Wednesday, November 22, 2023



   [via WiserNow]  Think everything is in full prep mode ready to roll.  Now what could happen - we don't not know if tomorrow is in play – Thanksgiving night might be in play for notifications. 

Start of everything could be know, we just don't know...I think it is possible they will let us have our numbers and we set our appointments for Friday...


  Article:   "The dollar in Iraq... Baghdad is planning “permanent solutions” with Washington, and Parliament describes the dialogues as “successful”


 Article:  "The dollar in Iraq.. Baghdad is planning “permanent solutions” with Washington, and Parliament describes the dialogues as “successful” 

 Quote:  "Monday (November 20, 2023), an informed source reported an expected meeting between the Central Bank of Iraq and the US Treasury Department next week."

Whiskey and Wisdom with MarkZ and friends. 11/22/2023

The dollar in Iraq.. Baghdad is planning “permanent solutions” with Washington, and Parliament describes the dialogues as “successful”, 23 NOV

 The dollar in Iraq.. Baghdad is planning “permanent solutions” with Washington, and Parliament describes the dialogues as “successful”

11/21/2023   Baghdad 

The Finance Committee in the House of Representatives said today, Tuesday (November 21, 2023), that the dialogues taking place between the Central Bank of Iraq and the US Department of the Treasury are very important to find solutions to the dollar crisis in Iraq.

Committee member Moeen Al-Kazemi told Baghdad Today, “The monetary and financial authority in Iraq is making great efforts through negotiation and dialogue with the US Treasury Department in order to find quick and lasting solutions to the dollar crisis, and these dialogues are very important

Al-Kadhimi stated, “Over the past few days, Iraq has reached important solutions with the American side, and the dialogues have been successful. Therefore, new meetings must be held to present more solutions that strengthen the Iraqi dinar, prevent any scarcity of the dollar in Iraq, and support the Iraqi banking sector.”

Yesterday, Monday (November 20, 2023), an informed source reported an expected meeting between the Central Bank of Iraq and the US Treasury Department next week.

Government sources recently spoke about an agreement concluded between the Central Bank of Iraq and the American side, which resulted in an increase in the number of banks that can directly enhance their balance in dollars to 10 banks, 5 of which are through Citibank, and the other five are through Bank GB Morgan), according to the Iraqi News Agency.

He also revealed that the number of Iraqi banks whose balances in Chinese yuan will be strengthened through the Singapore Development Bank has increased to 13 banks, while the number of banks whose accounts in Indian rupees with the Singapore Development Bank have been strengthened is 2, and Other banks will be added during the next two weeks.

Other meetings were held that brought together an Emirati bank, the Central Bank of Iraq, and the American side, to implement the mechanism for enhancing balances in the Emirati dirham for Iraqi banks, where all the technical details were resolved, and it is expected that The mechanism for enhancing balances in the Emirati dirham will begin during the next few days. LINK

Deputy: Removing American forces is a strategic necessity for three reasons, 23 NOV

  Deputy: Removing American forces is a strategic necessity for three reasons

Representative Salem Al-Anbuki confirmed, on Wednesday, that the removal of American forces is a strategic necessity for Iraq in three dimensions.

Al-Anbuki said in an interview with Al-Maalouma, “The bombing of the Popular Mobilization Forces by American aircraft is a crime, an attack on the country’s sovereignty, and a blatant violation of all laws,” pointing out that “what happened is a massacre, especially since the list of martyrs has reached 8 so far.”

He added, "Implementing the House of Representatives' decision to immediately remove American forces is a strategic necessity for Iraq in three dimensions to end its violations against the Iraqi security formations. In addition, it does not provide any real support to the country in confronting terrorism, and the country has great capabilities to defend the security and stability of all provinces and ward off terrorism." Strong internal and external risks.

He pointed out that "we are awaiting a position from the government regarding the crime of targeting the Popular Mobilization Forces in Jurf al-Nasr because it was targeting an official government force that was carrying out the duties of combating terrorism and securing liberated areas."

