Thursday, February 8, 2024

“Immediately”… The law calls on the Sudanese to take the decision to remove the American forces, 9 FEB

“Immediately”… The law calls on the Sudanese to take the decision to remove the American forces

Today, Thursday, the State of Law coalition called on Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani to issue a decision to remove American forces from Iraq immediately, while stressing that America continues to violate all security agreements concluded with it.

Coalition member Ibrahim Al-Sakini said in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, “The government is responsible for protecting all members of the official security institutions from American attacks,” noting that “Al-Sudani is required to call for an emergency parliamentary session and take action to stop the violation of sovereignty by Washington.”

He continued, “The government must go to international courts to end the violations in which Washington continues to target security forces and civilians,” pointing out that “it is necessary for all groups of the Iraqi people to support the government and parliament in making decisions to expel the American embassy or remove combat forces.”

Al-Sakini concluded his speech by saying, “America’s attacks have reached a dangerous stage that cannot be tolerated by all concerned political, governmental, and popular parties,” adding that “Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa al-Sudani is required to issue a decision to remove American forces from Iraq immediately.”

Large popular marches took place to denounce the bombing of security forces and civilians in safe areas in the center of the capital, Baghdad, after security leaders were targeted by a drone yesterday.

The recent bombing confirms what was revealed by some secret sources and reports, about Washington handing over Iraqi airspace to the Zionist Mossad in order to target the leaders of the Iraqi resistance in response to its position of support for the Palestinian resistance, and to destroy the American forces to force the American occupier to remove the combat forces from Iraq.



 [via WiserNow] 

 we did get information...that is pointing to this going very soon...So there’s  a 4 letter word that we don’t use that often.   ...from...main sources...we will be going in for exchanges before or by Friday morning...It looks very good...I think this could be a very interesting week, weekend into next week...

  ...redemption centers are ready. The rates have been coming up on the screens of banks and redemption centers...they are significantly higher at the redemption centers than the banks...And I think you guys will be more than pleased...

 ...we've heard from a couple of...sources that we should be there...with notifications by [Friday]...and maybe we do get started [Friday] or Saturday but we should go right through the weekend...I think that's great news for us...Even though we didn't get started [Thursday] like we had thought, like we had hoped...I was honestly surprised we were not going to get started [Wednesday]... So things are moving forward...I think it’s coming ...I think it's got to, you just have to say super patient like we’ve been...

Thurs. 1 Feb. Bruce

  Today was termed National Freedom Day and from a special ops person so today Thurs. 1 Feb. through Wed. 7 Feb. we are supposed to have Nesara and Gesara. We will also see an increase in SS this month of February. Med Beds will be with us in five days.

Iraqi Dinar | CBI Decided IQD Revaluation Timing And Exchange Rate | Ira...

Parliamentarian: The number of American forces inside Iraq exceeded 10,000 soldiers, 9 FEB

 Parliamentarian: The number of American forces inside Iraq exceeded 10,000 soldiers

Member of the House of Representatives, Thaer al-Jubouri, confirmed today, Thursday, the support of members of the American forces present on the ground for yesterday’s bombing that targeted leaders of the security forces by providing information or monitoring movements, adding that the number of American forces present inside Iraqi territory exceeded 10,000 soldiers.

Al-Jubouri said, in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, that “the shift of drone bombing from military headquarters to residential areas in the heart of the capital, Baghdad, is an extremely dangerous matter,” noting that “talk about the presence of forces under the title of advisors or trainers is unrealistic.”

He continued, “The series of violations of sovereignty through continuous American bombing will not stop without removing American combat forces from the country,” adding that “Washington is trying to ignite the fuse of war and destabilize the situation through continuous bombing on Iraqi territory.”

Al-Jubouri concluded his speech: “There are many military sources that confirmed that there is no significant activity to train the Iraqi security forces, which do not need this matter in the first place,” stressing “the support of the members of the American forces present on the ground for yesterday’s bombing, which targeted leaders of the security forces by providing information or monitoring movements.

A close source had confirmed that there were two wheels that were rotating on the security forces near the American bombing site, informing them not to approach or interfere with the site of the strike that targeted a commander of the government security forces.

The United States of America continues to bomb residential areas in the heart of the capital, Baghdad, including yesterday’s bombing that targeted leaders of the security forces, which led to popular mass marches of condemnation, accompanied by rejectionist government and political statements.



