Thursday, January 11, 2024

Hussein: Iraq determines the need for the survival of US forces and we do not want chaos in the relationship with Washington, 12 JAN

 Hussein: Iraq determines the need for the survival of US forces and we do not want chaos in the relationship with Washington

Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein said that “Iraq is the one who determines the need for the survival of American forces or not,” stressing that the international coalition forces “exist at the invitation of the Iraqi government.”

“We do not want to create a chaotic situation in relations with Washington,” Hussein added, considering that “the interior must be prepared before negotiations begin for the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq. In light of the results of the negotiations, the necessary decision will be made, whether to withdraw or to schedule withdrawal.”

He continued: “There have been negotiations in the past, and there was a security military delegation in Washington several months ago. The negotiating process with Washington has stalled but the dialogue continues. And soon we will announce the start date of negotiations at what level and in any form.”

He also said that Baghdad assured Washington that the Iraqi government is “committed to calm,” considering that “recent events are unacceptable, as there have been attacks and counter-attacks.”

Attacks targeting military bases should be “addressed by both parties,” he said, adding that the prime minister was constantly working to reach out to all parties to reach calm.

He also considered that “the situation has changed in the region after the war on Gaza, and there is a tanglement in national and regional matters, explaining that “the decision of the war is determined by the Constitution and the law and there is no decision outside the state. The decision to war is a dangerous decision and we are not war advocates as Iraq needs security and stability.”

Hussein stressed that “the violation of the security situation in Iraq is not allowed by any party, whether external or internal.”

On the attacks affecting the Kurdistan region, Hussein said, “The attack on the Kurdistan region is an attack on the federal government. The continuation of drone attacks on the Kurdistan Region will affect the general situation in Iraq where security in Iraq and the security of Kurdistan cannot be divided with the security of Iraq.”

He said that “part of the problems that Iraq suffers from is caused by the American-Iranian conflict. This conflict will be reflected in the Iraqi arena because it is an open arena.”

Hussein also explained that “part of the problems inside Iraq are related to neighboring countries,” adding that Baghdad held intensive meetings in Turkey to reach a security agreement similar to the agreement with Iran.حسين-العراق-هو-من-يحدد-الحاجة-لبقاء-القوات-الأمريكية-ولا-نريد-فوضى-للعلاقة-مع-واشنطن


 Militia Man 

 Iraqi stock exchange soars 97%. The other day we talked about what 52% and that was a pretty bold statement for them to say that.  Now they're talking about 97% annual gain as an indication of economic upswing...

The oil & gas law is a very important and is considered to be integral to the citizens needs and the economic development of the country. They stop short of telling us what came of the oil & gas law today.  Why?

 ...One reason would be that there is exchange rate sensitivity with respect to the law...An exchange rate to be one that is stronger than the dollar  (Per Al-Sudani) will help largely in that regard. So, yesterday they were focusing on the importance of this law and with urgency. A very good sign!!!

 Developing the market for the banking sector is huge because lookthe ISX shows that their index has been up about 52% in 2023...Why is that if Iraq is just status quo and it's just blah...?  It's not.

Iraqi Dinar✅Finally Iraq’s Ready For Dinar Revaluation-Iraqi Dinar News ...

Urgent The House of Representatives will hold its session next Saturday to elect its president, 12 JAN

 Urgent The House of Representatives will hold its session next Saturday to elect its president

The House of Representatives will resume its regular sessions next Saturday after the end of its legislative holiday.

The session was allocated according to the agenda of the parliament to elect a president of the council.مجلس-النواب-يعقد-جلسته-السبت-المقبل-لانتخاب-رئيسه



 There is no significant RV of the Iraqi dinar.  And if the dinar does ever go up in value, it will be based on the success and growth of Iraq's own economy.  There are no shortcuts.

  Article:   "Ali Al-Alaq, the current governor of the Central Bank of Iraq confirms that Iraq's money supply exceeds 100 trillion dinar."

 If and when the Central Bank decides to increase the value of the Iraqi dinar more than likely it will be based on some type of gradual float as a result of the success and growth of Iraq's own economy and an increase in GDP.

I hope each and every one of you find success in this investment...It may take time.  It may  be another 1 to 5 years.  I certainly hope not but I believe things could happen quickly over the next 36 to 48 months.  It all depends on Iraq.  

 ...We all know things don't happen fast in Iraq. Iraq has a lot of work to do in order to succeed. The first of which is pass over 100 stalled laws through Parliament to encourage investment in Iraq.  And at the same time the Central Bank of Iraq has to continue reforms to the banking system, digitalization, and apply monetary tools to meet compliance.

