Thursday, February 22, 2024



  Community Comment:  "Thanks for the let down once more that Iraq will never RV. I never said it would never RV.  Never.  In fact I'm the one that said it's going to go up in increments.

Question: "There have been some references...regarding some Iraqi banks in the US, have you heard  about any of thee banks on US soil?"  Here you go:  You have the Iraq National Bank that's in New York. Rasheed Bank that's in New  York.   North Bank that's Dearborn Michigan, The Bank of Baghdad is in New York City, TBI Bank which is in Washington DC.  These are  the Iraqi banks that are currently in the US...    
Community Comment: "IMO I think a $1.28 would be a sweet spot for the RV and then go up from there."  $1.28 would be pretty nice if we can get it but IMO if they want to make sure not to really crash their economy they're going to have to go up in smaller increments...I know you guys don't like to hear that and it makes me the bad guy.  You might see it go somewhere from...1310 for every around 1,100 dinars for every dollar or maybe even 1,000 dinars for every dollar, then from there down to like 700s...small increments.

Iraqi dinar 🔥World Bank big announcement about Iraqi monetary Reform 🔥Ir...

Iraq's Bold Move: New Oil and Gas Bids Signal Economic Revival, 23 feb

 Iraq's Bold Move: New Oil and Gas Bids Signal Economic Revival

As the first rays of dawn touch the ancient lands of Mesopotamia, a new chapter is unfolding in Iraq's storied history. This time, it's not about conflict or conquest but about harnessing the wealth beneath its sands and soil. In a strategic push to revive its economy and rebuild from decades of turmoil, Iraq is set to open bids for new oil and gas concession areas in April. This initiative, part of the country's broader ambitions to develop its hydrocarbon resources, signals a hopeful horizon for a nation eager to reclaim its position on the global stage.

A New Era of Hydrocarbon Development

Under the guidance of the Oil Ministry, Iraq is embarking on what is known as the 6th licensing round, complemented by the remaining opportunities from the 5th round announced earlier in 2023. Mohammed Al-Saadi, the assistant director of the Licensing Section, shared that heavyweight contenders like Shell and Italy's ENI have already stepped into the ring, purchasing documents that detail the concession opportunities. With 8 exploratory and 8 producing wells in the 5th round, and an additional 11 oil and 3 gas wells in the 6th, Iraq is laying the groundwork for a significant expansion of its oil and gas production capabilities.

Global Giants and Local Growth

The allure of Iraq's hydrocarbon potential has not only drawn in major global firms but also promises to catalyze local economic development. The engagements with international giants such as Lukoil, as discussed by the Iraqi Prime Minister with a Russian delegation, underscore the global interest in Iraq's energy sector. Furthermore, the transition of the West Qurna 1 oilfield's operations from ExxonMobil to PetroChina, aiming to boost production significantly by the end of 2024, illustrates the dynamic shifts occurring within Iraq's oil landscape.

Yet, the narrative extends beyond oil and gas. Companies like Crescent Petroleum have embarked on ambitious projects to meet Iraq's soaring energy needs, addressing both oil and gas development and the critical electricity deficit. With plans to inject substantial investment into the early phases of new fields in Diyala and Basra, the initiative demonstrates a comprehensive approach to Iraq's energy challenges, leveraging the second highest proven oil reserves in the region for sustainable economic growth.

Charting a Course for Recovery

As Iraq positions itself at the crossroads of recovery and development, the unfolding story of its hydrocarbon sector is more than an economic venture; it's a beacon of hope for a nation striving to turn the page on years of conflict. The upcoming bidding rounds represent not just an opportunity for global energy firms but a pivotal moment for Iraq to harness its natural wealth for the prosperity of its people. With a careful balance of international collaboration and domestic advancement, Iraq is steering towards a future where its natural resources are the bedrock of its revival.

At the heart of this endeavor is a commitment to not only boost production but to ensure that the benefits of such development are felt across Iraqi society. In a landscape marked by historical upheavals, the quest for energy independence and economic stability is a testament to Iraq's resilience and determination to forge a path of sustainable growth. As the country embarks on this ambitious journey, the global community watches, hopeful for a future where Iraq can fully realize its potential, both below ground and above.


 Mnt Goat   

Please just be patient!  The reinstatement is coming and I firmly believe from what we now already know and are about to witness is a major part of the Banking Reforms that everything else was geared up to support over the past 10 years.   Iraq is about to get out of the sanctioned mindset altogether and return to common global banking practices of how they will be doing business with the rest of the world going forward.

