Friday, January 19, 2024

Electronic Payment In Iraq Is Moving Towards Stability, 20 JAN

 Electronic Payment In Iraq Is Moving Towards Stability

 January 17, 2024     Last updated: January 17, 2024  Independent/- The Central Bank of Iraq revealed that it is addressing the problems facing the electronic payment system, in coordination with financial institutions, indicating at the same time that the system is moving towards stability.

Director General of the Information Technology and Payments Department at the bank, Adnan Asaad, said that the year

2023 witnessed the most important breakthrough in the field of electronic payment, and that the

Iraqi government seriously supports the efforts being made in detailing the development of electronic payment.

Asaad stressed that  the crisis that befell the country due to the bad use of cards and electronic payment tools had left a negative impact,

but thanks to the measures taken in cooperation with international financial institutions, many problems have been addressed and the electronic payment system has tended to stability.

For his part, Member of Parliament Hussein Arab  stressed the inevitability of activating the role of the private sector and making it a basis for the process of economic advancement, which requires the presence of advanced financial services that rise to global standards.

Arab pointed out that the world has come a long way in digital transformation, and

we must keep pace with the developments the world is witnessing in this important field.

As for the Executive Director of the Association of Private Banks in Iraq, Ali Tariq, he

stressed the continuation of efforts to enhance the culture of electronic payment, which represents a governmental and legislative direction for the next stage. Tariq pointed out that

the Association of Banks and Large Financial Institutions is working to spread the culture of electronic payment due to its awareness of the importance of digital transformation and providing quality services to all segments of society.

Ahmed Kazim, Investment Director at the International Smart Card Company,

explained the importance of digital transformation and that it should be coupled with the launch of advanced electronic payment products that maintain money paths with high transparency. Kazem stressed that

government support for the digital transformation process facilitates many operations and makes services rise to global standards in providing advanced products that suit the growing Iraqi labor market.

The founder of the (Electronic Payment Culture in Iraq) platform, Nabil Al-Najjar, stressed that Iraq cannot move away from the global financial system, especially since

it is an important axis in the global economic arena, which requires us to work to keep pace with the global developments that the world is witnessing in the financial sector, which represents the axis. Most important in the process of economic development.

Al-Najjar stressed that the country is moving in the right direction in the field of digital transformation, and

the most important thing in this axis is the citizen’s interaction with electronic services, the spread of which is expanding in an acceptable manner.

Prospects of electronic payment in Iraq

Statements by Iraqi officials indicate that the electronic payment system in Iraq is moving towards stability, and that

there are great efforts being made by the government and the private sector to enhance the culture of electronic payment and spread it among citizens.

There are several factors that support the growth of electronic payment in Iraq, including:

    Government support for the process, as the Iraqi government considers electronic payment to be one of the basic pillars of digital transformation and improving financial services.

    The growth of the business sector in Iraq, as the Iraqi economy is witnessing steady growth, which leads to an increase in the volume of financial transactions.

    The spread of the use of smart phones in Iraq, where more than 60% of Iraqis own smart phones, which facilitates the use of electronic payment applications.

Electronic payment in Iraq is expected to witness significant growth in the coming years, as the volume of electronic transactions in Iraq is expected to reach $10 billion by 2025.

There are several challenges facing the growth of electronic payment in Iraq, including:

    Weak financial culture among citizens, as many Iraqis still prefer to use cash payment.

    Weak communications infrastructure in some areas in Iraq, which limits the spread of the use of the Internet and electronic applications.

The Iraqi government and the private sector are working to confront these challenges by launching awareness campaigns to enhance financial culture among citizens and improve communications infrastructure throughout the country.الدفع-الإلكتروني-في-العراق-يتجه-نحو-ال/



  [via PDK]  

 “Iraq won the position of Director General of the Arab World Institute in Paris”  This means they are on the world stage. What is going to be necessary for this? Full membership in the WTO and a new rate. That would make sense. Yesterday was a great news day from Iraq where they are openly talking about changing their value and a rate competing with the US dollar.

 “Iraq and the IMF are discussing cooperation and start meetings soon to support a reform program” 

 They would not be having these meetings on Iraq on the world stage unless they were ascending to the WTO and about to have a valuation change. And that is certainly what we are hearing from contractors and government officials inside Iraq.

