Wednesday, July 10, 2024



 [via PDK]   

Vietnam targeting Q3 GDP growth of 6.5%-7%, inflation below 4.5% PM says” And this is just the third quarter. They are obliterating the US…this is big…and they are under pressure to raise their exchange rate.

[Reference Frank26 post 7-8-2024 re: HCL below]   I will agree with that. And it certainly matches with some of the news I got from Iraq today. I was told from day one that when we see the HCL…within hours - we will see the new rate.

My contact in Iraq works in a government position. He has made the comment that they have a new rate…and will activate it soon. That comes directly from Iraq. 

🔥 Iraqi Dinar 🔥 IMO bring the IQD to $0.76 🔥 Today Value Dollar RV News ...

The secretary of state arrives in Washington

 Baghdad – Mawazine News

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein arrived in Washington to participate in the NATO Summit 2024.

“This participation comes at the official invitation of the Iraqi government on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the coalition,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The summit will discuss a range of important issues, including global security challenges and military cooperation.



The float will bring the IQD to the real effective exchange rate and then it will be capped.  IMO 1.32 is still not enough.  Why Because the parallel market is extinct IMO. $0.76 does not suffice. 

 Question: "During the float how much time will pass between each float as the amount increases?" 
  We're looking at anywhere from 3 to 6 months.  But if they are generous we may be looking from 6 months to a year.  I pray that's the case because if they don't give us at least 3 months, if they give us one month, we're not going to be able to take advantage of the float.

 The international community already has seen the new exchange rate. 
 IMO the international community is satisfied and happy and anticipating for what is about to happen.  It is not a secret.

Iraqi Dinar Guru News Highlights (7/10/24)

Saudi-Iraq Business Council estimates $1.33 billion trade volume

 Shafaq News/ The Saudi-Iraq Business Council has estimated the trade exchange between the two countries at 5 billion Saudi riyals ($1.33 billion), marking a 12% annual growth, according to the council’s president, Mohammed Al-Khorayef.

The council stated in a report that it is working on boosting Saudi investments in Iraq, “aligning with the interest from both the private and governmental sectors in the Kingdom to invest in Baghdad.”

The report highlighted that Iraq is preparing to introduce a law to protect Saudi-Iraqi investments, which is expected to be discussed in parliament in the coming months, aiming to strengthen economic cooperation between the Kingdom and Iraq, according to a statement from the Federation of Saudi Chambers.

In December 2023, Saudi Arabia and Iraq signed a partnership agreement in the industrial private sector investments, with the Saudi ambassador emphasizing the numerous investment opportunities under consideration.

Additionally, in November, Saudi Investment Minister Khalid Al-Falih announced that the Kingdom is studying the launch of its first free economic zone with Iraq at the Arar border area, expressing hopes that the zone would be the first with a neighboring country to operate without taxes, fees, or entry visas, facilitating investor services in both nations.


 Militia Man 

 I think when they say, "Whose operations are constantly expanding in favor of dealing at the fixed official exchange rate", is an argument suggesting that instead of being a floating currency...they're leaning towards a fixed official exchange rate for some time...

  Iraq has been and is seeking to join the World Trade Organization...Iraq is promoting self-sufficiency.  WhyBecause they have all kinds of assets.  They have inputs and outputs.  They have so many natural resources that they're going to be able to make things, to be able to have excess...There's a working party on accession of Iraq [into the WTO] on the 18th of July.  That's important.

Iraqi Dinar News Today | PM Al-Sudani's Bold Prediction: Iraqi Dinar Str...

What Is The Relationship Between Customs And The Rise In Exchange Rates In Iraq?

 Local  Economy News – Baghdad  Today, Wednesday, economic expert Ahmed Al-Hedhal identified the relationship between the rise in the dollar exchange rate and the customs file, while stressing the importance of controlling the northern and southern borders.

Al-Hathal said, in an interview followed by "Al-Eqtisad News", that "the problem of the high exchange rate of the dollar in Iraq is customs," stressing the importance of "controlling the northern and southern borders."

