Monday, March 4, 2024

The Minister of Finance stresses the move towards digital transformation and the use of electronic systems, 5 MARCH

The Minister of Finance stresses the move towards digital transformation and the use of electronic systems

Economy News – Baghdad

Finance Minister Taif Sami confirmed on Monday the trend towards automation, digital transformation and the use of modern electronic systems.

The Ministry of Finance said in a statement, seen by “Economy News”, that “the Ministry’s opinion body held, today, its periodic meeting under the chairmanship of Minister of Finance, Taif Sami Mohammed, to discuss a number of listed topics and make the necessary recommendations on them, in the presence of a number of general managers of departments, banks and bodies affiliated to the ministry.”

She added that “the meeting discussed reviewing the recommendations of the committees formed in the meetings of the Opinion Commission for previous sessions, stages of progress and achievement rates, listening to the total of the proposed amendments in a way that allows the possibility of developing the ministry’s performance and adapting it to the requirements of modern financial management and what is witnessing the financial and business sector at the present time,” pointing out that “the meeting dealt with the emphasis on continuing efforts and possibilities for implementing the recommendations of the Council of Ministers within the framework of the government program to develop financial and banking performance, and moving towards automation, digital transformation and the use of modern electronic systems to ensure the advancement of the reality of work to provide the best services to citizens.”


 Fri. 8 Dec. 2023 RV Update Ariel:

  • Michael J. Ruben oversees all of Columbia’s GCR implementation and is based in the US from the New York office. Salvage told me that “The GO” comes from this office, from a bank in New York.
  • Michael Ruben has been in contact with Mauricio CastaƱo in Columbia and has given the gentleman THE LONG EXPECTED GREEN LIGHT to pay all 28 Paymasters in Columbia, which will result in them receiving FULL LIQUIDITY; In other words, MONEY TO SPEND to those in their groups, whom they are responsible for funding.
  • On Wed. 6 Dec. the end of the fiat USD happened when President Putin met with Saudi Arabia UAE .
  • European, Ukraine, Russia, China and US Currency will go down in value, which will help emerging markets like Iraq reinstate their currency so they can trade with 1:1 parity with 1st world economics.
  • Vladimir Putin took the Russian chief of the Central Bank documents that were signed in behalf of all Opec nations that had to do with a currency peg. 
  • The US Treasury, Federal Reserve, SOFT Bank, Japan Bank, China Bank, US Banks will all go to zero value between 15 Dec. and 15 Jan. This is the panic window where everything goes into implosion mode. The fiat US Dollar will not be used after 1 Jan. 2024.
  • The US was functioning on fiat dollar derivatives, or mortgage backed securities and could not pay off the one hundred trillion plus dollars due on Fri. 15 Dec. 
  • That’s why the bankers on Capitol Hill were crying about Basel 3 – they know they are sitting on debt that they can’t pay off so they can’t implement Basel 3 or ISO 20022 to be able to join the new gold-backed financial system. The banks were about to go extinct December 09, 2023


  Militia Man 

 The Central Bank of Iraq just told Iraq that you guys can use dinar to buy multi-currencies.  To do what Clearing and settlement in the system with accurate and facial data.  Those two things right here are solidifying that there's something happening...

 They're holding this 2023, 24, 25 budget close to the chest.  Why?  Because they need to wait for that special moment in time...  

Iraq has the attention of the world when it comes to ascension [into the WTO].  We have more than...the WTO, We have the World Bank...the ITC...Saudi Arabia....Armenia, the International Foundation for Corporations...What do they need with that?  They need freedom of capital movement.  That's article VIII compliance...What a time to be an investor in the Iraqi dinar...

 Iraq is going to have a lot of inflows.  They're going to need to make things stable... To be able to defend their currency they're going to need to keep pricing stable...All these guys, the World Trade Organization all know that. 

 How are you going to finance one of the biggest world projects at 1310 when your valuation of your country is far greater than any other country in the region per kilometer? ...What value are they going to use to value the operational side of of the budget for 2023 and investment side for 2023?  ...If they haven't gone to a private sector at 1310 obviously there's an circumstance that suggests they're not going to into a private sector at 1310...

