Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Evening News with MarkZ 08/23/2023

Wednesday Evening News with MarkZ 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member:  Good Evening everyone

Member: Charlie Ward said tomorrow….so does Bruce 

MZ: The 24th is Thursday which is Charlie’s favorite day. 

MZ:I hope they are right…. I have a number of folks saying there is some liquid money there waiting for distribution.

Member:  Only the people running the show knows the timing!

MZ: From Iraq:   “  Al-Atwari stresses the importance of cooperation with the World Bank  to implement development projects”  These are the projects put forth in the budget. I think that implementation takes effect tomorrow. –If I remember correctly. 

MZ: “The World Bank affirms the readiness to support the government reforms in strengthening the Iraqi Economy”  Part of this was the currency reform …and the World Bank is on board with this.  This economic reform supports a much increased VALUE to their currency…and prosperity for their people….. 

MZ: “ Zimbabwean Central Bank starts implementing  African payment system”  We knew this was coming…..They are doing a gold backed blockchain to handle transactions in day to day operations. All of Africa will have a payment system that is seamless. I think this is huge. 

MZ: This is all part of de-dollarization and strengthening  currencies. We are looking forward to Zimbabwe being in the first basket. 

Member: Enjoy your evening everyone…..Thanks Mark and mods. 


Markz will be on rumble on SATURDAYS ONLY so he can speak his mind. You will find him on YouTube during the week.


Dinar RV Breaking News🔥Parliament Finance: Iraq's Strategic Steps Toward...


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-22-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:09:30

