Thursday, April 4, 2024

When will Iraq get rid of the restrictions of “Uncle Sam”.. Washington shackles Iraq to the federation and a “BRICS” bomb is coming, 5 APRIL

   When will Iraq get rid of the restrictions of “Uncle Sam”.. Washington shackles Iraq to the federation and a “BRICS” bomb is coming

Popular and political calls are escalating to end the American hegemony it imposes on the Iraqi economy by enforcing the deposit of funds from the sale of crude oil in the Federal Bank on the one hand, and continuing the dollar crisis through sanctions issued on banks, which have reached more than 30 banks.

The first stage of getting rid of the restrictions imposed on Iraq is to strive to achieve two basic points, the first of which is to end the deposit of money in the Federal Bank and send it directly to the Central Bank. The second is to seek to join the BRICS countries that will issue a currency that will be like an atomic bomb for Uncle Sam’s currency. . 

*Editing step!

Speaking about this file, a member of the Al-Fatah Alliance, Ali Hussein, calls on the government to seek alternatives and take the step of liberating the country from the dominance of the dollar and the continuing American sanctions, while stressing that Iraq’s move towards lifting the restrictions of the US Federal Bank is a must. 

Hussein said in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, “It will be a bold step, but it will succeed if the atmosphere is created and contracts are made with alternative international banks,” noting that “it is necessary to bring in companies from international countries that do not deal in the US dollar.” 

He continues, "Entering into the Shanghai system and other global organizations will be the first stage of liberation from the dollar," adding that "the movement to end the dollar's hegemony over the world, led by major countries, has greatly succeeded." 

He adds, "Contracting from companies from Eastern countries and bringing them to work inside Iraq will avoid the economic blockade," pointing out that "the government is required to seek to find alternatives and take the step of liberating the country from the dominance of the dollar and American sanctions." 

The economic expert, Nasser Al-Kanani, confirmed that the number of Iraqi banks affected by US sanctions has reached 26 banks so far. 

*End American hegemony!

In addition, a member of the Nebna Alliance, Ali Al-Zubaidi, confirms that ending American economic hegemony lies in the government’s move towards ending the deposit of oil selling money in the Federal Bank, adding that it will enable the government to choose the currency in which it is sold.

Al-Zubaidi said in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, “Freedom from the restrictions of the dollar will give confidence to the Iraqi currency, in addition to tighter control over the economic movement,” noting that “the main problem is imposing the deposit of oil money in the American bank.”

He continues, "The number of members of the BRICS system has reached approximately 30 countries, and this constitutes a threat to the US dollar in itself," pointing out that "its new currency will be circulated in all these countries that constitute a large part of the global economy."

Al-Zubaidi concluded his speech: “Washington’s hegemony will not last long in light of the global estimates of economists,” noting that “the end of American economic hegemony lies in the government’s move towards ending the deposit of funds for selling crude oil in the Federal Bank.”

The United States of America continues to impose its influence on Iraq in many vital files, including depositing the money from the sale of Iraqi oil in the US Federal Bank, amid clear blackmail by passing many files, most notably the dollar bill, which puts great pressure on the government.  link



  Sudani said to his citizens, 'Before the end of Ramadan, before the start of EID it is my desire to make a major announcement.' 

 Ramadan comes to an end on the 8th of April.  On the 9th EID starts.  From the 9th to the 11th we have an amazing window to study and to see what happens with our investment because on the 15th Sudani will go to Washington DC to see the president of the Untied States.

Article: "The Central Bank of Iraq clarifies the mechanism for depositing oil revenues abroad"  

DFI was part of something called Executive order 13303.  President Bush signed executive order 13303...Clinton... Trump...Biden...resigned it.   Guess what, executive order 13303...has not been resigned..

We're headed in the right direction...We've been heading in the right direction all along says my teams.  But many of you are still anxious for it to happen instantly.  That's not how it works...     

Iraqi Dinar 🔥 It's Massive Increasing the Exchange Rate🔥 Guru Updates An...

The Sudanese directs to reject any delay or delay in the development road project.. and an Iraqi delegation visits Europe, 5 APRIL

 The Sudanese directs to reject any delay or delay in the development road project.. and an Iraqi delegation visits Europe

Today, Thursday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani chaired the sixth meeting of the Supreme Committee for the Development Road, during which the latest executive steps were followed up and the procedures related to the project continued to be completed, and ways to resolve controls and instructions related to customs, tax and transit tariffs were discussed, within Project management and operation system.

