Sunday, February 18, 2024

To Sustain Life There...The File Of The Iraqi Marshes Is On The European Union’s Table, 19 FEB

To Sustain Life There...The File Of The Iraqi Marshes Is On The European Union’s Table

Reconstruction and building  Economy News – Baghdad  It is hoped that the European Union will discuss, at its next meeting, the issue of water in the Iraqi marshes, within the framework of full support for Iraq’s demands to pressure neighboring countries to maintain water quotas.

The spokesman for Dhi Qar Governorate, Abu Al-Hassan Al-Badri, said, “The Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Baghdad, Letitia van Asche, confirmed during her meeting with the delegation accompanying her with the Deputy Governor of Dhi Qar, Ghassan Al-Khafaji, that her country will discuss pressure on the countries upstream of the Iraqi rivers, during the next meeting of the European Union countries.” , stressing "the necessity of sustaining life and environmental diversity in the marshes of Iraq."

Al-Badri stated, “The Dutch ambassador explained that her country issued warnings to the responsible authorities in the European Union to remove any dangers threatening the marshes in the event that the country does not obtain sufficient water from neighboring countries, where the sources of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers are.”

Al-Badri pointed out that “the ambassador confirmed that her country contributes to helping the various segments of society in the governorate, through its financial support to international community organizations such as UNICEF, FAO, and others that work annually in the governorate, according to programs prepared in partnership with the local or central government.”

He added, "The meeting held yesterday also discussed ways to enhance cooperation in the field of tourism and investment, and benefit from the Netherlands' pioneering experiences in the fields of agriculture and the production of alternative energy to generate electricity."

Views 78 02/18/2024

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