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight it is Tuesday, August 22ND and you're listening to the big call. Welcome everybody around the globe. We're not getting out to as many countries as normal because the Starlink system is tied up. Connect interconnectivity for emergency broadcasting and for emergency alert system and emergency wireless system – and all kinds of things - so we have Canada – US – and we have Mexico - Australia and New Zealand. So that's our reach so far as we know, tonight, so we'll take it from there. Well, where are we, in the wait, right? We were under the impression that we would get announcements from PresidentTrump on Saturday. That was pushed - We thought today, Tuesday - we didn't get the announcements per sey. And so now we have some new information that sort of repositions us for, I believe, for announcements and for notifications. First of all, let's go back and we know that the BRICS summit meeting, starting today, in Johannesburg, South Africa, the 22nd goes to march 23rd and finishes on the 24th. We understand that BRICS announcements are going to come out Thursday the 24th . We had understood that the bondholders would get their emails giving them access to funds and get those emails one hour after the BRICS announcements were to be made this Thursday, giving them access to funds, Friday. Okay, what about us - well, we were told that we will be notified today - set appointments and start tomorrow - that has not yet happened. Whereas we will go actually before the tier three bondholders we get access to their funds. So okay, that's kind of a flip from what we had thought would happen. We thought we'd go within 12 hours of bondholders getting liquidity, but now we're getting ahead of them. Okay, now cut to the information of today, which was minimal. There is a lot going on right now with military doing cleanup globally, with certain hotspots around the globe. And they're very active. They're very busy getting things taken care of. And also the TV networks are being told, expressly to report the truth about what is coming out politically and other ways or they could be in violation of treason - that report actually came out on Fox News tonight. So it's some serious business. The TV networks you know, our mainstream media has been telling lies for so long. They wouldn’t know the truth if it hit them upside the head. But the truth is about to hit him upside the head and they're going to bring it out or face serious consequences. So you should watch to see what happens in the next three or four days from a news accuracy and truth in reporting point of view. Now, I also believe one reason and maybe the only reason that we are not able to access multiple --- the guys we're trying to get us to 200 countries tonight on tonight's call - 200 and get to the 30 million listeners for the big call tonight. They accessed as much as they could. They were only able to access codes that would get us to Canada, , the US and Mexico. Then they were able to add Australia, New Zealand to the mix - which is great. But our huge reach that we were getting the last belief was not able to be obtained using the Starlink satellite system because we believe Starlink is being tied up with EBS – EAS - EWS - financial connections that are taking place because of the BRIC nations. We've got somewhere in the vicinity of 60 to 90 countries that wants to be part of the BRICs. I call it a consortium with asset backed currencies that they can basically have as a trading partner as all of these BRICS nations and either gold backed or assets fully back currency And we're at the point now where obviously the US and is asset back and been trading digitally. Now we just need for that announcement about our new USN dollar, our asset back United States Treasury dollar to be made known. And it could be that was one of the announcements that we're looking to hear earlier today that did not surface - but with the shifts in this it could be tomorrow. It could be Thursday. It should be before the BRICS announcements come out on Thursday. But don't be surprised if it doesn't because a lot is going on right now to jockey for position with all the currencies that are going asset backed around the globe And of course our USN - my understanding is we're going to be trading with Canada and Mexico and using our USN here as sort of a regional currency – we’ve got in the Middle East, the golden dinar happening there - and then of course you have all the individual nations and basically all of Africa. How ever many total countries there are in Africa and they're a bunch of them - all of Africa is moving into relationship directly with the BRICS And many of those many countries are already at the BRICS summit today. And my understanding was Russia was going to be there with President Putin and President Xi of China was going to be there and you know, just a lot of world leaders. And so we have world leaders here from Iraq. That is really good. And we understood that Iraq was going to make their back pay to the Iraqi citizens on their debit cards Thursday, they go to October of 2022. All of those back pay funds that go all the way from now back to October of 2022 will be paid and available to them Thursday. Now can we draw a conclusion that maybe we will also be able to have access to funds from our exchanges on Thursday. I don't know if we can draw that parallel but I know that military source is giving us a timeline that takes us from tomorrow through Saturday to receive notifications and begin exchanges. So tomorrow is Wednesday - that's the first day opportunity is a Thursday, Friday, Saturday, four day window. Let's see what happens. We're looking for announcements about President Trump about NESARA First of all, I think the main analysis is the overturning of the 2020 elections, NESARA, the USN currency which is was part and parcel of NESARA - and then of course looking to see for the political announcements as they've come to fruition. Now maybe more than five total announcements - might be seven. Who knows how many - and I was told that the announcements we're expecting today. It could be Tuesday, Wednesday. Although it looks like it might be Wednesday or Wednesday, Thursday and there's - realize there is so much going on behind the scenes that you and I don't really see. But maybe through the glass dimly we might see 20 or 30% of what's really happening. I want to say this too, for the last five or six days there have been information about a con job variant that is out there ready to be leached upon us - and global lockdown and masking and that kind of thing. I think it's fear mongering it's definitely nothing that would happen under the restored Republic, which is what we're looking for and with the return so, take that as fearmongering take it and set it aside. It's not going to be part of who we are Wish I could bring you the full story and truth Lahaina a little too soon to do that I think - you have a pretty good grasp of what actually happened and so I'm gonna withhold that story for a little while. but I'll let you know we're planning to help in the rebuilding effort in Lahaina and as part of rebuild America. So we're gonna look into that and research and find out exactly what's going on where they stand, and how we can help. We are definitely on a day to day – hour by hour basis. There's so much going on behind the scenes that we can't see -we have to just believe that everything's coming to fruition and we are going to see this in the next several days, maybe next couple of days. We know that political change needs to take place before that happens. But I believe from what I understand today, that political change is already in the works and underway. So read that how you think you should read that. So everybody thanks for listening tonight and I do hope we get announcements from President Trump and email notification in the next couple of days. Keep an eye on your emails and lets see what happens. It'll be interesting. It's gonna be wild and realistically, when we use the EBS or the Emergency Broadcast System the emergency system or the emergency wireless system, The EWS is supposed to be the merger of those other two systems. However it comes out this disclosure that we're looking for - it's not going to be 10 to 12 days of disclosure. It could end up being 4 months disclosure. There's so much re education, and re clarification of our history -and what's really been going on. The theory is it might take till the end of the year to get all this information out to us – don’t know how – if it is a certain amount of hours day or how this thing is gonna work yet – we’ve heard theories of least eight hour segments three times a day. blah, blah blah. We don't know that. we just don't know how it's gonna come out. But beware that its going to be different - I thinks it's going to be new, I think its going to be exciting - we know a lot of what the truth is we don't know everything – but we really know a lot of what it is. Obviously what we need to do is get our exchanges and redemption of zim done – get that out of the way – be ready to get our debts paid - to get our new homes - cars, whatever we’re doing to line that up - the projects lined up - started on that in a couple of months - We will get started as soon as we can. We've got a lot of preliminary stuff still -Don't worry. We're going to contact you by email. And many things are starting rebuilding veterans retreat network, pastoral retreat, network, and international. All those help. Lahaina Maui as rebuild International. I don't know if there's some part of America. I know they wanted to separate away from the US but I don't know if that's a real thing or not. Either way I love Hawaii. We love the people of Hawaii, and we love to help make them whole. Pay that's what we're gonna be doing and working directly with the Hawaiian people. That's our goal. So we'll be all over that. you guys have a great night tonight and tomorrow. let's see what happens in the next several days between tomorrow and Saturday. Let's see if this thing come through for us. Everybody have a wonderful night.

