Monday, July 1, 2024



  [via PDK]

  there are some things out of Iraq that should make us feel good today...“The President of Iraq approves the 2024 budget schedules” Rashid approves a number of laws including the 2024 budget tables.  My contacts over there are saying they got the budget tables posted in the Gazette…but did not get a new rate. They let us know that they figured the budget of 2024 on an average price of a barrel of oil at $80 USD. This is progress.

 Something fun popped into the news yesterday...both from banks and exchange locations in Iraq. There was a notice that they are expecting distribution of lower denomination bills in July.  

Both of the confirmations I received this morning from contacts on the ground inside of Iraq used the same words that they were told to expect them to distribute/disperse lower denominations in July.  That tells us how stinking close we are...Why would they need theses lower denominations unless the currency is worth more? ...

..I do not believe there is a new rate in the Gazette this morning. I am not expecting one till Wednesday. I have heard that Sudani has signed off on the budget and it is supposed to be headed to the Gazette. There was some hope it would be printed this morning.

Evening News with MarkZ, then Mushrooms Monday with Lucas. 07/01/2024

Expert determines the reasons for the expectations of economic growth in Iraq reaching more than 5% in 2026

  The economist, Qusay Safwan, identified the reasons for the expectations of reaching economic growth in Iraq to more than 5% in 2026.

Safwan {Euphrates News} said: “The expectations of the International Monetary Fund went towards the external outlook of the Iraqi economy in light of the success of the Sudanese government of Mohammed Shiaa by reducing foreign debts from 20 million dollars to 9 million dollars, which gives a sloom to the situation of the Iraqi economy for the coming years, considering that the benefits of those debts will be low.”
He added, 

“There are also projects initiated by the Sudanese government at the level of stopping the burning of gas and the associated gas investment in the supply of electricity in the sense of reducing cash outflows to reduce the import of electricity and gas, as well as completing the port of Al-Faw in mid-2025 and entering the stage of operating experiments to link it with the European Union.”

“This means adding non-oil revenues and these indicators indicate a positive outlook that can contribute to the reclassification of Iraq’s credit from the level of C3 Plus to the level of PEMinas,” Safwan continued, noting “the possibility of increasing Iraq’s GDP to 5% if initiatives are added by the Central Bank in the payment of small and medium enterprises and is currently at a rate of 270 billion dollars annually.”

He added, “Iraq is currently considered a partner with the International Finance Corporation as it is trying to rebuild Iraqi airports and there are two billion dollars that will be pumped to develop and expand Baghdad International Airport, and this indicates that Iraq’s ability to operate these amounts and return them to lenders.”

Safwan stressed that “the process of developing the energy sector at the level of gas and oil through licensing rounds will contribute to increasing Iraq’s future revenues, as it looks at 6 million barrels for export purposes, meaning that there is a possibility to increase the spending capacity of oil revenues on investment projects,” noting “the importance of turning understandings into a studied reality in the field of foreign investment.”
The World Bank predicted that Iraq will achieve economic growth of more than 5% in 2026, noting that the recovery in the oil sector in 2025 will contribute significantly to boosting this growth.
In its report, the bank reported that Iraq’s economic growth for 2022 was 7.6%, and in 2023 it fell to -2.9.
The report also predicted that Iraq’s economic growth in 2024 will decline to -0.3%, and achieve growth in 2025 to 3.8%, and in 2026 to reach 5.3%.
The report noted that non-GCC oil exporting countries, such as Iraq and Algeria, will benefit from the expected recovery in the oil sector in 2025, which will help boost economic growth in these countries.

Wafaa Al-Fatlawiخبير-يحدد-أسباب-توقعات-وصول-النمو-الاقتصادي-بالعراق-لأكثر-من-5-في-2026



 Article:  "Customs complete the first phase of the automation project and reveals its revenues within 5 months"  They've been kept in the dark ages for a long time.  Everybody was doing everything by paper and pencil and it was kept that way for a reason...Banking and other institutions are seeing their companies change with this new technology are going to be excited. 

 It's going to make their work a lot more's only going to get better for Iraq.  This is one of those way they can generate revenue other than from oil.  This is exactly what they need to diversify.  Quote "revenue rate will raise by the end of this year to 200% from what it was in 2022."  That's a hell of an's going to boom over there..


