Monday, August 21, 2023

Al-Bayati Rules Out Passing The Oil And Gas Law In A Way That Meets The Ambition Of The Region, 21 AUGUST

 Al-Bayati Rules Out Passing The Oil And Gas Law In A Way That Meets The Ambition Of The Region

Today 12:17   Information / Baghdad..   Former MP Jassim Al-Bayati ruled out passing the oil and gas law in a way that meets the ambition of the Kurds in the region, indicating that the Kurdish forces are still negotiating and procrastinating to delay passing the law.

Follow the "information" channel on Telegram.. news that does not need to be documented..

Al-Bayati told Al-Maalouma, "The negotiations on the oil and gas law will not reach any good stages, as the opportunity that the Kurds got in 2008 when this law was sent will not be repeated at the present time."

He added, "The Kurds rejected the law in the aforementioned year, despite a vote on it within the Council of Ministers, and preparations for its passage in Parliament, and therefore it is impossible for the law to return again to be in the interest of the Kurds."

And he indicated that "the Kurds are calling today for the oil and gas law, but the demand is conditional that the aforementioned law be in their interest, far from consensus or passing by a numerical majority within the House of Representatives, and it is better for them to return to the old law, otherwise the results will be bad for them."    LINK


An Economist Who Pledges To Control The Exchange Rate Of The Dollar By Taking Practical Technical Measures

Today 08:45  Information / Baghdad...  Economic affairs researcher Muhammad al-Saadi pledged, on Monday, to controlling and controlling the exchange rate of the dollar in the parallel market by taking practical technical measures without resorting to methods of arrests or the use of force.

Follow the "information" channel on Telegram.. news that does not need to be documented..

Al-Saadi told Al-Maalouma, "The responsible authorities are working to pursue speculators by applying the law against those who want to harm the Iraqi economy, as well as being a first step to ensuring that the differences between the official and parallel market are eliminated."

He added, "The need has become urgent to take decisions related to technical and financial aspects, which would expand the outlets for selling the currency and allow citizens to buy in limited quantities by setting restrictions or preconditions."

And he indicated that "the problem of exchange and high prices is often suffered by the citizen before the merchant, as the merchants began to go to the official platform to obtain the dollar, while the citizen is still suffering in obtaining the dollar, especially since some citizens go to car showrooms and face difficulty in buying in the currency of the dollar." .

He pointed out that "the government can open a window to sell the dollar to anyone who wants to get a car, provided that he comes with an official purchase contract to hand it over to outlets or approved banks to sell the dollar as a document in exchange for obtaining hard currency." LINK


An Economic Institution: The Government Should Stop Following The Dollar In The Parallel Market

08/21/2023  Earth News / The head of the Future Iraq Foundation for Economic Studies, Manar Al-Obeidi, called today, Monday, on the government to stop following the dollar prices in the parallel market.  Al-Obeidi told Earth News Agency, "The state must control the prices of inflation rates and various materials and commodities, not the exchange rate of the dollar in the parallel market.

And he added, “The Iraqi citizen, in the end, what matters to him is the rise or fall that occurs in various commodities, specifically basic ones, such as foodstuffs and fuel, in addition to consumer and luxury goods and materials.

And he indicated that “despite the high exchange rates of the dollar against the dinar, the prices of goods and materials and inflation rates did not change much, according to a report issued by the Ministry of Planning, as inflation rates decreased in the previous months, which indicates a decline in prices or their lack of a significant increase.”

