Tuesday, February 6, 2024

The $3-$4 Question, What to Expect from the IQD Rate in the Forex Market

American confession regarding the recent treacherous aggression: We informed the Iraqis after it occurred, 7 FEB

 American confession regarding the recent treacherous aggression: We informed the Iraqis after it occurred

The US State Department admitted on Monday that Washington informed the Iraqis after the recent bombing in the west of the country. This is contrary to what it claimed to have informed the Iraqi government before the attack on the headquarters of the Popular Mobilization Forces in western Iraq

The US State Department said in a new comment, “We did not notify Iraq of the American attacks, but we did so after the strikes we carried out.”

She added, “The Iraqi government was informed immediately after the attacks were carried out on sites in its territory.”

It is noteworthy that treacherous and cowardly American air strikes targeted Iraq and Syria at dawn on Saturday, resulting in civilian and military casualties and significant damage to public and private property.

In the Iraqi government’s first comment, the spokesman for the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces said that the American strikes in the cities of Al-Qaim and the border areas constitute a violation of Iraqi sovereignty.




  Article:   "A government advisor details indicators of the efficiency of foreign reserves: Iraq is in the best financial condition"   Quote:  "All indicators of the efficiency of foreign reserves mentioned above indicate that Iraq today is in the best condition in its financial history."

Article:  "A government advisor details indicators of the efficiency of foreign reserves: Iraq is in the best financial condition"  Quote:  "...The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, detailed indicators of the efficiency of foreign reserves, while confirming that they indicate that Iraq today is better off in its financial history"

 Article: "Advisor to the Prime Minister: The financial situation in Iraq is stable and sound

 Quote:  "Advisor to the Prime Minister for Financial Affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, confirmed today, Thursday, that the future outlook for the financial situation in Iraq is stable, while indicating that oil market indicators are still more than 10% above the price specified in the budget until now"

 Article:  "Romanowski regarding the US Treasury’s visit to Iraq: enhancing cooperation between the two countries” 

 Quote:   “The United States and Iraq share the goal of supporting a sound and strong financial system in Iraq, which will attract investment and ultimately benefit the Iraqi people.  She added: I am pleased with the visit of US Treasury Undersecretary Ryan Nelson to Iraq, stressing that this visit has strengthened this important cooperation."

 Article:  " The Credit Bank of Iraq achieves a profit of 17.5 billion dinars during the year 2023” 

 Quote:  "For the year 2023... its assets rose to 507.7 billion dinars, while it was 406.7 billion dinars in the year 2022, a growth rate of 24.8%...The bank's profits grew by 63.5% during the year 2023 compared to the year 2022, which reached 10.7 billion dinars 

 Clare:  With the closure...the dollar price decreased


The main stock exchange in the capital, Baghdad, closed today, Saturday, due to the decline in the exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar.

Selling prices in money exchange shops in local markets in Baghdad reached 153,250 Iraqi dinars for 100 dollars, while purchasing prices reached 151,250 dinars for 100 dollars.   LINK


🔥 Iraqi Dinar 🔥 Dinar Will Be $3 to $4 🔥 News Guru Intel Update IQD Rate...

An “intractable problem” prevents the oil and gas law from being removed from Parliament, 7 FEB

 An “intractable problem” prevents the oil and gas law from being removed from Parliament

Member of the Parliamentary Oil and Gas Committee, Ali Al-Lami, expected on Tuesday that the oil and gas law would not be approved in the current parliamentary session, indicating that the dispute over the law concerns the party responsible for managing the oil fields in Kurdistan.

Al-Lami told Shafaq News Agency, “The oil and gas law is one of the important laws, but it will not pass in the current parliamentary session, and this law will be transferred to the next parliamentary session, as it was transferred in previous sessions.”

He added, "There are many disagreements over the oil and gas law, including political disagreements and technical disagreements, and the most prominent of them is over the party that manages the oil fields in the Kurdistan Region and who exports the region's oil abroad," stressing that "this main disagreement has not been resolved and will not be resolved due to the deepening political disagreements regarding this is the law".

Al-Lami continued: “The oil and gas law cannot be separated into two laws, one of which is concerned with oil and the other with gas, given that the gas comes out of the same oil fields, and the two laws cannot be separated, as the dispute is the same without a solution.”  link



  [Iraqi Bank Friend Aki update]

 Aki [and his boss Number One] went to the meeting on Thursday with everybody else that represents banks in Iraq.  The one question we had for them, 'Gentlemen, we've been seeing some articles that are suggesting maybe we're looking at about two more months away...'   [they answered]  'NO! Who told you that!'

