Friday, June 30, 2023


 Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-29-23   REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins   1:05:05

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, June, 29, and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in, wherever you're listening from all over the globe. Welcome you to the big call, and if it's your first time hopefully you're in for a treat. If you've been here, like many of us for 12 years that we've been doing the call - Welcome back. So let's take a the Intel that we have for night. There are a couple of things that are very important that we're just about to come into. I've told you guys on Tuesday night, that’s the Fourth of July was not going to be a day that we would go in for exchanges. Well, it appears that the Fifth of July is the first day that we should go in for exchanges. I said our notifications could come out Saturday, Sunday or Monday, set our appointments and then start on Wednesday, the fifth with appointments with our exchange appointments. It could come out Saturday or Sunday. My personal feeling is it'll probably come out Monday. Just because of the other things that are happening on Saturday. Let's talk about a Saturday, the first of July - tomorrow, which is Friday the 30th of June. Tomorrow is the transition day for our new financial system as we transition from the old USD dollar to the US N dollar on the first of July. So tomorrow transitions from the old financial system into the new - specifically to the USN - our new United States Treasury dollar Now admittedly it's digital, but we also have the physical currency, the cash that we will have I don't know if it'll be Monday, or maybe Wednesday - we know it's at the redemption centers already - so it'll be there when we go in for our exchanges - but we know that the financial system which we're referring to the USN - when we say that - transitions from Friday the 30th into the first of July, which is Saturday. So that is a very positive move for us. The other thing that we're hearing and it's from certain sources, is the fourth of July, which is Tuesday could be a very important day when we see the political change take place that we thought might happen as a result of one of the Brunson cases. If that occurs, then we're totally off and running as a result of that. That's very big. Obviously ! As far as Iraq is concerned, they are wrapping up their Eid on Sunday. We have a new rate from Iraq coming out and the Iraq dinar - the new Iraqi dinar - will be on the Forex Sunday evening at five o'clock and we would be able to see it here. If you're a Forex person, you could see it. It's been on there and it's been trading, but it's been blocked for the United States. Now my understanding is that Sunday at five o'clock if you're a subscriber to Forex, that would come off and you would be able to witness the rate and see the trading that's going on with the Iraqi dinar starting around five o'clock - On Sunday, the second of July. I believe I mentioned that the med bed appointments. - First appointments are available starting the 10th of July. That means if we go in on the fifth or the sixth for our exchange and redemption of Zim. We get the information we would need to set those appointments. And they're really targeting the Zim holder because they know we have humanitarian projects and they know that we would like to be around and you need to let them know that at the redemption center. We want to be around to see your projects come through to completion in the next 100 200 300 years. So we realized that longevity is a portion of what's available in the med beds. Numbers winding your body back with time where you don't age as fast and where you could literally live 200 300 400 more years and you're gonna be able to do that when you go in for your appointment. You're gonna be able to tell them that's what you want. And then they'll either do from what we know now. They'll either remember to call on the set that that appointment or they'll give you a printed sheet is like a form letter that you'll have with the information on it - that might need to be filled out and scanned in. Or they'll give you a website that you can go to to fill out the information and submit it for your appointment. There's three ways we believe that you're going to have access to when you go in for your dinar and zim exchange. You know, I listened to a call today that was sent to me kind of a podcast with a woman from 1000 Oaks, California and the other guy who was hosting the show. And it surprised me because as much as we've talked about in the last several years you that have been listening to the big call for the last six 8 -10 or 12 years know far more than a lot of the other people that are out there in the mainstream. You have way more than they do and you really know more than most bankers do about this event about what's happening. The bankers are just now getting up to speed and they still don't have it quite right. Redemption center staff is up to speed. They know what's going on. And they're ready to go - And it's good. but it just surprised me how basic information that we've heard for years and have taken for granted is just now coming into not even the mainstream but just people that are just now getting a clue about what's about to happen. Their terminology is wrong. they get kind of the concepts but they really don't have it right. You guys know far more than you think you know - if you've been listening, you know about the Global Currency Reset you know about 29 countries’ currencies that are going up in value - that their currencies are backed or asset backed, some of them by gold, some of them by gold and other precious metals, some by diamonds and other jewels, some by other types of commodity items - Some of it could be the oil and natural gas. Some of it could be by intellectual property. The point is each country's currency has a value established by these assets. Okay, that each country has and not everybody is fully gold backed US isn't completely fully gold backed but we have a pretty high percentage of gold backing our US Treasury dollar. ************************** The other thing is that I'm hearing is and I hope this is also going to come through that NESARA and GESARA could be announced in some form or fashion on Saturday, which would make sense as the first day of July. Now, we had also heard that that information may come out on the Fourth of July, which is conceivable or maybe we'll get something additionally coming out on the fourth but I'd rather see something regarding NESARA, come down on the first, which is Saturday. Now, GESARA