Iraqi DinaršŸ”„Iraqi Dinar On Forex With Circulated Rate $1 Today 2024šŸ”„iraq...



   Willie get that golden ticket.  I think we got a golden ticket here.   I'm not too sure because it looks like something is going on.

Article:  "Iraq.. Expectations of a decline in the dollar difference and a return to the official rate"  Something is going on...  Quote:  " The economic expert, Safwan Qusay, expected today, Saturday, a decline in the dollar difference in Iraq and a return to the official rate after a series of financial and economic measures taken by the government of Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani."  That's a beautiful article.  There's immense power behind that article.

Including Facilitating Legitimate Trade.. Customs Explains The Advantages Of Implementing The Electronic System, 5 MARCH

 Including Facilitating Legitimate Trade.. Customs Explains The Advantages Of Implementing The Electronic System

 local   Basra - IA - Saad Al-Sammak   Today, Sunday, Director General of the General Authority of Customs, Hassan Al-Ugaili, explained the advantages of implementing the electronic system in the country, while defining the duties of the Authority in three main axes.

 Al-Ugaili said in his speech during the inauguration of customs automation at the Umm Qasr port, followed by the Iraqi News Agency (INA):

 “The efforts of the General Authority of Customs, which were made over several years and with direct support by the Minister of Finance and direct follow-up from the Prime Minister, culminated this day in the electronic system that  We hope that it will cover all the activities of the General Authority of Customs and customs activity.” Al-Ugaili added,

  “The General Authority of Customs is committed to carrying out its duties, which focus on three main axes, the   first of which is facilitating legitimate trade, as the current government has issued a set of decisions that help facilitate legitimate trade, and the  General Authority of Customs is responsible for implementing those decisions, including:

      canceling tax deposits that were collected.” At border crossings, which were obstructing or delaying the completion of customs transactions, as well as

     canceling the import license for most imported materials, and

     reducing duties on some imported materials.” He continued,

"The General Authority of Customs has begun reviewing many procedures and moving towards simplifying procedures.

Today, the electronic system is one of the tools of the General Authority of Customs to facilitate legitimate trade.

 According to the system, transactions are supposed to be completed in a faster manner and with unified customs procedures, meaning that there will be no discrepancy in procedures between one center and another."

Pointing out that, “Under the system, the discretionary power of the employee will be greatly limited and thus the system will be dealt with, as there will be no role for people’s moods in completing these transactions.”

 He explained that   “the other axis that the General Authority of Customs is working on is protecting or implementing the state’s decisions in the field of restriction and prevention, and  this protects the consumer and society from the entry of prohibited materials,” noting that  “the third axis of the Authority is revenues or collection, as  the system will collect according to Electronic mechanisms that are clear, transparent and announced at the same time, meaning that  they provide real-time data to the decision maker at the level of the Ministry of Finance or at the government level that the revenues received by this body are in the amount and at the moment when the information is requested.” He pointed out that

"the system offers great advantages that we will feel by implementing it, as well as the dealing agents of customs clearance companies and the extent of the benefit achieved from this system in their work, as they can complete customs clearance procedures online."   https://www/



  Article: "Central Bank announces the increase in the volume of foreign reserves from 140 to 148 trillion dinars

 That's perfect because...the more reserves you have the easier it is to protect your exchange rate.

 On the Central Bank of Iraq website it tells you how many dinar they put into circulation.   But what is not reflected is what has been removed out of circulation, whether the government took it out of circulation or whether they were damaged, fire, destroyed, lost forever, who knows.  That's not reflected in there.  It's not really 101 trillion Iraqi dinars in circulation.  That's what they put out in circulation but not what's actually in circulation.

Iraqi Dinar IMF Major Announcement On IQD RV Allow To Fix Exchange Rate ...




