Sunday, February 18, 2024

Iraqi Dinar🔥Going To Be Internationally And Set New Rate Finally-Iraqi D...

To Sustain Life There...The File Of The Iraqi Marshes Is On The European Union’s Table, 19 FEB

To Sustain Life There...The File Of The Iraqi Marshes Is On The European Union’s Table

Reconstruction and building  Economy News – Baghdad  It is hoped that the European Union will discuss, at its next meeting, the issue of water in the Iraqi marshes, within the framework of full support for Iraq’s demands to pressure neighboring countries to maintain water quotas.

The spokesman for Dhi Qar Governorate, Abu Al-Hassan Al-Badri, said, “The Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Baghdad, Letitia van Asche, confirmed during her meeting with the delegation accompanying her with the Deputy Governor of Dhi Qar, Ghassan Al-Khafaji, that her country will discuss pressure on the countries upstream of the Iraqi rivers, during the next meeting of the European Union countries.” , stressing "the necessity of sustaining life and environmental diversity in the marshes of Iraq."

Al-Badri stated, “The Dutch ambassador explained that her country issued warnings to the responsible authorities in the European Union to remove any dangers threatening the marshes in the event that the country does not obtain sufficient water from neighboring countries, where the sources of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers are.”

Al-Badri pointed out that “the ambassador confirmed that her country contributes to helping the various segments of society in the governorate, through its financial support to international community organizations such as UNICEF, FAO, and others that work annually in the governorate, according to programs prepared in partnership with the local or central government.”

He added, "The meeting held yesterday also discussed ways to enhance cooperation in the field of tourism and investment, and benefit from the Netherlands' pioneering experiences in the fields of agriculture and the production of alternative energy to generate electricity."

Views 78 02/18/2024



 You are seeing things from the BIGGER picture that truly affects the currencies we hold.  The fall of the dollar leads to the rise in the value of other CURRENCIES, some of which we hold

Here’s the article posted yesterday in case anyone missed it

Freedom Fighter ©


🌐Officially ditches USD for trade ! 

🌐Notice a pattern ?

✅Remember Iraq already did this ?

🔥Vietnamese Dong $4.80 USD CBI & WTO Released | Dong & Dinar Revalued Re...

Decrease In Dollar Exchange Rates On The Baghdad Stock Exchange, 19 FEB

 Decrease In Dollar Exchange Rates On The Baghdad Stock Exchange

Economy Sunday, February 18, 2024 10:29 AMBaghdad/National News CenterToday, Sunday, the exchange rates of the US dollar witnessed a slight decline in the markets of the capital, Baghdad.

Dollar prices fell with the opening of the Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya stock exchanges to record 152,300 dinars per 100 dollars, while yesterday, Saturday, prices were 152,450 dinars per 100 dollars.

Regarding the selling prices in the exchange shops in the local markets in Baghdad, they decreased, as the selling price reached 153,250 dinars, while the purchasing price reached 151,250 dinars for every 100 dollars.



Article: "Sudanese Advisor: Iraq is on the cusp of a transitional stage in the development of promising economies globally" Article quote:   " studies estimate that the share of natural resources per square kilometer relative to the area of ​​our country is the highest in the world.

Article: "Parliament hosts the governor and officials of the Central Bank regarding sanctions on Iraqi banks"

Article: "Economist: The window for selling the currency ends in 2024, and the central bank will devote itself to supervision

 Quote: "The Central Bank of Iraq decided to end the currency window process and adopt correspondent banks as an alternative. There will be a new mechanism to provide currency for transfers without returning to the currency window or the electronic platform  ."


Article:   "Saleh: Iraq is experiencing high price stability and the decline of parallel market noise "

 Article: "Netherlands: About 60 thousand Iraqis live in our country and we are waiting for the Sudanese to visit

Quote: "Dutch Foreign Minister Hanke Bruins-Sloot announced on Tuesday that about 60,000 people from the Iraqi community live in her country, while she confirmed that Amsterdam is awaiting an upcoming visit by Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani. "

 Article "Iraq increased its possession of the yellow metal to more than 142 tons" Quote "Iraq announced the purchase of gold in the year 2023, amounting to approximately 12.25 tons."

Article:  "The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq receives a delegation from the World Bank"  

Separate article quote: "The World Bank confirmed on Wednesday that the infrastructure for electronic payment systems in Iraq is the best in the region."