is supposed to be announced or brought out by Charlie Ward and I think the same timeframe. Maybe used to bring both NESARA and GESARA out. And what would come out as a part as a as part of the announcement of NESARA would it include debt forgiveness? Would it include restitution and restoration allowance that we're looking to receive back in the first and possibly last weeks of July? Could very well. Would it include the description of that could include the dissolution of federal income tax. There's so many things – could it have a discussion about the new form of taxation that we're starting, which is sort of a consumption tax on non consumable items. So that's ironic, right? In other words, new goods that are not that would be taxed at a consumption rate, similar to the value added tax in Euro except ours is supposed to be I think 14% Total somewhere in that range, 14 to 15%. And that's a really big, big deal. Could that be brought out? I don't know how much they will bring out. They could overload us if they tried to bring too much out on Saturday. But I think they're gonna bring out sort of the positive effects of the NESARA to us. And maybe they get into the political ramifications of it, meaning election than 120 days, and so on. There's a lot to it Now, in the meantime, we talked a little bit about the arrests that were going on in California and in New England - numbers have increased over 8000 in California, and over 3000 in the northeast, five states. And, you know, the military presence that we have built up in the United States is the greatest ever in history in the US - and we have coverage in 300 and I believe its 331 or two cities now - and they're there for the announcements that is dissipated, which will make the political change that we've been talking about for a while. – in case there are any repercussions that would come out of that. They are ready for that - ready to take action if needed. Now could NESARA and GESARA for that matter – be explained on emergency alert system or emergency broadcast system because I don't have that yet. It's not clear as to how they're going to use that, and when they're going to use it. But I wouldn't be surprised if some of that was utilized when we start our exchanges which should be coming next Wednesday the Fifth of July. Now the redemption centers are set to go 15 days straight - in all redemption centers throughout the United States regardless of the population density or demographics, all set to go for a 15 day period of time. Some will not need to be open that long . Some might need to close down because they don't need to be open. They've got their Zim holders in the area taken care of. They've got most of the other currency holders done, so we'll see if all of them stay open 15 days from country By the way on med beds - are over 8300 Bed beds throughout the United States and with no further than 90 miles to drive to any one office or clinic let's call it that has med beds in that and includes the wide expanses of United States especially out west where the distances are greater To get to towns or cities that would have been. The higher the concentration to population and demographics - the higher the concentration of med beds for those cities and towns. - It follows it makes sense Let's see if there's anything else. - So we're expecting some pretty good things to happen. If give us true independence again on the Fourth of July and we'll have to see what the political change turns out to be. Whether Brunson runs in which a lot of Supreme Court cases are supposed to be brought tomorrow. Whether it runs and is one of them or not. We'll see. But we understand. One of the Brunson cases was dropped but the other one was adjudicated with a positive result for President Trump, which would be returning the elections of 2020. So let's see what happens. Let's see what that's the information that we're getting. As far as it goes, as we are, we are right where we need to be. I'm very excited about the transition from the USD to USN tomorrow to Saturday the first of July. We will continue to be able to use our USD fiat currency in this country for several months - even after the new money comes out, we'll still be able to use the dollar until they phase it out here completely and by that I mean, a Fiat dollar phase out. But everything appears to be ready to roll and it's already moving forward in Iraq and EID which some people thought might hold this up ends on Sunday - At sunset I believe. So that is not the factor for us. And we believe a quantum financial system is being fully integrated into all countries, all banks that qualify to be part of it. So is the Starlink satellite system that's all part of it. and countries are being added into the QFS now and should be complete by the Fourth of July. All countries globally should be completely integrated. and the QFS should be fully integrated operational on or by the Fourth of July. So that's the intel that I wanted to bring to you guys tonight - I feel like we're at a really good place to get everything to come through. What I'm praying for and I'd like to pray with me is that all of the intel we have comes together and comes into fruition as described - I believe, whereas we're further along than we've ever been before. And I really believe that everything has moved to a place where now it's time for this to go. And that's my hope and that's my prayer. So I want to thank everybody, All things considered, this should be our last call. We're not intending to have a call Tuesday night on the fourth of July. We're just not going to have one so we should have everything we're looking for. Including toll free numbers, email prior to them anyway. Right. We think it's by Monday. Let’s believe that's the case too. And thank you big call universe. All the listeners out there. Thank you so much for tuning in. Thank you for everything that you're doing out there. Thank you for those that have helped to get the call out to various countries throughout the globe. We've had as few as an additional 40 or 42 countries and as many as 102 210 countries receive our call in their own language and appreciate the guys that have put that software together and created a way to get the call out so far. It's getting out to millions of people. As many as 5 million per country. So that's a very positive thing. And in the meantime, everybody, let's have a great weekend. Let's pay attention to what's going on tomorrow and Saturday especially. And this could be a beautiful start to our new future. All right, thanks everybody for tuning in - have a great safe weekend. And a wonderful Independence Day on Tuesday.