...just today another article came out from the CBI telling us about yet more steps in the RV/Reinstatement process are about to be developments...push us even closer to the RV/Reinstatement...The news could not get any better, aside from having the reinstatement itself.

 I will tell everyone who has been in this speculative investment for a long time, this couldn’t be a worst time to sell your dinar.  I compare it to a severe storm. You must have the guts to weather the storm... when the storm finally does really end, it’s over and done and then you move on to a better life knowing you weathered the storm and received the blessings that come afterwards. The rewards are great.

🔥 Iraqi Dinar 🔥 It's Time To Go 🔥 News Guru Intel Update IQD Rate Value ...

Iraq's Solar Surge: A Beacon of Renewable Energy in the Middle East, 23 FEB

Iraq's Solar Surge: A Beacon of Renewable Energy in the Middle East

Amidst the vast, sun-drenched landscapes of Iraq, a revolution is quietly unfolding. A nation once synonymous with oil is now pivoting towards the limitless potential of the sun, setting the stage for a transformative journey in renewable energy. As the world watches, Iraq is not just aiming to redefine its energy landscape but is also positioning itself as a beacon of green energy in the Middle East.

Ambitious Targets and Global Partnerships

At the heart of Iraq's solar energy quest is an ambitious goal: to generate 12,000 megawatts from solar power by 2030, significantly altering the country's energy matrix. This bold initiative isn't just about meeting energy demands; it's a statement of intent, showcasing Iraq's commitment to the Paris Agreement and a sustainable future. The Council of Ministers has already allocated approximately 7.5GW of capacity to various companies, marking a significant step towards this goal. However, the journey is laced with challenges, from the need for massive infrastructure investments to navigating the complexities of international energy markets.

Yet, Iraq is not walking this path alone. A landmark partnership with French energy titan TotalEnergies, alongside QatarEnergy and Saudi renewables developer ACWA Power, is poised to catalyze Iraq's solar energy sector. This collaboration aims to develop 1GW of solar photovoltaic (PV) capacity in the Basra region, part of a larger $10 billion agreement that spans new gas generation and seawater treatment facilities. This deal is not just about kilowatts and carbon footprints; it's a testament to the power of global cooperation in the face of climate change.

Challenges and Opportunities

Despite the promising trajectory, Iraq's solar energy journey is not without its hurdles. The country added only 5MW of solar PV capacity in 2022, underscoring the gap between ambition and reality. Financial, regulatory, and technological challenges loom large, threatening to derail progress. Yet, these obstacles also present opportunities for innovation, investment, and international collaboration. Iraq's solar initiative could serve as a blueprint for other oil-rich nations grappling with similar transitions, offering lessons in balancing energy security with environmental stewardship.

The initiative also shines a light on Iraq's broader energy strategy, which includes exploring waste-to-energy technology and green hydrogen projects. This multi-faceted approach not only diversifies Iraq's energy sources but also aligns with global efforts to combat climate change. As Iraq forges ahead, the success of its renewable energy endeavors could inspire a regional shift towards greener, more sustainable energy solutions.

The Road Ahead

As Iraq continues to navigate the complex interplay of geopolitics, economics, and environmentalism, the road ahead is fraught with both promise and peril. Yet, the country's solar energy push is a beacon of hope, signaling a commitment to a greener, more sustainable future. With the right mix of policy, partnership, and perseverance, Iraq could well emerge as a leader in renewable energy in the Middle East, setting a precedent for nations around the world.

The transformation of Iraq's energy landscape is more than just an infrastructure project; it's a narrative of resilience, innovation, and global cooperation. As the world seeks sustainable solutions to pressing environmental challenges, Iraq's solar energy journey offers a glimmer of hope and a path forward. The journey is long, and the challenges are daunting, but the potential rewards for Iraq and the world are immense. The sun, after all, shines not just on the vast deserts of Iraq but on the possibility of a brighter, greener future for all.



 [via WiserNow] 

 Prime minister of Iraq met with our President Trump for a couple of hours in an undisclosed location on Sunday afternoon and they were discussing the fact when Prime Minister, Sudani of Iraq was going to fly back to Iraq that afternoon...he was going to announce to the entire country of Iraq they were indeed a sovereign nation and had a  sovereign currency -  once that occurred...we would have simultaneous announcement here...

not quite sure who was going make it but was to be made to banks and to our redemption centers, and other institutions - with other officials dealing with currency exchanges... once those announcements were made, we felt like we were good to go and get ready to get started...

