Thursday, July 13, 2023


 JULY 13

Walkingstick: That CBI meeting with the big three took place today [yesterday]…they were given the timing of the release, value, note count and type of denominations.  


There is a meeting the CBI is doing right now.  This meeting is very important.  It is about the HCL…Iraqi Stock Exchange and the Erbil Stock Exchange.  Basically it’s the marriage between Kurdistan and Baghdad...The CBI is also now involved with another set of meetings…to start tomorrow [Today].  You’ll be able to sense it if you see articles talking about the CBI meeting with IMF, AMF, WB…If I was in charge of that meeting…I would tell them…I want to disclose to you…the date of the launching of our new national currency…This is just my opinion…If there’s any value to it you’re going to be looking for an article from the CBI that has these three entities [in it]. 


There are no restrictions on the Iraqi dinar?   Yes there are…It’s still a program rate.  That’s a sanctioned rate.  The Iraqi dinar is in position to trade internationally when they put it on Forex…I believe the Iraqi dinar is being put into position to go to Forex, to go into international platforms without restrictions…

Evening News with MarkZ 07/13/2023

Thursday Evening News with MarkZ 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good evening to all of you….RV there uet?

Member: Walkingstick owns a bank in Iraq…said that big CBI meeting with the big three took place today or yesterday. They were given the timing of the release. Value, Note count and type of denominations.

MZ:  That would certainly explain why there is a sudden flurry and conversations over the last couple of hours. Contacts are giddy about the 15th through the 18th. So this news would make sense. I can’t say if its accurate or not but it would explain all the chatter that has suddenly erupted within a short time.. 

MZ: Rumors started lighting up a little while ago. Rumors that “a dam has broken”  in a good way…..I am having a tough time getting any specifics so maybe what Walkingstick was talking about is accurate. I just don’t know. But, I am getting a lot of intel coming in so maybe by tomorrow I will be able to make heads or tails of it. But it appears there is a lot of excictement for the 15th through the 18th. We will see how the evening goes and whether its warranted to get excited or not. 

Member: I hear NESARA is supposed to be announced on the 15th also!!!!

Member: Hope if Iraq goes…all the other currencies will go as well. 

MZ: I have gotten nothing yet from CMKX, PP’s DHS . So far its just Iraqi sources that are excited this afternoon. If I hear something good I will post it in telegram and twitter. If its spectacular I will do another stream. 

MZ:  “Iraq to barter crude oil for Iranian gas”  This keeps them from having to go through the US or use the US petrodollar.  To me it is very clear that Iraq is finding every way they can to go around the United States. I think this is a good thing. We have seen Iraq make a number of deals like this. 

MZ: “ Iraq cabinet approves an Italian firm for a gas project”  $17 Billion on development road project. 

Member: Iraq is going international folks…. We may be here!!

Member: I’m hearing from my resources that the dinar could be way higher than what we expect

Member: looks to me that US still meddling in Iraq affairs slowing the rv. US needs to leave them alone.

Member: Militia man showed Sudani saying implementation of budget by Sunday

Member: Did you catch Nader's YT post from 6 hours ago. Showed report of US Treasury still holding Iraq from being independent.

Member:  I am praying for Iraq supreme court to sign off on the appeals of budget.

Member: Saudi Arabia will lose its status as the largest OPEC+ oil producer to Russia as it begins the unilateral cut of 1 million barrels per day.

Member: watched a video that show on the news that several billionaires are pulling hundreds of millions out of the stockmarket they have inside info.

Member: MarkZ: heard European bank have collapsed!!!!! I wonder how soon til US banks go down?????:

Member: Another week gone by and still no RV better luck to us next week!

Member: Still hoping something happens this weekend. 

Member: Sure am ready for this ride to come to a stop

Member: I will never ride a roller coaster again!!! Praying this week will finally be “it” 

Member:  We were chosen to be here at this time! All is well! Keep your vibe high and don’t let anyone steal your peace!

Markz will be on rumble on SATURDAYS ONLY so he can speak his mind. You will find him on YouTube during the week.


 Patriot Rod Steel

UPDATE: Clarification-All 3 Zero Notes AFTER Sadam H WILL BE ACCEPTED. Lower Denoms won’t release till rate change. 