" WE WILL SEE SOME MOVEMENT IN JULY WITH OUR CURRENCIES" by Goldilocks from Telegram Group, 30 June

Goldilocks posted some comments and links on global financial news:

“Vietnam’s economic growth is projected to recover in the second half of 2023, reaching around 4.7 percent for the year, supported by a rebound in exports and expansionary domestic policies. Inflation is expected to remain contained below the SBV’s 4.5 percent ceiling. Over the medium term, Vietnam can return to high growth rates as structural reforms are implemented."

This is part of a report the IMF gave on Vietnam at the end of their Article 4 evaluation. It was recommended that Vietnam take the lead now and guide their country through fiscal policy.

Fiscal policy is the use of government revenue collection and expenditure to influence a country's economy.

Government revenue collection is the following: individual and corporate income tax deposits, customs duties, fees for government service, fines, and loan repayments.  

Through the implementation of these reforms, Vietnam's government will be able to sustain their government and influence growth going forward.

For these reasons, Vietnam has been released of Article 4 from the IMF.
"IMF Staff Completes 2023 Article IV Mission to Vietnam."

Along with Vietnam's adherence to SOFR lending rates and Basel 3 compliance, Vietnam has over 20 million tons of rare earth minerals valuing at 3 trillion dollars to put them well on their way to economic growth and the revaluation of all of their assets.

© Goldilocks's%20rare%20earth%20reserves,for%20the%20nation's%20economic%20development.


"Article IV outlines states’ powers in relation to each other. States have the authority to create and enforce their own laws but must respect and help enforce the laws of other states. Congress may pass Federal laws regarding how states honor other states’ laws and records."

The IMF reported that Indonesia has shown progression since 2022 through their forward-looking reforms to help sustain their economic challenges moving forward.

In other words, Indonesia has become a self-sustaining government capable of moving forward with their own monetary policies.

There are several minerals found and produced in Indonesia such as tin, bauxite, nickel, gold, and copper. Many of these minerals are used in creating electronic vehicles.

These minerals are found in such abundance that the backing of their economy places them on the road to Basel 3 compliance and implementation.

"IMF Executive Board Concludes 2023 Article IV Consultation with Indonesia"

© Goldilocks


The Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) issued a no-action letter for moving forward with the Libor reference rates shifting to SOFR lending rates on June 30th.

This no action letter means permission has been granted for today's transition into a new collateralized economy.

USD LIBOR ICE Swap Rates and Moscow Prime Offered Rates were given a nod to proceed.

After today and tomorrow, these new reference rates will begin transitioning our new economy from the old one. The process of moving into real values in our new digital economy has been given the green light.

© Goldilocks


Just in case you are wondering. "IMF Staff Completes 2020 Article IV Mission with Iraq."

Since that time, Iraq had currency reforms to implement and a budget to complete.

They have been reviewed regularly due to ongoing issues with our global economy during Covid-19 to keep them updated with Article 4 conducted by the IMF.

Here is what was said to Iraq on May 31st, 2023 in their closing comments to them from the IMF. "...the mission urges full implementation of the framework for managing government guarantees,"

In other words, the government is capable of moving forward with guarantees backed by their financial reforms that comply with Basel 3 and QFS mechanisms.

© Goldilocks


Iraq, Indonesia, and Vietnam have completed Article 4 with the IMF and are capable of moving forward with their currency reforms.

