Saturday, July 13, 2024



 Article: "For the first time, the Iraqi state's non-oil revenues record an increase of 11%

Quote: "...for the first time, the non-oil revenues of the Iraqi state recorded 11% of the total revenues, with oil revenues falling below the 90% barrier."

 Community Comment: "I don’t understand how the budget can be sent back to Parliament when the President signed and sent it to the Gazette for publishing ." 

 Article:  "A representative of the framework: The 2024 budget will be returned to the House of Representatives and the reason is revealed”  


 Article: "Customs revenues amount to nearly one trillion dinars in the first half of 2024"

  Article:  "Foreign Minister arrives in Washington"  Quote:  "Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein arrived in Washington today, Wednesday, to participate in the 2024 NATO Summit."


Iraq calls on Washington to reconsider sanctions on banks

 Baghdad – Mil

Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State Fuad Hussein on Friday called for a review of sanctions against Iraqi banks, during a meeting with the US Undersecretary for Terrorism and Money Laundering Affairs.

The State Department said in a statement received by Mill, that “Minister Fuad Hussein met with the US Undersecretary of the Department of the Treasury for Terrorism and Money Laundering, Brian Nelson, in the presence of the two accompanying delegations at the ministry’s headquarters in Washington, D.C., during which they discussed the issues on which the two parties are working in accordance with their previous reform agreements.”

Hussein stressed, according to the statement, “the commitment of the Iraqi government to move forward with its reform and economic measures related to the Iraqi banking system and the energy sector.”

He explained that “the government’s policy seeks to achieve the independence of Iraqi energy through associated gas investment projects, and the development of the mechanism of Iraqi banks in line with international standards to ensure transparency and provide open data, enabling banks to provide the services needed by the Iraqi people, calling on the American side to reconsider the sanctions imposed on about 32 Iraqi banks, as they engaged in the process of structural reform.”

Hussein pointed out that “the stability of the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against the US dollar is a fundamental pillar for achieving economic, social and political stability in Iraq, which is what the government seeks to achieve, calling on the concerned US institutions to review and build on it.”

For his part, Nelson praised the steps taken by the Iraqi government to support the Iraqi economy and address the challenges it faces.

Nelson stressed, according to the statement, that “the competent American institutions understand the seriousness of the Iraqi government in modernizing the working mechanisms in the Iraqi institutions, expressing the readiness of the American side to help Iraq in addressing the obstacles to its reforms, which will reflect positively on the Iraqi economy.”–.html



 Oh, this is big news right here, look at this, Article "Iraq's non-oil revenues reach 11% for the first time"  Been talking about this for the longest time.  This has got to increase.  

It's usually around 4%...Yah!  Pee-pee dance!  Finally we're starting to see some movement.

 Article: "Nearly one trillion dinars of customs revenues in the first half of 2024

 This article is really good news as we are aware Iraq has to diversify their income right now.  They rely way too much on oil sales so they have to find alternatives to that.  Customs is one of those alternatives...It is generating a lot of income for Iraq...This is exactly what we want to see Iraq do, work on budding those alternative revenues for Iraq.  This is a big help...

 The IQD is not officially trading on the Forex right now because it's part of their punishment, but it's listed there because they had a pairing at one time just like the [Venezuela] Bolivar...

Once they've been paired before, even though they're in trouble and they might not be officially trading on the Forex, they're still listed as trading 1 to 1.  That doesn't mean that's what's happening, it's like a placeholder.  Think of it as a book-marker. They're not officially trading at 1 to 1...A book-marker, that's all it is...When the time comes and they start trading on the Forex again...they're already set up and can start trading right away.  That's the same with all currency exchange websites.


The Sudanese receive a delegation from a Chinese company

 Al-Sudani pointed to “the economic approach taken by the government in opening up to productive partnerships, developing the investment environment in Iraq, to suit international companies, attracting investments and strengthening partnership with the Iraqi private sector, and providing supporting sovereign guarantees.”

For his part, the Chinese group delegation expressed “its desire to participate in the infrastructure sector in Iraq, and to contribute to development and economic projects, in order to expand the extent of cooperation with the Iraqi private and public sectors, and within various economic and investment fields.”

