Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Exciting News! Vietnam's Economic Triumph, Exports Hit Record $33.6 Bill...

Macron will soon visit Iraq to coordinate the work of French advisers, 14 FEB

Macron will soon visit Iraq to coordinate the work of French advisers

Baghdad – 964

The French Ambassador to Iraq Patrick Durrell said on Tuesday, to Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shiaa Al-Sudani, that President Emmanuel Macron will visit Iraq as soon as possible, in order to coordinate the work of French advisers and their support tasks for Iraqi forces.

The statement of the Office of Ministers has received a network of 964 copies of it:

The Prime Minister, Mr. Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, received today, Tuesday, the new French Ambassador to Iraq, Mr. Patrick Durrell.

During the meeting, they reviewed aspects of bilateral relations and ways to develop them, and means to strengthen the partnership between the two friendly countries.

He described his sovereignty’s relations with France as distinguished, pointing to a number of important economic contracts in the oil and defense field, which constitute an important pillar to proceed in the course of bilateral cooperation.

The Prime Minister reiterated Iraq’s position on the presence of the international coalition on Iraqi territory, as well as the development and upgrading in the capabilities of Iraqi forces, and the disappearance of the threat posed by ISIS remnants to security, explaining Iraq’s desire to move to a bilateral relationship with the member states of the coalition.

His Excellency touched on the continuation of the aggression in Gaza, and the threat it poses to security and stability throughout the Middle East and the region, indicating the need for France, the major countries and the international community to take a firm and responsible position to protect the Palestinian people, who are subjected to inhuman genocide.

For his part, the French ambassador conveyed to his Excellency the greetings of President Emmanuel Macron, his desire to visit Iraq as soon as possible, and the French government’s emphasis on strengthening memorandums of understanding with Iraq and bilateral coordination regarding the work of French advisers and their mission to support the Iraqi security forces.



 Fnu Lnu 

 Some opine that there is no such thing as a Redemption Center while others claim to be in contact with such Centers and their personnel.  What they (redemption centers) are, is a simple solution to a simple problem.

 Many of the large banks in heavily populated urban centers were concerned about having the Dinar traffic clog their lobbies at exchange time. 

The solution is to have a separate, off-premises, specialized, Exchange Center, complete with Delaru computer, in the most populated city in each of the 10 federal regions...I haven't been informed of any changes.

🔥 Iraqi Dinar 🔥 Exchange Rate That's Different 🔥 News Guru Intel Update ...

The French ambassador informs the Sudanese of Macron's desire to visit Iraq as soon as possible,14 FEB

 The French ambassador informs the Sudanese of Macron's desire to visit Iraq as soon as possible

Today, Tuesday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani discussed with the new French Ambassador to Iraq, Patrick Durel, aspects of bilateral relations, ways to develop them, and means of strengthening the partnership between the two friendly countries.

Al-Sudani described, according to a statement from his office, a copy of which {Al-Furat News} received, "relations with France as distinguished," pointing to "a number of important economic contracts in the oil and defense fields, which constitute an important foundation for moving forward on the path of bilateral cooperation."

The Prime Minister reiterated Iraq's position on the presence of the international coalition on Iraqi soil, as well as the development and improvement in the capabilities of the Iraqi forces, and the disappearance of the threat posed by ISIS remnants to security, explaining Iraq's desire to move to a bilateral relationship with the member states of the coalition.

Al-Sudani touched on the continued aggression in Gaza and the threat it poses to security and stability throughout the Middle East and the region, indicating the need for France, the major powers and the international community to take a firm and responsible stance to protect the Palestinian people, who are being subjected to inhumane genocide.

For his part, the French ambassador conveyed to the Sudanese the greetings of President Emmanuel Macron, his desire to visit Iraq as soon as possible, and the French government’s confirmation of working to strengthen memorandums of understanding with Iraq and bilateral coordination with regard to the work of the French advisors and their mission in support of the Iraqi security forces.   link


  Sandy Ingram 

  The International Monetary Fund has consistently recommended Iraq develop additional streams of income outside of the oil industry.  Iraq holds a significant amount of the world's history within its borders...What is  needed is security and safety for travelers.  Once safety issues are address and the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers are flowing again there will be substantial annual revenue to help boost Iraq's GDP. 