Iraqi Dinar | Good News for IQD Holder Exchange Dinar Outside Iraq With ...

US official returned from Baghdad: Sudanese in a better position right now and no negotiations with Iraq, 18 FEB

 US official returned from Baghdad: Sudanese in a better position right now and no negotiations with Iraq

Baghdad – 964

A prominent US official who just returned from Baghdad objected to describing the military dialogue with Iraq as “negotiations,” saying that what is happening between the two countries is “talks to develop a security partnership,” while stressing that partners in the Iraqi government have “valuable views” on the threat facing Iraq, and it is currently not related to ISIS as a top security priority, according to his statements to the 964 network .

The US official, who spoke of “fervent discussions” between the US State Department and the Pentagon on attacks against their soldiers in Iraq, said that the list of “hostile” targets was drawn up and targeted in isolation from the Iraqi-American dialogue.

This official, who spoke to Network 964 by phone, when he was returning from an official business trip in Baghdad, expressed optimism for a greater role for Prime Minister Mohammed Shiaa al-Sudani after the recent decline of faction attacks against US bases in Iraq.


  Fnu Lnu 

  Seek the expertise of an Asset Protection Specialist...Hiring a Team:  Tax Professional, Wealth Manager, Attorneys, a waste of money and time.  Hiring an Asset Protection Specialist is the best way to prevent lawsuits, mitigate and manage taxes, and estate planning.  "Hiring A Team" is like hiring a pack of wolves to guard your hen-house.  

[NOTE:  Speak to many different financial experts to find the right expert for your unique situation.]

International attorneys told me...there would be ten off premises exchange locations allocated by regional population throughout the Nation. I am assuming they are using the 10 United Nations Regions, roughly the same as Federal Regions...I was told...there would be an exchange facility in the most heavily populated city in that region.  For instance, Region ten encompasses Washington State and Seattle would be the location for that region...Also, by Off Premises, I mean locations that were NOT inside banks but usually nearby to a participating bank...These are what the unlearned are calling Redemption Centers.

Some opine that there is no such thing as a Redemption Center while others claim to be in contact with such Centers and their personnel.  What they (redemption centers) are, is a simple solution to a simple problem.

 Many of the large banks in heavily populated urban centers were concerned about having the Dinar traffic clog their lobbies at exchange time. The solution is to have a separate, off-premises, specialized, Exchange Center, complete with Delaru computer, in the most populated city in each of the 10 federal regions...I haven't been informed of any changes.

The Baghdad dollar faces big world draw on Monday BY NADER FROM MID EAST

With the documents.. The Central Bank announces the mechanism for granting license applications to electronic payment companies, 18 FEB

With the documents.. The Central Bank announces the mechanism for granting license applications to electronic payment companies

The Central Bank of Iraq revealed, on Sunday, the mechanism for granting a license to electronic payment companies, stressing the continued acceptance of license applications.

According to documents issued by its media center and received by {Al-Furat News}, the bank specified that “the applicant has a natural or moral person, at least three years of experience in the field of electronic payment and the payment industry, including the founders and participants,” noting that “the application includes a detailed explanation of the added value of the electronic payment sector in Iraq that will be provided by the company to be licensed, especially in the field of modern collection techniques and enriching the Iraqi market with distinguished and applicable service.”

The bank stressed “the need to submit a request for a detailed technical feasibility study of what the company to be licensed will provide,” pointing out that “the request includes the minimum criteria for accepting applications for a license to work as an electronic payment service provider, as well as what was stated in the electronic payment services system.”

“Applications that do not meet the conditions of the aforementioned license are rejected,” the bank said.بالوثائق-البنك-المركزي-يعلن-آلية-منح-طلبات-ترخيص-لشركات-الدفع-الإلكتروني



  [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] 

 FIREFLY:  Sudani talked about going to Washington DC to meet and get all oil reserves and assets from oil held in U.S. Treasury.  FRANK:  Dang!  Like they don't have enough money!  Wow! 

FIREFLY:  Al Suandi is on TV news Channel One saying the best and the only way to improve the electronic payment system is the CBI should remove the three zeros, print the new currency and give us a one month period to exchange our currency.  This will show the power of the dinar over the dollar...He also said this will get rid of citizen holding cash and any smugglers and money laundering. 