He pointed out the "necessity of controlling fictitious invoices and facilitating the task of small traders, and involving the Central Bank in auditing invoices from the borders," adding: "Electronic payment and forcing people to use it and to deal in the dinar has nothing to do with the rise of the dollar."

The economic expert said, "Electronic payment has become a tool that facilitates the process of reverse transfers and black transfers," indicating that "the hasty decisions that are taking place are due to escaping from reality."

 Al-Hathal confirmed that "the domestic dollar is being smuggled out in 'trucks'."

Views 37  2024/07/10 -

Tuesday Evening News with MarkZ

 Tuesday Evening News with MarkZ 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Hello MarkZ and everyone! Let’s go!!!

Member: I feel different today, like something good is about to happen

Member: MarkZ Tell me something good . Tell me ,Tell me, Tell me.

MZ: I had 2 bond folks check in. One said they do not have money yet….but they will be paid this week. The second bond holder said “I cannot comment-PERIOD”  to me that tells us something pretty positive happened on the bond side. If they are under an NDA I wouldn’t want them to violate it. 

Member: Really sounds like an NDA to me!!. 

Member: I am now under an NDA- No Darn Assets!!

MZ: “US Military delegation continues meetings with Iraqi officials in Baghdad” All about working together in the region and the withdrawal of US troops from iraq. But no set timeline yet. 

MZ: There was a very encouraging Nader video today about Iraq’s progress…. You all should look for it under just “Nader” and watch it. 

Member: Nadar vid was great

Member: (From Dinar Guru) Frank26  The international community already has seen the new exchange rate.  IMO the international community is satisfied and happy and anticipating for what is about to happen.  It is not a secret.

MZ: I would agree with that.

Member: Mark, have you heard anything about BRICS payment system being launched?

MZ: “Russia and Iran agree on all stages of integration of National Payment systems” This one is important. Many believe this will be the backbone for the payment system for BRICS global blockchain MBridge based currency. 

Member: Wolverine posted yesterday a Chinese elder signing to release the gold in Thailand

MZ: There is a video out that had many of you losing your minds …but I can’t vet it….Do I think there is a great chance it is real…..I do….because of the news I received overnight on documentation being signed in Indonesia and the Phillipines.on the Gold Treaty.  So it is highly possible….but not absolutely verified. . 

Member: Large accounting firm in Tulsa area announced today they are shifting their main focus to wealth management…. Hmmmm

Member: My prediction is that this will all be over soon so I am just chilling out and waiting!

Member: Have a great rest MarkZ thank you for all you do. Great evening to all


'Deadline' To Cut Rates Is September; Businesses Won't Survive Much Long...

Parliamentary effort to question the Central Bank: Costs Iraq trillions and threatens the economy

  Parliamentary effort to question the Central Bank: Costs Iraq trillions and threatens the economy

Member of the Legal Committee, Raed Al-Maliki, announced on Tuesday that he is seeking to hold the relevant authorities accountable, especially the Central Bank administration and the government, due to the failure of their procedures to address the crisis of the decline in the value of the Iraqi currency and the large gap between the official dollar exchange rate and the parallel rate.

Al-Maliki said, in a press statement received by Shafaq News Agency, that the continued failure of the Central Bank and the government to achieve stability of the dinar and reduce the gap between the two prices led to the waste of huge sums of money and exacerbated the suffering of citizens. 

He pointed out that these conditions resulted in the state incurring trillions of dinars and enriching the corrupt at the expense of the people, as the prices of most goods depend on the parallel price, which is much higher than the official price.

Al-Maliki also pointed out that the failure of the government and the Central Bank to deal with the exchange rate crisis was embodied in several main aspects, the first of which is the government’s inability to determine Iraq’s position on countries banned from using the dollar, as it failed to reach an agreement with the United States on how to deal with Iran and Syria, while other countries were able to find formulas of understanding in this regard.

The "second failure," according to Al-Maliki, is embodied in the government's inability to control the ports and informal trade. It has failed to unify customs policy and prevent informal ports in the Kurdistan Region, which includes more than 32 informal ports.

The third failure, MP Al-Maliki says, is the failure to address the issue of small traders, whose number exceeds 400,000 traders in Iraq, who rely on the parallel dollar to avoid official procedures and taxes.

