Saturday, September 9, 2023

Will rising oil prices reduce the 2023 budget deficit?, 9 SEPT

 Will rising oil prices reduce the 2023 budget deficit?

According to economist Nabil Al-Marsoumi, the oil revenues earned until August 2023 have reached $61.513 billion, which is equivalent to 80 trillion dinars. However, the estimated oil revenues in the 2023 budget are $90 billion, equivalent to 117 trillion dinars.

Al-Marsoumi stated in a blog post on his personal Facebook account, which was followed by “Baghdad Today”, that if the high oil prices continue and Iraq sells its oil at $85 per barrel, it is possible for the country to generate oil revenues of $8.7 billion per month during the remaining third of the year.

During a recent speech, he noted that Iraq is expected to generate up to $34.8 billion in oil revenues between September and December of 2023. This should bring the total oil revenue for 2023 to $96.213 billion or 125 trillion dinars. The surplus of $6.213 billion, or 8 trillion dinars, will help offset the deficit in the 2023 budget, but only if the non-oil revenues, estimated at 17 trillion dinars, are fully realized. Unfortunately, it may be unlikely given that the net non-oil revenues achieved in the first half of 2023 were only 421 billion dinars. Therefore, while the high price of oil is beneficial, it may not be enough to significantly reduce the budget deficit in 2023.

According to official figures released by the Iraqi Ministry of Oil, Iraq has achieved record-high financial revenues of over $115 billion in the past year (2022), thanks to the export of crude oil. This marks a significant increase from previous years and is a noteworthy achievement for the country.

According to the figures, the daily export rate was 3.32 million barrels, resulting in an annual export of 1.21 billion barrels.

On Monday, economist Nabil Al-Marsoumi announced that Iraq had achieved its highest trade surplus in 2022. He also noted that the surplus was not the result of any reforms.

In his post, Al-Marsawi explained that Iraq achieved the highest trade surplus in the past year by pointing out that it is “the difference between the value of exported goods and imported goods.”

He said, “In the history of the oil industry, which is almost a hundred years old, the surplus achieved for the year 2022 is significant. It amounts to 53.54 billion dollars and is due to the increase in oil exports. The total oil exports amounted to about 120 billion dollars, of which 115 billion dollars came from crude oil exports. The remaining 5 billion dollars mostly came from black oil exports.”

Al-Marsoumi explained that the increase in Iraq’s trade surplus is not the result of any domestic efforts towards reform, development or economic diversification, but is instead due to an external factor – specifically, the rise in oil prices. He noted that the average annual oil price in 2022 exceeded $95 per barrel.

A Kurdish bloc calls for accelerating the legislation of the oil and gas law, 9 SEPT

 A Kurdish bloc calls for accelerating the legislation of the oil and gas law

The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan parliamentary bloc has urged the government to speed up the drafting of the oil and gas law, which has been pending since 2005. They emphasized that legislating the law is the only solution to resolve the disputes between the region and the center.

The oil and gas law has not been enacted since 2005, which hinders efforts to resolve crises between Baghdad and Erbil, according to Suzanne Mansour, spokesperson for the bloc, in an interview with Agency.

During a recent statement, she emphasized that implementing the law would benefit Iraq as a whole and help resolve any conflicts between the region and the central government. She also emphasized the importance of collaboration between Baghdad and the region to expedite the process of drafting and enacting the oil and gas legislation.

She highlighted that “everyone hopes to resolve the outstanding controversial points and proceed with the procedures for legislating the law within the dome of Parliament.”

The Oil, Gas and Natural Resources Committee has confirmed Parliament’s intention to pass the oil and gas law in the current session. They have also indicated that passing the law could help resolve problems between Baghdad and Erbil.

Finance is ready to implement the budget law and grant 50% of the outlets’ revenues to Kurdistan, 9 SEPT

 Finance is ready to implement the budget law and grant 50% of the outlets’ revenues to Kurdistan

Shafaq News / Finance Minister Tayf Sami said on Saturday that there is no consensus between the Federal Border Ports Authority and the Kurdistan Region on the unification of the pricing of customs duties.

Sami was speaking during her hosting by the Parliamentary Finance Committee in the Iraqi parliament and was attended by a correspondent of Shafaq News Agency.