Evening News with MarkZ 08/21/2023

Top Stock Picks for Week of August 21, 2023

Top Stock Picks for Week of August 21, 2023

Ross Stores Inc. (ROST Free Report) operates as an off-price retailer of apparel and home accessories, primarily in the United States.  Shares of Ross Stores have outpaced the industry in the past three months, courtesy impressive second-quarter fiscal 2023 results. Both the bottom and top lines beat the Zacks Consensus Estimate and also grew year over year. Results gained from positive customer response. Strength in cosmetics and accessories aided the top line, with broad-based growth across all geographic areas. dd’s DISCOUNTS’ performance was driven by better merchandise and moderating inflation. Also, store expansion plans bode well. Total sales rose year over year and surpassed the consensus estimate. The company provided an upbeat view for the third quarter and fiscal 2023. Group Limited (GAMB Free Report) is a marketing company as well as provider of digital marketing services. The company came out with quarterly earnings per share, beating the Zacks Consensus Estimate. Over the last four quarters, the company has surpassed consensus EPS estimates three times. Group Limited, which belongs to the Zacks Advertising and Marketing industry, posted revenues for the quarter ended June 2023, surpassing the Zacks Consensus Estimate double digits. The company has topped consensus revenue estimates three times over the last four quarters. Group Limited shares have added solid double digits since the beginning of the year.

“It is not true.” An economic vision about the World Bank’s figures on Iraq’s public debt, 21 AUGUST

 During a recent presentation, economist Nabil Al-Marsoumi shared his economic insights on the Central Bank’s figures regarding Iraq’s public debt. He also discussed the budget law’s potential impact on the overall debt volume.

According to a post by Al-Marsoumi on Al-Sumaria News, the World Bank’s reported public debt figures for Iraq are incorrect. Al-Marsoumi claims that the actual public debt for the year 2023 is $152 billion, with $50 billion being external debt and $102 billion as internal debt. Additionally, the ratio of public debt to gross domestic product is 58.3%.

He stated that the figures provided are based on the assumption that the 2023 budget will be fully executed, leading to an increase of approximately $31 billion in the overall public debt. However, it is anticipated that the budget may not be fully executed, particularly due to its delay until August, which raises concerns about the accuracy of these estimates.

Al-Marsoumi noted that Iraq’s external debt, including the frozen Gulf debts, amounts to $61 billion, not $50 billion. After implementing the full budget, the debt is expected to reach approximately $70 billion.

He stated that the current internal debts total 70 trillion dinars. However, once the budget is put into action, the amount will increase to 100 trillion dinars, which is approximately 77 billion dollars, not 102 billion dollars.

According to the legal expert, the total public debt will amount to $138 billion if the budget is fully implemented, which is different from the World Bank’s estimation of $152 billion.

In a report titled “Renewed Pressures: RecoveryIraqat risk,” the World Bank discussed the economy of Iraq and its debts. The report highlighted the stagnation in non-oil GDP, industries, and agricultural activities, along with high inflation rates. The current government of Iraq lacks large-scale structural reforms to strengthen the economy beyond oil.

He stated that the government’s annual budget has seen a significant increase in public spending by 59% compared to last year. This accounts for 74.3% of total expenses and will result in a large fiscal deficit of 51.6 trillion Iraqi dinars, equivalent to 39.7 billion dollars. This represents 14.3% of the total value of public imports and is more than half of the recent record reserves accumulated due to the increase in oil prices. He also discussed the Central Bank’s policy of devaluing the local currency.

According to the World Bank, the devaluation of the Iraqi dinar resulted in a rise in headline and core inflation. This was due to the country’s heavy reliance on imports, as domestic production is weak and not backed by government authorities. This has exposed the fragility of Iraq’s economy.

According to the World Bank report, the currency auctions carried out by the Central Bank have resulted in a decrease in the value of the dinar against the dollar, as hard currency has been redirected to the parallel market due to the adopted transaction standards.

As per the World Bank, the lack of diversification of income sources in Iraq has resulted from the chaotic policies of successive governments. This has caused a contraction in gross domestic product by 1.1% in the year 2023. Additionally, the country’s public debt has increased to 58.3% from the previous year’s 53.8%, which amounts to $152 billion, an increase of $10 billion. The total external debt stands at $50 billion, while the internal debt amounts to $102 billion. It is noteworthy that the government has borrowed around $60 billion internally in the previous three years at an annual rate of $15 billion. Furthermore, the annual interest on internal debts is approximately 16 to 17% of the debt volume.

