Monday, June 3, 2024

Parliamentary finances vote on 2024 budget schedules and add 2 trillion to provincial share, 4 JUNE

Parliamentary finances vote on 2024 budget schedules and add 2 trillion to provincial share

Baghdad – Mil

A member of the House of Representatives, Burhan Al-Mamari, announced today, Monday, the vote of the Parliamentary Finance Committee on the 2024 budget schedules, noting that it added an increase of 2 trillion dinars to the share of the provinces to become 3.5 trillion.

Al-Mamouri said in a post seen by “Mil”, “The Finance Committee voted on the 2024 budget schedules and added an increase of 2 trillion dinars to the share of the provinces to become 3.5 trillion.”

He added that “this increase came after most members of the House of Representatives objected to the schedules sent by the government and in light of providing financial support to the provinces.”

Al-Mamouri continued, “the Finance Committee played its role and made distinguished efforts and achieved the basic requirement, which includes increasing the financial allocations of the governorates, although we demanded a further increase.”

“We stand by the Finance Committee’s decision and call on members of the House of Representatives to support the Finance Committee represented by all blocs and components and to expedite a session to vote on the budget schedules,” he added.

He stressed that “our governorates need to launch the allocations installed in the budget schedules to move the wheel of lagging projects and promote the service and urban reality in the public good.”–2024-2-.html




 Article:  "UN Security Council extends mission in Iraq for last time"  The United Nations Security Council voted to end the Iraq mission by the end of next year, 2025.  The UN will not be babysitting Iraq anymore. That goes a long ways towards them establishing their sovereignty.

Article:  "The document..The House of Representatives votes next Monday on the budget schedules"  Finally after all this time.  There was a huge delay.

Trump did not buy Iraqi dinars.  You realize Trump has been tied to Iraqi dinar way before he was the president?

  ...You have to be careful about where you're getting your source from...

There are no articles out there that confirm this at all...There's no, and I mean none, proof out there that Donald Trump owns Iraqi dinar...----

Article: "Expert: The Iraqi economy is witnessing a remarkable growth, with the decline in the dollar exchange rate."  This is good.  We need this to happen.  Iraq needs it to happen

 More importantly the policies that are being implemented by Iraq are favorable amongst the IMF, World Bank and all those people who are involved with making sure Iraq stay on track, stops laundering money and financing terrorist.  The more Iraq continues to stay on track and prove to the world they are going to behave themselves for now on the doors open for Iraq to rejoin the international community...

 Article: "Economist:  The budget is not affected but dollar exchange rates.  And explain the reason The person is saying the budget is never affected by the dollar exchange rate because the budget is based on Iraqi dinars.

Article: Central Bank of Iraq quote "There are no current plans to print new currency.

 What that tells me is people don't have to worry about a lop or redenomination because in order for you to have a redenomination or a lop you have to create new currencies.  It also tells me they're not creating the lower denominations which means they're going to stick with the currency they currently have.  Some people see this as the glass half full.  Some people look at it as the glass is half empty.

 I agree it's going to happen.  I don't have doubt about that.  I'm just keeping an eye on whether or not they want to delete the zeros.  I f they go to a free floating market hopefully there won't be...deleting the zeros and we'll see the exchange rate go up pretty quick before they have time to respond...

Iraq was already a member of the World Trade Organization.  They are going through the ascension process for a second time.  That's because all the rules, regulations, understandings and business practices...changed once the fall of Saddam Hussein.  Now we have to make sure all their practices, rules and regulations regarding trade line up once again with the World Trade Organization.  Iraq has been a member of the World Trade Organization since 2004.  This is their second time throughout the ascension process...

There's this misconception that the World Bank, IMF and the BIS get to tell countries what to do.  They don't...They facilitate.  They make recommendations but they don't control a country's bank..----.

Another budget is getting ready to come and go and there is no talk of the rate change.  Isn't that what they told you It would be in the new budget because there was no way for them to do large projects, there was no way for them to move forward without an exchange rate change...Why so secret now?  Is this one of those things they're trying to keep from the people?  

They didn't keep it from the people last time [they increased the value] and there's no mention of it this time...Keep your fingers crossed, it hasn't passed yet so maybe they'll change it between now and the time they pass it...You guys know what I think.

 Floating the currency means the value is determined by the market, so if people for whatever reason want to start investing in the Iraqi dinar and the start buying up the Iraqi dinar that means the demand for it is there, think supply and demand. 