TIDBITS FROM MARKZ CALL: " the sleeper in the foreign currency crowd is the Bolivar" , 13 JULY


VE, Admin Extraordinaire, gives an enthusiastic review of Mark's podcast 7.13.24 ⬇️šŸ˜⬇️

·MarkZ has Jeff Rahm on his show. He claims to be the asset manager for the Rodriquez Estate and has proof of such. 

·Wolverine’s Elizabeth Rodriguez Ruiz is a fake / imposter. (And he has proof)

·According to Jeff, (bond) money is moving.  He gives the history of the money for the Estate came from King Solomon. The Estate holds so much value - it's a 4 followed by 140 zeroes.

·I would never tell you what to do but this is great. I suggest you watch. 

· Jeff says the sleeper in the foreign currency crowd is the Bolivar - he says it's going at 1:1. 

·He’s going over currency rates.

·He’s talking about Medbeds. They are real. Russia has had them for 40 years. Lots of detail on how they work. Trump & Saudi Prince are involved with Med Beds. Japan has some. Fort Lauderdale has them. 

·This was all so good, I will re-listen with a notepad. WOW!

~Ginger: Upon his recommendation, I, too, listened and it's absolutely fascinating! šŸ™‚ Highly recommend! šŸ’„⬇️šŸ’„

Start about 45 minutes into the show to only watch Mark/Jeff

Q & A w/Dr Pruitt: U.S. Debt is Paid, Quantum Financial System is Real, ...

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-11-24   REPLAY LINK   1:11:40

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Thursday, July 11th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in everybody all over the globe. Thank you. SAT team for connecting us with at least 17. 6 million listeners tonight or more. Thank you for that. Thanks everybody for listening and coming in. And this should be -- I know I've said this before – but I look for this call to quite possibly be our final call - and I’ve got reason to say that reasons to back that up. So let's enjoy this call, and let's consider sort of a pre celebration call, and let's pray the call in. It's 10:15 Bruce, all right. Thank you, Bob. All right.. Now let's go back and see where we are from last Tuesday, two days ago.I’ve got some information we were talking about getting clarity on the emails going out to redemption center leaders, Well it ends up we didn’t know exactly when it was going to be sent out or when it would be received by the leaders of the redemption center throughout the country We found out today we received at least for two redemption centers that we know of. It was received at five o'clock in the afternoon - is that today? And anyway, it was picked up at five o'clock, which was great. So the next thing is, I'll let you know about that email in a minute. But we also heard more information about meetings going on and there's a meeting going on, or was going on this evening, maybe over now, but it was going on this evening up in Reno with principals that are deciding when to pay out the bondholders and possibly the private groups and possibly the platform trades That was being decided today at that meeting in Reno. We did get that. We also heard that on the timing of this from another source that everything would start Saturday night and culminate this was the word culminate on Sunday the 14th. Okay, what do they really mean by culminate? What does that mean for us? Not sure, but I know that email that came out to the redemption center leaders, this was describing the fact that we would get notifications , either Saturday Sunday or Monday, we'd be notified either Saturday, Sunday or Monday. That was pretty much part and parcel that was referred to tier four, A and B, us internet group – So Saturday – Sunday or Monday – Now - we also found out that there's another meeting tomorrow in Reno at 10 am in the morning – Reno Pacific time - that would determine at that meeting would, I don't know how long it will go? Let's say it's two hours. Let's say it's from 10 until noon - Let's say it's going to one pm - whenever it is over, the release is for us - and the rest of the shot gun start - Shotgun start we’ve talked about is really for tier four. That's for us. I think the bond holders and the private and the platform trades - I think those are kind of on their own and should start / Could start anywhere from tomorrow to Sunday, but those of us in tier four, especially 4b that are in the Internet Group, we should looking to be notified by email with the toll free number inside either Saturday, Sunday, or Monday That and I can tell you we've got a nice solid rate on the Dong on the redemption center screens. We got an increase in the what they called package rate on the denar I'm not so sure what that might be with the package with rate was, gosh, it went up $5 just in one day, trading up. Now, let me pause for a minute and say - certain people out there - online are suggesting that you go and exchange at banks, They even made the comment that you can exchange at banks, get 30% of your total and make 30% interest at the bank. No, that's not true. That's a policy, and you'd be far better off if you use your telephone number to call and set your appointment, for the redemption center - I can tell you right now the redemption center rate that will be offered on R is a contract rate, and it is way higher than we all anticipated. That is going to be available to us. My understanding is, if you're US citizen, you will be offered that rate, which is fantastic. I see no reason try to do any exchanges at the bank after that, as long as you have a toll free number to call to set up your appointment at the redemption center, you've got a 30 – 35 minute window to exchange, the Senate bill, very fast, and it'll go quickly for you. In, out, and they're going to give you a key on a new satellite phone. When you exit, along with a list of perks that you can go through. Listen guys this is absolutely a great idea to go through. They will count and verify your currency. They will let you know what your rates are going to be. You can be a very, very quick presentation on the projects that you want to do, going to be wonderful, and they are as excited to have us in there as we are to be there. So I don't want to hear anybody that's been listening to the big call for 13 years or two years or one year to fall for some scheme of going to the bank to get exchanged, because the bank rates are not going to be the same as the rates that we have on the screens at the redemption center. We know that because of the people that we know are at the redemption centers that can also see the banking and there's no comparison in some cases. So make sure that you watch your emails over the next I don't know that they would come out on Friday, but it's possible you could get them Friday night or Saturday and start at center appointment. But remember Saturday, Sunday or Monday, and we will be all in there before Tuesday, or by Tuesday? Let's say by Tuesday. This is what I'm being told. Again, don’t pay too much attention to the information out there - There's a lot of stuff that is just old stuff – cabal stuff - something that said about they've already started in South America. Oh, they have it that goes back months ago. Now we're all going together, and we're all going and I'm excited about this weekend. I'm very excited about it, and don't know whether it be Friday night or Saturday or Sunday or Monday, whenever the emails come out, we're going to respond to get exchanged. So let's look at that. Have a great weekend. That's why I call this sort of a pre celebratory call, and let's pray the call out with childlike faith. Thank you for information that came out tonight. Thank you for the emails that are coming to us. Thank you for blessing us with this incredible blessing we thank you for moving forward in Jesus name Amen and Amen .