HSBC/BoA not Ready. Like WF BoA Caught Creating FAKE ACCTS-Rafidian Bank n Iraq had 300 Dir.s/personnel REMOVED 4 Smuggling $ $80 Oil-Target👍CHASE-LEAD BANK-Rod S

Evening News with MarkZ 07/13/2023

Iraq still under the command of United States BY NADER FROM MID EAST, 13 JULY



From my 7/11 newsletter you can clearly see that the CBI has met all its initiatives to upgrade the Iraq Stock Exchange Market enough to make the next move. So then where is item 6 of the items listed in the initiative? 

We know the reinstatement is planned or should I say was planned. The project to delete the zeros was even announced in the Mosques on both past Fridays but where is it? 

We know why Iraq keeps postponing this first step to initiate the overall process and trigger it. This next step is the project to delete the zeros (redenomination) but don’t be fooled by many of these gurus will also hear the same news then go off half-cocked without verifying that it actually did or did not happen. So, today we learn yet more. Does this recent “fuel swap” deal affect the RV? Read on and find out more in today’s news. What do you think? 


We clearly can also see a trend from the Iraq news. This trend is more and more exposing the U.S. and it’s bad and reckless policies in Iraq. So, after 20 years already, who is holding up progress in Iraq? Has it been the many covert operations the U.S. has undertaken to under mind any real progress? Or is it just that Iraq can’t get it’s act together or is it just made to look that way? Oh…maybe Mnt Goat is on to something here? 

I have to tell you that spending many years in Iraq while in the military, I have gotten to know the average citizen. They are just like you and me. They want jobs, a home and all the necessities to survive and raise their families. This oil wealth is more than enough to rebuild Iraq many times over and supply all their needs. So why has it all not taken place? Why do they struggle so much? Why do they go from crisis to crisis? Sound familiar? Are they just a bunch of idiots or is some country influencing them covertly creating these crises as they are doing in the US? It is becoming more and more apparent in just what is going on in Iraq as God is exposing it all just as He is doing in the U.S. The elitists organizing this New World Order needs Iraq as their puppet nation. Obey them and all is fine, disobey them and there will be repercussions. Read on and you will see what I mean by all this.

The news from Iraq this period is all about the recent “Fuel Swap” oil for gas between Iraq and Iran. Seems like a fair deal to me. However, a move like this could have major ramifications to our investment too. So, let’s take a serious look at it today and see if we can make any sense of it. Also, in line with this stubbornness of the US to actually help Iraq in dealing with these sanctions with Iran it is harming Iraq also which is a consequence that the US is willing to accept.


There are two side to every coin. On one side is that the US wants Iraq to move ahead much faster in many areas (we know how slow they can be… 😊) and when it does seem to want to help there is only more corruption involved in the process and money just seems to disappear. Thus, these energy projects never seem to go anywhere. They told us five years ago they had a five year plan to get the power grid off oil and to use it’s own natural gas as its energy source. The natural gas is endless and is just mostly burned off today. What a waste! So five years have passed and without doing these projects can you see how it created yet another layer of crisis for Iraq today.

So, the part about the US pressuring of Iraq is good, since they are slow. But the US must get serious about helping them.

So, here we go again. Yet another Iraqi crisis saga to follow. But we will see later on in reading this commentary today the real reason why the US would object to this “fuel swap”. Yes, it’s all about the Benjamins… 😊

Yesterday the temperature in Iraq was 110 F. Most air conditioner units are not working since what electricity they did have is shut off due to lack of fuel to burn in the generators. Iraq has oil. Why do they need to buy gas from Iran? Iraq does not have the refineries or the natural gas processing plants yet established.

On Tuesday, Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani announced the agreement with Iran on a “fuel swap,” pointing to Iran’s resumption of gas supply to Iraq’s power plants. However, this move was done without the knowledge of the US Treasury. What will be the reaction of the US State Department?

Political analyst Hazem al-Bawi warned on Thursday of US moves and reaction after the oil-for-gas agreement between Baghdad and Tehran, ruling out America’s silence on the agreement that toppled the US dollar.


Al-Bawi said in a statement to Al-Maalouma that “Washington, which did not expect Iraq to take a step in this way and leave its currency (the dollar) aside and open up to Tehran with the agreement to exchange black oil for gas to operate power stations, it cannot be silent without starting to move its tools as it did with the government of Abdul Mahdi.”