[via PDK]  

Question:  Does...the HCL...have to pass for the RV?   MarkZ:  I was told from day 1 that within hours of seeing the HCL pass…we would see a new rate…, I keep looking for it…but we don’t necessarily have to have it.  

Comment: Still hearing they are showing the new lower denoms in Iraq at the banks.  MarkZ:  I had heard they are showing the specimen sheets at all the banks…and I am not the only one hearing that.  

Article:   “Central Bank of Iraq is facilitating transfers

  ...this has to do with the electronic platforms...the claim that they government officials that Iraq has the most modern system in the entire middle east.  This is big...It means that government officials will not be able to embezzle etc…this system will be very transparent for the people. This is a key part before they usually revalue currencies.

Iraqi Dinar | Dinar RV Countdown HCL Will Trigger Big Bang | Iraqi Dinar...

The Iraqi Central Bank Cancels The Operation Of The Largest Iranian Bank In The Country, 9 FEB

 The Iraqi Central Bank Cancels The Operation Of The Largest Iranian Bank In The Country

The Central Bank of Iraq has canceled the operating license of the largest Iranian bank in Iraq, the National Bank of Iran (Milli), due to international sanctions and the bank’s limited operations in Iraq, according to what Reuters reported on Thursday.

Reuters said that this decision was contained in a document of the Central Bank of Iraq dated January 31, 2024.

The document stated, “In light of the losses incurred by your branch in Iraq, its limited activities, its inability to implement or expand banking activities, and…its inclusion in international sanctions, it has been decided to cancel your license.”

In 2018, the US Treasury Department imposed sanctions on Bank Melli, claiming that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard is using it to “distribute funds to Iraqi Shiite armed groups, and that Bank Melli’s presence in Iraq is part of this scheme.”

Iraq, which has reserves of more than $100 billion in the United States, is counting heavily on Washington’s goodwill to ensure that its access to oil revenues and money is not blocked.

Iraq recently banned eight local commercial banks from conducting transactions in US dollars and took measures to reduce fraud, money laundering and other illegal uses of the US currency in a move welcomed by the US Treasury Department.

According to Iraqi and American officials, Iraq prevented 14 banks in July 2023 from conducting dollar transactions as part of a broader campaign aimed at reducing the smuggling of dollars into Iran through the Iraqi banking system after a request from Washington, according to Reuters.



 Former United Nations expert Majeed Al-Nashi proposed on Saturday several points to get rid of the dollar’s ​​dominance over the Iraqi economy, stressing the necessity of not relying on oil as a primary source of revenue.

Al-Nashi said in a press statement received by Earth News, “The Parliamentary Finance Committee called on the government to take quick measures to get rid of the dominance of the dollar by diversifying our cash reserves to other foreign currencies.” I also proposed obliging the Ministry of Oil to sell Iraqi oil in other foreign currencies.

He added, “All economic and energy experts in Iraq are aware of the economic and monetary reality of Iraq, especially since all the Iraqi money that Iraq obtains is the proceeds of Iraq’s sale of oil, which constitutes more than 90% of Iraq’s budget, and this money has been mortgaged to the US Federal Reserve Bank in New York since 2003.”

According to the Security Council resolution during Bremer’s rule for Iraq, Resolution No. 1483 issued in 2003, which required the establishment of the Development Fund for Iraq (DFI), according to which all Iraqi funds are deposited in the US Federal Reserve Bank, and withdrawals are made from this fund according to conditions that Iraq agreed to at the time, in order to protect Iraqi funds from claims and consequences. Finance is arranged according to the previous system.”

He pointed out that “the recent initiatives that were launched, such as the Live on Dignity initiative and heading to international courts to settle cases related to Iraq’s right, in preparation for freedom from dependence on the United States to protect Iraqi oil funds from any seizure decisions that may affect them due to the actions of the previous regime and others, are considered a good thing.” In liberating Iraqi money from the dominance of the dollar.

He stated, “In order to implement what was stated in the Finance Committee’s statement, the matter requires practical solutions, including accelerating the withdrawal of Iraqi funds from the American Bank and ending this dominance, and agreeing with companies and countries importing Iraqi oil on a new payment systemdetermined by SOMO in accordance with the requirements of the Iraqi economy and in coordination with Central Bank of Iraq.