The economic future prospects of Iraq are still at great risk, according to the bank. This is due to their excessive dependence on oil, which makes them vulnerable to shocks in the oil market and global demand. Recent declines in oil prices have highlighted this vulnerability. Additionally, there are basic challenges to the economy, such as widespread corruption, poor service delivery, lack of infrastructure development, and security risks that contribute to its fragility.

According to the World Bank, if the government continues with these policies, it will benefit political parties that have hindered development and caused significant imbalances in the country’s budget, despite two decades passing since the end of the war.


 Frank26 (KTFA)

There is no delayIf you know very well that Iran is stealing the currency, the bloodline, destroying the spinal cord, destroying the unity, the harmony, the sovereignty, the proudness of Iraqi citizens as their nation would you not also want to remove that

 …we don’t have the perfect situation for the monetary reform to be released.  We’ve got terrorists… corruption …thieves…Now granted it’s been really reduced

The next step in the monetary reform is exactly what you’re seeing right now.  Remove those evil people – Iranians and Iraqis and any other foreign persons

Have you ever seen…a prime minister from Iraq do what this man is doing?  Never, not in your lifetime…

Sudani is a great leader and Iraq is blessed to have him.  The things that he’s doing is amazing.  There are no delays.  It is the next step of the monetary reform plan.

Community Comment:
We only get one chance to get this right.”

Oh boy is that ever so profound for you to say.  You can’t make a mistake and go back and fix it.  Not in a monetary reform.  Math would not allow it.  You make a mathematical mistake in this monetary reform it will all crumble.  Worse than anything else, you make a mistake Sudani/Alaq with the Iraqi citizens, that’s it…your monetary reform will fail.

FRANK26…..8-21-23……AKI SAID…

Dinar RV Breaking News🔥Iraqi PM Reveals Solution to Dinar's Exchange Rat...

5 Cheap Strong Buy Stocks in 2023


 MilitiaMan (KTFA)

We saw a documentary video of them specifically reducing the note count, destroying money….

We don’t know how much money they have destroyed yet but they will probably disclose it because it’ll be a necessary thing to disclose when they go international.  People are going to  want to know what their money supply is.  The bottom line is they were destroying and…making little pellets with perfectly good money. 

Those of you out there on the Internet that are doing the math saying this doesn’t work, if you don’t know how much money they’ve destroyed, you don’t have good calculations. 

So be very careful on telling people that it’s not going to happen when it clearly is showing the Central Bank of Iraq, The Finance Ministry, the World Bank, the U.S. Treasury and everybody else goes against what you’re saying.  Be fair in your analysis. 



Let’s get right in to the news for today. No, the RV has not yet happened. Sorry, all you intel gurus… But what is the vision for the CBI when it comes to the currency? Is it entirely attempting to back it with GOLD? How much of the currency do they intend to back with gold we do not know. How much does Basel III require?

Here is what was told to me by my CBI contact when I asked these questions yesterday on my weekly call to Iraq:

“As of April 17, 2021 · Basel III rules move physical gold from being considered a Tier-3 asset to being considered Tier-1, which allows physical gold in bullion form to be counted at 100% value for reserve purposes. All forms of gold, including physical, are required to be at least 85-percent funded with Tier 1 capital in accordance with the Net Stability Funding Ratio (“NSFR”) introduced in Basel 3”.

Remember that Tier 1 capital is not just Gold. So there is not definitive ration for only Gold to total Tier 1 assets.

I was also told: “that the 113 billion in reserves, the CBI keeps bragging about, is all in US dollars today in the JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A in NYC and does not include the billions of Gold reserves, which is additional. Even though Ali Alaq makes reference to backing the dinar with US dollars he knows this is not a safe way to back the dinar in the long run and this will change to a mixture of a foreign currency basket of 6 developed countries”

Of course this was WOW!!! news for me since I connected the dots. In 2011 the plan for the dinar was outlined and included eventually going to a basket of 5 currencies and not just solely the US dollar, as was described to me yesterday. They told me there is now 6 currencies in the basket.

What does all this mean to us as investors?

It means that the CBI is still on track with the 2011 plan and is moving ahead with it. By reserving gold, they are moving to meet the Basel 3 rules.

