Monday, January 29, 2024

🔥Iraqi Dinar🔥IRAQ Done Finally RV On Forex Trading 🔥 Iraqi Dinar Latest ...

The Central Bank Issues Guidance On Enhancing The Balances Of Correspondents Abroad, 30 JAN

 The Central Bank Issues Guidance On Enhancing The Balances Of Correspondents Abroad

Economy |Baghdad today – Baghdad  The Central Bank of Iraq issued a directive regarding enhancing the balances of correspondents abroad.
According to documents issued by the bank on January 25 of this month and obtained by “Baghdad Today”,  “with the aim of supporting the work of banks by finding the necessary financial channels to meet customer requests, and  for the purpose of organizing financing operations for requests to enhance the external balances received by this bank,  it was decided to work with the requirements and mechanisms.” 


 Fri. 26 Jan. Wolverine Chat Room: 

“People are wondering what is going on. Many are saying things are not going to start, till Feb or longer and that is not so. Things are happening. Now in The Pentecostal group, ONE of the leaders has(allegedly)   distributed the blessing to its members. He made that announcement on a radio broadcast in Colombia and everyone in that particular group was paid about an hour or so ago!  This is Good news! 

We are also getting good news that today may (allegedly)  be the day we are waiting for. There is still time for me to receive the announcement for bonds to be released, and then I will release the Opera. I will not wait for Tier4b, because once bonds go then Tier 4b will go very soon. 

It seems the Pentecostal group was the(allegedly)   lynchpin to start the bond payments, it has more than 3 million members.  It has happened. That leader has about 80 thousand members, and it has started guys. It is done, and people have been blessed.  I just wanted to say this to you guys that it has started. What was told me to yesterday, again, was this” Wolvie nothing is going to stop it now! This needs to be finished before the end of the month. Some whales will be paid hopefully by Monday   Please try to relax, it is coming. This news is coming from people who are actually doing this.  Love you guys! Remain in faith to God that we are going to be receiving this blessing very soon.  Wolverine.

The gold-backed US Dollar was (allegedly)  introduced from Reno on Thurs. 25 Jan. at 4:47 am.

All 86 Global Currency Reset platforms were(allegedly)   loaded with monies and launched on Fri. 26 Jan.

Anywhere from Sat. 27 Jan. through Tues. 30 Jan. Tier 4b (us, the Internet Group) would be (allegedly)  receiving emails that say how to set currency exchange and Zim Bond redemption appointments.

There were (allegedly)  400,000 of those emails that would go out in groups during a 18 hour period.

Payouts would be given first to governments, then businesses, then individuals.

The payment runs of first Zimbabwe Blue and Derivatives would(allegedly)   begin on Mon. 29 Jan. at 9am EST.

All banks will (allegedly)  begin to pay at the same time.

Tier4b appointments will run(allegedly)   until Thurs. 15 Feb. 2024.

Iraqi Dinar & Dong Holders exciting time rates are $4.1 to $5.3 🔥 Iraqi ...

Military Expert: America Will Not Leave Iraq Without A Long-Term Security Agreement, 30 JAN

 Military Expert: America Will Not Leave Iraq Without A Long-Term Security Agreement

 01/29/2024  Mawazine News – Baghdad  Military expert Sarmad Al-Bayati confirmed the impossibility of the withdrawal of American forces without concluding a strategic security agreement with Iraq, noting that the Iraqi airspace is exposed and America can never leave it without sovereignty.

The Iraqi military expert, Sarmad Al-Bayati, said in a statement followed by Mawazine News: “There is a big difference in the statements between Iraq and the United States, and some may be confused about what is happening, despite what was announced about the formation of an American-Iraqi military committee to sit with the international coalition.” "

Al-Bayati added: “But those sitting on the Iraqi side in this committee are figures who have nothing to do with the issue of the withdrawal of coalition forces, including the Federal Police, whose work is linked to NATO, so they focused in the meeting on assessing the threat of ISIS and operational training, in addition to the most important One point, which is to strengthen Iraqi armed capabilities.”