 We just don’t know the exact time…but know they are prepared. And they told us via an article...that they are getting ready to peg their currency to a basket of currencies from the region to increase the value of the dinar to compete with the US dollar. 

🔥Iraqi Dinar🔥That is Very Accurate🔥News Guru Intel Update IQD Value to U...

Iraq Plans To Stop The Bleeding With “Financial Intelligence” And A Banking Expert Responds: It Will Not Add Anything - Urgent , 20 JAN

 Iraq Plans To Stop The Bleeding With “Financial Intelligence” And A Banking Expert Responds: It Will Not Add Anything - Urgent

Economy |01-17-2024, Baghdad today – Baghdad  The expert in financial and banking affairs, Saleh Al-Banker, confirmed today, Wednesday (January 17, 2024), that the introduction of financial intelligence will not stop the bleeding of money in Iraq. The banker told "Baghdad Today",

"Iraq has 3 types of border crossings,

the most prominent of which is land, and not a small part of the latter is not controlled, especially within the borders of the Kurdistan region," pointing out that

"the introduction of financial intelligence will not add anything because the measures currently taken are sufficient." But the problem is in the application. He added,

 “The defect in the mechanisms for implementing the Central Bank’s instructions regarding currency smuggling is used by forces and parties to finance themselves and their interests,” pointing out that

“smuggling methods are developing, as are the mechanisms for smuggling drugs and other contraband,” stressing that

“it is not with the creation of any institution, but rather the effort.” To enhance the concept of the actual application of all procedures.”

The banker pointed out that  “many of the decisions issued regarding controlling borders and preventing currency smuggling are not implemented in reality, and

ignorance and backwardness in banking dealing mechanisms are exploited because

it constitutes a loophole by influential people in passing their agenda,” stressing that

“seriousness and follow-up are what achieve the greatest benefit in Stop the bleeding of money in Iraq.

Since the announcement of raising the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar by the Central Bank, local markets have witnessed trading at a rate other than the official price of the dollar, with a difference that sometimes reached 30 points,

which necessitated the government and the Central Bank to intervene with measures to limit this phenomenon, but to no avail so far, as...

The dollar exchange rate remained high to more than 150 thousand dinars for every 100 dollars in the markets and exchange offices of Baghdad and the provinces.العراق-يخطط-لوقف-النزيف-بـاستخبارات-المالية-وخبير-مصرفي-يرد-لن-تضيف-شيئًا-عاجل.html


 Sandy Ingram  

So far the conflicts in the Middle East have not affected the Iraqi dinar exchange rate.  Iraq continues to increase its GDP and create more streams of income outside of the oil industry.  These are the recommendations of the IMF to create economic stability.

 There are 4 major reasons Kuwait, Iraq's next-door neighbor has the strongest currency in the world...Kuwait dinar is $3.36... 1.  Major exporter of oil.  Kuwait is estimated to hold 10% of the world's oil reserves.  The tiny country has a population of 4.3 million people vs Iraq who has approximately 43 million people and a lot more oil than Kuwait.  2.  Kuwait has an excellent reinvestment of oil revenue.  Kuwait uses its oil revenue to build infrastructure and develop microeconomic sectors to increase its GDP.

What will it take for the Iraqi dinar to strengthen against the US dollar?  

Imagine a country as a business.  The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is essentially its annual report showcasing the value of all goods and services produced.

  A high GDP indicates a booming economy...The currency rate on the other hand is a bit like a company's share price.  It's the global market's way of saying how much it thinks is worth.

 The stronger the currency, the more confidence the world has in the country's economic stability and growth potential.   How does a GDP affect a country's currency rate?  

Simply, a higher GDP signals a stronger, productive economy.  This attracts foreign investors, who need to buy the country's currency to invest.  This surge in demand for the currency increases its value, or 'rate'...A rise in Iraq's GDP implies a healthier economy and a potential increase in the dinars value.

 What would it take for the Iraqi dinar to strengthen against the US dollar The answer lies in economic development and stability.  The Development road project...aims to boost Iraq's GDP by improving infrastructure, fostering foreign investment and stimulating economic growth... With the right steps and sustained growth the dinar's narrative can only get stronger.