The US National Security Advisor stresses the importance of securing the Kurdistan region's financial entitlements and its share of the budget


The US National Security Advisor stresses the importance of securing the Kurdistan region


Today, Friday, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan stressed the importance of securing the financial entitlements of the Iraqi Kurdistan region and its share of the federal budget.

A statement from the regional government received by Al-Rabaa stated, “The Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Masrour Barzani, met at the White House with US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, and the latter conveyed the greetings of President Joe Biden to Masoud Barzani and the Prime Minister. He also renewed the White House’s support for a strong Kurdistan.” And for the constitutional rights of its people.”

The US National Security Advisor praised "the heroism, struggle, and sacrifices of the Peshmerga, especially in confronting ISIS terrorists," stressing "the importance of protecting the security of the Iraqi Kurdistan region, and securing its financial entitlements and its share of the budget."

For his part, Barzani expressed his “thanks to the United States for its continued support for the region,” reiterating “the necessity of respecting the constitutional entity of the region, in a way that preserves the rights of its components and does not violate them in any way.”

He pointed to "the importance of implementing the constitution, including the formation of the Federation Council in Iraq."



 Mnt Goat 

 Article quote:  "Does deleting the currency’s zeros affect its value?...” 

  I called my CBI contact...and I was told to expect the Project to delete the Zeros to occur very soon. WOW! WOW! WOW!  Then...out pops this article, then another and...yet another all dealing with the Project to Delete the Zeros- coincidental? WOW! WOW! WOW! I don’t think so...

It is now on the radar scope for the CBI for the very near future? 

  remember...the difference between RATE and VALUE...the value is in the dinar already but not reflected yet in the rate. There is no need to increase the value if the TRUE value is being suppressed by the 3 zero rate...Economic expert, Durgham Muhammad, said to the citizens and I quote – 

that deleting the currency’s zeros does not conflict with its value”...Okay, so...we all know the rate is being artificially suppressed ...Once the 3 zeros are dropped, (not lopped) the only thing that will change by the Project to Delete the Zeros, is the realization of the TRUE value through its currency. 

šŸ”„ Iraqi Dinar šŸ”„ $1 Forex Rate Confirmed for Iraq? The Truth Behind the S...

US imposes sanctions on Zimbabwe president over ‘abuses’: White House, 4 MARCH

US imposes sanctions on Zimbabwe president over ‘abuses’: White House

The United States on Monday imposed sanctions on Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa and other senior leaders, replacing a broad two-decade-old pressure campaign with targeted action.

Citing a campaign of rights abuses and corruption, the United States will block any US-based property and prohibit any unofficial travel to the country by the sanctioned Zimbabweans.

“The changes we are making today are intended to make clear what has always been true: our sanctions are not intended to target the people of Zimbabwe,” Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo said.

“We are refocusing our sanctions on clear and specific targets: President Mnangagwa’s criminal network of government officials and businesspeople who are most responsible for corruption or human rights abuse against the people of Zimbabwe,” he said.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken called the new measures were part of a “stronger, more targeted sanctions policy” on Zimbabwe as he voiced concern over “serious cases of corruption and human rights abuse.”

“Key individuals, including members of the government of Zimbabwe, bear responsibility for these actions, including the looting of government coffers that robs Zimbabweans of public resources,” Blinken said in a statement.

“Multiple cases of abductions, physical abuse, and unlawful killing have left citizens living in fear.”

In imposing the sanctions, President Joe Biden issued a declaration abolishing an earlier sanctions program on Zimbabwe launched in 2003.

Zimbabweans sanctioned since then will now see their property unblocked unless named again on Monday, and the country will be removed from a Treasury Department list that regulates sanctions, officials said.

The earlier sanctions — while also primarily targeting the Zimbabwean leadership under veteran president Robert Mugabe — were part of a larger pressure campaign led by then president George W. Bush in coordination with Britain following a campaign of forced takeover of land from white farmers.

– Zimbabwe claims win –

The Zimbabwean government praised the lifting of the old set of sanctions, which it has long blamed for the country’s dire economic situation.

“Well, this is massive,” government spokesman Nick Mangwana, wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter, in what he called “a great vindication” of Mnangagwa’s foreign policy.

