Thursday, February 8, 2024



No! The RV has not yet happened. Again, I had an interesting call on Wednesday with my CBI contact. The news is getting more promising as we had hoped. I will share it with you. But we must not forget about what is going on in the U.S. politics and how it is affecting the ability of the CBI to reinstate the dinar to FOREX. In my last Newsletter I talked about information I obtained from my CBI contact and boots on the ground about the U.S. effort geared at eliminating the Iranian backed militias.

 All this effort is by design and fully backed by the GOP. So, if I were you, I would not get excited about all these articles being put out by Iranian backed news media working inside and outside of Iraq about this ongoing effort. Of course, Iran wants the U.S. out of Iraq and on top of that the U.S. is kicking them out of Iraq and so what the hell do you think they are going to do? Of course, they are going to kick-back and fight because Iran stands to lose a stronghold in Iraq worth billions and billions. 

However, having said all this, the CBI still has their goals to rebuild the economy of Iraq, see the White Paper. In this document it clearly states the “Pillars of Iraqi Financial Reform” for Iraq and how they plan to affect each of them to get where they want to go. It’s no secret. So, what comes first the chicken or the egg. In other words, Iraq will never be able to rebuild its economy unless it completes these financial reforms first. But in reality, under Dr. Shabibi he knew damned well the necessity of getting back their currency (liberate it) and then use it to impact the growth of the economy. So, we are witnessing firsthand the mistake made way back in 2012-2013 in not following the plan of Dr. Shabibi. This is really what all the ruckus is about with this parallel rate and the inability to manage it. 

Having set the stage, I now want to explain what was told to me just yesterday by my CBI contact. I was told that of the committee responsible for orchestrating the project to delete the zeros, had a member given a directive to supply a set of quality photos of the newer lower denomination paper currency and the coins. They are then to work with the technical side to deliver these photos and a writeup on the process of how the project to delete the zeros is going to work. Folks this is amazing news. Could it get any better considering everything else going on? 

I then asked about due dates for this work to be completed and when the CBI expects to publish this information on their website. I was told that in the coming weeks they were told that a meeting will be scheduled to review timetables for the coordination of all these events.

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