 The Iraqi dinar is not on the Forex market, yet.  The Iraqi dinar is an exotic currency, as is the Vietnam dong... Currencies are traded in pairs on the Forex Market.  The 3 main types... majors, minors and exotics...The more liquid an asset the easier and more efficient it is to turn it back into cash.  Major currency pairs have the highest trading volume... Exotic currencies...are not traded that often.  There is little technical analysis or data available to support trading decisions for exotic currencies.

The SWIFT system and Iraq's exchange rate 01/19/24 BY PIMPY

With Documents.. The Central Bank Plans To Cancel The Platform For Selling The Dollar At The End Of This Year, 20 JAN

 With Documents.. The Central Bank Plans To Cancel The Platform For Selling The Dollar At The End Of This Year

 Time: 01/19/2024 Read: 1,053 times  {Economic: Al-Furat News} The Central Bank of Iraq is planning to gradually cancel the electronic platform for external transfers during the current year 2024, leading to its complete cancellation by the end of the year, and keeping it for audit and statistical purposes.

This comes within the framework of the Central Bank of Iraq’s endeavor to enable Iraqi banks to establish and establish solid banking relationships with the global and regional banking sector in order to achieve the sobriety of the Iraqi banking sector and full compliance with international standards and their requirements, according to documents issued by the bank.

According to the documents, Iraqi banks must work to be prepared and able to access and deal with correspondent banks.

According to the Central Bank, there are two types of requirements,

some of which are basic and must be provided and worked on as quickly as possible, and some are important and support the banks’ efforts in this field.

All banks will be required to provide the three basic requirements in order to help them open accounts with correspondent banks. As shown in the documents below.

With documents.. The Central Bank plans to cancel the platform for selling the dollar at the end of this year  Clip_image004بالوثائق-البنك-المركزي-يخطط-لإلغاء-منصة-بيع-الدولار-نهاية-العام-الجاري



 Article:  "Al-Sudani concludes his visit to Switzerland and returns to Baghdad"  

Quote: "meetings were also held on its sidelines, which are the following: ■ Meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron ■ President of the Swiss Confederation, Viola Amherd ■ Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres ■ Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) ■ US National Security Advisor ■ President of the World Bank Group ■ Director General of the International Monetary Fund ■ President of the European Commission ■ President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) ■ Saudi Ministers of Trade and Investment ■ International Finance Corporation (IFC). ■ regional CEO of JPMorgan ■ Secretary-General of the Organization for Digital Cooperation ■ President of HKN Energy Oil Company ■ 57 international companies specialized in oil, energy, and other economic fields ■ Interview with Bloomberg website ■ Interview with the Wall Street Journal

Article: "JPMorgan Bank announces its readiness to open accounts for three private Iraqi banks " 

Quote: "JPMorgan Regional CEO for the Middle East and North Africa, Khaled Hoballah, announced ...the bank’s readiness to enhance cooperation with Iraq and open accounts for three private Iraqi banks."

Article: "Saudi Arabia strongly supports Iraq's accession to the World Trade Organization"   

Quote:  "the head of the Saudi delegation confirmed that the Kingdom believes that Iraq is a country that has chosen peace and stability and seeks to achieve economic development, pointing to the importance of Iraq to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from an economic standpoint."

Dinar RV Conversations Deleting Three Zeros Corruption



One of our strongest sources is saying that we will have our notifications by or before Sat. 20 Jan, or they could start on Mon. 22 Jan as that is what the Redemption Centers are preparing for. 

We heard from our source in Iraq that not only do we have an Intl and In-country rate but we also have Iraq trading that rate internationally about when markets close  tomorrow Fri. 19 Jan. About 5 – 6 pm ESTwe should see it in the US. Some time Sat. 20 Jan. Bond Holders should receive access to funds – in about 48 hours time Bond Holders will be able to see what is in their accounts and get access to 10%.

Baghdad wants America to withdraw, but with 5 types of military support remaining.. Sudanese advisor, 19 JAN

 Baghdad wants America to withdraw, but with 5 types of military support remaining.. Sudanese advisor

Sobhan Mulla Jiyad, political advisor to the Prime Minister, said that Iraq told Washington that it wants to see America’s technological, civilizational, cultural and economic face, instead of the military face that accompanied the Iraqis for 20 years, despite the need for five types of military support remaining, stressing the agreement with the US National Security Advisor on Scheduling the withdrawal of coalition forces from the country.