American aircraft bombed one of the headquarters of the Popular Mobilization Forces brigades in Jurf al-Nasr, resulting in martyrs and wounded. link

Evening News with MarkZ. 11/22/2023

Wednesday Evening News with MarkZ 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Happy Thanksgiving Eve Everyone…….

Member:  Maybe The Black Swan event is actually The Burnt Turkey in the oven…lol

Member: Mr. Pool says the whole world changes after midnight tonight…

MZ: There are so many balls being juggled right now….Tonight, tomorrow, Friday or Saturday…sometime soon the whole world changes. That is absolutely certain. 

MZ: More and more financial players from all levels….some of my commodity folks, bond folks….all have expectations for the coming days.  Everything we have been looking for is all coming together.  Just the exact timing we still do not know. 

MZ: I have heard some very encouraging things about the next 4 days….but will try to vet them first….will tell you tomorrow. Banks are excited though and banking personnel believe we are very close. In a nutshell it points to the next 4-5 days for our announcements. 

Member: Wouldn’t it be easier for them to release the RV close to Christmas for the Rodriguez and St. Germaine Trusts to open?

MZ: It would be easier ….but, they can release it any time……they would just need more signatories……I don’t think they are waiting for that though. 

MZ: “JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo and BOA hit with negative ratings outlook as Moody’s  says US government has weaker capacity to support big banks.”  This is absolutely huge. This means the government and FDIC do not have the funds to bail everybody out. We were always told they were to big to fail….This may not be accurate any more. 

Member:  Skye Prince had a good, heartfelt video earlier. She pretty much said what we are all feeling and is calling out the white hats and telling them they are committing crimes against humanity...

Member: yes, it was very heartfelt and she said everything that we are all feeling...

Member: Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, ZFAMILY.

Member:  I will take a large slice of RV for Thanksgiving tomorrow!

Member: If Iraq thinks it will bother us to go on Thanksgiving Day, it’ll just be the icing on the turkey.

Member:  Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving! Praying that all we have been waiting for comes to fruition in the next few days!



Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )


Iraq, Turkey begin oil and energy talks, 22 NOV

 Iraq, Turkey begin oil and energy talks

Shafaq News/ Energy ministers of Iraq and Turkey held a meeting in Baghdad on Wednesday to discuss "oil and energy" talks as the two countries seek to resume Iraqi oil shipments via Ceyhan port after a hiatus due to legal disputes.

The meeting was held between Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs, Oil Minister Hayan Abdul-Ghani, and Turkish Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, Alpaslan Bayraktar.

The two sides, according to the readout, discussed bilateral relations in the oil and energy sectors and ways to enhance cooperation in these areas.

The talks also included a meeting of officials from the Iraqi Ministry of Oil and the Turkish Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources. "The meeting discussed issues of mutual interest, including ways to enhance bilateral cooperation in all areas, especially in the oil and energy sectors." 

It is expected that the visiting minister will meet with other government officials during his visit to Baghdad.

Turkey halted flows through Iraq's northern oil export route after an arbitration ruling in March by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) ordered Ankara to pay Baghdad damages for unauthorized exports between 2014 and 2018. 

Turkey says the pipeline is prepared for shipments to begin, but the Iraqi side insists it has not received official notification from Turkey on whether the pipeline is ready.

Turkey's closure of the Iraq-Turkey pipeline in March has collectively cost Iraq, Kurdistan's Regional Government (KRG), and oil producers a total of $7 billion in lost export revenues, the Association of the Petroleum Industry of Kurdistan (APIKUR) has previously said.

Iraq approves plan for joint economic zone with Saudi Arabia, 22 NOV

 Iraq approves plan for joint economic zone with Saudi Arabia

Shafaq News / The Ministry of Industry and Minerals declared its preliminary approval on Wednesday for the establishment of a shared economic zone with Saudi Arabia along the mutual border of the two countries.