 "Iraq's central bank revokes Iran's Bank Melli operating license"  This article tells us the US is serious about not allowing Iran to have access to US dollars.  It also tells us Iraq is serious about aligning with the US Treasury Department to maintain access to over one hundred billion US dollar of its money in the Federal Reserve.

 Vietnam is making major financial news.  Vietnam factory activity returns to growth status after the pandemic, tourist arrivals increased by 73.6% in January and retail sales are still growing for the 26th straight month.  The inflation rate is at a five month low of 3.7%.  Overall Vietnam has green lights on all growth patterns...Vietnam knows precisely what to do to bring the value of its currency back into the line of profit...


Iraqi dinar revaluation news last 24 hours-Iraqi dinar news today 2024-i...

Al-Sudani's Advisor Talks About The Post-Coalition Phase. This Is What He Revealed, 14 FEB

 Al-Sudani's Advisor Talks About The Post-Coalition Phase. This Is What He Revealed

The media adviser to the prime minister spoke very briefly about the resumption of negotiations between Baghdad and Washington on the future of the military presence, and says that Iraq is ready for this stage, especially since the "body language" of the Iraqi fighter shows a "great readiness" to fill the vacuum.

Hussein Allawi said in a televised interview followed by Earth News, "What is said about the international coalition will leave a vacuum, this is not true, we have relations with NATO and relations with the quadripartite alliance, and what we will do is return the state to the stage before the fall of Mosul, any normal relations, governed by bilateral relations, whether with America or Britain, and with all the countries of the international coalition in light of strategic agreements, whether the strategic framework agreement or an agreement with the United Kingdom."

He added: "This is what we witnessed two sessions of the Council of Ministers, as the Foreign Minister was authorized to develop an agreement with the United Kingdom for strategic cooperation in various fields, including defense," noting that "the military committee evaluates 3 basic technical and military points, namely assessing the terrorist threat of ISIS, discussing the combat readiness of the Iraqi armed forces, and setting a timetable for ending the presence of the international coalition in Iraqi territory."

He continued: We are now moving to the process of organizing the Iraqi armed forces, in a normal way and focusing on readiness and combat readiness, and this is what the Sudanese will work on, and this is related to 3 issues.

1. Armament level.

2. Level of spending.

3. Morale level.

Today, you notice that the body language of the Iraqi fighter in all our forces shows a high readiness to confront terrorism, crime and security challenges."



 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] 

 FIREFLY: A guy comes on TV and he talks to us about how the end of the Untied Nations mission official has removed all sanctions from Iraq...

 FIREFLY:  So far we are not seeing the lower notes but they talk to us about them every day.  They just talk to us about them and why we'll need them.

 FRANK:   They are talking to you about the lower notes and coins because they are about to show them to you next week or the week after.  I believe your bank friend will show you something in the sense of pictures...Take as many pictures as you can.

 FIREFLY: A representative from the CBI is talking to us in great detail about the new coins they will be giving us with the new currency notes...He said to us once again, the process to delete the zeros is in the process

 It made us smile.  He said this process is occurring because the lower notes will not be needed if the rate wasn't increasing.  He said if the CBI didn't come out with these lower notes the monetary reforms would be a disaster.  He said that's why we need a change in our rate... 

Lower Notes & New Rate Same Time?💣LOP Yes or No!?🤔Iraq Dinar RV Updates ...

Sudanese: We Are Facing A Merit To End The Existence Of The International Coalition, 13 FEB

Sudanese: We Are Facing A Merit To End The Existence Of The International Coalition

Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani confirmed on Thursday that there is a merit to end the presence of the international coalition in Iraq.

Al-Sudani said in a speech during his visit to the strategic Wadi al-Tharthar line, extending from the Salah al-Din desert to western Nineveh, and followed by Earth News: "We are facing an entitlement to end the presence of the international coalition, and after the completion of the tasks of the international coalition, the possibility must be provided to address the kinks, if any."

He added: "All outlets that the terrorist thinks of causing a security disruption must be cut off."

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, had issued directives on Monday during his visit to military units.