 ...we haven't started yet. But we know that we've checked with certain Chase and Wells have the dinar, for example is one of our currencies on the front screens of the banks and ...they're rising in value.

 But there the last time we checked, the bank screens rates were flashing - ...when it's flashing on and means that it's not quite be exchanged...So we're waiting according to the latest information that we have from redemption centers and banks, that they're waiting for the green light to come in the form of an email from Wells Fargo, corporate New York...When that email comes in to the redemption centers, they will know that it's time to go it's time to start...we're close.

Feb 21st Recorded Program by DAVE SCHMIDT

Iraq's Bold Move: New Oil and Gas Bids Signal Economic Revival, 23 FEB

 Iraq's Bold Move: New Oil and Gas Bids Signal Economic Revival

As the first rays of dawn touch the ancient lands of Mesopotamia, a new chapter is unfolding in Iraq's storied history. This time, it's not about conflict or conquest but about harnessing the wealth beneath its sands and soil. In a strategic push to revive its economy and rebuild from decades of turmoil, Iraq is set to open bids for new oil and gas concession areas in April. This initiative, part of the country's broader ambitions to develop its hydrocarbon resources, signals a hopeful horizon for a nation eager to reclaim its position on the global stage.

A New Era of Hydrocarbon Development

Under the guidance of the Oil Ministry, Iraq is embarking on what is known as the 6th licensing round, complemented by the remaining opportunities from the 5th round announced earlier in 2023. Mohammed Al-Saadi, the assistant director of the Licensing Section, shared that heavyweight contenders like Shell and Italy's ENI have already stepped into the ring, purchasing documents that detail the concession opportunities. With 8 exploratory and 8 producing wells in the 5th round, and an additional 11 oil and 3 gas wells in the 6th, Iraq is laying the groundwork for a significant expansion of its oil and gas production capabilities.

Global Giants and Local Growth

The allure of Iraq's hydrocarbon potential has not only drawn in major global firms but also promises to catalyze local economic development. The engagements with international giants such as Lukoil, as discussed by the Iraqi Prime Minister with a Russian delegation, underscore the global interest in Iraq's energy sector. Furthermore, the transition of the West Qurna 1 oilfield's operations from ExxonMobil to PetroChina, aiming to boost production significantly by the end of 2024, illustrates the dynamic shifts occurring within Iraq's oil landscape.

Yet, the narrative extends beyond oil and gas. Companies like Crescent Petroleum have embarked on ambitious projects to meet Iraq's soaring energy needs, addressing both oil and gas development and the critical electricity deficit. With plans to inject substantial investment into the early phases of new fields in Diyala and Basra, the initiative demonstrates a comprehensive approach to Iraq's energy challenges, leveraging the second highest proven oil reserves in the region for sustainable economic growth.

Charting a Course for Recovery

As Iraq positions itself at the crossroads of recovery and development, the unfolding story of its hydrocarbon sector is more than an economic venture; it's a beacon of hope for a nation striving to turn the page on years of conflict. The upcoming bidding rounds represent not just an opportunity for global energy firms but a pivotal moment for Iraq to harness its natural wealth for the prosperity of its people. With a careful balance of international collaboration and domestic advancement, Iraq is steering towards a future where its natural resources are the bedrock of its revival.

At the heart of this endeavor is a commitment to not only boost production but to ensure that the benefits of such development are felt across Iraqi society. In a landscape marked by historical upheavals, the quest for energy independence and economic stability is a testament to Iraq's resilience and determination to forge a path of sustainable growth. As the country embarks on this ambitious journey, the global community watches, hopeful for a future where Iraq can fully realize its potential, both below ground and above.



The latest FOMC meeting notes recently told us that quantitative tightening or the holding on to higher interest rates for longer will be used until the midpoint of the year. 

It is one of the ways the Fed lowers their balance sheet and creates liquidity for the markets. So far, we are being told that their intentions to begin the process of lowering interest rates will begin sometime in May or June. 

June is the most likely scenario as MICA stablecoin and crypto regulations in Europe will be completed by that time. The lowering of interest rates will create a bull market, and the markets are expected to do very well with this pivot. 