In a statement today, the Ministry of Industry indicated that its Minister, Khalid Battal Najm, chaired the inaugural meeting of the committee studying the creation of an Iraqi-Saudi border economic zone. The committee, led by Najm, comprised representatives from the Ministries of Planning, Oil, and Trade, along with the attendance of the General Director of the Industrial Cities Authority.

It was further noted that the meeting discussed the context of the committee's tasks and the decisions related to establishing this city, resembling the joint economic city between Iraq and Jordan. They deliberated on the realized benefits of initiating this project, the methodology for regulation, administration, supervision of such cities, overcoming obstacles, and ensuring conducive conditions.

The statement continued that the committee preliminarily agreed on establishing the economic zone along the Iraq-Saudi border due to the gains and advantages anticipated, particularly in the economic realm. The zone is projected to serve as a significant gateway between both countries, encompassing free zones, facilitating trade exchanges, hosting banks, and serving as headquarters for numerous joint ventures.


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-21-23  

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-21-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:11:11

Transcribed By WiserNow 

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight. It is Tuesday, September 21st and you're listening to the big call. Welcome everybody around the globe. Thank you satellite team sat team for getting the call out to as many as 20 million listeners in as many as 184 to 191 countries. We don't know what the reach will be tonight, we never know until a day or two after the call, but it's a good reach and thank you sat team for putting it out there.

I think we can cut to Intel now. All right, let's do it. Let's talk about the Intel. Now - Some days as you guys know, are light Intel days and some are heavy. Today was a light day - yesterday was a little bit right as well and I can say that the decision was made at 11 o'clock this morning, not to be open, for the redemption centers not to be open on Thanksgiving – there was some chatter that some of the redemption Center has to be we talked to wanted to be open -  but the over all majority across the country voted against opening 

 Alright, so we’re not going to be open over Thanksgiving – so what does that mean for us right now – what does it say - I'll tell you one thing that is supposed to occur tomorrow, the 22nd - Okay, we're looking for Wednesday the 22nd. It is the 60 year anniversary of the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

Now - the reason I bring that up. 60 years ago, JFK was assassinated in Dallas. You guys know some of the story we don't all of us don't know all of the story. That is supposed to be something that could come up with more detail and accuracy as part of disclosure, 

My understanding is they  plan to use the Emergency Alert System, EAS - Emergency Broadcast System, EBS - and the emergency wireless system EWS - are supposed to utilize those three as early as tomorrow For some type of disclosure.

I'm not sure what they're going to bring out -  if they utilize them tomorrow - What are they gonna talk about ?  Could they revisit the 60 year anniversary of JFK’s assassination?  I don't know maybe - could be - could be something political beyond that – that might not be announced - possibly.

It could be a number of things I can think of half a dozen things  I would love to be disclosed – we are being told NESARA  and GESARA are about to be announced. We know we have a USN currency that's out and tradable.

We know the Iraqi dinar has been trading and is on the back screens at the banks – it was on the front screens of the redemption centers  - we know the bank rate  at the normal banks not the redemption center that regular banks on the dinar is 1/3 or less what it is on the redemption center screens - Front screens at the redemption centers. 

So if you want to determine - you’re going to get the lowest rate possible on the dinar - Be sure not to use the 800 number - and just go to any willy nilly bank, and you'll get the lowest rate, just over five.

Now I wouldn't do that if I were you. I'd wait for the toll free number to come out and take advantage of a much possibly much much higher rate on the dinar – and on the dong - And of course the zim  is not even going to be  negotiated at the banks - they're going to use at redemption centers. And then after redemption centers close - There'll be a few tier one banks that would still work with the zim, but it's not going to be something they want to do, because  it needs to be done in a private redemptions center setting - that is going to be a major deal. 

So where are we in this thing? 

You know, we know about the EBS as EAS is about to be utilized about to be brought out - some form of items could be disclosed. Would it be good cover for us. Yes. Are we going to get these numbers that we thought about today? tomorrow? Possibly - could we leapfrog over Thanksgiving, get number - set appointments and start Friday?

