Tuesday, July 25, 2023



The Iraqi market is witnessing a state of turmoil due to the recent rise in dollar exchange rates, and this came, according to specialists, as a result of stopping fourteen banks from dealing in the US currency for their involvement in dollar transfers outside the country.
Since the Central Bank started working on the electronic platform and the international financial transfer system Swift and that about seven months ago did not witness the dollar’s exchange rates Iraq despite the attempts of the government and the central bank to control the matter in the parallel markets, the exchange rate is still recording a significant increase compared to the official rate, despite the approval of the country’s general budget and the sale of the central bank for more than two hundred million dollars per day.
(currency auction sales should be around 60-80 million per day to support import payments, so we can see they are still stealing dollars. )
A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Youssef Al-Kalabi, accused the advanced staff of the Central Bank of Iraq of failing to perform his duty in dealing with the dollar crisis.
Al-Kalabi said, in a televised interview, followed by “The Information”, that “the advanced cadre in the Central Bank has been” nesting “for years and should be reviewed and replaced.”
He added, “The dollar crisis is great and cannot be tolerated, and there will be a detailed report on the failure of the Central Bank of Iraq to address the rise in dollar prices.” He pointed out, “It is not possible to keep much silence about the insane rise of the dollar in the parallel market and the citizen’s burden of additional expenses to meet needs.

IRAQ NEWS: "New Revenue Sharing could lead to Iraqi Oil Renaissance" , 25 JULY

 New Revenue Sharing could lead to Iraqi Oil Renaissance

  • World Bank: Iraq’s economy depends on oil, which accounts for 99% of Iraq’s exports and 42% of its GDP.
  • The revenue-sharing scheme will see 25% of the revenue from each barrel going to Iraq as a royalty, and 75% back to stakeholders.
  • From gas capturing to revenue sharing, the terms are a marked improvement and could woo other foreign oil companies to Iraq.

Iraq has been looking to bring foreign oil company money and expertise into the fold, and it looks like it may have finally found a way to make doing business in Iraq attractive enough. 

Iraq’s economy depends on oil, which accounts for 99% of Iraq’s exports and 42% of its GDP, according to the most recent World Bank estimates. This heavy reliance on oil revenues has somewhat diminished Iraq’s concern with the carbon intensity of its oil operations, although now, with Western oil companies feeling the pressure to remain in good climate standing, climate concerns have gained some importance, even in major oil-producing countries such as Iraq. 

One of the biggest concerns in Iraq is that it captures only about half of the associated gas produced when pumping oil, meaning it flares a substantial amount of gas into the atmosphere. 

But the other concern is the contract terms, which some foreign oil companies have deemed unfavorable. Up until now, the terms have revolved around a fixed price for oil per barrel after reimbursing costs. This doesn’t allow oil companies to benefit when oil prices jump. And if costs rise, as they have over the last couple of years, they lose even more.

Iraq’s wars, domestic conflicts, and political upheavals have added to climate concerns and unfavorable contract terms to push Iraq down the list for attractive oil projects.

But Baby, I’m Worth It

Nevertheless, Iraq—including the territory governed by the Kurdistan Regional Government—holds a whopping 145 billion barrels in proved reserves. It is the fifth-largest proved crude oil reserves in the world. 

This has been enough to entice at least Chinese companies—including CNOOC—to go hog wild in Iraq’s energy sector, not facing as much climate scrutiny as their Western counterparts. In fact, Chinese contractors have singlehandedly secured 59% of all energy projects from 2018 through the end of 2022. Japan contractors took second place, undeterred by the traditional terms.

But other foreign companies have shown a greater reluctance to take part in tapping Iraq’s plentiful reserves, with Western companies, including U.S.-based Exxon pulling back even on existing projects—until now.

Never mind the crises Iraq has faced, the uncertainties that could mean going forward. Forget the carbon-intensive projects that flare half of the gas that comes out of the ground. All that was needed, apparently, was a change in the financial aspect of the projects. 