© Goldilocks


We will see some movement in July with our currencies, but August will begin showing us huge changes in leveling off our currencies around the world.

© Goldilocks




Gem Finch, [30/06/2023 12:30 p. m.]

Vayamos a Intel: un par de cosas muy importantes en las que estamos a punto de entrar: el martes dije que el 4 de julio no iríamos a los intercambios, pero el 5 es: dije que las notificaciones serían sábado/domingo/lunes y luego Miércoles 5: podría salir sábado/domingo, pero mi sensación personal es el lunes.

Mañana es el viernes el día de transición del antiguo USD al nuevo USTD el sábado: es digital, pero también tenemos el efectivo físico en el RC, por lo que el nuevo USN pasa al 1 de julio. Movimiento muy positivo para nosotros.

La otra cosa es que el 4 de julio podría ser muy importante para ver un cambio político como resultado del caso Brunson y estaremos en marcha y esto es muy grande.

En lo que respecta a Irak, están terminando sus vacaciones y el nuevo dinar iraquí estará en FOREX a las 5 p. m. del domingo y podremos verlo: si es suscriptor de Forex, podrá verlo el 2 de julio. Creo que mencioné que las citas médicas están disponibles el 10 de julio, por lo que si vamos el 5 o 6, y los titulares de Zim serán algunos de los destinatarios porque queremos ver nuestros proyectos completos. Por lo tanto, obtener una regresión de edad es muy importante y podremos hacerlo en el intercambio, y obtendrá un número de teléfono o un formulario, o un sitio web para ir y completar la información necesaria. Escuché una llamada hoy, un podcast con una mujer de Falcon Oaks, California, y me sorprendió. Ustedes, que han estado escuchando todos estos años, saben mucho más que muchas de estas personas y los banqueros. 

Los banqueros se están levantando ahora. a la velocidad: los RC están al día y listos para funcionar, y eso es bueno. Pero me sorprendió que la información que conocemos se esté convirtiendo en corriente principal y sabemos mucho más de lo que creemos que sabemos: sobre el reinicio de la moneda y que esas monedas son activos respaldados por todo tipo de cosas. El punto es que cada país tiene activos diferentes; sin embargo, EE. UU. no está totalmente respaldado por oro. La otra cosa que Nesara y Gesara podrían anunciar el sábado, también habíamos escuchado que también podría ser el 4 de julio, pero preferiría ver a Nesara el sábado: se supone que Charlie Ward anunciará a Gesara y creo que podría ser para que ambos sean anunciados.

 ¿Incluiría la condonación de la deuda y las concesiones de las que hemos hablado y tal vez para fines de julio y la eliminación de los impuestos antiguos y solo un impuesto al consumo, en otras palabras, nuevos bienes, como el IVA en Europa y el nuestro sería 14? Se podría sacar un 15%, tal vez no todo el sábado, pero el efecto positivo de como nuevas elecciones en 120 días. Ahora, los arrestos continúan en California y en el noreste y la presencia militar que tenemos ahora es la más grande que haya existido y están allí para el anuncio del cambio político y para las repercusiones que puedan derivarse de eso. ¿Podrían explicarse Nesara y Gesara en EBS/EAS? Todavía no está claro cómo usarán esto, pero, como dije, esperamos comenzar los intercambios el miércoles durante el siguiente período de 15 días; es posible que algunos no lo necesiten. los 15 días completos. Por cierto, 8300 camas médicas en todo Estados Unidos. A mayor concentración de población, mayor número de camas médicas.

Gem Finch, [30/06/2023 12:30 p. m.]

Así que esperamos que sucedan algunas cosas bastante buenas el 4 de julio y tendremos que ver qué resulta y si Brunson es una de ellas. Así que el adjudicado fue positivo para el presidente Trump. Esa es la información que estamos recibiendo y estoy muy emocionado y estamos justo donde debemos estar. Podremos usar el antiguo dólar estadounidense durante algunos meses hasta que se elimine gradualmente, e Irak estará listo cuando finalice el feriado el domingo y el nuevo QFS para todos los que califiquen y más países que ingresan ahora y están completamente integrados en o por el 4 de julio.