 Since they have a liquidity issue, there's not going to have a lot of Iraqi dinar out there and if that's the case then they don't have the supply to feed the demand...But we'll be more than happy to sell our Iraqi dinar back to them if they get the exchange rate up around a quarter or more. I know I would.

Iraqi Dinar $7.35 &Vietnam Dong $4.20 VND Zimbabwe Dollar $2.55 Rate | I...


Sudanese financial adviser reveals when the government implements the budget schedules, 4 JUNE

Sudanese financial adviser reveals when the government implements the budget schedules

 Financial Advisor to Prime Minister Mazhar Mohammed Saleh revealed the date of the government’s implementation of the financial budget schedules for 2024 approved by the House of Representatives on Monday.

Mazhar Mohammed Saleh said to the {Euphrates News} agency, “Based on the constitutional path in force in issuing legislation, the start of the official implementation of the federal general budget schedules must be accompanied by its approval by the House of Representatives, based on the provisions of Article 77/II of the Federal Public Budget Law No. 13 of 2023 (the tripartite budget), 

if that approval in the House of Representatives takes the form of (the law) or the form of amendment to Law No. 13 of 2023 referred to above, these amendments to the origin of the law or the version of the tables as a new law must in all cases be given by the coincidence of the President of the Republic, and then published in the Official Gazette to complete the procedures The legal one is drawn.”

He pointed out that “after that, the implementation or implementation phase begins immediately, unless there are instructions for the implementation of federal budget schedules for the year 2024, which may be issued with joint instructions to the Ministries of Finance and Planning.”
Saleh continued, “However, the important aspect remains that the budget schedules for the year 2024 are ratified by the legislative authority and accepted by the legislators in the House of Representatives, and then the financial schedule for the year 2024 is issued and adopted under any form of legislation in force, whether issued by a new law or a legislative decision.”




 Mnt Goat 

   "The head of the Iraqi Private Banks Association, Wadih Al-Handal, confirmed...the effort to open more prospects for work with correspondent banks, while indicating that the joint committee with the American side regarding the banking sector will begin its work next week."   Folks this is all positive news and exactly what we should expect to see at this point in time. Yes, it is now all about the Banking Reforms. This is what is going to get the dinar to officially pass the dollar. We already know the value is greater and so now we just need to go through the motions to get it recognized to its true value.


Q & A

Question from Suki:

Hi Mtn Goat,
I was wondering this as well. If I remember correctly mid year, June, was also a feasible option. But you did mention January.  I am trying to stay grounded, but my Wings are flapping as fast as the news is in Iraq. If policies continue to move as fast as they are, Do you think we still have to wait another 6 months since January is the best time for them to make a fiscal change?
---- Thank you

Question from ashleypikes:

Thank you MG for a very exciting report today, yes the train is moving rapidly. As you mentioned we have moved into the second stage of financial an monetary reform. My question to you today is just how many more stages of reform are needed. It seems something is always added to the list in Iraq. You said not years to complete, however that is still a long time an since your contact has not given any timeframe which is proper conduct,, do we have to Wait till Biden is out or God forbid re-elected. Have you changed your tune in that scenario , thank you an blessings on you. We continue to wait ..

Answer Mnt Goat:

Guten tag Suki and ashleypikes. Seem both of these questions evolve around the timing of the RV. I will answer both now. As I have said a thousand times if not a million times in the last decade of my Newsletter – DO NOT DWELL ON THE TIMING. What good does this do for you? No one and not even the CBI knows the timing ,,,,get it? There is no such thing as delays it is all in your head. When the time is right Iraq will reinstate. There are other events that must proceed FOREX and I have reviewed these also many times. Don’t you get it by now? 

Instead pay attention to the events as the reinstatement is a “byproduct” of the Financial Reforms more specifically Banking Reforms now underway. Did you reference the information I sent you on the Pillars of Financial Reform? Did you go read the White Paper? If you did then why are you asking me questions now on the timing of the RV? I do not in my heart believe that Biden will allow this event to occur.His administration may surprise us. we have had many surprises along this journey. It’s what you don’t know or what you think you know that will haunt you later.

Will we have to wait until January? It is a possibility, but I believe we may see it way before then. Oh… but you say the election is not until November and so Biden will still be around. Read between the lines folks,,, will you! I am saying he might not be around by then…get it? Why in hell do I spend all this time presenting the prophets and what God has to say about all this? Some say the U.S. has already signed off on it and we heard this a hundred times over too. Its all nonsense by nonsensical idiots trying to guess the RV timing. That is all it is. Get it? I am not going go there. If this is what you want then there are many idiot intel gurus out there that you can follow.