Earlier this month, TotalEnergies signed a massive $27 billion oil deal with Iraq after the country offered terms that were much more palatable given the rest of the drawbacks. We’re talking about revenue sharing and an accommodation to capture more of the gas that is flared.

For TotalEnergies, the deal was hard fought, with negotiations beginning years ago. Ultimately, Iraq had to go back to the drawing board several times to reach into its own pockets and dish out even more favorable terms. Iraq eventually settled on hanging onto just 30% of the project, with TotalEnergies grabbing 45% (and QatarEnergy getting a 25% stake). Part of the proposal includes a provision to construct installations that will recover associated gas that is currently being flared on three oilfields. The deal will allow TotalEnergies to take part of the revenues from the Ratawi oilfield and use it to help finance three more projects. 

The revenue-sharing scheme will see 25% of the revenue from each barrel going to Iraq as a royalty, and 75% back to stakeholders. 

From gas capturing to revenue sharing, the terms are a marked improvement and could woo other foreign oil companies to Iraq, which has grand plans to expand its oil output and disentangle itself from its reliance on Iranian gas. 

By Julianne Geiger for Oilprice.com


Evening News with MarkZ 07/25/2023

Tuesday Evening News with MarkZ 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Ge Everyone. Looks like another day of run silent run deep........I believe silence is a good sign

Member: my Chase Bank closed it's doors the past few days with new signs on the doors "JP Morgan Wealth Management"

MZ: I have been getting calls and messages all afternoon about chase banks from you all….about  systems being down, remodelings , closing branches, adding virtual branches…..all kinds of craziness. Rumors are flying and its very interesting whats happening at Chase as they prepare for the brand new system.

MZ: The official story is they are simply downsizing banking. More and more people are going electronic….they are automating as much as they can to save on labor. 

MZ: The unofficial story is a number of employees are telling folks they were told to expect a lot of new wealthy customers. We are gearing toward wealth management. 

Member: Chase just built a brand new branch near me in N.Miss and its not open yet ! Right off the expressway a major one !

Member: My neighbor went to chase bank today and his account was frozen, tell told him they are working in the system.

MZ: WE did get some interesting news on what to expect over the next couple of days. 

Member: From Dinar Guru:  Mnt Goat  On Thursday, the Central Bank of Iraq issued instructions to all licensed banks and non-bank financial institutions not to deal in dollars with 14 of the Iraqi banks.  I can see that if these illegal dollar cash transactions continue the CBI will close down these banks. It’s coming and this will help tremendously in bringing down and keeping down the value of the dollar against the dinar. This may be the last step in the banking sector that needs to be addressed. The diversification of banking practices to make profits with products outside of currency exchange spreads, will come naturally once the free market economy kicks in. The 3 year budget is now open and the money is being dispersed to the districts for projects.

MZ: Fits pretty close to what we hear. 


MZ: “ The Federal Reserve expected to raise interest rates by another 25 Bps”  This is on Thursday 

Member: Basil 3 into full effect 7/27. May cause many banks to have to close

Member: I keep hearing stuff on the 27th. Bo Polny said we're in a window between now and the 9th of August. Let's hope something happens

Member: FedNow, instant payment system [quantum] is in place to handle the largest wealth transfer in human history.

MZ: “Hidden feature in Brazil’s CBDC  allows government to freeze funds”  This is disturbing. This is a big concern with CBDC’s. That the government would have control over the funds of private citizens. 

Member: Wells Fargo asked me today if I want to sign up for the new digital wallet. I said no thank you. I'll wait for the quantum system.

Member: 3 times per week I get an email from CHASE inviting me to join their Wealth Management program.

Member:  I got a call out of the blue from Chase informing me I now have a personal financial advisor. When I asked about the qfs I got the deer in 5he headlight look...

Member: my Hancock bank branch is moving across the street to a new building and noticed they are calling themselves a financial center not bank!!!!