Esa es mi información para esta noche y siento que esto saldrá bien y por favor oren conmigo para que todo esto llegue a como se describe. Esta es verdaderamente mi esperanza y oración y ahora Bruce está agradeciendo a todo el Equipo Sue y Bob y GCK y al Pastor Scott y Jeannie - no vamos a tener una llamada el 4 de julio y deberíamos recibir nuestras notificaciones el lunes - gracias a TODOS Big Llame Universo a todos los fieles oyentes de todo el mundo.


Los amo a TODOS Gem.

Bruce acaba de decir: este podría ser un hermoso comienzo para nuestro Nuevo Futuro.





Gem Finch, [06/30/2023 12:30 PM m.]

Let's get to Intel: a couple of very important things we're about to get into: on Tuesday I said July 4th we wouldn't go to exchanges, but on the 5th is: I said notifications would be Saturday/Sunday/Monday and then Wednesday the 5th: I could go out Saturday/Sunday, but my personal feeling is Monday.

Tomorrow is Friday the day to transition from the old USD to the new USTD on Saturday: it's digital, but we also have the physical cash in the RC, so the new USN moves to July 1. Very positive move for us.

The other thing is that the 4th of July could be very important to see a political change as a result of the Brunson case and we will be going and this is very big.

As far as Iraq is concerned, they are ending their vacation and the new Iraqi dinar will be in FOREX at 5 PM. m. on Sunday and we will be able to see it: if you are a Forex subscriber, you will be able to see it on July 2. I think I mentioned that doctor appointments are available on the 10th of July, so if we go on the 5th or 6th, and Zim headlines will be some of the recipients because we want to see our completed projects. So getting an age regression is very important and we'll be able to do that on the exchange, and you'll get a phone number or a form, or a website to go to and fill out the necessary information. I heard a call today, a podcast with a woman from Falcon Oaks, California, and I was shocked. You who have been listening all these years know much more than many of these people and bankers.

The bankers are rising up now. up to speed - RCs are up to speed and ready to go, and that's a good thing. But I was surprised that the information that we know is becoming mainstream and we know a lot more than we think we know: about the coin reset and that those coins are assets backed by all sorts of things. The point is that each country has different assets; however, the US is not fully backed by gold. The other thing that NESARA and Gesara might announce on Saturday, we had also heard that it could be July 4th as well, but I'd rather see NESARA on Saturday: Charlie Ward is supposed to announce Gesara and I think it could be for both of them to be announced. .

 Would it include the debt forgiveness and the concessions that we've talked about and maybe by the end of July and the removal of the old taxes and just a consumption tax, in other words, new goods, like VAT in Europe and the our would be 14? 15% could be taken, perhaps not all of Saturday, but the positive effect of like new elections in 120 days. Now, the arrests continue in California and in the Northeast and the military presence that we have now is the largest it has ever been and they are there for the announcement of political change and for the repercussions that may result from that. Could NESARA and Gesara be explained in EBS/EAS? It is not yet clear how they will use this, but as I said, we expect to start trading on Wednesday during the next 15 day period; some may not need it. the full 15 days. By the way, 8,300 medical beds across the United States. The greater the population concentration, the greater the number of medical beds.

Gem Finch, [06/30/2023 12:30 PM m.]

So we're expecting some pretty cool things to happen on July 4th and we'll have to see what turns out and if Brunson is one of them. So the adjudicated was positive for President Trump. That's the information we're getting and I'm very excited and we're right where we need to be. We will be able to use the old US dollar for a few months until it is phased out, and Iraq will be ready when the holiday ends on Sunday and the new QFS for all who qualify and more countries entering now and fully integrated on or by 4th of July.

That is my information for tonight and I feel this will work out and please pray with me that all of this will come to as described. This is truly my hope and prayer and now Bruce is thanking all of Team Sue and Bob and GCK and Pastor Scott and Jeannie - we are not going to have a call on the 4th of July and we should get our notifications on Monday - thank you ALL Big Call Universe to all the faithful listeners around the world.


I love you ALL Gem.

Bruce just said: this could be a beautiful start to our New Future.


Why Invest in the Iraqi Dinar?

There is literally no way you could make such a high rate of return on an investment as with dinar foreign currency, or any currency in the same situation, with the potential like it that Iraq possesses. 

The key however is to buy the currency when it is worth pennies or a percentage of a penny. 

This is sort of like buying a penny stock before it goes on the trading platforms. 

They call these Initial Public Offerings (IPO).

