Monday, April 1, 2024

Iraqi Dinar 🔥 US Restrictions are lifted 🔥 Guru Updates And Latest RV Ne...

Al-Sudani receives an invitation from the Saudi Crown Prince to participate in the World Economic Forum, 2 APRIL

  Al-Sudani receives an invitation from the Saudi Crown Prince to participate in the World Economic Forum

Media Office of the Prime Minister: Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman referred in his message to the Prime Minister to the close relations linking the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with Iraq and that his participation will have a good impact on the success of the meeting’s work.

 Today, Monday, Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani received an official invitation from Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to participate in the special meeting of the World Economic Forum, which the Kingdom will host at the end of next April.

This was mentioned in a statement issued by Al-Sudani’s office and received by Shafaq News Agency. 

The statement conveyed that Bin Salman, in a letter he sent to Al-Sudani, referred to the close relations between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Iraq, and that his participation will have a good impact on the success of the meeting’s work.

According to the statement, the special meeting of the World Economic Forum will be held in Riyadh for the period from April 28-29, and will address a number of international topics and issues, and discuss international cooperation in the fields of economics and sustainable development.   link



 [via PDK]  Question:  Since Sudani has to go to US on April 15th does that mean nothing will happen on the RV until then or after?  MarkZ:   Many believe he could be coming to the US after the RV for his “victory lap”.

  [via PDK]  I am getting back and forth news from groups. Some say it’s happening now and some say May….  They are really bouncing back and forth.

  COMMENT:  Sudani is supposed to be in the US on April 15th.  

MARKZ:  Personally I think Sudani may be here for a “victory lap” after we have already started doing out exchange.

 Question:  Do we have the green light yet Mark?  MarkZ:  I think we have the green light. I am looking forward to what the next few days bring.

Bank story:  One of our members had a friend go to a bank in N. Carolina yesterday. They had a conversation with a branch manager. They talked about an hour on life, currencies, expectations etc. 

 The Bank manager said they are absolutely prepared for this. He said he knew a lot of banks were avoiding it but they were preparing for it. He said “We don’t know the timing but it could be at any moment” So they were having a very long conversation with a banker that was clued in, plugged in and prepared..

Iraqi Dinar 🔥 Announcement Going to Change 🔥 Guru Updates And Latest RV ...

America is confused about the fields shared between Iraq and Iran... huge, uncontrollable oil flows, 2 APRIL

  America is confused about the fields shared between Iraq and Iran... huge, uncontrollable oil flows

March 28, 2024

Baghdad/Al-Masala Al-Hadath: Economist Simon Watkins said in a report published by the American Oil Price website that many unofficial flows emerged from increases in the oil fields shared between Iran and Iraq, so that it makes sense for the two countries to work to raise these increases significantly.

There are many fields shared between the two countries, the most prominent of which are Azadegan (on the Iranian side) / Majnoon (on the Iraqi side), Azar (Iran) / Badra (Iraq), Yadavoran (Iran) / Sinbad (Iraq), and Naft Shahr (Iran) / Naft Khana. (Iraq), Dehlran (Iran)/Abu Ghurab (Iraq), Baydar Gharb (Iran)/Fakka Field (Iraq), and Arvand (Iran)/South Abu Ghurab (Iraq).The new development initiative between Iran and Iraq will include assigning local companies, most of which are linked to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard or factions allied with Iran in Iraq, and their mission is to increase the return on oil extraction from the smaller joint fields, while Russian and Chinese companies will take the lead in the larger fields.

The idea of ​​limiting local companies to smaller fields is to allow them to develop their oil extraction techniques (with help from Russia and China) so that they can guarantee the average recovery rates of 3.5 percent they have achieved at their designated sites.

A well-known Western oil company laid out plans before sanctions were reimposed on Iran in 2018. It aimed to increase recovery rates in a group of these smaller fields to more than 12.5 percent within 12 months of starting them (from the then average of 2.5 percent). 20 percent after a year, then to about 50 percent within three years.

The Iranian Ministry of Oil hoped that increasing the technical capabilities of local companies would enable them to increasingly participate in the development of larger fields, enabling Tehran to reduce the discount on oil sold to China as part of comprehensive field development packages signed with its companies.