The meeting also witnessed discussion of the tasks of the diplomatic delegation that will visit the European Union countries, in coordination with the Turkish side, within the route of the stations related to the project. The current position of expropriations related to the route of the road was also reviewed, and ensuring the removal of any technical or legal conflicts from all sections.

During the meeting, the Prime Minister stressed the importance of continuous coordination between the relevant authorities, ministries, relevant formations and governorates, on the path of the road, and that these parties as a whole deal with the development road project as a special priority for the Iraqi economy, and that they work to reduce time, overcome routine obstacles and bypass Obstacles. 

Al-Sudani also renewed his previous directives to reject any case of delay or delay, given the exceptional importance posed by the path of development, its pivotal position and its connection to all economic development sectors, and the government’s plans to achieve a comprehensive future economic renaissance.

The meeting also reviewed the progress rates achieved in the Al-Faw Grand Port project, its five berths, and the conformity of the work progress with the implementation schedule.   link



 Executive order 13303 was the protection of the DFI funds of their oil money.  All protected by the United States of America...

No one could sue Iraq. Now it's different, this executive order has come to an end...Iraq's new currency exchange rate is under the DFI funds... 13303 was not sighed.  This is good.  It is fantastic long as the executive order was in place Iraq could not reinstate its currency...

 There's nothing like the facts. Everything they're telling the Iraqi citizens is a fact because it's coming from the right sources.

Iraq & US Deals Being Made💣Budget = Needs New Rate🤔Iraq Dinar RV Updates...

Adviser to the Prime Minister: Iraq is within the safe range countries in terms of paying foreign debts, 4 APRIL

 Adviser to the Prime Minister: Iraq is within the safe range countries in terms of paying foreign debts

Today, Thursday, the financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, revealed the reasons for reducing annual allocations to pay off foreign debts, while noting that Iraq is among the countries in the safe range in terms of debt repayment.

Saleh said to the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “According to international standards in calculating the ability of the national economy to bear the burden of external debt, Iraq is among the group of countries in the safe range in terms of the global standard for the ratio of the external debt stock,” indicating that “the gross domestic product According to estimates, it does not exceed 20 percent, while the global measure of the debt-to-GDP ratio allows up to 60 percent.

He explained, “Given Iraq’s regularity in repaying its external debts due annually, of which only approximately 20 billion dollars remain, the annual allocations to pay external debts through the federal general budget allocations have begun to show a clear decline and decrease in the amount of external debts due, and this has been reflected.”

 This is in the 2024 budget tables regarding allocations for external debt payments, compared to the 2023 budget tables, with a difference of decrease that may exceed a billion dollars.

He added, "This matter is reflected in Iraq's high creditworthiness in repaying its debts to external creditors and its commitment to repayment since the Paris Club Agreement in 2004 until the present. These are annual financial allocation mechanisms whose installments and interest are paid on a regular basis through the annual general budget, and they are decreasing. This means that the external debt gap is heading towards shrinking and then almost disappearing.”

He noted that "the Paris Club Agreement in 2004 dropped more than 100 billion dollars of Iraq's pre-1990 debt after Iraq obtained a discount on its debts at that time, which was 80 percent and more, and only a little of the remnants of those debts remained after it was removed." The remainder of it has been scheduled and is paid annually according to a precise and regular accounting mechanism on the part of Public Finance and the Central Bank of Iraq, and the continuous decrease in its allocations is demonstrated by the amount of the decrease in the annual allocation of external receivables from the debts that must be paid and their waiver annually   link



....Does Iraq need the Oil and Gas law in place prior to the RV? I have to tell you that there is nothing in the 2011 Dr Shabibi plan that tells us it does. Remember back in 2012-2013 he had signoffs from everyone and was moving forward. Did they have the Oil and Gas Law passed. Of course not. So, I believe anything is possible. 

So now, we are just waiting for the “giant” leap when the CBI gives them the second rate change. This should bring in much if not all the remaining currency back to the banks that they need desperately for the economy. This second rate change should coincide with the project to delete the zeros. Let’s keep our fingers crossed and PRAY!

Their words not mine…..No Rumors, No Hype, No Opinions ,,,,,

                                             Just the FACTS!

This what we talk about me and pimpy weird BY NADER FROM MID EAST

Al-Sudani informs the framework of the reasons for his visit to Washington, 4 APRIL

   Al-Sudani informs the framework of the reasons for his visit to Washington

 Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani informed the Shiite coordination framework of the reasons for his visit to Washington, most notably the arrangement of the bilateral relationship between Iraq and the United States, according to what a leader in the framework said on Thursday.    