 A country's exchange rate is the result of the success and growth of their own economy. When you have a weak economy, you have a weak exchange rate.  Until Iraq passes laws, diversifies their economy and increases their GDP, nothing will happen with the dinar.  When Iraq passed their tripartite  3 year budget a few months back, it created the conditions for them to diversify and privatize their economy over the next three years.   Now Iraq is on the clock to accomplish such.

There's a new article out that many people are translating and confusing. They are not talking about an RV in Iraq, they are talking about the spread being in compliance early next year. 

 Just a reminder the spread is the difference between the official rate and the market rate or street rate and has been way out of whack recently in Iraq. This article simply means they expect the spread to come down closer to the official rate early next year. There is no RV.

    A very important statement was made back in 2020 by the prime minister's economic advisor Mohamed Salah who used to be Deputy Governor of the CBI under Shabibi. He stated that Iraq's entire wealth including all minerals in the ground amounts to only $16 trillion dollars. Knowing that information one can then determine that there is no way a significant RV could ever occur with over 90 trillion dinar in circulation.  It doesn't make sense...

 They...have to have the dinar stabilized within the country and within the 2% rule mandated by the IMF in order to then accept IMF article VIII and begin to float the dinar which would raise its value based on supply and demand.  All of these processes and or steps required time.

Iraqi Dinar ERA New Exchange Rate Fixed Finally-Iraqi Dinar News Today-R...

In the document.. The Central Bank addresses banks and announces its readiness to meet the demands of its customers from the dollar, 11 JAN

 In the document.. The Central Bank addresses banks and announces its readiness to meet the demands of its customers from the dollar

 The Central Bank of Iraq addressed, on Thursday, banks’ readiness to meet the requests of their customers from the cash dollar according to the controls it announced previously.

I’m Electronic Blackmail In Iraq. Daily Crimes And A Law Of Its Age Of Decadesبالوثيقة-البنك-المركزي-يعلن-عن-استعداده-لتلبية-طلبات-زبائنها-من-الدولار-النقدي



 [via PDK]   Some of my contractor contacts are back in Iraq now after the holidays and they are hearing very positive things for this month. Their expectations are running extremely high right now.

 Question:  I am hearing dinar $3.81 and dong .47…is that what you are hearing ?  MarkZ:   That’s not what I am hearing but I would be ok with it. That would still be fantastic.  But I am hearing higher rates than that.

Iraqs stock market is up 90% in valuation based on the US dollar…and they continuously talk about the exchange rate and what their market is going to look like after a change in the exchange rate. They are telling us its coming and that they will address it in their first parliamentary session.  And that session has just started. Positive stuff.

Evening News with MarkZ. 01/11/2024

Thursday Evening News with MarkZ 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions


Member: Is everyone as tired of waiting as I am? Hoping Mark has good RV news tonight.

Member: Rumor is Iraq going international on Monday?

Member: I just bought champagne! I'm ready!!!

MZ: There has been some incredible chatter, gossip and rumors today. Group contacts have erupted through the day. There are great expectations of last minute changes to compliance over this weekend and our notifications early next week. Will it happen? We don’t know yet.

MZ: Other contacts are saying the same thing …one contact has planted misinformation in the past ….so I’m not sure if its misinformation now or not. 

MZ: But you are probably seeing it all over the boards already- the chatter is notifications early next week. Just cross your fingers and hope it’s accurate. I’m kinda excited but going to stay grounded.

MZ: “Deputy: Parliament intends to introduce 4 strategic laws in the coming days” 

MZ:  From Iraqi news:  “The Central Bank of Russia issued into circulation the new bank note denomination of 5000 rubles with the offer that the old issue of the same denomination will still be valid. “  Same thing here in the US….if they issue a new $5 bill…the old ones will still be accepted but the new ones have better security features. With the increasing value of the ruble they felt it was important to modernize their bills. 

Member: Mark, do you think there will be a "window" for exchange, weeks, months?

Member: Mark always said we should get 10 days to make appointments and 30 days to exchange. 

Member: Bank story today: Went in to pay a bill and they brought out 2 stacks of old bills. I asked if they had the new bills ready to go and the teller smiled real big and said “yes”.

Member: I wonder exactly what the RV delay is???

Member: I believe we are waiting on the U.S. Treasury to tell us we can go forward with the RV.

Member:  May we all be charitable and humble though our blessings!

Member: Thank you all……see you folks in the AM for coffee. 

Please listen to the replay for all the information from any guests on this podcast


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.





Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )


Iraqi dinar Green Light from Treasury the Final Step for Iraq's Economic...