FRANK:  ...That's what they're about to introduce to you, your new exchange rate to match your lower notes...the lower notes will only work with a new exchange rate.  I can't believe they keep saying this to you constantly every day...You are within arms reach ...One month...I believe they'll give you longer than that.  Outside with us it should also be a longer time to exchange...

 FIREFLY: A guy comes on TV and he talks to us about how the end of the Untied Nations mission official has removed all sanctions from Iraq...

 FIREFLY:  So far we are not seeing the lower notes but they talk to us about them every day.  They just talk to us about them and why we'll need them.

 FRANK:    They are talking to you about the lower notes and coins because they are about to show them to you next week or the week after.  I believe your bank friend will show you something in the sense of pictures...Take as many pictures as you can.

 FIREFLY: A representative from the CBI is talking to us in great detail about the new coins they will be giving us with the new currency notes...He said to us once again, the process to delete the zeros is in the process

 It made us smile.  He said this process is occurring because the lower notes will not be needed if the rate wasn't increasing.  He said if the CBI didn't come out with these lower notes the monetary reforms would be a disaster.  He said that's why we need a change in our rate... 

Economy update Iraq Iqd BY NADER FROM MID EAST

After Qaani’s visit to Baghdad.. Armed factions ease attacks on US forces, 18 FEB

 After Qaani’s visit to Baghdad.. Armed factions ease attacks on US forces

Shafaq News/ Several Iranian and Iraqi sources told Reuters that the visit of Iranian Quds Force commander Ismail Qaani to Baghdad led to the cessation of attacks by Iranian-allied factions in Iraq on US forces, and the sources described this as a sign of Tehran’s desire to prevent a wider conflict.

The sources said that Qaani met with representatives of several armed factions at Baghdad airport (on January 29), less than 48 hours after Washington accused these factions of being behind the killing of three American soldiers at the military site of Tower 22 in Jordan.

Ten of the sources said that Qaani, whose predecessor was killed in a U.S. drone attack near the same airport four years ago, told the factions that the American bloodshed risked a violent American response.

The sources added that Qaani told the armed factions that they must move away from the scene to avoid US strikes on their senior commanders, destroy their main infrastructure or even direct retaliation against Iran.

One faction initially did not approve Kaani’s request, but most of the other factions agreed, according to Reuters.

The next day, the Iran-aligned Kataib Hezbollah group announced that it would suspend its attacks.

Since February 4, there have been no attacks on U.S. forces in Iraq and Syria, compared with more than 20 in the previous two weeks to visit Qaani as part of a wave of violence by factions in response to the Israeli war in the Gaza Strip.

“Without Qaani’s direct intervention, it would have been impossible to convince Kataib Hezbollah to stop its military operations to de-escalate tensions,” said a senior leader of one of Iraq’s Iran-allied armed factions.

Neither Qaani nor the Quds Force, a force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards that works with allied armed factions from Lebanon to Yemen, have so far responded to requests for comment. Kataib Hezbollah and another faction could not be reached for comment. Neither the White House nor the Pentagon responded either.

Iraqi media referred to Qaani’s visit, but details of his message and its impact in reducing attacks were not reported before.

Reuters spoke to three Iranian officials, a senior Iraqi security official, three Iraqi Shiite politicians, four sources in Iraqi armed factions allied with Iran and four diplomats focused on Iraq.

The apparent success of Qaani’s visit highlights Iran’s influence over Iraqi armed factions that are sometimes increasing pressure and sometimes de-escalating tensions to serve its goal of getting U.S. troops out of Iraq, Reuters said.

The government in Baghdad, a rare joint ally of Tehran and Washington, is trying to prevent the country from once again becoming a battleground for foreign powers and asked Iran to help rein in factions after the attack in Jordan, five of the sources said.

Farhad Aladdin, the Iraqi prime minister’s foreign affairs adviser, told Reuters in response to a question to confirm Qaani’s visit and confirm a request for help in reining the Sudanese armed factions that he “worked with all relevant parties inside and outside Iraq,” warning that any escalation “would serve to destabilize the security of Iraq and the region.”

“The attack came in a way that served the interest of the Iraqi government,” a Shiite politician from the ruling coalition said.

Following the ensuing lull, talks resumed on Feb. 6 with the United States on ending the U.S. presence in Iraq.

Several other Iran-allied parties and armed factions in Iraq prefer talks rather than launch attacks to end the presence of U.S. forces.