 All these meetings that the CBI had with all these agencies that were helping them with their monetary reform are done.  All the things that Aki [Iraqi bank friend] had to do in order to qualify to exchange the 3-zero notes into American dollars is done.  International platforms that were needed in order to do electronic transfers is done...

[Iraqi Bank Friend Aki update] 

This is the monetary reform roadmap for the next couple of weeks...January 29th a banking campaign was started to release deeper education about the monetary reform to the Iraqi citizens

...Either Thursday or Friday the Minister of Planning, Minister of Finance, the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq and the Prime Minister Sudani are all going to be receiving the flow down of information regarding the new currency that is to be released and the new exchange rate for that new currency...Also...the Erbil Stock Exchange (ESX) and The Iraqi Stock Exchange (ISX) have completed their linkup...of international platforms.  They are done and going live at any moment.   


All these meetings that the CBI had with all these agencies that were helping them with their monetary reform are done.  All the things that Aki [Iraqi bank friend] had to do in order to qualify to exchange the 3-zero notes into American dollars is done.  International platforms that were needed in order to do electronic transfers is done...

[Iraqi Bank Friend Aki update] 

This is the monetary reform roadmap for the next couple of weeks...January 29th a banking campaign was started to release deeper education about the monetary reform to the Iraqi citizens

...Either Thursday or Friday the Minister of Planning, Minister of Finance, the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq and the Prime Minister Sudani are all going to be receiving the flow down of information regarding the new currency that is to be released and the new exchange rate for that new currency...Also...the Erbil Stock Exchange (ESX) and The Iraqi Stock Exchange (ISX) have completed their linkup...of international platforms.  They are done and going live at any moment.  


CBI is Ready💣Everything on Schedule to Release RV?🤔Iraq Dinar RV Updates...

Arab currencies from top to bottom… How did they collapse?, 7 FEB

 Arab currencies from top to bottom… How did they collapse?

In the early 1980s, Arab currencies, including the currencies of non-oil countries, represented a strong image in the exchange market against foreign currencies.

You can imagine that the US dollar was according to the numbers of the World Bank database:

Less than an Egyptian pound (70 piasters only).
3.9 Syrian pounds.
Jordanian dinar 3 dollars.
The Sudanese pound is equivalent to 2.6 dollars.
The Somali shilling is equivalent to 3.4 dollars.
The Iraqi dinar is equivalent to two dollars.
But the decade of the 1980s had its consequences, as a number of Arab countries followed the socialist economic system and state control, and most of their foreign dealings were carried out according to the mechanism of equal deals, and foreign dealings were by their nature limited, due to working according to the policy of replacing imports with exports, through public sector companies.

There was no need to travel abroad and need foreign currencies; They represent a large burden and demand for foreign exchange, in addition to the monetary policy that adopts an administrative pricing system for the local currency, and thus the exchange rates of Arab currencies do not operate according to the mechanism of supply and demand.

Before the liberalization of the exchange rate in the Arab countries during the 1980s, obtaining foreign exchange required conditions that may not be available to some, and banks did not meet the needs of foreign exchange seekers (however few they were), which created a parallel market for foreign exchange, but it was not active. Or significantly affecting the exchange rate.

While the situation in 2024 is significantly different, as the exchange rates of Arab currencies for non-oil-producing countries are facing strong waves of decline against foreign currencies.

The official exchange rates for the US dollar are currently as follows:

30 Egyptian pounds.
About 546 Sudanese pounds.
About 1,450 Iraqi dinars.
1114 Yemeni riyals.
492 Syrian pounds.
571 Somali Chalet.
3.1 Tunisian dinars.

The Unified Arab Economic Report for 2022 monitored the decline in the value of some Arab currencies in 2021:

The Sudanese pound declined in value by 588%.
And the Yemeni riyal by 314%.
The Libyan dinar is 224%.
And the Syrian pound by 140%.
How did that happen?

Factors of decline and collapse
1- Corruption
One of the factors that helped the collapse of Arab currencies as well was the high rates of corruption, especially in countries experiencing a state of political and security instability.