Yeah, that could be the case. That could happen, could it? Yeah. We don't know that. I don't have that – I had one source - they believed he was told that we would get this start before Thanksgiving - that's tomorrow.

Now, could we - could we get the numbers - set our appointments – on Wednesday – could we start Wednesday? – and then drop off and start back on Friday with additional appointments? I think that's possible also    

I think that is possible. I think it's almost more likely if we're too start this we would set our appointments  tomorrow for Friday. But we'll see. I don't know guys. I wish I could say definitively but the intel is not there. 

Give an example. One of our best fond paymasters with Wells Fargo,  calls my main Intel source and asked what he was hearing – and are you hearing anything, -  this is a guy that's connected to Reno he connected Miami -  He's connected to Europe and Geneva - he's well connected.  But he's not getting the information that he normally would get  - we hear from him routinely as what is was going on with the bond holders. 

We know that the admirals and generals groups – 23  admirals groups  for the last count was given the go ahead to begin to hydrate those individual accounts of the participants in the groups - paymasters all the way down to the participants. 

But the participants need to be notified that their accounts have been paid into and then given some instruction on what to do next - maybe go to a Wells Fargo bank -  to get access to funds their probably  - this is my opinion and I believe the amount are great enough where they're going to need a quantum account  - the quantum card and of course if they're going to  also get a credit debit card to utilize on the funds just like we will when we move funds from the quantum account into our Wells Fargo primary or secondary accounts. 

So that's something that we're not really 100% sure of, but we think they probably utilizing these quantum accounts just like we will. The difference is we'll do our exchanges and our redemption of zim. They've already ponied that up years and years ago to the admiral to do that. And that's already been done. We don't know what the rates are gonna get. - they been told certain things, contracts for certain rates  that you know, that could all be subject to some change. We'll see and hope for the best for them.

The point is,  those accounts - I mean, this is 23 groups and people - they are nowhere near the side of the Internet Group tier 4B - is nothing close to their size, but they're relevant - and they are gonna receive quite a bit in their accounts and so on. But they will be notified when all of those accounts are satisfied by some form of communication we think email -  to proceed to the bank to set up those set up what they need to get access to those accounts. That's the admirals group. 

They're waiting on the green light to access that just like the bondholders are waiting on their green light to get access to funds. How many times have I said the bondholders are going to get access to funds on such a day, such as such a date or time?

\Continually just like we're waiting bondholders are waiting - Admiral groups, groups are waiting- We're waiting - redemption center staff is waiting.

They've been told this story so many times and they've had to go in and be ready to be on call - involved or go in whatever – be on this zoom call – be on  this phone  with treasury - or that call with HSBC. This call with Fargo and Treasury and HSBC. I mean, we've heard about all of these things. 

Think everything is infull prep mode ready to roll.  Now what could happen - we don't know. do not know if tomorrow is in play – Thanksgiving night  might be in play for notifications . Start of everything could be Friday. you know, we just don't know.

This is this is a difficult for us because so much intel has been squashed in terms of the contacts. Contacts have been told to get quiet - zip it up – don’t release and info leaks – we are fortunate to get what we get -  when everything's supposed to be quiet, 

we know the Corporation of the United States is dead. US can't print anymore USD money. We know that transactions are happening between China and other countries in their own currency – not using the USD and that's a good thing. We want the USD to be dead -  and only a certain portion of reserves rolled into the US Treasury will be some small portion of it. But not what has happened in the past. 

Same thing with the IRS,a portion of the IRS will be pooled into the US Treasury but not what we've had in the past because under NESARA the whole tax structure changes the whole tax structure changes and we go to the consumption tax.

And there's a few representatives at the state level a few at the federal level that deal with a completely different income tax system whereby the federal personal income tax goes away when we go to a consumption tax, or it actually that tax is applicable on non consumable items, but not consumable items, except I understand the restaurants was still charge. I don’t know why - It's consumable, but you tell me why. 

But this NESARA should be kicking in pretty soon. And you know what, at this stage of the game, it wouldn't surprise me if it doesn't kick in until January of 2024. 