(OOPS… 😊 there it is again “importing oil on a new payment system” meaning away from the petro-dollar,)

He continued, “Economic and banking discussions should also begin with China and other countries, including opening accounts for Iraqi funds resulting from the export of oil in different currencies, and conducting most import operations, especially from China, in Chinese yuan, as well as using currencies of other countries such as the Emirati dirham, the Saudi riyal, and the Indian rupee in transactions, whether by selling oil or importing goods.”

He pointed out the necessity of “organizing and modernizing the Iraqi banking system to keep pace with developments in the field of completing transactions, using modern technology, and enhancing the strength of the Iraqi dinar by activating and supporting the private sector, not relying on ((oil)) as the primary source of foreign currency, and encouraging the export of Iraqi products.”

(So we see the heart of where the problem stems. How can Iraq pay for goods and service from imports with foreign currencies. Where is their reserves of these other currencies to use to pay for them? Where do they come from if 90% of the revenue generated is paid in US dollars. Do you see it now, the dilemma? So either they have to grow their economy to a huge point and generate all kinds of exports paid to Iraq in foreign currencies (this will take decades to do) or they can switch from the sole petro-dollars for oil to other foreign currencies for oil revenue. Do you think the US is going to let them do this?)

Dinar RV News Today🔥Iraq's Financial Sector Gets Global Recognition from...

Parliamentary Foreign Ministry: Baghdad is moving diplomatically towards staying away from regional conflicts, 8 FEB

 Parliamentary Foreign Ministry: Baghdad is moving diplomatically towards staying away from regional conflicts

Mawazine News – Baghdad
A member of the parliamentary foreign relations committee, MP Amer Al-Fayez, stressed on Wednesday the move of Iraqi diplomacy towards moving away from the policy of engaging in any crisis.
Al-Fayez said in an interview with Mozine News, “The genocide in Gaza has created a crisis and tensions in the Middle East that can explode in an uncontrollable way, and this is what worries all parties without exception, including Al-Iraqiya, because part of the events and tensions began to cast a shadow on the country through bombing and violations of the atmosphere.”
He added, “Baghdad has already begun to make moves in 3 directions, which are direct dialogue with the capitals of neighboring countries and international organizations, and openness to making preliminary agreements that contribute to their basic content the distance of Iraq from international and regional conflicts and that it does not be the arena of settling accounts.”



.... the CBI still has their goals to rebuild the economy of Iraq, see the White Paper. In this document it clearly states the “Pillars of Iraqi Financial Reform” for Iraq and how they plan to affect each of them to get where they want to go. It’s no secret. So, what comes first the chicken or the egg.

REFORMS FIRST:  In other words, Iraq will never be able to rebuild its economy unless it completes these financial reforms first. 

But in reality, under Dr. Shabibi he knew damned well the necessity of getting back their currency (liberate it) and then use it to impact the growth of the economy. 

So, we are witnessing firsthand the mistake made way back in 2012-2013 in not following the plan of Dr. Shabibi. This is really what all the ruckus is about with this parallel rate and the inability to manage it.

Iraqi Dinar🔥Excellent News For Investors Of IQD Today 2024🔥Iraqi Dinar R...

Urgent Parliament will hold its session next Saturday to discuss attacks on Iraqi sovereignty, 8 FEB

 Urgent Parliament will hold its session next Saturday to discuss attacks on Iraqi sovereignty

The House of Representatives announced that a special deliberative session was held to discuss the attacks on Iraqi sovereignty next Saturday.البرلمان-يعقد-جلسته-السبت-المقبل-لمناقشة-الاعتداءات-على-السيادة-العراقية


 Mnt Goat 


 ...told to me just yesterday by my CBI contact...I was told that of the committee responsible for orchestrating the project to delete the zeros, had a member given a directive to supply a set of quality photos of the newer lower denomination paper currency and the coins. 

They are then to work with the technical side to deliver these photos and a writeup on the process of how the project to delete the zeros is going to work ....

I was told that in the coming weeks they were told that a meeting will be scheduled to review timetables for the coordination of all these events...Folks this is amazing news.

