Tuesday, September 19, 2023


 Nader From The Mid East 

 Sudani meets with the Treasury again today.  Last week they met in Iraq.  This week they met over here.  He gave his speech already, small one.  He's gonna give another speech on Wednesday or Friday I think.

 A couple article come out today about the HCL has been approved and has been activated today.  By next month all the Iraqi citizens should see some money in their banks and that's a good thing...We should see something soon.


 Sudani has been in New York...We were told Sudani was scheduled to speak on Friday - Sudani has already spoke...Last week Sudani had a special meeting that was broadcast across the nation, 1 hour and 24 minutes. 

 He went off on security, stability, exchange rate, water, wheat, deals, about how incredibly well Iraq was doing.  Today in a speech we see a mirror image of that...in New York on an international stage...He has let the world leaders know exactly where Iraq is and that they are open for business and they are coming.

There is one more requirement the WTO is asking from Iraq and that is to change their exchange rate.  That is what the WTO is waiting for. 

Iraq more good coming IQD dinar revolution BY NADER FROM MID EAST

Iraq, South Korea discuss investment opportunities, infrastructure projects

Iraq, South Korea discuss investment opportunities, infrastructure projects

Shafaq News/ The chairperson of Iraq's National Investment Commission, Haider Mohammed Makiya, on Tuesday met with the South Korean Minister of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport, Won Hee Ryung, for talks on fostering economic relations with the country executing major projects in several Iraqi governorates. 

During a speech he delivered at the Global Infrastructure Cooperation Conference held in Seoul, South Korea, Makiya stressed that Baghdad is keen to develop its economic and trade relations with South Korea.

He highlighted ongoing efforts to boost development indicators in various investment projects involving housing, industry, services, agriculture, infrastructure, and energy across the country.

Makiya noted that the commission is implementing quality work programs to attract capital and reputable companies through investment opportunities, such as new cities in Baghdad, Karbala, Babel, Anbar, Nineveh, and other various prospects.

He affirmed that the Iraqi government has prepared a detailed government program that allocates spaces to foster the investment sector and support mechanisms to expand the scope of regional and international partnerships with well-established companies. 

Makiya emphasized that the National Investment Commission welcomes the policy of expanding dealings with South Korean companies, granting them a strategic dimension that aligns with the nature of investment projects managed by the National Investment Commission.

The conference discussed the importance of outlining cooperation maps among the participating countries, stimulating the investment sector, and encouraging investors for reciprocal visits between the countries to develop the sector. It also focused on achieving economic integration between Iraq and other advanced countries in investment and economy.


Sudanese begins his participation in the meetings of the United Nations General Assembly, 19 SEPT

  Sudanese begins his participation in the meetings of the United Nations General Assembly

Today, Tuesday (September 19, 2023), Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani began the meetings of the United Nations General Assembly, at its 78th session, in New York.

The Prime Minister's Media Office stated, in a statement received by "Baghdad Today", that "Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani began his participation in the meetings of the United Nations General Assembly, at its seventy-eighth session in New York."

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani arrived in New York City yesterday, Monday (September 18, 2023) . 

The Prime Minister's Media Office said in a statement received by "Baghdad Today", "Al-Sudani arrived in New York to participate in the meetings of the United Nations General Assembly, in its seventy-eighth session ." 

The work of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly continues for several days, and includes high-level meetings and conferences, during which several issues that threaten human security and the world are discussed, most notably the Russian-Ukrainian war .

During its session in New York, the United Nations General Assembly will hold three high-level meetings on health  link

Iraqi Dinar Currency New Rate / Iraqi Dinar Latest Exchange Rate Today /...

Iran, Iraq to establish joint bank and free trade zone, 19 SEPT

Iran, Iraq to establish joint bank and free trade zone, 19 SEPT

Shafaq News/ Farzad Piltan, the Director of the West Asia Department at Iran's Trade Promotion Organization, announced plans by his country's government to establish a joint bank and free trade zone with Iraq.

The Iranian officer's remarks came during a forum on the sustainable development of trade relations between the two nations up until 2025, held at the Iranian Chamber of Commerce earlier today. 

