Wednesday, September 13, 2023


Dinar RV Breaking News🔥Austria Reopens Embassy🚩Commitment to Invest in P...

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night, 13 SEPT

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 9-12-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins  !:19:26

 Transcribed By WiserNow

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight – it is Tuesday, September 12th , and you're tuned into and listening to the big call. Thanks for listening, everybody, wherever you're located all around the globe. We're gonna have a good call tonight - Looking forward to it.  All right, we're rocking and rolling. Well, we don't have a whole lot to say. But I think ultimately, this is a good thing.

We got some information. We always get a big influx of information on Saturday for some reason. Saturday is actually a pretty good day. Sunday was light. Yesterday was a little bit light, and today was very light. But the trend is that for example, Sunday, there was a conference call, Zoom call from two to four in the afternoon, afford redemption centers. But we don't know exactly who was on it. And we don't know what was said it was kind of kept quiet. So that didn't get out to us.

But we have to believe it was pretty significant. Now the other thing that we have, that we got from redemption center is we talked to three of them primarily, but we got the fact that the staff went in today, Tuesday. At 12:30pm. That's half our afternoon 12:30pm. Today, to be fully ready, in case the numbers were released, and they could set appointments in the redemption center and do exchanges. 

All right, one of our redemption center contacts indicated that he wouldn't be looking forward to seeing clients - meaning exchangers and zim people either later this afternoon or tomorrow.  Well, later this afternoon did not manifest - that didn't work for us   tomorrow is another story though. And I'll get to that in a minute. 

The other thing that's really cool is we did hear - Remember when I talked to you guys, I believe last week about SKR’s sales keeping receipts for the military had been redeemed, if you will, meaning these receipts went all the way back SKR’s back 18 and 19 years and by the military primarily some other people as well. Had ponied these up with this one particular bank and they were notified to come in and get the - essentially get the exchange completed.    And that was last week.

Well, we also found out that 80% of those STKR’s at the time, were military and 20% were non military. But okay, that's kind of cool. That's good. That showed us that in a sense the RV quote unquote, the revaluation of these currencies had occurred and that these guys weren't getting current rates on in that case it was on dinar you know on  Iraqi dinar and Vietnamese Dong on those two currencies, because that's what the SKR’s were on. And they were numbers of these that I think we're done throughout the country. Good. We're on our way we're rolling. 

Now. I think I told you guys about that last Thursday. Pretty sure - so then we also found out that last week, military had done their exchanges on the bases on military bases last week.

I thought well, that's interesting. That kind of goes along with the SKR’s. Right? Well these exchanges were done for the Iraqi dinar and Indonesian - no no - check that  - and Afghanistan a Afghan or the Afghani because that's where the military has served over the last 20 years or so.

All right, and that's it Iraq and Afghanistan. Right. So they did do exchanges on the basis for those two currencies. Now, do they have access to those funds yet? I think they almost had what we would call in the meantime sort of SKR, the changes are done. they've got rates. They got it done but don't but they really do not have liquidity yet.

Similarly, the bond holders they ponied up their bonds. They've got buyers and sellers together. They've had tabletop meetings, and they've got those bonds handled. And they have rates on those bonds. They know what they're paying, they know how much their their gross is, etc, etc. But they haven't received access to their funds yet. So they're looking for that final email to give them access some of the bond sellers are looking for new credit debit cards coming from various banks.

 Could be Wells could be HSBC, the German bonds that were done through Bank of America, they handled the German bonds. HSBC is handling the Chinese yellow dragon and Red Dragon and so on Dragon bonds. You see, and Wells Fargo is handling a lot of the other. 

So there's so many different layers like at least 58 different types of bonds. I can't remember how many but it's a lot. So bondholders are waiting - that's tier three. We're waiting. I think the admirals people in tier 4A or tier 4B the Internet Group. Wells Fargo considers tier four tier four no distinction between a and b. So we're good with that, we're okay. We'll run with the Admiral no trouble. And that's what we're looking to have happened.  Alright, let's see what else is  meaningful to us.

Today, we received word through one of the redemption centers that the Treasury we're going to call this and restored Republic Treasury - gave word to the redemption centers probably by email but I don't know that absolutely. Probably by email that everything they gave us  - They signed off on everything.

And every everything was ready to go.

That's meeting for our exchanges. It also means for the bondholders to be released what they need.

Now, we didn't get the numbers today. We don't know that they're coming tomorrow. But it seems likely that they would come tomorrow and our exchanges would either start tomorrow or Thursday. 

I don't know what time to expect them tomorrow if they come at all.

We had heard they should have come in Monday or Tuesday which today's Tuesday at around one o'clock in the afternoon for later. That didn't happen.

And we believe that everything is done The final piece of information we got and I just got it a half hour before the start. the big call tonight was from another redemption centers and everything's ready to go.

Sooo if everything's ready to go. Are we there yet? Now, let me add one little caveat. Remember we talked about the Iraqi dinar value rate being put into the Gazette and we thought that it was going to go in Saturday. We had heard from Iraq. It was Saturday's printed version of the Gazette Last Saturday  -didn't happen.

What about tomorrow? Wednesday is a normal printed gazette day where they can print the desert any day. They choose they normally go with Saturday and Wednesday.

Tomorrow's Wednesday.  Is that a requirement for us to start having the rate of the Iraqi dinar right and I'll tell you this much. The Chinese elders and us want to see that.