Maybe just a little over a month left and this is year - Let's see what happens. We're still looking for and don't have absolute confirmation on a restitutional and resolutional allowance , which we thought would be October November, December.  Then we thought Nov /Dec - But now the question is it in Nov  at all it's one week to go with a little over a week now. 

I'm not sure that I know the increase in Social Security we talked about that didn't happen in October nor in November - would they do it in December and start it with one month to go this year. I don't know our source for that we have not heard back from and we’ve been in Touch trying to get in touch with find out what they’re saying about it. 

So there's some things that up in the air - we have some questions we don't have an answer for but we're looking to get answers on that. And we're looking to get answers on when we're getting started for us to get our currency exchanges and redemption of Zim. Done.

Enjoy the holiday as much as you can with family – that’s a question mark I know sometimes that it's not easy. hopefully you'll have a good deep conversation around the dining room table and maybe bring some family up to speed on the upcoming technology  - wink wink - and also  the talk about whatever you are comfortable with in bringing some of your family up to speed on what we are looking to have change  - there is so much more than we know – having tracked this for 12 years – actually 19 on the currencies – and 12 yrs on the big call 

But a lot of people are way in the dark - they're nowhere near you know up to speed on what's coming. and what's coming  - I do hope we get this before Thanksgiving – that means tomorrow I hope we do get – I know you do too – I’m just not sure what they are gonna do with Thanksgiving day being a non redemption center  or a non bank day – 

I just think they could do it two ways  - they could do it three ways -  they could wait until Friday for anything to happen -  they could go tomorrow give us our numbers – let us set appointments – an go starting tomorrow – I think that is a very low percentage chance -  start and stop – 

I think it is possible they will let us have our numbers and we set our appointments for Friday – that’s doable - I think everybody would be  crazy but happy that we finally got the numbers – we got half the deal -  we set our appointments – boom all we got to do is to show up – be careful  and don’t let any thing happen on the way back from grandmas house - 

Don’t drink over this holiday and put yourself in jeopardy, or anybody else. that is on the road – its just now wise -  

We’re in this to win – to receive what God is blessing us with and to do the right thing – to be good stewards  of the money – that’s the name of the game - 

Guys, I really think - this is a question mark - is when we're going to receive these numbers.  We have been told that we would have Christmas in November meaning having our celebration call - have Our numbers - have our appointments already been set -  our exchanges done and started. I don't think we're finished in the month of November – with what, eight days to go. I don't see that. 

But maybe we could. We might we could get 90% of the Zim in if we got started tomorrow or maybe Friday – maybe -  we could have probably sixty %  of it in. But they wanted it in - they want that and match - The number one thing that they want to take first. 

We heard that John Q Public would start on the fourth/ fifth of December, which would be week from week from a week from Monday. So I don't know if that's gonna hold up or not – it could get pushed back to so we're just gonna have to see what happens. 

 Keep your eyes open  with the EAS  of EBS, EWS  supposed to kick in sometime tomorrow. We don't know when that has on it. I hope it does. It would be cool to see what they're gonna say on the 22nd Maybe the 60 yr assassination of JFK is here to see what happens. All right guys. That's what got to give you tonight.

I'll stay tuned in – sure as the world I'll hear something strong late tonight or tomorrow, but we are not planning to have a call on Thursday. We're not planning to have a call. Okay, so everybody,  I’ll miss you guys -  I know a lot of you will miss the call. Enjoy the time and just stay tuned – 

Hopefully your emails will come through. We're looking for the last thing that the prosperity packages are looking to have them being delivered – I have not had a confirmation of any deliveries yet. This is supposed to give us an eight hour heads up before a delivery of the prosperity package is made to your home. They are going to be sure that you will be there to receive this okay. All right now let's go ahead and pray the call out .

Iraqi Dinar🔥Most Shocking Details On Iraqi Dinar Exchange Rates🔥iraqi di...