The military expert stressed that "it is impossible for any withdrawal of international coalition forces to take place if the strengthening of armed capabilities and control of Iraqi airspace is not completed. Therefore, cooperation continues with the coalition, and even if a withdrawal occurs, the American forces will take a long time on this matter."

Al-Bayati stressed, "The American forces will not leave Iraqi airspace uncontrollably, so there will certainly be a strong security agreement between Baghdad, Washington, and the international coalition, and it is not easy to leave Iraq an easy prey for ISIS."

The Iraqi expert explained, "The Americans actually work in Iraqi military bases as advisors, but there are other forces to protect them, and thus their secrets and policies in the region remain with them. It is not easy to know their true number in Iraq, because they do not give their combat position to any party."

Al-Bayati ruled out that there would be any forced exit of the international coalition forces from Iraq, because the matter would have a negative impact on the entire country. Therefore, no forced evacuation of them would occur, but rather after assessing the situation regarding the extent of the threat and danger of ISIS.

American forces returned to Iraq in 2014 as part of the international coalition forces, at the request of the Iraqi government to support them in confronting ISIS, which invaded a large part of the lands in the north and west after the collapse of the Iraqi army units.



 Article:  "The Credit Bank of Iraq achieves a profit of 17.5 billion dinars during the year 2023”  Quote:  "For the year 2023... its assets rose to 507.7 billion dinars, while it was 406.7 billion dinars in the year 2022, a growth rate of 24.8%...The bank's profits grew by 63.5% during the year 2023 compared to the year 2022, which reached 10.7 billion dinars

 Clare:  With the closure...the dollar price decreased


The main stock exchange in the capital, Baghdad, closed today, Saturday, due to the decline in the exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar.

Selling prices in money exchange shops in local markets in Baghdad reached 153,250 Iraqi dinars for 100 dollars, while purchasing prices reached 151,250 dinars for 100 dollars.  LINK

 Article:  "Dollar prices decline in Baghdad and Erbil with the closure"



A Conversation With Mohammed Shyaa Al Sudani, Prime Minister of Iraq

January 18, 2024 10:30–11:00 CET

A conversation with Mohammed Shyaa Al Sudani, Prime Minister of Iraq
Simultaneous interpretation in English and Arabic>

Centre for Regions, Trade and Geopolitics

The Forum's Centre for Regions, Trade and Geopolitics is helping stakeholders shape progress on global and regional priorities within the most complex geopolitical and geo-economic landscape in decades.

Explore more

Public Speakers

Mohammed Shyaa Al Sudani

Prime Minister of Iraq, Office of the Prime Minister of Iraq

John Harris-  Founding Editor, Politico

Clare:  International Finance Corporation: We want to expand our business in Iraq as an investment region

1/17/2024  Baghdad

The International Finance Corporation announced, on Wednesday, its desire to expand its work in Iraq as an attractive region for investment.

The Prime Minister’s media office said in a statement, seen by Al-Iqtisad News, that “Al-Sudani met in Davos with a delegation from the International Finance Corporation/IFC, headed by Executive Vice President Mokhtar Diop.”

The statement added, "The meeting witnessed a review of the prospects for cooperation between Iraq and the international institution, a member of the World Bank Group, in light of the Iraqi government moving forward with economic reforms and implementing major strategic and investment projects."

Al-Sudani confirmed, according to the statement, “the government’s readiness to develop the scope of cooperation and partnership with the international institution, especially after the signing of a contract between the Civil Aviation Authority and the international institution to prepare an investment portfolio regarding the Baghdad International Airport development project to be on the same level as international airports, and compatible with international standards in a comprehensive manner.”

For its part, the International Finance Corporation delegation expressed its desire to expand its work in Iraq as an attractive region for investment, as well as to participate in the Strategic Development Road project and the major projects attached to it.   LINK

Article:  "The House of Representatives discusses the latest requirements for Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization"  Quote:  "... Iraq has completed all the requirements for joining the World Trade Organization in 2023, and only legislation remains."