Al-Sudani chairs meeting to discuss Ernst & Young proposed plan, 11 JAN

 Al-Sudani chairs meeting to discuss Ernst & Young proposed plan

Shafaq News / Iraqi Prime Minister, Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, discussed the restructuring plan presented by Ernst & Young company for Rafidain Banks, emphasizing the need for the plan to be practical and not a reproduction of previous experiences. 

The meeting was chaired by Al-Sudani included representatives from Ernst & Young, the Minister of Finance, the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, and economic advisors to the Prime Minister, as stated in a press release. 

During the meeting, the initial draft of the company’s plan to organize and restructure Rafidain Bank was discussed. According to the statement, this aligns with the government’s direction to reform the banking and financial sector. Several observations were recorded on the draft plan with the aim of modifying it before proceeding with its implementation. 

Al-Sudani stressed the importance of the plan being practical and not a replication of past experiences, ensuring it achieves the intended goals. He expressed the government’s readiness to provide all necessary facilitations for the successful implementation of the transformation and restructuring, a crucial part of the government’s program for financial and banking reform. 

The Iraqi Prime Minister emphasized the urgency of swift implementation to ensure the success of the required plan and achieve tangible progress within the framework of economic reform.



 They are doing what the monetary reform requires right now.  That is for the Iraqi citizens to now be in position to receive the lower denoms, the fils and a new exchange rate.  It's all being done by the process of removing the American dollar and increasing the confidence, the value, the usage of the Iraqi dinar...

These institutions [WTO etc] want Iraq to join them because they know Iraq is about to go into a float state.  Let's look for 1 to 1200, 1 to 1,000, 1 to 1.  Let's look for a change that is dramatic enough for it to be allowed to be released into the international theater.  Within the next 5 days I'm very curious to see what the exchange rate will be after the 15th .  Very curious to see if they're going to leave it at at penny stocks or are we improving?

Question "Are redemption centers at a bank or elsewhere?"  I'm going to a bank.  You can find  redemption centers in a lot of places.  Some large credit unions might do it.  Go to an airport, they have those kiosks and try there if you want.  You're not going to get a good exchange rate IMO if you go to those places.  Go to a large bank.  Don't go to  the mom and pop bank either...  

Iraqi Dinar🔥Boom Game Plan Of Iraqi Dinar Exchange Rates Today 2024🔥iraq...

Association of Banks: The private banking sector is the most traded in the Iraq Stock Exchange, 11 JAN

Association of Banks: The private banking sector is the most traded in the Iraq Stock Exchange

Economy News – Baghdad

The head of the Iraqi Private Banks Association, Wadih Al-Handal, announced on Thursday that the private banking sector will be the most traded on the Iraqi Stock Exchange during the year 2023.

Al-Handal said in a statement, reported by the official news agency, and seen by Al-Iqtisad News, that “the banking sector constitutes 93.94% of the total trading in the year 2023 in the Iraq Stock Exchange, with 647.8 billion shares traded out of a total of 689.6 billion shares.”

He added, “The value of traded shares amounted to 512.7 billion dinars,” noting that “the private banking sector witnessed significant development over the past year, despite the challenges it faced in financing foreign trade.”

He pointed out, “Bank stocks witnessed significant growth during the year 2023, as some banks’ growth reached more than 200% due to increased demand for the sector from Iraqi and foreign investors.”

He continued, “The banking sector witnessed an increase in its capital during the past year, in addition to the acquisition of some Iraqi banks by a number of Arab banks, and the entry of some Arab banks into the Iraqi market.”



 [I never said they will, I said they said they may revisit/consider 12 to 1.  But...]    Just because they switch it to 12 to 1 doesn't mean you have to cash in all your dinars.  If you believe it's going to go up more in value then hold on to them.  Cash some in at least, get some of your money back or cash in pay off your bills, pay off your house... cars... medical bills...make yourself debt free and then hold on to the rest of the dinars and see what happens. 

I never said there was an official 12 to 1 exchange rate.  What I said was I thought it was interesting that in that article they even considered revisiting the 12 to 1 exchange rate policy in the year 2026...It says  they're revisiting the 12 to 1 exchange rate policy and they're going to do it the beginning of 2026.   I didn't make that up, nor  did I say they were going to go to 12 to 1.  I was explaining to you what the 12 to 1 exchange rate policy is.      

I've heard so many [gurus] talk about - according to the IMF Iraq needs to be within 2% between the parallel rate and their official exchange rate.  No that's not right...To maintain stability Iraq needs to maintain a narrow spread, that's the gap between the official exchange rate and the black market.   Generally a spread of less than 5% is considered acceptable.   Not 2%, 5%.  A spread more than 10% is considered a significant risk to the economy.  Iraq is going to have to shoot for between 5 and 10%.  They want to be less than 10.  It'd be idealistic if they can get around 5...

