Saturday, February 24, 2024

Vietnam Dong 🔥Vietnam Dong against USD rate update 🔥VND Rate latest toda...

Parliamentary Finance: Baghdad will finance the salaries of the Kurdistan Region monthly under the decision of the Federal Court, 25 FEB

 Parliamentary Finance: Baghdad will finance the salaries of the Kurdistan Region monthly under the decision of the Federal Court

Shafaq News / The Parliamentary Finance Committee clarified, on Saturday, the details of the decision of the Federal Supreme Court on the financing of the salaries of the employees of the Kurdistan Region.

“The decision of the Federal Supreme Court required the Ministry of Finance of the federal government to finance the salaries of employees in the Kurdistan Region, like their peers of employees in all Iraqi provinces,” the head of the parliamentary finance committee, Atwan Al-Atwani, told Shafaq News.

He added that “the decision is clear that any party that obstructs the implementation of any of these paragraphs will put itself in front of accountability and justice,” noting that “the goal of localizing salaries is to build a database and avoid job replication.”

Al-Atwani also pointed out that “the amount of allocations will be part of the region’s allocations, which is 12.67%, and what is left of it is to finance projects and the requirements of institutions in the region.”

He noted that “the Ministry of Finance will finance monthly the salaries of employees and retirees in the Kurdistan Region according to the decision of the Federal Court,” adding that “officials in the territorial government should react positively to the decision in order to fund the salaries of employees naturally.”

The Federal Supreme Court (the highest judicial authority in Iraq) decided on Wednesday, 21/2/2024, to oblige Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, Federal Prime Minister, and the President of the Kurdistan Regional Government Masroor Barzani, to settle the salaries of employees and workers in the public sector with federal banks.

The President of the Federal Court, Judge Jassim Mohammed Abboud Al-Amiri, read out the text of the ruling on the issue of the region’s salaries, where Al-Sudani and Masr Barzani were obliged to settle the salaries of all employees of government agencies in the center and the region in federal banks outside the Kurdistan region.

The court also decided to require the submission of the monthly budget to the territory’s employees to the Federal Ministry of Finance, with the obligation of the Council of Ministers of the region to hand over all oil and non-oil revenues to the federal government.

The ruling stressed that the decision to settle the salaries of the region’s employees is a fifical and binding decision.سیاسة/المالية-النيابية-بغداد-ستمول-رواتب-اقليم-كوردستان-شهريا-بموجب-قرار-المحكمة-الاتحادية



🇺🇸💥🇺🇸. Zimbabwe is a very wealthy country with a plethora of gold!  💥💥💥. The Zimbabwe bonds are very valuable and will be the stronghold of the Event!  🇺🇸💥🇺🇸👇👇👇

Iraqi parliament have signatures for bill to evict U.S. troops from Iraq!  💥💥💥. Trump said that we leave when we get paid for the infrastructure that the military built in Iraq!  💥💥💥. All part of the plan and the timing has not yet been revealed!


🇺🇸💥🇺🇸. Zimbabwe is a very wealthy country with a plethora of gold!  💥💥💥. The Zimbabwe bonds are very valuable and will be the stronghold of the Event!  🇺🇸💥🇺🇸👇👇👇

Iraqi parliament have signatures for bill to evict U.S. troops from Iraq!  💥💥💥. Trump said that we leave when we get paid for the infrastructure that the military built in Iraq!  💥💥💥. All part of the plan and the timing has not yet been revealed! 

Iraqi dinar | US sanctions and the private banking sector in Iraq | Iraq...

The National Security Advisor Reveals A Political Consensus That Iraq Should Be Free Of Foreign Forces, 25 FEB

The National Security Advisor Reveals A Political Consensus That Iraq Should Be Free Of Foreign Forces

Saturday 24, February 2024 | a wish Number of readings: 375  Baghdad / NINA / National Security Advisor Qasim Al-Araji revealed a political consensus that Iraq should be free of foreign forces.

Al-Araji said during the sixth Baghdad Dialogue Conference, which was titled (Regional Communication... The Centrality of Iraq), “Our security forces have developed greatly and gained great experience in dealing with the challenges of terrorism, and the Iraqi government does not deny the gratitude of the countries that helped it confront terrorism, and NATO is still present in Iraq and is advisory and not A combat force.”

Al-Araji stated: “The Iraqi government is waiting for the results of the committees to evaluate the situation in Iraq and the status of the international coalition, and it is an internal issue determined by the Iraqi need,” stressing that “the coalition forces are not an alternative to the security forces, and they came in a certain circumstance, and today there is no need for their presence.” The government is the first concerned with the decision to end the coalition’s tasks.”