QQQ vs. RSP : Which Is the Better ETF Investment Now?

Al-Sudani chairs a meeting on the budget.. This is what resulted, 23 AUGUST

 Al-Sudani chairs a meeting on the budget.. This is what resulted

Today, Wednesday, the State head, Muhammad Shia’a Al-Sudani, led a gathering to follow up the transportation projects in the general spending plan.

An assertion from Al-Sudani’s office got by expressed that the last option “directed today, a gathering dedicated to following up the vehicle projects in the government financial plan for the year 2023, went to by clergymen of arranging, transport and money, and various experts, specialists and head supervisors in the concerned divisions and specialists.

The social affair inspected “the assistance’s endeavors inside the citizen upheld drive game plan for the foreordained periods, and taking into account the three-year spending plan, as for presenting government needs, the part of posting, financing, execution, and flowing these exercises among the governorates.”

The State leader focused, “the significance of resolving the issues of execution and supporting for these undertakings, and creating proactive answers for them, and options in contrast to any snag that might confront the work, whether it is managerial and legitimate obstructions or deterrents connected with funding.”

The gathering checked on the advancement of work in the Al-Faw Fabulous Port tasks, and the phases of straight finishing Basra-Shalamja, and Sawa-Hijama, for the rail lines, as Al-Sudani focused on the significance of fostering the rail line transport area, with what it addresses of the spine for the improvement of framework and an additional help that works with the development of resident.

Iraqi Aviation routes And the advancement of its specific staff and administration projects supporting it.


Dollar retreats against Dinar in Baghdad, Erbil

Shafaq News / The exchange rates of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar witnessed a decline on Wednesday in the markets of Baghdad and the capital of the Kurdistan Region, Erbil.

According to a correspondent from Shafaq News Agency, the Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya central exchanges in Baghdad reported a morning exchange rate of 152,000 dinars per 100 dollars, as compared to the selling rates of 152,900 dinars registered yesterday morning, Tuesday.

Meanwhile, the dollar rates in local exchange shops in the domestic markets of Baghdad experienced a dip, reaching a selling price of 153,000 dinars per 100 dollars. The purchase rates stood at 151,000 dinars for every 100 dollars.

In Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region, the stock exchange also marked a descent. The selling price there amounted to 150,500 dinars, while the purchasing price settled at 152,950 dinars per 100 dollars.


 The saga about the Iraqi dinar RV only gets better as the months roll on.

But how long will it be before Iraq is allowed to liberate its own currency?
We know the value in the dinar exceeds even pre-1991 era but what is holding it back?
We know Iraq now pumps 2/3 more oil than in pre-1991 era.
So why is the dinar still 1/6 of a penny?
We have learned that the CBI is targeting a new revalued rate for the dinar of 1132 from 1320 and very soon.
Didn’t we hear about this exact same rate months ago?
Is this coincidental?
Any of the negative nay-sayers bashed us and told us it was a typo mistake by the CBI.
Why was it not made the “official” rate at that time?
In retrospect after reading all the news since, we all should know why.
But the important part is that this is their target, and we know now it is.
Is this the last rate change we are looking for prior to the 1:1 coming revaluation and triggering the project to delete the zeros?
Just be patient, the reinstatement is coming.