One More Program Rate Change then RV/RI?💣VND News🤔Iraq Dinar RV Updates ...

Evening News with MarkZ. 01/11/2024

Iraqi Islamic Bank profits rise by 246% to reach 76.6 billion dinars during 2023, 11 JAN

 Iraqi Islamic Bank profits rise by 246% to reach 76.6 billion dinars during 2023

Economy News – SpecialThe economic expert, Mustafa Hantoush, revealed today, Thursday, the reason for Iraq’s move toward the theory of internal debt, while clearing is considered the “best option” to return these debts.Hantoush said, in an interview with Al-Eqtisad News, that “Iraq, in recent years, has begun to move towards the theory of internal debt, due to the accumulation of funds in several funds, including the Retirement Fund, which relates to the state’s transactions amounting to more than 7 trillion dinars, the Social Security Fund, in addition to To the banks of Al-Rafidain, Al-Rasheed, and Al-Iraqi Trade Banks.He added, 

“These banks now have deposits in very large amounts, and thus the state headed toward internal debt that amounted to more than 70 trillion dinars.”The economic expert called for “returning the debt to the retirement fund,” noting that “there are two theories for restoring the internal debt. The first is related to repayment. This is a long theory, as governments will not be able to repay in this way in light of the presence of interest.”

The other theory, according to Hantoush, is “clearing, which may bring about settlement operations for some internal debt, which has some risks, but it may be the solution available to the Iraqi state.”Earlier today, an informed source revealed that the size of the Ministry of Finance’s internal debt had reached about 70 trillion dinars, indicating that the rise in internal debt was not a good indicator, especially since the government possesses liquidity, and it must work to structure the internal debt.



  [Aki - Iraq Bank In US update] 

 There are many Iraqi citizens in the United States of American holding 3-zero notes.  It is my job to collect them for the CBI, where they will destroy them.  Our [job] is to turn in the 3-zero notes.  WALKINGSTICK: This is huge!  AKI:  Agree.  Direct deposit from now on.  No limitations.  Article VIII not only for the citizens but for investors

[Aki - Iraq Bank owner in US update]

 Question:  "The new orders you got on January 1st, are they for you to dispense the lower denoms and collect 3 zero notes?"  Here in the Untied States we are preparing to do everything with electronic platforms...We are prepared to collect the 3 zero notes from those that wish to exchange them for American dollars...We follow International banking laws, the same laws American banks follow.  Here in the United States the bank that I am in charge of will be all electronic.

When you ask about the LDs they are only found in Iraq.  We do not possess them.   Iraq will give to the Iraqi citizens, when the time comes, physical lower notes and coins and collect three zero notes...The difference is that here in the US I have to do everything electronic where my friends in Iraq, their banks can do it electronic or physically if they want the lower denoms and coins in their hands.  

Jan 11 2024 Announcements from Tony and Bob on FREE AI podcasts and BREITLING

Sudani: The path of reform is long and the government has begun to establish it in the long term, 11 JAN

Sudani: The path of reform is long and the government has begun to establish it in the long term

Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani confirmed on Thursday that the government realizes that the path of reform is long, but it has begun to establish it in the long term, which will help future governments to implement their tasks.

“The latter received the ambassadors of the Economic Contact Group for Iraq (IECG), which represents major economic countries; France, Britain, Italy, Spain, the United States, Japan and Canada, in addition to the Ambassador of the European Union,” the Sudanese media office said in a statement received by {Euphrates News}.

Al-Sudani “praised “during the meeting, the efforts made in supporting Iraq at various past stages, and expressed his thanks to the United States and Italy, which headed the group, for their work and continuity,” stressing “continuing cooperation with the next presidency represented by the United Kingdom and France, in order to achieve the goals for which this group was formed.”

“The Prime Minister reviewed the government’s vision towards the economic, financial, banking and customs reforms that it has begun to implement, and its seriousness in establishing a future work approach, as well as its efforts in implementing its commitments within the ministerial program, and the five priorities that were included in its executive program, and also touched on the strategic projects that will be an important basis for Iraq’s economic renaissance, which are the way of development and gas and renewable energy projects.”

He pointed out that “the government’s realization that the path of reform is long but it has begun to establish it in the long term, which will help future governments carry out their tasks.”

For their part, “the representatives of the contact group expressed great interest and optimism in government policies in the field of the economy, and referred to the past accumulations that the government began to address, as the Italian ambassador praised the description of the government of achievement, and the preparation of a different budget that includes new ideas such as the Iraq Fund for Development and the provision of sovereign guarantees to the private sector.”