🔥 Iraqi Dinar 🔥 Rrevaluation This is Big 🔥 News Guru Intel Update IQD Ra...

Iran Has The Least Share In Kurdistan. Most Investors Are Lebanese And Turkish, With $10 Billion, 8 FEB

 Iran Has The Least Share In Kurdistan. Most Investors Are Lebanese And Turkish, With $10 Billion

Posted On 02-08-2024 By Sotaliraq   The Kurdistan Investment Authority says that foreign companies have implemented 45 projects since 2006 with a capital amounting to $10 billion, most of them Turkish and Lebanese, while confirming the participation of America and Iran in this.

Pashtwan Hama Saeed - Director of the Kurdistan Investment Authority, Network 964:

The volume of foreign investment in Kurdistan amounts to $10 billion, and the foreign companies investing in the region are Turkish, Iranian, Lebanese, Russian, Emirati, American and Chinese.

From 2006 until the end of 2023, foreign companies implemented 45 investment projects with a capital of $10 billion in the region.

Turkish companies occupy first place in the region’s investments with 17 projects, followed by Lebanese companies with 10 projects, while Iranian companies have the lowest “independent shares” in the region.

Recently, 29 joint projects were agreed upon between Iraqi and foreign companies in the Kurdistan region.   LINK



The former director of the Financial Supervision Bureau and expert in economic and financial affairs, Salah Nouri, confirmed that the difference between the official and parallel prices of the dollar is normal.

Nouri told {Al-Furat News} agency, “Given the unstable international situation, including the possibility of a drop in oil selling prices, and the US Federal Reserve’s emphasis on monitoring foreign transfers and the threat of sanctions, all of this encourages an increase in the dollar exchange rate.”

He pointed out that “the difference between the official and parallel prices is normal at the present time and to some extent acceptable as a result of these reasons.”

CBI Timing and Revaluation Unveiled Game-Changing Announcement | World B...

Parliamentary Bodies Talk About “Boycotting The American Ambassador” And Clarify “Washington’s Agenda” In Baghdad, 8 FEB

 Parliamentary Bodies Talk About “Boycotting The American Ambassador” And Clarify “Washington’s Agenda” In Baghdad

Politics |Baghdad Today – Baghdad  Parliamentary authorities confirmed that the decision to boycott US Ambassador Elena Romanski already exists, while referring to the "Washington agenda", which it wants to implement in Baghdad.

A member of the coordination framework, Muhammad Al-Baldawi, said today, Thursday (February 8, 2024), that “boycotting the meeting with the American ambassador to Iraq is an existing decision and it is a general trend in response to violations, but the issue went beyond the topic of the meeting, whether it should remain or be recalled.”

Al-Baldawi added in an interview with “Baghdad Today”: “We are facing major crimes committed by Washington against the leaders of the Popular Mobilization Forces and the Iraqi resistance factions through the attempt of the evil state - in reference to America - to drag Iraq and the region into war and ignite strife in implementation of its policies of setting fires in countries.” .

He pointed out, "Although the Iraqi resistance factions and their coordination have suspended targeting the American occupation bases, the latter is working with all its efforts to drag the factions, the resistance and Iraq into the war," pointing out that "it is necessary to send an urgent message to the United Nations, the Security Council, and the coalition leadership to withdraw the forces present in "The country."

He stated, "It is necessary for the United Nations to work in accordance with the Charter and hold accountable the countries that ignite wars in the region," noting that "what happened yesterday is aggression and a blatant violation of the country's sovereignty that cannot be tolerated, and the removal of American forces is a national demand of all factions."

On (January 28, 2024), the independent representative in the Iraqi parliament, Sajjad Salem, commented on the formation of a joint military committee between Iraq and the United States of America in order to remove foreign forces from Iraqi territory.

Salem told "Baghdad Today", "According to the strategic framework agreement between Baghdad and Washington, there are joint committees between the two parties, and these committees discuss security and military preparations, discuss threats, and end the work of the international coalition and remove foreign forces from the work and jurisdiction of the Iraqi security forces. They are Those most capable of identifying Iraq still need the presence of international coalition forces and to estimate the extent of the risks and threats that Iraq faces.”

He added, "The formation of a joint military committee between Iraq and the United States of America came due to the recent events that Iraq witnessed, including escalation between some factions and the Americans and mutual bombing operations, but whether American forces remain or not must be according to the estimates of the Iraqi forces, as this is a technical and security aspect." "It must be far from whims and political agenda."