He added, “The White House cannot tolerate any party that challenges it in this unprecedented manner, which represented a stronger blow than the one that Abdul-Mahdi dealt at him during the conclusion of the China and German Siemens agreements, which prompted America to move its arms to overthrow him. Facts have proven that America will use new tools and smooth movement lines to punish Iraq for a step taken by the government to ensure the operation of power plants at the height of the summer season.

I know what many of you are thinking. Could this event with the oil swap effect the RV?  

Yes, is has already effected and delayed the reinstatement. What will the US actually do beside stalling the Reinstatement is yet to be seen.

So, please, please don’t tell me politics does not effect and is effecting the RV.


 "Café con MarkZ" Charla del jueves por la mañana 7-13-2023

Miembro: Esperemos buenas noticias hoy, las necesitamos.
MZ: Bueno, las noticias continúan siendo escasas debido a las medidas enérgicas contra las filtraciones... Lo cual sigo pensando que es algo bueno.
MZ: Ninguno de nosotros sabe el momento exacto. Estamos totalmente tratando de juntar las piezas... todos haciendo nuestro mejor esfuerzo para adivinar en base a contactos, noticias, banqueros, personas en gobiernos, pagadores... etc... Juntamos todas nuestras fuentes para dar nuestra mejor "intuición". ” en cuanto a dónde estamos.
MZ: Sabemos que Irak está avanzando y punteando todas las I y cruzando todas las T y tratando de salir del control de EE. UU. para que puedan cambiar su valor del IIQD.
MZ: Escucho cosas muy positivas para el domingo. Pero, eso no quiere decir que es cuando va a suceder… pero es cuando planean abrir todas las arcas del presupuesto. Ahí es cuando la mayoría de mis contactos piensan que podría desaparecer.
MZ: Seguirán nublando esto... seguiremos adivinando cuándo se irá. No veo que vaya más allá del lanzamiento de BRICS en agosto. Eso no tiene sentido para mí.
Miembro: ¡Frank26 anoche dijo que las instrucciones para el presupuesto se publicarán el domingo!
Miembro: Parece que se acordaron los detalles de la ley HCL y, por lo tanto, el presupuesto debería publicarse en la Gaceta el sábado. ¿Se podría anunciar la nueva tarifa junto con ella?
Miembro: Se suponía que la ONU publicaría la tasa NEER de IQD. ....ayer pero aún no pude encontrar nada
Miembro: el video de milicianos de anoche hizo parecer que estamos sincronizados en los próximos días
Miembro: ¡Rezo para que el rumor de que Wells Fargo tenga los códigos de liberación sea cierto!
Miembro: Phil g informó que la banca europea se ha derrumbado
Miembro: ¡Creo que el colapso de la banca europea es enorme! Creo que EE.UU. seguirá en breve.
Miembro: ¿Alguna buena historia bancaria?
MZ: Ayer escuchamos una historia bancaria. De California-. alguien entró en una ubicación de Wealth Management donde estaban construyendo cubículos privados separados... la persona directamente les preguntó si esto era para el QFS. El gerente del banco sabía todo sobre el QFS y dijo: "Sí, haremos cosas de divisas aquí" y esperan muchas personas nuevas y ricas.
MZ: Hubo otra historia similar de Charlotte, NC y de Arizona, todo en los últimos días. Los bancos se están equipando y los bancos están siendo capacitados. Para mí esto nos dice lo cerca que estamos.
Miembro: De repente, veo que se abren muchas empresas privadas de gestión de patrimonios por aquí... ¡Sigan al dinero, amigos!
Miembro: Mark... ¿hoy es el último podcast? ¡Bruce de bigcall le dijo a millones de millones de oyentes en todo el mundo que hoy/jueves es el día de la cita según sus principales fuentes!
Miembro: Wells Fargo, JP Morgan Chase y Blackrock reportan ganancias mañana. 14 de julio Día de la Bastilla,
Miembro: Orando obtenemos el GCR y no el CBDC
Miembro: Muchos países y estados ya han aprobado legislación para no tener el sistema CBDC.
Miembro: Mark, ¿sigues creyendo que el dong RV simultáneamente con el dinar o es solo si la totalidad de la primera canasta va junta?
Miembro: ¿A quién, en nuestro propio gobierno, necesitamos patear las nueces para superar el obstáculo? JAJAJA
Miembro: Digo que nos deshagamos de todos... de ambas partes y empecemos de nuevo.
Miembro: Nesara dice que eso sucederá... SI Nesara realmente sucede.
Miembro: ¡Me gusta la confianza en tu voz para ayudar a aquellos que están perdiendo la esperanza MARKZ!
Miembro: ¡¡¡Estos son tiempos bíblicos!!! ¡¡¡Estoy tan emocionada de estar viva estos días!!!
Miembro: Mark... muchas gracias como siempre por todas las últimas noticias y actualizaciones.
Miembro: Bienvenidos a Friday Eve Mark, moderadores y todos. ¡Esperamos buenas noticias para el fin de semana!
Miembro: Trolling News Network puede estar en nuestro futuro después de hoy .. (canal de YouTube de respaldo de Mark).