It will give more purchasing power to the dollar, more purchasing power to our tokenized assets, and more purchasing power to Gold. We will be inside a new digital economy by that point. Many of the global assets will be digitized by that time and expected to be at 90% by the end of the year. The growth of the new economy is expected to commence the second half of this year allowing our money across the world to begin noticing more liquidity inside the Forex markets. 

© Goldilocks,prior%20September%20and%20November%20meetings.

Quand Me rock Is One, the importantin Iraq BY NADER FROM MID EAST

Iraq's Leap into Digital Transformation: A Collaboration with Visa Paves the Way, 22 FEB

 Iraq's Leap into Digital Transformation: A Collaboration with Visa Paves the Way

In a bold stride toward modernization, Iraq's Prime Minister, Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, has pledged to prioritize economic and banking reforms, spotlighting a recent collaboration with Visa that aims to revolutionize the nation's payment landscape. Amidst a backdrop of ongoing economic challenges, this partnership could herald a new era of prosperity and financial inclusion for the Iraqi people.

Seizing the Digital Future

During a notable meeting with Visa's regional president for the CEMEA region, Andrew Torre, Al-Sudani expressed his government's dedication to enhancing electronic payment technology and digital transformation within Iraq. The Prime Minister took pride in the government's recent nod to the electronic payment system, a move that is set to redefine the Iraqi economy. Visa's role in this transformation has been pivotal, not just in expanding electronic payment technology but also in empowering Iraqi workers through comprehensive training in the electronic payment ecosystem.

Visa's Commitment to Iraq's Economic Reform

On his part, Torre conveyed Visa's enthusiasm for bolstering Iraq's economic reform efforts. Visa's commitment to introducing advanced payment solutions and technologies, sharing expertise, and generating employment opportunities for Iraqis is unwavering. One of the most ambitious goals is the establishment of 500,000 acceptance points for electronic payments across the country, a leap that could significantly enhance the ease of doing business and consumer convenience in Iraq. The collaboration with the Central Bank of Iraq and the broader banking sector is seen as a cornerstone of this initiative.

Challenges and Opportunities Ahead

Despite the clear benefits of moving towards a digital economy, the transition poses challenges, especially for a segment of the Iraqi workforce. The phasing out of cash transactions threatens the livelihood of workers like Ali, who relies on tips for a significant portion of his income. Experts, however, argue that the benefits of electronic payments, including reduced corruption and enhanced efficiency, far outweigh these concerns. The shift to electronic payments is not just about convenience but also about creating a more transparent and accountable financial system in Iraq.

The collaboration between Iraq and Visa marks a significant milestone in the country's journey towards economic modernization and digital inclusion. While challenges remain, the potential for positive change is immense, promising a future where financial empowerment and innovation pave the way for prosperity.

"ANALYSIS OF IRAQ NEWS: Iraqi Government and Visa forge alliance for digital payment advancements" BY FREEDOM FIGHTER, 22 FEB


VISA has been in Iraq for a while but now they are connected to the Central Bank of Iraq and the entire Iraqi banking system 

🟢Also they are training staff and citizens on electronic banking 

🔰This is a part of Iraqs economic reforms

Iraqi Government and Visa forge alliance for digital payment advancements

 Shafaq News/ On Thursday, Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani expressed the government's commitment to economic and banking reform as a top priority.

Al-Sudani's media office said that the prime minister received Andrew Torre, Visa's regional president for the CEMEA region when he commended the collaboration with Visa in advancing electronic payment technology and digital transformation.

Al-Sudani emphasized the government's dedication to economic and banking reform, noting the recent approval of the electronic payment system by the Council of Ministers.

Furthermore, he praised the company's role in expanding electronic payment technology and contributing to the education of Iraqi workers involved in the electronic payment process.

On behalf of Visa, Torre expressed the company's eagerness to continue collaborating with the Central Bank of Iraq and all entities within the Iraqi banking sector, highlighting Visa's commitment to supporting Iraq's government plans for electronic payment and economic reform.

In addition, Visa's regional president pledged to introduce advanced solutions and technologies to the market, offering expertise and increasing employment opportunities for Iraqis at Visa's Baghdad office to establish 500,000 acceptance points for electronic payment across Iraq.


