Thursday, April 18, 2024

Central Bank: Forming an Iraqi-American committee to address violations of violating banks, 19 APRIL

Central Bank: Forming an Iraqi-American committee to address violations of violating banks

 The Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, announced the formation of a committee with the Ministry of Treasury and the Federal Bank to address and correct the violations of the sanctioned banks.

Al-Alaq said in a press statement, “Washington praised Iraq’s measures in resolving 80% of the financial transfers file,” noting that “the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve praised Iraq’s measures in the financial transfers file.”

He pointed out that “an international company has developed a road map to develop bank departments and improve their work technically.”

Al-Alaq noted that “the atmosphere of dialogues and discussions in Washington is very positive, and we have begun to enter into the details of the program plan and procedures that will be present soon through a delegation that will visit Iraq.”

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 Militia Man  

 [Iraq] is now in a security and stability and debt free state and now they're going into a state of expansion on their economic reforms, development programs, sustainable development...all of the things we've been talking to you about are coming to fruition.  They're not going to do that at 1310...

 The 2023/2024 budget hasn't been sent to the HOR yet but they're saying in the coming  weeks...There's time constraints on getting things done...They can't likely expose an exchange rate to the House of Representatives before they give it to them, they just can't do that because that would leak around, it would get out and it would be a disruption.   But...they have to give them that information because it's a legal component.  If they do what they say they're going to do and get an exchange rate's likely going to be before that happens.    

Iraqi dinar 🔥Iraqi dinar rate after CBI auction 🔥Dinar today

The Prime Minister Unveils A Law To Address The Challenges Of The Private Sector And The Volume Of Exchange With America, 19 APRIL

The Prime Minister Unveils A Law To Address The Challenges Of The Private Sector And The Volume Of Exchange With America

 Political     Today, 09:21  Baghdad – IA   Today, Thursday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani announced the introduction of a law to address the challenges of the private sector, and while

 he indicated that 80% of transfers are proceeding in accordance with international standards, according to the US Treasury Department,

 he confirmed that Iraq is moving for the first time towards establishing a fixed platform to receive liquefied gas.

A statement issued by the Prime Minister’s Media Office, received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), stated that

 “Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani met in Washington, on Wednesday evening (Baghdad time), a number of heads and representatives of major American companies, in a session held by the Chamber of Commerce. "American". 

The statement added,  "The meeting included a dialogue session with the attendees, where the Prime Minister explained a number of questions that were raised during the meeting, related to the investment environment in Iraq and the facilities provided by the government to the private sector."

During the meeting, the Prime Minister sponsored "the signing ceremony of a number of memorandums of understanding between the Ministries of Electricity and Oil and the Iraq Fund for Development, with American institutions and companies.

 Similar memorandums of understanding were also signed between the Iraqi private sector and American companies in the fields of energy and the pharmaceutical industry."

 The Prime Minister pointed out, during his speech,

 “the openness of the investment environment in Iraq to attract reputable international companies, to participate in the economic renaissance and infrastructure projects that Iraq is witnessing, in addition to the package of financial, banking and administrative reforms that the government initiated and a high percentage of which was completed during the year.” And half a year old.”

 Al-Sudani said during the signing ceremony of memorandums of understanding with major American companies:

“The outcome of the discussions and understandings with the American side was the necessity of continuing to develop bilateral relations in various economic, social and security sectors.”  He added:

 "We agreed to

     strengthen the relationship,

      stimulate the private sector, and

      support the work of American companies in Iraq," stressing that

 "Iraq is witnessing remarkable stability despite the challenges in the region, and

we are working to distance it from hotbeds of conflict and escalation." He explained,

"The government has made important strides in economic reforms and implementing major projects that contribute to solving problems.