“That said, as long our president is under sanctions Zimbabwe remains under illegal sanctions, as long as members of the First Family are under sanctions, Zimbabwe remains under illegal sanctions, and as long as senior leadership is under sanctions, we are all under sanctions,” he wrote.

Mnangagwa, whose party has been in power for more than four decades, was declared the winner of a new term in an election in August that international observers said fell short of democratic standards.

Hopes of a thaw with Zimbabwe briefly surfaced after Mnangagwa pushed Mugabe out of power in 2017, but Western powers and rights groups say that the new leadership has also clamped down on the opposition and protests.

Others targeted by the latest sanctions include First Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa as well as Zimbabwe’s first vice president, defense minister and military chief.

Blinken earlier said that the United States would deny entry into the United States of anyone seen as impeding the fairness of the last election.



  [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]

   FIREFLY:  Bank his opinion a new rate that will float.  We're going to have gateway from Iraq to European side in trading.  It will be amazing...The deletion of the zeros is near...Four different experts of the economy being sent to us by the CBI saying what is needed to be done with the zeros.  It's no secret.  FRANK:  He's 100% correct.  I keep telling you it's here.  

FIREFLY:  The television is saying the government is putting mobile teams together to monitor - No prices gouging during Ramadan.  That tells us plainly there will be no rate change during Ramadan IMO. 

FRANK:  It can happen at any time...But... I don't see the reason for this to happen during Ramadan.  It is a holy period.  I see it happening before Ramadan.  

 FIREFLY:  TV showing half a billion dinar recovered from a corrupt banking judiciary officer. 

   FRANK:  It just don't stop!  Good gosh almighty everybody steals out there.

 FRANK:    I sent you to your bank friend.  Your friend is going to be receiving machinery IMO that will help him identify the new lower notes they are going to give you.  They are also going to be sending in people who are experts in the process of exchanging currency.  In your case, three zero notes for lower notes.. .It's very obvious the next step for the CBI is for these people and this equipment to be used to give you the new exchange rate and lower notes.  It is approaching you with great confidence.  Be strong.  You're almost there.

Evening News with MarkZ. 03/04/2024

Monday Evening News with MarkZ 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Evening to all…..What’s happening Mark?

MZ: I am still getting amazing chatter from groups…Things are very positive…...But, stay calm this week- it’s going to be a roller coaster. . 

Member: Mark I was wondering where do the funds/money come from for the RV?

MZ: We have discussed this many Fridays with Mr.C. we will put it on the list to cover this Friday again. You are not the only person who has recently asked this question. 

Member: Frank has on a gold shirt and is giving forex information. He’s very excited. Allegedly the dinar is being traded on the private side of forex? Rates closing around 2.80?

MZ: We are seeing rates bounce all over the place based on the trading screens…the only way you will see those is if you know somebody who is a licensed, accredited forex trader. 

Member: From TNT: Tonight through Thursday is a new RV window …private banking forex is now frozen with too many hedge funds buying.

MZ: Yes…..I have heard forex is frozen to hedge fund buyers right now…from some traders. 

Member: A friend was at a local ATM today and  there was a message on the screen saying she could only withdraw .$150 …she did and it gave her all $5 bills.  

MZ: They are certainly limiting cash right now….trying to keep as much in the banks as they can. 

Member: I just saw a JP Morgan commercial talking about the Wealth Management Section of their bank.Member:  

MZ: They really have been talking about this a lot 

MZ: A good video from Nader this afternoon talking about changing the rate of the dinar and reducing the value of the US dollar. Be sure to go watch and support him. They are openly talking about the exchange rate. 

Member: I really hope the RV happens before Ramadan on March 10th for a whole month. 

Member: Iraq government is working during Ramadan, they are cutting the work day by 1 hour

MZ: History would tell you there would be no problem with them going during Ramadan.  If they had a choice-would they not go then-yes….just like we prefer not to work on Christmas day. 

Member: I wonder will new sanctions slapped on Zimbabwe by the US today affect bearer bonds?