Evening News with MarkZ. 11/22/2023

Pimpy and Nader live


 Militia Man 

 The Finance Minister is working with the United States, the UK ambassador and what are they talking about?  ...The steps for ascension to the global financial system.  What comes to mind when talking about 'ascension' WTO has ascension.  What else

  Article:  "Alaq says the rise in the exchange rate in his time and the project to delete the zeros still exists"   When was that?  July 26, 2023.  The plan is still underway, hasn't changed.  It's a dynamic and fluid circumstance.  We had the Bank of International Settlements come out and talk about highly complex financial transactions ...shocks, warning people...we can see there's some fireworks going the background.  


 Article:  "An upcoming meeting between the Iraqi Central Bank and the US Treasury next week"

Historic Meeting: Iraqi and Armenian Presidents Chart Path for Enhanced Bilateral Ties, 22 NOV

 Historic Meeting: Iraqi and Armenian Presidents Chart Path for Enhanced Bilateral Ties

In an unprecedented move aimed at bolstering bilateral ties, the President of Iraq, Abdul Latif Rashid, and his Armenian counterpart, Vahagn Khachaturyan, co-chaired a grand meeting of their respective government delegations on November 22, 2023, in Yerevan, Armenia. The landmark event marked the first visit by an Iraqi President to Armenia, a testament to the deepening political, cultural, and economic ties between the two nations. 

Strengthening Ties and Digital Cooperation

During the meeting, both leaders emphasized the importance of enhancing their shared cooperation, particularly in the realms of technology, digital economy, digital services, and governance. The Iraqi President expressed his appreciation for the Armenian community in Iraq, lauding their contributions to the nation’s cultural fabric. He also displayed a keen interest in activating bilateral work mechanisms and closely monitoring the results of the recent joint committee meetings held in Baghdad.

Security and Economic Stability

President Rashid offered an optimistic assessment of Iraq’s current state, highlighting its high level of security, political, and economic stability. He portrayed this stability as a magnet for investment opportunities, opening the doors for potential Armenian investors. This sentiment was echoed by President Khachaturyan, who expressed his enthusiasm for strengthening the economic ties between the two nations.

Historic Visit and Future Prospects

The visit, described as ‘historic’ by President Rashid, served as a platform for discussions on a range of topics, including regional security, the normalization of Armenia-Azerbaijan relations, and potential cooperation in sectors such as tourism, trade, energy, and water resources. The visit concluded with the adoption of a joint statement, reflecting the mutual desire to develop bilateral relations in all areas. As the first official visit of an Iraqi President to Armenia comes to a close, the prospects for enhanced cooperation and a strengthened relationship between the two nations seem brighter than ever.

Understanding the Exchange Rate: Iraqi Dinar vs. US Dollar, 22 NOV

 Understanding the Exchange Rate: Iraqi Dinar vs. US Dollar, 22 NOV

The exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against the US dollar currently stands at 100 US dollars for 159,000 Iraqi dinars. This valuation has substantial implications for financial markets, businesses, and individuals involved in currency exchange or economic activities involving the Iraqi and US currencies.

Fluctuating Factors Impacting Exchange Rates

Exchange rates are perpetually in flux, influenced by a myriad of economic factors. These include monetary policies, inflation rates, and geopolitical events. The balance between the Iraqi dinar and the US dollar is no exception to this rule. The stability of Iraq’s economy and political landscape, as well as the global demand for oil, directly impacts the value of the Iraqi dinar. Given Iraq’s status as a significant oil-producing country, the shift in global oil demand can tilt the balance of the exchange rate.

Reliable Sources for Currency Conversion

Accurate and up-to-date information is paramount when dealing with currency exchange. A variety of webpages offer reliable currency converters for converting Iraqi Dinar to United States Dollar, along with information on how to send money abroad effectively. These platforms update their currency rates frequently, providing dependable sources for currency conversion. They also deliver the live exchange rate of 1 USD to IQD, and vice versa, along with charts for historical periods. 