Washington was not willing to negotiate a change in its military status under the attacks, fearing it would lead to Iran’s dare, according to Reuters.

The U.S. currently has about 2,500 troops in Iraq and 900 in Syria on a mission to advise and assist. These forces are part of an international coalition formed in 2014 to fight ISIS, especially in western Iraq and eastern Syria.

A U.S. State Department spokesman said the U.S. presence in Iraq would turn into an “ongoing bilateral security relationship,” and declined to comment on Qaani’s visit to Baghdad.

The U.S. asserts that Tehran has a high level of control over what it calls Iran’s “proxies” in the region.

Tehran says it has provided funding, advice and training to allies, but decides on operations themselves.

Another U.S. official acknowledged Iran’s role in reducing the attacks but said it was “not clear whether the calm would continue.”

“We need to see more effort on the ground” by Iraq to control the factions, another senior U.S. official said, noting that only a limited number of arrests were made after a December mortar attack on the U.S. embassy in Baghdad.

The senior Iraqi security source said that as Iran was preparing for an American response to the Jordan attack, Qaani’s visit came quickly as he did not leave the airport “for heightened security reasons and fear for his safety.”

The raid that killed the former Quds Force commander, Qassem Soleimani, was followed in 2020 outside the airport by an attack that Washington also accused Kataeb Hezbollah of, an attack that killed a U.S. contractor and raised fears of a regional war at the time.

Tehran and Baghdad want to avoid a similar escalation this time, nine sources said.

“The Iranians learned the lesson from the liquidation of Soleimani and they do not want to repeat it,” the senior Iraqi security source said.

“Comander Qaani’s visit was successful but not fully as not all Iraqi groups agreed to de-escalate,” a senior Iranian security official said.

Al-Nujaba, a small but very active group, said it would continue the attacks, noting that U.S. troops would never leave only by force.

It is not clear how long the truce will last. A group with several armed factions vowed to resume operations after the United States killed a senior leader in the Hezbollah Brigades, Abu Baqer al-Saadi, in Baghdad on February 7.

Al-Saadi was also a member of the Popular Mobilization Forces, an Iraqi security entity that includes mostly armed Shiite factions allied with Iran and fought ISIS, highlighting the extent to which armed factions allied with Iran overlap with the Iraqi state.

U.S.-led forces invaded Iraq in 2003 and toppled Saddam Hussein before withdrawing from Iraq in 2011.

However, Shiite armed factions that spent years attacking U.S. forces in the wake of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 fought on the same front against ISIS but without entering into a direct partnership with U.S. soldiers until the militant group was defeated in Iraq.

In subsequent years, rounds of mutual fighting with remnants of U.S. forces in Iraq intensified until the death of Soleimani and the engineer.

The killings of the two men prompted the Iraqi parliament to vote in favor of the exit of foreign forces from Iraq.

Government officials said Sudan’s government came to power in October 2022 on a pledge to implement that decision, although it was not considered a priority.

But the situation changed again with the start of the war in Gaza.

Dozens of attacks and many U.S. responses to them, including the killing of a senior leader of the Nujaba movement in Baghdad on Jan. 5, prompted the Sudanese to declare that the coalition had become a factor for instability in the region, announcing the start of talks to end its presence in Iraq.

However, it kept the door open for the continuation of the American presence but in a different form through a bilateral agreement.

Iraqi officials said they hoped the current calm would continue until talks, which are expected to take months, produce results.

The senior Hezbollah Brigades official and the military commander of the Popular Mobilization Forces, Abdulaziz al-Mohmedawi, pledged at the Saadi funeral to respond to the recent killing but did not announce a return to violence. He stated that the response would be based on consensus including with the government.

He said that “revenge (…) For Saadi, it will be the exit of all foreign forces from Iraq. And we’re not going to accept anything less.”تقارير-وتحليلات/بعد-زيارة-قا-ني-لبغداد-فصا-ل-مسلحة-تخفف-هجماتها-على-القوات-ال-مريكية



 A lot of you are asking does the deletion of the zeros affect the stocks over there in Iraq...I know we were told that the deletion of the zeros comes off the exchange rate, which is wrong.  It actually comes off of their currency, their bank notes.  It's called a redenomination...