Member:  My BofA branch was completely remodeled and added 9 cubicles

Member: I’m at Chase Bank right now and apparently there’s a “glitch” in the system and people are having problems pulling their money out and making minor transactions

Member: Favorite bank teller smiled and winked today when I asked her about the RV

Member: my credit union has built 2 new branch offices in the last year. Both have ATM stations inside and out. No tellers. plus the manager told me last week she is under a FCUA , their NDA.

Member: If all of the banks are getting so many wealth managers, does that not tell us something, because right now there are more poor people than wealthy.

Member: Been doing some research on the QFS…and discovered the quantum computer  technology necessary for launch are still being developed and would be several years before its ready to function.

MZ: its way beyond that and being used day to day as we speak. They are getting it to work with the legacy banks (older banks) 

Member: Still looking forward to Christmas in July

Member: Thanks Mark and mods…everyone enjoy the rest of your evening

Member:  Emerse yourself in the feeling that comes with the wish fulfilled...gratitude...

Markz will be on rumble on SATURDAYS ONLY so he can speak his mind. You will find him on YouTube during the week.



Well the RV has not yet happened in Iraq nor has the reinstatement of the dinar. As far as the banks are concerned there is still the US Treasury OFAC sanctions in place on the Iraqi dinar. This is not just my opinion but FACT. Yes, the banks are selling dinar but this is mirroring the internet sales and small brokers not official trading as buying and selling on FOREX on a real sense. Yes, try to go to the bank and exchange your dinar already and see how fast they reject your request to exchange millions.

As you may recall a couple weeks ago, I was told by my CBI contact to expect the new rate on FOREX, however it did not occur, as stated. So, again this weekend I inquired on my weekly call to Iraq and asked what happened. I was told it was stopped due to the US Treasury audits of many of the major banks in Iraq.

As a result of these audits banks were denied dealing in US dollars due to their violation of international standards for foreign transfers in 2022.

Fourteen banks were actually included not to deal in the national currency of Iraq instead to use dollars, which is of wide international use.

 Although the restricted fourteen banks from dealing constitute only 8% of their dealings, this will not affect the dealings of our other banks, and that the manipulation of speculators in the black market in manipulating the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar will not continue and will stop soon because of the Central Bank’s call to the government to the necessity of continued monitoring, auditing, and establishing a mechanism to link the imports entering Iraq to the dollars paid out. What the CBI is doing is to prove the existence of a fundamental and sound external transfer corresponding to its value in order to prevent the use of the black market in obtaining cash dollars from the currency auctions.

So again, this corruption supports the figures for dollar sales on the one hand, and comparing them with the level of domestic demand for remittances and cash on the other hand, shows the existence of a gap that indicates that demand exceeds supply.\

Some of this money in the gap of course goes to Iraqis for international traveling expenses, to pay for foreign university education bills, etc. So don’t let anyone tell you that there is a shortage of dollars in Iraq to pay for imports. This simply is not true. The only shortage that is created is when demand exceeds supply intentionally is for the parallel black market. Some of these economists twist the facts in their articles for what purpose? Why do they do this? Why would the demand in the black market effect the economy? The fact is it shouldn’t. It is all just corruption and so when you read these articles about the shortage of dollars and how it effects the economy and is going to “crash” the economy one must know the truth to see through the lies.

Of course, these economists and so-called experts who write many of these articles want to keep the corrupt dollars flowing since they too probably have a nice corruption scandal going on with the banks and black market or else they are truly in the dark as to the reality of what is going on in Iraq.

The Prime Minister, Mr. Mohamed Shia Al-Sudani, met on Sunday with the Governor of the Central Bank, Mr. Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq, in the presence of the advisors and the General Manager of Investment at the bank.

During the meeting, they discussed the measures taken by the Central Bank with regard to the stability of the currency in the Iraqi market, and the most prominent plans prepared to reform, develop and empower the banking sector to take its role in achieving sustainable development and facing challenges. Due to all the news media coverage and so-called turmoil caused by the bank sanctions last week (some of it all lies), the parliamentary finance committee revealed on Monday the goal of hosting the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq Ali Al-Alaq, a day after his meeting with the Prime Minister.