Piltan emphasized Iraq's status as Iran’s primary trade partner globally and a key ally in the energy sector in Asia. 

He outlined plans to increase the trade volume to $20 billion, pointing to the strategic decision to create new institutions, driven by the private sector.

These entities would foster commercial ties through a network of commercial centers equipped to offer extensive services to traders, he said.

Piltan highlighted the advantage Iran has owing to the proficiency of its traders in Arabic, thereby facilitating smoother trade relations compared to other regional players like Turkey.

The official acknowledged the existing five border crossings that have been pivotal in nurturing economic exchanges and hinted at a concerted effort towards initiating production collaborations with Iraqi companies. 


Sudanese Advisor: Improved Oil Revenues Will Reduce Estimates Of The Deficit Gap, 19 SEPT

Sudanese Advisor: Improved Oil Revenues Will Reduce Estimates Of The Deficit Gap

Money  and business  Economy News – Baghdad  The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, confirmed on Tuesday that improved oil revenues will reduce estimates of the deficit gap and help overcome resorting to borrowing.

Saleh said in an interview with the official news agency, “The accuracy of the timing of disbursement in the general budget as planned reflects the degree of efficiency of the performance of the budget itself in terms of the conformity of the executive path with annual financial planning.”

He added, "Except for the current expenditures that must be implemented, such as monthly salaries, support, and external obligations related to debts and other payments, the improvement in oil revenues will reduce estimates of the deficit gap and help overcome the resort to borrowing to fill the deficit, especially in implementing special programs in the operating budget, and investment spending on... Planned projects according to their strategic priorities that are directly linked to raising the degree of growth in the gross domestic product and in accordance with the implementation schedules and specific timelines without delay.”

 He continued, "There is a correlation between the reduction in deficit estimates due to the improvement in public revenues from oil revenues and other revenues, and the efficiency of implementing investment programs and projects in the general budget, which confirms the success of the efficiency of implementation by matching spending with the country's annual financial planning without delay.

Therefore, the decrease in the deficit “The plan, due to the development of oil resources, will accelerate investment spending, which represents the basis of development and material economic progress, and at the same time reflects the efficiency of financial implementation.”

Views 34  09/19/2023 https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=36452

Iraqi Dinar Rv Update / State Order Issued / Iraqi Dinar Revaluation New...



Iraq and the US discussed on Wednesday plans to provide technical support to allow financing Iraq's foreign trade to be settled in other currencies other than the dollar.

The aim of this would be to ease demand for the greenback in the local market, the Central Bank of Iraq said.
Assistant Treasury Secretary Elizabeth Rosenberg, who arrived on Tuesday, met the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq Ali Al Alaq.
Both discussed bilateral relations and measures taken by the bank to fight money laundering and terrorist financing, said the statement.
"They also discussed the possibility of providing technical support in the field of foreign trade financing through reputable banking channels with mechanisms that enable legitimate foreign trade financing, using different currencies, including the Euro, the Chinese Yuan and the UAE Dirham," it added.
Late on Tuesday, the US ambassador to Iraq said Ms Rosenberg would will hold “key meetings” with Iraqi government leaders and the Central Bank of Iraq.
“Progress on international anti-money laundering and banking reform will help combat corruption and support international investment in Iraq,” ambassador Alina Romanowski said on X, formerly known as Twitter.
Iraq says it has moved Kurdish dissident groups away from Iran border
Washington has been pressing Iraq since last year to stop the flow of the dollar through the foreign currency auction run by the Central Bank of Iraq to countries under US sanctions, including Iran, Syria and Lebanon.
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York has applied strict measures on requests for international transactions from Iraq, rejecting many and delaying others.
It has also blacklisted several Iraqi banks suspected of money laundering and of carrying out suspicious transactions.
The latest was in July when it barred 14 private Iraqi banks from conducting dollar transactions.
This has led to an increase in demand for the US dollar on the black market in Iraq, leaving the Iraqi dinar trembling against the greenback.
Given the high trading volume between Iraq and Iran, Tehran has asked Baghdad to deal with the Euro, Yuan, Dirham, Iraqi Dinar or Iranian Rial, Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al Sudani told local media outlets on Monday.
"Now, the Central Bank of Iraq and the Central Bank of Iran are working on a mechanism to set a plan to organise this trade," Mr Al Sudani said.
At an annual forum organised in March by the Institute of Regional and International Studies at the American University of Iraq, Sulaymaniyah, CBI governor Ali Al Alaq described the efforts to achieve balance between maintaining a favourable exchange rate for Iraqis and compliance with international standards to stop money laundering as complicated.
"We had seen, unfortunately, a growing number of suspicious transactions, large amounts of transfers leaving the country on a fraudulent basis,” said David Burger, deputy US chief of mission at the US embassy in Baghdad during the same conference.
While the official exchange rate is fixed at 1,300 dinars against the dollar, the currency was trading at about 1,560 to the dollar on the black market on Wednesday.
In an attempt to control the exchange rate at the parallel market, the CBI has been introducing a series of measures to make the hard currency available at the official rate to traders and ordinary Iraqis wanting to travel abroad.
On the other hand, the Interior Ministry has barred traders from dealing in US dollars and asked them to sign an agreement to sell goods only in dinar. Offenders face a fine or jail sentence.
But these measures have failed to control the exchange rate and have only exacerbated the crisis.