I'm going to tell you the truth.  Here's the truth, Iraq has taken major strides and getting their crap together.  Is the Iraqi dinar going to go up in value?  Yes it will.  Is it going to happen tomorrow?  Is is happening over in Europe?  Is it happening over in Brazil or China?   No, no it's not.  There is no in-county/out-country rate.  No one group of people has had dinar exchanged.  Nobody's got their blessing...


Article:   "Expert likely to keep exchange rates within their current rates"   It's not going to happen that quickly.  There's so many more hurdles for Iraq to jump through. 


I challenge any content creators out that's making videos about the debate...Bring  your receipts.  Bring your proof that I'm wrong and I'll bring my proof why I say I'm right.  That's all you have to do.  It's not  that hard...Remember that I challenged people out there...I would give them $5,000 if they could...have a debate with me and prove me wrong about anything that I'm saying...How many people showed up?  


When you hear somebody tell you that, 'Hey in one country you cannot move forward and rebuild with huge projects with an exchange rate of 1,320 of your currencies for $1' just say, 'Oh yeah? 

 Look at Vietnam who has 26,000 of their currencies for every $1 and they continue to move forward.'

Congratulations To Iraqi Dinar Holders Dual Exchange Rates Mention Today...

New decision by the Central Bank on granting dollars to travelers

New decision by the Central Bank on granting dollars to travelers

Baghdad – Mawazine News
The Central Bank of Iraq decided, on Monday, to grant dollars exclusively to airport passengers starting on July 14.
According to a document issued by the bank, Rafidain, Al-Rashid and Iraqi Trading Banks, exchange companies currently operating at airports and exchange companies have directed Class A and B. In order to ensure that travelers receive cash dollars and avoid exchange companies to passing improper transactions, it was decided to set on 14/7/2024 as the final date for the start with the said mechanism. 

The aforementioned banks and exchange companies operating at the airport are entitled to a commission cut in the amount of (15,000 dinars) from the customer for each transaction and are collected by exchange companies outside the airport for the benefit of companies and banks operating at the airport in accordance with a mechanism that is determined between the parties, companies operating at the airport and exchange companies outside the airport.

She added that the above-mentioned banks have the right to charge exchange companies no more than 2 dinars for every one dollar for the amounts of the window received on behalf of the exchange companies, and the Rashid and Rafidain bankers open outlets for them at airports (Baghdad, Basra, Najaf) and the Iraqi Trade Bank opened its outlets at airports (Baghdad Al-Najaf, Basra, Sulaymaniyah, Erbil).
The document confirmed that exchange companies should transfer their transactions to one of the above-mentioned banks no later than 11/7/2024, and the continuation of the work of exchange companies currently operating at the airport Al-Rayyan, Al-Anjan, Sama Baghdad, Al-Qand) in addition to the above-mentioned banks with the possibility of other exchange companies contracting with them.



My contact told me that the Project to Delete the Zeros is planned for the beginning of the 3rd stage of the economic plan. What does this mean. In fact, I did not fully understand it either until this article was published.

We learned through this article that that 3rd stage begins mid-year 2024. 

Is Iraq ever completely on time?

 We must give them a break since they are working against all odds in getting these reforms done. As we can also read in the news there is pressure against the economic reforms from Iranian politicians and seeded officials within the parties. It is an uphill battle for Iraq to achieve progress. So, the CBI may not meet their target for being right on time in June but even this summer sometime would certainly be considered “at the beginning of the 3 rd phase since the phase extends out to 2026. Do you understand? Everything is not exact. They target and then they make the best of it. But they will do it, as I am told.

Yes, no different than what is now going on over in the USA with the democrats. Look at the democrats and some republicans too as deep state  globalist. Their concentration is bent on manipulation of the system to their advantage and not about citizenship to preserve the US Constitution, values and way of life in America. They are not patriots but leaches of the system. So we see the same in Iraq and as with the USA we must also just ignore the lies and propaganda and continue to march onward with our goals and that is to bring the prosperity and abundance back to our nations, while weeding out the corrupt and bringing them to justice.

Even though it is close to the end of June I would certainly not despair about the high possibility of still seeing the project to delete the zeros and then we know the reinstatement will follow. So far there is no news out to the public about the swap out of the currencies. I would think we would have seen these types of articles already if June was going to happen. 