Al-Araji continued, “We have competent officers among the committees that work to evaluate the status of the international coalition.”

He stressed: “Building confidence internally, regionally, and internationally is important, and the political system has regained the confidence of the Iraqis, and Iraq does not interfere in the affairs of others, and in the same way Time asks others not to interfere in its affairs, and everyone must support the government in its speech, and there must be solidarity work among everyone, and our efforts are focused on supporting the government.” Al-

Araji pointed out: “Iraq has signed 20 security memorandums of understanding with countries during the years 2022 and 2023, from "For the sake of cooperation and exchange of experiences, the political system after 2003 was preoccupied with security issues and challenges that prevented it from performing its duties."

He stated, "Drugs are the greatest threat, not ISIS. What is said about the numbers of ISIS in Iraq is exaggerated, and the political system after 2003 inherited a heavy reality represented by the presence of armed groups on its lands."

He said, "In 2023, we concluded a security agreement with the Iranian side, and positive results were achieved within months for problems that have persisted for many years. We have a second round of meetings with Turkey, to address the situation of the Kurdistan Workers' Party, and the Prime Minister directed to expedite the treatment of this important file," noting that "the camp The Syrian terror is a time bomb, and Iraq returned 1,924 Iraqi families from this camp, including 7,556 Iraqi citizens, including 1,200 Iraqi families who returned to their original areas, and we have no social problems in this regard.”

Al-Araji called on the international community to continue withdrawing nationals from this camp, and so far only 24 countries have responded and returned their nationals out of 60 countries./ End 7



On March the 6th, 2024, the CFTC is having a follow-up meeting with the Global Markets Advisory Committee.

The GMAC is a subcommittee that represents the Digital Market Financial System. This meeting is expected to be a time for them to discuss recommendations on their findings so far and move forward with the Digital Financial System.

The purpose of this meeting is to "enhance the resiliency and efficiency of global markets, including increased liquidity in U.S. Treasury markets and the upcoming transition to T+1 securities settlement."

My understanding is that instant settlements are already being worked on. It is also my understanding from conversations with developers that the move from T+1 settlements to T+0 will not take long.

As they are stating in this next meeting, they're going to discuss liquidity in the US Treasury Markets. More and more millionaires and billionaires are retrieving their funds from the stock market and moving into digital economy assets.

This move encompasses assets tokenized and supported by gold. It provides investment opportunities many of these whales are looking for to move their money.

We are witnessing a ground-floor opportunity for those who decide to participate inside the new digital economy. Traders pray for such opportunities as this we are witnessing.

As we move into legislative regulations for protocols inside the crypto economy, stablecoins to pay for these tokenized assets will be coming into focus.   CFTC

© Goldilocks



 [Mr. IT Guy Bank Story] 

My brother asked [JP Morgan Wealth Manager] whether he could bypass the US dollar and exchange straight from the IQD to gold and silver and the private banker said he didn't know but he would find out and call him back.  

 MILITIA MAN:   My understanding is that is possible...I have been told some time ago by more than one source that if the currency is traded on the international acceptable foreign exchange currency...they'll take that currency in exchange for precious metals. 

My wife and I...were looking for a Chase branch that had JP Morgan Wealth Management printed on the door as well as Chase...I'm in a large metropolitan area...We found one near us...My brother took  it upon himself to call the branch yesterday.  He specifically asked for a private banker...My brother asked him if they exchange foreign currencies and if he was aware of the Iraqi revalue of their currency.  

The private banker said yes he was and that they would be exchanging at that location...and names and numbers he's taking will get priority over anybody else that calls or walks in  after the revalue..

As soon as it hits Forex he's going to start making  phone calls...He told my brother they were expecting a number of people to be coming in and were preparing for that, a bunch of new people with wealth is...exactly what he told my brother...They're planning on having police officers available at the location for  those customs that are planning on leaving the establishment with large sums of cash... 

 MILITIA MAN: ...Is it a coincidence that  this expert came out tonight and talked about deletion of the zeros?  We're going to find out.  It's pretty interesting stuff.


Today I decided that I was going to go to several banks just to verify what we have all been hearing.  So I went to the first bank it was Wells Fargo.  

The manager told me that she has been with the bank for 17yrs, I kid you not, she said 17yrs and she has heard about the Iraqi Dinar the whole time she has worked there and she thinks it's a scam.  At that moment I decided that was not the bank for me so I thanked her and left.  