šŸ’¢A video went viral featuring Dr Kia Pruitt's guest who was using a documenting on OCC website as her proof that QFS is real. Our Admin Extraordinaire, KC, has found something interesting for your consideration. 

**While we know the QFS and GCR are real, it would behoove us not to prop up that website document as "proof" and look foolish in front of others. KC vetted it and it's actually poorly written, not from legitimate sources; and the is giving a warning alert for fraud.** ⚠️ 

šŸ’¢KC: The document referencing the QFS was posted to the site as a fraud alert. ⚠️ 

You will notice that the piece is poorly written.

KC, thanks for helping us to keep it real in The Happy Camper Land. šŸ™‚ 7.13.24

~ Ginger of the Liberty Lounge

Jon Dowling The Weekly Wrap Up Latest News Of The Week

New "secrets" regarding the "theft of the century".. Iraq recovers 20 wanted persons involved in it

 7/12/2024   Baghdad

The Director General of the Recovery Department at the Integrity Commission, Ayman Al-Baydani, revealed the qualitative leap witnessed by the Integrity Commission in recovering and pursuing funds and wanted persons, in addition to their files that were submitted to the judiciary.

Al-Baydani said, in an interview followed by "Al-Eqtisad News", that "more than 20 wanted persons involved in the theft of the century case were arrested and their files were sent to the judicial authorities and the matter is in the process of being recovered," indicating that "the authority is in the process of coordinating with the Ministry of Justice and the Legal Department to file lawsuits to recover those funds."

He explained that "in terms of funds, the Integrity Commission was able to track funds abroad and at home, uncover them, and place a seizure notice on them," noting that "the Integrity Commission has a history of achieving recovery numbers that rise to international levels in the modern Iraqi experience, such as the year 2023, the history of the Integrity Commission in recovering nearly 18 wanted persons in various cases, most notably the theft of the century."

Al-Baydani pointed out that "the money inside is not forgotten, we have tracked it down, exposed it and it is now in the process of being recovered to the state treasury."   LINK



What if a deal is stuck with the Iranians to remove their sanctions s if in return they surrender and leave Iraq? 

Additionally China is putting pressure on Iraq to RI as they have a written agreement in place. And they don’t play. We continue  to watch to see how this all plays out. 



“When things seem at their worst, I will set me people free says the Lord”- Kim Clement. 