We want to see that. Even though let's be honest. We have held up Iraq for years and getting this thing done.  But you know what? This thing has gone back and forth, back and forth.

You know there's there's been things that Iraq has wanted done that we finally I say we the Chinese elders and and the people with our US Treasury have told them though, no more concessions. No more this you know let's do it. That you're done. you're done. This is it. 

Now, to be fair to Iraq.  And I hope they're listening.  what we have heard is that there's been back and forth between our new treasury and Iraq  about putting the Iraqi dinar rate  up even higher for us. 

Now. I don't know what the current screen rate is now. I knew what it was last week. And it should be scaling upward - the tendency is for that to trade UP And the same thing with the Vietnamese dong.

So, you know, are they at the rate that they want to be for those currencies and others. For us to get started?

That's another consideration. But every indication when somebody says everything signed off on our treasury signed off, means it's ready. And we get the quote unquote green light to begin. So if you sense a little bit of frustration on my part, you're sensing correctly, because I'm getting the feeling that everything is ready to go.

Like based on what we've been told by people in the redemption centers that are the leaders in those redemption centers. So I'm excited about this. and I'm hoping that the information that we have, because the whole thing is if our intel, All we need is for it to be right once And to get this party started. And to get those 800 numbers that are in those emails. on Wells Fargo servers to be released.

Once that happens games off  or the other way to say it is it's game on - Because we've got the numbers. we call the 800 number we set our appointments and then we go in for, for a 40 minute period of exchange and redemption of Zim – Im glad I reminded myself the Zim is a non negotiable bond that is valued on par with the USN. or for that new US dollar if you want to look it on par means at the same value.  

So there's no negotiation on the Zim. That's what's going to be so beautiful  and amazing. If you have it, you know the size of the denominations, you know the inherent value in those bearer bonds. 

Look at the note you'll see payable to the bearer.  That's called a bearer bond. That's what they're acting as.  That's what's so incredible about this opportunity. So don't sweat it. Now. The rates that we will be offered on dinar are very high. Very Very high. And the same thing is true on the dong. 

They're way higher than we used to think they would be and the dinar is ridiculously higher.

I'm gonna say as many as as much as almost 10 times we thought it was going to be back in the old days 18 /19 years ago.   So don't worry about it.

So where are we?  We are dang close - and obviously, closer than we've ever been. We know SKR’s were taken care of last week. We know our military exchanged in the bases last week. 

We know that leadership changes politically are taking place - indictments have been filed and  I think that we're looking forward to this week, and hopefully tomorrow our notifications at least they knew us and putting us back on the gold standard and we're using that word now. Gold standard to put us back on that is supposed to take place Thursday, Friday of this week. 15 should be our completion or being back on the gold standard.

And then we'll see what else happens as a result of that.

We're looking at some disclosure announcements are referred to earlier starting believe the 22nd or 23rd That would be a week from this Friday or Saturday.

And that could be really interesting as that get started and that disclosure should be using the Emergency Alert System in conjunction with the emergency broadcast system on the books called the emergency wireless system.

One other thing I want to get out is that  on the fourth of October they're doing full complete integration of cell phone, technology, internet and satellite television completely brought on to the starling satellite system.

So what's going to happen as I understand it as of yesterday, we will have outage of for one hour and 10 minutes. 

Cell phone service outage of make sure you guys hear this correctly. And Judy, if you can't put this in, make sure it's correct.

Our cell phone service outage of the internet outage of satellite television for one hour and 10 minutes between 1pm October 4 and 2pm on the 4th  -  one hour and 10 minutes and that's eastern time I gave you -  four East Eastern  - we know that's when that disruption will occur. It's a Wednesday it's October 4 Wednesday, October 4.

Okay, now when that occurs and the services restored to us at 2:10pm in the afternoon of Wednesday the 4th  we will be on 10 G not 5g G -  10 G satellite service through the Starlink system. The internet will be a screaming internet and our cell phones should work better. Everything should come up faster. There's a lot more things that will probably be available to us using this new system and it'd be worth losing an hour 10 minutes of service

During that time. Get out and walk. Go to the beach, whatever you can do without your phones, without your laptops, without your tablets for an hour and 10 minutes. Can you do it? They call university doing Did you be without that electronic device for an hour and 10 minutes on Wednesday before from 1pm to 1030 in the afternoon.

I bet you can do it that you can but that's really what I’ve heard - this is gonna happen.

Okay, we have some pretty reliable sources considering we know the people that are managing the starlike set Starlink satellite system easy for me to say.

So that's really everything. I think that's pertinent to us right now.

Obviously, we're looking forward to Med Bed's still hearing 8 to 10 days after exchanges that should become available.

I think this is the time we just need to hunker down and continue to be in faith for this forward to what should happen. I'm not saying it's definitely going to happen tomorrow. But based on the information that I've received over the last few days, it sure looks like it - I hope so guys, you know, I hope so. 19 years for me, being in the currencies is enough. 12 years on the big call. You're probably tired of listening to me – chuckle chuckle .

I know you're not tired of listening to Sue or Bob. But hopefully you're hanging or trying to have a good time with us. Because if you don't what Jesus did say, I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly. We all want to be part of that abundant life on this earth. And we're about to bring that to humanity. So let's pray the call out.. 