The leader of the framework, Amer Al-Fayez, told Shafaq News Agency that the coordination framework held a meeting yesterday, Wednesday, in the presence of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, during which the latter’s visit to the United States of America and the file of electing the Speaker of the House of Representatives were discussed.

He added that the Sudanese presented during the meeting the reasons for his visit to Washington, and that the purpose of the visit was to arrange the bilateral relationship between Iraq and the United States after the departure of the coalition forces, as discussions are now taking place between the joint military committees to arrange and discuss the mechanism for the exit of forces from Iraq.

Al-Fayez explained that Iraq is keen, at the same time, to maintain a friendly relationship with the United States, which is in the interest of both countries in the political, economic and security aspects, as well as in the field of training and military expertise.

He stressed that the visit comes for cooperation between Iraq and the United States, and that Al-Sudani will accompany with him during his visit a number of ministers, members of the House of Representatives, and businessmen for the purpose of making this visit a success, and arranging the bilateral relationship between Iraq and the United States.

He stated that during his visit to Washington, Al-Sudani will focus on developing economic relations between Iraq and the United States.

Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani is scheduled to visit Washington to meet with US President Joe Biden on April 15, in his first visit since assuming office in October 2022. ink



Okay so let’s look at the second article that came out on Thursday.

I can hardly believe my eyes when I read this next article. This is exactly what I wrote on Wednesday when I began compiling my Newsletter and then on Thursday out pops this article. WOW! WOW! I quote from this second article – “Recently, trends and numbers indicate that a reverse process has begun to take place in Iraq, which consists of reducing cash and getting rid of “surplus printed money” without printing new money in front of it, and increasing banks’ possession of this liquidity instead of leaving it in the hands of the street and citizens”  

Does this all make sense to you now? The CBI must shrink the money supply as during inflationary periods typically the central banks print more money but then you have to shrink it to decrease inflation. If you shrink the monetary mass, then each dinar is worth more. Get it? Remember in 2023 they had to print more dinars since they needed to compensate for taking the dollars out of circulation (de-dollarizing). Remember the articles telling us there was a shortage of cash on the streets? 

If you force the use of the dinar over the dollar then you have to give the citizens something to use for purchasing, something to work with. Right? Now they need to shrink it back since their reforms were successful in de-dollarizing. But at the same time the use of electronic payments, which we all witnessed are also useful and necessary in this process. This will not only help shrink the monetary mass but also curb corruption. We are literally witnessing the 2011 Dr Shabibi / IMF plan in motion to eventually get to the reinstatement part, we all want to see. 

So, do you understand how a few simple articles are packed with so much information telling us so much? In summary of today’s news these are points we should be most aware of:

1.Sanctions on the 28 banks are about to be lifted

2.This will allow these banks to once again deal in dollars, needed to be able to deposit these stashes dollars into the banks

3.Ali Alaq tells us of the urgency on moving ahead with these steps

4.Step #2 will allow the next program, in-country rate change of the dinar just over $1 to occur

5.The next step is the Project to Delete the Zeros

What are the next steps? We know it is the in-country rate needed to support the Project to Delete the Zeros as the next steps and, by design, it is to retrieve all this stashed currency and get it into the banks from the hordes in the Iraqi homes. Common sense then dictates to us that the only way they will be successful in these next steps is to raise the program rate higher over the dollar to create an incentive for this purpose. This will be the second rate change we have been told would occur and have been waiting for.

But remember that with these next steps, this is still in the “program” rate and for in-country only. We will still NOT be able to exchange our dinars outside Iraq until the reinstatement which follows the Project to Delete the Zeros. Get it? Lets’ not go off half-cocked as there is much work to be done yet before we go off to the bank to exchange. But the good part is that once these sanctions are lifted the choo choo is moving again but now even faster down the tracks…. choo! choo! 😊 😊 😊

Please, please stop trying to follow the budget and these other events. Last year these gurus did exactly the same thinking and tracked the passing of 2023 budget, then it passed and yet we sat with no RV. Here we are in April 2024 with still no RV. So, what do these idiots do again? They chase the 2024 budget again. Every year they track these same targets under opinion and not factual reasoning. Just speculation which always leads to nothing. 