Next I went to a 2nd bank, another Wells Fargo.  They told me that they do Foreign Currency Exchanges but not the Iraqi Dinar and probably never will exchange the dinar. 

At that moment I decided that was not the bank for me so I thanked him and left. 

My 3rd stop was Chase Bank. 

A man from one of the cubicles approached me and asked if he could help.  I said I would like to speak with the manager.  He said she is in a meeting but I could wait for 5-10 minutes and she will be available.  He said while your waiting is there something I can help you with.  I said it's about foreign currency so I would prefer to talk to the manager. 

He said come with me I can get you going in the right direction.  I said have you heard about the revaluation of the currency. 

He said YES i have. I said do you believe it is going to happen so. 

He said, yes I do.  I asked if they exchange at the branch or send it out.  He said we do everything at this branch. 

I asked if they  exchange Iraqi Dinar, he said not at the moment but we have some customers like you.  I said OK what does that mean. 

He said how much do you have and I said I am not comfortable sharing that information.  He said not a problem is it over 100,000 because if it is I will schedule you an appointment with an advisor and someone else (I forget the title of the 2nd person). 

If it's below 100,000 it would be with someone different. 

I have an appointment with 2 people tomorrow (not to exchange) but meet with them. 

He said get all your questions and information together for your meeting.  I thanked him and left feeling much better that the information we are being told is really happening.

Understanding the Iraqi Dinar Market Shift, From 1310 to 1-to-1

Iraqi PM, US Senator Discuss Bilateral Partnership , 24 FEB

 Iraqi PM, US Senator Discuss Bilateral Partnership 

ERBIL — Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia’ al-Sudani received US Senator Christopher Coons on Thursday to discuss the US-Iraq partnership. 

They emphasized the transition to a bilateral relationship governed by the Strategic Framework Agreement (SFA) after the US-led Coalition's mission ends in Iraq.

Sudani stressed the urgency of halting the conflict in the Gaza Strip, particularly with Ramadan approaching. He called for an end to the “genocidal acts perpetrated by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF)."

Senator Coons, visiting at President Joe Biden's request, acknowledged the strong US-Iraq partnership. He advocated for broadening cooperation beyond security to include economic, cultural, and health aspects. Additionally, he highlighted the importance of Middle East stability and securing a ceasefire in the Strip.



For us investors we are still waiting for OFAC sanctions to be lifted in the US before the banks will “legally” exchange. But exchange at what rate? So, we also wait for another “official” rate change to occur by the CBI prior to the Project to Delete the Zeros. 

We know this project is just steps away from the RV/Reinstatement of the dinar back to FOREX. Once on FOREX the OFAC sanctions will have to be lifted. Then we head to the bank to exchange and only at this time. Get it?

Iraqi Dinar🔥Last 24 Hours Update IQD Value Against USD Today 2024🔥iraqi ...

Iraq’s intelligence arrest prominent ISIS leaders, 24 FEB

Iraq’s intelligence arrest prominent ISIS leaders

Shafaq News/ The Iraqi National Intelligence Service (INIS) announced on Saturday the arrest of two high-ranking ISIS leaders in a cross-border operation. In a statement, the Security Media Cell (SMC) said that after years of tracking, INIS forces apprehended two ISIS leaders involved in “terrorist activities across Iraq."

The operation took place outside Iraq’s borders, and the captured individuals have been brought back to the country. SMC added.

According to the statement, the terrorists were identified as Issam Abdul Ali Saidan, also known as “Abu Zaid,” an ISIS media operative in the Fallujah, responsible for beheading of soldier Kazem Al-Rikabi and overseeing all media activities for terrorist groups in Fallujah since 2014. 

The second is Bashir Abdul Ali Saidan, known as “Abu Ahmad Itisalat,” a military figure in the Fallujah responsible for all “terrorist operations for ISIS in Fallujah after 2014. He specialized in securing and encrypting communications for the leaders of the terrorist groups.

It is noteworthy, Iraq declared victory over ISIS in 2017. Still, the activities of the terrorist organization are increasing in the so-called triangle of death among the governorates of Diyala, Kirkuk, and Saladin.

Specialists attribute this activity to an attempt by the extremists, either to take revenge for their loss in these areas or the need to find safe places far from the security forces.