Mulla Jiyad mentioned, in an interview with journalist Saleh Al-Hamdani:

Regarding the position on the international coalition, we noticed during a meeting with the US National Security Advisor that the conversation was open and frank, and there was an agreement to begin the work of the joint committee that schedules the exit of the international coalition and replaces it by building bilateral economic, cultural and social relations with the countries of the coalition.

We do not want to harm the countries of the international coalition, but the framework of dealing between Iraq and one country and between them is framed by bilateral agreements between one country and another, and also with America. We are eager to see the other side of America.

During 20 years, we have only seen the military and security face of America, and this is a face that is difficult for people to bear. So let us see the second face, which is the technological, civilizational, cultural, and economic face, through bilateral agreements with it. This matter is strongly raised with the American National Security Advisor, and also raised with the Secretary-General of NATO. NATO is strong and serious, and the issue is not the result of recent attacks.

The matter was raised since the visit of the Iraqi security delegation headed by the US Secretary of Defense, and they were told that you are an international coalition established to fight ISIS in Iraq. Now let us estimate the numbers of what remains of ISIS in Iraq and Syria. They estimated them in Iraq at about 1,500 elements, while in Syria they are 10,000, so Iraq put forward He can confront these 1,500 terrorists, and we do not need combat forces, but we only need security and intelligence aid in addition to training, development, and logistical support.

From the political side, these two issues have been decided with the National Security Advisor and the Secretary-General of NATO, and the discussions will almost certainly be placed on the agenda and developed into bilateral relations.  link 

Iraq: Why Iran Attack Iraq? Iraq's Response; IMF Iraq PM Meeting Exchan...BY SANDY INGRAM


 Wed. 17 Jan. TNT Tony Call:

  • Everyone expected the release last Monday – it was not to be. Release to join the international economy required passing of one small law requiring 100% certainty they could support the new rate.
  • It will be happening at a moment’s notice – the next couple of days is the target.
  • Redemption Centers are no longer called RCs  – they are NOW to be known as – “Banking Alternative Centers” They are directly connected with the banks and ALL ready to go!
  • Bank cards are being totally accepted by citizens. People being told they do not need actual hard currency – cards are more secure – and will be necessary for the new currency model – being told that the new currency will be in full operation within days.
  • Iraq 2024 budget is out – price of oil will be unchanged.
  • CBI is in full control of the final rate. It should be done and finished over THIS WEEKEND!!!!
  • ALL trade with Iraq will be done in IQD – not USD!
  • The IQD MUST release first – will start the change to the new world economic system

Evening News with MarkZ. 01/19/2024


 Thurs. 18 Jan. 2024 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866pin123456#, 667-770-1865

  • We heard from our source in Iraq that not only do we have an Intl and In-country rate but we also have Iraq trading that rate internationally about when markets close tomorrow Fri. 19 Jan. About 5 – 6 pm EST we should see it in the US.
  • Some time Sat. 20 Jan. Bond Holders should receive access to funds  – in about 48 hours time Bond Holders will be able to see what is in their accounts and get access to 10%.
  • Today Thurs. 18 Jan. from 11am to 2:15 the US Treasury, Wells Fargo and Redemption Centers around the US held a final Conference Call on all the information and protocols that the Redemption Centers needed. We have over 11,000/12,000 Redemption Centers around the US. They said it was the last email and last CC they would have.
  • We have two Very High non-related bank sources. One of our strongest sources is saying that we will have our notifications by or before Sat. 20 Jan, or they could start on Mon. 22 Jan as that is what the Redemption Centers are preparing for.
  • Your Quantum Account is a US Treasury non-interest bearing account. Your primary bank account will be able to earn interest. Your Quantum card will only be used to move money out of your Quantum Account.



  Sandy Ingram  

So far the conflicts in the Middle East have not affected the Iraqi dinar exchange rate.  Iraq continues to increase its GDP and create more streams of income outside of the oil industry.  These are the recommendations of the IMF to create economic stability.