This includes larger fields as well, where the financial potential for even relatively small increases in the rate of oil extraction is enormous.

The combined oil-rich fields in the West Karun region, which includes the North Azadegan, South Azadegan, North Yaran, South Yaran and South Yadavaran fields, for example, contain at least 67 billion barrels of oil and enjoy an average recovery rate that currently stands at only 5 percent.

This is compared to the average recovery rate across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which is at least 50 percent.

An Iranian source told Oil Price: “The recoverable reserves figure increases by 670 million barrels, or about $34 billion in revenue for every 1 percent increase in the average recovery rate across West Karon, even if we were only going to sell at $50 a barrel.”

“Raising the recovery rate to 25 percent across West Karun over a 20-year contract period, thanks to sound joint development, is expected to add $838 billion in revenue to Iran.”

He stressed that the average West Karon oil production today is about 360,000 barrels per day, and sometimes reaches 380,000 barrels per day, while it did not exceed 120,000 barrels per day during 2017.

The main part of the “Comprehensive Cooperation Agreement between Iran and China for 25 years” was for Chinese companies to raise collective production from the West Karun fields by no less than 500 thousand barrels per day.

This is not difficult, as the average lifting cost remains between one and two dollars per barrel of crude oil in Iran itself and in Saudi Arabia and Iraq. But Chinese companies have not yet achieved any meaningful increases, which may be another reason for Iran and Iraq's desire to increase their capabilities to exploit their vast oil resources.

The fields shared between Iran and Iraq have also been invaluable to Tehran's successful efforts to avoid oil sanctions from the United States or Europe for years. Oil is often being explored on the non-sanctioned Iraqi side of the border across the border from the same oil reservoirs as oil exploration continues on the sanctioned Iranian side. This sometimes happens even through extended drilling.

Even if the Americans, Europeans, or any of their most trusted appointees put people at every platform across every common field in Iraq, they would not be able to know whether the oil extracted is from the Iraqi side or from the Iranian side.

Thanks to sound joint development, raising the recovery rate to 25 percent across West Karun over a 20-year contract period is expected to add $838 billion in revenue to Iran.

This made it possible for Iranian oil to be exported to Iraq and shipped to anywhere in the world it was needed for decades.

Further layers of complexity were added to further obscure the true origin of the exported oil. Simple but effective methods include turning off the transponder used by the ship's automatic identification systems, making it difficult to track.    link


  Militia Man 

 Why in the world would anybody want to invest into Iraq if they were going to put their money into Iraq and then they were going to lose Because if you invest your money in Iraq and they LOP their currency you're not going to make any money, it's a neutral event.

Article quote:  "Minister of Finance ...will launch funding for the government tomorrow Sunday...explained the value of salaries amounts to 69 trillion dinars. "  69 trillion is over half what they've ever printed.  It doesn't make any sense.  How do you have a 228 trillion budget when you don't ever have that much money?

The Iraqi dinar is not a scam.  It's a real currency.  It's a real country.  It's a real government...It's going to be a real component to the international financial world...

The 15th of April, I'll tell you this, most likely what...Sudani, Alaq, all those folks in the Ministerial Council of Economics, they're working their tails off to make sure to make sure they're ready, if not done, well before Al-Sudani shows.  Because if he's coming to town and he wants bargaining chips and I'm pretty sure a real effect exchange rate is going to be one of those bargaining chips.

Hydrocarbon payments to Iraqi people 03/30/24 BY PIMPY

Information” opens the files for installing lecturers, the exchange rate, and automation in the 2024 budget, 1 APRIL

 Information” opens the files for installing lecturers, the exchange rate, and automation in the 2024 budget

An accelerated movement led by the Parliamentary Finance Committee in order to find objective solutions to many of the problems facing the economy and money in Iraq by pushing the government’s programs for implementation in light of the challenges imposed by the oil markets, which constitute an important criterion in determining the volume of money flowing to the country’s treasury, not to mention the rights of multiple segments awaiting resolution. In the 2024 budget.

The Information Agency interviewed Mudar Al-Karawi, a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, to find out the most prominent developments in the economic file in the country and its challenges during 2024.