Our correspondent quoted Sami as saying, "There is no consensus in customs between the federal border crossings and the Kurdistan region, considering that the customs duties in the region are lower than other ports in Iraq, and a good example of this is the entry of cigarettes through the region," she claimed.

She stressed that "zero' control must be restored, not only in one location, but in different locations with reduced customs duties in order to reduce smuggling operations."

The minister expressed her readiness to apply the text of the country's financial budget law, and that 50% of the revenues of the official border ports will be the share of the provinces in the Kurdistan region," noting that: There are 5 unofficial border ports in the region.

September 9, 2023

A “disturbing” economic vision about the relationship between oil prices and the budget deficit, 9 SEPT

 A “disturbing” economic vision about the relationship between oil prices and the budget deficit

Yesterday, on Friday, September 8, 2023, economist Nabil confirmed that the oil revenues achieved until August 2023 amounted to $61.513 billion, which is equivalent to 80 trillion dinars. He also indicated that the estimated oil revenues in the 2023 budget are $90 billion, which is equivalent to 117 trillion dinars.

According to a post by Al-Marsoumi, which I followed for information, the oil revenues earned until August 2023 amount to $61.513 billion, which is equivalent to 80 trillion dinars. He also stated that the estimated oil revenues in the 2023 budget are expected to reach $90 billion, which is equivalent to 117 trillion dinars.

He said that if Iraq continues to sell its oil at $85 a barrel, they could earn $8.7 billion per month in oil revenues for the remaining third of the year.

During a discussion, he highlighted that the revenue generated from oil could potentially reach 34.8 billion dollars between the months of September and December 2023. This would result in a total oil revenue of about 96.213 billion dollars or 125 trillion dinars for the year of 2023. Additionally, this would lead to a surplus of 6.213 billion dollars, or 8 trillion dinars, which can be used to reduce the deficit in the 2023 budget. However, this is only possible if all non-oil revenues estimated in the 2023 budget, which is about 17 trillion dinars, are realized. This may be unlikely though.

According to the economist, the net non-oil revenues earned in the first half of 2023 were only 421 billion dinars. This means that continuing with the budget deficit for the year 2023 will not significantly reduce the high price of oil.

The current draft budget shows a deficit of 63.275 trillion dinars. This is based on the assumption of a $70 per barrel price for oil, as more than 95 percent of budget revenues are generated from oil sales. These figures were shared by the Council of Ministers.



  [via PDK]  What I am hearing from a number of my group contacts  is that money will be moving on or by Tuesday.  Some indicators are expected tomorrow or Monday to let us know if we are on target for that... 

chatter has been off the hook for the last 72 hours or so that they 24 hours or so for things to really launch.  I think my groups and bankers are probably accurate and we are possibly this close to finally having this thing nailed down with their expectations for Tuesday. They are overall just down right excited. Reminder - None of us know the timing…we just know what we expect according to the news a chatter.

So many rumors out there...I definitely feel like we are close. IT was off the hook yesterday with expectation... Many thought it would happen overnight last night…  I really didn’t think it was ready yet... 

We continue to hear fantastic personal banking stories...So many banking stories from you all from wealth managers etc… Comment:  I said  it will happen 9-11... MarkZ:  For whatever reason my gut is saying the same thing

 From Iraq...A chief strategist of the AFC Iraq fund is talking about how “Banks will fuel the next market phase of Iraq” they have made exceptional progress. Top tier banks have a lot of funding and money and this is where the future is going to explode for Iraq…and they are now ready to start funding entrepreneurs, projects etc…. This is a great piece that shows us where Iraq is heading...

We were told the banking implementation is key for them to be able to change their value. It also brings financial security. 

 ...lots of quiet…but its enough to get some a little excited. I really thought we would some leaks or news by this morning…but I don’t have them yet. We just need to stay calm and patient.

Iraqi Dinar-Currency Revaluation / Iraqi Dinar Revaluation News 2023 / I...

Turkey "Turns The Tables" On Iraq.. Baghdad Is Demanding More Than $3 Billion In Compensation To Ankara, 9 SEPT

 Turkey "Turns The Tables" On Iraq.. Baghdad Is Demanding More Than $3 Billion In Compensation To Ankara

Politics |Today   Baghdad today - Erbil   Oil expert Kovind Sherwani confirmed today, Saturday (September 9, 2023), that the decision of the International Arbitration Court in Paris obligated Turkey to pay compensation to Iraq with a fine of one billion and 400 million dollars.