"ANALYSIS OF IRAQ NEWS: “Banks will be responsible for financing foreign trade directly through the dollars they own” BY MNT GOAT, 24 FEB


I want to quote yet another statement from this recent article – “Banks will be responsible for financing foreign trade directly through the dollars they own” (and not from the CBI reserves). So what does this mean and what is the importance to us as investors?

 This means the CBI will no longer be asking the US Treasury to ship plane loads of dollars to Iraq to meet the demand for dollars to pay for imports. Instead, the banks in Iraq themselves will work with banks in the US to transfer dollars. Of course, this will only work if the electronic banking system in Iraq is working and used. We have learned in past news from the CBI the direct connection between electronic banking and the success of the monetary reform implementation. So, this is all interconnected. Again, something as changed, and it appears that finally the electronic Point Of Sale (POS) and consumer debit cards is taking hold in Iraq. This is a decade long project for Iraq. 

Then in the same article it also says and I quote – “Banks will be fully responsible for auditing invoices and transfers, which is the practice globally.” What this statement tells us is that banks will now take us new responsibilities, which are common global banking practices for banks. I can only imagine the CBI must have put some stiff penalties on the banks for further. This is how the rest of the world’s banking system works and so we will finally see soon Iraq coming fully out of the sanctioned, isolationist operation of their banking system and joining the rest of the world. We all know Iraq has been fully released from all UN sanctions in December of 2022 and so it will be about time to start acting like it. But we all know things are slow in Iraq and we have to remember that they are also making monumental leaps in technology and fighting corruption along the way.

Introduction of Lower Notes💣RV/RI By End of Feb?!🤔Iraq Dinar RV Updates ...

PM’s security advisor criticizes US approach to Iraq's arms deals and dialogue delay, 24 FEB

PM’s security advisor criticizes US approach to Iraq's arms deals and dialogue delay

Shafaq News / Khalid Al-Yaqobi, the security advisor to Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, asserted on Saturday that Iraq has significant arms contracts with the United States, mentioning that Washington deals with this issue “selfishly” and according to political agenda.

This statement was made during his participation in a panel discussion on the sidelines of the Sixth International Baghdad Conference under the theme of "Regional Communication.. Iraq's Centrality."

Al-Yaqobi stated, "We are bound by significant arms contracts with the United States, which displays a certain selfishness in this regard. They always handle military equipment files according to political calculations. If the situation does not align significantly with their policy, they may hold accountabilities, as they did with Nouri al-Maliki's government during his second term."

Regarding the bilateral dialogue between Iraq and the United States to end the mission of the Global Coalition, Al-Yaqobi mentioned that the US "unfortunately delayed the dialogue for five months, citing that they do not negotiate under fire."

He added, "We always advised them that the opportunity to sit at the dialogue table would provide flexibility and a wider space for the Iraqi government and political forces to exert greater pressure on the armed factions, thus reducing escalation to prove credibility." 

He emphasized that Al-Sudani managed to convince the American side to engage in dialogue, and the second round of talks has now concluded.

Last month, the media office of PM Al-Sudani briefly announced that the PM had overseen the start of the first round of bilateral dialogue between Iraq and the United States to end the mission of the Global Coalition in the country.

Al-Sudani has reiterated on several occasions the initiation of dialogue with the US-led Coalition against ISIS to end its mission in the country.

Notably, in January 2020, the Iraqi parliament passed a non-binding resolution calling for the government to end the presence of all foreign troops.

Currently, there are 2500 US troops in Iraq for advisory and training missions upon the demand of the Iraqi government.



 [via PDK] 

  Plenty of RV rumors running around today about Reno and Europe that we could get an announcement today.  But, I think it could be a bit premature...

But there are a ton of bankers and group leaders that swear I will be proven wrong and they will get notices today.  ...I can tell you the chatter is off the hook...

We have certainly heard this before but have never been in this same spot where this many things are completed… which does make hearing this something we need to pay attention too. Just stay grounded and calm today as we wait to find out.

Iraqi Dinar🔥 Insider Source IQD Hit To Global Exchange Countdown Begins ...

PM Al-Sudani and Zidan stress the two authorities’ cooperation for rule of law, 24 FEB

PM Al-Sudani and Zidan stress the two authorities’ cooperation for rule of law

Shafaq News/ Iraq’s Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani stressed, on Saturday, during his meeting with the head of the Supreme Judicial Council, Faiq Zidan, the need to strengthen collaboration and coordination between the executive and judicial authorities, in order to upholding the rule of law.