  Article:  "Al-Ardawi: The Sudanese government seeks to liberalize the Iraqi dinar and stabilize the economy"  Quote: "The visit comes in a very heated situation and everyone is awaiting its outcomes, and the Sudanese carries...ideas and projects that move towards consolidating the relationship with the American side and transferring it from the process of guardianship to friendship...In a way that allows Iraq to assume its pivotal role in the region."   As I have been stating...Iraq needs the US Guardianship to end!! (UN 1483)

Article quote:  "Two Iraqi and American sources said that Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani will spend a week in the United States, including discussions with President Joe Biden, and a tour of 3 states."  Will one State be Florida????  Mar-a-Lago???

IMO UN resolution 1483 will have to be lifted to allow Iraq to be totally sovereign as it established the US and UK as "occupying forces"...This is in essence "Guardianship" or "Receivership"...Absent the lifting, the US has to give Iraq permission to do most anything Internationally including "currency reinstatement"...I am hopeful that internal control of the money structure is exclusively in the hands of the CBI so they can at least move to the RD/RV stage of their monetary reform...If not, the upcoming US visit of Sudani may very well be pivotal... Saleh...recently stated he was unsure of the status of 1483 according to news articles...

This is clearly what the article said... They are weighing changing the rate from 1,320 dinars per dollar to 1.32 dinars per dollar.  This is clearly 76 cents to 1 IQD...Currently the rate is 1,320 IQD to 1 USD.   Looking it at the other way, this is 0.0007575 USD to 1 IQD.  If they drop 1 zero from the exchange rate: 132.0 IQD to 1 USD or 0.007575 USD to 1 IQD.  If they drop 2 zeros:  13.2 IQD to 1 USD or 0.07575 USD to 1 IQD.  If they drop 3 zeros:  1.32 IQD to 1 USD or .7575 USD to 1 IQD.  Therefore, 1.32 IQD to 1 USD is 76 cents to each IQD

...What we want to see posted on the CBI website as to how many IQD are required to purchase 1 USD is 1.00 or less.  If they post 3.22 IQD to 1 USD, this would mean 31 cents per 1 IQD. 

 We want them to post .31 IQD to 1 USD which is then 3.22 USD to 1 IQD.  Realize, they post how many IQD it takes to purchase 1 of another currency.

  Community Comment:  "...The rate doesn't matter but "freedom of movement of capital" is important.  That is Article 8 compliance. They cannot be Article 8 compliant if the country is functioning under a MCP.  A MCP [Multiple Currency Practices] includes a parallel rate of greater than 2% of the official rate by IMF definition.  Saleh said last year that the parallel rate is "REQUIRED" to be 2% or less of the official rate...This 2% or less needs to be maintained for a period of 90 days.  The parallel rate is still around 14% difference. 

 Question:  "I thought they met all the requirements [to join the WTO]?"  All the articles say they have legislation that needs to be passed and the next meeting is in the "middle of the year.

Question:  "When is Iraq supposed to be in the WTO?"  Not before they pass needed legislation, eliminate the MCP [Multiple Currency Practices] and are recognized as having accepted IMF Article 8 obligations.  Accession Committee next meeting with Iraq is planned for the "middle of the year".

🔥 Iraqi Dinar 🔥 After 21 Years New Exchange Rate 🔥 News Guru Update Valu...

Finance Committee: Great Satisfaction With The Results Of The Prime Minister’s Discussions In Washington, 18 APRIL

 Finance Committee: Great Satisfaction With The Results Of The Prime Minister’s Discussions In Washington

 Political    Yesterday, 12:24   Baghdad – INA   The Parliamentary Finance Committee announced today, Wednesday, its great satisfaction with the results of the Prime Minister’s discussions in Washington.

 The head of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Atwan Al-Atwani, said in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA):

 “We are following with great satisfaction the results of the discussions of the Iraqi delegation currently visiting Washington, headed by Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani.” Al-Atwani affirmed his

 "full support for the positive understandings that resulted from the Sudanese meeting with the American President within the framework of the shift in the relationship between the two countries from the security and military aspects to the areas of development, reconstruction, economy and investment."  Al-Atwani welcomed

 "the US President’s announcement of the United States’ commitment to supporting Iraq to reform and develop its financial and banking system and paving the way for Iraqi banks licensed to deal directly with approved international correspondent banks, in a way that contributes to linking Iraq to the international economic system."  Al-Atwani pointed out,

"We are all confident and proud of the Iraqi negotiating delegation," expressing his hope that "these discussions will be a new beginning to achieve a true partnership between the two countries in various political, security, and economic fields in a way that achieves well-being, prosperity, and stability for our country."    