Evening News with MarkZ. 02/13/2024


 Nader From The Mid East  

Some people comes out and go, 'Hey, the dinar is going to be $7.00 or $8.00..' bullshit like that.  I don't know where they get the information from.  If it goes 1 to 1 I'll be happy...The second thing, when they come out and they go, 'The back screens.'  What back screens

 Why you not showing the back screens? 

 Who's telling you about back screens?  

Other people go, 'Iraq the exchange rate is internal and external.'  What the hell you saying.  It's crazy.  You know they're not going to come out and say, 'We're going to change the exchange rate but only in Iraq.' ...Then banks...the numbers doesn't work like that.  It doesn't work at $7 or $8 or $11...Be reasonable. $2.80 or $3.50 maximum like it used to be...

MM interview with Maria about Chase bank and Iraqi dinar 02/13/24 BY PIMPY

With a value of 500 billion dollars.. Iraq offers new investment opportunities to stimulate the economy in the country, 13 FEB

 With a value of 500 billion dollars.. Iraq offers new investment opportunities to stimulate the economy in the country

The investment graph in Iraq has recently increased to reach $300 billion thanks to new legal amendments aimed at expanding the roles of productive sectors in accordance with the national development plan extending from the year 2024 to the year 2028 for the purpose of reducing dependence on oil revenues to support the country’s general financial budget.

The investment law in Iraq offers some advantages, the most notable of which is that the investor owns government real estate as well as leasing the project lands for 50 years, with tax and customs exemptions and the freedom to transfer money in addition to the possibility of trading in the Iraqi stock market.  link



🇺🇸💥🇺🇸. Zimbabwe is a very wealthy country with a plethora of gold!  💥💥💥. The Zimbabwe bonds are very valuable and will be the stronghold of the Event!  🇺🇸💥🇺🇸👇👇👇

Iraqi parliament have signatures for bill to evict U.S. troops from Iraq!  💥💥💥. Trump said that we leave when we get paid for the infrastructure that the military built in Iraq!  💥💥💥. All part of the plan and the timing has not yet been revealed! 


Iraq is in first place. Iranian official: Our trade with neighboring countries amounted to $50 billion, 13 FEB

  Iraq is in first place. Iranian official: Our trade with neighboring countries amounted to $50 billion

Baghdad Today - Follow-up

An Iranian official revealed on Sunday (February 11, 2024) that the volume of non-oil trade between Iran and 15 neighboring countries amounted to $50 billion during the past ten months of the current Iranian year, which ends on March 20, adding that "Iraq occupied the first place in Iran's exports."

The spokesman for the Iranian Trade Development Committee, Ruhollah Latifi, told the news agency "Ilna", followed by "Baghdad Today": "The volume of non-oil trade between Iran and 15 neighboring countries amounted to $ 50 billion during the 10 months of the current Iranian year, which was accompanied by a growth of 1.8 percent compared to the same period last year."

He added: "From the beginning of March 2023 until January 2024, 79,982,360 tons of goods worth 49 billion 831 million 871 thousand dollars were exported between Iran and Iran's neighboring countries, and the share of Iran's exports to these countries amounted to 60 million 368 thousand 642 tons of goods worth 23 billion 150 million 483 thousand dollars, and the share of Iran's imports from neighboring countries amounted to 19 million and 613 thousand and 717 tons worth 26 billion and 681 million and 388 thousand and 465 dollars."

Regarding the export of Iranian food and agricultural products to neighboring countries, Latifi said: "In 10 months of this year, 6 and 151 million and 744 tons of livestock were exported, and fish, agricultural and food products worth three billion and 909 million And 648 thousand and 708 dollars were exported to Iran's neighboring countries."

According to Latifi, Iraq ranked first with $7.2 billion, followed by the UAE with $5.2 billion, Turkey with $3.5 billion, Pakistan with $1.7 billion, and Afghanistan with $1.5 billion, in exporting Iranian goods.

He pointed out that "the Sultanate of Oman ranked sixth with the purchase of $916 million, followed by Russia with $760 million, Azerbaijan with $499.5 million, Turkmenistan with $368 million, Armenia with $333 million, Kazakhstan with $163.5 million , Kuwait with $146 million, and Qatar with $146 million. Bahrain $8.3 million and Saudi Arabia $361,000."

