

Member: Wishing you all a golden New Year!

Member: Mark, sending sincere wishes to you and the entire Z-Nation for a successful and prosperous 2024! Stay safe, be prepared, and brace yourselves for an exhilarating year ahead!


Mondays New Year’s day Podcast will be a NOON EST…….




Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.


Bruce Big Call 12/28/23



 Bruce says he has a little information about Jeannie and the R&R assignments; those funds that we will recover will begin at the end of the first week of January. I don't know if it is the same day or several days of installments in their accounts.

 He also mentioned that SS starts at age 62 if you have chosen to take it and you will get a raise in January and some will receive $5,200 a month at most; That won't mean much to us.

 According to our RC sources that we heard today and over 10,000 in the US, they are ready for us and what is interesting to me is the number of so-called Treasury Marshals who work for them in the RC and who are being flown today around the world. country, so no less than 5 or 6 in each RC in turns; at least some RCs in Miami and Orlando are open 24/7, as are Houston and Texas; again, some are open 24/7, so if you had 6, they would be splitting the shifts and this is something new. Something real that has been happening for days. 

This same leader is saying that there is a strong possibility of being notified on Friday and starting trading on Saturday (that opinion was also shared by a WF Bond Prime Minister). Almost the same language was shared: a good, strong possibility of exchange was reported and the last two sources. from the US Treasury today and what they told you this Friday Saturday could be a request for bondholders and not for us, but for T4B to receive emails on January 1 and set appointments for Tuesday, January 2 January for exchanges. Now we would love to have it on Friday/Saturday, but those other two sources say 1st and 2nd. Remember what also happens on New Year's Eve: the new USTN hits the ATM overnight and will be available on Monday, which is a bank holiday, so the first chance to get them at banks would be Tuesday.

 I like Friday and Saturday a lot better, but let's wait and see, and if nothing happens over the weekend, we're pretty sure it will happen on day 1 and 2; we may simply make a celebratory call; This has been a great 12th day period of the year, if we went past midnight, this would have started our thirteenth year; We shouldn't have to make any more calls, plan something else for Tuesday and Thursday nights.


Bruce Big Call 28/12/23

Bruce dice que tiene un poco de información sobre Jeannie y las asignaciones de R&R; esos fondos que recuperaremos comenzarán a fines de la primera semana de enero. No sé si es el mismo día o varios días de tramos en sus cuentas.
También mencionó que el SS comienza en 62 años si ha elegido tomarlo y obtendrá un aumento en enero y algunos recibirán $5,200 al mes como máximo; eso no significará mucho para nosotros.
Según nuestras fuentes de la RC que escuchamos hoy y más de 10,000 en los EE. UU., están listos para nosotros y lo que es interesante para mí es el número de los llamados Marshals del Tesoro que trabajan para ellos en la RC y que están siendo trasladados en avión hoy por todo el mundo. país, por lo que no menos de 5 o 6 en cada RC en turnos; al menos algunos RC en Miami y Orlando abren las 24 horas, los 7 días de la semana, al igual que Houston y Texas; nuevamente, algunos abren las 24 horas, los 7 días de la semana, por lo que si tuviera 6, estarían repartidos los turnos y esto es algo nuevo. Algo real que viene sucediendo desde hace días.

Este mismo líder está diciendo que existe una gran posibilidad de ser notificado el viernes y comenzar a intercambiar el sábado (esa opinión también fue compartida por un Primer Ministro de WF Bond). Se compartió casi el mismo lenguaje: se notificó una buena y fuerte posibilidad de intercambiar y las dos últimas fuentes. del Tesoro de los EE. UU. hoy y lo que le dijeron este viernes sábado podría ser una solicitud para los tenedores de bonos y no para nosotros, sino para que T4B reciba correos electrónicos el 1 de enero y establezca citas para el martes 2 de enero para los intercambios. Ahora nos encantaría tenerlo el viernes/sábado, pero esas otras dos fuentes dicen 1º y 2º. Recuerde lo que también sucede la noche de Año Nuevo: la nueva USTN ingresa al cajero automático durante la noche y estará disponible el lunes, que es feriado bancario, por lo que la primera oportunidad de obtenerlos en los bancos sería el martes.
Me gusta mucho más el viernes y el sábado, pero esperemos y veremos, y si no sucede nada durante el fin de semana, estamos bastante seguros de que sucederá el día 1 y el 2; es posible que simplemente hagamos una llamada de celebración; este ha sido un gran día 12. período del año, si pasamos de la medianoche, esto habría comenzado nuestro decimotercer año; no deberíamos tener que hacer más llamadas, planear algo más para los martes y jueves por la noche.

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