Q/ When will the 2024 budget schedules reach Parliament and are there any important changes?

A/ We expect the 2024 budget schedules to arrive next week after they are completed by the government committee, after which they will be discussed by the committee, but it is too early to talk about its provisions in detail, but the Ministry of Finance is awaiting approval of the schedules in order to launch financing for all governorate projects according to the instructions.

Q/ Where has the automation file reached in state institutions?

A/ There is remarkable progress in applying automation, especially in the tax and customs departments, not to mention the rest of the other services, because it is a path that will reduce the routine of administrative procedures and close 50% of the doors to corruption, in addition to being an effort to develop non-oil revenues for the Iraqi treasury.

Q/ The 2020 lecturer file in education, will it be decided in the 2024 budget tables?

A/ The Parliamentary Finance Committee gives importance to this file, and we officially asked the Ministry of Finance to include their appointments within the Ministry of Education’s 2024 allocations, and we are awaiting the schedules in order to deal with them according to the procedures.

Q/ Will the exchange rate in the parallel market witness a greater decline in 2024?

C/ The Central Bank and financial measures contributed to stopping the fever of the exchange rate rise in the parallel market and even controlling it at high rates and the gradual decline that occurred, even if it was slow over the last five months, but it was the beginning of pushing it to be close to the exchange rate specified by the Central Bank of Iraq, i.e. The decline will continue

Q: Was the amount of money allocated to provincial projects in 2023 limited?

Q/ It was not limited, but rather it was at a high rate compared to previous years, especially since the total amount allocated amounts to more than 10 trillion dinars, and it covers more than 5 thousand projects in the governorates, but reaching the actual completion requires some time, especially with the procedures and time period to complete the stages. .

Q/ What is Iraq’s 2024 strategy to confront its financial challenges?

 A/ Iraq is still facing a real challenge represented by its dependence on the sale of oil as a primary resource for its treasury at a rate approaching 90% in light of price fluctuations that put the economy in a difficult situation from time to time. Therefore, there is a general trend in maximizing non-oil treasury revenues and establishing a culture of partnership between the two sectors. Public and private, to crystallize a long series of investments that create job opportunities and provide indicators of activity according to the principle of service in exchange for interest.”

Q/ What are the most prominent challenges of investments in Iraq?

 A/ For years, the security factor has been the most prominent challenge to investment and attracting capital, but the situation is currently different with stability and control of the security forces, but the marketing factor remains, creating flexibility in procedures, reassuring investors, and diversifying job opportunities are challenges that must be paid attention to, in addition to the necessity of ending any indicators of corruption that are trying to approach the file. Investing and seeking to reduce procedures in a way that contributes to attracting more money, especially since internal investment rates increased by 35% in the past 16 months.”

Q/ Is Iraq continuing to diversify currency baskets?

C/ A current reality imposed by international conditions on the importance of diversifying the basket of currencies in order to secure import needs from multiple origins and not to limit dealing to one or two currencies. Also, pushing the Iraqi reserve to the principle of diversification is very important, and it is a context that most countries in the world have begun to adopt in recent years. link



Updated: 4/1/2024 

Official Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) Dinar Rate:

1310 IQD to 1 USD


The CBI of Iraq showed us two articles from the CBI that they are not exceeding their cash credit amounts in loans giving out to people and companies. These loans provide liquidity for extra capital to help their banking system run more smoothly and profitably going forward.  ;

In talking with our CBI banking contact, their inflation has come down and the country is working within normal ranges of a growing economy. All of this is being done without a change in their exchange rate so far. 

If you look on the, you will notice that they still have no changes to their currency rates. One of the things that our CBI contact does discuss often is the price of gold. This is very important to all the countries because the second half of the year is when interest rates are expected to be lowered by the US.

This is already taking place among other countries, but the US is still waiting to see if our inflation numbers will level off some. This does not look to be the case, and this is why a new decentralized system utilizing tokenized assets is becoming necessary. 

As the United States lags behind in lowering interest rates while other countries have moved ahead, this will give some of the new local currencies being traded around the world a time to gain some momentum in trade and strength.

By tokenizing all of our assets on the market, the part of that asset tokenized by gold will deflate the current inflated values we are presently experiencing on the market. 