Sherwani told "Baghdad Today", "The Turkish government initially announced its commitment to the decision and stopped the export of oil through the Turkish port of Ceyhan, but it issued a statement in which it confirmed that the court's decision included five items in favor of Ankara."

He added, "According to the decision and provisions published by Turkey, there are compensations that Iraq must pay to the Turkish government amounting to more than 950 million dollars."

He pointed out that "all visits by Turkish officials did not lead to an agreement and settlement for the purpose of resuming oil exports," adding, "The cessation causes harm to the three parties, Baghdad, Ankara, and the Kurdistan region."

While Sherwani pointed out that “the issue of the oil dispute will not be resolved through the courts because it will take a long time and we will need money and expenses to be borne by all parties,” he stressed that “the solution is to sit at the negotiating table and solve the crisis radically.” 

The Kurdistan Region oil file was transferred between the Iraqi government and the Turkish government, from the courts of Paris to the courts of the United States of America. Baghdad and Ankara filed lawsuits against each other in American courts.

Iraq demands that Turkey pay a fine of (two billion and 400 million) dollars, for violating the agreement signed with it in 1973. For its part, Turkey has other accounts and is demanding compensation from Baghdad in the amount of (950 million) dollars .

On this basis, the Turkish government filed a lawsuit against the Iraqi government before an American court, demanding that Baghdad pay it compensation amounting to $956 million, refusing to pay any compensation to Iraq .

According to a report by the "Middle East Eye" website, based in the British capital, London, about the problems between Turkey and Iraq regarding the export of Kurdistan region's oil through the port of Ceyhan, the Turkish government filed a lawsuit against the Iraqi government before the District Court of Columbia in the American capital, Washington, according to which it refuses to pay any compensation to Iraq, Baghdad demands compensation amounting to $956 million. 

It is noteworthy that Iraq has not paid part of the fees for transporting oil through Turkish territory since the 1990s. The international arbitration panel set an interest rate on this debt, which increases successively whenever Iraq delays payment .

Turkey says, according to the report, that with the interest rate set by the International Arbitration Tribunal in Paris calculated for the amounts that each of the two countries must pay to the other, the amount that Iraq must pay to it becomes greater than what it must pay to Iraq .

In this regard, the report believes that Iraq will receive compensation amounting to $2.6 billion after calculating interest, while Turkey will receive $3.5 billion, meaning that Ankara will gain $919 million for the difference between the two informants for the period preceding the international arbitration panel’s decision, in addition to $37.7 million. Dollars in interest after the Authority’s decision, bringing the total to $956 million . 

The export of oil from the Kurdistan region through the Turkish port of Ceyhan to abroad was halted on March 25, in response to a decision issued by the international arbitration panel in Paris based on a lawsuit filed by the Iraqi authorities against Turkey.

The report indicated that Iraq did not inform the Turkish authorities of the matter, despite efforts made to discuss how to take action following the International Chamber of Commerce’s decision, a decision that accuses Turkey of violating its agreement with Baghdad and practicing oil trade in isolation from Baghdad and directly with the Kurdistan Regional Government between 2014 and 2018 .

According to the British website, after the Iraqi move, angry Turkish officials promised that Iraq would pay the price for this measure during their private talks, so last August 31, they took a step in this direction and filed a lawsuit in an American court, demanding compensation .

Following the decision of the Arbitration Court in Paris on March 25, Turkey suspended oil exports to the Kurdistan Region, which constitute 0.5% of the world’s total oil exports.

The British website wrote, “Turkey wants Iraq to withdraw the second lawsuit before the Arbitration Court in Paris regarding the period after 2018, in order to reach common ground regarding the court’s decision, as Ankara called on Iraq to find a payment system that satisfies both the governments of Baghdad and Erbil.”    LINK

Weekend News with MarkZ 09/09/2023

Weekend News with MarkZ 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

CBD Gurus join the stream at the beginning today. News starts at about 30 minutes.

Member: Welcome to the weekend. 

Member:  Good Morning Beautiful Patriots, Mods, and MarkZ

Member: Monday is 9/11…Will this be our day???