 Parliamentary Finance: The price of the dollar will decrease after the implementation of the budget

Parliamentary Finance - The price of the dollar will decrease after the implementation of the budgetInformation / Baghdad..
A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Jamal Cougar, confirmed, on Wednesday, that the price of the dollar will decrease against the dinar, after implementing the provisions of the federal general budget.
“The Iraqi dinar will gradually recover and decrease dramatically against the price of the dollar,” Cougar said, pointing out that “the government will have to sell large quantities of dollars to secure the salaries of employees in dinars.”
He added, “The exchange rate of the dollar in the parallel markets depends on the principle of supply and demand, and the start of implementing the 2023 budget will mean the release of large sums of money that will lead to a greater increase in the purchase of the dollar.”
He pointed out that “after the implementation of the budget, there will be stability in the dollar exchange market and its arrival at the official price specified by the Council of Ministers.”
A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Representative Mudar Al-Karawi, confirmed, in a previous statement to Al-Malooma, that there is a road map of 4 axes to curb the parallel market for selling the dollar.

The highest judicial authority in Iraq issues a state order regarding articles of the budget law
2023-07-12 03:18
The highest judicial authority in Iraq issues a state order regarding articles of the budget lawShafaq News/ Today, Wednesday, the Supreme Federal Court (the highest judicial authority in Iraq) issued a state order regarding some articles of the country’s tripartite financial budget law.
The state order included suspending the implementation of the following articles (Article 28 / Fourth: A – B), (57 / First – C), (65 / Second), (70 / Second), (71) and (75) of Law No. ( 13) for the year 2023 (the federal general budget of the Republic of Iraq for the fiscal years (2023 – 2024 – 2025) until a decision is made on the constitutional case filed before this court to challenge its constitutionality, registered in the number (153 / federal / 2023).
Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani had requested the issuance of a state order against Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi regarding the above articles, according to the statement issued by the Federal Court.
Sabhan Al-Mulla Jiyad, Advisor to the Prime Minister for Political Affairs, suggested last June that the government would challenge some of the budget articles.
And the Iraqi parliament voted, at dawn today, Monday, June 12, on the federal budget law for the years 2023, 2024, 2025, after discussions that lasted for five days.
The value of the current year budget is 197 trillion and 828 billion Iraqi dinars (about 152.2 billion dollars), with a total deficit of 63 trillion dinars (48.3 billion dollars), while the items of the 2023 and 2024 budgets have not been published.

An economist who explains the mechanisms of supporting the Iraqi dinar and reducing the demand for the dollar
An economist who explains the mechanisms of supporting the Iraqi dinar and reducing the demand for the dollarInformation / Baghdad…
Today, Tuesday, the economic expert, Safwan Qusay, explained the mechanisms of supporting the Iraqi dinar and reducing the demand for dollars in the parallel market.