Iran: Iraq is our first trading partner and we plan to establish a joint bank and a free trade zone, 19 SEPT

 Iran: Iraq is our first trading partner and we plan to establish a joint bank and a free trade zone

Head of the West Asia Department at the Iranian Trade Development Foundation, Farzad Belten, announced on Tuesday the Iranian government’s intention to establish a joint bank and a joint free trade zone with Iraq.

Belten said in a speech he delivered before the Forum for the Sustainable Development of Trade between Iran and Iraq until 2025, which was held in the Iranian Chamber of Commerce, according to Fars News Agency, that “Iraq is our first trade partner in the world and our partner in the field of electric energy in Asia.”

He added, "Every week we see an event in Iran related to Iraq, such as sending trade delegations and holding conferences and exhibitions by the private and government sectors, and this stems from the importance of trade with Iraq."

He continued, "We have 5 border crossings with Iraq, and the presence of merchants who are fluent in the Arabic language is considered an advantage for us in trade with Iraq compared to Turkey."

Belten pointed to the goal set to bring the volume of trade with Iraq to 20 billion dollars, saying, “There is a decision taken to establish new institutions with the participation of the private sector, including a complex of commercial centers that can perform the work of a large number of commercial attachés in providing services to merchants.”

He also stated that "there is a trend towards participation in production with Iraq and its companies."   link

Coffee with MarkZ 09/19/2023

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member:  Good Tuesday morning everyone –Blessings

Member: Angel one reported via MilitiaMan that Sudani did his speech at the UN yesterday instead of waiting for Friday. He has meetings scheduled for today

MZ: He did address the UN and he has more meetings. A big week is already underway. He has meetings with the State Dept and with the Asst.Secretary of the Treasury today. 

Member:  AG1 said Sudani had one more meeting this morning and coming home early!

Member: Let’s hope he is coming home early to push the RV button 

Member:  Can we get rates while sudani is over here in the US? Or does he need to be back over in Iraq before we get them? I heard we might get rates while he’s here on US soil.

Member:  MM & Angel 1- say Sudani has to be back in Iraq before rate change. He has more meetings this morning

MZ: To me they are setting the stage. Sudani is telling everyone that Iraq is in compliance and that they are done before they pull that trigger for the world stage on the currency change. That is my opinion and the opinions of many others I have been talking too high up in this process. They are stage setting and expect Sudani to let the cat out of the bag while at the UN….I hope that is accurate. . 

Member: When does Sudani go back to Iraq?

MZ: Last I saw on his schedule is Saturday of this week. 

Member: Charlie ward might have been right on his Thursday prediction.…..The  21st is looking like a great day...

Member: 96,364 new millionaires per the debt clock since July 27, 2023. What’s that about!!!!!

Member: I have a friend who has confirmed a yellow dragon bond was paid and liquid.