While the American ambassador to Iraq praised the government’s successful steps in the field of banking reforms, and its direction to reform government banks by relying on major international companies, as well as the trend towards activating the electronic payment system. The French ambassador to Iraq also praised the government’s policies in reforming border crossings and customs by adopting the ASYCUDA system, and preparing a financial budget for three years.

The meeting concluded with agreement to form a working group and a work plan for 6 months, interspersed with meetings between representatives of the countries of the group, ministries and advisers to the Prime Minister concerned with following up the work, and this will be followed by a meeting chaired by the Prime Minister to assess what has been submitted.”السوداني-مسار-الإصلاح-طويل-والحكومة-بدأت-بالتأسيس-له-على-المدى-البعيد


 Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-9-24

REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:14:04

Transcribed by WiserNow

Welcome everybody does a big call tonight is Tuesday, January 9, and you’re listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in,  wherever you are all over the globe, where the Sat team may be reaching you by satellite to your email that you’re clicking on and listening to the big call – in real time with automatic translation in three seconds after I say it, it comes to you in your own language all across the globe. Pretty cool. So we’re happy for that. Thank you Sat team for hooking us up.   

All right let’s talk about where the Intel takes us today and where it puts us. I’m going to start with Let’s start with Iraq.

We had not had the Iraqi dinar in its new version as the new Iraqi dinar with the new rate on the Forex.  I thought it would come up Sunday when Forex came back up at five o’clock Eastern, but it did not. And the thinking was, it would come up from people that we’ve talked to in Iraq, we would actually be on the Forex this morning. Tuesday morning.

Now I haven’t been able to confirm that yet. But it should have been up on the Forex tradable as a legitimate currency instead of an exotic currency, a real real bonafide currency.

So we’ll see what happens on that. But in that regard, you guys remember long time ago, I think it’s been at least two years ago. We talked about the Iraqi Stock Exchange and ISX and its connection to the NASDAQ.

And by the way to trade Iraqi stocks or stocks on the ISX would be to do through its sister exchange here in the States, which is the NASDAQ – now the theory is because I haven’t been able to prove it for me, but that Iraqi dinar is tradable in some form or fashion on the ISX, which now makes it tradable on the NASDAQ. But I’m not sure in what sense I’m not sure in what capacity that is unless it’s just the trade of of stocks that are on the Iraqi stock exchange.

So that has been happening. I believe. I don’t know exactly when that started. But I believe it’s been that way for a few days anyway. And now we’ll have to see. See this a big deal about whether the dinar made its way to the to the Forex is which is the foreign currency exchange system, which creates quite a bit of currency every day.

It was sort of in the vicinity  $4 billion a day maybe that’s a low number, but it seems like that made it  known worldwide globally by people in the financial trade or trade business. So we’ll see if we get proof that did happen? But I think it probably did. Because tomorrow, which is Wednesday the 10th of January, tomorrow, the all the banks around the globe are supposed to be fully interconnected and using the quantum financial system, including us in this country, our accounts that have been mirrored on the QFS would essentially be fully integrated on the QFS as of some tomorrow.

So that’s a big thing that’s happening globally On the 10th which is tomorrow.

Then we look at okay, that’s good. What about the 11th ? That is Thursday? Well, Thursday, we’re supposed to have announcement or announcements made regarding NESARA and possibly GESARA, but in this country, we primarily concerned with NESARA to be made on Thursday to bring I don’t know how deep they’re going to be. I don’t know when you know just exactly how deep how many things. we could talk about five or six different things about NESARA right now, and just barely be scratching the surface.

If you guys know more about it than everybody else does it’s going to include, you know, our restitution reclamation allowance, it would include new gold backed / asset currencies. Here GESARA with include the rest of the globe on that. and it’s going to include, you know, the fact that we’re no longer supposed to be paying federal income tax – that’s going to be gone under NESARA  – the sort of quite a few things you guys remember – the flat tax  14 / 15 % on new items collected at the state level –  and they split with fed gov – to help support state interests and projects  – so that’s a new thing – to change our tax structure like that – and get the information     are supposed to be going away from merritime law – to constitutional law, or common law.

That’s another part of it. I mean, there’s so many aspects of this, that we might get a few announcements Thursday.

And I don’t know exactly who’s gonna make them. Do we get the political change we thought about on Thursday, I’ve heard that possible. Do we have the overturn of the elections of 2020 By then, I’ve heard that’s possible. So who knows? You know, guys, we have had some dates come and go. No, there’s no question about it. We’ve had things happen. We’ve had things that are moving us toward this goal, you know, for a while now, and even the fact that our redemption centers and banks actually have the new USN currency.