Regarding the fourth failure, the government and the Central Bank, according to Maliki’s statement, failed to address the problem of speculation and commissions in banks, as banks buy the dollar at the official price and sell it at higher prices without any legal accountability.

Finally, the fifth failure, according to the statement, is embodied in turning the file of providing travelers with dollars into a corruption case that cost 600 billion dinars, as dollars are collected for fictitious travel purposes without verifying the actual need for travel.

Al-Maliki added that these points represent the most prominent reasons for the continuation of the exchange rate crisis and the waste of money, pointing out that Arab and foreign banks have entered the currency auction and increased their profits at the expense of Iraq.

The MP stressed that he will use all constitutional, legal and popular means to confront this failure and mismanagement, calling on MPs from other blocs to support these efforts in order to protect the interests of the Iraqi people.

For his part, MP Majid Shankali called on the Council of Ministers to take decisive and bold decisions related to the financial reality in Iraq.

In a statement received by Shafaq News Agency, Shankali stressed the necessity that these decisions be preceded by the process of building trust between the citizen and the banking system, which is currently suffering from a significant lack of this trust. 

In this context, Shankali called for banning dealing and trading in dollars in buying and selling operations, in a step aimed at enhancing the use of the Iraqi dinar and reducing dependence on foreign currency. He also called for not allowing citizens to hoard amounts exceeding ten thousand dollars or its equivalent outside banks, in order to limit financial evasion and enhance official banking practices.

Shankali also stressed the need to encourage and stimulate electronic dealing in financial transactions, pointing out the need to start implementing these decisions gradually to avoid creating new crises, stressing that these procedures must be well thought out and based on gradual steps to ensure achieving the desired financial goals without causing additional problems for citizens.   link



The Chinese elders did sign some papers this week, that has been given to us by several sources...

but not sure how that affects our timeline, what we are waiting for is them along with interpol and the military to go visit Mr. C


Mr. C just answered the question about whether Nesara can happen without him entering the codes to release the gold and he just said NO it cannot happen without him.


Birdieorbust, Liberty Lounger Extraordinaire 💥 has a valuable update regarding Iraq IQD NEWS. 6.28.24

💢 Birdieorbust: What I can say is this: There is a load of pressure on Iraqis to remain quiet on what they are being told and what they are able to do at present. 

They have their rate - and all I can say is it is close to rumors you are hearing (the low ones however not the huge double digit ones) They have been using this rate for some time in contracts (IN country) since the first of the year basically.

Iraq is waiting on the Treasury to give the go sign...and the Gazette issue is also being kept quiet - but remember it is not necessary for it to be published - beforehand, in order for us to know before we go. Is it possible it will be before? Yes but not necessary. That is really all I can say without getting people in trouble and I refuse to do that.

💢 Ginger: All True - trustworthy info. Completely agree.

🔥 Iraqi Dinar 🔥 Iraq has a New Rate 🔥 Today IQD to Dollar Today RV News ...


 ðŸ’¢ Q & A - Someone asked... 

💢Q: Wait, what about the QFS? Are they (BH) using it as a part of their plan too?

💢A: The point we want you to understand is that the QFS is the framework that Blockchain will run on. There are two AI Quantum Computers - one on each side. Both the Black Hats and White Hats have one. There are also two Resets. Great Reset is NWO and the Global Currency Reset is the antithesis of their wicked NWO. These are running parallel. But only one will last. Please see this teaching post below which might help.


💢Follower asked - "But aren't we debt free as a result of canceling the Corporation (of the USA)?"

💢My response: Ahh, I see what your asking... let me help....

◾You're talking about one train track. 

This post I'm using to talk about another. THINK 2 TRACKS and stay with me....

◾The train track 🛤  of the Corporation of the United States of America is heading like a bat out of Hell to the deep, dark canyon of its utter destruction. On this track, debts remain en masse - with nothing but air & a promise to pay to back it.  It all runs out when the train crashes. (The financial system will crash). 