 On January 27, 2024, the first round of bilateral dialogue between Iraq and the United States was launched to end the mission of the international coalition against ISIS, which Baghdad hopes will lead to a gradual reduction of coalition forces on its territory.  LINK



No! The RV has not yet happened. Again, I had an interesting call on Wednesday with my CBI contact. The news is getting more promising as we had hoped. I will share it with you. But we must not forget about what is going on in the U.S. politics and how it is affecting the ability of the CBI to reinstate the dinar to FOREX. In my last Newsletter I talked about information I obtained from my CBI contact and boots on the ground about the U.S. effort geared at eliminating the Iranian backed militias.

 All this effort is by design and fully backed by the GOP. So, if I were you, I would not get excited about all these articles being put out by Iranian backed news media working inside and outside of Iraq about this ongoing effort. Of course, Iran wants the U.S. out of Iraq and on top of that the U.S. is kicking them out of Iraq and so what the hell do you think they are going to do? Of course, they are going to kick-back and fight because Iran stands to lose a stronghold in Iraq worth billions and billions. 

However, having said all this, the CBI still has their goals to rebuild the economy of Iraq, see the White Paper. In this document it clearly states the “Pillars of Iraqi Financial Reform” for Iraq and how they plan to affect each of them to get where they want to go. It’s no secret. So, what comes first the chicken or the egg. In other words, Iraq will never be able to rebuild its economy unless it completes these financial reforms first. But in reality, under Dr. Shabibi he knew damned well the necessity of getting back their currency (liberate it) and then use it to impact the growth of the economy. So, we are witnessing firsthand the mistake made way back in 2012-2013 in not following the plan of Dr. Shabibi. This is really what all the ruckus is about with this parallel rate and the inability to manage it. 

Having set the stage, I now want to explain what was told to me just yesterday by my CBI contact. I was told that of the committee responsible for orchestrating the project to delete the zeros, had a member given a directive to supply a set of quality photos of the newer lower denomination paper currency and the coins. They are then to work with the technical side to deliver these photos and a writeup on the process of how the project to delete the zeros is going to work. Folks this is amazing news. Could it get any better considering everything else going on? 

I then asked about due dates for this work to be completed and when the CBI expects to publish this information on their website. I was told that in the coming weeks they were told that a meeting will be scheduled to review timetables for the coordination of all these events.

Iraqi Dinar🎉CBI Major Hint For Dinar Relvaluation-Iraqi Dinar News Today...

Washington's Sanctions Restrict Baghdad's Economy.. Banks Are In A "Dilemma" And The Iraqi Central Bank Is A "Spectator", 8 FEB

Washington's Sanctions Restrict Baghdad's Economy.. Banks Are In A "Dilemma" And The Iraqi Central Bank Is A "Spectator"

Posted On 02-08-2024 By Sotaliraq  February 7   The banking sector in Iraq is experiencing unenviable days, as a result of the succession of US sanctions on banks one after another, which portends an economic “disaster” that the government will face sooner or later, with exchange rates fluctuating above the barrier of 150,000 for every 100 dollars.

The US Treasury Department imposed sanctions on 14 banks, according to what was revealed by the Wall Street Journal, and these sanctions come months after similar sanctions were imposed on 4 other Iraqi banks after they were accused of various pretexts and pretexts, including money laundering.

The US sanctions are raising a new wave of concern among Iraqis, especially since all government measures during the government of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa al-Sudani did not succeed in bringing the parallel exchange rate closer to the official rate.

Earlier today, Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein and US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken discussed the sanctions imposed by the US Treasury on Iraqi banks.

Member of the House of Representatives, Zainab Al-Moussawi, revealed the reason for the US Treasury Department placing economic sanctions on some Iraqi banks, and while she described Washington’s arguments as “false,” she stressed the necessity of getting rid of Iraq’s dependence on the dollar.

Al-Moussawi said, in an interview, that “the American administration always resorts to punishing Iraq by placing solid institutions under the control of the Iraqi state, as it did recently by placing several banks on the US Treasury Department’s sanctions list under a false pretext with no concrete evidence.”