The Transparency International report for 2023 found that all countries whose currencies collapsed or declined in the Arab region have high rates of corruption. Somalia occupies the bottom of the list of countries on the Transparency Index, ranked 180, Syria ranked 177, Yemen ranked 176, Libya ranked 170, Iraq ranked 154, and Egypt ranked 108, knowing that the index includes 180 countries.

We must differentiate between the collapse of the currencies of some countries and the decline of currencies in others, especially during the past two decades.

What happened in Syria, Lebanon, Sudan, Yemen, Somalia and Iraq is undoubtedly a collapse. As for the situation in Egypt and Tunisia, it is still in the context of a major decline and has not yet reached collapse, but there are no strong production bases in both Egypt and Tunisia that would help them emerge from the decline. The value of the currency, so that work is done to increase exports.

2- Increased demand for foreign exchange.
In the early 1990s, the world witnessed the start of economic globalization, and Arab economies took on the garb of market economies and modified their monetary, financial, and production policies.

The majority of non-oil Arab countries entered into reform programs with the International Monetary Fund, obligating them to liberalize the exchange rates of their local currencies, which put the Arab currencies in front of a new equation.

In light of the development of foreign economic relations, the movement of imports of goods and services revived, and travel was allowed for all categories of businessmen, students, and those wishing to engage in foreign tourism, which generated a new demand for foreign exchange that had not existed before.

The process of tight economic management was not undertaken by the Arab governments to enter into the struggle of economic globalization. Rather, the state’s exit from economic activity was treated as a disavowal of its responsibility for economic performance, and this is not true. Even if the state entrusts the production and service side to the private sector, it remains responsible for Overall planning, so that macroeconomic indicators are controlled and mutual influences are balanced, so that one sector does not bear more burdens than the other sector, or one indicator negatively affects the performance of the other indicators.

The numbers indicate a significant development regarding foreign trade in the Arab world. In 1990, Arab imports of goods and services amounted to 175.6 billion dollars, while in 2020 they amounted to 922.2 billion dollars, meaning that the percentage of increase in these imports amounted to 426%, and the same is true for Arab exports. Of goods and services, they amounted to about $307 billion in 2001, while they reached $936 billion in 2020, meaning that these exports increased by 204%.

Although the numbers reflect the reality of the Arab world as a whole, all of the non-oil Arab countries suffer from a deficit in their foreign trade relations, which has negatively affected their foreign exchange reality and increased demand for the dollar.

For example, Egypt’s exports of goods and services in 1980 were about $6.6 billion, then they rose in 2022 to $71 billion, while its imports of goods and services rose during the same period from $9 billion to $104 billion. We find that the deficit rose from $2.4 billion to $33 billion during this period, which represents a vivid picture of the increased demand for foreign exchange.

3- Lack of political stability
. In addition, some Arab countries have witnessed political and security events that have greatly harmed their economic situation, such as Somalia. State institutions collapsed in the early 1980s, and Sudan was exposed to successive political events, the most damaging to the economic reality was the secession of South Sudan in 2011, then the events of April 2019 that toppled the Bashir regime.

The same situation is in Iraq, which was subjected to the American occupation in 2003, while several Arab countries after the Arab Spring were exposed to armed conflicts in Libya, Syria, and Yemen. Lebanon was also exposed to an economic crisis at the end of 2019, which deepened in 2020 and beyond.

Egypt and Tunisia also experienced negative economic events after the end of the Arab Spring era.

4- The decline in foreign reserves.
In light of the previous fluctuations in Arab countries that collapsed or the value of their currencies declined, their other economic indicators, such as foreign exchange reserves, were affected.

World Bank figures monitor the following:

In Yemen, foreign exchange reserves declined from $8.1 billion in 2008 to $1.2 billion in 2022.
In Tunisia, reserves declined from $11.2 billion in 2009 to $8 billion in 2022.
In Libya, reserves declined from $124 billion in 2012 to $86 billion. In 2022.
With regard to foreign exchange reserves in some Arab countries, we find that they suffered a real collapse, but what helped them maintain some balances that can be considered acceptable is that the Arab oil countries deposited sums in the central banks of these countries, to support their reserves.

Egypt and Tunisia are clear examples of this.

What is the impact of the collapse of Arab currencies on citizens?
In light of the collapse of Arab currencies in non-oil countries, the citizen has borne several burdens, most notably the collapse of the value of savings for those who keep their savings in local currencies. You can imagine the situation in Sudan, after the dollar was equivalent to between 40 and 50 pounds, it jumped to more than 500 pounds. .