Member:  Mark, a couple of weeks ago you mentioned that if there was an NDA and it was very consequential and substantial that you would go silent for the duration of it. Is this still the plan?

MZ: My banking contacts are not convinced there will be an NDA?//unless you have Humanitarian projects or Zim….mixed messages from banks about this. But, if there is a substantial NDA that I need to adhere to…YES…..I would disappear for the length of the NDA. You guys will know the length because you all will get the same NDA.

Member: Will CMKX be under an NDA ? 

MZ: I hear we will not have an NDA for CMKX.  

Member: Mark do you think they will RV in March.

MZ: I think so….I would not be surprised to see it before we reach the weekend as of right now. 

Member: Thanks Mark and Mods….everyone have a nice evening. 



Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.





Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )



"Russia is testing digital asset payment technology as groundwork for a potential BRICS digital currency.

The move aims to reduce global dependency on the US Dollar, aligning  with BRICS’ de-dollarization efforts.

Digital currency trials are starting with China and Eurasian Economic Union countries, under Russia’s initiative."

Russia is making a move inside the new digital economy. They are testing their new payment system with digital assets formulating a pre BRICS currency launch. 

Vladimir Putin is the current chairman for the BRICS Nations. One of the qualifications in belonging to the BRICS Nations is that countries have to back there economy by gold or other commodities. These new global economic initiatives are what is leading the drive towards a Global Currency Reset. 

A new trading currency with a backing by gold for the BRICS Nations is rapidly becoming more than just a simple threat to the current Global Monetary System. 

Russia is currently taking practical steps in lowering their dependence on the US dollar in trade among nations. And, these changes are affecting the current ratings of their currency. Enough so, that the FATF is currently re-rating their currency.

When a countries' currency is re-rated, it means they are currently in process of a revaluation inside their new currency values and mechanisms for the dissemination of these new values in trade. Yes, new exchange rates. 

"The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is the global money laundering and terrorist financing watchdog. It sets international standards that aim to prevent these illegal activities and the harm they cause to society."

Look for the FATF get more involved in the BRICS Nations as they set forth new trading mechanisms designed to enhance their group's local currency values through their new digital asset-based trading system. 

This is a move from a pegged currency with the dollar to a free floating exchange rate determined by the markets. Gold adds value to currencies that have been devalued over the years and equalizes the playing field for each country involving themselves inside free-floating mechanisms. 

Watch the water.

© Goldilocks

CLARE: Sudanese: Lowering the exchange rate means giving the dollar to illegal trade, 4 MARCH

 Sudanese: Lowering the exchange rate means giving the dollar to illegal trade



Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani said this evening, Sunday (March 3, 2024), that lowering the exchange rate means giving the dollar to illegal trade.

Al-Sudani stated during his participation in the opening of the activities of the Al-Rafidain Dialogue Forum in Baghdad, that "the financial situation in Iraq is at its best and that commercial transactions are collected through commercial institutions."

He added, "We give the student, the patient, the merchant, the contractor, and the investor the dollar at the official rate."

Al-Sudani pointed out that "the notes recorded on Iraqi banks from the US Treasury are from the time of previous governments."

He pointed out that "economic reform was one of the most important priorities of the government program."

Al-Sudani noted that "the salaries of employees and retirees constitute the largest cash block in the financial budget."

It is noteworthy that Iraq relies on the platform for selling currency directly to local banks and companies, which was previously known as the daily dollar auction, as one of the mechanisms for preserving the value of the Iraqi dinar and combating speculative operations in the parallel market. 

The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Al-Alaq, confirmed on February 6 that “some groups are trying to stay away from the platform for selling foreign currency in order to evade taxes or customs or the presence of illegal trade,” indicating “the possibility of meeting all requests for the dollar,” adding that “the bank has no problem.” In offering or selling the dollar.

He pointed out that "the bank is in a comfortable position to respond to requests to buy dollars. We have sufficient reserves, and soon we will launch a mechanism to ensure that only real travelers get the dollar."