Since 2013 they've been talking about the deletion of the zeros off the currency.  They put the zeros on when inflation is really high...Now that their inflation has been kept in check for quite a while they're talking  about removing the zeros off the currency.  No where in there does it say the exchange rate.  It says the change does not affect the currency's value against other currencies.   Instead it simplifies transactions and improves the economy's overall efficiency.

 The ISX is the primary stock exchange in Iraq...the redenomination of the Iraqi dinar will not directly impact the ISX or the stocks traded on it.  Stock prices are determined by market forces such as supply and demand...If there's any kind of effect on the Iraqi Stock Exchange it would be that people might panic a little bit...The prices are all done in US dollars.  It's not in Iraqi redenomination is not going to have any effect the value of the stocks on the stock exchange.  If they change the exchange rate against other foreign currencies it will affect the stock prices..

Permit and license CBI rules by NADER FROM MID EAST

The Baghdad dollar faces a “big withdrawal” at the beginning of the week, but the exchange rate is stable, 18 FEB

 The Baghdad dollar faces a “big withdrawal” at the beginning of the week, but the exchange rate is stable

Baghdad – 964

The exchange rates of the US dollar, on Sunday evening, did not rise in the offices and exchange companies in Baghdad despite the high demand for large quantities of foreign currency and the scarcity of supply, as prices remained at the level of 152.5 thousand dinars per $100 denomination due to the return of the work of the main exchanges and the central bank auction, which helped to fuel high demand.Baghdad dollar ends its week near 152.5. The changers felt the ‘end of tension’ with the AmericansBaghdad dollar falls slightly in the hope of “desecurity tension”. 152.300 Tuesday evening

The last price on the Al-Kifah Stock Exchange, this afternoon, was 152,300 dinars per paper.

Direct selling prices in the main exchange companies and their offices in the areas of Baghdad, this evening, ranged between 152.500 and 153.500 dinars per card, against purchase prices ranging from 152.250 to 151.000 dinars, which are the same prices recorded on Saturday with small differences.

Exchange rates at the offices of exchange companies in Baghdad areas were as follows:

The struggle – the shorja

Sale: 152.500

Purchase: 152.250


Sale: 152.500

Purchase: 152.250

Al-Adl District – Al-Rabi Street

Sale: 152.500

Purchase: 152.250


Sale: 153.500

Purchase: 151.500


Sale: 153.500

Purchase: 151.000


 Mnt Goat 

 Question:  We all have like 25000 dinar notes after the 2 extra zeros are gone and we can go to FOREX will we have any problems cashing them in at the new FOREX rate after the month is over?

  Mnt Goat:  So, there is no time period set for exchanging our dinars outside of Iraq. However, having said this, we must refer back to Dr Shabibi’s media news interview years ago when he said in about 10 years after the reinstatement the CBI would null and void these 3 zero (not 2 zero) notes that we hold...

" was decided to transfer all financial transactions electronically through the (POS) point of sale system in traffic departments in Baghdad and all governorates instead of cash dealing.” is a borderline “WOW!” article for us today as Dinar investors. ...electronic banking and POS has been on the radar and will continue to be pivotal in the monetary reform process.... It is a very good step, a sign in the right direction and may help take the demand off the dollars thus reducing the rate in the black market for the dollar.

Dinar RV Breaking News🔥Urgent!💣Iraq's PM Sudani Discusses Sovereignty & ...

Accompanied by a parliamentary delegation. Oil Minister arrives in Cairo to participate in Egypt Energy Conference and Exhibition, 18 FEB

 Accompanied by a parliamentary delegation. Oil Minister arrives in Cairo to participate in Egypt Energy Conference and Exhibition

Baghdad Today – Baghdad

Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs and Minister of Oil Hayyan Abdel Ghani arrived on Sunday (February 18, 2024) in the Egyptian capital Cairo to attend the Egypt Energy Conference and Exhibition for the year 2024.

The media office of the Minister of Oil said in a statement received by "Baghdad Today", that "the Iraqi delegation alongside the minister included both the head of the Oil, Gas and Natural Resources Parliamentary Committee Haibet Al-Halbousi, as well as members of the parliamentary committee Dergham al-Maliki and Ali Ghulam," noting that "this conference is a reflection of the series of works through which the ministry seeks to communicate with oil ministers in all countries to enhance energy in Iraq."

