Friday, January 19, 2024

Iraq Plans To Stop The Bleeding With “Financial Intelligence” And A Banking Expert Responds: It Will Not Add Anything - Urgent , 20 JAN

 Iraq Plans To Stop The Bleeding With “Financial Intelligence” And A Banking Expert Responds: It Will Not Add Anything - Urgent

Economy |01-17-2024, Baghdad today – Baghdad  The expert in financial and banking affairs, Saleh Al-Banker, confirmed today, Wednesday (January 17, 2024), that the introduction of financial intelligence will not stop the bleeding of money in Iraq. The banker told "Baghdad Today",

"Iraq has 3 types of border crossings,

the most prominent of which is land, and not a small part of the latter is not controlled, especially within the borders of the Kurdistan region," pointing out that

"the introduction of financial intelligence will not add anything because the measures currently taken are sufficient." But the problem is in the application. He added,

 “The defect in the mechanisms for implementing the Central Bank’s instructions regarding currency smuggling is used by forces and parties to finance themselves and their interests,” pointing out that

“smuggling methods are developing, as are the mechanisms for smuggling drugs and other contraband,” stressing that

“it is not with the creation of any institution, but rather the effort.” To enhance the concept of the actual application of all procedures.”

The banker pointed out that  “many of the decisions issued regarding controlling borders and preventing currency smuggling are not implemented in reality, and

ignorance and backwardness in banking dealing mechanisms are exploited because

it constitutes a loophole by influential people in passing their agenda,” stressing that

“seriousness and follow-up are what achieve the greatest benefit in Stop the bleeding of money in Iraq.

Since the announcement of raising the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar by the Central Bank, local markets have witnessed trading at a rate other than the official price of the dollar, with a difference that sometimes reached 30 points,

which necessitated the government and the Central Bank to intervene with measures to limit this phenomenon, but to no avail so far, as...

The dollar exchange rate remained high to more than 150 thousand dinars for every 100 dollars in the markets and exchange offices of Baghdad and the provinces.العراق-يخطط-لوقف-النزيف-بـاستخبارات-المالية-وخبير-مصرفي-يرد-لن-تضيف-شيئًا-عاجل.html

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