Another really stupid intel guru notion, and I can’t emphasis enough how stupid, is that the new rate is in the budget. really? Like I told you last year the budgets are always flexible and are NOT based on the rate of the dinar but rather on the future market price they project they can get for a barrel of oil. Understand? It is really very simple. The currency is just an instrument any country uses for business and street transactions. Why in hell would their budget be dependent on the rate of the dinar or any currency? Anyone who tells you this is STUPID and it only shows their ignorance. I would stay away from anything they say! .....

Currency reduced great article there is hope BY NADER FROM MID EAST

Dollar falls again against the dinar in Baghdad and Erbil, 4 APRIL

  Dollar falls again against the dinar in Baghdad and Erbil

Shafaq News / The exchange rates of the US dollar fell, on Thursday, in the markets of Baghdad, and in Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region.

The correspondent of the Shafaq News Agency said that the dollar prices fell with the opening of the Al-Kifah and Al-Harithia stock exchanges to record 147,100 dinars for every 100 dollars, while it recorded on Wednesday 147,650 dinars for every 100 dollars.

Our correspondent pointed out that the selling prices in exchange shops in local markets in Baghdad fell, as the selling price reached 148,000 dinars, while the purchase amounted to 146,000 dinars per 100 dollars.

In Erbil, the dollar also recorded a decline in exchange shops, with a selling price of 146,900 dinars against the dollar and the purchase price of 146,800 dinars against 100 dollars.

Evening News with MarkZ. Special guests. 04/04/2024


  In today’s article the CBI tells us and I quote again – “the governor of the Central Bank promised to submit a report to the US Treasury to lift the ban on Iraqi banks, which number 28 private banks,” expecting “the ban on those banks to be lifted during the coming period.”

Okay, so we all know that when Iraq says “the coming period” it could means days, weeks or even months. But I don’t believe this is weeks but instead more like days in this case. Why do I say this?

I say this because my contact in the CBI is telling me this is “urgent” and they need to get the Project to Delete the Zeros underway. So, to me there must be some sort of time table going on here. The CBI is moving on a clock now. This is VERY GOOD also because it shows they are aggressively moving ahead now once again with the currency reform (monetary reform). This is exactly what we needed to see. Get it? Will it stall again?

I can’t tell you the schedule going forward but I can say there is some urgency to move ahead to the next step of currency reform. Could it be the Israeli/ Gaza strip conflict? Could they want to get the reinstatement done before this situation blows up? Your guess is as good as mine to answer these questions and I am not going to make up stories to sound so smart and then lie to you. Simply put- I don’t know. I am not going to lie and make up stories like these other arrogant, egocentric, know it all intel gurus idiots....




Welcome to April and so let’s spring into the season of Spring. Like the unfolding of the season of Spring we are slowly seeing the sovereignty of Iraq coming to a reality and not just on paper but in tangible evidence.

If you remember I presented an article last week in my Newsletter telling of a decision made last Wednesday by the Parliamentary Investment and Development Committee revealing the intention of Central Bank Governor Ali Al-Alaq to submit a report to the US Treasury to lift the ban on 28 banks.

Why is this so important to our investment in the dinar?

There are a couple good articles we need to pay attention to in today’s news. The first new article tells of this same news once again but adds a justification for the CBI wanting these banks off the sanctions and to allow them to deal in dollars again. I am not guessing this is their words not mine. I will quote from the article – “The head of the committee, Hassan Al-Khafaji, said in a statement followed by Al-Ghad Press, “The committee proposed to the Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, to ​​support private banks and involve them in loans,” explaining that “the governor confirmed his support after lifting minor violations against some banks .” 

Okay, so you have it from the proverbial “horse’s mouth”. It is now the CBI itself telling us why they need these banks off the sanctions list. This is exactly what we need to see happen and I was told by my CBI contact this is going to happen, its just a matter of time now. I quote again – “The committee proposed to the Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, to ​​support private banks and involve them in loans,

Loans? What loans?

The economy needs this money (in the form of US dollars) that is stashed in the homes. We were told by the CBI in past articles that this stashed money is a very large part of the monetary mass. We were also just told that the total monetary mass is now over 100 trillion and the CBI does not want to print anymore, thus is must retrieve this money and put it back into the economy.

They need this stashed money in the banks to loan out to kick start this economy. These 28 banks, while under sanctions, can’t deal in dollars so how will they be able to take in these dollars into their banks and convert them to dinars then? The answer is obvious – these sanctions will have to be lifted first. Get it? This is now what the CBI is requesting from the US Treasury. Will they lift the sanctions as requested? Let’s see if they do. Why won’t they? Do you also think they will be talking about this issue in Al-Sudani’s visit to the US in mid April? Personally, I do not think this issue is going to be stretched out that long. In today’s article the CBI tells us and I quote again – “the governor of the Central Bank promised to submit a report to the US Treasury to lift the ban on Iraqi banks, which number 28 private banks,” expecting “the ban on those banks to be lifted during the coming period .”