So once again the news, if you were paying attention to an article of an interview with Ali Alaq, he told us the future vision of the Iraqi dinar. It makes total sense to me. It is backing the dinar with GOLD! 😊 WOW!!! no longer just the dollar. Yes, we can definitely see the trend already to get the dollar out of Iraq. It is a process.

So, in the article in the article section of today’s Newsletter, see below, first Alaq says that today they back the dinar with the billions of reserves, which is the dollar. Then he talks about the future where it will be backed by GOLD not the Dollar. He says Iraq has 132 tons of gold. So how much is that in equivalent dollars? Let’s see if we can figure it out.

1 ton = 2,000 pounds

1 pound = 16 ounces

1 ounce of GOLD is valued at $1,896 (market price) example only  

$30,336 per pound

$60,672,000 per ton

Iraq has about $8,008,704,000 billion worth of GOLD

What else is in the news?

Looks to me like Iraq is working with the WTO now since it has joined it and has been working with all along. I quote from today’s article- “the center will provide to Iraq, with a diagnosis of challenges and work to support Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization by providing technical and legal advice and supporting trade policies to align with international standards.”

More proof that Iraq is part of the WTO and is in full accession.  

The news today is mostly all about the dinar. Does it surprise you?

I quote from one of the articles today that just about sums up all of today’s articles on the subject matter:

“Iraq has made strides implementing U.S. dollar supply restrictions targeting Iran but faces an uphill battle with a banking system unaccustomed to strict oversight and persistent currency smugglers, central bank governor Ali al-Alaq said.”

“It is really a battle, because the people benefiting from this situation and those harmed (by the new measures) will try in various ways to continue their illegal activities,” Allaq said in an interview with Reuters.”

So nothing extraordinary has occurred this week so far. We wait for more news on the progression of the currency reforms being instituted by the CBI and the coming second “official” rate change to around 1000. But they are not there yet and I do not expect this will take too long now that the budget is released.

Q & A

As you know I like to answer concerns/questions that are important and pertinent to our investment in the Iraqi dinar. Remember my disclaimer: All information in this newsletter is not intended for investment decisions / purposes. Mnt Goat is not a financial analyst, planner, banker, attorney or associated in any role with giving out professional investment advice.

QUESTION/COMMNET: Hello Mountain Goat,

Thank You for Everything you are doing to keep us all up to date while we wait for the reinstatement!!

I know you feel that if Iraq gets the green light from the IMF and the US that the Dinar could RV right away, but wouldn’t it make sense for it to RV after President Trump gets back in the White House, so he gets all the credit for creating all the new rich people from the RV?

Also, who in the US is in charge of giving Iraq the green light to RV?
Would it be the US Treasury?

Also, my family members keep asking me this question:

“What if a bunch of rich people get wind of this situation and decide to use a lot of their US Dollar cash to buy all the Dinar that is in circulation outside of Iraq? Someone like Elon Musk, Zukerbucks, and Bezos could buy it all up, and then wouldn’t that put Iraq in a bad spot if it did finally RV? Because when the USA turnes it all back in to Iraq, for the oil credits at a fixed rate, how could Iraq keep selling oil to the USA at a discount price to cover all that turned in Dinar? Wouldn’t that hurt them real bad selling all that oil at a discounted price? They need good profits from their oil to keep the country going since the oil revenue make up I think like 90% of their yearly revenue, right?”

I don’t know what to tell them for an answer to their questions, maybe you can clear it up for them.

Thanks Again Mountain Goat, may God bless You, all of us investors, Donald John Trump, the Military, and the USA!!

MNT Goat ANSWER: I do not believe the RV will go right away once the CBI gets the green light. I never said that. However, I did say that they would RV first in-country and restrict it to Iraq. At that time, it will be just under or over a dollar. Probably more like over to give incentives for citizens to turn in their 3 zero notes. Then the CBI will watch carefully for inflation. We don’t know how long this would take. Maybe a few days or weeks? What if they do experience inflation? They will also have to take more reform measures to combat it. Right?