On the volume of Iranian imports from neighboring countries, he said: "The UAE sold $17 billion, Turkey sold $6 billion, Russia sold $1.5 billion, Oman sold $778 million, Pakistan sold $527 billion dollars, and the first million five countries that exported their goods to Iran."

Source: Iranian "ILNA" news agency



Telegram post

Forwarded from Morning Star:

A few years back on his YouTube channel, author and whistle blower David Wilcock said Disclosure and the RV will happen…and the marker will be when the KC Chiefs beat the SF 49ers in the Super Bowl…signaling masonic/cabal defeat and victory to the light and galactic federation.   Chiefs, meaning the indigenous rightful owners of the land beating the S.W.I.F.T. system.  You’re welcome.


– Morning Star️


Iraqi Dinar Update - Iraqi Currency - World 2024 Summit - Al-Sudani - At...BY MILITIAMAN

Due To The Rise In Exchange Rates...A Parliamentary Movement To Speed Up The Approval Of The “Salary Scale”, 13 FEB

 Due To The Rise In Exchange Rates...A Parliamentary Movement To Speed Up The Approval Of The “Salary Scale”

Economy News – Baghdad  Independent MP Nazem Al-Shibli stressed today, Tuesday, the necessity of accelerating the approval of the new salary scale to address fluctuations in prices due to the continuous rise in the exchange rate of the dollar against the local currency.

Al-Shibli said in an interview followed by Al-Iqtisad News, “There is a parliamentary move to accelerate the completion and approval of the new salary scale to raise the salaries of those with lower grades, improve their living conditions, and confront fluctuations in market prices.”

He added, "The government must explain the steps it has taken regarding amending the salary scale for state employees, which will contribute to achieving social justice."

Al-Shibli pointed out that "there is a large disparity in salaries within the same category in state ministries, despite the similarity of working hours."

Most employees in state departments are still awaiting a decision from the government regarding the new salary scale, especially after many parliamentary requests to prepare the scale to achieve justice among employees in various ministries.

The Presidency's Media Department denied what was broadcast by one of the channels about President Abdel Latif Gamal Rachid submitting a request to visit America, describing the widespread information as "misleading", stressing that it has nothing to do with reality.

Views 81 02/13/2024 - https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=40418


Mon. 12 Feb. Wolverine: We are ready to go according to all sources and Whales. This is the week we are waiting for. We should get notifications today Mon. 12 Feb. There are unconfirmed reports that President Trump signed NESARA/GESARA.

  • Some Bond holders who are whales, have been paid and they all are under NDA.
  • We heard last week that about three of these Whales started talking. Unfortunately, their accounts were frozen after 30 years of waiting. Please be careful everyone.
  • There are some bad people  sending out legit looking forms, saying they got paid, and asking you if you got paid, but if you respond to them you will be breaking your NDA contract.  If people ask you if you got paid just BLOCK them. Be careful! In my opinion, when you get your blessing, do NOT help people right away, as they will ask “Where did you get all that money?” Just be quiet, and only discuss with your family members who know about this.  Remember if people ask where you got the money, just say “Please don’t ask, just accept this gift.”  
  • Mauricio had a meeting with people who said this will be a Golden week. People ask me if this IS the week, but I cannot tell you with absolutely certainty- it is too much pressure on me. All people are messengers. Even the Admiral is a messenger. 
  • The EBS system is ready to go. Hopefully we will get that after our blessing, as the EBS does come AFTER the blessing. 
  • Also, get a trust, some say no need, it will be under the QFS, but the trust will always protect you. So as soon as you get the blessing, go a bank manager or a lawyer to get set up with a trust.
  • https://dinarchronicles.com/2024/02/13/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-february-12-2024-2/

Iraqi Dinar Investment Chat | Saying Hello! | LIVE STREAM TODAY @6!!!

Won By A Kuwaiti Company.. An International Lawsuit Fines The Kurdistan Region Nearly 500 Million Dollars, 13 FEB

 Won By A Kuwaiti Company.. An International Lawsuit Fines The Kurdistan Region Nearly 500 Million Dollars

Arab and international  Economy News – Baghdad  The Nullification Committee of the International Arbitration Tribunal of the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes supported, by a majority, Agility’s appeal of the original arbitration decision while partially invalidating it, which confirms “Agility’s” right to file a claim again against the Iraqi government.