MZ: I imagine the boards are lighting up. What I am hearing from a number of my group contacts  is that money will be moving on or by Tuesday . Some indicators are expected tomorrow or Monday to let us know if we are on target for that.

MZ: Like all of you guys I take it with a grain of salt….maybe a bag. But, chatter has been off the hook for the last 72 hours or so that they 24 hours or so for things to really launch. . 

MZ: The bond side is still quiet but there is a tremendous amount of rumors out there that some are getting paid. . I cannot find anyone to acknowledge they have been actually paid. So for me these are still in the rumor category. 

MZ: I need a personal contact to tell me they have actual money and are spending it before I get excited. 

MZ: Contacts in the middle east have been very quiet for the last day or two. So nothing that we can’t find in news articles on that front. 

MZ: I think my groups and bankers are probably accurate and we are possibly this close to finally having this thing nailed down with their expectations for Tuesday. They are overall just down right excited. 

MZ: Reminder- None of us know the timing…..we just know what we expect according to the news a chatter. 

Member:  MM SAID great things happening in IRAQ today.. Kurds getting paid therefore rate set!!’

MZ: We are trying to line up MilitiaMan on Monday to join us. 

Member: Nader was saying that those you say Iraq is not going to RV … are basically full of it LOL

Member:  Wolverine said last night that money is flowing and rv will happen Monday or Tuesday. Rod Steel confirmed…. both were on ppn.

Member: New fiscal year starts on October 1…. should be done by then

Member: Look at the US Debt clock at US Millionaires its going up evry minute or so. Something has to be moving!

Member: RV, Reset, Nesara…..everything is starting to run together

MZ: It was always designed to run together. They are all pieces of the overall complex change. 

Member:  Mark, thank you for staying with us and being real with the news.

Member: Everyone have a great weekend….keep thinking positive…thoughts become things. 

Member: One day this will all be behind us...



Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )


All News Are Phenomenal💣IQD Will Be in Forex Soon!🤔Iraq Dinar RV Updates...


 Mnt Goat 

 ...I have to tell you the currency rate of 1/6 of a penny (IQD 1320 = USD 1) absolutely does not reflect the currency rate of the dinar. It is being “artificially suppressed”!   But most importantly...many other financial wizards, much more knowledgeable than I, also feel this way.

 To make a very good comparison one only needs to compare Iraq to Kuwait to see the imbalance and inequity happening  (KWD 1 = USD 3.45).

 I believe there is nothing more for the CBI to do but to issue the lower denominations and them to watch for inflation over a period, as their plan states they will do, and if all goes well, they liberate their currency to the global markets as in FOREX.   I thought we needed the Oil and Gas Law passed first?  Yes, I still believe they do and we might have to wait for it.  

 But there is a chance that based on how fast the economy is growing they may just put that on the back burner and rethink it (remember that Dr Shababi in 2012-2013 did not have this law passed, yet he was moving forward). We must remember the past.

 I address this question to guru Kaperoni who still thinks Iraq has to grow their economy first to get the current TRUE VALUE of their currency reflected in their rate. 

 SO grow it to what standard? What is the benchmark when they would turn on their currency? Did they shut it off because of the war and so the war has been over for 20 years. Yes, that is Obama’s plan not Dr Shabibi and it is a bad plan and will not work.  Iraq needs its currency to grow the country and its economy.  

 Iraq records the highest oil revenues since the start of 2023 which is also 2/3 more oil pumped than in 1991. The dinar rate in 1991 was over USD $3.  So why is the currency still being under valued? Yes, it is important to get out of a “rentier economy” based solely on oil and this will also create yet more wealth. But what about right now...

I am talking about today!   Doesn’t the oil wealth mean anything? Doesn’t the 113 billion in reserves and 132 tons of gold mean anything? Not to mention all the minerals and agricultural products being exported. So why still at 1/6 of a penny?

Parliamentarian: The Kurdistan Government Is Facing The Largest Economic Crises In The History Of The Region, 9 SEPT

 Parliamentarian: The Kurdistan Government Is Facing The Largest Economic Crises In The History Of The Region

Politica l | 09/08/2023  Baghdad - Mawazine News  Member of the Oil, Gas and Natural Resources Committee, Ali Shaddad, revealed that the Kurdistan Regional Government is exposed to economic crises that are the largest of their kind in the history of the region.