God has the perfect timing in mind to do this. Lord set your people free! 



So the currency auction strike was stopped. Maliki got involved and stopped it because he knows know it means his ultimate demise. 

Won’t matter anyway as the best goes on. Feds signal rate cut for September. You can see the writing on the wall. 


Why Inflation Will Return To 9%; 85% Chance Of Fed Cut By September | Br...

Baghdad to Washington: The need to find a quick and fair solution to Iranian funds frozen in Iraq


Iraq called on the United States to "find a quick and fair solution to the Iranian funds frozen in Iraq."

Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein met in Washington with US Under Secretary of State for Political and Management Affairs John Bass, and during the meeting stressed "the need to find a quick and fair solution to the issue of Iranian funds frozen in Iraq."

Hussein expressed his "concern about the situation in Gaza and the spread of the conflict to southern Lebanon."

He stressed "the importance of supporting the financial and banking sector in Iraq, with a focus on the challenges related to the use of the dollar in financial transactions."

Iranian officials say Iraq owes between $9 billion and $11 billion for gas and electricity from Iran.  LINK



Militia Man Article: "Prime Minister's Advisor: Iraq in the process of paying off long-term development loans to the World Bank" 

It looks like Iraq's financial situation is solid as they get effectively. She has so many revenue streams coming on board now it will only get better and the World Bank, the IMF, the UST, etc all know it. Hence, the view of Iraq will bring confidence to the largest Banks and Financial Entities in the world. That was broadcasted globally too. Key players are ready to get this thing done. It's a very good sign. I honestly believe we're watching history in the making...We're seeing progress like no other...If you're paying attention I think you guys should be really pumped and excited that things are happening. End qoute. Looks like my good ole friend from THE KTFA days has a lot of enthusiasm about what is currently going on. We have a lot to look forward to. Hopefully you all been watching his videos and keeping track of the process.

MILITIAMAN: IQD Updates - Iraqi Dinar - Internationalism - WTO - Mechanism - Stabili...

ICC Opens Office in Iraq: This is What We Are Working on

  7/12/2024  Economy News - Follow-up

 The Paris-based International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has announced the expansion of its global presence through the official launch of the chamber’s new headquarters in Iraq from the French capital, thus enhancing the spread of the chamber’s network of offices worldwide. 

According to the official website of the International Chamber of Commerce, which was founded in 1919 in the French capital, it has a network of offices in more than 170 countries, and represents more than 45 million business companies. 

The website stated that the official launch of the International Chamber of Commerce in Iraq was celebrated at the global headquarters of the Chamber in Paris, which will work to enhance the mission of the International Chamber of Commerce in Iraq, and strengthen the voice of Iraqi businessmen and chambers all over the world.

The report indicated that the International Chamber of Commerce of Iraq will constitute an addition to the total number of international chambers of commerce, reaching 92 around the world. 

He added that a delegation from the International Chamber of Commerce of Iraq joined the official celebration in Paris, which was followed by a celebration at the Iraqi embassy in the French capital. 

“The context in which companies operate today is one of geo-economic and geopolitical tensions that are causing instability, uncertainty and new challenges in Iraq and beyond,” ICC Secretary General John W. H. Denton was quoted as saying in the report. “Bringing our mission to Iraq will deliver real value to Iraqi companies and the real economies in which they operate.” 

According to the report, the ICC Iraq will support the ICC’s institutional goals of promoting peace, prosperity and opportunities for all through local committees on arbitration, alternative dispute resolution, digital economy, intellectual property, trade and investment.

The report pointed out that the founding members of the International Chamber of Commerce of Iraq are Abdul Razzaq Al-Zuhairi, who holds the position of honorary president of the International Chamber of Commerce of Iraq and president of the Federation of Iraqi Chambers of Commerce, in addition to the president of the International Chamber of Commerce of Iraq, Mohsen Al-Hamid, who also heads the “Asriya Group”, along with Ahmed Al-Yasiri, Secretary-General of the International Chamber of Commerce of Iraq, who is also an advisor on international organizations. 