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar , 18 APRIL

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-9-24
REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 58:48

Transcribed by WiserNow

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight  –  it is Tuesday, April 16th and you’re listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in. We’re glad that you’re here, glad that we’re here and we’re able to bring you the call tonight.

All right, Let’s talk about where we are and where at least we believe we are – This was a little bit of a strange last four or five days since the last big call Thursday, because we obtained a little bit of information. But generally speaking, a lot of the sources are very quiet. We don’t have the normal, or what was the normal flow of information.

Typically, that means they’re under new NDA’s . They’ve been asked not to share  0 not to leak information, but let’s put that aside and let you know what we are hearing. What we are hearing is that the bondholders have not received their email  and that we have not received ours yet.

They are being told that they should receive their emails which should at least tell them where they have liquidity, if not give them liquidity tomorrow  –  Where we thought we might get notification this morning, or afternoon today did not happen. But the bondholders are looking forward to getting notified

Now when they get that email, more than likely we  here in tier 4A and B would receive our emails as well. So they’re not going to be that far ahead of us. If they get it. We should be getting ours as well. 

Now, we did a piece of information from someone in the admirals group that spoke to Admiral Bob and was told by him that this individual would have money in his account tomorrow, Wednesday. – we hope that’s the case for that individual in the admirals group.  But it also ends well for us, if basically the admirals group  that was really what we  call  tier 4A – and we are tier 4B the internet group.

 If they do have money found in their account tomorrow. We should also at least get notifications to set up our appointments.

One of the one of the banks that happens to be – it’s a national bank  but not one of the top four or five banks  – they said to us yesterday  that they expected our  exchange to start Wednesday or Thursday, Thursday. That may be the case –

Beyond that we know that we know that Iraq  is doing some things in the US. – And meeting here for some idea exchanges and other types of exchanges here. I think they’re  really getting ready for this – to be known internationally – their reason for this session, my way of thinking the rate on the dinar has not been put out internationally  yet for everyone to know  what that is – but we know that rates are on the screens – all of them  – They’ve been trading upwards, we know that the contract rate on the dinar is still very high and we know that the dong rate isalso moving up in a good direction

And we know that is sometimes hard to get access to  – it looks very good

And the zim is still trading over one dollar , and that’s great, but we’re all gonna be  content its just on par with the USN dollar  Beyond that  Looking forward to this manifesting – we don’t have concrete evidence of it going

But we know that their plan is to get out of it come to us. We all thought maybe something would happen on the 15th That was yesterday. Did not get it – did not receive anything in the way of notifications yet today. I think we can write today off but tonight overnight tonight. Bond holders may get those emails, and we could possibly be one parallel at this point the information that we aare looking  for is a little bit – far and few between

 We have to go is sort of gear ourselves to what we’re hearing about.  The admirals  group – what we’re hearing about the bond holders  – occasionally a bank  weigh in  with what they’re believe the start is going  to be  – like I said which was  tomorrow or  Thursday, but it’s just gonna happen when it happens  you guys.

And it’s like Sue said  we could be basing our entire lives  on this going. I know for a lot of us, we are looking forward to it, including me, I’m not going to kid you -I’m looking forward to it and everything that will follow the RV –

So we’re just going to have to keep our patience level high  and we’re gonna have to track this and just seeif something happens for  us tomorrow

I think there’s a very good possibility of it, But again, to get absolute concrete information. That’s not what Treasury wants. it’s not what the banks want for us. it will happen when it happens. And whereas that’s sort of tough to take sometimes it’s just gonna make us that much stronger when it does come. So, that’s all I’m gonna say tonight  in the way of  information.