The head of the parliamentary oil and gas committee, Haibet al-Halbousi, said according to the statement that "the committee supports the Ministry of Oil and Iraq in general in the refineries of developed countries in the fields of oil, gas, electricity and others "

He added that "the Iraqi economy depends in large proportions on the oil sector, and although we aspire to expand sources of income, we want to increase the interest in the oil sector in its entirety."

The Iraqi delegation was received by Egyptian Petroleum Ministry Undersecretary Sherif Hassaballah and a number of officials, according to the statement.


 Militia Man 

 [Mr. IT Guy Bank Story] 

 My wife and I...were looking for a Chase branch that had JP Morgan Wealth Management printed on the door as well as Chase...I'm in a large metropolitan area...We found one near us...My brother took  it upon himself to call the branch yesterday.  He specifically asked for a private banker...My brother asked him if they exchange foreign currencies and if he was aware of the Iraqi revalue of their currency.  

The private banker said yes he was and that they would be exchanging at that location...and names and numbers he's taking will get priority over anybody else that calls or walks in  after the revalue..

As soon as it hits Forex he's going to start making  phone calls...He told my brother they were expecting a number of people to be coming in and were preparing for that, a bunch of new people with wealth is...exactly what he told my brother...They're planning on having police officers available at the location for  those customs that are planning on leaving the establishment with large sums of cash... 

 MILITIA MAN: ...Is it a coincidence that  this expert came out tonight and talked about deletion of the zeros?  We're going to find out.  It's pretty interesting stuff. 

Iraq The Elephant in the Room URGENT Info for IQD Investors #iqd Rate BY SANDY INGRAM

Setting the date for launching the application for the "e-visa" in Iraq, 18 FEB

 Setting the date for launching the application for the "e-visa" in Iraq

Economy News - Baghdad

Today, Sunday, the Ministry of Interior set the date for launching the application for the electronic "visa", while indicating that it has launched it gradually.

The director of the Directorate of Civil Status, Passports and Residence in the ministry, Major General Nashat al-Khafaji, told the official agency, and was followed by "Economy News", that "the issue of launching the electronic (visa) is among the projects that the Ministry of Interior has worked on."

He pointed out that "the mechanism of work to launch the electronic (visa) began gradually through the opening of the first tourist entry visa," noting that "the usual features and multiple visits will be launched sequentially."

He added, "It is hoped that at the end of next month, the rest of the features will be launched and applied for electronically.



The Central Bank of Iraq revealed the mechanism for accepting and studying applications for granting licenses to electronic payment companies, confirming the continued receipt of licensing applications.

The Central Bank specified that the applicant, whether a natural or legal person, must have at least three years of experience in the field of electronic payment and the payments industry, and this includes the founders and participants, indicating that the application includes a detailed explanation of the added value to the electronic payment sector in Iraq that will be provided by the company to be licensed. Especially in the field of modern collection techniques and enriching the Iraqi market with distinguished and applicable service.

The bank stressed the necessity of submitting a request for a detailed technical feasibility study of what the company to be licensed will provide, pointing out that the request includes the minimum standards for accepting applications for obtaining a license to operate as an electronic payment service provider, in addition to what is stated in the electronic money payment services system No. (3). For the year 2014.

The bank confirmed that it will reject all applications that do not meet the aforementioned licensing conditions.

Iraqi Bank Announcement:

The Central Bank of Iraq is currently in process of revealing their electronic mechanism for the new global digital economy. 

Going forward, they will be granting license applications for electronic payment companies from around the world.    

© Goldilocks

Jon Dowling & Delora O Brien Discuss The Great Wealth Transfer

Government parliamentary move to recover looted funds, 18 FEB

  Government parliamentary move to recover looted funds

Information / Baghdad.The Parliamentary Integrity Committee confirmed on Sunday a high-level move to uncover corruption files and recover looted funds inside and outside Iraq.

\Committee member Bassem Khashan told Al-Maalouma that "there is direct and high-level coordination with the Federal Integrity Commission and state institutions to uncover major corruption files."

He added, "The Parliamentary Integrity Committee continues its work in detecting corruption and preventing the waste and theft of public money to put an end to this dangerous phenomenon in Iraq."

Khashan pointed out that "the integrity committee in the House of Representatives has worked and continues to uncover files of corruption and waste of public money and put those involved behind bars."

The Parliamentary Integrity Committee recommended earlier the need to legislate a law for a new supervisory body to replace inspectors general working within government institutions whose task is to address the negatives and reduce corruption.