In Egypt, for example, at the beginning of the third millennium, the dollar was at around 3.30 pounds, and in 2024 it became at 30 pounds at the official rate, and the situation was also repeated in the rest of the countries that witnessed the decline or collapse of their local currencies.

Inflation was an inevitable result of the decline and collapse of Arab currencies. According to the numbers of the quarterly bulletin for the fourth quarter of 2023, issued by the Arab Investment Guarantee Corporation, inflation in Sudan in 2023 reached about 256%, in Lebanon 238%, in Syria 135%, and in Egypt 23%. And in Yemen, 14.9%, taking into account that inflation rates in those countries witnessed higher jumps than what was recorded for the year 2023, but the decline in the 2023 numbers is attributed to the nature of the index that is compared to last year.

One of the negative phenomena that has been associated with the decline and collapse of Arab currencies is the phenomenon of dollarization, where savings owners and merchants tended to link their savings or commercial activities to the dollar, buying and selling, which made everyone deprive themselves of local currencies.

The disease of dollarization moved to creating new speculators in foreign currencies, which burdened economic activity with abandoning production, or creating new jobs, stabilizing existing ones, and expanding the scope of rentier businesses.

As a result of high inflation rates for successive years, and without an improvement in productive and economic performance in general, poverty rates have increased. ESCWA, in its survey of economic and social conditions for the year 2021-2022, showed that 35.3% of the total population of the Arab region (excluding the Gulf countries and Libya) live below the line. Poverty, up to 130 million people.

The survey indicated that poverty had reached some countries suffering from the collapse of their currencies, such as Somalia at 72%, Yemen at 88%, Lebanon at 68.6%, Sudan at 54%, Iraq at 20%, and Egypt at 32%.

In some updates, whether by country or international data; There are other rates of poverty. In Egypt, the last statement on poverty levels was 29.7%, and in Syria, the Euro-Mediterranean Observatory stated that the poverty rate there included 90% of the people.

What are the future prospects for collapsing currencies?
The value of the currency in any economy comes to correctly reflect the economic situation, unless there is an exceptional case. Although the currencies of Libya and Iraq have declined as oil-producing countries, they are classified as developing countries, even before political or security crises occur.

Even if oil provides the countries that produce it with a better currency exchange rate, it has not changed the development reality at all.

The reality of the collapsed Arab currencies’ exchange rate is not expected to improve in the short and medium term, due to the continuing state of political and security instability.

The performance of macroeconomic indicators is weak, in terms of:

Fragility of the domestic product.
The continuing deficit in the balance of payments.
Budget deficit.
Collapse of foreign exchange reserves.
This weakens the hope of improving the exchange rate of the collapsed or declining Arab currencies.

Even in Iraq and Libya, which have a good share of foreign exchange inflow due to oil exports; High rates of corruption stand as an obstacle to economic development and to improving exchange rates.

In Egypt and Tunisia, the exchange rate of their currencies is not expected to improve during the next stage, in light of the existence of agreements with the International Monetary Fund.

The measures required to be applied cannot help improve the exchange rate, but rather they are required to reduce the value of their national currency.

As for the conflict countries (Syria, Yemen, Libya, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan), some of them have an absence of state authority, and thus the absence of monetary authorities’ control over managing the exchange rate, or implementing the open market mechanism due to the absence of the necessary reserve balances, or controlling incoming flows, especially from Workers abroad, as it is carried out almost entirely from outside the framework of the banking system, and therefore it is not expected to improve the exchange rate in these countries.













  Fri. 15 Dec. TNT RayRen98: 

The expected RV is now scheduled. Good news. This morning Iraq citizens were told in the next couple days. Sudani told ppl the rate is going to change in the next couple of days. I also go this from Tish she was watching in Iraqi tv.  The RV was supposed to occur last night Thurs. 14 Dec.  

Supposedly, the reason it didn’t is the U.N. filed a motion to take over the entire process. The judge denied the U.N. motion.  It didn’t make any sense b/c the IMF already released it to the counties. Every country has money, reserved currency, and is waiting to go live. Our window of time is  4:30pm Eastern Fri. 15 evening until 5:00 pm Eastern Sun 17 Dec. of when this could go through. In Iraq today the Kurdistan region was told that today was the last day they can turn in three zero notes and actually get 25,000 dinar for a 25,000 note.