Article:  "Al-Sudani leaves Baghdad for Switzerland to attend the Davos Forum"  Quote:  "On Monday, Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani left the capital, Baghdad, for Switzerland to participate in the 54th session of the Davos Economic Forum."

 Article:  "With the exception of Iraq...the World Bank announces a rise in food sector inflation in the world"  Quote "...the International Monetary Fund announced a decrease in the inflation rate in Iraq, which is expected to stabilize due to the policy of the Central Bank of Iraq and the impact resulting from raising the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar..."



 Article:   "An Iraqi delegation heads to Washington within days, followed by a visit to Sudan"  Quote:   "Iraqi delegation will head to Washington within days, followed by a visit by Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani."

 Article: "Selling an Iraqi currency dating back to the era of “King Ghazi” for 100 thousand pounds sterling"  Quote:  "A very rare Iraqi currency dating back to the royal era was sold in the country, today, Monday, at a fantastic price of 100,000 pounds sterling, or approximately 187 million Iraqi dinars  ."

 Article: "Expectations that the decline in dollar prices will bring benefits to the Iraqi individual "  Quote:  "In order to reduce the price of the dollar in the local market, the Central Bank of Iraq specified, yesterday, Sunday, the entities covered by receiving their external transfers in cash in the dollar currency, starting from January 2, 2024. "

 Article:  "A financial expert points out the reasons for the continuous decline in the dollar exchange rate"   Quote:  "On Monday, financial expert Nabil Al-Ali attributed the continued decline in the exchange rate of the US dollar towards the Iraqi dinar to...the change in the attitudes of merchants and public opinion through their conviction of the strength and status of the dinar...The dollar exchange rates against the Iraqi dinar will continue to decline, thus touching the official rate specified by the Central Bank ."

Article: "The Iraqi Dinar Overthrows The Dollar And Wins The Struggle To Control The Regular Market  Quote  “The US Treasury continues its cooperation with the Central Bank of Iraq,as many Iraqi banks have now formed relationships with  international banks for the first time.”   

  Article:  " CBI Governor: Int'l welcome to the Iraqi banking sector’s commitment to compliance rules "  Quote:  " For the first time, Iraq is witnessing the reorganization of the external transfer process through correspondent banks, instead of the Central Bank or the Federal Bank being the executive interface for this process.”

  Article:  "CBI Governor: Int'l welcome to the Iraqi banking sector’s commitment to compliance rules"  Quote:  "For the first time, Iraq is witnessing the reorganization of the external transfer process through correspondent banks, instead of the Central Bank or the Federal Bank being the executive interface for this process.”

iraqi dinar✅Iraqi Dinar Reinstated Today 2024 / Iraq Currency Update / I...

Trade: Seven Electronic Services To Regulate The Work Of Supply Agents Are Nearing Completion, 30 JAN

 Trade: Seven Electronic Services To Regulate The Work Of Supply Agents Are Nearing Completion

Reconstruction and building  Economy News – Baghdad  The Ministry of Commerce announced today, Monday, the near completion of seven electronic services to regulate the work of supply agents.

The Ministry stated in a statement received by Al-Eqtisad News, that “The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Commerce for Administrative Affairs, Sattar Al-Jabri, met with the Director General of the Department of Planning and Follow-up, Talib Hassan, and the management of the Supply Department in the department.”

The meeting discussed "what has been accomplished in the electronic program for seven services to organize the work of supply agents, including the processes of creating, merging, adding, returning, and other operations, which are scheduled to be launched during the coming period of this year."

The undersecretary stressed "the necessity of accelerating the launch of these services, which was emphasized by the Minister of Commerce, Atheer Al-Ghurairi, to implement the paragraphs of the government program to shift from the paper system to the electronic system, which allows many citizens to benefit from the services provided by this department to simplify procedures to eliminate red tape and reduce time and effort."