Also, to coincide with the RV they would have to conduct the Project to Delete the Zerosthus the redenomination. I have said this over and over again so there is no mistake on the CBI plan and my stance on this. Like many of these idiot gurus tell you that the US Treasury is just going to pop out a rate and give 800#s to call and we all head to the bank is absolute nonsense. Stop listening to them, please! ☹

The oil credits from SOME of the dinar, not all of it, is to be used over a long period of many decades. Get it? I do not know the caps per year, but I am sure they have worked it all out so Iraq can handle the exports. Remember too Iraq is exporting nearly 2/3 more oil today then when these agreements were conceived. Tell your buddies and family members this – ‘no guts no glory”. This is not a get rich quick scheme. It is a legitimate investment in Iraqi dinar but  you have to have the guts to stay the long haul. If you don’t then sell you dinar and get out!

We all want this to be so simple and even after waiting up to 17-20 years for some of us, we still have not learned our lesson. The heart of the problem now stems from systemic corruption. Like Dr Shabibi once said, you can’t let this de facto program rate tied solely to the dollar drag on as corruption will become the norm and banks will not diversify in ways to make money. They will become dependent on the spread from the currency auctions. Is this not exactly what has happened? Okay, so now they have to undo it. So now they are in this bad situation and must overcome it. Remember the “Pillars of Financial Reform”. This is how they will overcome it along with perseverance and more reforms. But we can at least the process now in force and is moving ahead nicely. 

Also, I want to add. Have I not been saying all along that an obstacle to Iraq is also the US government and all this corruption from the past Obama and not current Biden administrations? Go back and read my past Newsletters. They are financially trying to rape Iraq. They are like vultures. 


I decided to begin including this section in my Newsletter because of the nature of what we are now seeing in our governments and how these crises after crises now affect the ability of us to spend and hold on to our proceeds once we exchange our dinar post-RV. We can make a difference if we decide to. We are empowered citizens as we only have to realize it and do something about it. Remember the majority is many hundreds of millions of people and the elected and on-elected government officials are only less than maybe five thousand. This scares them but we have no power unless we act upon it.

I encourage everyone to watch these videos I have put together. They will save you time and are shortcuts to the political news that does effects everything in our lives including this long-awaited RV.

We are down to the last month of the three-month period that prophet Tim Sheets talked to us about (June-Aug). Did you see how explosive June and July were? Wow! Talk about prophecies fulfilled!!!! What is August going to bring us?


Coffee with MarkZ and Militia Man 08/21/2023 with NOTES

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member:  Good Morning and welcome to a new week

Member:  Will This Be Our Week ?

MZ: Things look great this week….we need to buckle up and see what happens. Just remember- nobody knows the exact timing……

Member:  Rumor:  Air Force One (the 747) spotted at the Reno/Tahoe International Airport over the weekend?

MZ: MilitiaMan joins the stream today.   Thanks you MM for being here today. 

Member:  Gm Militia Man glad to have you with us this a.m. What are you hearing?

MM:  There are a lot of things happening that are not in print. Things that are correlated to the global financial system . There are big changes coming .

MM: There are meetings in BRICS that start tomorrow through the 24thwith a variety of countries. One of the things I had to step back and think about is those countries that are in BRICS…a lot of them are really not doing all that well…but, they may start doing well in the future. One of the reasons could be because they are rich in commodities. 

MM: And one of the things the world uses a lot of is that. When all this changes it suggests we are going to more of an “asset backed” system. Commodities are assets. We ccan see changes coming. 

MZ: We had some reporting from Iraq over the weekend on the BRICS front…one of the ministers says “The whole world changes on or around the 22nd with BRICS”  

MZ: The original BRICS countries are 30% of the worlds GDP and over half the world’s population. This isn’t even counting the 40 or so nations trying to desperately join BRICS. Which would put them at over half of the world’s GDP. I find it interesting that many are saying the meetings in BRICS this week will change the world. This was reporting in Iraq over the weekend and I think it’s huge. 

MM: I saw two different articles about that yesterday.  One of the titles were “BRICS summit-Will the world change after it? The BRICS summit starts on August 22nd and things will not remain the same after that. 