Shaddad said in a statement, a copy of which was received by Mawazine News, that “the cessation of oil exports through the Turkish Ceyhan port has caused Kurdistan major financial crises as a result of accumulated debts that are difficult for it to pay at the present time.”

He pointed out that "the Kurdish authorities suffered huge losses and incurred large debts to international oil companies."

He explained that "Kurdistan began to throw accusations at the central government and did not reveal to the Kurdish people the truth about the money that the Baghdad government sent to Kurdistan to pay the salaries of employees and establish urban and service projects."

Iraq Dinar - International Exchange Rate - Baghdad & Erbil - "Secrets" MILITIAMAN



 For Iraq to go international they're  going to have to be article VIII compliant with the IMF and their currency exchange rate...They haven't come this far to go ahead and do the status quo...All the phenomenal...

  Militia Man  

Why haven't they [Paid the salaries]?  There's got to be a reason for it and we believe it comes down to that the 23, 24, 25 budget is going to have an internationally acceptable exchange rate that's going to be on the Forex so that we all as investors can freely trade the Iraqi dinar in an international environment.   That's the whole purpose of us being here...

We have Standard & Poor giving them [Iraq] a stable outlook to an increasing positive outlook becausethey're now exporting agricultural wares and they have non-oil revenue streams coming in at the borders.  That's why they're beginning to look good - because of the investment environment is ripe...

Bruce   [via WiserNow]  Iraq did not put their new rates on the dinar in their gazette  - their official document called the Gazette...which is a major publication day Wednesdays and Saturdays. But according to our contacts in Iraq, they should be putting in Saturday's gazette So we'll see what happens.

British Report: Türkiye Is Suing Iraq To Pay Compensation Of About One Billion Dollars Because Of The Region’s Oil, 9 SEPT

 British Report: Türkiye Is Suing Iraq To Pay Compensation Of About One Billion Dollars Because Of The Region’s Oil

Posted On 09-09-2023 By Sotaliraq    A British report revealed, today, Friday (September 8, 2023), that the Turkish government filed a lawsuit against the Iraqi government before an American court, demanding that Baghdad pay it compensation amounting to $956 million, refusing to pay any compensation to Iraq.

According to a report by the London-based Middle East Eye website, about the problems between Turkey and Iraq regarding the export of Kurdistan region’s oil through the port of Ceyhan, the Turkish government filed a lawsuit before the District Court for the District of Columbia in Washington, DC, against the Iraqi government, demanding that no compensation be paid to Iraq. Rather, Baghdad should pay compensation amounting to $956 million to it.

Turkey says, according to the report, that with the interest rate set by the International Arbitration Tribunal in Paris calculated for the compensation that each of the two countries must pay to the other, the amount that Iraq must pay to it becomes greater than what it must pay to Iraq.

According to the site, Turkey believes that Iraq will receive compensation amounting to $2.6 billion after calculating interest, while Turkey will receive $3.5 billion.

Five months passed on (August 25, 2023), since the export of oil from the Kurdistan and Kirkuk region through the Turkish port of Ceyhan was halted, which came after the decision of the international arbitration panel in Paris, which caused huge losses, amounting according to estimates to 5 billion dollars.

The export of oil from the Kurdistan region through the Turkish port of Ceyhan to abroad was stopped on March 25, in response to a decision issued by the international arbitration panel in Paris based on a lawsuit filed by the Iraqi authorities against Turkey.   LINK

An expected visit by the Sudanese to Kirkuk tomorrow and an extensive security and military deployment to secure it, 9 SEPT

 An expected visit by the Sudanese to Kirkuk tomorrow and an extensive security and military deployment to secure it