And also, the new USN money has been transported to the redemption centers for us. We all know these – Well, these things have happened  what else happened?  yesterday morning the Redemption Center leaders and bank managers, at least in one area of the country – want to say it’s multiplied all throughout the country -of the US went in to put in their individual access codes and submit those to Treasury. And that was yesterday around let’s say 1130 noon, on the east coast.

I think they did it that way so the oldest banks across the country and redemption centers remember, everybody we have over 10,000 Redemption centers – maybe more – than like 11,000 redemption centers in the United States.

So that the the leaders of those redemption centers, the bank managers all put in their access codes. And now all they were waiting for is some form of return that gives them the green light from Treasury to proceed – and for the Treasury to give the Wells Fargo servers the green light to send out the emails for us in tier 4B and also tier 4A to receive the toll free number to call  and set appointments  at the Center for this and begin our exchanges and redemption of zim

So —  that happened yesterday morning – now they know  in other words the redemption center leaders and the bank managers throughout the country essentially are done getting their part of this equation Finished.  Now it’s up to Treasury when they want to give it to get it to get the green light placed for everything to begin and for us to get our numbers coming out – by email to us and we can take that and set our appointments  begin exchanges.

So that’s where we are in the proximity we go on to bondholders, bondholders have received word that they have received – Some of them have emails going and whether they have access to funds. And some of them are still waiting on emails to let them know that. I think some of them have their emails and the majority of it, bondholders would probably get their emails overnight tonight or tomorrow to give them access to their accounts. Remember the bondholders and get access to 10% of their total in their bond accounts – And then they’ll have the remaining 90% accessible, I believe in 90 days. That’s how it’s been set up for the bond holders.

So when are we going to be notified?

I think let me put it this way, the bond holders could get their emails tonight or tomorrow. When I talk about shotgun start – I’m talking about tier 3 – when I mentioned the bondholders  –  we’re in tier 4B was what the admirals groups and some of the others are in 4A  –

but I believe what’s going to happen  is once the bondholders received those emails to give them access to funds – if we are in a shotgun start – what they said could take 12 to 14 hours for the rest of them to get what tier three already received. And that was their email notifications. So we figured 12-14 hours after bondholders are notified, we could get notified. So we’ll see how that works out for us. But I think that’s how close we are –

Now with what’s going on with the Q FS tomorrow and what’s going on Thursday with the NESARA announcements we are expecting I mean, it looks like we’re right smack dab in the middle of it – looks like we are right there.

Now – Remember this is the information that I’m getting. I’m not changing that. I’m bringing it out to you as my best recollection is that I’ve received it. So obviously, we want I keep telling to I said you know it’s we don’t need any new Intel. We just need the intel that we’re going to come true because I’ve told you guys a lot of things over the last 12 years  now we are in our the start of our 13th year –  start with for the year that have come true. But the one thing we all want, is what’s the timing for us?

You know, what’s our date and we have to start – obviously I know that – you know that – , I  know that everybody does. That’s true. And that’s the thing we haven’t had accurate predictions  of for the last  12 years, but we are every every day every week – We are closer, closer and closer, and things are happening so that I know about him. or tell you about we’re not behind the scenes. For example, we got word from some of our military contacts  stats, that there is a major concentration on international arrests.

And there has been a major deal for arrests to take place in United States and So called clean up on aisle three by Oh four, five, etc. is ongoing. It’s ongoing and internationally – It’s on like crazy, like regardless. So they’re not putting up with a whole lot resistance either by the way. So, have we gone far enough. For this could start for us. Do we have enough arrest. Let’s call it in the bag.

Yeah, we’re at 83 – 85 %  Maybe in fact, in the United States and probably 55 – 60%  internationally. But that’s enough for us to move forward. With what we understand  is our timing for the release – the green light – to be turned on by treasury.

For the admiral to get the funding. He’s already funded the accounts, – the understanding is they just need to notify the account holders that they have access to their funds, much like the bondholders need to be able to they are accounts and they need to be notified the bank and have access to those funds.

So that in a nutshell is where we are in this plan, as far as I can tell. That is roughly especially Wednesday and Thursday. There are some things that are talked about and talked about the 17th  which is a week from tomorrow regarding the USN  being made known as our new currency. And that’s possible.

Are there other announcements that are gonna come out here, they’re related to other things like the Epstein papers, and that whole deal. That is a major major deal that’s going to put out for now and this summer, but I don’t know how much but when it does come out, you’ll read a lot of everything that I wanted to say.

Alright, so that’s what I wanted to say. talking about tonight was great on the call, and then we’ll go and we’ll see what develops over the next couple of days.

Dinar RV News Today🔥Iraq's 47th Baghdad International Fair Sets the Stag...