MM: My understanding is they got a head start and there are people already there yesterday and today. They got started quickly but “officially” it’s going to start tomorrow on the 22nd. 

MM: Also keep in mind that are sone time frames that we have been given by the Prime Minister of Iraq-Al Sudani. We have met at least one of them and will probably meet the other one. That’s the way the world rolls. We met the first one on the 15th with the service portion of the projects  and the next one is the operational side of the 2023,24 and 25 budget –the investment side of it …..coincides with the BRICS meetings finishing up on the 24th.  

MM: Whether there is a relationship between those timeframes or not…..we don’t know….but this week should be pretty powerful. Starting today through the 24th we will have our eyes open and watching to see how this all plays out. 

MZ:  How are you handling this week…We don’t know the exact timing….so this week we are playing it by ear…

MM: that’s how I do things….We will see how that rolls. 

Member: In the blink of an eye everything changes.

Member:  I hope BRICS isn't a lead balloon.

Member: Is Iraq is not joining BRICS because they want to build their national currency?

MZ: I have a strong opinion on this based on what I was told by my contacts in Iraq when I asked why they havn’t jumped all over BRICS. 

MM: I do know that currencies need to be stable and appropriately valued. I’m assuming because of a lot of US treasury involvement in Iraq …there is probably their influence in that respect. Romanowski is once again talking about partnerships and cooperation. My assumption is they need a stable currency and BRICS membership could take some time. That doesn’t mean they are never going to join. 

MM: Even the US may be in cooperation with BRICS when everybody is on a level playing field with commodities and trade. Including the Quantum financial system and SWIFT messaging system. This all could come into play when everyone is on the same page…’s possible. 

MM: I have heard rumors and scuttlebut that even the united States , Iraq and others will someday get on board with this because it will be a level playing field. 

MZ: That’s my take…until Iraq removes all the tendrils from the puppet strings of the US …they cannot openly embrace anything the US frowns upon right now. 

MM: At the moment we will watch things unfold…..sometimes we get it right and sometimes we get it wrong. 

MM: I think as far as everything being in place where Iraq is concerned with their re-instatement timeframe…I think the writing is on the wall that they are going to go into the international financial system. 

MM: I think this is fascinating that Iraq now has the first woman financial minister….and also the first woman who has the first tripartite budget….This has never been done before. She is going to get credit for that. They have made a lot of headway with womens rights over the last 10 years. She’s a very talented woman who takes her job as finance minister very seriously. 

MZ: I am very much a fan of hers watching from the outside. 

MM: Al Sudani has also been knocking it out of the park. My understanding is he is a non-stop go-getter whose attention to detail is phenomenal….trying to get that black market/parallel market cleaned up…..I don’t think it’s a big issue anymore…as far as I can see. And I believe if the dinar exchange rate changes to exceed the dollar…..that black market is going to go away anyway. 

MM: The bottom line is it’s illegal to use the dollar for commercial and residential uses in Iraq. Grocery stores and stuff like that are supposed to only take dinar. Alaq (CBI governor) has said over the last 3 weeks that the deletion of the 3 zeros project still exists……and for that to happen the tripartite budget needs Alaq to make some changes pretty quick. 

MM: These are changes we are hoping for at anytime. I believe there was an article from the courts that Iraq had 30 days from July 26th for the budget to be implemented and for them to start spending…..for them to start spending –it’s a heck of a lot cheaper to buy things to rebuild with a at least a rate of $1 then 1310. 

MM: Whatever rate they come out at I believe it will have to be strong. Alaq has said he is not going to float the currency…suggesting it’s going to be a strong rate. 

MZ: At one point I felt Iraq needed one more rate change but I do not believe that is now going to happen. I do not feel that is in their best interest now. 

MM: My understanding is that is not going to happen. It does’nt make any sense at this time in the game. 

MM: Sometimes we do not get all the information in a timely matter….In our country (US) my understanding is (I have had some pictures of new United States Currency) and it’s said to be started and out on the streets as early as October 1st. Its fascinating currency because instead of being  horizontal like our currency we no hold….the pictures are vertical. They are quite colorful and quite beautiful….I understand this is a reality and we should soon be seeing those. 