Real-Time Exchange Rates

These webpages provide real-time exchange rates, like the rate from U.S. Dollar to Iraqi Dinar, which currently sits at 1,308.2500 Iraqi Dinar for every 1 U.S. Dollar. They also offer the reverse conversion and refresh the rates every 15 minutes. Some platforms provide the exchange rate of large sums, like 100,000 Iraqi Dinar to U.S. Dollar, which equates to about 76.16. These pages also offer a currency exchange calculator, detailed exchange rates, and charts for various time frames. All this data serves to equip users with the necessary tools to make informed financial decisions.

Breaking Down Iraq's Financial Boom A 94% Rise in Remittances / Iraqi Di...



[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]  

FIREFLY:  Iraq's security teams arrested the most dangerous foreign currency smuggler inside of Iraq.  They're saying this is the head of the snake.  They tell us that by removing this man our reforms will continue and move forward as has been promised to us Iraqi citizens.  

FRANK:  These events...are extremely powerful events to allow the new exchange rate to come out.

 Two months ago a quick little pip movement took the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar from 1460 to 1320...They were supposed to make the next step.  

I told you at that time, 'Now that they've made this movement, let's say 1320 to 1, the next one will be 1,000 to 1 and when they do they will be in position to lift the three zeros and float the currency in a basket...'   

Article quote:  "Solutions exist, and during our tenure at the Ministry of Finance (2006-2010), we succeeded in increasing the value of the dinar from (1,500 dinars to the dollar to 1,170 dinars to the dollar). We were planning to reach (1,000 dinars to the dollar) and then raise the zeros so that the dinar was equal to the dollar."  What?!? 

 Word for word of what we taught you...This is the last step.  IMO the CBI is going to be going to the US Treasury next week...This is exactly what we want next

Salary Schedule Presented to Iraq and KRG: A Step Towards Economic Stability, 22 NOV

Salary Schedule Presented to Iraq and KRG: A Step Towards Economic Stability, 22 NOV

In a significant step towards economic stability in Iraq and the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), a meticulously reviewed salary schedule for public sector employees has been presented to both authorities. This development is part of a broader initiative aimed at streamlining salary disbursements and fostering transparency within the payroll systems.

Addressing Salary Discrepancies

Central to this process is the goal to eliminate any inconsistencies, prevent double payments, and detect ghost employees. A fair and systematic approach to salary payments is being sought, one that aligns with the financial capabilities of the governments and caters to the needs of the public sector workforce.

Public Sector Reforms and Economic Stability

Presenting the salary schedule is indicative of the progress being made in public sector reforms. It is a crucial stride towards overall economic stability in the region. These reforms are poised to create a more robust and transparent financial environment, ensuring that the hard-earned money of the public sector’s workforce is managed and disbursed appropriately.

Repercussions on the Ground

On a more granular level, the Delphos City Council has deliberated extensively on an ordinance establishing the pay salary and pay rate for non-bargaining employees and department supervisors. This includes a 10% increase to the upper end of the wage scale range, a response to a 2020 study of competitive compensation for similar positions in other communities.

IPBL supports governmental efforts reducing exchange rate in parallel market, 22 NOV

 IPBL supports governmental efforts reducing exchange rate in parallel market

Baghdad ( – The Iraqi Private Banks League (IPBL) announced on Tuesday its support for government efforts aiming to reduce the exchange rate of the US dollar in the parallel market.

The President of the IPBL, Wadee Al-Handal, in a statement to the Iraqi News Agency (INA), indicated that the great support of the Iraqi Prime Minister, Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, for the private sector represents the beginning of economic reform in Iraq.

Al-Handal stated that the recent measures of the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) and the government regarding trade financing using new currencies, such as the euro, the UAE dirham, the Chinese yuan, and the Indian rupee, represent a step toward reducing the exchange rate of the US dollar in the parallel market.

The President of the IPBL noted that the regulation of trade financing carried out by the government and the CBI will lead to an increase in trade financing.

Al-Handal clarified that private banks are taking great steps in expanding international relations with international banks to facilitate the financing of Iraqi trade with countries around the world. 