She adds, “Washington is working to punish Iraqi banks in order to reduce the value of the Iraqi dinar and raise the value of the US dollar in a move to humiliate Iraq and request assistance from Washington in supplying the country with foreign currency.”

The member of the House of Representatives stresses “the necessity of changing Iraq’s dependence on the dollar by selling crude oil, the only source of the Iraqi state, and selling it in other foreign currencies such as the Chinese yuan, the Russian ruble, and other currencies that have strength and authority in global markets, and leaving American hegemony over the Iraqi economy.”

Al-Mousawi explains, “The US Treasury sanctions will obstruct the flow of remittances, afflict the Iraqi banking sector with chaos, and also affect the internal exchange rate greatly, and this is what Washington is currently following   LINK


Wednesday 07 February 2024

Opinions of the Iraqi dinar guru

Frank26: He says

[History of Fort Worth Chase Bank]

 BANK VISITOR: I went to one of the largest Chase Banks in Dallas. This bench is different than anything I have ever seen. There were two floors and there were many windows upstairs that you couldn't see through.

 FRANK: Many banks are metamorphosing their environment to be part of the exchange process... 

BANK VISITOR: I go and sit down and within 5 minutes this private banker, who by the way is a vice president on his card, comes up and greets me.. .I told you that I have a large amount of foreign currency and can you let me know when you will do it? be able to change this currency. I didn't say dinar...I said I know we're getting closer...with Chase being the number one bank in Iraq. He looked at me, smiled and said: I have a couple more clients like you.

  RayRen98: Says


  MarkZ: Says

“Vietnam pressures the United States to grant them market economy status” This could lead to an increase in the value of the Vietnamese dong. The US State Department has asked Vietnam to increase the value of its currency.

Clare: It says

Article: 'An official is approaching'… Sudanese advisor reveals measures to reduce exchange rates in the parallel market” Quote: “He highlighted that “there is a clear trend and encouraging beginnings in which the parallel market has begun to move closer to the official exchange market ”


Hernán Robert Hbravo 



Miércoles 07 Febrero 2024

Opiniones del gurú del dinar iraquí
Frank26 : Dice
[Historia del banco Fort Worth Chase] 

VISITANTE DEL BANCO: Fui a uno de los Chase Banks más grandes de Dallas. Este banco es diferente a lo que he visto jamás. Eran dos pisos y arriba había muchas ventanas por las que no se podía ver. 

FRANK: Muchos bancos están metamorfoseando su entorno para ser parte del proceso de intercambio...

VISITANTE DEL BANCO: Voy y me siento y en 5 minutos este banquero privado, que por cierto es vicepresidente en su tarjeta, se acerca y me saluda... Le dije que tengo una gran cantidad de moneda extranjera y ¿puede avisarme cuándo lo hará? poder cambiar esta moneda. No dije dinar... dije que sé que nos estamos acercando... siendo Chase el banco número uno en Irak. Me miró, sonrió y dijo: Tengo un par de clientes más como tú.
RayRen98 : Dice
MarkZ : Dice
“Vietnam presiona a Estados Unidos para que les conceda el estatus de economía de mercado” Esto podría conducir a un aumento del valor del dong vietnamita. El Departamento de Estado de EE.UU. ha pedido a Vietnam que aumente el valor de su moneda.
Clare : Dice
Artículo: ‘Se acerca un funcionario’… Asesor sudanés revela medidas para reducir los tipos de cambio en el mercado paralelo” Cita: “Destacó que “hay una tendencia clara y comienzos alentadores en que el mercado paralelo ha comenzado a acercarse al mercado cambiario oficial”
Hernán Robert Hbravo

Currency Revaluations and Floats in the Last 52 Years BY SANDY INGRAM

Cairo Fines Baghdad A Billion Dollars Following A Contract That Was “Not Implemented”..Parliamentary Doubts About “Selling The File”, 8 FEB

 Cairo Fines Baghdad A Billion Dollars Following A Contract That Was “Not Implemented”..Parliamentary Doubts About “Selling The File”

Money  and business    Economy News – Baghdad   Baghdad lost about a billion dollars to Cairo for not complying with a contract with an Egyptian company concluded in 2001 that it did not implement, in a case before a court in Cairo, in which the complainant and the lawyers were Egyptian, according to a member of the Parliamentary Transport and Communications Committee.