MM: I think the bank /bankers….one particular one that is in the east suggested they have witnessed them. And these are a real thing.

MZ: Many bankers at this point have told me this is a real thing. 

MM: I have a friend who has been studying currencies and collecting them for over 30 years. He called me the other day and said “Get ready- they are going to do it”  And I believe him-this is his forte’…..and I am excited to see this. It will be a big change in our lives…..

MZ: They are going to have to run the new bills with the old bills- side by side for awhile. 

MM: Absolutely. This is going to be an interesting situation…..and this doesn’t mean the process has not already gotten started. If higher ups in the bank have already gotten educated….and seen visual pictures of the new currency…they will need to train the tellers ect…before they are released…

MM: And we also expect to see the new small category notes (lower denominations)  released in Iraq…and I am hoping this will happen in the next short period of time.  

Please listen to full MilitiaMan Interveiw for this entire chat and information….

Member:  Thank you Mark and MM. This was a very encouraging podcast……

Member: Mark and Mods and MM are all doing the best they can… and without all of you informing us as to what you are hearing we would have nothing … Thank You.

Member:  Our world is falling apart at the seams! It is time to start this RV & clean everything up!

Member: Have a. great afternoon everyone....



Al-Sudani’s advisor reveals an expected attack that will affect the most corrupt people in the country, 21 AUGUST

 Al-Sudani’s advisor reveals an expected attack that will affect the most corrupt people in the country

Al-Sudanis advisor reveals an expected attack that will affect the most corrupt people in the countrySabhan Mulla Jiyad, political advisor to Prime Minister Muhammad Shia’a al-Sudani, revealed an expected attack that will affect the country’s top corrupt officials.
Jiyad said in a statement: “The work of integrity focuses on the small and medium of the corrupt, but the nature of the judicial work seeks to stand before the court and make confessions and the parties behind corruption and the corrupt, because therefore the small corrupt come to the middle and the last to confess to the big whales covered with a lot of camouflage.”
Jiyad added: “In the coming days, we will witness the overthrow of senior corrupt people, because there is seriousness in the Sudanese approach, and this is one of the priorities of his government program and with the approval of all political blocs.”
He pointed out, “The political blocs will disavow the corrupt affiliated with them in order to avoid any embarrassment that they may find behind their actions.”

Iraq achieves self-sufficiency in wheat production for 2023

Shafaq News / The Iraqi Ministry of Agriculture announced on Sunday that the country has achieved self-sufficiency in wheat production for the current year 2023, eliminating the need for wheat imports.

According to Deputy Minister Mithaq Abdul Hussein Al-Khafaji, the Iraqi government has allocated financial support for farmers and agricultural crops in the general budget law. This support has contributed to the successful wheat harvest, allowing Iraq to produce more than 5 million tons of wheat this year, a quantity sufficient to sustain the food basket without requiring imports.'

Al-Khafaji affirmed the ministry's intention to increase support for farmers in the coming year, despite the challenges posed by climate change and rising temperatures. He emphasized that the ministry is adopting new methods that can adapt to water scarcity, utilizing machinery and equipment to enhance production.

The Agriculture Minister, Abbas Al-Aliawi, previously informed Shafaq News Agency that Iraq had officially cultivated approximately 8 million dunams of land. Around 4 million dunams were cultivated in desert lands, and an additional 2.5 million dunams in irrigated lands. Recently, approximately 1.5 million dunams were cultivated in various Iraqi provinces.

Last May, the Iraqi Ministry of Agriculture declared the successful marketing season for the 2022-2023 wheat harvest and confirmed that all dues owed to farmers had been disbursed smoothly.

What does “financial inclusion” mean? BY MNT GOAT, 18 SEPT

BY 48.5%.. BANKS ASSOCIATION: FINANCIAL INCLUSION IN IRAQ HAS INCREASED (What does “financial inclusion” mean? Shame on you if you don’t kno...