Once our tokenized assets are regulated at the end of May, we will be able to shift our attention towards a new digital payment system and a new digital asset based economy. 

At that time, you can look for our Global Markets to move into real values. What will appear to be a crash is going to be a movement into real values going forward. 

From that moment forward, the new cash credit for our banking system which includes Iraqi Dinar will be based on the authentic movement of gold no longer held down by a World Reserve Asset.


© Goldilocks

The Iraqi Dinar RV Possibilities v PROBABILITIES 04/01/24 BY PIMPY

Puddledpnw: Zimbabwe to Keep Local Dollar Despite Losses, Revamp Plans, Ncube Says, 1 APRIL

 Puddledpnw:  Zimbabwe to Keep Local Dollar Despite Losses, Revamp Plans, Ncube Says

March 23, 2024 at 11:38 AM PDT

Zimbabwe plans to keep its local dollar, a currency that has lost value every single trading day of the year, even as fiscal and monetary authorities work on new plans to revamp the currency, according to Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube.

“We will have a domestic currency, there will always be a domestic currency so there is no way that we cannot have one,” Ncube said in an interview Saturday in Zimbabwe’s second biggest city of Bulawayo. “It’s very important to have a domestic currency so that we don’t just rely on foreign currency only for transactions.”

Coffee with MarkZ. 04/01/2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: So here we are in April 2024…anyone think we would still be waiting at this point?

Member: Good morning everyone. All the comments from the weekend were very optimistic! Let’s Go!

Member: Well-today is a new month and a new fiscal quarter…..let’s see what it brings us?

Member: Hoping for great news today!  No April Fools jokes please!!!

MZ: I am expecting updates today around mid day from some bond contacts. But a fairly quiet weekend.  Hoping for news from bond folks that say we are off “stuck” . I will be paying close attention to that chatter today. 

MZ: “Iraq’s banking system grows 15.1 percent in 2023 to $158.7 Billion”  That is an enormous jump. This is part of the process to reinstate their currency. Deposits continue to increase as more people keep their money in the bank instead of under mattresses. 

Member: Rumor is People are starting to get paid in Iraq. Let’s see that REER

Member: Did Iraq RV yesterday in –country. 

MZ: They did not- according to my sources. So no they do not have a new value yet. 

MZ: You may see people trolling us for “April Fools day today” So don’t over react to any rumors you may hear today. 

Member: With Maliki gunning for Sudani he better pull this off quickly or early elections and he is out !!!

Member: Sudani is coming to the US April 15th

Member: Since Sudani has to go to US on April 15th does that mean nothing will happen on the RV until then or after?

MZ: Many believe he could be coming to the US after the RV for his “victory lap” 

Member: I’ve been hoping it will happen during Ramadan much like Kuwait did when they had their RV…Ramadan ends around April 10th. 

Member: Eid El Fitr is the holiday right at the end of Ramadan….kinda like our Christmas with the exchanging of gifts.  Maybe they will get a gift of an RV? 

Member: I heard Iraq is going to do what Kuwait did and allow their people to party a few days before they release rate to the world? 

MZ: Kuwait managed to keep their RV a secret for 10 days before the world found out. With today’s internet they would have a difficult time burying it for very long. I don’t think they would get more than a day or two at most. 

MZ: Vietnam news: “VN central bank drains more money from system”  They have withdrawn more than $75 Trillion VND  from the last 5 trading sessions.  Guys, this is almost like they are preparing for an event and I am excited about that. 

Member: My Chase no longer selling IDQ-VND or Indonesian rupiah

Member: they're always preparing for an event, and you're always getting excited, and it turns out to be nothing….hope this time is different.

Member:  Interesting note......IF the ZIM goes at "face-value" times the current Zim Dollar rate the 100T ZIM Bonds would be worth $45.5M.......

Member: It appears that the LARGEST in ground gold reserve in the world was identified in Zimbabwe this spring........worth approx $47Q

Member: Rumor is the new $ USN is coming out today? Anyone see anything?

Member: My Chase /JPMorgan banking location on Friday said “ We heard what’s happening with the currency –just waiting for it to hit”  I said I will be back when it does. They replied they would hold the door open for me. 

