Friday, June 30, 2023


Why Invest in the Iraqi Dinar?

There is literally no way you could make such a high rate of return on an investment as with dinar foreign currency, or any currency in the same situation, with the potential like it that Iraq possesses. 

The key however is to buy the currency when it is worth pennies or a percentage of a penny. 

This is sort of like buying a penny stock before it goes on the trading platforms. 

They call these Initial Public Offerings (IPO).

Using this buying leverage, you can buy millions of it and afford to do so for almost nothing then, make millions when it revalues. 

Even a common poor person can participate. 

Many people will just not get this basic concept. 

They get lost on the concept somehow. 

But that’s okay. 

I guess they need more certainty in their lives. 

But I will tell you with such a small investment of money and with such a huge potential gains in the future, how can you lose? 

Honestly,,,, How Can You Lose! 

What will you lose, maybe a couple thousand if it goes sour? 

So the risk, if any even, is very minimal.

Oh…but if you are thinking this is a “get rich quick” scheme you are so wrong. 

This is a highly speculative, long term investment. 

You have to have guts or no glory! 

It is that simple. 

It will take time for Iraq to rebuild all sectors of its society. 

But they will rebuild not back the way they were pre-1991 – 2003 Saddam Hussien days, but stronger and more vibrant. 

This will take time but where can you get such high rates of return we have to wait a decade or two for it to pay off. 

But who really knows. 

I have proof the Iraqi dinar should have revalued around 2006 this was the original plan, but politics in Iraq held it up. 

Then again in 2012 and again even in 2015 we witnessed the news of a pending RV.


But we still wait.

Remember the time to buy into something, like a foreign currency, is not after the revaluation occurs. 

How silly it that! 

Then it’s too late. 

I know, I know most will want the certainty but read my lips – like I said then it’s too late, since the cost of the currency normalized by then and it will cost you millions to get very little in return. 

Then why bother after- the- fact.

Remember when you buy this type of foreign currency, like the Iraqi dinar, do not hedge it. 

Do not buy it on a payment plan. 

Many have already got burned because of this foolishness. 

Buy it and take possession of it. 

Buy what you can afford at the time, and as time goes by then buy more and more as your financial resources allow. 

Then stash it somewhere and tie into an honest site to watch it. 

But you are not concerned about watching growth like a stock. 

Get it? 

What you should be doing is watching for the BIG Revaluation day, the one time shot, the BIG BANG! 

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