◾The other track that's running parallel to the first is different. God is the faithful Engineer commanding that locomotive. The sturdy track that this 2nd train runs on is the Quantum Financial System and the pathway is paved with gold backed currency. Plenty of Gold - not just to survive with - but to Thrive with!  

◾Note... this train must pass through the Tunnel that I will call the RV.  REVALUATION OF GLOBAL CURRENCIES. Until this passage takes place, this 2nd choo choo train is just pumping steam - yet it's movement is slow, even obscure to most. 

◾It's the first train that is chugging along full speed ahead to its utter demise and destruction. This is the only train we can "see" now. Make sense? 

Does this help? 🙂❤

~ Ginger

Hot legislative session for parliament with amnesty, oil and property laws - Urgent

 The Parliamentary Oil and Gas Committee revealed, on Wednesday, a number of draft laws that will be voted on during the second legislative term of the third legislative year of the House of Representatives.

“There are a number of draft laws that will be voted on during the second legislative term of the third legislative year, including the twenty-first amendment to the Personnel Law No. 25 of 1960, which includes a wide segment of employees of the ministries in the state, in addition to the general amnesty law that does not include terrorists and ISIS members, but there are oppressed people in prisons, as well as the law amending the Martyrs Foundation Law, and also among the important draft laws is the service and retirement law for the fighters of the Popular Mobilization Authority,” said committee member MP Alaa Al-Haidari in a statement to Al-Rabia .

He added that "there are also a number of proposals, including a draft law to include some victims of natural disasters, including the Ibn al-Khatib Hospital incident, the incident of teachers in one of the schools in the Safwan Cases Center in Basra Governorate, the incident of students in the al-Hartha district in Basra, and other incidents in Maysan Governorate," noting that "these proposals will be discussed and put forward for the purpose of voting on them and providing justice to their families."  link



 Here is the thing to be candid  - we’ve heard this is our week  - 

for months and it’s a banned phrase on the big call  but I was told this is the week for this to go  - from one source said “This should still be our week” 

- but nothing matters until it happens – I see a lot of what goes on behind the scenes which I cannot put out 

– let me say this – it was a week since our last call so Tuesday to Tuesday and one thing from three different sources – said tomorrow the 10th July would be the start of Debt Jubilee and I was trying to get that confirmed 

- so RR and all those Birth certificate and death certificates and divorce decrees  and all were traded as bonds on us and we are to receive that back  - the monies earned  

- Federal Income Tax and Mortgage interest and also CC paid and bank loan interest  - quite a bit that will come back to us – 62 and older it’s considered a lump sum payment and they know the accounts we have 

- and younger people down to 28 they will get paid over three years and 40 and above in a two year period /monthly.   

So we have that to look forward to and we were also told that the notifications and final email from the RC Leader for information handling over all the RC east of that big river in the US so they each RC have to send this onto 34,000 RC emails and this final email came in last Saturday at 10.03 pm they had to hold it and it was meant to go out Monday and then Tuesday afternoon and still not received and what is that saying 

– something is holding that back under that timeline  

- so is everything deferred to tomorrow 

- well we can hope it is?  This is to the RC Leaders and then our notifications to set our appointments would follow by an hour or two – but those Leaders need to be ready to take calls and that final call will be to a Live Person if you are Zim Holder

 – so you might be asked to press into codes as to what you own in currency and also by your Zip code might be the same or different then they’d transfer your call directly and you’d speak to someone there or another number and will depend on where you live and they will give you approx a two minute call to set that appointment.   ;

  Then don’t forget to take your ID to the exchange appointment with you along with your currency.    (as if you would??) and don’t get there any more than 10 mins before the exchange time – which they think will take about 30 mins..   If you have Bonds, please remember to tell them at the time you set up that PNREA. 

(Privately Negotiated Redemption Exchange Appointment)   

I can’t tell you that tomorrow is our day – but IF IT IS – the First day of Debt Jubilee and that one source said it’s still this week – whichever day ITS’ THIS WEEK AND WE GET THIS DONE. 

  Now Bruce has gone on to talking about Sue and her new and old Golden Bundle.   