10 Lessons from 2 Decades of Investing Experience, 23 AUGUST

 Like life, Wall Street doesn’t come with a “How to” book. Reading extensive literature on the stock market can provide theoretical knowledge and insights into trading strategies, risk management, and market trends. However, success in the stock market often requires more than book knowledge. Practical experience, or what I call “seat time,” is essential for developing intuition, learning from mistakes, and adapting to real-time market dynamics. Below are 10 of the biggest lessons I have learned in my 20+ years of seat time:

Proper Position Size is Critical

In my trading and watching others trade, amateur traders often position size far too large. Investors should examine their personal risk tolerance rather than arbitrarily choosing a position size. Ask yourself, “If I took a loss in 10 straight trades, could I survive?” A good rule of thumb may be to start with a risk tolerance of no more than 1% of assets under management. For example, if you risk 1% on a $100,000 account, you lose $1,000 if the trade goes against you. Even if you were to lose in 15 straight trades, recovering your losses would not be insurmountable.

Technical Analysis Can Be a Long-Term Endeavor

Many new traders believe that technical analysis is only for short-term, day traders. However, I have learned that my most powerful signals often come from long-term technical analysis. Below is a long-term chart of Apple  ((AAPL Free Report)  ). For more than two decades, AAPL has held and found support at its longer-term 200-week moving average.

Zacks Investment Research
Image Source: TradingView

Cut Losses & Run Winners 

Successful investing is not about being right more than you’re wrong, but rather, how much you make when you’re right and how much you lose when you’re wrong. Billionaire investor Paul Tudor Jones famously described his risk-to-reward mindset in an interview with Tony Robbins, saying, “5:1. Five to one means I’m risking one dollar to make five. What five to one does is allow you to have a hit ratio of 20%. I can actually be a complete imbecile. I can be wrong 80% of the time, and I’m still not going to lose.” Pay attention to the simple math behind trading and see your results flourish!

Earnings Estimate Revisions are a Powerful Indicator

Did you know that top-ranked Zacks stocks have beaten the market 26 of the last 31 years with an average annual return of +24.30% a year, more than double that of the S&P 500’s 10.80%? The Zacks Rank is a proprietary stock-rating model that uses trends in earnings estimate revisions and EPS surprises to classify stocks into five groups:

Zacks Investment Research

Image Source: Zacks Investment Research

Markets are Forward-Looking

Did you know that in the past three major bear markets (internet bubble burst, housing crisis, and COVID-19 pandemic), the major US indices bottomed months before earnings did?

Zacks Investment Research
Image Source: Zacks Investment Research

As hockey legend Wayne Gretzky once said, “I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.”

Pay Attention to Price Action Versus News

Amateur investors often get caught obsessing over stale economic data. However, most new investors fail to understand is that markets bottom when news looks the worst because they discount the future. For example, after news broke on October 13th of 2022 that inflation hit 40-year highs, the Nasdaq 100 Index ETF  ((QQQ Free Report)  ) recovered from deep early losses to finish the session higher by more than 2% on volume nearly double the average. The reversal marked the bottom for stocks.

Zacks Investment Research
Image Source: TradingView

When it comes to investing, it’s not so much the news itself that is important, but rather, the market’s reaction to the news.

Don’t Chase Extended Stocks

The further you stretch a rubber band, the harder it snaps back. Equity markets are the same way. Like in life, timing is everything. Avoid chasing stocks that are extended from their 50-day moving average. An excellent recent example is Super Micro Computer ((SMCI Free Report)  ). The stock was extended 32% away from its 50-day moving average before earnings. When earnings disappointed, the stock plummeted 23% in a single session.

Zacks Investment Research
Image Source: TradingView

Be Flexible

Flexibility is one of my biggest assets. Never be afraid to change your mind. John Maynard Keynes said it best – “When the facts change, I change my mind – what do you do, sir?”

Adhere to the General Market Trend

75% of a stock’s move depends on the general market’s direction. For example, in 2022, most long-only investors likely lost money. In 2023, the exact opposite is occurring. Use a simple trend filter like the 200-day moving average to determine whether the stock market is in a bull or bear phase. As an example, I’ve overlaid a 200-day moving average over the S&P 500 Index ETF ((SPY Free Report)  ).

Zacks Investment Research
Image Source: TradingView

Conduct a Post Analysis

The stock market is filled with investors who are laser-focused on finding the next hot stock. However, investing is more than simply looking for stocks. To succeed in investing, study yourself and your past trades at least once a year. I recommend finding your top 10 winners and your top 10 losers and figuring out what you did right and wrong. Calculate your win/loss ratio, average winner/loser, and equity curve. You’ll thank yourself later.