The US Treasury appreciates the Iraqi Central Bank’s procedures for contracting with international auditing companies, 13 SEPT

The US Treasury appreciates the Iraqi Central Bank’s procedures for contracting with international auditing companies

On Wednesday, the US Treasury Department commended the Central Bank of Iraq for taking steps to ensure the accuracy and transparency of procedures by contracting with international auditing firms.

The Central Bank of Iraq’s media office released a statement announcing that Governor Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq had met with Elizabeth Rosenberg, the US Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, and her team.

The following is a clearer version of the statement: During the meeting, the two sides discussed their bilateral relations. They also talked about the Central Bank of Iraq’s actions to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. Additionally, the US Treasury confirmed its continued support and joint efforts to promote transparency and integrity, and to implement international compliance instructions in the Iraqi banking system.

During the meeting, both parties discussed following up on the outcomes and results of their previous meetings. The Central Bank of Iraq, the US Treasury Department, and the US Federal Bank were involved in these meetings. They also talked about the possibility of providing technical support in the field of financing foreign trade through secure banking channels. The mechanisms that enable the financing of legitimate foreign trade were also discussed. The parties agreed to conduct trade transactions using different currencies, including the euro, the Chinese yuan, and the Emirati dirham. Additionally, they decided to organize trade movement with the Republic of Turkey.

The US Treasury Department appreciated the efforts of the Central Bank of Iraq in contracting international auditing companies to ensure accuracy and transparency.



  ...WTO had asked Iraq for stability purposes, to finalize trade they can show they had enough trade for many years to come.  They've done that.  That was announced today.  Sudani even said in the special televised meeting that they have contracts that he's not even able to discuss.  He even said some of thee contracts are not able to begin yet.  And we know why.  They're waiting for the exchange rate to change.  

  Very very soon we will have a brand new rate that they have been working on that you have been looking for and I have been looking for all these years.  For Sudani to come out and talk about security and stability and the exchange rate is the ultimate setup to change their rate.

Sudani was flexing today.  It was a gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous hour and twenty-four minute nationally televised meeting.  He talked about water, railroads, trade, energy, wheat, you name it...He talked about how this is no longer a 3rd world country...

A first world country is secure...stable...highly coveted.  He talked about the agreement with India, Iran, China...they have agreements with everybody.


The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq receives the Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury, 13 SEPT

 The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq receives the Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury

His Excellency the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mr. Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq, received US Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Elizabeth Rosenberg and her accompanying delegation.

During the meeting, they discussed bilateral relations and discussed the measures taken by the Central Bank of Iraq in the field of combating money laundering and terrorist financing, in addition to confirming the continued support provided by the US Treasury and joint efforts to enhance transparency and integrity and implement international compliance instructions in the Iraqi banking system.

The two parties discussed following up on the outcomes and results of previous meetings between the Central Bank of Iraq on the one hand, and the US Treasury Department and the US Federal Bank on the other hand, as well as the possibility of providing technical support in the field of financing foreign trade through reliable banking channels with mechanisms that enable financing legitimate foreign trade, in various currencies, including ( Euro, Chinese yuan, and UAE dirham), as well as regulating trade with the Republic of Turkey.

The US Treasury Department appreciated the efforts and steps of the Central Bank of Iraq in contracting with international auditing companies to ensure the accuracy and transparency of procedures.

Central Bank of Iraq

 Information Office

 September 13, 2023



After several months have passed since the government and the central bank attempted to control the rise in dollar exchange rates, the official and parallel rate gap continues, given the schemes that Washington is pushing to pass its own interests.
(This first paragraph is very important. Did you read it carefully? Now you know why the CBI is having a difficult time controlling the dollar. )
As for government measures and the central bank, they are still mere notifications and decisions that do not fatten or satisfy hunger, especially since they did not stand up to the decisions of the United States of America that push to fabricate crises and not find solutions.
Speaking about this file, Member of Parliament Suhaila Al-Sultani accuses the United States of controlling the file of dollar exchange rates in the local markets so far, while she confirmed that the beneficiaries and speculators support the continuity of the current dollar crisis.
Al-Sultani says, in a press interview seen by Taqaddam, that “there are many parties that support destabilizing the economic situation in order to influence the workflow of the current government,” noting that “the application of the budget in the ministries and governorates will not lead to a reduction in the exchange rates of the dollar in the local markets.”
And she continues, “America continues to control the file of dollar exchange rates in the local markets until now,” adding that “the United States of America controls the dollar paper in order to subject the Iraqi economy to the decisions and wills that it wants to impose.”
Regarding the internal factors of the dollar crisis, Al-Sultani confirms during her speech: “The beneficiaries and speculators support the continuity of the dollar crisis and the weakening of the value of the Iraqi dinar in order to achieve their personal goal.”
In addition, a member of Parliament, Thaer al-Jubouri, accuses the United States of America of waging a conspiratorial war to destroy Iraq’s economy, while he directed a request to the Iraqi government regarding methods of dealing with Washington during diplomatic meetings.
Al-Jubouri said, in a press interview seen by “Takadum”, that “the Iraqi government, when it talks with the American side within the diplomatic framework, must bear in mind the criterion of strength and try to obtain advanced and modern technological technologies that benefit Iraq.”
And he adds, “America is leading the policy of economic conspiracy during the current period; to destroy the Iraqi currency and the exchange rate,” stressing “the necessity of referring to this war and not leaving it.”
The member of the House of Representatives explains that “the government and the relevant ministries are required to deal as much as they can with America, and that the conversation be diplomatic with distinction,” pointing out that “Washington, despite its geographical distance from Baghdad, is trying to impose its full control over all joints and focus on Important files such as the economy and development.
For his part, the researcher in economic affairs, Muhammad Al-Saadi, pledges control and control of the exchange rate of the dollar in the parallel market by taking practical technical measures without resorting to methods of arrests or the use of force.
Al-Saadi says in a press interview seen by Taqaddam, “The responsible authorities are working to pursue speculators by applying the law against those who want to harm the Iraqi economy, in addition to being a first step to ensuring the elimination of the differences between the official and parallel market.”
He adds, “The need has become urgent to take decisions related to the technical and financial aspects, which would expand the outlets for selling the currency and allow citizens to buy in limited quantities by setting restrictions or preconditions.”
And he shows that “the problem of exchange and high prices is often suffered by the citizen before the merchant, as the merchants began to go to the official platform to obtain the dollar, while the citizen is still suffering in obtaining the dollar, especially since some citizens go to car dealerships and face difficulty in buying in the dollar.”
(Did you read the article carefully? If true then why would the US want to reinstate the Iraqi dinar which would only improve the economy and help the Iraqi people. But remember this is only an “opinion” not necessarily all true. Is this parliamentary member more Iranian than Iraqi? Of course the Iranian influence wants to bash any US influence good or bad. Just saying keep an open mind.)