Using this buying leverage, you can buy millions of it and afford to do so for almost nothing then, make millions when it revalues. 

Even a common poor person can participate. 

Many people will just not get this basic concept. 

They get lost on the concept somehow. 

But that’s okay. 

I guess they need more certainty in their lives. 

But I will tell you with such a small investment of money and with such a huge potential gains in the future, how can you lose? 

Honestly,,,, How Can You Lose! 

What will you lose, maybe a couple thousand if it goes sour? 

So the risk, if any even, is very minimal.

Oh…but if you are thinking this is a “get rich quick” scheme you are so wrong. 

This is a highly speculative, long term investment. 

You have to have guts or no glory! 

It is that simple. 

It will take time for Iraq to rebuild all sectors of its society. 

But they will rebuild not back the way they were pre-1991 – 2003 Saddam Hussien days, but stronger and more vibrant. 

This will take time but where can you get such high rates of return we have to wait a decade or two for it to pay off. 

But who really knows. 

I have proof the Iraqi dinar should have revalued around 2006 this was the original plan, but politics in Iraq held it up. 

Then again in 2012 and again even in 2015 we witnessed the news of a pending RV.


But we still wait.

Remember the time to buy into something, like a foreign currency, is not after the revaluation occurs. 

How silly it that! 

Then it’s too late. 

I know, I know most will want the certainty but read my lips – like I said then it’s too late, since the cost of the currency normalized by then and it will cost you millions to get very little in return. 

Then why bother after- the- fact.

Remember when you buy this type of foreign currency, like the Iraqi dinar, do not hedge it. 

Do not buy it on a payment plan. 

Many have already got burned because of this foolishness. 

Buy it and take possession of it. 

Buy what you can afford at the time, and as time goes by then buy more and more as your financial resources allow. 

Then stash it somewhere and tie into an honest site to watch it. 

But you are not concerned about watching growth like a stock. 

Get it? 

What you should be doing is watching for the BIG Revaluation day, the one time shot, the BIG BANG! 

# IQD and  burn in the Quran BY NADER FROM MID EAST, 30 JUNE



 The Dinar Support Committee Is In The Process Of Making New Moves Regarding The Exchange Rate

Money  and business  Economy News _ Baghdad The Higher Committee for Supporting the Iraqi Dinar intends to coordinate a meeting between Prime Minister Muhammad al-Sudani and some merchants to agree on setting concrete mechanisms that limit the problems of exchange rate fluctuations, the rule of the parallel exchange rate in the markets, and control of dollar transactions. 

Committee member Omar Al-Sudani, director of the supervision and follow-up department at the Baghdad Chamber of Commerce, said, in an interview with the official newspaper, followed by “Al-Iqtisad News”, that “the committee, within its next plan, to diagnose errors and weaknesses that caused the rise in exchange rates in the parallel market, called for the need to support merchants and facilitate He ordered them with regard to taxes after there were many problems in this regard,” adding that “the committee supported merchants in the Baghdad Chamber of Commerce and the Registrar of Companies, and prepared simple companies to support medium merchants, as well as following up on banks and recommending facilitating their procedures towards merchants, and coordinating a meeting for merchants with the head of the Council Ministers[to listen to their problems and the possibility of solving them by overcoming the obstacles facing their commercial work.  

 Al-Sudani added, "The committee aims to support the dinar and make it the basis for buying and selling in transactions within the country and adopting the foreign currency (the dollar) in external transactions only, which reduces pressure on the dollar and leads to a decline in its exchange rates in the local market.

This process, if successful, will achieve price stability and proportionality." With the income of the citizen, who is burdened by the rise in prices as a result of fluctuating exchange rates. 

He explained that "several measures have been put in place to support the dinar, as the central bank has taken upon itself to solve the problem of bank transfers and adopt the platform in this regard despite the repeated complaints of merchants, but it is a good step to speed up the issue of remittances, in parallel with the simplification of banking procedures from the Baghdad Chamber of Commerce, which merchants complained about."

A lot of them, as the Chamber organized discussion sessions through which merchants gathered with bank representatives to discuss and find solutions, and the rest of the procedures relate to the merchant himself and the extent of his response to the campaign and his implementation of the instructions that the committee provides him with in order to ensure the value of the dinar.  

He continued by saying that "the issue of currency stability is related to government measures more than it relates to other parties, as they are the only ones capable of doing so, through the procedures they take and the extent of their implementation," noting that "the Baghdad Chamber of Commerce works alongside the merchant who incurred losses as a result of the fluctuation that occurred and its reflection on prices."