 There are 4 major reasons Kuwait, Iraq's next-door neighbor has the strongest currency in the world...Kuwait dinar is $3.36... 1.  Major exporter of oil.  Kuwait is estimated to hold 10% of the world's oil reserves.  The tiny country has a population of 4.3 million people vs Iraq who has approximately 43 million people and a lot more oil than Kuwait.  2.  Kuwait has an excellent reinvestment of oil revenue.  Kuwait uses its oil revenue to build infrastructure and develop microeconomic sectors to increase its GDP.

What will it take for the Iraqi dinar to strengthen against the US dollar?  

Imagine a country as a business.  The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is essentially its annual report showcasing the value of all goods and services produced.

  A high GDP indicates a booming economy.. .The currency rate on the other hand is a bit like a company's share price.  It's the global market's way of saying how much it thinks is worth.

 The stronger the currency, the more confidence the world has in the country's economic stability and growth potential.   How does a GDP affect a country's currency rate?  

Simply, a higher GDP signals a stronger, productive economy.  This attracts foreign investors, who need to buy the country's currency to invest.  This surge in demand for the currency increases its value, or 'rate'...A rise in Iraq's GDP implies a healthier economy and a potential increase in the dinars value.

 What would it take for the Iraqi dinar to strengthen against the US dollar The answer lies in economic development and stability.  The Development road project...aims to boost Iraq's GDP by improving infrastructure, fostering foreign investment and stimulating economic growth... With the right steps and sustained growth the dinar's narrative can only get stronger.

 The Iraqi dinar is not on the Forex market, yet.  The Iraqi dinar is an exotic currency, as is the Vietnam dong... Currencies are traded in pairs on the Forex Market.  The 3 main types... majors, minors and exotics...The more liquid an asset the easier and more efficient it is to turn it back into cash.  Major currency pairs have the highest trading volume... Exotic currencies...are not traded that often.  There is little technical analysis or data available to support trading decisions for exotic currencies.

🔥Iraqi Dinar🔥Dinar Little Over $3🔥News Guru Intel Update IQD Value to US...

During 2024.. The Iraqi Central Bank Plans To Cancel The “Electronic Platform” For External Transfers, 19 JAN

 During 2024.. The Iraqi Central Bank Plans To Cancel The “Electronic Platform” For External Transfers

Economy News – Baghdad   The Central Bank of Iraq announced today, Thursday, its readiness to cancel the electronic platform for external transfers during the current year.

According to a document issued by the Central Bank, and obtained by Al-Iqtisad News, “Within the framework of the Central Bank of Iraq’s endeavor to enable Iraqi banks to establish and establish solid banking relationships with the global and regional banking sector in order to achieve the sobriety of the Iraqi banking sector and full compliance with international standards and requirements, it plans The Central Bank of Iraq to gradually cancel the electronic platform for external transfers during the year 2024, leading to its complete cancellation by the end of the year and maintaining it for audit and statistical purposes.

The document added: “Iraqi banks must work to be prepared and able to access and deal with correspondent banks, and there are two types of requirements, some of which are basic and must be provided and worked to accomplish as quickly as possible, and some are important and support the banks’ efforts in this field, and will be required.” All banks are required to provide the three basic requirements below in order to assist them in opening accounts with correspondent banks.

Regarding the basic requirements, she stated that “these requirements represent the minimum documents that must be provided for negotiations with correspondent banks, and they reflect the bank’s financial and credit status and level of compliance, and they are:

Bank statement for at least 3 months.

A report on the bank’s financial and credit status issued by an approved authority.

Bank compliance policy.

The Central Bank of Iraq continued: “Banks can obtain more information about other requirements required of correspondent banks by communicating with the Central Bank of Iraq.”

Views 143 01/18/2024 -


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-18-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins  1:15:00  

Welcome, everybody has a big goal tonight - it is Thursday, January 18th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in wherever you're listening from. Hopefully all over the globe in as many as 200 countries that we've reached in the past and we hope we're reaching tonight. So thank you Sat  team for hooking us up with that.  Thank you big call universe listeners all around the globe.  Thank you team for moving forward with our call tonight.

Alrighty, let's see if we've got 12 minutes of intel I think we do. Alright guys, let's jump on in.  Let's start with Iraq  

we heard from our source one of our contact in Iraq, that one of our contracts - that not only do we have an international rate and an in country rate - which are different – for Iraq - but we also have Iraq trading that rate on the Iraqi dinar internationally in about they'll just give it about when markets close tomorrow Friday let's call it banks close around six o'clock -  somewhere in that timeframe  the Iraqi dinar - the new Iraqi dinar rate will be trading internationally -  and that we should see it here - we should see in the US if you're able to see state for trading purposes  the bank screens on .