Iraqi Foreign Minister: We reject the threat to our country's sovereignty, 13 SEPT

Iraqi Foreign Minister: We reject the threat to our country's sovereignty

Iraqi Foreign Minister, Fouad Hussein, said that his country rejects the use of its territory to attack Iran, but it also rejects “threatening Iraqi sovereignty.”

This came during a joint press conference held by Hussein, yesterday, Tuesday, with his Austrian counterpart, Alexander Schallenberg, according to the official Iraqi News Agency (INA).

Hussein said, "The Iraqi constitution prohibits any party from using Iraqi lands to attack neighboring countries."

He added, "Iraq's relations with Iran are strong, and this relationship prevents the use of violence," noting that "Iraq refuses to use its territory to attack Iran by some groups (armed groups), and we also reject the threat to Iraqi sovereignty."

He pointed out that "Iraq is committed to the agreement concluded with the Iranian side, which included removing armed groups from the border and transferring them to camps deep in the region (Kurdistan) and far from the border."

He pointed out that he will visit Iran today, Wednesday, to "discuss the implementation of this agreement by both sides."

On the other hand, the Iraqi minister discussed with his Austrian counterpart a number of files, most notably the political relations between the two countries, as well as the work of Austrian companies in Iraq and the return of flights to Austrian Airlines.

On Monday, the Austrian Foreign Minister arrived in Baghdad on an official visit that lasted two days, during which he announced the reopening of his country’s embassy in Iraq, more than 30 years after its closure.

Vienna closed its embassy in Baghdad in 1991 following the Gulf War (1990-1991), and since that time the Austrian embassy in Jordan has performed the duties of the embassy in Baghdad. link

Coffee with MarkZ 09/13/2023

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member:  Good Morning Mark and Friends.

Member: Hoping, Wishing, and Praying that this is our RV month. 

Member:  New drinking game: If you hear the words "soon", "close", "this week", "this month", "money is moving", take a drink...

Member:  That drinking game would get you drunk fast!!!!

Member: I heard a rumor that nothing will happen until next year….I think it is BS

MZ: Total BS…They want you looking that far out…

Member: Then they slip it in under our noses……soon….Guess I should take a drink…lol

MZ: MilitiaMan knocked it out of the park again last night….a great breakdown on how far we have come and what Sudani has said the last few days.  He will be joining us tonight at 7:00

MZ: I am continuing to hear very positive stuff. The consensus is from my Iraqi contacts…that they are looking for a worldwide announcement of a rate change somewhere around the 20th or 21st. 

MZ: That does not mean we are waiting until then. That means that is when it should be announced to the public. We should hear something before then based on what I am hearing right now. Let’s hope this is accurate. 

MZ: I don’t think I have ever heard this much hype before…It’s almost overwhelming….In a positive way. . 

MZ: No updates from Mr. C, Sheila or CMKX yet. I know that the CMKX fines and penalties have been updated and they are ready. 

MZ: Groups are positioned and ready…agreements are done…people are all in place…The US Treasury is in Iraq…...all we are waiting on is the switch pulled. 

Member: I heard The RV Is waiting for the US Treasury to approve it

Member: Charlie Ward thinks it will happen on a Thursday.. Others think Friday when markets close…and another group believes it will happen some Saturday night when all the banks worldwide are closed for a brief time…

Member: Anything about the Venezuelan Bolivar?  

MZ: I continue to hear it’s the “dark horse” and that we will all be excited and happy with it. 

Member:  Are all the currencies going to go together? Are all these other countries all ready to go like Iraq appears to be?

Member: Any news on the Indonisian Rupiah?

MZ: I continue to hear the rate of $1.47…but we will not know for sure until we are at our appointments. 

Member: Nader said a friend of his saw the new small category notes, Nader has not verified!!