So what happened as a result of this meeting?

The hosted Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Al-Alaq, discussed the issue of the increase in the dollar exchange rate significantly in the local market, and the bank’s measures to confront this rise. I want to pointed out that the parliamentary finance committee does not have any powers on the issue of dollar measures, this is the competence of the executive monetary authority (CBI), and they only have a supervisory role on those procedures and follow up the imbalance, and they will be held accountable for it, and they will have an opinion on the role of the Central Bank in dealing with the dollar crisis during the coming period. Remember that the CBI told us just a few weeks ago that they had a 4 axis plan to embark on soon to bring the rate of the dollar down and the dinar up. I believe this was only the first step in this plan and so let’s relax and watch the rest play out.

As investors in these 3 zero notes of dinar we must be careful NOT to over speculate as many of these intel gurus do. We can not have an RV everyday or every weekend, yet we still sit here waiting. Where in hell do they get their phony and fake information from? Who is pumping them with this crap? I will tell you…it is some ignorant son of a bitch that does not know his ass from his elbow.

So, also remember once again those 3 sectors effecting the Stock Market Financial Reforms in the White Paper. They were the stock market, banking and insurance sectors. Do you think that this move to sanction these 14 more banks this past weekend were in line with actions to satisfy the  White Paper? Can you see it? You have to see it folks!

I really feel sorry for those who have already given up on the dinar revaluation since I know for a FACT they must reinstate the dinar to satisfy their plans to revive Iraq and make it hub for the middle east. This is their plan and they know they have to reinstate the dinar to do it. This is just not Mnt Goat speaking but the IMF, World Bank and the CBI.

So, please, please you have come this far in the process. Don’t give up now we are about to cross the finish line very soon.

IRAQ: Multiple sources of national income, WOW! 

Iraq is capable of multiplying sources of national income through multiple sources of economic income in the agricultural, industrial and tourism fields of all kinds, recreational, religious and therapeutic. It was told to through Iraqi news article years ago that the fees for customs and tariffs alone could rival the revenues from the oil. So go figure just how rich Iraq could be if it was not for all the corruption.

Is the Budget Being implemented Already?

Absolutely NOT! Surprise! Surprise! As far as I know the budget was opened but not much more occurred. Until now, the federal budget for the current year has not entered into force, due to the failure to issue instructions for its disbursement,” stressing that the citizens of the region are waiting for the implementation of the budget as soon as possible. Why are they waiting? Could it be they want to limit the corruption or are they waiting for yet another CBI revaluation or maybe both?

So think before you give up on the dinar and sell your currency. The day you sell it and it does RV you will feel like such an idiot.

So, now let’s take a look at the politics in the US and see how it may relate to what we are seeing play out in Iraq. Like I have said dozens of times the corruption in the US is also being played out in Iraq. The US attacked Iraq for what? Was it really just to free the Iraqi people? Could it be to rape and pillage the countries oil reserves and all the money being made off it? Have these corrupt bastards had enough? Some say the corrupt will NEVER have enough. But here comes the patriots who expose the corruption and under the laws send them all packing….. 😊



Today, Sunday (July 23, 2023), the Parliamentary Foreign Relations Committee described France as one of the strongest countries of the European Union allied to Iraq, while indicating that Baghdad is planning joint security, military and economic action with Paris.

(not the U.S. …lol..lol..lol..)  

More news….


On Sunday, the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, attacked the United States of America and its ambassador to Baghdad.  

Al-Sadr said in a post followed by “Nass” (July 23, 2023), that “America is the enemy of democracy and peace ... and the foolish (America’s ambassador to Iraq) enjoys and plays as she wants and does not care about anyone.”

More news….


A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Youssef Al-Kalabi, accused the advanced staff of the Central Bank of Iraq of failing to perform his duty in dealing with the dollar crisis.

