Saturday, February 24, 2024

The National Security Advisor Reveals A Political Consensus That Iraq Should Be Free Of Foreign Forces, 25 FEB

The National Security Advisor Reveals A Political Consensus That Iraq Should Be Free Of Foreign Forces

Saturday 24, February 2024 | a wish Number of readings: 375  Baghdad / NINA / National Security Advisor Qasim Al-Araji revealed a political consensus that Iraq should be free of foreign forces.

Al-Araji said during the sixth Baghdad Dialogue Conference, which was titled (Regional Communication... The Centrality of Iraq), “Our security forces have developed greatly and gained great experience in dealing with the challenges of terrorism, and the Iraqi government does not deny the gratitude of the countries that helped it confront terrorism, and NATO is still present in Iraq and is advisory and not A combat force.”

Al-Araji stated: “The Iraqi government is waiting for the results of the committees to evaluate the situation in Iraq and the status of the international coalition, and it is an internal issue determined by the Iraqi need,” stressing that “the coalition forces are not an alternative to the security forces, and they came in a certain circumstance, and today there is no need for their presence.” The government is the first concerned with the decision to end the coalition’s tasks.”

Al-Araji continued, “We have competent officers among the committees that work to evaluate the status of the international coalition.”

He stressed: “Building confidence internally, regionally, and internationally is important, and the political system has regained the confidence of the Iraqis, and Iraq does not interfere in the affairs of others, and in the same way Time asks others not to interfere in its affairs, and everyone must support the government in its speech, and there must be solidarity work among everyone, and our efforts are focused on supporting the government.” Al-

Araji pointed out: “Iraq has signed 20 security memorandums of understanding with countries during the years 2022 and 2023, from "For the sake of cooperation and exchange of experiences, the political system after 2003 was preoccupied with security issues and challenges that prevented it from performing its duties."

He stated, "Drugs are the greatest threat, not ISIS. What is said about the numbers of ISIS in Iraq is exaggerated, and the political system after 2003 inherited a heavy reality represented by the presence of armed groups on its lands."

He said, "In 2023, we concluded a security agreement with the Iranian side, and positive results were achieved within months for problems that have persisted for many years. We have a second round of meetings with Turkey, to address the situation of the Kurdistan Workers' Party, and the Prime Minister directed to expedite the treatment of this important file," noting that "the camp The Syrian terror is a time bomb, and Iraq returned 1,924 Iraqi families from this camp, including 7,556 Iraqi citizens, including 1,200 Iraqi families who returned to their original areas, and we have no social problems in this regard.”

Al-Araji called on the international community to continue withdrawing nationals from this camp, and so far only 24 countries have responded and returned their nationals out of 60 countries./ End 7

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