I wanted to share an interesting conversation I had...with my CBI contact this past Wednesday...I was told that the committee to work on the Project to Delete the Zeros has sent the CBI prepared articles to the news media for the sake of educating the citizens on the upcoming process. However, they are dated and so they are for the near future and not for current news.  Yes, they are getting ready and moving ahead.

...we read three articles about the CBI official rate equaling the Parallel or Black market rate in the coming days. WOW!...Saleh, the prime minister’s financial advisor, then goes on to say this will make one dinar equal to one dollar in Iraq. WOW! ...I was told by my CBI contact months ago to watch for right before the CBI makes one more “official” rate change closer to 1000 from 1320. If you take 1000...and delete the three zeros 1000 what do you have? Of course, you have a situation of 1 dinar equals 1 dollar...But I believe that when they CBI does make this next official rate change it will move closer to 1166 and not 1000 which would make 1 dinar = 1.16 dollars just over a dollar to help the banks retrieve these dollars hoarded outside of the banks...   Let’s sit tight and watch this play out.

 Samir Al-Nusairi, the Central Bank announced that it will launch the national lending strategy on 5/25/2024, which is a clear announcement of the beginning of the second phase of its banking reform strategy...CBI announces it has completed the first phase of it by...building solid international banking relationships with international banks and correspondent banks. Get ready….

 The UN, IMF and World Bank all on one day, Thursday, noted significant progress that Iraq has made in recent years, despite ongoing challenges. The reinstatement spigot has been opened. The direction is now clear.

So, in today’s news we read multiple articles coming out from the CBI and the Iraqi news telling us about yet more “WOW!” news...much of this news is confirming what my CBI contact told me recently so my trust level of my contact increases too. ...In today’s news the CBI is telling us they are moving into the “second phase of banking reforms” ...WOW! WOW! WOW!  ...Folks this RV train is moving along rapidly now. It is right in our faces now what they are doing. No more guessing or hoping. The reinstatement spigot is now wide open! ...The reinstatement is coming...Folks, it is now EXPLODING!

So, in today’s news we read multiple articles coming out from the CBI and the Iraqi news telling us about yet more “WOW!” news...much of this news is confirming what my CBI contact told me recently so my trust level of my contact increases too. ...

In today’s news the CBI is telling us they are moving into the “second phase of banking reforms” ...WOW! WOW! WOW!  ...Folks this RV train is moving along rapidly now. It is right in our faces now what they are doing. No more guessing or hoping. The reinstatement spigot is now wide open!...The reinstatement is coming...Folks, it is now EXPLODING!  

 Folks just remember I am telling you that Iraq already has a value to the dinar way above the 1/6 of a penny. They do not have to develop the private sector to raise the dinar, the economy or...export more products... 

Floating The Iraqi Dinar, chase Bank, well Fargo, New Exchange Rate Of I...


Iraqi PM calls on Parliament to support government's legislative and oversight efforts, 3 JUNE

Iraqi PM calls on Parliament to support government's legislative and oversight efforts

Shafaq News / On Monday, Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani urged the Iraqi Parliament to strengthen the government's efforts by enhancing legislative and oversight activities. 

This call came following the parliamentary vote on the 2024 budget. Al-Sudani emphasized that "there will be no compromises at the expense of the people."

"With great appreciation and pride, we commend the responsible decision taken by the esteemed Council of Representatives in approving the budget tables for the year 2024, related to Law No. 13 of 2023, the Federal Budget Law of the Republic of Iraq for the Fiscal Years 2023, 2024, and 2025," the Prime Minister’s media office quoted the PM as saying.----

"We express our gratitude and appreciation for the efforts of the Presidency of the Council of Representatives, the political parties, the parliamentary committees, and the Finance Committee, which complemented the governmental effort in drafting and approving the budget tables (A, B, C, D, E, F)."

The PM continued, "We reaffirm our commitment to implementing the government program, approved by the Council of Representatives and supported by political forces, to achieve the targeted objectives and fulfill the priorities that reflect the aspirations and demands of the Iraqi people."

"We call upon the Council of Representatives and provincial councils to support the government’s work through their legislative and oversight efforts. These efforts are seen by our institutions as essential support, providing guidance for the right path and safeguarding against corruption, deviation, and failure. We have pledged to our people that there will be no delays or compromises at the expense of their interests. We will ensure the protection of public funds and the provision of services in all forms."

"We ask Almighty God for success, guidance, and our people's satisfaction."