MZ: That is huge…I am hearing a number of those stories over the last few days…..but, . I am looking for one of my personal contacts to say that. One of mine (who is a huge bond holder) has been given a date for it to happen…..and that date is soon. 

MZ: I continue to hear great rumblings from the bond side….nothing negative. Things remain very positive.

Member: How can bonds be liquid if Mr. C has not been paid yet?

MZ: some of these are paid through different pots of money. Some of the bond money comes from different areas. But, for someone to exchange currencies into gold backed dollars….that is where Mr. C has to be paid first. That is how I understand it. 

Member: If bond folks are under an NDA…they may not be able to tell you Mark…

Member: I was told our NDA will last about 90 days.

MZ: I was told if we sign an NDA –it will be on the rate only. But, if you tell lots of people you just got a lot of money you are absolutely moronic. If you do that you are asking to lose your wealth. 

Member: Best to keep lips zipped and live a quiet happy life…..the NDA is for our safety….keep your big mouths shut. 

Member: I wonder when they crash the US dollar will and all currency goes it automatically be gold backed in QfS?????

Member: Some are still saying we will be paying taxes on our currency exchange

MZ: We will not know for sure….but that is not what I am hearing. Just be prepared for either way. 

Member:  Mark, I heard the IMF reportedly will cap the Dinar RV at $9. Have any of your sources supported that info.?

Member: (From Dinar Guru)  Guru Walkingstick  The monetary reform is very loud right now.  It's extremely loud right now.  The decibel level is at a hurting point...

MZ: Walking stick is right….having conversations with people in Iraq , people in government sectors there…..in finance and oil sectors…..the contractors ……saying it’s a deafening roar right now is an understatement. 

Member:  MarkZ, your efforts, time and and information you provided us over the years is simply priceless. Have no words how much I appreciate what you did for me and my family. Many love and blessings.

Member: I thank all of you again for informing us - plus "Hats-Off" to Militia Man and Crew - All the Gurus deserve a "Great Thank You" from "we the people!" You folks set a great example for all of us!

StacieZ joins the stream at the end today. Please listen to the replay for all her information 


FOLLOW MARKZ : TWITTER . https://twitter.com/originalmarkz?s=21. TRUTH SOCIAL . https://truthsocial.com/@theoriginalm...

Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37oILmAlptM

MARKZ DAILY LINKS: https://theoriginalmarkz.com/home/

MARK’S TELEGRAM ROOM FOR WORLD NEWS EVENTS & CHAT? LINK: https://t.me/TrollingNews_telegram


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics. 


 Mnt Goat

  ...the dinar, when reinstated, will NOT come out at the low program rate and then float slowly to something we want to see to exchange. 

Instead, it will be placed back on FOREX and by the time you hear about it, it may very well already be over $4. Remember at some point the IMF will cap it out and let it settle down. I heard this could be at about $9...


Article:   "Al-Sudani and Fouad Hussein alongside world leaders in New York "   Quote:  "The Iraqi delegation will participate in the meetings of the United Nations General Assembly, headed by Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa al-Sudani and Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein, and they will meet there with many world leaders, according to Foreign Ministry spokesman Ahmed al-Sahhaf."

Article:  "Announcement of a tender for supplying, installing and operating counting and sorting machines and currency packing machines

 Quote:  "The Central Bank of Iraq announces the conduct of a public and private tender to equip, install and operate machines for counting and sorting Iraqi and foreign currency (dollars and euros), number (30) and currency packing machines, number (4) machines for the Central Bank of Iraq / Kurdistan Region Branch / Erbil."

HCL Has Been Approved?💣IQD Rate = $4.00 - $6.00?!🤔Iraq Dinar RV Updates ...

An Economist Explains The Reasons For Continuing To Sell Oil In Dollars, 19 SEPT

 An Economist Explains The Reasons For Continuing To Sell Oil In Dollars

Information / Baghdad...Economic expert Safwan Qusay explained, on Tuesday, the reasons for continuing to sell oil in the dollar currency instead of dealing directly with countries to obtain revenues without going through the US Federal Bank.