A Source For Al-Iqtisad News: The Internal Debt Amounts To About 70 Trillion Dinars, 11 JAN

 A Source For Al-Iqtisad News: The Internal Debt Amounts To About 70 Trillion Dinars

Money  and business  Economy News – Baghdad  An informed source revealed that the size of the Ministry of Finance’s internal debt reached about 70 trillion dinars.

The source told Al-Iqtisad News that the size of the internal debt in 2019 was more than 38.3 trillion dinars, while it increased after the approval of the first and second deficit financing laws in the year 2020, which allowed the government to borrow 30 trillion dinars through treasury bonds and direct loans from banks to finance salaries. State employees after the collapse of oil prices during the Corona pandemic

He added that the internal debt currently amounts to about 70 trillion dinars, and that most of the borrowing is by the Central Bank, the Rafidain and Rasheed banks, and the Retirement Authority.

He continued that treasury transfers discounted by the Central Bank amounted to 42.6 trillion dinars, while treasury transfers discounted by government banks amounted to 5.1 trillion dinars, and other financial institutions such as the Retirement Authority amounted to 18.2 trillion dinars.

He pointed out that the bonds recently offered by the Ministry of Finance, namely reconstruction and construction, amounted to 2.58 trillion dinars after being discounted by citizens and financial institutions.

The source confirmed that the rise in internal debt is not a good indicator, especially since the government has liquidity and must work to restructure the internal debt.

Views 78 01/11/2024 -



17h49 – 10.01.2024
By Ngari

Dear brothers, this is your friend Kuthumi speaking to you. It is with great joy that I come to inform you that the notifications for T4B have gone out. You can now prepare for your appointments. You will soon receive your emails, 800 numbers or the equivalent in each country, and you will be able to sign up and easily make your exchange appointments.

As already reported in that and many other channels, you should ask what documents to bring, if they can be copies or only originals, if they have to be certified… Ask and clear all your doubts. And that they answer you via email, so that there are no errors or misunderstandings. Take precautionary measures for your safety and that of your family. And start your new life on the right foot!

All Redemption Centers will be open at the same time. There is coordinated action and planning of common guidelines for the 209 nations that signed Gesara. By the way, NESARA/GESARA are due to be officially announced tomorrow, January 11th. And the Iraqi dinar must become internationalized between today and tomorrow.

The last obstacles have been removed. Many people arrested for trying to stop the process. Despair reigns among the darkness and their actions only denote that we have reached the end of the game.

With clear victory of the light! Although it seems that chaos predominates, in reality all of this is theater, even to cover up our long-awaited redemption.

Although there is a lot of resistance from Ngari’s co-workers.

In the sense of accepting her information, I assure you that she obtains that information through us, the Ascended Masters, who know it in advance. Because she works side by side with us, she has been there for 50 years now.

She has no sources of information among the bankers or among the people who are managing the transition. She only of us. I dare say she is better informed than the others. The main sources of it: Sananda, Saint Germain, and that humble servant.

So, dear brothers, it is time to make that last effort, for which you have been preparing for so long. And put the champagne in the fridge! We have brought all of you here. Let’s celebrate the victory of light together! Because tomorrow there will be a new world. Let’s cross the finish line all together, as ONE and with great joy in our hearts! Happy new life everyone!!!

Pimpy live with Carl from Currency with a twist 01/10/24

Dollar Conflicts Are Exhausting The Market. The Government’s Solutions Are Almost Powerless, And The Citizen Is A Victim Of Prices, 11 JAN

 Dollar Conflicts Are Exhausting The Market. The Government’s Solutions Are Almost Powerless, And The Citizen Is A Victim Of Prices

Posted On01-11-2024 By Sotaliraq  Baghdad/ Haider Hisham  The Iraqi people have been suffering for quite some time from the rise in the dollar exchange rates in local markets, despite the government and the central bank taking many measures to control the “parallel market,” but attempts to control it and bring it to the official price seem “difficult,” according to what is expected. Citizens, at a time when Parliament Finance confirmed that the strength of the dollar will remain.

On February 7, 2023, one hundred days after assuming the presidency of the government, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani confirmed that “the currency window was a black spot in the banking system,” pointing to “the vote on the Central Bank’s request to adjust the exchange rate to 1,300 dinars for every one dollar.” .

Al-Sudani said at the time: “In order for the citizen to be convinced that the dinar is stronger than the dollar, I advise citizens not to acquire the dollar.”

Many citizens were upset by the continuing dollar crisis, as they always remembered the speech of the Prime Minister and his advisors, who promised that “the dinar would be stronger than the dollar,” but the continuous rise in the American currency did not fulfill the government’s “famous” statement.