The Iraqi official added that the private sector is an important partner for the government in providing services and job opportunities and reducing poverty.

US Response to Attack on Air Base West of Baghdad BY SANDY INGRAM

FICC to increase the number of banks supported by CBI, 22 NOV

 FICC to increase the number of banks supported by CBI

Baghdad ( – The Federation of Iraqi Chambers of Commerce (FICC) announced on Tuesday that it has undertaken an initiative to increase the number of correspondent banks supported by the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI).

The President of the FICC, Abdul Razzaq Al-Zuhairi, told the Iraqi News Agency (INA) that the federation undertook an initiative to increase the number of correspondent banks supported by the CBI.

The CBI finished on Saturday the arrangements for an agreement aiming to enhance the balances of five Iraqi banks in the UAE dirham.

A source in the Iraqi banking sector said that the CBI completed the required arrangements related to an agreement with the UAE’s First Abu Dhabi Bank, INA reported.

The source revealed that the implementation of the agreement to enhance the balances of the Iraqi banks in UAE currency will take place this week.

Last week, the CBI reinforced the balance of 13 banks in the Chinese currency.

Merchants and importers can now import their goods from China at the official exchange rate that will be provided by banks dealing in the Chinese currency instead of obtaining the funds they need for their trade from the parallel market, according to the source.

Officials from the CBI held intensive meetings with US officials in Abu Dhabi recently to discuss external transfers to cover imports.

Iraq strengthened its balances in the yuan currency through the Singapore Development Bank to finance the country’s trade with China by about $12 billion annually.

There are serious negotiations that have reached their final stages to enhance the balances of some Iraqi banks in euros with UBAF Bank to finance trade with the European Union. 

The CBI is taking several measures to reduce the US dollar exchange rate.

Germany working on Financial Inclusion in Iraq, 22 NOV

Germany working on Financial Inclusion in Iraq

Germany's Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) (German Agency for International Cooperation) has joined forces with the Iraqi Private Banks League (IPBL) to work on more inclusive financial services.

"Together, we can harness the unique strengths from both the private sector and the public sector and make a significant contribution to financial inclusion in Iraq", said Lutz Zimmermann, GIZ Iraq's Country Director, during the kick-off event.

GIZ and IPBL signed an agreement that marks the official start of the collaboration of two major activities, the IN4FI advisory program, which supports Iraqi financial service providers in developing inclusive financial services or products, as well as the financial literacy application "Masrafi".

"In the next phase, financial inclusion is not only a goal but also a tool that will enable the Central Bank to support monetary stability in Iraq", highlighted Adnan Asaad, Director General Payments and IT Department at the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI).

This activity is part of the Financial Inclusion for Economic Restart and Integration (FI) Project, co-funded by Germany's Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the European Union (EU).

(Sources: GIZ, IPBL)

Evening News with MarkZ. Joined by King Bau later in the podcast. 11/21/...


 Militia Man

  Article:  "Alaq says the rise in the exchange rate in his time and the project to delete the zeros still exists"   When was that?  July 26, 2023.  The plan is still underway, hasn't changed.  It's a dynamic and fluid circumstance.  We had the Bank of International Settlements come out and talk about highly complex financial transactions ...shocks, warning people...we can see there's some fireworks going the background.  

We're hoping Iraq will show us they have Article VIII compliance any time now.   Let's see what happens...

 Article [via MeetMeOnline] quote: 

 "Easing of global commodity prices, the revaluation of the dinar, the continued price subsidies are projected to keep inflation in check...

 This is coming from the World Bank...price subsidies are projected to keep inflation in check because of why?  Because of the revaluation of the dinar...The World Bank are the ones talking about the revaluation of the dinar and the revaluation will help facilitate [many things]...

What does “financial inclusion” mean? BY MNT GOAT, 18 SEPT

BY 48.5%.. BANKS ASSOCIATION: FINANCIAL INCLUSION IN IRAQ HAS INCREASED (What does “financial inclusion” mean? Shame on you if you don’t kno...