So let’s pray the call out. Let’s see where tomorrow takes us .

Markets Are 'Breaking'; Gareth Soloway Updates Outlook For Bitcoin, Stoc...

Prime Minister: It Is Not Possible To Work In Any Development Sector Without Reform Steps For The Banking Sector, 18 APRIL

 Prime Minister: It Is Not Possible To Work In Any Development Sector Without Reform Steps For The Banking Sector

 Wednesday 17, April 2024 19:34 | Political     Number of readings: 381  Baghdad / NINA / Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani confirmed today, Wednesday, that

it is not possible to work in any development sector without reform steps for the banking sector.

A statement from his media office stated that Al-Sudani received at his residence in the American capital, Washington, this evening, Wednesday, (Baghdad time), the President of JP Morgan Bank, Masha Klovksi, and his accompanying delegation.

 During the meeting, according to the statement, the   government’s efforts to implement reforms were discussed. Finance and banking, in light of the path it is pursuing towards improving the economic situation and achieving development, in addition to discussing the

government’s measures to develop the government banking sector, through its contracts with major international consulting companies specialized in banking reform, and

encouraging private banks to open accounts with foreign banks to become banks Correspondent, according to a plan aimed at dispensing with the electronic platform at the end of this year.”

Al-Sudani stressed, according to the statement,

      that it is not possible to work in any development sector without reform steps for the banking sector, and the

      necessity of continuing the dialogue with the US Treasury, the US Federal Reserve, the International Monetary Fund, and other international financial institutions.

For his part, Klovsky praised the efforts of the Iraqi government in Activating, developing and qualifying government and private banks, and their procedures in the field of providing assistance to private Iraqi banks, stressing his support for the activities of the Iraq Fund for Development and its readiness to provide expertise and assistance in the field of training, cooperation and partnership.” /End 2     


 Freedom Fighter ©

🟢PM Sudani and his delegation met with the U.S. Treasury today. More details of the outcomes will be revealed in the coming days

Freedom Fighter ©

💥It’s important for the international coalition forces to leave Iraq so they can have their sovereignty. It’s essential to their independence and freedom.

❌Biden using a cheat sheet in meeting with Iraq PM

⚠️Still think Joe is in charge❓

✅The most important meetings are the ones we don’t see

❇️The Agreement between the U.S. and Iraq needs to be activated it’s called the ….💥STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT 💥

Jon Dowling & Andy Schecthman Discuss Precious Metals With Miles Franklin

Parliamentary Finance Calls For “Confining The Dinar In The Hands Of The State”, 18 APRIL

 Parliamentary Finance Calls For “Confining The Dinar In The Hands Of The State”

Politics     Parliamentary Finance     Iraqi dinar  2024-04-17 05:36  Shafaq News/ The Parliamentary Finance Committee pointed out, on Wednesday, the problem of the lack of cash “Iraqi dinar,” calling for “confining the dinar to the state.”

 Committee member Hussein Moanis told Shafaq News Agency,

 “The House of Representatives voted on the tripartite budget law and required the government to send the schedules for approval,” indicating that

 “the delay in sending the schedules to Parliament did not affect the operational budget.” He pointed out that "there is no specific date for approving the budget schedules in the Council of Ministers and sending them to the House of Representatives," indicating "a real problem with the lack of cash (the Iraqi dinar)." 

He pointed out that  "the Parliamentary Finance Committee is working to develop specific methods to process and provide cash and confine it to the state through   

     adopting the electronic card,

      strengthening the work of banks, and

     presenting documents to achieve cash abundance in the market." Mu'nis concluded by saying,

"There is no trust between the banking system and the citizen, and the lack of trust has caused the cash currency (the Iraqi dinar) to be stored in the homes of citizens, which has caused it to be lost and not naturally available in the market."

A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Moeen Al-Kadhimi, said on March 27, 2024, that the Iraqi government raised the total amount of the budget law from 199 trillion dinars to 228 trillion dinars in the 2024 budget.