2023-09-08 04:18
An expected visit by the Sudanese to Kirkuk tomorrow and an extensive security and military deployment to secure itShafaq News/ A senior security source in Kirkuk revealed, on Friday, that the Prime Minister and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Muhammad Shia’ al-Sudani, is scheduled to visit the governorate tomorrow, Saturday, to discuss the repercussions of the recent events in Kirkuk, while the security forces, reinforced with military vehicles, were deployed in the streets of the city.
The source told Shafaq News agency that Al-Sudani will visit Kirkuk tomorrow to discuss the recent events and their security and political repercussions in the governorate, and to prepare plans to maintain peaceful and societal coexistence and prepare the atmosphere in preparation for the holding of local elections.
He continued by saying that Al-Sudani will meet with the leaders of the governorate and political forces from all components to bring together views on the recent crisis, and prevent its recurrence in the city, as well as reviewing plans to secure the city and maintain community stability.
The source also confirmed that there is an extensive deployment of security formations, accompanied by military vehicles, in the neighborhoods and regions of Kirkuk, in anticipation of any emergency.
The Army Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Abdul Amir Yarallah, accompanied by the Commander of the Ground Forces, Lieutenant General Qassem Al-Muhammadi, arrived yesterday, Thursday, in Kirkuk Governorate to supervise the security situation there.
A few days ago, dozens of demonstrators supporting “Arab and Turkmen” political parties in Kirkuk governorate blocked the main road linking the governorate with the city of Erbil, in protest against the Kurdistan Democratic Party’s intention to return to opening its headquarters in Kirkuk in accordance with the political agreement concluded with the State Administration Coalition, which includes forces. And the political parties that formed the current federal government headed by Muhammad Shia al-Sudani.
On Saturday evening, Kirkuk witnessed dozens of Kurdish demonstrators descending on the areas inhabited by the majority of the people of the component, demanding the reopening of the road and an end to the sit-ins in front of that headquarters, but they were met with gunfire, which resulted in casualties and injuries.
The Iraqi security authorities imposed a curfew in Kirkuk governorate, due to the tensions that accompanied the protests in the Kurdish areas.
It is noteworthy that the Kurdistan Democratic Party, headed by the Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani, left its headquarters and party institutions in Kirkuk Governorate, following the military operation launched by the federal government on the disputed areas between Erbil and Baghdad after the independence referendum conducted by the Kurdistan Region in September of 2017, which resulted in To the withdrawal of Peshmerga and Asayish forces from those areas.


 Frank26 (KTFA)

If they [the bank] made a profit off of you, shame on you.  Don’t let them make a profit off of you.  You’re Mr. Clampett and they’re Mr Drysdale.  Act accordingly.  You have the power. I don’t care if you go in there with 500,000, 100,000, don’t let them treat you stupid.  The bank is not your friend.  They have laws that do not allow them to be your friends.

IMF tells every central bank what they can do with their monetary reform.  The IMF has said…Iraq is going through a change to add value to their currency right nowAny other country doing that No.

Article quote:
The International Monetary Fund confirmed that the Greater Middle East, including in Iraq…is currently witnessing a profound shift in geopolitics, creating new possibilities for achieving prosperity, even despite the current international conflicts.


The official rate is 1132.  That’s 132 pips away from 1000. They can do that in your sleep. Yes, I strongly believe we have another movement to get to 1000 so it can be paired at 1 to 1. That’s the goal.


 To Keep It Holy

June 11, 2023 – #4891 Music & the Spoken Word (

After caring so diligently for earthly concerns, we need a day to care for the needs of our souls. After six days of the worries and work of the world, we need a day of Heaven where we can set aside the cares of the world, connect with God and remind ourselves of what really matters.

“A world without a Sabbath would be like a person without a smile, like a summer without flowers and like a homestead without a garden. It is the most joyous day of the whole week.”
…Henry Ward Beecher

Judy Note: We are in the middle of a Global Currency Reset that jumpstarts the new Quantum Financial System – the most significant transfer of wealth from the Elite to The People that the World has ever known. Use your wealth wisely. We rise by lifting others.

  • Trump Confirmed & Released The Plan, EBS To Start, RV Predicted for Mon. 9/11

Global Currency Reset:

  • Fri. 8 Sept. TNT call: The three letter agencies say that the RV should be started between this evening Fri. 8 Sept. and Tuesday 12 Sept. morning. However, in Iraq, they are telling the citizens that the new coins and lower denominations will be activated this weekend, so it could happen then. The Kurdistan region is supposed to receive their money from the budget on Saturday 9 Sept. as well.
  • Fri. 8 Sept. Wolverine: This was supposed to be private Intel, but somehow someone decided to post it and it’s gone viral and so I might as well post it. I have confirmed this with the Admiral Group and it’s true: Sensitive GCR Intel, 7th Sept 2023. (Edited by R. Seraphico). Redemption codes were put in the QFS System by the Admiral and returned all Green, meaning they were approved. 
  • They turned Blue at start of office this Morning Fri. 8 Sept, meaning that the Funds are free for Payment. All Whales will be paid Today Fri. 8 Sept. On Thurs. 7 Sept. there were verifications of German Bonds Boxes 1924 in Reno. These were approved and will be paid today Fri. 8 Sept. At P1 in Zürich there were authentications of Yellow Dragon Boxes that went positive and they got paid this Morning Fri. 8 Sept. The Chinese will start paying individual Sellers as from this coming Monday 11 Sept. onwards and Reno, London and Miami will go ahead full speed then also.
  • Thurs. 7 Sept. Bruce: International Upper Bond Contacts in Geneva say that monies were moving overnight tonight Thurs. 7 Sept. with funds to be used for NESARA/ GESARA and Bond Holders. Email notification to Tier 3 Bond Holders would be Sunday into Monday 10, 11 Sept. Bond Holders to get access to their funds Monday evening 11 Sept. Tier4B (us, the Internet Group) should get notification to set appointments on Monday 10 Sept. and could start exchange appointments Monday afternoon into Tues. 11 Sept. SKRs on Dinar and Dong from 18 and 19 years ago were being paid out by Redemption Centers at the newer screen rates. (80% military, 20% non military)
  • Wed. 6 Sept. Evening MarkZ: Group, Reno and other redemption sources say its anywhere from now until Sat. 9 Sept. Military sources say that they are pushing for exchanges to be completed by Sun. 1 Nov. and that our current US Federal Dollar would be worthless by then. 
  • Tues. 5 Sept. Texas Snake: I am being told by multiple sources that we are within hours or only a few days for this to trigger so please stay alert and connected to these rooms for any notifications, stay well and GOD Bless.
  • Mon. 4 Sept. TNT RayRen98: “Meetings took place over last weekend. Agreements were met. New docs needed signatures. It’s all a wrap now.”
  • Tues. 5 Sept. Forbes Converter Zim to USD:
  • Fri. 8 Sept. BREAKING: The BRICS Currency Note! A Game-Changer in the Global Financial Arena – BREAKING: The BRICS Currency Note! A Game-Changer in the Global Financial Arena ( In an unprecedented move that could reshape the global financial landscape, a potential sample of a BRICS Currency Note has emerged, signaling the BRICS nations’ intentions to challenge the supremacy of the U.S. Dollar as the world’s reserve currency.
  • Fri. 8 Sept. INTEL: Quantum Financial System, Global Currency Revaluation, and the Med Beds 5D ~ Trust the Plan! – #site_titleQuantum Financial System, Global Currency Revaluation, and the Med Beds 5D ~ Trust the Plan! (

Collapse of the Fiat US Dollar:



 NESARA implements the following changes:

1. Zeros out all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. This is the Federal Reserve’s worst nightmare: a “jubilee” or a forgiveness of debt.

2. Abolishes the income tax.

3. Abolishes the IRS. Employees of the IRS will be transferred into the US Treasury national sales tax area.

4. Creates a 14% flat rate non-essential ‘new items only’ sales tax revenue for the government. In other words food and medicine will not be taxed; nor will used items such as old homes.

5. Increases benefits to senior citizens

6. Returns Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters.

7. Reinstates the original Title of Nobility amendment. Hundreds of thousands of Americans under the control of foreign powers will lose their citizenship, be deported to other countries, and barred from reentry for the remainder of their life. And millions of people will soon discover their college degrees are now worthless paper.

8. Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days after NESARA’s announcement. The interim government will cancel all “National Emergencies” and return us back to constitutional law.

9. Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups.

10. Creates a new U.S. Treasury, ‘rainbow currency,’ backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.

11. Forbids the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation.

12. Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law

13. Eliminates the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period the Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side by side of the U.S. treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply.

14. Restores financial privacy.

15. Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law.

16. Ceases all aggressive, U.S. government military actions worldwide.

17. Establishes peace throughout the world.

18. Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes

19. Enables the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that are being withheld from the public under the guise of national security, including free energy devices, antigravity, and sonic healing machines.