And the current recession and the reluctance of citizens to buy, and it will remain supportive of any measure that would support price stability and raise the value of the Iraqi dinar against the US dollar,by preventing speculation in the currency and continuous campaigns to urge the merchant to adopt the dinar in his dealings,as well as government control and preventing currency smuggling and so on. Measures to maintain the stability of the currency.    Views 366   06/26/2023



[via PDK]

Article quote from Guru Nader:
The federal general budget 2023 which is based on methods of financing the budget in Iraqi dinar in exchange for oil revenues in foreign currency mostly!!

What they are screaming at you is “Dinar For Oil” program with the US …. This is how they will handle the revaluation…I went woohoo.

Lot of international stuff happening in Iraq- Which doesn’t make much sense for a country without an international currency.  Article came out- “ATFX Launches operations in Iraq with Asure bank”  They certainly act like they are international…It is clearly showing us where they are at and progress….................................

MilitiaMan (KTFA)

We’ve all been waiting for the potential of Iraq’s currency to get to the Forex…ATFX is a global leader in online trading.  They celebrated…today’s launch of its operations in Iraq…I think the Azure bank is going to be a market maker for part of this…They not only trade currency pairs but they do precious metals…energy…indices etc.  Everything is coming to a head that they’re going to be able to do Forex trading.  They are openly talking about it. 


 Frank26 (KTFA)

[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]

FIREFLY: The CBI says the ATFX has been launched Today in Iraq for the very first time.  It’s up and running.  It’s online and it’s trading.  It is a foreign currency exchange center.  

FIREFLY: They are gong to be giving instructions on the budget all week prior to it going live after EID.

FRANK: This is the monetary reform education at its highest point…

FIREFLY: There is a dinar support committee working on changes to the exchange rate.


 Judy Note: The upcoming July 4 Weekend engulfed in Celebrations of Freedom will be the beginning of new freedoms, a new world, a new life. Congratulations. You made it. Now our work begins – to humbly love and serve one another throughout the World.

“On Fri. 30 June begins a transition into a new monetary system. Many mechanisms will be changed over the weekend to connect us to our new global economy. We may experience some disruptions of services, or it just simply may be more seamless then we have anticipated. Time will certainly tell on this one. Whatever happens, we begin the process of connecting our worlds together as one. This event opens the door to the new QFS system, and the changes going forward will revalue everything. Don’t expect everything you are hoping to see that happen in one day, but the changes you have been looking for have to come. Be watchful.” …Goldilocks

Global Currency Revaluation:

  • On Fri. June 30 2023 the US Federal Reserve and US Treasury would be handing over all assets, including property and business assets if they could not pay the Global Repository back the quadrillions owed.
  • On Sat. 1 July International Financial Markets will transform into a new digital asset based economy. The new Quantum Financial System would be completely interfaced in computers around the World in order to coordinate currency transactions through the International Payment System ISO 20022. Implementation of the Kingpin of the Global Currency Reset, the new Iraqi Dinar Rate in the Iraqi Budget will happen after the EID holiday ends on Sat. 1 July.
  • On Sun. 2 July about 5 pm EST the International markets and Forex open.
  • On Mon. 3 July The US economy was set to implode when SOFR, Libor and many nations are planning on dumping their US Treasuries. Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) was expected to be notified over the weekend and obtain appointments starting Tues. 4 July.


 Thurs 29 June 2023 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866pin123456#

  • On Fri. 30 June we transition from the US Dollar to the USN, which is active on Sat. 1 July. We will be able to use our US Dollar for several months more during the transition.
  • On Sat. 1 July NESARA/GESARA may be announced, or may be announced on Tues. 4 July.............................................
  • Notifications for Tier4b to set their appointments could come out Sat. 1 July, Sun 2 July, or Mon. 3 July, but likely will come out on Mon. 3 July.
  • On Sun. evening 2 July at 5 pm EST Iraq’s new Dinar Rate becomes public. The Dinar has been trading on the Forex, but has been blocked for the US to see.
  • On Tues. 4 July the Quantum Financial System will be fully integrated worldwide.
  • Wed. 5 July is the first day Tier 4b (us, the Internet Group) would go in for exchanges.
  • Redemption Centers will go 15 days straight.