 MilitiaMan (KTFA)

I think as far as everything being in place where Iraq is concerned with their re-instatement timeframe…I think the writing is on the wall that they are going to go into the international financial system…And we also expect to see the new small category notes (lower denominations) released in Iraq…and I am hoping this will happen in the next short period of time.

…I believe there was an article from the courts that  Iraq had 30 days from July 26th for the budget to be implemented and for them to start spending…  for them to start spending –it’s a heck of a lot cheaper to buy things to rebuild with a at least a rate of $1 then 1310…Whatever rate they come out at I believe it will have to be strong. Alaq has said he is not going to float the currency…suggesting it’s going to be a strong rate.

Federal Court specified their own timelines…They specifically stated 30 days from July 26, 2023 that the 2023-2024-25 budget has to be implemented by that date.  That’s 30 days.

Iraqi Dinar Revaluation News 2023 / Iraqi Dinar News Today / iraq dinar ...


 Parallel market 

Economical 2023/08/15
Muhammad Sharif Abu Maysam

The statement issued by the Central Bank on the third of August, regarding the rise in the exchange rate, is among the most important statements issued by this bank in this regard.

The statement clarified all the circumstances that stood behind the speculation market in exchange rates over the years, and presented the motives of monetary policy and its tools aimed at achieving monetary stability. before the law.

The media and many specialists in economic affairs used to call the black market the “parallel market” in which foreign currencies are traded as a market that operates away from government control, as the price in it is much higher than the official price.

What is new in this matter is that the Central Bank confirms, for the first time, that “no party or person has the right to trade in dollars issued by the Central Bank, and that trading and trading with it outside the licensed authorities is a prohibited activity according to the law, according to the text of Banking Law No. (94) of 2004.”

This matter, if applied on the groundcould contribute significantly to achieving monetary stability as soon as possiblewithout underestimating the importance of other monetary policy tools referred to in the statement

The parallel market must have its own sources of foreign currency, as it is. 

In many countries, the demand for foreign currency is met by private sector exports, domestic tourism, remittances from residents abroad, or other market activities governed by legal market relations.

While the central bank intervenes in cases of imbalance in the exchange rate between the official market and the parallel market with the aim of creating stability in exchange rates, as in cases of “managed floating of the currency”, not that the source of foreign currencies traded in the local markets is from one source, the central bank, and the market is black market parallel. 

Accordingly, and as stated by the Central Bank, such a market is a “speculative market,” and The Central Bank has the right to follow legal methods to sue speculators and those who promote them through the media or through social networking sites, as long as it is its only source, and whoever proves otherwise has the right to trade at the prices it decides. 

Because legitimizing illegal practices through these media tools has contributed over the years to shuffling the cards and harming the national economy 



You ran with that number for three weeks as I recall, though you knew the CBI had the rate posted at 1320.

Clearly all the quoted numbers from that report were wrong including the black-market rate.
Here’s the report in fact, [notice the black-market rate as well]:
Ali Al-Alaq to Shafaq News: Wait for a decrease in the parallel dollar exchange rate
EconomyDollar Rates
Ali Alalaq
اسعار الدولار – شفق نيوز
وكالة تنشر اخر الاخبار وابرز الاحداث في العراق وكوردستان والعالم لحظة بلحظة
اقتصـاد – شفق نيوز
وكالة تنشر اخر الاخبار وابرز الاحداث في العراق وكوردستان والعالم لحظة بلحظة
2023-03-21 12:48
Shafaq News / The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq Ali Al-Alaq expected, on Tuesday, a decline in the parallel dollar exchange rate (market rate and local exchanges) during the coming period.
Al-Alaq told Shafaq News Agency, “The Central Bank has launched multiple packages of measures, and the packages that have been launched are being dealt with seriously to control the parallel dollar exchange rate.”
Al-Alaq pointed out that “the measures of the Central Bank are continuing to control the exchange rate, and we expect a decrease in the parallel exchange rate.”
The parallel rate means the exchange rate of the dollar in the market and exchanges, not the official rate set at 1132 dinars per dollar, according to the decision of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Iraq, which was approved by the Council of Ministers.
Iraq’s central bank has issued three reform packages it said were aimed at tackling the rise in dollar exchange rates.
Despite the Central Bank’s actions and approval of the exchange rate of 1132 dinars to the dollar, the exchange rates of the dollar still range in the markets between 1155 and 1158 dinars to the dollar.