While a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Mustafa Al-Karaawi, said in an interview with Shafaq News Agency on February 27, 2024, that Finance Minister Taif Sami informed the members of the committee during her hosting, yesterday, Monday, of the imminent sending of the budget law schedules to the House of Representatives.سیاسة/المالية-النيابية-تدعو-لـ-حصر-الدينار-بيد-الدولة   



Freedom Fighter ©

🇮🇶 Iraq PM and delegation meets with JP Morgan Chase in Washington DC to discuss continuous economic reforms in Iraq 

🟢JP Morgan Chase has been in Iraq for over 10 years building relationships and helping them to modernize their banking systems 

❇️The know something

Iraq: Over 14 Agreements Signed Between Iraq and US BREAKING NEWS from C...BY SANDY INGRAM

On the table of parliament are 150 bills awaiting a vote. And the dialectics need consensus, 18 APRIL

  On the table of parliament are 150 bills awaiting a vote. And the dialectics need consensus

Baghdad Today - Baghdad

Today, Thursday (April 18, 2024), a member of the Parliamentary Legal Committee, MP Omid Mohammed, confirmed the existence of 150 draft laws on the table of the standing committees of the House of Representatives.

Mohammed said in a statement to "Baghdad Today", that "his committee is following up on draft laws and amendments put forward by the standing committees in the House of Representatives, which amount to 150 laws so far," adding that "controversial laws need political consensus, but the file of the presidency of the Council in light of the lack of resolution of the vote on a candidate for it reflects negatively on the file of legislation Laos.

He called for "the need for the State Administration Coalition to have positive steps in this direction in order for the current legislative term to be fruitful in the direction of resolving many laws and their amendments."

He stressed "the need to proceed with the legislation of controversial laws, including general amnesty, service and others without political consensuses that contribute to securing sufficient votes to vote on them, and this needs to resolve the rest of the files in order to proceed with them," pointing out that "the resolution of the law for people with disabilities and voting on it 3 days ago represents an important step during the legislative term of the Council to resolve the rights of an important segment."

Parliament is expected to hold a session for today, after postponing in its last session the vote on the draft law on the first amendment to the Iraqi Housing Fund Law No. (32) of 2011, and postponing the vote on the draft law on the first amendment to the Property Claims Commission Law No. (13) of 2010, where the House of Representatives completed the first reading of the draft law on the accession of the Republic of Iraq to the Convention on the Elimination of Violence and Harassment in the World of Work, as well as the report and discussion of the draft law regulating renewable energy.



"On Tuesday, April 16, Bybit published a new report, providing a detailed analysis of the Bitcoin halving event set to take place this month. The crypto firm disclosed that the Bitcoin reserves within the world’s crypto exchanges have been depleting at a rapid pace, leaving only nine months of BTC supply left on exchanges."

This new trend is expected to drive the price of Bitcoin up. The more scarce it becomes, the more valuable it will be in the short run. 

Bitcoin has been known to drive prices up in the cryptocurrency world. As we shift into a digital economy, there are new cryptocurrencies that will begin new protocols inside this new digital framework. 

Their connection to bitcoin will help raise their value going forward. As new demands are placed on these new digital assets that will move our Global Economy, it will be the demand for them in the future that will begin to place price pressures on their existence based on their use case scenarios. 

Our world is clearly in transition, and the more we learn about it the better off we can be in integrating our lives into it. 

We are in process of carving out a path into this new digital asset based trading system. It will change us in ways many of us did not anticipate. 

Staying focused and intentional about your new place in the world will be a vital step and becoming a part of it.

© Goldilocks

Iraqi Dinar update for 04/17/24 - Keep the good vibes going

Details of the memorandums of understanding signed by Iraq and America, 18 APRIL

  Details of the memorandums of understanding signed by Iraq and America

Al-Masala publishes the memorandums of understanding that were signed yesterday evening, Wednesday (Baghdad time), in Washington with American companies, in a ceremony that took place under the auspices of the Prime Minister, Mr. Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani:

First/ Government memorandums of understanding:

1. A memorandum of understanding between the Ministry of Electricity and General Electric Company (GE) in the field of developing the energy sector.