Member: Should we exchange all our currencies at once…or just exchange some to “test the water”?

MZ: I’m exchanging all at once. Everyone should do what’s best for you.  

Member: If Mrl C enters his codes will you tweet at once or do a podcast Mark?

MZ: Both. I will be planning on going live for as long as I can. We deserve that celebration and that news. 

Member: Once we exchange an sign NDA’s everyone will be going quiet for awhile. 

Member: How can the RV happen if Mr. C did not enter codes?

MZ: Oh, it could happen….just not the dollar refunding cannot happen until they see Mr. C…as we understand it. Think of the reset like an economic engine and Mr. C is the ccrank shaft. There are many other pistons, valves ect….in this machine that makes it all go. 

Member: Biden’s FedNow Program that goes into force on September 20th….really makes me nervous they are trying to force the CBDC’s on us

Member:  Anyone still hearing October 1 for Rainbow Currency? ?

Member: Has anyone really seen any new USTN notes?

Member: Hard to believe new notes exit and nobody has snuck a picture of them yet.

Member: Mark, Can you please do a detailed show on what to expect when everything goes

Member: Recaps has several exchange apt. tips in their post RV category….check it out

Member: I wonder if we will know the difference rates on currencies before we go into Redemption Centers ?

MZ: MilitiaMan will be joining us tonight on the 7 pm news…..

Member: Not discouraged, just emotionally drained! Come on RV!!!!

Member: Anticipation fatigue is real 

Member:  Praying this is our last week of the roller coaster ride

Member: This is the day the Lord has made, let's rejoice, and go celebrate

Member:  I feel like we're waiting at the Train Station patiently waiting for the Train to take us to our new lives.

Member:  Mark and a huge thanks as always for all you are bringing to this community




Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )




Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics. 

US Treasury in Iraq!💣New Rate Will Reveal Soon!?🤔Iraq Dinar RV Updates |...



  [via PDk]  

 My banking contacts believe it will be in the next day or two. My Iraqi sources say between now and the 20th. We do not know the timing but the indicators look absolutely stunning for this timing of the next 8 days…with the emphasis on the next day or two being highly possible. Get excited, stay excited and know what you are going to do.

People are there in Iraq to make things happen. This is main stream news on the streets of Iraq. What a news day today.

 They are expecting news tomorrow from rate, timing etc…in Iraq…is what I am being told by Iraqi sources…Things are getting super exciting.  We do know that some of the last representatives needed are expected to be in place today and tomorrow…It is close... 

Question:   "Why does the US have any say in Iraq’s revaluation?"  

MarkZ:  Because of the Iraqi war and the rebuild Iraq money and part of the surrender agreement with Sadaam Hussein when they pulled out of Kuwait. 

That is it in a nutshell…so the US can recoup the cost of the war.

  Question:  "Will the US get in the way of the RV again?"  I can tell you they are caving and cannot get in the way now.

We have been seeing all kinds of bank rates on currency calculators. My bankers believe they are priming the pump for the system and punching in different values to test things. I really think this may be the last week we have to deal with all of this. 

 My Iraqi contacts believe it will be here from yesterday up through the 20th…tops. Most of my sources over here believe this is it!!! Don’t be upset if it’s not quite that quick as there are a lot of moving pieces behind the curtain...  

 ...We are so close…coming right from is time to address the exchange rate…BAM.

  They have been in many meetings…we have had people here from Iraq for the last few weeks. Folks from our Us Fed Reserve and Treasury have been over there.

  I totally agree that it is done…. We are just waiting for some reason.  Waiting for when that trigger is flipped.



{Economic: Al Furat News} The financial expert, former director of financial control, Salah Nuri, revealed today, Tuesday, a financial agreement with India to facilitate foreign transfers of dollars.
Nuri told Al-Furat News that: “The fears of imposing new sanctions on Iraqi banks are expectations as a result of the changes that took place by the US forces on the Iraqi-Syrian border, but from the official side, the government did not announce the existence of upcoming US sanctions.”
India Agreement
He added, “The Central Bank of Iraq has taken an initiative to facilitate foreign transfers for the purpose of importing the private sector, by concluding a financial agreement with India with the aim of establishing Indian banks as correspondent banks for importing the private sector, which are trusted and sober in the world and the United States of America.”
Nuri promised this step “to expand the network of foreign correspondent banks, and we are awaiting the results of the implementation of this financial agreement.”
Nuri explained, “One of the reasons for the rise in dollar prices internally is the speculators.” And he asked a question to the central bank, “From where is the amount of dollars in the parallel market and speculation with it, while the dollar’s offer by the central bank is determined by what it gets from the US federal via the electronic platform?” Nuri added, “This indicates the existence of illegal outlets for obtaining the dollar by speculators.”
Government Decisions
Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani called on the security services concerned with combating and prosecuting economic crimes to work in an integrated and continuous system to pursue speculators, currency smugglers, and evaders from paying customs and taxes.
According to a government statement, Al-Sudani warned during his meeting with officials and representatives of the concerned government and security agencies that “these efforts receive special attention from the government, as they are a pillar of economic reform and the fight against corruption.”
Dollar prices in Baghdad
The price of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar on the main stock exchange in Baghdad, today, Tuesday, was 154,500 Iraqi dinars for sale, while the purchase price was 152,500 dinars for every 100 dollars.