The disqualification panel agreed with Agility's defense that the original arbitration panel had wrongly shielded the actions of the Government of Iraq from scrutiny, and therefore did not consider whether the actions and omissions of the Government of Iraq violated the terms of protection afforded to Agility under the Kuwaiti Bilateral Investment Agreement. And Iraq.

Accordingly, and as a result of the original arbitral tribunal's failure to state the reasons on which it based its decision, it had committed a voidable error pursuant to Article 52 (1) (b), as well as Article 52 (1) (e) of the International Center for Settlement Convention. Investment disputes.

The committee stated that: “By focusing only on confiscation claims that arise solely as a result of the faithful implementation of the CMC order, the arbitral tribunal has failed to address or examine the manner in which the Government of Iraq has implemented the CMC order and, therefore, has grossly exceeded its authority.” "Superior."

The Committee commented helpfully with the following: “The Committee considers that this finding is reinforced by the fact that the failure to exercise jurisdiction to determine consistency with the provisions of the Kuwait-Iraq Bilateral Investment Agreement in relation to the expropriation claims also had multiplier effects on the other claims brought by the Company ( Agility, which ultimately led to none of them being resolved.”

As a result of this decision, Agility will now have the opportunity to re-file its claims before a newly formed arbitration panel at the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes that will determine Agility’s claims related to Iraq’s expropriation of the company’s investments, and its failure to grant Agility fair and equitable treatment. And its failure to give the company full protection and guarantee as required under the bilateral investment agreement between Kuwait and Iraq.

Following the issuance of the final annulment decision, Agility reported: “Three years ago, it was clear that the ICSID Arbitration Tribunal had failed. It has protected the actions of the Government of Iraq from any audit procedures, which clearly violates the basic guarantees against confiscation and unfair and inequitable behavior stipulated in the Bilateral Investment Agreement between Kuwait and Iraq, protection from which Agility benefited.

We are aware that less than 5 percent of arbitration awards related to the Kuwait-Iraq Bilateral Investment Agreement have been invalidated, and we are very grateful to Professor Ricardo Ramirez (Chair) and Professor Hai Tak Shin for their courage in invalidating this false patent.”

Assignment of an expert

On the other hand, Alcazar Capital Partners, a subsidiary of Lagility, filed suit No. 8228/21 Commercial Total 5, the subject of which is the assignment of an expert to settle the account regarding a sovereign guarantee issued in its favor by the Government of Kurdistan, on the basis of the statement that it was dated September 11, 2007. The Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq provided Alcazar Capital Partners with a guarantee to guarantee a loan worth $250 million (about 75 million dinars), plus interest at 7 percent annually, which Alcazar Capital Partners provided to Korek Telecom, to be used for the purpose stated in the guarantee.

This is to finance the payment of the second installment of the price of the national mobile phone license covering Iraqi territory, which the aforementioned company won.

It is stated in the core of the guarantee provided by the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq that the guarantee provided by it, individually or jointly with “Korek Telecom”, gives the absolute right to “Alcazar Capital Partners” to have recourse against the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq individually, and it is alone with the company that guaranteed it under the guarantee. As stated above, as long as it is agreed at the core of the guarantee to return to the guarantor alone.

“Agility” requested its entry before the Court of Appeal with “Alcazar Capital Partners,” joining its request from the court to oblige the first respondent (the Kurdistan Regional Government) to pay to the appellant (Alcazar Capital Partners) the amount of $490.077 million, the value of the loan and the legal interest from the date of the loan and the letter of guarantee.

Sovereignty dated September 11, 2007, obligating it to pay any new interest at the rate of 7 percent until full payment, while obligating it to pay expenses and 200 dinars in exchange for the actual attorney’s fees for the two levels of litigation. “Agility” reported that the decision of the Court of Appeal came in favor of “Alcazar Capital Partners,” as The text of the appeal ruling, as issued by the court, is as follows:

First: Accepting the appeal in form.

Second: Accepting Agility’s intervention in public warehouses in form.