Views 68   01/29/2024 -


   Gem Finch, [01/24/2024 14:30]

 We also believe, we also know, that 400,000 emails are, if not overnight, starting tomorrow and they are for T4B and mainly for North America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the Caribbean islands, so We can say, it's mainly Zim headlines starting tomorrow, and don't be surprised. if they don't leave before lunch time and they want us Zim holders to come in first because they want the hydration and for us these funds go to our QFS account and then we move a certain amount of funds to our main account, and really we won.

I don't have much time to do more so for me between 10 and noon tomorrow, but if 400,000 leave, more will leave later that day and including Thursday, we thought they would all go at once, but that's not exactly what's going to happen – - then at least we can call with the 800 number – are you in the first one? – I don't know – but if you only have currency don't worry, your email will arrive. And don't worry, I will put the 800 on our website and everyone will receive it as soon as we can make it available.

 That's really interesting, the 10 a.m. start. m. for the bond sellers and then we are next. And this is what our best sources told us last night at midnight – on Monday within 24 – 36 hours WE WILL ALL BE SMILING FROM EAR TO EAR – we know that the banks and RC had four employees today and 6 tomorrow and that is to take appointments and if you get those numbers, we could make exchanges tomorrow. I really want us all to smile from ear to ear and tomorrow is January 24th so maybe the Chinese will get their 8 after all and I know everyone is ready for a life changing event. This will happen and we expect those numbers tomorrow and also for the Admiral in T4A. So if this happens like I'm told, we won't have a call on Thursday, but maybe just a link in an email for a celebratory call. .

So if we have your email, you're signed up and that's the main way we'll communicate with you: we have things to do in those first few weeks and plans to upgrade our house or car and even a vacation, whatever you want to do. - DO IT – and then we'll be ready to start all those projects. Remember we were looking for people who still wanted to get involved with some of them. We will have questionnaires you can take online for that. I'm really encouraged by what I heard and I want everyone to stay focused and look for those emails and this is what I heard today so have faith that it will manifest.

 Thanking all the listeners around the world.

 I know you ALL will pray with Bruce and I know you will continue to pray because all of Humanity desperately needs him, as you ALL know. I love you ALL, gem.

Bearded PatriotUSA

Telegram post


Forwarded from  Gem Finch:

Gem Finch, [10/01/2024 2:41 PM]

And then the 11th – we are supposed to have announcements made regarding Nesara and possibly Gesara and not sure how deep those things will be talked about – but we know more than many others including Gold Backed currencies and R&R allowances and that we’re not paying income tax and there are so many things and remember that flat tax on new items – and that to be collected at the state level and then split to support interests for the Federal government. 

And going away from Maritime Law to Common Law – so many aspects that we might get those announcements Thursday or even the political change or overturn of the elections – so who knows? We’ve had dates come and go and things moving us towards this goal and even the RC and banks have the new currency in their vaults and the new USN monies in the RC for us and this has happened. 

And yesterday morning the RC leaders and bank managers in at least one area and throughout the US to put in their access codes and submit them to Treasury and that was about 11.30 – noon – so banks and RC – the leaders and bank manager all put in their codes and now they just need the green light to given them that to proceed and to send out the emails for us in T4B and A to make our appointments and our exchanges – so they are done – and now it’s up to the Treasury to give that green light. So that’s where we are and we go onto Bond Holders some have received emails and some are still waiting for emails. I think the majority should have them overnight tonight for access to their accounts and access to 10% and the remaining 90% in 90 days.  

So when are we going to be notified – let me put it this way the BH’s tonight or tomorrow and they are T3 and I believe once they have those emails – if we are in a shotgun start could take 12 – 14 hours to receive our notifications – so we’ll see how that works out for us and how close we are and with what is going on tomorrow and Thursday – it looks like we are right there.