 Al-Kalabi said, in a televised interview, followed by “The Information”, that “the advanced cadre in the Central Bank has been” nesting “for years and should be reviewed and replaced.”

 He added, “The dollar crisis is great and cannot be tolerated, and there will be a detailed report on the failure of the Central Bank of Iraq to address the rise in dollar prices.” He pointed out, “It is not possible to keep much silence about the insane rise of the dollar in the parallel market and the citizen’s burden of additional expenses to meet needs.

More news….


The Iraqi market is witnessing a state of turmoil due to the recent rise in dollar exchange rates, and this came, according to specialists, as a result of stopping fourteen banks from dealing in the US currency for their involvement in dollar transfers outside the country.

Since the Central Bank started working on the electronic platform and the international financial transfer system Swift and that about seven months ago did not witness the dollar’s exchange rates Iraq despite the attempts of the government and the central bank to control the matter in the parallel markets, the exchange rate is still recording a significant increase compared to the official rate, despite the approval of the country’s general budget and the sale of the central bank for more than two hundred million dollars per day.

(currency auction sales should be around 60-80 million per day to support import payments, so we can see they are still stealing dollars. )

Dinar RV Breaking News🔥CBI Gov Alaq & Iraq PM Sudani Meeting🔥Only Soluti...

3 Growth Stocks to Buy to Turn $10,000 Into $1 Million" BY JOEL BAGLOLE ( INVESTOR PLACE, NASDAQ), 25 JULY

 These companies continue to grow at a brisk clip and reward their shareholders along the way

Investors might want to add these three growth stocks to turn $10,000 into $1 million.

  • Apple (AAPL): The latest catalyst for the tech giant comes with news that it is developing its own generative AI.
  • Advanced Micro Devices (AMD): The semiconductor company is benefitting from rising demand for its products.
  • Chipotle (CMG): Thirty years after its founding, the quick service restaurant chain remains in growth mode.
  • From tech to restaurant stocks, these heavyweights remain a sure thing to increase your financial goals.

The current bull market is ablaze with money to be made right now.

After a brutal decline in 2022, stocks have come roaring back in the last eight months, led by a resurgence in technology stocks. In 2023, the Nasdaq is already up an incredible 40%, while the benchmark S&P 500 has gained 20%. The bulls are firmly in control once again.

Yet even with this year’s strong run, many stocks remain below their all-time highs. 

They’re only just beginning to recover from the terrible declines suffered last year as the U.S. Federal Reserve steadily raised interest rates to lower inflation. Also, this year’s rally has been concentrated in a handful of tech stocks.

Many well-known and excellent companies have stocks that remain undervalued. It’s not too late for investors to grab shares and ride them to long-term wealth. Here are three  growth stocks to buy to turn $10,000 into $1 million.

Apple (AAPL)

Close-up of Apple (AAPL) retail store Logo in Honolulu at the Ala Moana Center. Advertising the latest generation of the ipad, iphones, and ipods with a Retina display.
Source: Eric Broder Van Dyke / Shutterstock.com

Apple’s (NASDAQ:AAPL) stock has a lot of momentum pushing it forward. The consumer electronics giant’s share price is currently sitting at an all-time high on a split-adjusted basis of just under $200.

And Apple is currently the only publicly traded company with a $3 trillion market capitalization, making it the most valuable concern in the world. The company is riding high on a number of catalysts, including continued strong demand for its signature iPhone, as well as the launch of a new augmented reality headset.

Now word comes that Apple is developing its own version of artificial intelligence sensation ChatGPT. According to multiple media reports, Apple is hard at work creating its own AI large language model internally. AAPL engineers refer to the AI project as “machine learning,” a concept which originated in the 1940s but debuted in the 1950s. It was the originator of AI.

Apple tech experts engineers already have a prototype chatbot that employees refer to as “Apple GPT.” The company plans to integrate the technology into future products and devices. AAPL stock is up 56% this year with no signs of slowing down.

Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)

Close up of AMD sign in Markham, Ontario, Canada. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (AMD) is an American multinational semiconductor company.
Source: JHVEPhoto / Shutterstock.com

If there’s one segment of the tech sector that is red hot right now, it is semiconductors. Advanced Micro Devices (NASDAQ:AMD) is gaining ground  in the space.

Fueled by the hype surrounding AI, the share price of AMD has increased 82% this year. In the last five years, AMD stock has gained 605%, making it one of the best performing tech stocks around. Yet even with the mammoth run, AMD shares look like they can keep rising.

With demand for microchips and semiconductors expected to grow exponentially in coming years, the possibilities are endless for AMD stock. In June of this year, AMD introduced its generative AI chip called the “MI300X.” The company claims that the chip is the most advanced accelerator for generative AI applications.

Plans are in the works for it to power Microsoft’s (NASDAQ:MSFT) Azure virtual machines. AMD chips also power most video game consoles, including the latest versions of the Xbox and PlayStation. Additionally, AMD continues to take market share away from rival chipmaker Intel (NASDAQ:INTC) in the data center market.

Chipotle (CMG)

Three soft tacos stuffed with ingredients are displayed on a wooden serving tray.
Source: Joshua Resnick / Shutterstock.com

Not all of the growth is in tech. What about  Chipotle (NYSE:CMG)? The popular Mexican quick service restaurant chain has seen its stock takeoff like a tech security this year. Since January, CMG stock has risen 56%, bringing its five year gains to 376%.

Thirty years after it was founded, Chipotle remains in full growth mode, recently announcing plans to expand to the Middle East for the first time. Chipotle currently has 3,200 outlets in the U.S. with just over 50 locations in Canada and Europe. Plenty of room is out there for further international expansion.

Robust earnings have helped make CMG stock a constant outperformer 

and one of the top restaurant stocks to own. For this year’s Q1, 

Chipotle reported that its same-store sales rose 11%, even as 

its menu prices rose an average of 10% from a year earlier. 

This suggests that consumers can’t get enough of Chipotle, 

remaining loyal even when prices rise, due to impacts of inflation. 

CMG stock continues to be a high-growth investment.

On the date of publication, Joel Baglole held long positions 

in AAPL and MSFT. The opinions expressed in this article are those 

of the writer, subject to the InvestorPlace.com Publishing Guidelines

Joel Baglole has been a business journalist for 20 years.

 He spent five years as a staff reporter at The Wall Street Journal,

 and has also written for The Washington Post and Toronto Star 

newspapers, as well as financial websites such as The Motley Fool and Investopedia.


IQD exchange the real deal BY NADER FROM MID EAST

"3 Defensive Stocks to Shield Your Portfolio from this Market Volatility" BY Joel Baglole FROM INVESTOR PLACE, NASDAQ, 25 JULY

3 Defensive Stocks to Shield Your Portfolio from this Market Volatility

These companies share a solid, long-term track record, with high performance in any type of market

  • Build a fortress with three defensive stocks to shield your portfolio from market volatility.
  • JPMorgan Chase (NYSE:JPM): The world’s biggest bank just reported blowout earnings.
  • PepsiCo (NYSE:PEP): The soft drink and food company is largely insulated against market downturns.
  • Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL): The consumer electronics giant remains the most reliable of tech stocks.
  • Creating a mote around your portfolio with these three stocks would reinforce its strength in a potentially unstable time.

Market volatility persists even as the stock market is up on the year.

Both economic data and central bankers’ commentary about the direction of interest rates continue to cause gyrations in equity markets. China reports poor trade figures (slowing GDP figures) and oil price drops, which pull stocks lower. Better-than-expected inflation numbers in the U.S. send equities soaring. And whenver U.S. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell comments publicly on interest rates, markets seem to have a fit. This can be nerve-wracking for investors, especially for people who check their portfolio constantly.

So, how can you shield your portfolio from market volatility?