Now if this intel actually comes to pass  - that will be Awesome and WE CAN ALL MOVE ON 

- Am sure Bruce will be thanking the whole team  Sue and Bob and GCK and Pastor Scott (please keep praying for Pastor Scott as he is still in hospital) and Jeannie and Larry. 

  And of course not forgetting all the faithful listeners from around the world.    And for sure I know he’ll be praying out the call

 – so pray for those emails to go out to those RC LEADERS  they need ours before they get ours out to us. 

  So pray those are sent out from Treasury ASAP.  

  So please join with Bruce in that closing prayer and keep your own heartfelt prayers said until we see those NOTIFICATIONS IN OUR EMAIL INBOXES.     I know you will because you know how important and powerful your prayers are – and we THANK EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU – 

Love Always Gem.

Iraqi Dinar Revaluation News Last 24 Hours-Iraqi Dinar News Today 2024 -...

Rafidain Bank announced today, Wednesday, the implementation of the comprehensive banking system in Diyala.

The bank's media office stated in a statement that "in implementation of the government program to move from paper transactions to electronic transactions to provide the best services to citizens, 

the comprehensive banking system has been implemented in the Baladruz branch in Diyala, thus joining the branches that have activated the comprehensive system in Baghdad and the governorates in addition to the border crossing branches (Zurbatiya - Safwan - Arar - Trebil), so that the number of effective and completed branches of the system becomes (32) branches in an important step to strengthen the banking system and achieve its requirements and leave paper work and move completely to electronic systems."

 The bank confirmed that "the digital transformation plan and the adoption of the comprehensive banking system are proceeding according to the scheduled timings to include all branches of the bank in the implementation of the system, especially since the priorities and adoptions of the government program include electronic transformation in financial transactions, reducing the circles of routine for citizens, shortening time, simplifying procedures, overcoming obstacles, and intensifying efforts to improve the level of services provided to customers and completing their transactions."  link



Well the case that Iraq must have a live international exchange rate on global markets in order to sell US dollars to travelers. 

The Central Bank of Iraq could potentially set a fixed exchange rate for travelers, or use a rate based on its own internal calculations or market assessments. However, having a live international exchange rate could provide more transparency and confidence in the process, as it would be based on market forces and could potentially be more competitive. 

It could also help to prevent arbitrage opportunities and ensure that the exchange rate is fair for all parties involved.

Jon Dowling & Dave Champion Discuss Avoiding Income Taxes Within The Law

A new branch of Rafidain Bank applies the comprehensive system.. this time in Diyala

 Rafidain Bank announced today, Wednesday, the implementation of the comprehensive banking system in Diyala.  

The bank's media office stated in a statement that "in implementation of the government program to move from paper transactions to electronic transactions to provide the best services to citizens, the comprehensive banking system has been implemented in the Baladruz branch in Diyala, thus joining the branches that have activated the comprehensive system in Baghdad and the governorates in addition to the border crossing branches (Zurbatiya - Safwan - Arar - Trebil), so that the number of effective and completed branches of the system becomes (32) branches in an important step to strengthen the banking system and achieve its requirements and leave paper work and move completely to electronic systems."

 The bank confirmed that "the digital transformation plan and the adoption of the comprehensive banking system are proceeding according to the scheduled timings to include all branches of the bank in the implementation of the system, especially since the priorities and adoptions of the government program include electronic transformation in financial transactions, reducing the circles of routine for citizens, shortening time, simplifying procedures, overcoming obstacles, and intensifying efforts to improve the level of services provided to customers and completing their transactions."  link



So the currency auction strike was stopped. Maliki got involved and stopped it because he knows know it means his ultimate demise. 

Won’t matter anyway as the best goes on. Feds signal rate cut for September. You can see the writing on the wall. 


Coffee with MarkZ and Zester. 07/10/2024

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Coffee with MarkZ and Zester. 07/10/2024

Member: gm markz and all peeps. hope everyone's doing well.

Member:  Big infrastructure plans in Iraq…need a revaluation to make it happen there!

Member:  another amazing day lost in wonder.... wondering if this is our week

MZ: The chatter really is great right now

Member: I say less chatter and more actions is what we need…lol

Member: ain't it time to flatten that can so it can't be kicked??