The good news is we can see the huge efforts to get the ATMs installed. 

My contact even told us again as well as a past article by the CBI that the ATMs are an integral part of the swap out process of the currencies. I explained why this is the case already in my last Newsletter dated 6/25. I suggest you revisit it again.

Okay, so we might or might not get the RV in June and so let’s not cry in our beer… lol.. lol.. lol..


I wanted to come on today and discuss a conversation I had with my CBI contact on Saturday.
Also I want to share a couple main points today in the progress of the economic reforms in Iraq and their impact.
To sum up what my CBI contact told me was for investors from the west to relax and not follow every little (or big) event as a target to get the reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar.

They watch and read what these conference calls say on the effort of informing people and it simply is not all true.
Also we talked about June and so we are well into June already and still no Project to Delete the Zeros.

In this regard, I was told that the effort to roll out the new ATMs should be an indication of the progress with the project and not to worry as the committee is working closely with the banks to track the ATMs, their locations and to have sufficient supplies of the..FOR READ MORE:

The Best And Worst Stock Market Sectors In 'Slowing' Economy | Chris Ret...

Iraq, Saudi Arabia Conclude A Deal For A Submarine Cable Construction Project

 Iraq, Saudi Arabia Conclude A Deal For A Submarine Cable Construction Project

     Amr Salem June 30, 2024   Underwater internet cables. Photo: Shafaq News Baghdad ( – The Iraqi Ministry of Communications signed on Thursday a contract for a submarine cable construction project with the Saudi Telecom Company (STC) to increase internet capacity in Iraq.

 In a press conference after signing the deal, the Iraqi Minister of Communications, Hiyam Al-Yasiri, said that this is the third deal signed by the current Iraqi government.

The director of the media department in the Iraqi Communications Ministry, Omar Al-Amiri, explained that the project will help facilitate the movement of global communications and link the countries of Africa and Asia to Europe via Iraq.

 Al-Amiri noted that such projects will have a positive economic impact on Iraq by utilizing its geographical location.

In June 2023, the Iraqi Ministry of Communications announced that it was launching internet service through space to provide the best internet service to people in Iraq.

 Projects to provide internet via fiber-optic cables require a relatively long time to complete the deployment of cables in all areas because of the difficulties represented in the excavation works and the expensive costs of these projects.

In order to diversify the sources of internet service, increase competitiveness, and reduce prices, the concerned department in the Iraqi Ministry of Communications started the contractual procedures to introduce ‘internet via space’ service in Iraq for the first time.

Iraq is following in the footsteps of developed countries that employ low-orbit satellite technology to deliver internet access directly to people via a vast network of satellites operated by reputable corporations.



Sat. 29 June 2024 Texas Snake

 “I have nothing to confirm the hour we will be notified about appointments to exchange or the dollar value of same, I do know the banker has had his staff on a one hour call to report to their assigned locations once the release has become authorized for the past three days, and that the rate in country was published in the Gazette today Sat. 29 June 2024.  So folks we are extremely close. GOD Bless.”



As most know our Saturday is Iraq's Sunday.  The new Budget was included in the latest Gazette but the rate was not given.  I now have it from 3 different sources that Iraq is planning a nationwide celebration for this Sunday.  

There are many foreign dignitaries in country for the party and the rate will be announced and the new ATM's with the new currency will be opened.  So this is my hoped for announcement for tomorrow.  GOD Bless.....


Just an FYI but I closed the room after the comments about Gurus and MarkZ, this room is for my connections with major international bankers and NYSE upper management as well as a WF banker involved with actual exchange centers his bank has prepared to do actual monetary exchanges of currencies. 

 I plan on advising once the exchange platform is about to begin so we will have an advance alert.

🔥 Iraqi Dinar 🔥 20 Years Wait End🔥Today RV News Guru Intel Update Exchan...



Hello things are advancing I need one confirmation this Friday as soon as I have it I will post , lots of blessings!!!!




ISAAC N:  Just waiting for the advance on German bonds to start

ISAAC N: Hello things are advancing I need one confirmation this Friday as soon as I have it I will post , lots of blessings!!!!