The media office of the Prime Minister stated that Al-Sudani and Zidan talked about the country's overall situation, and reviewed the main steps to fight administrative and financial corruption, and the need to cooperate in combating crime, in all its manifestations.

Furthermore, the two affirmed the need to enhance cooperation and coordination between the executive and judicial authorities, to uphold the rule of law, and to support the judicial processes, to help create security and stability across the country, and improve the government's implementation of its executive program and its service, development and social goals.



  You know the qualifications to be part of the WTO.  Is it to have value to their currency 

No.  It is to have a currency with no restrictions.  Therefor if there are no restrictions on their currency, Hey, CBI, go crazy!

  Be in control...I suggest to you go to Chase because you want to talk to JP Morgan.  Open up an  account. 

 Now that you have a bank account you're in position!  For what?  For when the blessing occurs you go to Chase and say, 'I  have a bank account here can I talk to the wealth management advisor?'  Why?  Because I have dinars.  'Oh, you're one of them.   Come on in.'  Shoot, they'll roll out the red carpet for you.  In this case the white carpet.  

🔥 Iraqi Dinar 🔥 This is Amazing 🔥 News Guru Intel Update IQD Rate Value ...

Seizure of accused of bribery, manipulation and waste of 426 million dinars in Dhi Qar, 24 FEB

   Seizure of accused of bribery, manipulation and waste of 426 million dinars in Dhi Qar

Economy News - Baghdad

The Federal Integrity Commission announced on Friday the seizure of those accused of bribery and manipulation, while revealing that it had monitored waste worth more than four hundred million dinars, and the seizure of expired medical materials in Dhi Qar.

The Authority's Information and Government Communication Office said in a statement, seen by "Economy News", that "the staff of the Dhi Qar Investigation Office, which moved to the Real Estate Registration Directorate in Nasiriyah, caught one of the directorate's surveyors red-handed receiving bribes with the flagrante delicto, indicating that the seizure process was carried out in accordance with the provisions of Resolution (160 of 1983), after the accused received the bribe amount in exchange for completing a transaction in violation of the law."

The statement added that "the staff of the Commission monitored the monitoring of an accused who buys receipts for the transactions of allocating land plots and official documents (national card - housing card - civil status identity) from citizens for the purpose of allocating and selling them to other people in exchange for sums of money, in order to obtain plots of land in the names of other people, noting the arrest of the accused after a tight ambush by the staff of the Commission's investigation office."

He explained that "the Dhi Qar Reconstruction Fund caused a waste of public money as a result of the failure to take legal measures against a general contracting company to which the project to deliver electricity to a group of villages in the Dawaya district was referred to an amount of (2,335,309,000) two billion dinars, despite exceeding the contractual period for the completion of the project."

He pointed out that "the report of the External Audit Division stated that the Fund did not collect the amount of the delay fine imposed on the company under the terms of the contract, which totaled (426,193,710) million dinars."

He continued, "The field emergency team in the office noticed during an inspection tour at Nasiriyah Teaching Hospital the presence of expired diabetic examination strips," pointing out that "the hospital administration allowed the use of these chips in the examination of patients in the hospital despite that.


 Militia Man 

 Iraq's natural resources to stimulate growth is off the charts.  They're right there underneath just a few countries... United States, Saudi Arabia...When it comes to valuation they're going to have to value the currency at some point in time to a Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER)...

Article: "Al-Sudani makes comments on US sanctions: We will not abandon the private banking sector"  

The work Al-Sudani has done thus far is truly amazing... Previous governments were allowing the theft of massive amounts of money.  That is no longer.  This is likely why...the UN Assembly meetings were successful and with powerful statements about Iraq's future in "Restoring Confidence" (DAVOS) to the Global Financial system and with the largest banks in the world, i.e., J.P. Morgan Chase, CitiBank, etc..

Iraqi Dinar Investors-WTO Entry And 1:1 Dinar Exchange Rate"Iraqi Dinar ...

Al-Araji: There will be a return of gratitude to the international coalition countries that provided to Iraq, 24 feb

  Al-Araji: There will be a return of gratitude to the international coalition countries that provided to Iraq

National Security Advisor Qasim Al-Araji said on Saturday that the federal government will conclude bilateral security agreements with the countries of the international coalition forces led by the United States of America as a response to what they provided to Iraq in the war against ISIS, and there will be no rift with them if they withdraw from the country. .

Al-Araji's statements came during a dialogue session on the sidelines of the sixth Baghdad International Conference, which began this morning.