Member: Charles Payne talking about great wealth transfer 2PM Fox business today 

MZ: I wonder what there take on it is? Because there are 2 attempted wealth transfers going on right now. 

Member: Yes the deep state globalists to control everyone….and the QFS /BRICS reset who wants to free everyone….imo.

Member: Ours will be gold backed their wealth transfer will not be

Member: Love Charles Payne. Only guy speaking out about short sellers. Trading more shares than actually exist.

Member: Exact quote from Charles - greatest transfer of wealth ever is coming.

Member: Ready to do 2 happy dances, one happy dance for Nesara and one for RV !

MZ: “ Plenty of room for Vietnam to bolster exports to US” A great little piece about how they have room to greatly improve exports to the US and help that void we are getting in the Chinese markets. 

MZ: And we continue to hear they need to raise their currency…as it is under valued

MZ: “Saudis threaten to sell European bonds if Russian assets were confiscated”  this is important. Europe backed down because Saudi owns enough European bonds to implode the market. When they threaten to sell their European and US denominated bonds…..they (US and UK) had to back down….as selling those would implode the bond market. 

MZ: The bond market right now is being used to prop up almost every Western government…..without the bond markets every one of the central banks will implode. So who has the power here?  The crown prince of Saudi Arabia.   If countries dump their US/ UK bonds – the west implodes. Japan has already been dumping their US treasuries….China owns a huge amount….IMO we are watching the “kill switch” on the Petrodollar. 

Member: Any historic bond or banking news?

Member: Bondholders & Beached Whales still waiting in Reno. Resorting to squatting & living in the streets with the tent people!!!

MZ: About the bonds and the bond side…What I can and cannot share is getting very difficult. They are locking things down hard for a very good reason. But I am getting more and more confirmations about this week. And more and more contacts disappearing and under NDA’s. There is a lot of pressure for them not to speak. 

MZ: Most of the movement I think we are seeing is from the Dragon Historic bond side and the German Historic bond side. They are being pushed to not upset the apple cart or throw anything off. 

Member: If I signed an NDA- I would be quiet as a mouse…..just saying……

MZ: I wish I could tell you all how content I am with the progress there. But I would upset the apple cart if I said to much. 

Member: Yes…stay quiet…no one likes bruised apples…..

Member: Anything from Iraq? 

MZ: They told us they plan to activate and distribute the lower denominations in the month of July. We do expect some big announcements around the 19th of July. We know they pan on the HCL hydrocarbon laws settled in the month of July and we know they are presently in meetings with the US sstate department and military to set up the withdrawal of US forces from active participation on day to day operations in Iraq. 

MZ: The US will still have bases there but will not participate in policing Iraq. This is one of the necessary keys to them reinstating their currency. 

MZ: Iraq has also paid off many of their loans. And Iraq has been very upfront (from finance contacts there) that they had planned to release the new rate in June….Now they plan on releasing it in the month of July. 

MZ: Also I have a government contact in Iraq who said  “We have a new rate and will activate it soon” That’s an overview in case you all have missed it

Member: And the Iraq/WTO big meeting for ascension is july 18th…looks like that week is going to be very busy worldwide!!

MZ: The news from Iraq and the bond side has been amazing. 

Member: Im new- what is HCL?

MZ: it’s the Hydro carbon Law. An agreement how money and revenue from oil is going to be shared with the Kurdish region of Iraq 

Member: I Thought it also gave oil payments to all the citizens of Iraq like what Kuwait does?

MZ: Before I forget there has been a lot of unusual EAS testing throughout the US. Not normal

MZ: We do have an IRS EAS (Emergency Alert System?) scheduled for the entire nation coming on July 18th for some reason. They have been desperately trying to update emergency contacts for government employees over the last couple of months. They are doing the same for the FBI and almost every level of the US government in case there is a crisis or a government shutdown.  to me that tells us something very big. 

Member: 4th of July - Independence Day is July 17th on the Julian calendar (Military time)

Member: keep up the awesome news mark and mods! appreciate you all getting us through this blessing

Member: The best is yet to come. 

Zester joins the stream today with Crypto currency news…. Please listen to the replay for his opinions and information