E.T. : What is Isaac referring to? Iraq? What confirmation? 

INGWAY : Isaac is referring to systems not being in place for the RV yet. He is awaiting confirmation that systems have been completed and the RV can move forward.


JANUARY 7 , 2024


Isaac are you optimistic for you call on Tuesday?


• Yes I am

• Last thing they told me is we are close for advances on German bonds

• We will have an qfs acc you will manage all from there

• Is like an acc in a cloud and only you have the codes to move and do whatever you want

• I can tell you several bans in Europe private ones the big whales will put the money and amazing things will happen there

• After German bonds comes dragons and then come the others

• First tier 3 them 4 a then 4 b


Economist: Direct Banking Investment Is Prohibited By Order Of The Central Bank

 Economist: Direct Banking Investment Is Prohibited By Order Of The Central Bank

 Economy   Central Bank of Iraq  Investment law   2024-06-30 02:32  Shafaq News/ Economic expert Mustafa Akram Hantoush explained on Sunday that   the Central Bank of Iraq is adopting a “strict” central policy in its dealings with the banking sector, which limits the ability of banks to engage in direct investment and financing economic projects.

Hantoush told Shafaq News Agency that this policy makes it difficult for the banking system and investors to invest their capital in new projects without obtaining special approvals from the Central Bank.

Hantoush added that   the current procedures followed by the Central Bank prevent banks from entering the fields of direct investment, which hinders the realization of a vital role for the banking sector in moving the wheel of the national economy. He explained that

 the banking system, in light of these procedures, does not have sufficient capacity to play an effective investment role in line with normal banking rules, but rather the investment decision becomes subject to the directions and approvals of the Central Bank.

Hantoush stressed that  this approach lacks the concept of "financial liberalization" for banks, which would provide the banking sector the opportunity to enter the Iraqi market directly and support investment opportunities, while adhering to banking and legal controls.

He stressed that  reviewing these policies may be a necessary step to activate the role of banks in supporting economic projects and promoting investment in Iraq.اقتصـاد/خبير-اقتصادي-الاستثمار-المصرفي-المباشر-محظور-ب-مر-البنك-المركزي    

FRANK26…….7-1-24…….LET’S TALK

Coffee with MarkZ and Bob Lock. 07/01/2024, 1 JULY

 Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Coffee with MarkZ and Bob Lock. 07/01/2024

Member: ​​Gooooood mornin patriots it's very important n exciting times. keep your head on a Swivel and stay calm

Member: Welcome to July

Member: hope everyone had an awesome weekend.

Member: Hope Mark has some RV news today.

MZ: there are some things out of Iraq that should make us feel good today.

MZ: “The President of Iraq approves the 2024 budget schedules” Rashid approves a number of laws including the 2024 budget tables.  My contacts over there are saying they got the budget tables posted in the Gazette…but did not get a new rate.

MZ: They let us know that they figured the budget of 2024 on an average price of a barrel of oil at $80 USD. This is progress.

MZ: What I am hearing from Iraq directly is that the process of deleting the zeros is moving forward. When they talk about the deletion of zeros…..the plan is to increase the value then delete the 3 zero higher denomination bills from circulation….and release the lower denominations.

Member: (From dinar Guru) Mnt Goat:   I...asked [my CBI contact] how the rate of the dinar would be determined in the future...I was...told that “you know and I know that the rate of the dinar is now being artificially suppressed”...I was told that Iraq is in a much better situation now prior to the 1990 embargo and so why not have an international rate again with at least a rate equivalent to the late 1980’s prior to the invasion...

MZ: Makes sense to me. We all know it is being suppressed.

Member: Has sthere been any chatter about the US applying to join BRICS?

MZ: No- not the US….But lots of chatter about Turkey ….and them explaining why they are pursuing membership with BRICS.

MZ: “Why does a NATO member want to join BRICS?”  Turkey wants their say in the emerging world. The way the G7 and G20 is set up now…Turkey has very little say in things. If you were an asset rich country –why would you want to be part of that G20 system? So turkey is looking forward to moving to a group with a more diverse economic system

MZ: “Japan to launch new bank notes on July 3rd.” This is the first design change in 20 years Seems there are a number of nations doing this. Is it because of counterfeiting? Very cool looking…If you move them the picture is 3D.