Qusay told Al-Maalouma, “The government can support the Iraqi dinar through industry and agriculture, in addition to the possibility of selling oil to certain countries in Iraqi dinars with the knowledge of the US treasury.”
He added, “The approach to this mechanism would allow Iraqi merchants to import from these countries in dinars, and this opens the way for importing foodstuffs, soft drinks, cigarettes, medicines and other commodities, especially to countries that are allowed to sell oil in dinars, such as Jordan and Egypt. In return, merchants direct to import commodities from them in dinars.”
And he indicated that “the aforementioned measures would reduce pressure on the demand for the dollar in the parallel market, as confidence must return to the dinar, in addition to that the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank have to work jointly.”
Qusai pointed out that “some public spending measures are not commensurate with the central bank’s policy, and vice versa.”

Coffee with MarkZ and joined later by BCP 07/13/2023

PDK Note: I will only transcribe RV Related or Intel with Financial relevance. If any certain podcast is only about politics and social opinions I will not do any notes. So if there are no notes transcribed…there usually was little to no RV news at all included in that particular podcast. If Mark gets removed from YouTube for controversial opinions I will no longer transcribe any highlights.   Thank you for understanding. 

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions


Member: Let's hope for some good news today we need it.

MZ: Well, the news continues to be slim as the crack down on leaks….Which I continue to think is a good thing. 

MZ: None of us know the exact timing. We are totally trying to put the pieces together….all doing our best to guess based on contacts, news, bankers, people in governments, paymasters….ect…..We pool all of our sources together to give our best “gut feeling” as to where we are. 

MZ: We do know Iraq is moving forward and dotting all the I’s and crossing all the T’s and trying to get from under the US thumb so they can change their value of the IIQD. 

MZ: I am hearing very positive stuff for Sunday . But, that doesn’t mean that is when it’s going to happen….but that’s when they plan on opening all the coffers from the budget. That is when most of my contacts think it could go. 

MZ: They will keep clouding this….we will keep guessing when it’s going to go. I don’t see it going past the BRICS rollout in August. That doesn’t make sense to me. 

Member: Frank26 last night said directions for the budget are being released by Sunday!

Member: Seems like the details of the HCL law have been agreed upon and thus the budget should be publicly published in the Gazette by Saturday. Could the new rate be announced along with it?

Member: UN was suppose to post NEER rate of IQD. ....yesterday but nothing yet I could find

Member: militiamen video last night made it seem like we're in sync within the next couple of days

Member: Praying the rumor of Wells Fargo having the release codes is true!

Member: Phil g reported European banking has collapsed

Member: I think the collapse of European banking is huge! I believe U.S. will follow shortly.

Member: Any good bank stories?

MZ: We heard a banking story yesterday . From California-. somebody went into a Wealth Management location where they were building separate private cubicles…the person straight up asked them if this was for the QFS. The bank manager knew all about the QFS and said “Yes-, we will be doing currency things here” and they are expecting a lot of new, wealthy people. 

MZ: There was another similar story from Charlotte, NC and from Arizona – all in the last few days. Banks are getting outfitted and banks are being trained. To me this tells us how close we are. 

Member: All of a sudden I see a lot of private wealth management companies opening around here...follow the money folks!

Member: today the last podcast? Bruce from bigcall told millions n millions of listeners all over the world that today/Thursday is the appointment day according to his top sources !!!

Member: Wells Fargo, JP Morgan Chase and Blackrock all report earnings tomorrow. July 14 Bastille Day,

Member: Praying we get the GCR and not the CBDC’s

Member:  Many countries and states have already past legislation to Not have the CBDC system.

Member: Mark, do you still believe the Dong will RV simultaneously with the Dinar or is that only if the entirety of the first basket all goes together?

Member: Who, in our own government, do we need to kick in the nuts to get us over the hurdle? LOL

Member: I say get rid of them all….from both parties and let’s start again. 

Member: Nesara says that will happen….IF Nesara really happens. 

Member:  I like the confidence in your voice to help those who are losing hope MARKZ!!

Member:  These are biblical times!!! I'm so so excited to be alive these days!!!

Member: Mark….a huge thanks as always for all the latest news & updates.

Member:  Welcome to  Friday Eve Mark, mods and everyone. Hoping for great news by the weekend!

Member: Trolling News Network may be in our future after today..(Mark’s back up youtube channel) 

BCP (Black Conservative Patriot) joins the stream today. Please listen to the replay for all of his information. 



