Thursday, April 4, 2024



Okay so let’s look at the second article that came out on Thursday.

I can hardly believe my eyes when I read this next article. This is exactly what I wrote on Wednesday when I began compiling my Newsletter and then on Thursday out pops this article. WOW! WOW! I quote from this second article – “Recently, trends and numbers indicate that a reverse process has begun to take place in Iraq, which consists of reducing cash and getting rid of “surplus printed money” without printing new money in front of it, and increasing banks’ possession of this liquidity instead of leaving it in the hands of the street and citizens”  

Does this all make sense to you now? The CBI must shrink the money supply as during inflationary periods typically the central banks print more money but then you have to shrink it to decrease inflation. If you shrink the monetary mass, then each dinar is worth more. Get it? Remember in 2023 they had to print more dinars since they needed to compensate for taking the dollars out of circulation (de-dollarizing). Remember the articles telling us there was a shortage of cash on the streets? 

If you force the use of the dinar over the dollar then you have to give the citizens something to use for purchasing, something to work with. Right? Now they need to shrink it back since their reforms were successful in de-dollarizing. But at the same time the use of electronic payments, which we all witnessed are also useful and necessary in this process. This will not only help shrink the monetary mass but also curb corruption. We are literally witnessing the 2011 Dr Shabibi / IMF plan in motion to eventually get to the reinstatement part, we all want to see. 

So, do you understand how a few simple articles are packed with so much information telling us so much? In summary of today’s news these are points we should be most aware of:

1.Sanctions on the 28 banks are about to be lifted

2.This will allow these banks to once again deal in dollars, needed to be able to deposit these stashes dollars into the banks

3.Ali Alaq tells us of the urgency on moving ahead with these steps

4.Step #2 will allow the next program, in-country rate change of the dinar just over $1 to occur

5.The next step is the Project to Delete the Zeros

What are the next steps? We know it is the in-country rate needed to support the Project to Delete the Zeros as the next steps and, by design, it is to retrieve all this stashed currency and get it into the banks from the hordes in the Iraqi homes. Common sense then dictates to us that the only way they will be successful in these next steps is to raise the program rate higher over the dollar to create an incentive for this purpose. This will be the second rate change we have been told would occur and have been waiting for.

But remember that with these next steps, this is still in the “program” rate and for in-country only. We will still NOT be able to exchange our dinars outside Iraq until the reinstatement which follows the Project to Delete the Zeros. Get it? Lets’ not go off half-cocked as there is much work to be done yet before we go off to the bank to exchange. But the good part is that once these sanctions are lifted the choo choo is moving again but now even faster down the tracks…. choo! choo! 😊 😊 😊

Please, please stop trying to follow the budget and these other events. Last year these gurus did exactly the same thinking and tracked the passing of 2023 budget, then it passed and yet we sat with no RV. Here we are in April 2024 with still no RV. So, what do these idiots do again? They chase the 2024 budget again. Every year they track these same targets under opinion and not factual reasoning. Just speculation which always leads to nothing. 

Another really stupid intel guru notion, and I can’t emphasis enough how stupid, is that the new rate is in the budget. really? Like I told you last year the budgets are always flexible and are NOT based on the rate of the dinar but rather on the future market price they project they can get for a barrel of oil. Understand? It is really very simple. The currency is just an instrument any country uses for business and street transactions. Why in hell would their budget be dependent on the rate of the dinar or any currency? Anyone who tells you this is STUPID and it only shows their ignorance. I would stay away from anything they say! .....

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  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...