MZ: I love stories like that one. More indications that they are prepared. 

Member: I went to the main Wells Fargo branch in Dothan, AL on Friday and they still deny knowing anything.

Member: IMO Just a FEW people in the banking sys know anything about this. So when your branch workers don't know anything don't freak out.

MZ: Chase seems to be leading the pack on bank stories. 

Member: Let the end credits begin


Member: To all the PTB reading this. Please release the RV before we have to pay billions of taxes to the cabal in 2 weeks. 

Member: Thanks Moderators for your time today and hard work.

StacieZ joins the stream at the end. Please listen to replay for her information 




Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )




Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics. 


50 Cent the snitch work with the feds BY NADER FROM MID EAST

SWIFT Completes 2nd Test of Global CBDC Payments Platform BY AWAKE IN 3D, 1 APRIL

SWIFT Completes 2nd Test of Global CBDC Payments Platform

Agenda 2030 Milestone: SWIFT Completes 2nd Test of Global CBDC Payments Platform

On March 27, 2024
By Awake-In-3D

SWIFT’s new platform enables financial institutions to carry out a wide range of financial transactions using CBDCs, tokenized assets and fiat currencies.

In This Article:

  • Overview of Swift’s Recent CBDC Interlinking Solution Test
  • The Implications of a Centralized Digital Financial System
  • Risks and Concerns Surrounding Centralization and Privacy
  • Detailed List of Test Participants Globally

On March 25, 2024, SWIFT, the global provider of secure financial messaging services, announced a significant advancement in the digital currency arena.

The completion of the second phase of industry-wide sandbox testing on its central bank digital currency (CBDC) interlinking solution heralds a new era of financial transactions.

Swift’s solution has already been shown to enable cross-border transfers and connect CBDCs and tokenized assets on different networks with each other, as well as with fiat currencies.  ;

This development promises to seamlessly integrate digital currencies into existing financial infrastructures, but it also raises critical questions about the future of financial sovereignty and privacy.

A Closer Look at Swift’s Groundbreaking Test

Swift’s announcement comes at the culmination of extensive collaboration among 38 key financial players, including central and commercial banks, highlighting the platform’s potential to streamline trade flows and enable efficient FX currency settlements.

With over 750 transactions successfully executed during the sandbox testing, Swift’s solution stands as the infrastructure of interoperability in a digital age currently fragmented by varying financial technologies and protocols.

The 2030 Plan to Establish Centralized Global Control Took a Major Step Forward

At the heart of this innovation lies the concept of centralization, a notion that is increasingly becoming synonymous with control in the digital finance sphere.

The promise of streamlined transactions and enhanced operational efficiencies comes with the likelihood of a centralized entity wielding unprecedented power over the global financial system.

This centralization poses significant risks, including the potential for surveillance, control over individual and national financial activities, and a single point of failure in the global economy.

Privacy and Autonomy Hang in the Balance

The advancement of CBDCs and digital asset tokens under a centralized system like Swift’s raises the level of concerns about privacy and financial autonomy.

In an era where data is gold, the ability of a single entity to monitor, track, and potentially control financial transactions presents a dystopian vision of the future, reminiscent of science fiction narratives.

The Bottom Line

The benefits of Swift’s CBDC interlinking solution are undeniable, offering the promise of a more efficient and interconnected global financial system.

However, the trade-offs between convenience and control, privacy and efficiency, cannot be overlooked.

We must all be proactive to ensure that technical innovation is balanced with the preservation of financial sovereignty and individual rights.

The future digital financial landscape must be developed as a space of freedom, not fear.

The Latest SWIFT CBDC Platform Test Included Global Financial Powerhouses

Below is a list of some of the prominent financial entities that participated in the Swift CBDC interlinking solution test.

This diverse group includes central banks, commercial banks, and market infrastructures from around the globe, underscoring the widespread interest and potential impact of this initiative on the future of digital finance.