MZ: Many countries are doing this. Is this in preparation for something?  This would be a grat way to reset the system. If the US decides to release a “new design “ of currency. Then all the illicit dollars out there running around the world cannot come back. Suddenly all the cash sent off in planes to Iran…or billions in bales sitting in caves or warehouses or safe rooms or buried in barrels in Central and South America from the cocaine or meth trade….will be worthless.  It cancels the dollars held by terrorists, human trafficking….ect….

MZ: With so many countries doing this….we were always told all nations would release new bills when the reset and release Nesara/Gesara. So this is another good sign.

MZ: “US banks dumping exposure to $2,500,000,000,000 market before inevitable losses hammer balance sheets report- June 30, 2024” Small and medium banks are trying to dump all their commercial exposure. Record foreclosures about to happen on commercial properties.  This is a ticking time bomb.

Membr: Are you hearing anything new on Zim rates.

MZ: I am hearing instead of $30 or $50 million on a $100T note…it could go as high as $50-$60 per $100T note. That made me feel good.

Member: I always thought of Zim as the “wild card” to RV……but any rate will be wonderful .

Member: so no bank or bond news today?

Member: Usually Monday morning s are slow for that. Reno is still asleep and Banks are in meetings…….maybe something tonight?

Member: mark, called Wells Fargo and asked if they were doing the Dinar exchange and they said yes. I asked for a phone number or address and they said they could not tell me if I didn't have a code.

Member: Is it a coincidence that the UK elections are being held on 4 July? Many don't get it, due to trades holidays

Member: This is definitely happening! I feel very certain. Just a question of when

Member: Just remember Kim Clement's prophecy.. when America is at her lowest and Strange July.. Strange July. Pray.

MZ: Slowly, Slowly, SUDDENLY

Member: I wish each of your dreams and aspirations realized in the next few days

Bob Lock and StacieZ join the stream today. Please listen to the replay for their information and opinions.

Iraqi Dinar News Today | World Bank vs. Iraq: Financial Data Discrepanci...

Iraq denounces US congressman's interference in judiciary, 1 JULY

 Shafaq News/ On Monday, the Iraqi President, Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid, denounced the statements of the Republican Representative in the US Congress, Mike Waltz, towards the Head of the Iraqi Supreme Judicial Council, Judge Faiq Zaidan.

Rashid said in a statement, "The statements (of Waltz) do not only affect the person of the President of the Supreme Judicial Council but also the independence of the Iraqi judiciary, which is a fundamental pillar of the state."

"The Iraqi judicial system is considered one of the most solid independent judicial systems in the region. It is the guarantor of justice, supports the rule of law, and guarantees the legitimate rights of citizens to a free and dignified life. The security and political stability that Iraq is witnessing is clear evidence of that," he pointed out.

He further stated that "the repetition of such irresponsible statements may affect the nature of bilateral relations between Iraq and the United States."

Republican Representative Mike Waltz, a member of the Armed Services and Foreign Affairs Committees in the House of Representatives, intends to submit an amendment to a draft law that would consider the Supreme Judicial Council and its president "as assets controlled by Iran," according to a report published by the Washington Free Beacon website.

"Faiq Zidan, President of the Iraqi Supreme Judicial Council, is at the center of Iran's plot to turn Iraq into a client state. The first step in dismantling the Ayatollah's network of control is to clearly name who is doing his bidding," Waltz posted on X.

Acting Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament Mohsen Al-Mandalawi denounced Waltz's proposed amendment to a law that includes a clause concerning Zidan. Al-Mandalawi labeled the proposal a "serious precedent."

Al-Mandalawi called on Iraq's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to take diplomatic action, conveying Iraq's unanimous rejection of such "insulting interventions" purportedly driven by foreign influence through a US congressman.

In turn, the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs affirmed on Saturday its rejection of the statements of US Representative Mike Waltz against the head of the Supreme Judicial Council, noting that they represent "blatant interference in Iraqi affairs."

What does “financial inclusion” mean? BY MNT GOAT, 18 SEPT

BY 48.5%.. BANKS ASSOCIATION: FINANCIAL INCLUSION IN IRAQ HAS INCREASED (What does “financial inclusion” mean? Shame on you if you don’t kno...