Okay, so we all know that when Iraq says “the coming period” it could means days, weeks or even months. But I don’t believe this is weeks but instead more like days in this case. Why do I say this?

I say this because my contact in the CBI is telling me this is “urgent” and they need to get the Project to Delete the Zeros underway. So, to me there must be some sort of time table going on here. The CBI is moving on a clock now. This is VERY GOOD also because it shows they are aggressively moving ahead now once again with the currency reform (monetary reform). This is exactly what we needed to see. Get it? Will it stall again?

I can’t tell you the schedule going forward but I can say there is some urgency to move ahead to the next step of currency reform. Could it be the Israeli/ Gaza strip conflict? Could they want to get the reinstatement done before this situation blows up? Your guess is as good as mine to answer these questions and I am not going to make up stories to sound so smart and then lie to you. Simply put- I don’t know. I am not going to lie and make up stories like these other arrogant, egocentric, know it all intel gurus idiots.....




"IRAQ NEWS ANALYSIS: Topped by the Kuwaiti dinar... Iraq is among the strongest currencies in the world BY TISHWASH" 4 APRIL

 Tishwash:  Iraq is no where on this list  but in their news they added themselves hahaha are they trying to tell their citizens something? Hahaha

Topped by the Kuwaiti dinar... Iraq is among the strongest currencies in the world

The strength of a currency is determined based on various factors, including interest rate differences and terms of trade. What will be the strongest currencies in the world in 2024?

The Techopedia website published a classification of the world's strongest currencies against the US dollar, and the site stressed the importance of various economic indicators and geopolitical tensions in determining the currency exchange rate.

Currency strength is the relative purchasing power of the currency compared to other currencies, and the US currency was adopted in the classification as a standard. According to the site, 3 Arab currencies topped the rankings.

Below are the 10 strongest currencies in the world (based on data from March 27, 2024): link



 @Goldilocks. And team had a call with representatives with the central bank of Iraq. 🇮🇶. These representatives have said no we have not had an Ri or RV.  Check the website of the CBI here :

The CBI is the central bank of Iraq 🇮🇶. They control the currency in IRAQ 🇮🇶.


The East is beginning to move/control the price of gold over the dollar. Is gold about to decouple from the dollar? 

And, Ripple is launching their own stablecoin as a bridge asset. Ripple is a liquidity coin that can bridge payments between two countries' currencies.

Ripple is capable of moving the Central Bank Digital Coin/Gold from one country to the next. 

Is Ripple the next World Reserve Asset backed by gold? In the new Financial System, "All roads lead to Digital Gold, and Digital Gold will set us free."

© Goldilocks

Pimpy and Nader live 04/03/24 - Exchange rate


Bruce Intel 04/02/2024.

So the number one intelligence source said, there are only 19 people in the world who know when this is going to happen and CW was on call on Saturday and said that when it went out and the number one person said the blackout already from last week, and the BHs were moving and today we were told that the BHs we know should get their email tonight or tomorrow and then we will have access to our 800 numbers and also the main WF person could come anytime between Wednesday afternoon and Friday morning.

 On top of that, we hear that these smaller BHs we know should receive and expect these emails starting tomorrow at 11 and Thursday and reinforce that guy number 1 received an encrypted message from a prominent person: "I would love to tell you without receive "I have something in a ringtone - this should be available in a day or two."

 So basically tomorrow through Friday, and these are people who really know what's going on and the BHs expect their emails and their liquid between tomorrow, between 11 a.m. and 11 p.m. and Thursday, so now until Friday would be our current window.

 So with CW in blackout and we just need those BH to become liquid and then us 12 hours after that. Don't bother asking about political changes because no one is going to tell you; keep an eye on your emails from tomorrow morning until the end of the week.

That's right, Truly is ALL they have, and so why don't Sue and Bob remember Intel? Speechless. Sue simply thanks the module for reminding her about INTEL. So we again closed the call in prayer and asked for prayers for Bruce. And I thank everyone for being on the call and enjoy these last few days in this invisible realm and we hope to bloom abundantly very soon and Sue closes the call and thanks Bob.

 Dear ones, keep saying those prayers until you receive those email notifications. I KNOW EVERYONE WILL DO IT. Thank you all so much because it is desperately needed in our world.