Citizen Omar Al-Zaidi said, in an interview with (Al-Mada), that “the crisis of the dollar’s rise in the markets has increased our suffering, given the lack of control over its prices, especially in the parallel market,” considering that “the measures of the government and the Central Bank are not sufficient to control this rise.”

Al-Zaidi adds, “The Prime Minister promised us several months ago to control the dollar crisis, and bring prices and their fluctuations in the Iraqi street to the official price, which he set after assuming office, but these are only ‘daydreams’, and the dollar will not fall.”

Dollar prices recorded an increase with the opening of the Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya stock exchanges yesterday, Wednesday, to record 153,900 Iraqi dinars against 100 dollars, while prices also rose in banking shops in the local markets in Baghdad, where the selling price reached 154,750 Iraqi dinars. Member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Mudar Al-Karawi, expected a rise in the dollar and an increase in demand on the parallel market, with the launch of the allocations of the financial budget law, while he stressed that the strength of the dollar will remain for several reasons.

Al-Karawi said, in an interview with Al Mada, “Reducing the dollar exchange rates in the parallel market is a strategy adopted by the current government through four dimensions: The most prominent of which is strengthening the dinar, ending the issue of smuggling and speculation, in addition to resolving the issue of dollarization in the markets, as well as the trend towards electronic payment.”

He points out that “a decrease in the dollar is possible and an increase is also possible, but according to specific percentages according to the principle of supply and demand.” Because the Central Bank’s measures will have an impact in the coming months.”

The member of Parliamentary Finance explains that “the pressure will be great on the parallel market and may rise by certain percentages, with the release of budget allocations,” stressing that “the ability of speculators has decreased by clear percentages.”

Al-Karawi points out, “Iraq exists in a worried regional environment and its crises are multiple, and it still depends on the pastoralist economy, so it is the most affected by several files,” pointing out that “the strength of the dollar remains present, but according to levels.”

He explains, “The parallel market’s influence cannot be eliminated without reviving industry and national production in order to reduce the demand for buying the dollar,” noting that “exchange rates are currently almost stable and their rise may tend to decline, but slowly.” According to economists, the widening gap between the official and parallel rates of the dollar against the dinar weakens confidence in the local currency, reduces incentives to deposit money in Iraqi banks and prompts savers to exchange the dinar for the dollar, which leads to higher prices and a decrease in the real or purchasing value of the Iraqi currency.

In turn, economic affairs researcher, Diaa Al-Mohsen, enslaved the government’s ability to confirm its saying, “The dinar is stronger than the dollar,” while proposing several solutions to control the dollar exchange rates. Al-Mohsen confirms, in an interview with (Al-Mada), that “the exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar has fallen from its previous levels to the threshold of 1,500 dinars per dollar, but this did not prevent the dollar from rising again,” wondering “why did the exchange rate of the dollar decrease against the Iraqi dinar?” Why did it rise again?

He added: “There were no real changes that occurred in the Iraqi economy, even aiming for a decrease in the exchange rate,” noting that “small merchants still cannot pay the dues they owe to suppliers, especially those Syrian, Lebanese, and Iranian suppliers, due to the embargo imposed on these countries by US Federal Bank.

He notes, “These people are forced to go to the black market to buy the dollar, which leads to an increase in demand for the dollar and thus its price rises.” “The solution is in more than one direction. The first is to agree with these countries to pay the dues they owe in the same country’s currency, that is, to deal in the local currency of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Iran, and then secondly to activate and qualify the real economic sectors to contribute to meeting the largest part of the market’s needs.” According to the researcher’s vision of economic affairs.

He continues, “These solutions are the ones that will end the suffering of the Iraqis with the rise in prices and end the dollar battle with them.”

The government is not able to implement the saying that the dinar is stronger than the dollar,” Al-Mohsen adds to (Al-Mada), and says: “As long as imports consume the largest part of oil revenues, in addition to the agricultural and industrial sectors not contributing, except for the local market’s need for goods that the citizen needs, then it is “It is difficult to strengthen the local currency, at the expense of the dollar.”

The fluctuation in the exchange rate is troubling Iraqis and has become their primary concern due to its catastrophic repercussions on their living conditions and purchasing capabilities, which are declining daily due to the rise in prices of basic goods, materials and services, with the decline in the value of the dinar against the dollar.

Exchange rate fluctuations are taking place around the clock, despite the attempts of the Central Bank of Iraq to control them and return to the official approved exchange rate of 132 thousand dinars per 100 dollars, which prompts observers and economic experts to sound the alarm that what is happening will further destabilize the political and social stability of the country, and will raise Of the already high rates of poverty, unemployment and high prices.

It is noteworthy that, on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, the Council of Ministers approved a decision to adjust the dollar exchange rate to 1,300 dinars.  LINK