Earlier today, the Iraqi Parliament voted on the 2024 budget tables. In the hours leading up to the vote, there was significant debate within the Parliamentary Finance Committee, resulting in the budget tables being voted on twice due to disagreements.

Saad Al-Toubi, a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, confirmed that the committee had voted on the federal budget tables for 2024 without making any changes. 

He noted that two trillion IQD were allocated for transfers between spending categories.

During a press conference held by its members following the parliamentary vote, the committee stated that "student grants for university and school students have been secured, and allocations for employees have been increased by four trillion IQD to secure salaries for employees, new hires, retirees, and to implement contract terms and appointments, including those whose contracts were canceled."

The committee noted the allocation of "1.25 trillion IQD to secure the increased salaries for retirees," announcing the provision of "funds for the end-of-service bonuses for both civil and military retirees."

The Finance Committee confirmed "an increase in social welfare allocations to include more than 650,000 new families," and highlighted "an increase in the capital of the Real Estate Bank by 500 billion IQD to cover housing loan requests from citizens."

Additionally, the committee allocated five trillion IQD to secure the dues of farmers for the purchase of wheat and barley crops.

In June 2023, Parliament approved the Federal Budget Law for 2023-2025, totaling 197 trillion dinars, with a deficit of 63 trillion dinars, approximately one-third of the budget.

PM Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani revealed that the 2024 revenues are around 144 trillion and expenses are at 210 trillion, leaving a deficit of 63 trillion dinars.



Article: "Al-Mandalawi after voting on the budget tables: Parliament will follow up on disbursing the specified financial amounts". 

 The Acting Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mr. Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, congratulated the approval of the federal general budget schedules for the current year, stressing that the presidency made great efforts with the Parliamentary Finance Committee to expedite its completion and vote on it during the current legislative term, due to its importance in terms of its direct connection to the lives of citizens and its relevance. The document includes strategic, investment and service projects.”

 Article: "Parliamentary Finance for Nina: We approved the budget schedules as received from the government, except for the governorate allocations."  

Quote:   "The Parliamentary Finance Committee announced that the schedules of the general budget law will be passed as soon as a quorum is reached in the House of Representatives session scheduled to be held this evening, Monday."

🔥 Iraqi Dinar 🔥 Shocked Floatl 🔥 Today News Guru Intel Update Value Exch...


Iraqi Central Bank reports surge in bank account growth, 3 JUNE

 Iraqi Central Bank reports surge in bank account growth

Shafaq News/ The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) announced on Monday a significant increase in the growth rate of bank accounts over the past years in the country.

According to a CBI statement, the growth rate of bank accounts surged by 90% from 2018 to 2019, reaching a total of 12.5 million accounts.

The growth rate peaked in 2020, maintaining a 90% increase, with the number of bank accounts hitting 12 million. However, the rate dropped significantly in 2021 to its lowest level at 10%, totaling 1.5 million accounts.

The Central Bank highlighted a rebound in 2022, with a 30% increase, bringing the number of accounts to 4.5 million. This upward trend continued in 2023, with a 54% rise, resulting in 8 million bank accounts.


Sharing highlights of GLL chat conversation following Mark Z and Mr C morning from GINGER TELEGRAM CHAT, 3 JUNE

 💢 Sharing highlights of GLL chat conversation following Mark Z and Mr C morning 6.3.24 [Gin Gin interjects when needed ✅😁]

💢 Birdieorbust: 

·Mr. C saying Iraq CANNOT go before he enters the codes.  

·Per Mr. C, the market has no bearing on when we go, via Interpol. 

·Mr. C thinks 'the rat take-down' will go as far as Nuremberg when he enters the codes. That means doctors, nurses etc, will be affected. 

·For those who keep saying 'Biden has to be out of office before we go camping', Mr. C just clarified that it can happen two hours before or two hours after he enters the codes AND we cannot go Camping until he puts in the codes...

 [Per Alliance, Ginger confirms this is True ✅] 

·Also Mr. C saying he thinks the EBS and our event will be at the same time... [Absolutely. Ginger confirms this, per Alliance ✅]

·And hearing Mr. C say (all) this today confirms my info that Iraq is waiting on US and not the other way around. [FACTS ✅]----

💢 Shirley 1130: Mr C. Just said that while he is putting in the codes, the EBS will be happening. Recommend watching him on Mark Z this morning.  He has some detail of how he is chosen.