This period we finally have a breakthrough on some VERY GOOD news about the currency reform and why it has been stalled.
On Monday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani announced new steps in the issue of the dollar exchange rate crisis, and said that these steps would “break down” the parallel market.
Al-Sudani spoke about the currency market file during a meeting with a number of news media professionals held at the government palace, indicating that “the dollar issue requires reform of the banking and financial sector, and is linked to taxes, customs, and fees to protect products and economic policies.
Al-Sudani stated that the existence of “the parallel market is linked to a number of commercial operations, including trade with Iran,” and in this regard, he explained that merchants cannot send money legally in light of the American sanctions on Tehran, “which forces them to deal with the parallel market.”
The Prime Minister confirmed that “the Iranian side informed the government in the last meeting to stop dealing in the dollar, and to replace it with the euro, the yuan, the dirham, the Iraqi dinar, or the Iranian toman,” and revealed that there is “a mechanism that the Central Bank of Iraq and its Iranian counterpart are working on to prepare a plan to regulate this trade.”
Al-Sudani said that the new mechanism with Iran “will break the back of the parallel market,” while he explained that other problems associated with the parallel market relate to the trade in tobacco, gold, and medicines.
The central banks in Iran and Iraq are working to establish a mechanism to regulate trade and payments in exchange of currencies (Iraqi dinar and Iranian toman) instead of U.S. Dollars to eliminate the parallel market altogether driving up the price of the dollar.
Yes, eliminate the dollar altogether and no need for the parallel market.
Like cutting the head off the snake!
I bring you this news today since I believe this has been the problem all along with the parallel market.
Yes, they have told us before they had a solution but here, we sit today and still the black market is not yet under control.
Will this new solution solve the problem?
I firmly believe that if it does, we may very well see the second change in the rate we have been waiting for of 1000–1132.
But remember that Rome was not built in a day and this new Iranian-Iraq trading policy will take a period to get underway and then to bring the desired results.
So, let’s hang in and see what happens.
It won’t be long so let’s not exaggerate either.
The Coming Re-Education Process
Simply put, the CBI will tell the citizens about how the process will work for the redenomination.
It will include these steps as outlined to me many years ago:
1. The turning-in to the banks the older three zero notes in exchange for the lower denominations;
2. The deadlines for the exchange window, just like they did with the turning in of the old Saddam Hussein notes in 2004;
3. Showing the citizens the actual new lower denominations and coins;
4. Pointing out the security features on the new notes.
5. Explaining the resetting of the ATMs
The CBI site itself will then list the newer notes as legal tender.
Why is this Re-Education Process Important to us?
I have talked about many times that it must take place prior to the Project to Delete the Zeros.
So we then will know that this project is VERY close.
I was told by my CBI contact many times that when this project to delete the zeros and to redenominate the dinar will not be a secret.
It will be in the news media all over Iraq.
So, the newer lower denominations did not come out and are not in the ATMs.
The Kurds are being paid and will need the ATM for petty cash so they can’t reset the machines yet.
How will the citizens survive if they did at this point without the full redenomination happening concurrently?
On Sunday, the economic expert, Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Mashhadani, revealed the main reasons behind not launching the 2023 budget yet.
Doesn’t this seem really strange that the budget was passed months ago and yet they still have not distributed the funds for all the projects to rebuild Iraq?
Are they waiting for a new rate?
I believe they are.
Members of Parliament are getting wise to covert actions of the US government to break (not help) the Iraqi economy.
Remember actions speak louder than words.
So who’s holding back the reinstatement?
I quote from today’s article- “Many parliamentary members are now accusing the United States of America of waging a conspiratorial war to destroy Iraq’s economy.
The Iraqi government, when it talks with the American side within the diplomatic framework, must bear in mind the criterion of it’s strength and try to obtain advanced and modern technological technologies that benefit Iraq.”
Many members are quoted as saying “America is leading the policy of economic conspiracy during the current period; to destroy the Iraqi currency and the exchange rate,” stressing “the necessity of referring to this war and not leaving it.”
We need to see a change in the U.S. policy for Iraq and this change is NOT going to occur until we have a change in the current Biden/Obama puppet corrupt administration.
So, when will this happen, if it will happen prior to 2024?
Folks, it is all coming to the surface and playing out.
September is going to be huge, but it will continue through the end of the year into the early part of 2024.
Congress is now back in session and this week it their real first week of work in the committees.
Did you see all the exposure and whistleblowers that came forward during these months, the prophesied three-month period of exposure (June- August) that so many of the prophets talked about?
We witnessed amazing exposure of corruption and lies at the highest levels of government and three letter agencies.
This will also will continue but now we enter the fall period.
Remember the “fall” will happen in the “fall”.

Iraqi Dinar Currency Rv News Update / Iraqi Dinar Revaluation News 2023 ...

Kirkuk is the time bomb: Why does the United States now insist on raising the issue of Article 140 of the Constitution again?, 13 SEPT

 Kirkuk is the time bomb: Why does the United States now insist on raising the issue of Article 140 of the Constitution again?

Kirkuk is the time bomb - Why does the United States now insist on raising the issue of Article 140 of the Constitution againDr. Saad Naji Jawad

Firstly, I ask my brothers in brotherly Morocco to accept, from my simple person, my deepest condolences and sincere sympathy for the divine catastrophe that befell them. I pray to the Almighty to grant them patience, to have mercy on their martyrs, to make their resting place Paradise, and to heal their wounded, and that this calamity be a reason for broad Arab solidarity that is consistent with the scale of the disaster. We belong to God and to Him we shall return.