 Remember this – this is the information I’m getting – obviously  we don’t need new intel – we just need the Intel we are getting to come TRUE – and many things have come True – but what is the timing for us – what is our date – we ALL  know this and this is the one thing we’ve not had an accurate predication of – but we are getting closer whether we know about them or notification

From Military contacts major concentration of arrests and is now ongoing here and Internationally and going great guns and they aren’t getting much resistance – do we have enough arrests – yes – and that is enough for us to move forward these accounts are already funded and they just like the bond holders who can see the funds and just need access. And that’s where we are as far as I can tell – especially Wed/Thurs – with some talk about the 17th but that’s next week  are there other things like the Epstein papers and that’s coming out between now and the summer – but when it does it will rattle a lot of people  and that’s all I wanted to say and now Bruce is talking about Sue 

So that’s for sure all the intel he has for us tonight – so am sure he’ll be thanking the whole team Sue and Bob and GCK and Pastor (prayers for him because he had a fall recently) and Jeannie and Larry – and all those very faithful listeners from around the world.   Then praying out the call – so please join with Bruce in those prayers and please dear ones keep praying because it really does sound as if the coming hours and couple of days are really pivotal for us to receive those notifications  – Please pray with the deepest of heartfelt intent – I know you ALL WILL – this Heavenly Blessing is so desperately BUT YOU ALL KNOW THAT.  Love Always Gem.

Gem Finch, [03/01/2024 14:27]

 Iraq has already been making changes to the new exchange rate in Iraq and the dollar is DEAD in Iraq. They want them to transition to the new lower denominations. This is where the ban on publishing internationally seems to be controlled by the states from here and from what we have heard it will be removed tomorrow and if the exchange rate of the dinar is known internationally, we know that there are nine in the first basket that are increasing in value. – and most of you have IQD – ZIM – IRP – Afghani and Dong and Bolivar, there are nine in total increasing in value and the rest of the currencies half will remain the same and the other half will go down slightly – they have changed things slightly and only we need the toll-free numbers and we are off to the races – so please hold on – we may be there – so look at the information and maybe this is close – maybe soon – and now I am sure that Bruce We will continue talking about Sue and your programs and we will also talk about staying with Plan A until Plan B happens; We really have to think positively about this, and all we can do is get on with it and redeem our Zim and trade.

 Yeah, he's talking about Sue now, so I'm pretty sure that's our information for tonight and it still sounds good for this week, so I'm sure, as always, he'll thank his entire team, including Sue, Bob, GCK, Pastor Scott, Jeannie and Larry, and also as always praying for the calling, we have to keep praying until this Heavenly Blessing is FULLY MANIFESTED in our lives, so pray with Bruce and keep praying, my dear ones, with the most sincere intention that they can muster, without giving up NOW. I love you ALL - ALWAYS Gema


The Iraqi Judiciary And The US Treasury Discuss Sanctions On Iraqi People And Companies, 29 JAN

 The Iraqi Judiciary And The US Treasury Discuss Sanctions On Iraqi People And Companies

On Monday, the Supreme Judicial Council of Iraq discussed with the US Treasury Department sanctions on Iraqi people and companies.

A statement by the Supreme Judicial Council stated, “The head of the Supreme Judicial Council, Judge Faiq Zaidan, received the US Treasury Undersecretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, Brian Nelson, in the presence of the Chargé d’Affaires of the US Mission in Iraq, David Berger, the Judicial Attaché at the US Embassy, Ellen Andrizzi, and his accompanying delegation.” .

He explained, "The two parties discussed the legal measures and sanctions issued by the US Treasury Department (OFAC) regarding Iraqi people and companies."

The United States of America had previously imposed sanctions on a number of Iraqi people linked to armed factions, in addition to sanctions on Fly Baghdad Airlines.


 Militia Man

  An investment budget it's not going to work at 1310.   They don't have enough dinar to do that...The project is to delete the zeros off the exchange rate.  Once they have done that, they've applied the Real Effective Exchange Rate they're going to have to do things differently.  The world knows that. 

 WTO...Bank of International Settlements ... IMF...US Treasury...US Fed - everybody seems to be the ones that are knowing it but they just haven't quite done it yet or are they working to finish a process that is highly complex? That's my opinion...