Central Banks and Monetary Authorities:

  • Reserve Bank of Australia
  • Czech National Bank
  • Banque de France
  • Deutsche Bundesbank
  • Monetary Authority of Singapore
  • Central Bank of the Republic of China (Taiwan)
  • Bank of Thailand

Commercial Banks:

  • ANZ (Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited)
  • Citibank
  • DBS Bank (The Development Bank of Singapore Limited)
  • Deutsche Bank
  • HSBC (The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation)
  • Hua Nan Commercial Bank
  • Intesa Sanpaolo
  • NatWest Group
  • Santander (Banco Santander, S.A.)
  • Société Générale
  • Standard Chartered
  • Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
  • The Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank, Ltd.
  • The Standard Bank of South Africa
  • United Overseas Bank
  • Westpac Banking Corporation

Market Infrastructures:

  • CLS Group (Continuous Linked Settlement)
  • DTCC (The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation)

This list not only illustrates the global reach and significance of the initiative but also highlights the collaborative effort across different sectors of the financial industry to explore and potentially integrate CBDCs into their operations.

Reference link for SWIFT Press Release:


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 Judy NoteAs Central Banks continued to fail because of their fiat currencies, Globalists were frantically trying to keep everything intact by developing a non-asset-based digital CBDC fiat currency system that would completely control your life – telling you, for instance, where and if you could buy food depending on your Social Credit Score – a formula based on your devotion to their Leftist Agenda.

Meanwhile the Q Movement’s BRICS gold/asset-backed Sovereign Nation’s currencies were due to be implemented after the “New Beginnings Easter Sunday” on Mon. 1 April.

All qualifying nations of the World (meaning they won’t participate in war) had their own gold/asset-backed currencies that, through this Global Currency Reset, were at a 1:1 value to each other.

Along with that new Quantum Financial System that worked on your personal Quantum Phone and Computer through the new and secure Star Link Satellite System, came the GESARA law. Personal tax would be nonexistent as GESARA ensured a sustainable revenue stream for all governments.

Sometime in April 2024 a new standard tax rate of 14% on new non-essential items would be implemented across the Globe. No tax on income, food or medicine.

  • Fri. 29 March Dangers of the Deep State Cabal’s CBDCs: “CBDCs will become an instrument of power and control. They can program it so that your credit cards will only work, for example, at grocery stores within a half a mile radius of your home. But they won’t buy you gasoline, they won’t allow you to get an airplane ticket, they won’t allow you to travel and buy items and foods in other parts of the country. If the government has those kinds of powers over us, we’re all in a lot of deep trouble.” …RFK Jr .
  • Thurs. 28 March: CO27 Banks are talking about stealing the planet from under you, monetizing every part of the natural world including trees and selling it to you whilst pocketing the profit. CBDC’s will allow them to deduct even the air you breath!
  • April 2024 Worldwide Implementation of GESARA: With GESARA, we are ushering in an era where personal tax becomes superfluous from a monetary perspective and ensures a sustainable revenue stream for all national governments. A new standard tax rate of 14% on new non-essential items will be implemented across the Globe. No tax on personal income, food or medicine.

Iraqi Dinar🔥WOW WOW To Iraqi Dinar Investors Beautiful Rate and Profit ...

About 7 Million Barrels Within A Month... Iraq’s Oil Exports To America, 1 APRIL

 About 7 Million Barrels Within A Month... Iraq’s Oil Exports To America

Economy  Saturday, March 30, 2024   Baghdad / National News Center  The US Energy Information Administration announced on Saturday that crude oil exports to the United States amounted to more than 115 million barrels during the month of January of this year.

The administration said in a table: Iraq’s exports of oil and its derivatives in January amounted to 6.722 million barrels, 200 thousand barrels lower than what they recorded in December of last year, which amounted to 6.922 million barrels.

She added that Iraq exported about 115.263 million barrels of crude oil and its products to America during the past year.

The US Energy Information Administration stated that OPEC's exports of crude oil and its products to America during January amounted to 34.161 million barrels, with Saudi Arabia having the highest rate of exports to America, reaching 11 million and 981 thousand barrels during the same time period.

What does “financial inclusion” mean? BY MNT GOAT, 18 SEPT

BY 48.5%.. BANKS ASSOCIATION: FINANCIAL INCLUSION IN IRAQ HAS INCREASED (What does “financial inclusion” mean? Shame on you if you don’t kno...