Sudani was telling ppl this morning in a town hall type of meeting that the rate is going to change in the next couple of days. The last day the rate changed was the 20th of December.  If Iraq says today is last day, 4:30 EST is the next day Iraq time ~ a few minutes past midnight. They wanted to do it at 1:00 am eastern. This is how they want it to go down. In Iraq everyone is off Monday and Tuesday so they can go vote and the budget will be released on Tuesday. All the money. 

Always said they wouldn’t do that until the rate was changed. This hopefully will be our weekend. People who had bank appointments this weekend were told that there would be no fees during the exchange.  If you go to the teller window, there will be fees. There is no turning back. US has released it. IMF released to each country so when it goes, they can start exchanging. The money is in place so they can operate with it. They can’t wait. Sudani saying in a couple of days.

Fri. 8 Dec. TNT:  It was supposed to go Thurs. night 7 Dec. Everyone was waiting on the IMF to release it. After a meeting earlier today Fri. 8 Dec, contacts said it will happen by Mon. 11 Dec. Sun. 10 Dec. is Iraq’s Victory Day, so Tony thinks it might happen then. 

People that have already contacted their banks are being called in to go over the procedures for the exchange, interest rates they would pay them, debit and credit cards that will be available to them, etc. Banks are acknowledging that it is happening and that they want people to choose them.


Listen to it real good Iqd cbi BY NADER FROM MID EAST

Corruption, threats, and relations with influential people… Al-Sudani orders an investigation into “shocking” files about the work of the United Nations, 6 FEB

 Corruption, threats, and relations with influential people… Al-Sudani orders an investigation into “shocking” files about the work of the United Nations

Shafaq News/ After shocking newspaper reports about the work of its mission and development program in Iraq, the United Nations confirmed an expanded investigation following information about employees in the international organization, specifically in the United Nations Development Programme, who sought to obtain bribes from influential Iraqis in exchange for granting them deals within the framework of Construction projects, worth up to $1.5 billion, as Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani directed a separate investigation.

According to an internal United Nations document, obtained by the British newspaper The Guardian, the Director of the United Nations Development Programme, Achim Steiner, was assigned to “conduct an administrative review and evaluation of the allegations” after it was revealed that his employees were receiving bribes in exchange for helping businessmen obtain construction contracts.



 Mnt Goat 

   ...I talked to my CBI contact...I was told the rate will be determined just as it has been determined all along by the new asset backed Quantum Financial System (QFS) now in place. It was put in place from 2011-2012 and now running daily. Only technically they have not yet linked or mapped these new rates into the foreign currency exchanges as of yet. This is what we are waiting for. 

Not all the rates will come over at once and many call them “baskets” or “groups” of currencies. The plan is for the years to come to slowly roll out these new rates and map them to the foreign exchanges as the new market rates... 

...the rate will be whatever it is in the QFS system when the time comes to reinstate it.  This will be the starting rate. All they need to do is bring it over to FOREX by mapping it from the QFS. It is a simple process.  It will most likely be around $3-$4 when it does come out...

Yes, when the IQD rate does come out, it could vary but only a drastic change in the price of oil will affect it. However, the projection is for the price of oil to hover around $70-90 this year which will still produce an IQD rate well within the range we investors want... 

Iraqi Dinar update for 02/05/24 - So many Profit Prophets with dinar BY PIMPY

Sudanese Advisor: War is imminent and we ask Iran and America to choose an alternative to Iraq – urgent, 6 FEB

 Sudanese Advisor: War is imminent and we ask Iran and America to choose an alternative to Iraq – urgent

Baghdad – 964
A prominent advisor to the Iraqi Prime Minister published an extensive article in the London newspaper Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, commenting on the great tension after the American bombing of sites in Iraq last week, and it included behind-the-scenes dialogues with Western ambassadors about that, and a review of Baghdad’s vision regarding the presence of international coalition forces, concluding that Iraq He senses signs of an “imminent war” and wants Tehran and Washington to find an “alternative to Iraq,” which both parties are currently using as a corridor and a base that protects supply lines and logistical requirements within the Middle East.