America will stop maintaining Iraqi tanks and aircraft… a warning from the Security and Defense Committee, 22 FEB

 America will stop maintaining Iraqi tanks and aircraft… a warning from the Security and Defense Committee

America will stop maintaining Iraqi tanks and aircraft... a warning from the Security and Defense CommitteeBaghdad – 964
A member of the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee, Yasser Watut, said that the United States will stop supplying Iraq with military equipment, and will freeze maintenance operations and maintenance training courses for aircraft, tanks, and others, to put pressure on Baghdad in the issue of removing foreign forces, while he pointed out that Washington over the past years has obstructed the army’s efforts. He called on the Iraqi government to diversify its sources of weapons and arsenal, calling on the government to put pressure on the United States to prevent it from “blackmailing Iraq” in this file.
Watout confirmed, in a statement to Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed, followed by the 964 network , that “the most prominent file of current American pressure on Baghdad regarding the issue of removing foreign forces is armament,” as the file is “sensitive to Iraq, and America realizes our need for its various weapons and equipment.”
Wattut points out that, “Over the past years, Washington has obstructed the Iraqi army’s efforts to diversify its sources of weapons and its main arsenal, and there have been attempts to diversify to avoid falling under this pressure.”
He says, “The United States was intervening to prevent the completion of these deals with Eastern and European countries, so that this file would remain confined to its control and it would press through it with many files, and today it is exploiting it in dialogues with the Iraqi government in order to end the presence of its forces.”
He warns that “the United States will stop supplying Iraq with military equipment, and will freeze maintenance operations and maintenance training courses for aircraft, tanks, etc., which will render the weapons ineffective in a short period.”
He believes, therefore, that “the Iraqi government must put pressure on America to continue military interaction in accordance with the agreements signed between the two parties, and keep this file away from blackmail and threats.”

Evening News with MarkZ. 02/22/2024

Thursday Evening News with MarkZ 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Thursday Evening……hope everyone had a good day

Member: Hey MarkZ…..I don’t know about anybody else but I could use a little encouragement about the RV!! Please

Member: Maybe Mark not telling any RV news is good….maybe things are about to pop?

Member: Frank says watch between the 26th through the 29th of Feb

MZ: This one is 2 days old but: “The Sudanese received an official letter from America regarding the scheduling of the end of the tasks for the international coalition”  We believe this is the final step for Iraq to become fully sovereign and increase the rate of the dinar. They didn’t give a date but imply its sooner rather than later. 

MZ: “ Prime Minister Al Sudani received on Thursday (today) US Senator Christopher Coons and discussed with him a strategic framework agreement between the 2 countries and the end of the task of the international coalition according to a timetable. (Which they have not given us) 

MZ: “BRICS states to ditch USD in 95% of trade” A year ago this was a pipe dream-right? 95% of their trade this year was without the US dollar….This is a massive change on how money moves around the world. 

Member: When you turn off the noise of why nothing is happening, you hear God saying I’ve got this. And you know all is well..

Member: Good night and God Bless




Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.





Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )



 Thursday February 22, 2024

Frank26: He says

* Frank26 just reported that 8 nations will join the World Trade Organization from February 26-29.

* Coins should have no restrictions to do this...

That is, without sanctions...

*Iraq is one of 8 nations, including Libya, Somalia, Algeria and the Lebanese Republic, that are ascending to the WTO...

* Iraq has teams of people on the streets advising people to use bank cards instead of dinars before the change.

Easier for everyone to buy and sell... easier for fulfillment...

* Iraq has said it will fix the international trade mechanism for trade on March 1. This has been available for more than a month now.

* On Monday Frank26 read us an article about the "Baghdad Dollar" going to collapse...

That's the US dollar according to him and Walking Stick, who he had live on the phone.

Frank26 is and has previously said he will: the "Baghdad dollar" is going to have a significant drop.

He hinted that the three zeros will disappear...

It means that very soon new lower bills of 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 will hit the streets

* Frank26 has previously said that the new lower denominations must match the new rate to be used.

* CBI is sending teams of people to sweep US dollars from streets and commercial places and advise people to use the new debit cards... They are doing this to ensure maximum benefit to the customers.

The CBI deputy governor highlighted the importance of the Islamic banking workshop to educate international banks...

*(Note) not from Frank... Under Sharia banking law, coins must be backed by gold.