Germany had a marshal plan.  Japan had a marshal plan.  Iraq to me is a Marshal Plan. What does that mean?  It means after the war they're going to rebuild the country.  After Germany, rebuilt.  After Japan, rebuilt.  And what did they become?  Economic powerhouses...Is Iraq going to be the economic powerhouse in the Middle East?

  ...That's what it looks like.  Who helped them get there?  ....United States of America...United Kingdom...Canada...Japan...Korea, everybody...

Iraqi Dinar🎉 President Joe Biden Speakout About Dinar Revaluation-Iraqi ...

Resources: 27 projects to be initiated in 2024, 29 JAN

 Resources: 27 projects to be initiated in 2024

Economy News _ Baghdad

The Ministry of Water Resources has started 16 projects for the current year, revealing that it has completed 11 other projects last year.

Minister Aoun Diab Abdullah said in an interview with "Al-Sabah" followed by "Economy News", that the ministry owns within the government program, 27 projects, 11 of which were completed during the past year, while the competent technical and engineering staff began implementing the remaining 16 at the beginning of this year, which he noted that some of them achieved varying completion rates in previous times before stopping for several reasons.

He pointed out that the 11 projects completed during the past year are reclamation operations for each of the lands of Suwaihiyah in Muthanna, a section of Hor Najm, part of the lands of the Shafi'i Diwaniya, part of the lands of Bani Hassan, ten thousand dunums in Husseiniya, and part of the lands of Ramadi, in addition to the rehabilitation of part of the first phase of the northern island irrigation project, in addition to the establishment of Nazim Sadr Al-Shatra in the district of Shatrah, with the preparation of electrical and mechanical equipment to install a pumping station in Hor Najm, in addition to the completion of From the northern part of the water channel to the Shatt al-Arab.

Regarding the 16 projects that began work at the beginning of 2024, Abdullah explained that they include the reclamation of 20,000 dunums as a fourth phase in the Saad River project and will be completed by the end of 2024,

In addition to the reclamation of 15,000 dunums, in addition to 20,000 dunums in the Saad River, which has already completed 86% of its work, in addition to the reclamation of seven thousand dunums of Husseiniya lands and will be completed during the next month, in addition to large numbers of projects in Dhi Qar Governorate with an area of 14,200. Dunums, as well as the start of the critical area works for the Basra water project, and the reclamation of 36,000 dunums for the (Diwaniyah-Shafi'i) project, 77 percent of which was previously completed, while it will be completely completed during the current year.



Google and UPI Announcement:

Today, Google's partnership with India takes the UPI payment system global.


What this post by Goldiocks shows is an announcement by Google that they have partnered with UPI thus it becoming a global payment system.  

UPI has already been approved by the global regulators.  Countries like Iraq , Vietnam , Indonesia and others are going through the testing phase of the system

Iraqi Dinar🎉 Delete the Zeros: Unveiling the Mystery of Dinar Revaluatio...

Communications discusses the implementation of issuing biometric identity to employees of government departments, 29 JAN

 Communications discusses the implementation of issuing biometric identity to employees of government departments

Minister of Communications, Hiyam Al-Yasiri, chaired the meeting of the executive team to issue biometric identification for employees of government departments, in the presence of a number of officials in ministries and government institutions.

The Ministry stated in a statement: “The meeting included a discussion of the possible steps and the next stages that will be finally approved, in order to prepare the approved standards for implementation. The material and technical capabilities available to the government agencies charged with issuing the identity to be a government identifier were also discussed.”

It is noteworthy that the project is currently in the process of completing the organizational and administrative procedures and submitting the recommendations proposed by the executive team to be presented to higher authorities for approval.   link



  Iraq has a few more things they really have to fix.  Taxation [and] their tax system in general.  In addition to that they have to learn how to balance a budget...Balancing their budget, fixing their tax system would go a long ways in Iraq...

 If you increase your money supply that is going to cause the value of your currency to go down.   Think supply and demand.  The more you have of something the less valuable it is.  What does that mean?