Baghdad: Washington informed us during the bombing, but it was not useful…
Baghdad: Washington informed us during the bombing, but it was of no use.. Sudanese advisor
Article by Dr. Farhad Alaa El-Din, in Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper, followed by Network 964:
At a time when regional and international powers are struggling to expand their influence in the Middle East amidst the sound of imminent drums of war that are still beating here and there around the clock, I had a conversation with the ambassador of one of the European countries in Baghdad about Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa al-Sudani’s announcement to end the presence of forces. The international coalition in Iraq, so he asked me what is the ultimate goal of Iraq?

Despite the simplicity of the question, its answer is important and deserves clarification, whether to the ambassador, the international community, or internal public opinion, as the Iraqi is also still searching for an answer.

The goal may be clear and simple, but the rising level of tension on the part of this or that party is what stands behind the complexity of the scene. Iraq is undoubtedly a country seeking to distance itself from involvement in a war imposed by another party that undoubtedly threatens its future and the future of its generations and undermines its peace and stability. A country that is keen to care for its citizens who have been exhausted by these wars, to provide them with safety, raise the level of basic services, redevelop infrastructure, and invest its human and natural resources to build a promising future for the people. To achieve all of this, Iraq must exit the circle of regional and international conflict and end the military presence that was established to fight ISIS, as the Prime Minister believes that “ISIS does not today represent a threat to the Iraqi state.”

Over the past forty years, Iraq has lived through a series of devastating wars, the first of which was the Iraq-Iran war, then the Gulf Wars and the overthrow of the regime, the last of which was the ISIS war. These wars left behind devastation, devastation, tragedies and woes that transformed Iraq from the strongest to the weakest country in the region. Its financial wealth was dissipated and it became indebted hundreds of billions to various countries in the region and the world. Its infrastructure and its military, industrial and agricultural capabilities collapsed, until poverty affected more than a quarter of its population, unemployment spread and the education sectors collapsed. And health and basic services, and most importantly of all, its human losses, including young men, children and women, in alarming numbers.

Despite this heavy legacy, the current government headed by Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani has placed upon itself the responsibility of rebuilding the state according to an ambitious program, but it has found itself in the arena of a regional and international conflict without the conflicting parties paying attention to the interests of Iraq and focusing their concerns on self-interests, without taking into account the challenges facing the state. Iraqi. The scene became more complicated after the events in Gaza last October.

The government is determined to achieve its goals, and this cannot be done if Iraq remains an arena for conflicts amid an anxious and tense security and military situation that threatens a larger and broader war than what we are currently witnessing. Stopping this war requires action on more than one level and in more than one direction:

First: Strengthening and developing bilateral relations with the countries under the banner of the international coalition in a way that serves Iraq, suits the needs of the Iraqi state, and serves common interests with those countries. This is what was indicated in the statement of the Prime Minister’s meeting with the Secretary-General of NATO in Davos, as It stated, “Iraq does not mind cooperating with the countries of the international coalition in the field of armament, training, and equipment, within the framework of bilateral relations that bring together Iraq and the countries of this coalition.”

Second: Removing Iraq from the arena of conflict, as Iraq does not want to be a party to regional conflicts, but rather wants to remain at the same distance with all countries, especially those involved in this conflict. Iraq considers both Iran and the United States to be its strategic partners, and it cannot be a party to what is going on between them at the level of the entire region. This conflict is evident in Syria, as Iran needs an air and land bridge to reach Syria, while the United States needs to use Iraqi territory to support the presence of its forces in Syria. However, each of them can find alternative ways to serve their interests and plans, whether in Syria or other hotbeds of raging conflict, without involving Iraq in the current conflict.

Third: Strengthening the Iraqi presence on the regional and international arena, as Iraq cannot be affiliated with anyone or a backyard for any party. Iraq has many capabilities that help it play a pivotal role in global politics and diplomacy. Iraq is an important country in the international energy market. It has a strategic location in the Middle East and is the only Arab country that has distinguished relations with all neighboring countries and the great powers, both eastern and western. It is also a country of special importance. In fighting terrorism.

Fourth: Developing common interests between the countries of the region and the international community. Iraq wants to rebuild the state and its infrastructure and has the wealth and material capabilities it needs to present strategic projects that these countries benefit from to operate their companies and economies, whether directly or indirectly.

Fifth: The Iraqi forces are the most experienced and knowledgeable in fighting terrorism, at the forefront of which is ISIS. These forces fought the most dangerous and ferocious terrorist organizations, fought a fierce street war and won amazing victories through unparalleled valor and courage. The international community can benefit from Iraqi experience in fighting the most powerful terrorist organizations and cells.