Al-Araji said in his statements that drugs have become the first danger in Iraq. ISIS is present in some remote places such as mountains and caves, and the security and intelligence services have accurate information about this presence, and are targeting the organization’s leaders.

Regarding the statistics that some reports indicate that there are 5-6 thousand members of the organization in Syria and Iraq, Al-Araji said: This number is exaggerated.

He added that in 2014, we were required to bring friendly forces to help us confront ISIS, and from 2014 to 2024 our forces developed a lot and have experience in confronting organizations, and therefore the government formed from all sectors decided to re-evaluate the presence of these forces.

Al-Araji went on to say that there will be a return of the favor in the form of concluding bilateral security agreements with the countries of the international coalition, and these countries welcome this matter and there is no objection on their part.

The National Security Advisor also confirmed that the NATO coalition is in Iraq for consultation, and they are not combat forces, and international cover is there. We have not severed relations with the international coalition, and there are negotiations with them, and the Iraqi government is awaiting the results of the committees.  link

Weekend News with MarkZ. 02/24/2024

Weekend News with MarkZ 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions


Member: Good glorious Saturday morning to everyone

Member: I just read Iraq has a holiday Monday…So basically they have a 3 day weekend…

MZ:  Plenty of RV rumors running around today about Reno and Europe that we could get an announcement today. But, I think it could be a bit premature. I can tell you the chatter is off the hook

MZ: But there are a ton of bankers and group leaders that swear I will be proven wrong and they will get notices today. We will find out….just stay calm. 

MZ: We have certainly heard this before but have never been in this same spot where this many things are completed… which does make hearing this something we need to pay attention too. Just stay grounded and calm today as we wait to find out. 

MZ: If its true you will see me again today….If not you will see me Monday morning. 

Member:  I read a blip that we could receive our notices today, but at lower rates first then the higher rates would change to exchange or redeem...

MZ: One of my three redemption center contacts have not been called into work…but they said there is always a possibility. They are being told to prepare for a possibly very busy week this week. They have warned them of that 2 or 3 times in the past …..but they did give them a heads up that there is a potential of this week for them to be working some major overtime. 

MZ: The banks are stuck in the position of having to be prepared to go at any moment for when that trigger is pulled. So they are prepared for a potentially very busy work week. 

MZ: There are tons of rumors that things have started processing on the group side but I don’t have any group leaders willing to confirm that. Or to deny it. 

MZ: “Which countries have the largest gold reserves?” I find this interesting …they are showing the US with $8,133 tons of which half is supposedly stored at Ft. Knox.I question whether or not it’s still there. Many conspiracy theories that this gold is long gone because they refuse to open up for an audit. 

MZ: US is supposedly number one…and Germany is next with $3, 353 tons….then Italy with $2,452 tons…..France has $2, 437…Then Russia with $2, 333.and China supposedly at $2,192 tons . I would suppose China has considerably more than what they show.  They are guessing based on China’s international purchases…..they do now show what they have domestically. Same goes for Russia who has large gold producing areas as well. 

MZ: This does show tremendous demand for gold in Central banks. They say half the gold in the world is now held by central banks. 

Member: Have a great weekend everyone cya on Monday morning ….hang in there never give up

Member: Thanks Mark and mods. Happy birthday to all those celebrating!



Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.



Dinar humanitarian project 02/23/24 update of the boys BY PIMPY



On March the 6th, 2024, the CFTC is having a follow-up meeting with the Global Markets Advisory Committee. 

The GMAC is a subcommittee that represents the Digital Market Financial System. This meeting is expected to be a time for them to discuss recommendations on their findings so far and move forward with the Digital Financial System.

The purpose of this meeting is to "enhance the resiliency and efficiency of global markets, including increased liquidity in U.S. Treasury markets and the upcoming transition to T+1 securities settlement." 

My understanding is that instant settlements are already being worked on. It is also my understanding from conversations with developers that the move from T+1 settlements to T+0 will not take long.

As they are stating in this next meeting, they're going to discuss liquidity in the US Treasury Markets. More and more millionaires and billionaires are retrieving their funds from the stock market and moving into digital economy assets.

This move encompasses assets tokenized and supported by gold. It provides investment opportunities many of these whales are looking for to move their money. 

We are witnessing a ground floor opportunity for those who decide to participate inside the new digital economy. Traders pray for such opportunities as this we are witnessing. 

As we move into legislative regulations for protocols inside the crypto economy, stablecoins to pay for these tokenized assets will be coming into focus. 

© Goldilocks