Third: Regarding the subject of the appeal, canceling the appealed ruling (the ruling of the first instance, which ruled to reject the case and obligating the plaintiff company “Alcazar Capital Partners” to pay its expenses, and 10 dinars for attorney’s fees), and obliging the first respondent (the Kurdistan Regional Government) to pay the appellant (Alcazar Capital Partners) The amount of $490.077 million (about 149.4 million dinars), the value of the loan and the legal interest from the date of the loan and the sovereign guarantee letter dated September 11, 2007, obligating it to pay any new interest at the rate of 7 percent until full payment, while obligating it to pay expenses and 200 dinars for the actual attorney’s fees for the two levels of litigation. .

Agility noted that “the Court of Cassation recently issued its ruling in favor of Alcazar Capital Partners by rejecting the appeal filed by the Kurdistan Regional Government against the appeal ruling, and thus the ruling became final in favor of Alcazar Capital Partners.”

In addition, Alcazar Capital Partners, a subsidiary of Agility, filed a lawsuit to settle the account regarding a sovereign guarantee issued in its favor by the Kurdistan Government, based on the statement that on 9/11/2007, the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq submitted to Alcazar Company Capital Partners is a guarantee to guarantee a loan worth two hundred and fifty million dollars, plus interest at the rate of 7% annually, provided by Alcazar Capital Partners to Korek Telecom, a company established in accordance with the laws of the State of Iraq and registered in the Kurdistan region, to be used for the purpose stated in the text.

The guarantee is to finance the payment of the second installment of the price of the national mobile phone license covering Iraqi territory, which was won by the aforementioned company.

It is stated in the core of the guarantee provided by the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government that the guarantee is provided by it alone or jointly with Korek Telecom, and this gives Alcazar Capital Partners the absolute right to have recourse against the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government individually.

Alcazar Capital Partners requested that the Experts Department at the Ministry of Justice assign one of its specialized experts to review the case file and the documents it contains and to report on the value of the amounts owed to the company by the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government, which is the principal of the loan and its accumulated interest at the fixed interest rate in the body of the surety bond of the lawsuit, from the date of Granting the loan and guarantee obtained on September 11, 2007 until full payment, in addition to fees, expenses, and actual attorney’s fees.

Agility requested its entry before the Court of Appeal with Alcazar Capital Partners, joining its request from the court to oblige the first respondent (the Kurdistan Regional Government) to pay the appellant (Alcazar Capital Partners) an amount of $490,077 million and the legal interest from the date of the loan and the sovereign guarantee letter dated 11 /9/2007 and obligating it to pay any new interest at the rate of 7% until full payment, while obligating it to pay expenses and two hundred Kuwaiti dinars in exchange for the actual attorney’s fees for the two levels of litigation. 227 views 02/13/2024 - https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=40407


 Recent History of the Global Currency Reset:

  • On Thurs. 25 Jan. the gold-backed US Dollar was introduced from the US Treasury in Reno.
  • On Fri. 26 Jan. all 86 Global Currency Reset platforms were loaded and launched.
  • By Sun. 28 Jan. the new Iraqi Dinar Rate (which had been released in-country on Mon. 1 Jan.) and the new US Note were both trading on the Forex.
  • Fri. 2 Feb. The Iraqi Stock Exchange (ISX) completed their linkup of international platforms and were done and live: https://dinarevaluation.blogspot.com/2024/02/rv-update-by-walkingstick-2-feb.html
  • The Chinese Elders released Dubai 1 Funds into Paymaster Accounts for Tier 1 (different countries governments) that were now liquid and being paid out. Dubai 2 funds for Tiers 2,3,4a (Groups) were released on Sun. 4 Feb. and were liquid on Fri. 9 Feb. Dubai 3 funds for Tier 4b (Us, the Internet Group) were released on Wed. 7 Feb.and would liquid by Sat. 10 Feb.
  • Sat. 10 Feb. BRICS countries were informed of their new currency rates and Tier4b funds were liquid in Paymaster Accounts.
  • Sun. 11 Feb. Bezos gets rid of $2 billion in Amazon Shares: Jeff Bezos offloads $2 billion worth of Amazon shares | Mint (livemint.com)

Iraq NEWS Documentary A Threat to Our IQD Investment #iqd Exchange Rate

Expected Amendments To The Federal Budget...Appointments And Confirmations In Accordance With This Principle, 13 FEB

 Expected Amendments To The Federal Budget...Appointments And Confirmations In Accordance With This Principle

Baghdad today - Tuesday (February 13, 2024), Member of Parliament Ahmed Taha Al-Rubaie revealed new details related to the amendments expected to occur in the financial budget for the current year, while noting that they include job grades and confirmation of contractors.