Ending the state of war is a priority for the Iraqi state. Returning to the ambassador’s question, Iraq wants to achieve stability and prosperity for its people, by all possible means, and Iraq has all the required elements of natural and human resources and a strategic geographic location.

The people have tasted the scourges and pain they have been through for decades, and the time has come when they should live in peace, which is imminent in light of the announced government program, in addition to the fact that the Prime Minister’s insistence and adherence to achieving what was stated in his government’s program has become the ultimate ambition of the Iraqis. and their legitimate aspirations. We must always remember that opportunities only come once in most cases, and this opportunity is the most important for partners from friendly and brotherly countries, and they must remember that Iraq’s stability and prosperity are the key to the region’s political and security stability and economic prosperity.


Evening News with MarkZ. 02/06/2024

Tuesday Evening News with MarkZ 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good evening one and all

Member: What is your gut saying Mark?

MZ: I have had so many people in the banking world telling me this is our month. Nobody knows the timing but my gut is screaming they are spot on. I think we are in our last few weeks …or days.

Member: Sure hope your bankers are right.

Member:  Remember Kuwait RV their currency in Mid March of 1991

MZ: A currency dealer was talking about what they can and could no longer buy. The ones that have suddenly disappeared from the market …that are restricted and they cannot buy right now …this is a large scale buyer and they can no longer buy Iraqi dinar, Vietnamese dong, Venezuelan bolivar or Iranian Rial from their normal source. This is an international group that purchases currency.  There probably still are some already at dealers but they will have a hard time replenishing supplies right now....if this doesn’t go very quickly. 

Member:  That gives us a big clue.

Member: That was the best news in the last month because we were told once the currency dealers can’t buy we’re ready to go. Wow!

Member: Hey Mark .....My local foreign currency exchange is well aware of the RV and is also waiting patiently. I went yesterday and she was very informed about what is going on.

Member:  They told me at Commerce Bank they do not have the Iraq denair no longer

MZ: Nader dropped a video today about controlling their funds through electronic means and them going to an electronic system. They also said how this will support the value of the dinar…..be sure to go listen and like and share him. 

MZ: “Vietnam pushes the Us to grant them market economy status”  This could lead to the increase of the value of the Vietnamese dong.  The US state dept has called upon Vietnam to raise the value of their currency. 

Member: what currencies do you believe will be in the first basket still ????

Member: This is the last list I saw: 1. US 2. UK 3. Kuwait 4. Canada 5. Mexico 6. Russia 7. China 8. Venezuela 9. Iranian Rial 10. IRAQ 11. Indonesia Rupiah 12. Malaysia 13. Vietnamese 14. Brazil 15. Saudi Arabia 16. Qatar 17. United Arab Emirates 18. Turkey 19. Afghanistan possibly20. India 21. Libya 22. Japan23. Zimbabwe

MZ: I believe the bolivar will be in the first basket as well. 

Member: We never have seen cabal arrests yet…Bad guys are all still walking around free….was that just a fairy tale?

Member: Enough is Enough, is what I’ve been saying

Member: This movie sucks, can get a refund for my ticket? 

Member: If anyone tells me to “Trust the plan” I want to punch them in the nose now. 

Member: Just try to hang in there…..things cannot go on like this forever. 

Member: good night everyone have a great rest of your night stay safe stay warm stay cool wherever You Are

Member: Positive thoughts everyone!


Odysee at: https://odysee.com/@theoriginalmarkz:e OR THE RUMBLE CHANNEL: https://rumble.com/user/theoriginalmarkz

Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.





[Georgia Truist Bank story follow up from last week]  

 BANK VISITOR:  The lady I was supposed to be speaking with was out with the flu... [A new financial advisor] calls me and honestly it was a little confusing because the guy...acts like he didn't know anything.  In fact...he said...I'm pretty sure this is a hoax.  

FRANK:  First recording [story]...the lady says we know, we're preparing.  Here is at the same bank with another officer that says [the opposite]...The same bank, you had people that know what's going on and then you have another person that doesn't know what's going on.  One gives positive information and one gives negative information.  They're both from the same source.  That's the problem with a speculative investment. The evidence is out.  It's not a secret...

On Schedule and Accounted For: Insider Insights on Iraq's RV Release.