Jueves 22 Febrero 2024

Frank26 : Dice
* Frank26 acaba de informar que 8 naciones ingresarán a la Organización Mundial del Comercio del 26 al 29 de febrero.
* Las monedas no deben tener restricciones para hacer esto...
Es decir, sin sanciones...
* Irak es una de las 8 naciones, incluidas Libia, Somalia, Argelia y la República Libanesa, que están ascendiendo a la OMC...
* Irak tiene equipos de personas en las calles que aconsejan a las personas que utilicen tarjetas bancarias en lugar de dinares antes del cambio.
Más fácil para todos comprar y vender... más fácil para el cumplimiento...
* Irak ha dicho que arreglará el mecanismo de comercio internacional para el comercio el 1 de marzo. Esto ya lleva más de un mes disponible.
* El lunes Frank26 nos leyó un artículo sobre que el "Dólar de Bagdad" se va a desplomar...
Ese es el dólar estadounidense según él y Walking Stick, a quien tenía en vivo por teléfono.
Frank26 lo es y ha dicho anteriormente que lo hará: el "dólar de Bagdad" va a tener una caída significativa.
Insinuó que los tres ceros desaparecerán...
Significa que muy pronto saldrán a la calle nuevos billetes inferiores de 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 y 100
* Frank26 ha dicho anteriormente que las nuevas denominaciones más bajas deben coincidir con la nueva tasa para poder usarse.
* CBI está enviando equipos de personas para barrer los dólares estadounidenses de las calles y lugares comerciales y aconsejar a las personas que utilicen las nuevas tarjetas de débito... Están haciendo esto para asegurar el máximo beneficio para los clientes.
El vicegobernador de CBI destacó la importancia del taller sobre banca islámica para educar a los bancos internacionales...
* (Nota) no de Frank... Según la ley bancaria Sharia, las monedas deben estar respaldadas por oro.

Never allow a man to tell you how big something is... in Iraq 02/22/24 BY PIMPY

The American General Electric thanks the Sudanese government: Iraq has become a workshop, 22 FEB

 The American General Electric thanks the Sudanese government: Iraq has become a workshop

The American General Electric thanks the Sudanese government - Iraq has become a workshopBaghdad – 964
General Electric Company in Iraq confirmed today, Tuesday, that it is receiving great support from the government of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani, indicating that Iraq, especially in the past year, was more like a workshop for projects, and that the country is progressing in the field of energy and ensuring sustainable economic development.
The company’s director, Rashid al-Janabi, said in a statement to the official agency, followed by the 964 network , that “General Electric Company in Iraq receives continuous, unparalleled support from the government of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani, the Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs, the Minister of Oil, Hayan Abdul-Ghani, and the Minister Electricity Ziad Ali Fadel.”
Al-Janabi praised “Iraq’s participation in international forums, including COP28, which was held in the United Arab Emirates during the past year 2023, as Iraq had an effective participation, and a delegation with high capabilities to negotiate and present Iraq’s priorities in international forums, and we were also honored to contribute to this participation.” “.
He pointed out that “General Electric Company has been working in Iraq for more than five decades, and this work is at an increasing pace of acceleration,” stressing, “During the last two decades, and especially in the past year, Iraq has been a workshop for projects and is making a continuous effort to secure its need for energy and Sustainable economic development.”
He expressed his “thanks to the government of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, for providing the opportunity for General Electric to contribute to supporting and building economic development in Iraq.”



Protocol 20 kicks off for Stellar smart contracts and Blockchain today.
IMF tells Zimbabwe to speed up currency reforms for a market driven economy.

The Central Bank of Iraq is currently in process of revealing their electronic mechanism for the new global digital economy.
All of that aside as you can see we are marching towards events that will overhaul how economic growth is achieved through all areas of commerce. Money will be taken out if politics. E-Government will emerge. Currency values will change.

Banks will become more transparent and secure. Things are exciting at this time. Unfolding in such a way that it’s creating areas of opportunity for those questioning whether or not we are headed towards disaster or prosperity to better understand who is who and what is what.

Iraq owning up international BY NADER FROM MID EAST

A 40-day opportunity… Millions of citizens are required to obtain the Iraqi national card, 22 FEB

 A 40-day opportunity… Millions of citizens are required to obtain the Iraqi national card