Follow the “Al-Ma’louma” channel on Telegram.. News that does not require documentation..

Qusay told Al-Maalouma, “Oil in all countries of the world is sold in dollars, and this matter came through the agreement after World War II to make oil sales in dollars, and this connection is still in effect to this day.”

He added, "If Iraq wants to sell oil to China in the yuan instead of the dollar, this means that Iraq sells in dollars and then converts it to the Chinese currency in order to move away from the US Federal Bank."

He stated, "There are many corrupt people who may be encouraged to own this money if they deal with the Chinese currency, so it is better to continue dealing with countries in the dollar currency because there is oversight from the Federal Reserve over this currency, in addition to ensuring that billions do not go into the hands of corrupt people under different titles." . LINK

Parliamentary Finance Calls For Controlling The Runaway Dollar, 19 SEPT

 Parliamentary Finance Calls For Controlling The Runaway Dollar

 Information / Baghdad..   On Tuesday, Member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Khalil Dusky, called on the Central Bank to take urgent measures to dry up the sources of dollar smuggling and control the black market.

Follow the “Al-Ma’louma” channel on Telegram.. News that does not require documentation..

Dosky said in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, “Merchants’ failure to adhere to the electronic platform and resorting to the black market led to an increase in the price of the dollar in local markets.”

He added, "The only solution is to force merchants to adhere to the platform and control the black market."

Dosky pointed out that “there is a reluctance among traders to enter the electronic platform to buy the dollar.”

The Iraqi dinar has been going through an unenviable situation for nearly 20 years. After one dinar was worth 3 and a half dollars during the past century, it reached more than 1,550 to one US dollar, which caused the Iraqi economy to worsen. LINK


 Global Currency Reset:

  • The US Treasury Assistant Secretary: Everything has been signed off and it should be approximately 96 hours from her return from Baghdad, Iraq. She returned Fri. 15 Sept. + 96 hours = Tues. 19 Sept.
  • Mon. 18 Sept. TNT Call: “The Iraqi Prime Minister said that on Wed. 29 Sept. he will speak before the UN to announce that it’s going.”
  • Mon. 18 Sept. MarkZ: “Over the last 15-20 years I have been told that when we see the HCL (hydrocarbon law) finished and executed we would be days from the rate change. So, I am super excited about the progress over the weekend and it certainly lines up with what my sources are saying. I am hearing anywhere from the 20th of September to the 8th or 10th of October for everything in the RV to be completed. This means they want to have finished all the Bond Groups and having everyone paid out by then – which means they have to start much sooner. So for me, this means anything after Wed. 20 Sept. this week is fair game. I have a number of bond contacts that are post RV bond deals. They were late to the game…late in the line….. and should be exchanging later on-possible a few weeks after the RV. They got a notice that they will have full funding of their bonds in a week or two. I find that interesting because that means the RV would have to happen soon – maybe around the time we are thinking of the 20th and 21st.”
  • Mon. 18 Sept. MarkZ on Zim: I am told on the Zim for each 100 T Zim you keep 40-50 million for your own pocket and the additional goes for your project.
  • Mon. 18 Sept. Bearded Patriot: MarkZ stated that it’s from today till the 8th or 10th of October when they wanted all tiers to be paid out and completed. This means that Tier4, us, must start pretty much immediately!
  • Shari Ray: An Inside Source said that 97 of the top 100 central banks are currently under transformation to become fully operational under the QFS + RTGS system. The remaining 82 smaller central banks are gearing up for this transition. On October 1st all banks have to be working with the QFS. That’s why we think it has to be done before Sept. 30.
  • Sat. 16 Sept. Texas Snake: “Well folks has been a time since I last posted but heard from my source just now that he anticipates the redemption schedule will be revealed to him very shortly and he will advise ASAP after he hears.  He anticipates his exchange centers to be open and operational this coming week if no other obstacles present themselves. Everything I’ve read indicates this has to be CONCLUDED by month’s end. GOD Bless.”
  • Iraqi Dinar Finally Ready to go, Frank26, MarkZ Intel Update IQD Value to USD: https://youtu.be/o0yip3yftow?si=S0hBNdRN6pXAo30x
  • Sun. 17 Sept.: This week despite a false alert from the buyer on Tues. 12 Sept, confirming the start – we had to wait until the download of QFS funds by Australia had ended, and the preparation for receipt of funds by the Central Bank of IRAQ to be finalized. Thereafter, the start of operations was to take place last Wednesday evening or Thursday morning. However, the president of QFS, USA informed the official Buyer they were only waiting for contracts to begin operations. This morning, all official American financial institutions were informed that the start should be between today (Sun. 17 Sept.) and tomorrow (Mon. 18 Sept). Since then, other confirmations have come in to corroborate this is now happening between Sunday night and Monday. David A. (4A) 2:22 PM EDT Sun. 17 Sept.: The Bank just called to say it is going to start tonight or tomorrow Mon. 18 Sept.
  • Fri. 15 Sept. Militia Man: “We’re in such a good space I can’t contain the excitement because what we’ve seen in the last 96 hours. There’s nothing but powerful information from Al-Sudani, we have the US Treasury Assistant showing up…big companies…Stellar Energy…Total…Barzani being tickled pink because they’ve signed agreements. We have a change of pace.”
  • Thurs. 14 Sept. Bruce: Three excellent sources said Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) should get notified by Mon. 18 Sept. We are at a any day, any hour basis. Release to Bond Sellers should also happen by Mon. 18 Sept. Tier4bto be notified after Bond Holders – or by next Tues. 19 Sept. Military personnel and Bond Holders have exchanged but do not yet have access to their funds. On Tues. 12 Sept. the US Treasury gave word to Redemption Centers that everything was signed off and ready to go.
  • As of Fri. 15 Sept. Banks were no longer independent, but working for the US Treasury: When you go into a bank to exchange like Wells Fargo you are not doing business with Wells Fargo. You are doing business with the US Treasury. They are contracting with that bank to use the space but the people don’t work for the bank they are contracted by the US Treasury.
  • An Inside Source: 97 of the top 100 central banks are currently under transformation to become fully operational under the QFS + RTGS system. The remaining 82 smaller central banks are gearing up for this transition. On October 1st all BANKS have to be working with the QFS, THAT’S WHY WE THINK IT HAS TO BE DONE  BEFORE SEPTEMBER 30.