 Nader From The Mid East

[Response to Guru Pimpy’s 7-11-2023 post below]

[Guru] Pimpy saying Iraq still under restrictions of the United States…Let me tell you something.  Pimpy is right.  Iraq is still under the command of United States…Maybe 50% free but not 100% free…Iraq is going to be under the punishment of United States for a while.  Iraq is working hard to gain the trust of the United States government…

Anything Iraq does it’s for the okay of United States.  If United States says no, nothing will happen.  So [Guru] Pimpy is right, still a lot of punishment still there…You never heard United States declared sovereignty to Iraq.  That never happened yet.  When that happen everything else will change…It’s not going to take long to get out of there because they’re working hard to show them we’re capable of control our own country…


[via PDK]

Member comment: [Guru] Nader says the RV will never happen until the US gives Iraq sovereignty?

MarkZ: That is exactly why we see Iraq behaving the way it is behaving. Nader says Iraq is still under the command of the US.  Iraq is paying off its debts…that is why they filed with the WTO for ascension…It is bringing its banking up to snuff… Iraq is doing everything it needs to do to support a higher currency rate. They are doing everything it needs to do to remove the US influence. They want the US completely out of there.   I believe they have made tremendous progress.

…I believe they are close to being able to pull the trigger and go their own way without the US… I believe they are closer than they are telling us…and they are using smoke to cloud the timing.

Articles out today of deals being made in Iraq.  Like the 27 Billion Total gas deal…. Businesses don’t invest billions of dollars without being sure of a ROI. If all of these companies are investing – they are pretty dang sure of the outcome.  They are pretty sure they will make a good return on their money.
                        They cannot do that unless Iraq makes a move with currency and stability. Some of the biggest companies are banking on the fact that Iraq is going soon and quickly.

Bruce (The Big Call)

[via WiserNow]

the oil and gas law we understand is finally done and passed and should be announced tomorrow [Wednesday], and…into the Gazette…tomorrow, Wednesday…Now if it comes out, it’s supposed to come out with…The new Iraqi dinar rate – this would be an in country rate for the country of Iraq – and it may have international implications as well…it won’t be the same rate…I roughly know what those rates are but…I’m not really supposed to put that out…but…

...they’re very high and very favorable especially for us that are in this country…our notifications should come out as early as, sometime tomorrow [Wednesday] afternoon.  And if not tomorrow afternoon/evening…They would come out Thursday morning…this is looking very good from many different sources. It’s lining up very nicely. I do not have anything that goes beyond Thursday

MilitiaMan (KTFA)

Article quote:
Al-Sudani received the head of the French company at total energies after assigning a deal with a deal worth 27 billion dinars…

I don’t know if that’s a mistake but that’s what it says…$27 billion dinars.  You go down a little bit…

Article Quote:
French Giant total energy signed an energy agreement worth 27 billion dollars

So there you have it.  Two ways in the article. Why would they do that?  I don’t know but they did it.  You have to ask yourself are they broadcasting something…?  Is it a 1 to 1 ratio?  Don’t know but that’s what this article says.  


 Frank26 (KTFA)

[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]

FIREFLY: They are talking about a date to show us citizens the instructions to implement the budget after the federal court rulings.

FRANK: So, after the federal court ruling there’s a date to use to open the budget…we’re just waiting for one bloody thing.  That’s it.  The new exchange rate…all roads lead to the new exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar.

Do we need lawsNo. Do we need Erbil Stock  Exchange set up?No.  All that can be done afterwords Do we need budget signed, sealed deliveredNo. Do we need to satisfy any country that needs to get paid by Iraq No.  In fact other countries are paying Iraq right now just to do business/just to pay attention to them right now.  So the monetary reform only needs the exchange rate ?  Yes, That’s right.

[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]

FIREFLY: Bank friend says they’re going to be taking all transactions from banks and even insurance payments that have been in dollars to be all now converted into dinars and things that were dealt in dollars will be in dinars at the official exchange rate.  Doing all transactions in dinars that way is going to strengthen the dinar and make it more attractive to outside investors and it will bring a stronger dinar and stability and help the Iraqi citizens and our economy. 

What does “financial inclusion” mean? BY MNT GOAT, 18 SEPT

BY 48.5%.. BANKS ASSOCIATION: FINANCIAL INCLUSION IN IRAQ HAS INCREASED (What does “financial inclusion” mean? Shame on you if you don’t kno...