Now we know where the dinar closed today we know where it was a couple of days ago on Tuesday and it's still really strong trading range way above the international rates and way above the in country rate for Iraq. That's just a benefit that we have here in the US, especially at the redemption centers. That's where the rates will be highest period -  that infinitum.

So that is really cool thing.

Also lets talk about bond holders  moment, bondholders they've been waiting just like we have to get access to funds. They've been waiting and they should receive something in about 48 hours from this afternoon. Let's call it Saturday – sometime -  they should be receiving  emails - that give them access to funds – it might be immediate  - Or they might have another date on it.

But I think this last email that they're expecting for tier three bond holders, or bonds sellers to be more accurate, should have a lot of them know what is in their accounts  - some of them can see what's in their accounts, and they'll be able to get access to 10% of their total With this next email that's coming probably Saturday, it was set in 48 hours from that was earlier this afternoon today. So that's really good news for them.

And today, there was --  it's really interesting -- from 11 o'clock to a little bit like quarter after two today, Eastern Time, there was a quote unquote final conference call, bringing up all the information and protocols that the redemption centers needed. To have is sort of a it is more or less a call that answer questions literally could answer could ask and answer questions. This was generated from Treasury at Wells Fargo to the redemption centers around I'm gonna say US –

I don't know if it involved Canada and I still don't know that. but I know it involves the United States. So we have 11 or 12,000 redemption centers in the United States. so they're, they're almost anywhere. They're everywhere. They're everywhere. They're everywhere. So that is really cool. This final and they said it was the last email - Excuse me, that was to go out it was the last  Conference call

That's a very positive thing. And you know, it's supposed to go from 11 to one. It went from about 11 to 2 to 2:15 I believe. So you know, that's, that's a good long call, the protocols and information - last minute updates, all of that they were going to get today.

Now, where does that put us? All right. here's where it puts us  - We have two very high  excuse me - Two, very high. Non related bank sources -  unrelated.

One of our very strongest highest banks and sources is saying that we will have our notifications by or before Saturday - this coming Saturday, two days away. And let's call it a day and a half away.

Not that far, fromwhere we are right now. I don’t know what time that it's coming in. We don’t get that knowledge. It could be on Saturday, that we actually get notified. but I don't know when we start. See we could start by setting appointments Saturday and going on Sunday. It's conceivable we go right through the weekend, Or they may defer to a start on Monday.

I know some of the redemption centers we've talked to are ready to start on Monday. Now, they might start sooner, but I think that's looking really good for us right now.

Let's see what else --  somebody again did came out and talked about stations at the redemption center. I thought I put that to bed on Tuesday - There are no stations at the redemption center.

Those were for the tier 3 bond holders  - they're the ones that you know, seven or nine different stations to go through to translate and, and hypothecate their bonds. - it's not for the redemption centers, please understand that anybody that has been misled by whoever posted that again, posted that in error.  See that's just deep state doing that

That's not wise at all -  this is where you're gonna go into an office - private office, door close and at least one or two delarue machines. They'll do the KYC for you. They'll count and verify your currency that they do not leave delarue machine or two - one guy will be doing zim  - one person will be doing zim  and maybe one or two people would be doing other currencies, if it applies .

And you've got a US Treasury Marshal there. Keep an eye on things. Okay, so you could be the present of between three and four people across the desk from you. Okay, and that's it. There's no stations.

If anybody has change of personalities to come in and reason for you, They can come in and you stay put - Pretty simple, guys. They want you in and out of there in 30 minutes.

Listen to what is to happen -  know your customer -  you have to prove your ID. You have to show them a bill or two if you have it, Have your utility bills, Whatever, Gas Electric phone, whatever bills with an address so they know who you are and where you live in really good stuff  - they got that.

And then you can count and verify all your currencies. and then same thing with your zim - run that through - talking about rates with you, give you the rates that they plan to give you then you got your project - good. then you can make a five to eight min presentation - I mean  5-8 min  that’s it !!.