[Gin Gin highly recommends you learn about Mike Cottrell and check out today's podcast. 🌟 Important. Foundational info regarding process and significance of his role/duties. ✅]

💢 Ginger: Mr C is tasked with entering the key codes which will not only release ALL of the gold-backed / asset-backed currency to all of the countries, this action will also cancel out all fraudulent, illegal banking derivatives. There can be no old Debts transferring into the New Financial System, as we encounter this Global Currency Reset. All illegal banking/loan Debts will be cancelled. Dissolved. Clean slate & Debt Jubilee for everyone. 

💢Jodi: I believe there are several avenues to get to the release point. Mr. C is the main avenue, but there are always workarounds prepared. These silos of intel are intended to keep people, especially dark energies, from knowing the whole map.

💢Wearevenom: Don't agree. Iraq will plunge into chaos soon if they don't go (RI/RV). Plus they don't need the US anymore. BRICS is always an option for them. Mr. C is not needed for Iraq.

💢 Birdieorbust responds: Well they are already using their new rate for certain things in Iraq so not to worry there will be no chaos for them. [Gin Gin confirms this is true ✅. They have been using an in-country rate for months, plus they are even paying contracted workers over there with the New rate, they just don't have full liquidity as of yet, but they certainly can see it accumulating in their accounts. They see the earnings as the new rate.

But it's very true that Iraq must absolutely change their rate for International Trading and Investment purposes. They've already made excellent strides and earned the respect and confidence of Nations. They must pull the trigger or they would lose all respect. This is REALLY happening. Plus, Iraq has been working off of 2 "set of books" GG] 

💢Randy Brennan: Mr C plays a role in the GCR via the codes to release resources to the 209 countries in the gold treaty. This will happen after the revaluation of the 23-25 currencies in “basket number one”. The revaluation of this handful of currencies which we are all looking forward to is a precursor to the Global Currency Reset. There is a sharp distinction between the two events. Blessings 😇

💢Earnest Gold: Keep in mind, Kuwait RV’d 7-10 days after (budget approval). We are close!!! With today’s technology (social media), I can’t see them (IRAQ )being able to keep it quiet that long. [✅ Yup! Totally agree. GG]

💢 Many Thanks to all you Liberty Loungers Extraordinaire for your intelligent add to the conversation. 

For those who want to catch up on Mark's conversation with Mr C this morning, here's the link: ✅⬇️😁

Iraqi Dinar Guru News Highlights (6/3/24)


CBI bars 197 firms from forex auctions in anti-money laundering push, 3 JUNE

CBI bars 197 firms from forex auctions in anti-money laundering push

Shafaq News/ Iraq's central bank has banned 197 companies from participating in foreign currency auctions, a move seen as targeting money laundering and terrorism financing.

The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) sent an official letter to licensed banks instructing them to bar the 197 companies from the foreign exchange window, according to documents seen by Shafaq News Agency.

With dollars dominating the country's economy, Baghdad has imposed a series of restrictions on the use of American greenbacks domestically. 

Earlier this month, the CBI vice governor said Iraq has considerably increased overseas dollar transactions through the official global SWIFT system, the Central Bank vice governor said last week.----

At the end of 2022, the country's banking sector also adopted the international financial messaging system known as SWIFT as part of the reforms, to help tackle money laundering and ensure respect for international sanctions.

Oil-rich Iraq has no shortage of dollars, with foreign currency reserves of more than $100 billion. However, experts say tax evasion, the black market, and dollar smuggling to countries and entities facing United States sanctions, mainly neighboring Iran, have increased demand for foreign currencies.

At the beginning of 2023, transactions were at $50 million per day. Iraq now has around $200 million, which is consistent with the size of Iraq's economy, according to official estimates. 

Iraqi banks wanting to access dollar reserves held in the United States must make transfers through the electronic system. The US Federal Reserve will then examine the requests and block them if it finds them suspicious.

But the black market is still thriving. 

The official exchange rate is fixed by the government at 1,320 dinars to the dollar. On unofficial markets, the dinar has been trading at 1,470 per dollar.

Iraq has close commercial ties with Iran, which also wields considerable political influence in Baghdad where its Iraqi allies dominate parliament and back the current government.

Prime Minister Mohamed Shia al-Sudani acknowledged last year that sanctions preventing dollar transfers to Iranian banks had driven Iraqi traders to the black market.

In late November, the government announced steps to encourage importers of goods like cigarettes, cars, gold, and mobile phones to use official channels to obtain dollars.

Iraqi authorities have banned more than 20 Iraqi banks from conducting dollar transactions in accordance with US regulations regarding sanctions and against money laundering.

The banned banks are restricted from dealing in dollars, but they are allowed to operate local transactions.