Al-Rubaie told "Baghdad Today", "The ministries have begun preparing the tables that they want to be included in the 2024 budget for the purpose of continuing to include them on the agenda for passage," indicating that "the budget needs an amendment appendix through texts and tables."

Al-Rubaie explained that “the deletion of job grades may be stopped in order to create appointments according to the grades of deletion and creation, in addition to continuing to confirm those who have completed two years of work as a contract, following the example of those who were previously confirmed.”

On (February 1, 2024), the Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed the latest developments in the financial budget for the year 2024, while indicating that it would rise to 206 trillion dinars instead of 199 trillion dinars .

Committee member Mustafa Al-Karaawi told the official agency, “Article 77/Second of the Tripartite Federal Budget Law for the years 2023, 2024, and 2025 stipulates that the House of Representatives will be provided with updated tables for the 2024 budget in order to discuss the file of increase or decrease in the file of financial allocations according to expected revenues and according to the price of oil.” Installer " .

He added, "The schedules are still being prepared in the Council of Ministers in preparation for approval, and the House of Representatives will begin discussing the budget after it arrives from the government. We believe that transmission must be accelerated because the delay may restrict the disbursement of operational and investment budgets in the coming days," noting, "Disbursement is now limited to salaries." employees and their benefits directly .  ”

Al-Karaawi stressed that “the issue of updating the tables depends on the oil market and the quantities exported, on the basis of which the expected revenues will be calculated, and it is based on the size of expenditures and the percentage of the deficit,” pointing out that “there is a point of view that occurred in the 2023 budget according to the quantities that were spent and how to deal with it.”

The deficit and revenues achieved, and it is assumed that there will be a growth in expenditures given that there is a growth in the operating budget, and there are contracts concluded in 2023 that have not been disbursed yet and must be added in the next budget .  ”

Regarding the appointments, he explained that they “may include contracts, firsts, holders of advanced degrees, and governorate contracts for the 150,000 degrees that have not been implemented yet and which were transferred to the 2024 budget.”  LINK


Sat. 10 Feb. Brazil Rubem Baz

  • Because the Imperial Family of the Ancient Chinese Golden Dragon is the one that puts up all the gold necessary for the Ransom payments, they decided that the deposits for the holders. They will begin on the day they begin to celebrate the Chinese year (year 4722 for them), which is Sat. 10 Feb.This money has already been received by the main Financial Institutions and the 50 Best Banks in the World and they are passing it on to Paymasters who will contact the clients.
  •  Liquidity will be from Monday, February 12, because in the West normally people do not work on Sundays. Among the 12 different animals to which each of their years corresponds, this one corresponds to the Dragon, which for them is not an evil monster, but a just and benevolent creature that brings prosperity. Over the next two weeks, large holders who have already completed their paperwork and submitted SKRs will be paid.”

Iraqi Dinar update for 02/12/24 - Walking on egg shells

The Finance Committee Sets The Date For The 2024 Budget Schedules To Reach Parliament, 13 FEB

 The Finance Committee Sets The Date For The 2024 Budget Schedules To Reach Parliament

Economy News – Baghdad  The Parliamentary Finance Committee announced on Tuesday that the government will send amendments to the 2014 budget schedules to Parliament within a period not exceeding ten days, stressing that it will study these amendments as soon as they reach the committee with the aim of submitting them for approval by the House of Representatives.

Committee member, Moeen Al-Kazemi, said in an interview followed by Al-Eqtisad News, “The government is currently putting the final touches to the amendments it made to the budget schedules through an increase in ration allocations, oil production costs, and an increase in social welfare allocations and others.”