It's probably more like five minutes of presentation of your projects. If you're just gonna have to cut it down. If you've got an hour to talk about your project, is you're not going to have five minutes maybe eight. But give that presentation to him. Leave a copy of your presentation behind so they can run it through the quantum computer and see if there are any duplications across the country with projects, which they will be obviously and we'll see where that goes where it takes it from there.

Hey we’re not halfway done yet. Then we go from there - We got to talk about setting up your accounts or accounts probably one, one Wells Fargo account. Oh, don't forget the quantum account that all your deposits go into initially. They go to Q FS account, which I call quantum - oh don't forget you have a titanium quantum card. It's not a credit card. It's an access card that allows you to access your quantum account - and it's tied to your Wells Fargo account. And later it can be tied up to three banks instead of one bank. It could be tied up to as many as 3 banks. Those three chips

Oh, by the way, don't forget your biometric fingerprint or thumbprint. It shows us who you are. And by the way, a brand new email brand new password or quantum mechanics. Oh wait a minute. We still have to talk about Wells Fargo account we set that up. Talk to you about that. You can get access to several billion dollars in that you can move from your quantum accounts with your Wells Fargo –

Oh don’r forget you get a - Don't forget there's a debit credit card on a master account. let's call it the primary Wells account -wealth account. you got that set up and then you have to get everything you need for that debit credit card so that you understand that 

 And then don't forget we go from there. There's going to be discussion about okay, we've already talked about your projects, talked about that.  -We're gonna talk about a booklet of  55 pages, of people you're not supposed to give money to - unless you want your account frozen and your funds clawed back - so pay close attention to a 55 page booklet before you go willy nilly on giving money to wrong organizations. And then don't forget they're going to give you  a NDA. a non disclosure agreement to read and sign

Also, there's some cash that you might avail yourself of at the redemption center.

Up to they want to say up to about 3500 bucks not a whole lot, but enough to get a little cash if you're Caspersen  - then we also got to get the Q phone  given to you at the end - which is something that you take home – to program and play with - not at the center. -  they should be throwing the Q phone at you as they're kicking you out the door. Picture sort of that last minute toss of the Q phone as you catch it  and just about run through the door on the way out

And then there don't forget before that is the two page maybe three page pages of perks  bank perks  - benefits for banking with Wells. Should be able  to take them out to do there if you take that home and read them and get in touch with the premier banker in a few days later about those if there's anything that interests you on that and that and then what else – Well. Oh Don't forget you're going to negotiate or be given an interest rate that you can have where your Wells Fargo account or accounts that you can earn interest on the  money that's in those accounts – not in the quantum account -  That's a non interest bearing government backed Treasury backed account

 I'm probably forgetting a couple of steps but that is, you know, I don't know how long it took me to say that. they're going to try to activate and do all those things in 30 minutes.

If you have bonds or sheet bonds back to the bonds, they're gonna allow another 10 minutes for that, that's a lot you have done in 30 to 40 minutes.

I'm just saying. So, you're gonna be it's gonna be a whirlwind -  you want to breathe -  and to try to pay attention to what all going on.

It’s like being in a wedding - Like  the wedding ceremony should have like 20 to 30 minutes and if you are the groom – you don't know what's going on, so you have to pay attention  - to see some of the people in the, in the pews or the some of the people in the pews and just go up the aisle and be ready and turn around  and look forward to the  bride coming down the aisle. Boom  So there you go. Beautiful, enjoy it. Look around. Don't kid around to feel the moment, enjoy the moment. That’s what this is going to be like -  I'm going to try to enjoy it even though I can't see. I'm going to enjoy the moment and try to enjoy what's happening all around me.Can be crazy. It's gonna be fun.

Now the real fun is when you have all that paperwork and all your account information. You got your credit debit card, quantum card -  Don't lose your quantum account card, even in a super safe place. It's not used to charge things It's only used to move funds from your quadric out to your Wells account , in this case, could be to one or two other banks but now we're talking moving to Wells. Okay.

So that, in a nutshell is what you're going to be experiencing in a whirlwind it's going to be  a lot – And when you walk out of the redemption center  - you get back into your car - anyone you walk out. You get back in your car and drive off. You know, you've got, you know, you have to just think about what you're doing where you're going. What happens now. What's my next step? What's the next phase?