Kirkuk Governorate, or Tamim, as the Baath Party regime called it in commemoration of the oil nationalization process (1972), is back in the spotlight following the outbreak of internal clashes between its Turkmen and Arab residents on the one hand and the Kurdish supporters of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (Barzani) on the other.

The direct reason for these conflicts is the current government’s approval, without in-depth study of the issue, for the return of the Kurdistan Democratic Party and its militants to Kirkuk and to all the positions it occupied before they were removed from it in 2017 by the Iraqi army, following the regional government’s holding of the well-known referendum on independence. 

It was also not studied, and imposed it on Kirkuk Governorate, which is characterized by being mixed and contains all the components of Iraq, Arabs, Turkmen, Kurds, and all religions and sects, Muslims, Christians, Shiites, and Sunnis. This great diversity makes it a special case that cannot, and should not, be allowed to be controlled by a specific party.
The importance and sensitivity of Kirkuk is not new, but rather began with the beginning of the declaration of the establishment of the modern state of Iraq. Britain was keen to have it under its control because it contained a large reserve of oil (the first Iraqi oil well was discovered there in 1927). At the same time, Turkey insisted on considering it under its protection, citing the high proportion of Iraqi Turkmen people who reside in it.

Also because of the oil wealth, the various Kurdish parties began to promote the idea that Kirkuk is a Kurdish city. However, the human massacre committed in 1959 against the Turkmen and some Arabs of the governorate, for which militants from the Kurdistan Communist and Democratic Parties were accused, created great tension within it, especially between the Kurds and Turkmen, the effects of which still linger to this day. 

The tension was renewed when Kurdistan Democratic Party militants stormed and took control of Kirkuk and raised the Kurdish flag above its official buildings (2014), claiming that they had (unilaterally) implemented Article 140 of the Constitution (which will be discussed in the second part of the article). Then the party’s militias carried out operations to bulldoze many Arab villages, deport their residents, and resettle Kurdish families (most of them Kurds from Syria and Turkey), claiming that they were residents of the governorate who had been deported by the previous regime, all in a clear policy to (Kurdish) the governorate. 

This was not the first attempt to tamper with the social fabric of Kirkuk. Since the beginning of the sixties, central governments have transferred Arab tribes to the governorate for the purpose of increasing the Arab presence there. Then the party’s militias carried out operations to bulldoze many Arab villages, deport their residents, and resettle Kurdish families (most of them Kurds from Syria and Turkey), claiming that they were residents of the governorate who had been deported by the previous regime, all in a clear policy to (Kurdish) the governorate.

This was not the first attempt to tamper with the social fabric of Kirkuk. Since the beginning of the sixties, central governments have transferred Arab tribes to the governorate for the purpose of increasing the Arab presence there. Then the party’s militias carried out operations to bulldoze many Arab villages, deport their residents, and resettle Kurdish families (most of them Kurds from Syria and Turkey), claiming that they were residents of the governorate who had been deported by the previous regime, all in a clear policy to (Kurdish) the governorate. This was not the first attempt to tamper with the social fabric of Kirkuk. Since the beginning of the sixties, central governments have transferred Arab tribes to the governorate for the purpose of increasing the Arab presence there.
In the attempts of various governments to address the problem (and even in the latest constitution), the basis put forward to determine the identity of the governorate was the necessity of adopting the 1957 census of the population, which took place in calm and normal conditions during the royal era. In that census, even if nationalism was not adopted as a basis, the language criterion was adopted. Its results showed that the percentage of people who spoke Kurdish in Kirkuk (the city center) was 33.53%, Turkish speakers were 37.62%, and Arabic speakers were 22.53%. As for the governorate as a whole, the percentages were as follows: 48.24% Turkmen, 21.44% Kurds, 28.19% Arabs. 

When the March Declaration was signed in 1970, a number of Kurdish-majority districts and villages in the north of the governorate were annexed to the autonomous region, which reduced the proportion of Kurds in them. (By the way, that census, based on the same criterion, determined the percentage of Kurds in Iraq at 16% of the total Iraqi people.)
With the escalation of calls to establish a Kurdish state in northern Iraq, and due to the presence of oil and gas wealth in Kirkuk, the demand to annex it became a priority for those with this opinion. They even considered it the capital of the state or the Kurdish entity to be established. These claims, especially under the Baath regime, were supported by external parties such as the United States, Britain, and Israel. However, this support (with the exception of the Israeli one) diminished greatly after the occupation of Iraq, as evidenced when Mr. Masoud Barzani told the notorious Paul Bremer that (Kirkuk is the Holy of Holies) for the Kurds. Bremer answered him directly that one Jerusalem problem is enough and we do not want to hear about a second Jerusalem.

And he ended the topic. However, in keeping with the habit of colonial countries to leave hotbeds for future problems, Bremer and those who cooperated with him planted a mine that could explode at any moment, represented by installing a new concept in the permanent Iraqi constitution (2005), and before that in the Interim State Administration Law (2004), entitled (Disputed Territories). on her). This bad concept is considered a constitutional innovation that has no counterpart.