  • On Fri. 1 Sept. 2023 full integration of the Quantum Financial System took place after the US National Debt of close to $33 Trillion was paid off. This triggered the Global Currency Reset.
  • Fri. 8 Sept. monies were moving for the Global Currency Reset. In Zurich, Yellow Dragon Bonds were paid out, while in Reno the Admiral put in the Redemption Codes and gave the Green Light.
  • As of Fri. 15 Sept. 97 of the top 100 Central Banks were under transformation to become fully operational under the QFS + RTGS system. The remaining 82 smaller Central Banks were gearing up for this transition.
  • Tues. 19 Sept. RV expected to occur.
  • Sun. 1 Oct. all banks have to be working with the new Quantum Financial System.
  • On Wed. 1 Nov. Currency Exchanges and Zim Bond Redemptions were to be completed, at which time the US Federal Dollar would be considered worthless

Tiers: https://dinarrecaps.com/our-blog/cheat-sheet-for-exchange-appointments-with-supplemental-information-from-fleming

Tier 1 Bank: Tier 1 banks are those that hold the highest assets. They include: include: HSBC, Wells Fargo, Chase, Bank of America.

RV Tiers:

T1 = Governments
T2 = Military, those who put this together, groups
T3 = Humanitarian Organizations/Groups and SKR groups
T4 = Internet group – those who follow what is going on with the RV
T4A = Individuals with SKRs, now part of T3
T4B – Individuals, Internet Group
T5 = Public
SKR: Stands for Safe Keeping

What does “financial inclusion” mean? BY MNT GOAT, 18 SEPT

BY 48.5%.. BANKS ASSOCIATION: FINANCIAL INCLUSION IN IRAQ HAS INCREASED (What does “financial inclusion” mean? Shame on you if you don’t kno...