Have you ever wondered? What it would be like to go through this process? Come out and then go Oh, thank you Jesus  - Oh, my God. Now what? What next? What about the rest of my life? What about the rest of this year?

Do I Do I have what I need  - is there anything I need to know or learn about my next six months or my next year? After going through that experience? Well, if you're like most people, there's a lot you need to learn and there's a lot you need to be exposed to.

I hope I gave you some idea of what you’re going to  experience at the redemption centers. The rates are definitely  higher than the banks they've been done that way on purpose - use the toll free number that you'll get in the mail so be released.

We expect to have them by Saturday. And we also know that everything is supposed to be released  -That would be the intermediaries - we talked about -  fines - interest and penalties  - CMKX – adjudicated settlements – farm claims – ranch claims , that large church group which I believe is the Mormons  - have already together and prosperity  packages are supposed to be released -  I'm going to say Friday. overnight tonight or Friday. I can't remember exactly. But be looking for them?

The best information from two unassociated sources was that it would be that we would have them on or by Saturday, which is jacked up as I've ever been For this to finally come through. I believe we're on it. we're on the last quarter mile of our race. and I think we're we're almost home.

But this is really I think we're we're coming down to the very last.

I can't think of there's anything else. It's urgent. Remember guys being very careful what you're reading out there. Evidently, every once in a while you get something of value online where you get something of value in telegram but most of the time there's something there's some something not quite right. And I think we could be looking at the political games we wanted and everything else coming up very soon.

I don't have a timeframe on it. Exactly anymore. I'm tired of putting out dates that don't happen, but feeling pretty confident about what's happening. by Saturday for us. in tier four, the bondholders should be notified Saturday, and all of those intermediaries and bondholders Those funds should be flowing with emails on Saturday

So let's take it all the way into prayer. Is pray ourselves out -I want to thank the sat team for getting the signal out all over the globe. Thank you very much for that again – Also thank you so much big call universe for listening - For being there for us all these coming into our in our 13th year now.

And this should be it guys - this should be our last call.  All right, guys. Thanks so much. Let's pray the call out tonight,


Global Currency Reset: 

  • Wed. 17 Jan. Frank26: “We’ll be posting banks that are exchanging the IQD. Iraq returns to the World Trade Organization (WTO) after 14 yrs. after its expulsion. If they’re a member of the WTO, it means they’re article 8, and that they have returned to the international market.”
  • Tues. 16 Jan. Bruce: “Tier 4b (us, the Internet Group) were looking for notification to set appointments anywhere from now through Fri. 19 Jan. We could possibly go to our exchange/redemption appointments by Thurs. 18 Jan.”
  • Texas Snake: “Tier4b will receive notification and be able to set appointments starting Thurs. 18 Jan.”
  • US National Popcorn Day is Fri. 19 Jan. 2024.
  • On Tues. 23 Jan. all banks across the Globe not Basel 3 Compliant (have gold asset-backed monies) will automatically collapse, plus the Cabal owned JP Morgan, which is a shareholder in the Bank of International Settlements, was scheduled to file for bankruptcy.
  • The fiat US Dollar was expected to be considered useless by around 11 March 2024.

GCR Recent History:

  • Mon. 15 Jan. In Dec. Walkingstick: Everything was ready in place to go. During Jan. all systems were being implemented through the monetary reform education.  As oftoday 15 Jan. they’re all international – from private banks like the one Aki [Iraqi bank friend] represents to international markets. It’s what we expected. There’s not more to say because everything is in print now.
  • On Mon. 8 Jan. Redemption Center leaders and bank managers gave their individual access codes to the US Treasury, where they were locked into the new Quantum Financial System (QFS).
  • On Wed. 10 Jan. 2024 all qualified banks around the World connected to the new gold/ asset-backed QFS on the new Star Link Satellite System.
  • On Sat. 13 Jan. the SWIFT Home Page (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT))said that the new ISO 2022 System (Digital Data Interchange between financial institutions) for payments was now live.
  • Tues. 16 Jan. began the process of adjusting Capital requirements in gold to be infused into the new digital economy and we moved to the final rule stage of Basel 3 compliance in our banking system. (Chase bank announced IQD rate at $3.04. …Capt. Marvel)

What does “financial inclusion” mean? BY MNT GOAT, 18 SEPT

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