A 40-day opportunity... Millions of citizens are required to obtain the Iraqi national cardAlsumaria News – Local
Millions of Iraqis who possess the old paper citizenship still have a 40-day opportunity to obtain the Iraqi national card, after the Ministry of Interior announced the extension of working with old identification documents in state departments and conducting transactions until next April 1, after the deadline was The final is on March 1.
*Extension of the deadline.
The spokesman for the Ministry of Interior and the Security Media Cell, Brigadier General Miqdad Miri, said in a statement received by Al-Sumaria News, that “with the aim of making more room for honorable citizens, the Ministry of Interior decided to extend the work on identification documents until 1-4-2024,” stressing the continuation of the work of the departments. The National Card in Baghdad and the governorates to provide the best services to visitors and reduce the burden on them.”
This extension came after the Ministry of Interior previously set next March 1 as a deadline for approving paper identification documents in state departments and for reviews of various transactions.
According to the latest statistics, the number of unified cards issued so far has reached approximately 35 million cards, out of approximately 44 million Iraqis.
After April 1, 2024 (the period specified by the Ministry of Interior), paper citizenship will be ineffective in government audits and transactions, but you will still have proof of identity that can be used whether in checks or any other procedure.
Earlier, the civil status departments in the Iraqi governorates witnessed a “tremendous” momentum of citizens wishing to obtain the Iraqi national card, which prompted the Interior Ministry to clarify that the issuance of the national card will continue and will not stop at a specific date.
It is noteworthy that the Iraqi government had launched the national card project in 2015 as an alternative to the old documents that were approved by the previous regime. The project also aims to prepare a central database for all Iraqis, and issue unified national cards for them to be used in promoting transactions in official state institutions and departments.
The project witnessed delays at times, represented by stopping the printing and issuing of the card due to technical problems and the lack of provision of raw materials due to the delay in paying the financial dues to the company contracting with the Iraqi Ministry of Interior. However, these problems have recently been overcome, and work is proceeding smoothly in the civil status departments, according to their officials.



Tues. 20 Feb. Texas Snake

 “Word is trickling in that ATMs are being loaded with the new rainbow currency and then being placed out of service until all machines are loaded. …According to some sources, Bond Holder payments begin to be processing Wed. 21 Feb.  …

I was on a call that was most positive and is affirming we stand at the threshold of scheduling/ exchanging currencies. They do not have rates or exactly when the announcement will be made but it could be as early as the next couple of days.”

Will Iraq's ePayment System Lock Investors Out? #iqd BY SANDY INGRAM

The Russian ambassador calls on Iraq to join BRICS: I am Abu Daoud and my son was born in Baghdad, 22 FEB

 The Russian ambassador calls on Iraq to join BRICS: I am Abu Daoud and my son was born in Baghdad

The Russian ambassador calls on Iraq to join BRICS - I am Abu Daoud and my son was born in BaghdadBaghdad – 964
The Russian ambassador to Iraq, Elbrus Kutrashev, said that the opportunity is available to Iraq to join the BRICS countries , and that he is not concerned with the nature of the American response to this decision if Baghdad takes it. He also spoke with great admiration about the visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani to Moscow (October 2023). He said that he did not expect the visit to be so successful.
The Russian Ambassador to Iraq, Elbrus Kutrashev, in an interview with the journalist Saif Ali, followed by the 964 network :
Russian-Iraqi relations are good and have a long history. There are no complications, neither from a historical standpoint nor from a current standpoint. External factors are what complicate these relations. As for the two peoples, we have a good and solid friendship. I am very comfortable being Russia’s ambassador to Iraq.
In diplomatic life, it is very difficult to separate personal life from work life, and I intended to choose Iraq as my first diplomatic station, because I love Iraq and my personal life is linked to Iraq. My first son was born in Baghdad in 1999, and bears the name David, so I am Abu David.
Russia is ready to provide anything that Iraq needs, and we will not be stingy with anything that we can provide and give to Iraq, including economic cooperation. The visit of the Sudanese President to Russia was very successful and beyond all expectations, and I was convinced that the visit would be successful, but not to this extent, and the visit was It has a historical dimension and formed a solid base for continuing to develop our relations in all fields.
In Iraq, we do not play the game of axes, and we do not look at Iraq as an arena for conflicts with anyone. Iraq is the one who chooses with whom it will develop its relations, and we have no sensitivity towards any country, whether Russia, America, China, or other countries.
If Iraq wishes to join the BRICS group, there is a joint leadership that is looking into the matter. In fact, we have no agendas against America or others. If Iraq wants, welcome, we will work to help it comfortably, and I do not care about the American response on this issue.

What does “financial inclusion” mean? BY MNT GOAT, 18 SEPT

BY 48.5%.. BANKS ASSOCIATION: FINANCIAL INCLUSION IN IRAQ HAS INCREASED (What does “financial inclusion” mean? Shame on you if you don’t kno...