The report concluded by pointing out that the members of the International Chamber of Commerce of Iraq, through their headquarters in Iraq, help formulate the policies of the International Chamber of Commerce and alert governments to what interests international business.   LINK



MS. RODRIGUEZ: We wait for the green light.  I wish I could go now to the bank to trigger the light, to redeem, but when you look at this globally, there is a time that it is meant to happen.  But the war came with Russia, then things were delayed  - the time has to be properly prepared.   Anytime soon - it can happen, tomorrow or tonight, remember we must never lose our hope and to have faith.  All this is for only the Chosen Ones, as you were chosen for this.   If they know you are a bad person you cannot receive this blessing. 

 The white hats know about the trolls in the room.  All the cabal elite and corrupt people, you will be eliminated if you are not part of the Chosen One. We are going to begin a new one thousand years starting this year of 2024 Jan. The old one thousand years is gone.  This is the new generation we are facing now.   All the corrupt, all the evil, the dark side, they will not succeed.   So many are already gone.  President Trump is one of the chosen to lead the country to lead the USA. My job is global, those with me are Russia and China, and we will all work together for the best of humanity.  All happening now is for all humankind.  We are the chosen.   I want to congratulate all of you! 

WOLVERINE:  Are Medbeds real?


MS. RODRIGUEZ:  The Medbeds were given to us, and the cabal hid it because it will kill the pharmaceutical business.  Who does not want this opportunity?   Pharmaceutical and medical do not like this.  When the new cure appears for the people they will disappear The medbeds are funded by the Rodriquez Trust as well is Nesara and Gesara . This is an incredible invention that is real.  It is already happening in South America now, and other quiet places in the country.  It is 100% real.  It will be coming. The minute the RV comes out the Medbeds come out.


WOLVERINE: I spoke with the medbeds rep in Colombia, and he said the beds are ready. As soon as the RV is ready they will be ready, but they  need more beds, because at this time ther are only 2000 in the country, and they need enough for 30 million people in the country. 

MS. RODRIGUEZ:  I am infinite money.   No ending type of money. I hold this infinite money to fund all the globe - the money is never ending.  When it comes to money for humanity for all cures for the sick, and to help the poor, it will all happen.   

WOLVERINE: Thank you, Elizabeth. Thank you for all this information.  

MS. RODRIGUEZ: The Chosen Ones are chosen to go to Redemption.  You are all chosen to go to the redemption center.   

A NOTE FROM CARPATHIA:  Today, We have received the most encouraging news from our Wolverine and important information from our most honored Guest, Elizabeth Rodriguez Ruiz. 

We are now on the cusp of our dreams, dreams that we have prayed for with all our hearts for a very long time Not one time have we thought of giving up, and soon my dear friends, we will stand in the arena of Victory, where God will lead each of us on our destined path into a New World where hope and faith rule the day. All the good things we have waited for are just around the corner.  Be proud for never giving up on yourselves and your dreams.  Love to you All, Carpathia

Iraqi DinaršŸ”„How to Exchange Your IQD Wisely!"New Rate $4 Done | Dinar Ne...

Minister of Transport announces contracting with Oliver Wyman to provide consulting services for the Development Road Project

 Baghdad - WAA 

Minister of Transport Razzaq Muhaibis Al-Saadawi announced today, Thursday, the signing of a contract with Oliver Wyman Consulting Company to provide consulting services for the Development Road Project, noting that the completion rate of the initial designs for the railway track for the project reached 80 percent and the expressway 75 percent.

Al-Saadawi said in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA): "Under the patronage of Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, we supervised today the contracting with Oliver Wyman Company to provide consulting services for the Development Road Project," indicating that "signing the contract reflects the government's seriousness in proceeding with the implementation of the strategic development road project."

He added that "the consulting company will help the ministry in marketing the project and supervising investment opportunities in it," noting that "the contract signed on behalf of the ministry by the Director General of Iraqi Railways, Younis Khalid Jawad, and on behalf of the consulting company by Pedro Oliveira, General Manager of Oliver Wyman Company, is the first of its kind in Iraq, in terms of providing financial and economic consulting services for strategic government projects."

He pointed out that "this contract will give international importance to the development road, which enjoys the care and attention of the Prime Minister," noting that "the completion rate of the initial designs for the railway track has reached 80 percent, while the completion rate of the expressway designs has reached 75 percent, and 92 percent of the soil investigations for the project."

Thecontract signing ceremony was attended by the Prime Minister's Advisor for Investment Affairs, Mohamed El-Naggar, and a number of officials in the ministry, according to the statement.  LINK