According to a decision by the Egyptian Arbitration Court, Iraq must pay $927 million in compensation to an Egyptian aviation services company called “Horse” that was previously contracted with, but the Iraqi Airways Company and the Ministry of Transport did not comply with it.

In this context, a member of the Parliamentary Economics and Communications Committee, Karwan Yarois, explains that there are doubts that “the file was sold in some way because it is not true,” according to the Rudaw network.

He pointed out that "the complainant is an Egyptian company, and the arbitration court is in Egypt, and the Iraqi lawyer's team consists of two Egyptian lawyers, one of whom is an employee of Iraqi Airlines itself."

It is not permissible in law for an employee to “practice law at the same time,” according to Karwan Yarois, who revealed that the Egyptian employee “was contracted as a lawyer in the case for $400,000.”

Information indicates that the value of the contract amounted to $97 million, while compensation was set at $927 million.

For its part, the Iraqi government began negotiations with the Egyptian government to pay this amount through crude oil.

In turn, Yasser Al-Husseini, a member of the Parliamentary Economics Committee, confirms that the compensation “burdens the government’s burden and causes a waste of public money and many financial violations, and next week we will have an announced position on all issues and take it towards the judiciary and the government to address this matter”...

The decision of the Egyptian Arbitration Court to impose compensation of $927 million on Iraq because of the “Horse” company comes while it had been classified by an Egyptian court decision on (October 25, 2015) as a company affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood and included in the list of banned companies.

According to follow-ups conducted by the Iraqi Parliament, the contract dates back to 2001, and the previous regime concluded it for the motive of espionage and for political purposes, but in 2005 Iraq renewed this contract again, resulting in the loss of millions of dollars.

205 views 02/08/2024 -

Coffee with the Codeman 2/8/2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Special guest host is Zester-Mark’s Son : Mark is on vacation until Wed. AM Feb. 14th 

Special guest host is Zester-Mark’s Son : Mark is on vacation until Wed. AM Feb. 14th 

Member: Great morning Mark - safe trip and have fun! Great morning Zester, Mods, and everyone!

Member: There is a rumor that a bond holder already had their money clawed back-  shared last night on Whiskey and Wisdom?

MZ: Yes……that would be accurate. If someone had it clawed back…then they had to have been given it. Right?  Contacts said since they knew someone that had funds clawed back they are not going to break their NDA.

MZ: Another great one from MilitiaMan –Be sure to watch it. These things he talks about are huge. Pay attention to the UN mission – Waiting on the full release of chapter 7 to join the WTO and to revalue the currency. Be sure to go listen, like and share. 

Member: Rumor:  Do you know the 24 states wanting to join brics? Wish we had a list 

Member: Hope that rumor is true. 

Member: my credit union closed at 12:30 pm yesterday for training. i asked the teller what kind of training & was it about the new US NOTE RAINBOW CURRENCY? she wasnt sure, then smiled. i said its coming soon

Member: Zester- Do you know if BRICS has more members then they publically shared?

Zester: I know they are having conversations with countries that they are not publically sharing. I imagine there are many countries who have privately agreed to join but have been unwilling to do it until more countries agree to do it at the same time ….Many may want to get away from the Petrodollar….but are waiting until it is safe for them to do it.  

Zester: Some news: “De-Weaponizing the Dollar”   We know that the BRICS countries are trying to get away from the US dollar. We know China and Russia are spearheading this effort. On January  30th the first CBDC payment from the United Arab Emerites to China was completed. This was the beginning of BRICS utilizing other currencies besides the US dollar.  Very good article

Zester The author of this article is a former prime Minister of the Curds (sp?) Republic and a professer at the Belguim road school in Beijing Normal University…...

MZ: Zester what is your plan for this evenings podcast?

Zester: It will be at 6 PM Est when Tucker Carlsons with Vladimir Putin interview finally comes out and I plan to be on right after it ends so we can talk about it. Plus review the news that happened today. I’m expecting the interview to be at least an hour….maybe longer. 

Member: Alex Jones says the interview would be about 2 hours long. 

Zester if that is the case we will do a podcast about 8 pm est….

Mod:  Carlson's interview with Putin will air on Thursday February 8 at 6 p.m ET/ 3 p.m PT. It will be available to watch on his website,, TUCKER SAID IT WOULD BE FREE.