2. A memorandum of understanding between the Ministry of Oil and Hanwell Company, to conclude a partnership in the field of developing strategic plans for oil fields and associated gas.

3. A memorandum of understanding between the Ministry of Oil and General Electric in the field of developing oil fields and associated gas.

4. A memorandum of understanding between the Iraq Fund for Development and the American company MACK for engines and equipment, in the field of manufacturing specialized vehicles.

Second: Memorandums of understanding signed by the Iraqi private sector with American companies:

1. Memorandum of understanding with Baxter International Company for cooperation in the field of dialysis supplies.

2. Memorandum of understanding with the American company KBR to develop oil fields. 3. Memorandum of understanding with KBR in the field of processing primary gas and converting it into liquid and associated gas.

4. A memorandum of understanding between the National Bank of Iraq (NBI) and the American International Financial Development Corporation.

5. Agreement with Trans Atlantic Petroleum Company in the field of developing and managing oil fields.

6. A memorandum of understanding with the American company Hanwell in the field of developing associated gas fields and stopping its burning.

7. A memorandum of understanding with the American company Hanwell for development, automation, and remote control and control services.

8. A memorandum of understanding with the American company Baker Hughes in the field of using smart solutions. To stop burning gas and develop and maintain oil fields.

9. Memorandum of understanding with Emerson Company in the field of technology and automation in oil fields.

10. Memorandum of understanding with GE in the field of supporting the oil industry.

11. Memorandum of understanding with Ark Energy Company in the field of manufacturing associated gas.

12. Memorandum of understanding with Emerson Company in the field of energy development and equipment provision.

13. Memorandum of understanding with GE in the field of providing equipment for treating associated gas in generating electrical power.

14. An agreement with Hanwell Company in the field of developing and maintaining oil fields and stopping gas burning.

 Media Office of the Prime Minister

April 18, 2024   link'



  • Wed. 17 April MarkZ: The Bond Folks have expectations of things starting from between Mon. 15 April to Mon. 22 April. Most of my sources have gag orders right now. Some have actual NDA’s, and some of them are being leaned on by leadership to not say anything. Especially with groups.

  We know Sudani right now is traveling all over the US.   We know people are positioning …and everything coming together is to me – very important.  I originally thought Sudani was going to do it before he came to the US….but now that I know the bond schedules - it makes more sense to me that they do it when he gets back to Iraq, I cannot imagine him not wanting to be in country for it.

 ...The group leaders I know Are under a “blackout” and will not share. I think this is a very good sign. ... We need at least a third to a half of historic bonds paid before we go. So my logical mind is saying the 22nd is the soonest we could see something. I could be wrong and it could absolutely go anytime…even in the next 2 minutes and it would not surprise me.

Iraqi Dinar update for 04/17/24 - This is a huge step for Iraq by PIMPY

The team accompanying the Sudanese in Washington: America will hand over to Iraq the antiquities looted in 2003, 18 APRIL

 The team accompanying the Sudanese in Washington: America will hand over to Iraq the antiquities looted in 2003

Mawazine News – Baghdad

Team member confirmed Accompanying Prime Minister in Washington Aideh Al-Hilali, that America will hand over Iraq antiquities which was looted in 2003.

Al-Hilali said, in A televised interview followed by Mawazine News that "the agreements signed by the Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, with the United States of America during his visit to Washington was at a high level of importance that serves Iraqi interests."

He added that "Iraq plays an important role politically and economically in the region and can play an important role To make calm in the region and bring points of view closer, especially that the region is living in security conditions Engaged, pointing out that America found a strong Sudanese government."

He pointed out that "The American side promised Prime Minister Mohamed Shia al-Sudani to return the antiquities Iraqi looted in the events of 2003, stressing that Iraq signed with a specialized American company in the manufacture of agricultural sprayers and other international companies."