He added, "The government will send the amendments to the 2024 budget schedules to Parliament within a period not exceeding ten days," noting that "the Finance Committee will study these amendments as soon as they reach the committee, with the aim of submitting them for approval by the House of Representatives. "

It is noteworthy that the Finance Committee discussed with the Minister of Finance, Taif Sami, earlier, and the committee heard the problems facing the ministry in preparing the budget schedules for the year 2024, and the plan prepared to fill the deficit, and the interventions of the Finance Committee members included the allocations for governorate projects and how to include them in the 2024 budget schedules.  Views 41 02/13/2024 - https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=40419


Mon. 12 Feb. MarkZ: 

“I made contact with my (Florida) Regional bank manager

today and she said that she is aware of the fact that bond holders are starting to “disappear” and go quiet.

 I have spoken extensively to her about this process and she said that I need to relax and stop focusing on it. It will happen –and I expect it to happen within the month of February.”

Vietnam Dong✅Vietnamese Dong Massive Update Today 2024 / Veitnam Dong Up...

Iraqi Electricity presents its plans to raise energy production rates to international companies, 13 FEB

 Iraqi Electricity presents its plans to raise energy production rates to international companies

The ninth Iraq International Energy Exhibition and Conference opened today, Monday, on the grounds of the Baghdad International Fair, with the participation of international companies and a high level of official presence. The Iraqi Minister of Electricity gave a presentation on the ministry’s plans to increase the rate of energy production.

Over 180 domestic and foreign businesses with a focus on energy matters are taking part in the expo, which runs from February 12–14, 2024.



  [Alaska Bank Story]   

BANK INQUIRER:  I called  North Rim Bank, they didn't want to talk to me at all because they said I don't have an account.  They said I would have to wait 90 days after opening an account before I could even exchange.  We scratched that bank off the list.  Then I called The Credit Union One and Alaska USA Credit Union.  They told me neither one do exchanges.  

FRANK:  I suggest you need to go to a major bank ...Go to the state bank...

 BANK INQUIRER:  I called USAA Bank...they do not do foreign cash exchanges.  Then I went to Key Bank...They do foreign cash exchanges in the bank.  She looked up the currency and nothing shows yet...They do not have a De La Ru Machine they said they'd have to send it out.


[Dallas Chase Bank Story]   

BANK VISITOR:  Today I get a call from the wealth manager at the Fort Worth location I go to all the time.  I talked to her about a year ago about...the dinar and dong...The first thing out of her mouth was about the foreign currency.  I said, ok, have you heard anything?  She said, no but there's been rumblings, I'm going to get with my higher ups.  I thought it was really funny the first thing out of her mouth was the foreign currency.  

FRANK:  Because she's heard something.  She's not going to admit it to you.  

BANK VISITOR:  ...I said, do me a favor and find out what's going on if you can...She said I've got your number I'll give you a call...I got the feeling from this lady they've got some competition going on even within the banks themselves [for client business].

Jon Dowling & Ian Farrar Health Is the True Meaning Of Wealth

Iraq complies with OPEC’s policies on oil output, 13 FEB

Iraq complies with OPEC’s policies on oil output

Iraq is dedicated to adhering to the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries’ (OPEC) decisions about production levels, according to remarks made on Monday by the country’s oil minister, Hayan Abdul-Ghani.

Abdul-Ghani stressed that Iraq is also committed to keeping its output to a maximum of four million barrels per day, having announced its second voluntary cut in December.

According to the oil minister of Iraq, the country currently exports 3.35 to 3.4 million barrels of oil per day.

Abdul-Ghani said that talks with international oil companies operating in Iraqi Kurdistan to resolve a dispute that has halted the country’s oil exports had progressed.

The Iraqi official went on to say that talks with businesses that operate in northern Iraq are getting near to a resolution shortly and that the revival of oil production from fields in the Kurdistan area of Iraq is connected to the commencement of oil exports from Iraq.

Following a ruling by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in an arbitration case, Turkey ceased exporting 450,000 barrels of oil per day from northern Iraq in March 2023. Ankara was ordered to compensate Baghdad for the harm caused by unauthorized exports between 2014 and 2018.



A Goldilocks Economy represents an idea whose time has come. We are currently adjusting Payment Systems and Global Economies seeking out price patterns that will allow us to move into the future with systematic digital protocols that will align our Global Economy with numbers we can grow from going forward. 

Just like the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, we are looking for value adjustments that are "just right." Our entire Financial System around the Globe is just simply looking for a home. As we journey through this transition, the place we live will be determined by real values and real numbers paved with streets of gold.

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