Purchasing defensive stocks can make a big difference. These are stocks of typically blue-chip companies that are profitable and able to perform strongly in any market and economic condition. Finding these reliable names and adding them to a portfolio can help ensure that less pain is felt during times of upheaval in the stock market. Let’s take a close look at these three defensive stocks to protect your portfolio from this market volatility.

JPMorgan (JPM)

Chase Bank logo and storefront
Source: Daryl L / Shutterstock.com

JPMorgan Chase (NYSE:JPM), the world’s biggest bank with $3 trillion of assets under management, just reported exceptionally strong second-quarter results. The New York lender announced that its Q2 net income increased 67% to $14.5 billion due to rising income from higher interest rates. Earnings per share (EPS) came in at $4.37 versus $4 that had been forecast among analysts who track the company’s progress. Revenue in Q2 came in at $42.4 billion compared to $38.96 billion that was forecast on Wall Street.

The bank attributed the earnings beat to higher rates and strong loan growth. JPMorgan said its revenue growth was driven higher by a 44% increase in its net interest income to $21.9 billion. The amount of loans issued by the lender rose 13% during the quarter.  The latest earnings print proves that JPMorgan is a solid company that performs well in any type of market and economy. JPM stock has risen 35% in the past 12 months, including a 12% gain so far in 2023.

PepsiCo (PEP)

Cans of PepsiCo's Pepsi soda are in a bucket of ice.
Source: suriyachan / Shutterstock.com

Beverage and snack giant PepsiCo (NYSE:PEP) is another reliable blue-chip stock that can fortress a portfolio from volatility. The company behind the Pepsi soft drink, Lay’s potato chips, and Quaker oatmeal, just reported better-than-expected second quarter earnings and raised its full-year guidance. Pepsi announced EPS of $2.09 for the quarter ended June 30. That was better than consensus Wall Street forecasts for earnings of $1.96 a share.

Revenue rose 10% from a year ago to $22.32 billion versus $21.73 billion that was anticipated. 

Looking ahead, PepsiCo said it expects its full-year revenue to grow a further 10%, compared with a previous forecast of 8% growth. The company foresees earnings of $7.47 per share for all of this year, up from an earlier forecast of $7.27. With its focus on popular consumer food products, PepsiCo is the kind of company that sails through periods of volatility and can perform strongly even in an economic downturn. PEP stock is up 11% in the past 12 months.

Apple (AAPL)

Apple logo on a pink and purple background. AAPL stock.
Source: Moab Republic / Shutterstock

If there’s one tech stock that can be considered a defensive play and reliable performer, it’s consumer electronics giant Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL). The tech mammoth is fresh off achieving a $3 trillion market capitalization, becoming the first publicly traded company to do so and making it the world’s most valuable concern. AAPL stock is also one of the few mega-caps that pays a quarterly dividend to shareholders, offering a yield of 0.50%. 

And, Apple buys back more of its own stock than any other public company.

It owes its enduring popularity and strong sales to its key products, the iPhone, iPad, and MacBook computer. AAPL stock has proven to be a consistent winner over the years, gaining 31% over the last 12 months and more than 300% through five years. Few other tech stocks have produced such consistent gains for stockholders. Apple also remains a cash generating machine. With stable management under the direction of long-time CEO Tim Cook, Apple continues to push into new areas such as streaming and finance.

On the date of publication, Joel Baglole held a long position in AAPL. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the writer, subject to the InvestorPlace.com Publishing Guidelines

Joel Baglole has been a business journalist for 20 years. He spent five years as a staff reporter at The Wall Street Journal, and has also written for The Washington Post and Toronto Star newspapers, as well as financial websites such as The Motley Fool and Investopedia.


What does “financial inclusion” mean? BY MNT GOAT, 18 SEPT

BY 48.5%.. BANKS ASSOCIATION: FINANCIAL INCLUSION IN IRAQ HAS INCREASED (What does “financial inclusion” mean? Shame on you if you don’t kno...