 Bruce Intel 02/04/2024.

Entonces, la fuente de inteligencia número uno dijo: solo hay 19 personas en el mundo que saben cuándo sucederá esto y CW estuvo de guardia el sábado y dijo que cuando se apagó y la persona número uno dijo que el apagón ya de la semana pasada, y los BH se estaban mudando y hoy nos dijeron que los BH que conocemos deberían recibir su correo electrónico esta noche o mañana y luego tendremos acceso a nuestros números 800 y también la persona principal de WF podría ir en cualquier momento entre el miércoles por la tarde y el viernes por la mañana. 

Además de eso, escuchamos que estos BH más pequeños que conocemos deberían recibir y esperar estos correos electrónicos a partir de mañana a las 11 y el jueves y reforzar que el tipo número 1 recibió un mensaje cifrado de una persona destacada: "Me encantaría decírtelo sin recibir "Tengo algo en un timbre: esto debería estar disponible en uno o dos días".

Así que básicamente de mañana a viernes, y estas son personas que realmente saben lo que está pasando y los BH esperan sus correos electrónicos y su líquido entre mañana, entre las 11 a.m. y el jueves, así que ahora hasta El viernes sería nuestra ventana actual. 

Entonces, con CW en apagón y solo necesitamos que esos BH se vuelvan líquidos y luego nosotros 12 horas después de eso. No te molestes en preguntar sobre los cambios políticos porque nadie te lo va a decir; mantente atento a tus correos electrónicos desde mañana por la mañana hasta el final de la semana. 

Así es, Truly es TODO lo que tienen y, entonces, ¿por qué Sue y Bob no recuerdan Intel? Sin palabras. Sue simplemente agradece al módulo que le recuerde acerca de INTEL. Así que nuevamente cerramos la llamada en oración y pedimos oraciones por Bruce. Y agradezco a todos por estar en la llamada y disfruten estos últimos días en este reino invisible y esperamos florecer abundantemente muy pronto y Sue cierra la llamada y agradece a Bob. 

Queridos, sigan rezando esas oraciones hasta que reciban esas notificaciones por correo electrónico. Sé que TODOS LO HARÁN. Muchas gracias a todos porque se necesita desesperadamente en nuestro mundo. 




Zimbabwe has set its sights on joining the New Development Bank (NDB), an institution established by the BRICS economic bloc. Persistence Gwanyanya, a prominent economist and member of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe’s monetary policy committee, confirmed the country’s application in a recent interview with The Herald.

“We have applied to join the New BRICS Development Bank,” Gwanyanya said. He expressed optimism about Zimbabwe’s application, citing support from BRICS members Brazil, Russia, and South Africa.

Gwanyanya clarified that Zimbabwe’s pursuit of NDB membership does not preclude its aspirations to join the BRICS alliance itself. “Zimbabwe, like many African nations, is committed to achieving sustainable economic growth and transformation through continental integration,” he explained. “We value our collaboration with BRICS partners in fulfilling our market integration goals.” Daily News Egypt

The BRICS alliance may be preparing a big announcement at the upcoming summit. In fact, with more interested nations awaiting invitations, all eyes will be on which nations will receive formal invitations to join the newly expanded BRICS+.

Nations looking to ditch the US dollar and join the growing bloc hope the summit will also include talks on enlargement.   Slobodenpecat

IQD REER/NEER Exchange Rates at $1.00 USD #iqdf BY SANDY INGRAM



China is beginning to signal a policy change in the buying and selling of government bonds. They are beginning to indicate the desire to sell their bonds to prop up their currency which is a tactic the US currently utilizes. 

Japan is also considering this tactic, and other countries will witness the benefits of these changes. 

One thing is for certain, it will change the dynamics of trade between countries going forward. This move will indicate a global shift in the way many countries will begin utilizing the same measures that the US does in trade and banking within their own countries. 

When we see this trend begin to take place, it will begin putting price pressures on exchange rates going forward and many will begin to move into real values. 

© Goldilocks,return%20back%20to%20the%20U.S.,trends%20and%20make%20informed%20decisions.

"This bank will issue bonds ( Enjaz ) on behalf of the Ministry of Finance."

👆 Do you see what's going on here? Someone is about to sell government bonds to prop up their currency. A pattern is forming among countries.

© Goldilocks

Where the U.S. Dollar May Be Headed in 2024 | Charles Schwab

Great expectations: How treasury bonds and interest rate changes impact currencies | OFX (US),will%20have%20the%20opposite%20effect.