It is known that states, especially after major wars, demand areas that were forcefully cut off from them and consider them disputed, but it has never happened that a state that is supposed to view its people and lands as one unified entity has established such an article in its constitution. Not to mention that the use of the term “disputed” is completely incorrect, contradicts the principle of national unity, and creates hostility between the people of one people.
One of the ironies that must put a sad smile on the lips is that most of the Kurdish leaders who insist on annexing Kirkuk to the region, especially when faced with a strong rejection of this demand, come back and confirm that Kirkuk is an Iraqi and mixed governorate and must remain that way. This is what the late Jalal Talabani said and wrote when he was about to sign a reconciliation agreement with the Iraqi government in 1984, and he repeated it when he became President of the Republic, and others said it after the occupation when they felt that there was regional and international opposition to the idea of ​​establishing an independent state.

The last person to mention this was Mr. Masoud Barzani, head of the Kurdistan Party, and Mr. Nechirvan Barzani, the president of the region, repeated it a few days ago, after a speech (even a threat) by Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan in which he stressed that Kirkuk is a red line and no party is allowed to cross it. 

Despite all these statements, the various Kurdish leaders continue, and every time there is a financial dispute with the central authority, they demand the implementation of Article 140 of the Constitution, and talk about the necessity of holding a referendum in the “disputed areas,” especially in Kirkuk, mainly for the purpose of embarrassing the central authority. These words must, and must, push us to talk about this article, which remains a time bomb more dangerous than the problem of Kirkuk itself, especially after the United States recently joined the demand to implement the article, along with the Iraqi Communist Party and other Israeli mouthpieces.
Without prolonging or going around or going into many side matters that I have previously written extensively about since 2013, and in detail in today’s opinion (Iraq’s Constitution is a forged document 11/21/2019), I say that whoever demands the implementation of this article is either ignorant or has a preconceived agenda. . This is not an offense against anyone, but rather something based on facts that cannot be denied. This article is essentially forged and added to the constitution illegally and illegitimately, and its addition represents an insult to the Iraqi voters who voted on the constitution in 2005 in a general referendum. Therefore, it cannot legally be resorted to or resorted to in any dispute between the center and the region.
For those who do not know, the constitution that was written by a young American Jewish university teacher and imposed by Bremer, just as the Transitional State Administration Law was imposed before it, was a constitution consisting of only 139 articles.

Since the American goal was to approve the constitution as quickly as possible, in the shortest period, and in any way, even if fraud was adopted (and this is what happened), and as a result of the leaders of the Sunni parties objecting to the draft and demanding amendments to it, (they were ordered) by the American delegation that was following up on the issue of approving the constitution from Inside the American embassy in Baghdad, they were asked to vote yes, and he promised them to add Article No. 140, which stipulates the possibility of making amendments to the constitution within a certain period after its approval. (This article has become number 142 in the current constitution).

Thus, the head of the Islamic Party at the time went out in public and asked his constituents to vote in favor of the constitution. But when the Kurdish parties learned of this proposal, they strongly objected, and to satisfy them, five new articles were added instead of one, the first of which was Article 140, which reinstalled Article 58 of the abolished Transitional State Administration Law, which talked about (a referendum in Kirkuk and all the areas that were called disputed).

The bad faith in this article is that it considered that there were disputed areas in all the Arab governorates surrounding the Kurdish region that was declared, in Mosul, Salah al-Din, and Diyala. In other words, it laid many mines for the future and for the constitution. The most important issue is that these amendments and additions were not presented to the Constitutional Committee that approved the constitution, nor to the National Assembly that submitted it to a referendum, and they were not included in the text that was held in a referendum. Therefore, they are considered invalid and their addition is a clear forgery, and the Federal Court must decide on this matter and issue a ruling. Her rule.
Of course, the recent entry of the United States into the line, and its demand that the Iraqi state respect the article, comes for other purposes, in light of suspicious American movements in the region, which are not limited to military movements in Iraq and Syria, but have reached the point of announcing the formation of a large new military force of Kurdish militants (the Peshmerga). Its number reaches 80,000 armed men.

The United States says that it will train and equip them and cover their expenses, and claims that they will not be subject to the existing Kurdish parties. This is in addition to information leaking about its sponsorship of armed groups in western Iraq, and Iranian Kurdish fighters in the Kurdistan region of Iraq as well. With talk about Washington adopting some Baathist names. All of these moves prove beyond doubt that the American goal behind raising the issue of Article 140 is nothing but an excuse to interfere in Iraqi affairs for malicious purposes.

After clarifying all that has been said, the Kurds of Kirkuk still have the right to have someone represent them in the governorate and in any fair elections, provided that this is not done in the manner that happened between 2014 and 2017, and even before that, of trying to marginalize the Turkmen and Arab components and with many arbitrary measures. The people of The governorate they talk about, and it is the main reason for their strong opposition to the return of Kurdistan Party militants to their city. Note that the main headquarters that the party is demanding is an Iraqi government headquarters that is owned by the Iraqi Ministry of Oil and was not owned by the Kurdistan Party at one time, and was seized by force after the occupation. The Federal Court ruled that the Prime Minister’s order to return the aforementioned headquarters of the Kurdistan Party was invalid.
The Iraqi government remains required to defuse the Kirkuk crisis, which it caused, and any delay in finding a quick solution that satisfies all parties threatens to open the door to external interference that does not wish good for Iraq and its people.