  You have to get rid of the 3-zeros.  By getting rid of the 3 zeros you need less bills to make purchases...

 90% of Iraq's exports are in oil... Remember Iraq wants to be competitive in the trade market.  Increases in their exchange rate would cause the items they are exporting to go up in cost.   Since 90% of the exports is oil, this is different...An increase in Iraq's exchange rate could lead to a stronger Iraqi dinar relative to other currencies.  This would mean for each unit of oil sold, Iraq would receive more foreign currency.

 Iraq's revenues from oil exports could potentially rise.  So they can increase their exchange rate and what they could do to balance that increase in their exchange rate is either increase or decrease their oil production...We also know their foreign currency reserves have increased to $115 billion.  Increasing the exchange rate would also increase their currency holding, which is good because they can us that to protect the Iraqi dinar.  Increasing the exchange rate would benefit Iraq big time.  

🔥Iraqi Dinarv 🤑 Exciting News 🤑 News Guru Intel Update IQD Value to USD🤑💵🤑🎉

Parliamentary Oil: Kurdish obstacles prevent the resolution of the “Oil and Gas” law, 29 JAN

 Parliamentary Oil: Kurdish obstacles prevent the resolution of the “Oil and Gas” law

Kazem Al-Touki, a member of the Parliamentary Oil and Gas Committee, confirmed on Monday that the Kurds have placed obstacles to resolving and ending the oil and gas law and handing it over to Parliament for reading and voting on it.

Al-Touki told Al-Maalouma, “Members of the Oil and Gas Committee communicated and moved towards the political parties and heads of blocs in order to end the problems of the Oil and Gas Law and ensure its passage in Parliament.”

He added, "Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani continues to move to end the aforementioned law, and to reach a consensus formula agreed upon by everyone in order to resolve the law and vote on it, especially since the government program focused on this file."

He stated that "the Kurds do not have the seriousness to resolve the oil and gas law, and obstacles have been placed in front of this law, which now needs political consensus before it is sent to the House of Representatives for the purpose of reading and voting on it."  link


 Mnt Goat

   ...the hot topic in the CBI, as my contact told that the CBI is working towards getting the parallel black market rate in check with the “official” CBI rate of the dinarI asked my contact why the past plan to end this crisis has not yet ended it?

 I was told it is taking more than expected for the measures underway to take hold, but that they will eventually end the crisis and the rate will come down..

 I then asked about the “basket of currencies” we been hearing about to re-peg the dinar.  I was told this is coming but they can’t peg the current in-country rate until they resolve the parallel market crisis and move to FOREX. 

This is exactly what I wanted and needed to hear. This falls directly in-line with the 2011 Dr. Shabibi plan I have talked so much about already. So all is very good in my eyes as far as this process goes. 

PM Sudani Hints Reinstatement?💣High Demand of IQD🤔Iraq Dinar RV Updates ...

A Sudanese meeting recommends structuring government companies and reforming them financially and economically, 29 JAN

 A Sudanese meeting recommends structuring government companies and reforming them financially and economically

A meeting held by Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, on Sunday, came out with decisions to carry out comprehensive reforms to government companies and structure them to strengthen the Iraqi economy.

The Sudanese media office stated in a statement received by Shafaq News Agency, that the latter chaired the second meeting to follow up on the process of structuring and organizing government companies.

At the beginning of the meeting, Al-Sudani pointed out the importance of this process and the role it represents in the essence of economic reform, subjecting companies to correct economic foundations and standards, stressing that this step lies at the core of the strategic goal of increasing the contribution of non-oil revenues to national output and income.

The meeting came up with a number of decisions that included general principles for proceeding with the financial and economic reform and structuring of companies, in a way that strengthens the national economy and its stability. link

What does “financial inclusion” mean? BY MNT GOAT, 18 SEPT

BY 48.5%.. BANKS ASSOCIATION: FINANCIAL INCLUSION IN IRAQ HAS INCREASED (What does “financial inclusion” mean? Shame on you if you don’t kno...