Member: Just curious what do you think the odds are that the PTB cut the internet tonight before Tucker’s interview? Probably blame in on Houta rebels or a solar flare?

Zester: I think if they could get away with it – they absolutely would- But, since Tucker is on his own website domain…..I don’t think that would happen unless they take down everyones internet in the entire United States to keep us from watching it. Fingers crossed they are not that desperate to try to keep us in the dark. . 

Member: I have a sneaky feeling we are going this weekend! Not resisting or pushing! Just letting it Flow!

MZ: I may be popping in off and on this week…….I am taking a laptop with me. 

Member: Zester will get all the glory announcing the RV while you are away on vacation Mark..HaHa

Zester. That’s what I am talking about. If it happens while he’s gone- I will be able to say I got it done in –say 3 days…lol…I hope it does…we have all been waiting a very long time. 

Zester: Monday I may be doing a beginning course on Cryptos…..I have gotten many questions about it. 

Member: remember patriots when we the people fear the government its called TYRANNY, when the government fears we the people its called LIBERTY. zester thanks for stepping in for your dad. Great job

Member: You are absolutely right. And thanks for the kind words. 



Member: Zester, thanks for looking after us while your dad is away having fun!

Zester:  Dad really needs a little time off….So I am very glad to be able to help out. 


Member: See everyone tonight at 8 est.



His Excellency the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mr. Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq, received a delegation from the World Bank headed by the Director of the World Bank’s office in Iraq, Mr. Richard Abdel Nour.

During the meeting, they discussed enhancing bilateral cooperation between the Central Bank of Iraq and the World Bank and discussing electronic payment projects and financial inclusion, as well as reform programs to enhance the stability and development of the financial sector.

The two parties also discussed the support of the World Bank to provide advice in establishing the Riyada Bank dedicated to financing small projects in Iraq, with the support of the International Finance Corporation.

In turn, the World Bank delegation praised the procedures of the Central Bank of Iraq in facilitating financial transfers to different segments in Iraq, noting that the infrastructure of electronic payment systems and software systems in Iraq are among the best systems in the region.

Central Bank of Iraq  Information Office  7 February – 2024

Economic Reforms in Iraq are currently being implemented. This does not mean it will happen all in one month. Some of these reforms will take place throughout this year.

In other words, the Central Bank of Iraq and the World Bank are currently in process of implementing their new digital asset-based trading system into the Global Markets. 

© Goldilocks

Iraq Dinar - Formula for New Pricing - Al -Sudani - Opportunity - Exit C...BY MILITIAMAN

A Former Central Bank Official Rules Out The Collapse Of The Iraqi Banking System As A Result Of US Sanctions, 8 FEB

 A Former Central Bank Official Rules Out The Collapse Of The Iraqi Banking System As A Result Of US Sanctions

2024-02-08 Shafaq News/ Mahmoud Dagher, an economist and former general director of the Central Bank, ruled out, on Thursday, the collapse of the banking system in Iraq following the sanctions imposed by the US Treasury on a group of banks in the country.

Dagher said in an interview with Shafaq News Agency, "The collapse of the banking system due to these sanctions and restrictions will not happen despite the continued pressure of this intensity that is harming these banks."

He added that there are no real reasons for these sanctions, adding that the US Treasury only restricted these banks from obtaining the dollar.

Dagher stated, “Because there are no reasons, and because the case is suspicious, it is not a penalty, but rather a restriction on those banks, but it results in harm to them, to the people, and to the import financing process.”

He stated that the penalties came based on the banks’ dealings with suspicious financial transfers during the past year 2023.

The day before yesterday, Tuesday, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fuad Hussein, called on the United States of America to reconsider the sanctions imposed on 21 Iraqi banks that contribute to financing the food basket items for families with limited income, as the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Wednesday.

In July 2023, the US Treasury Department imposed sanctions on 14 Iraqi banks in a crackdown on Iran’s dollar transactions.

An official document issued by the Central Bank of Iraq this February showed that 8 Iraqi banks were banned from participating in the foreign currency buying and selling window.

Iraq has more than 70 private banks, a relatively new feature in a sector that was almost entirely under state control until the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime after the US invasion in 2003.   LINK