Saturday, September 30, 2023

Vegas Meet and Greet with MarkZ and Mike Bara. 09/30/2023

Incredible News!! CBI going to Release new denomination smaller Notes To...

The Governor of the Central Bank talks about 9 files, most notably the exchange rate and inflation, 30 SEPT

 The Governor of the Central Bank talks about 9 files, most notably the exchange rate and inflation


Central Bank Governor Ali Al-Alaq revealed the success of monetary policy in reducing the inflation rate in the country, and while announcing the date of abandoning the electronic platform, he pointed to the reasons for stopping the industrial initiative and imposing interest on housing loans.

 The Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, said in an interview with the Iraqi News Agency (INA), followed by “Al-Iqtisad News”: “The Central Bank views the exchange rate as something directly related to the general level of prices in the country, and that the bank has succeeded in covering the needs of importers at the official price.”

He stressed that the monetary policy succeeded in maintaining the general level of prices through the most important indicators of inflation, which witnessed a decline, and this is the main matter that the Central Bank focuses on in the success of its monetary policy.

He added that “maintaining the general level of prices and a low inflation rate indicates The success of the monetary policy, especially after real traders engaged in the conversion process at the official rate, which gave reassurance in the conduct of foreign trade.”

The electronic platform
He pointed out that “the electronic platform witnessed many difficulties at the beginning of its work, which led to the reluctance of some people to enter it,” indicating that “the implementation rate in the electronic platform has now increased from 20 percent to 95 percent, and this gave reassurance that entering the platform provides speed and safety.” .
He pointed out that "accessing the electronic platform in the external transfer process spares all parties from the risks of being exposed to local and international sanctions," warning of some merchants who cannot work in an organized atmosphere and are looking for chaos, and that the Central Bank is working to contain this challenge in coordination with the government to besiege it. These are the categories that are being diagnosed and followed up.”

Al-Alaq stated that “90% of the Central Bank’s sales are for the purposes of remittances and external transfers, and they are proceeding smoothly and at the official price (1320), but the problem lies in the cash side, which represents 10% of internal daily sales,” indicating that “ten percent is sufficient.” To meet the needs of travelers, but some are trying to dominate by withdrawing the amount allocated to travelers, which creates pressure and an increase in the cash price, and these parties have been identified as carrying out illegal and criminal operations.”

Al-Alaq revealed the process of developing the cash sales system allocated to the traveler within a system prepared by exchange companies, and it is being developed to fill the gaps, and does not accept repetition and the unreal traveler,” denying that there is a tendency to stop selling cash dollars to travelers, and that the Central Bank has no problem in covering requests.

The correct and legitimate ones are within the categories (travelers - study - treatment - private transfers), as the bank provided this through financial transfer companies represented by (Western Union and Mini Card).”

Direct transfer

He explained that "the electronic platform is now being gradually transitioned to direct transfer between the Iraqi Bank and the correspondent bank, with an international auditing company in the middle, stressing that the Central Bank has cut the 60 percent that does not pass through the platform, but rather is a direct transfer."

Al-Alaq noted that "next year The Central Bank will permanently cease being an intermediary in the process, and the electronic platform will end next year and become direct transfer operations as internationally approved. This is a major shift that will put things on the right path, accelerate transfer operations, and intertwine relations with international banks.”

The truth about Iraq's loss of 27 trillion

He pointed out that “the idea of linking the exchange rate to filling the general budget deficit is an inaccurate view, and that the central bank is responsible for determining monetary policy, determining the exchange rate within the indicators it has, and achieving the goal of monetary policy,” indicating that “the calculation process is for those who say that Iraq will lose 27 trillion.”

The difference between changing the exchange rate is a wrong process, and 30 percent of oil revenues do not enter the central bank, because the Ministry of Finance uses them for external payments, while the second part is that the exchange rate should not be linked to achieving balance in the budget.

US Treasury

Al-Alaq confirmed that “the US Assistant Secretary of the Treasury praised during her visit to Iraq the measures taken by the Central Bank to organize the external transfer process, implement compliance rules, combat money laundering and terrorist financing, and direct coordination between the Central Bank, the US Treasury and the Federal Bank, and there is very great American satisfaction.” In this context".

Penalties on banks.

He noted that “the Central Bank is conducting a review and audit process to diagnose violations on the 14 banks who were subject to restrictions and denial of access to the dollar,” indicating that “the Central Bank indicated the presence of a response and compliance from the 14 banks to the specified standards.”

He stated that "the American side does not restrict the demand for the dollar, and there is coordination regarding cash shipments through an annual agreement on the number of shipments and their dates," stressing that the Central Bank prefers to use non-cash payment tools through the use of cards (Visa and MasterCard), which has recorded a significant increase. During the past months, this is a good indicator that reduces the focus on the use of cash, and reduces the trouble of reviewing companies to obtain cash dollars.”

Regulating trade with Iran

Al-Alaq added, "There are ongoing discussions to regulate the import process from the Iranian side in a way that does not expose Iraq to any problems by violating sanctions and agreements," indicating that "the Central Bank will reach a clear formula in organizing the trade process, especially since part of it is through barter."

He stated that "an agreement was reached to settle the debts incurred by Iraq from Iranian gas imports through a new method through which these amounts are paid."

Adopting new currencies.

He noted that “there is work to adopt the UAE dirham, the Turkish lira, the Indian rupee, and the euro as part of the process of facilitating external transfer by opening direct outlets in the currencies of the countries we deal with,” noting that “the trade balance with India amounts to 3 billion.” Dollar, and there are also high numbers for imports from the Emirates and Turkey.”
He stressed that "the Central Bank has reached advanced stages of understanding in adopting the currencies of these countries, which will facilitate the external transfer process."

Campaign to support the dinar.

Al-Alaq said, “The campaign to support the Iraqi dinar is multi-faceted and multi-party. Its goal is the sovereignty of the local currency in internal transactions instead of foreign currencies, which are being limited. There is a gradual transition process within the Prime Minister’s directive to limit dealing in the Iraqi dinar internally, and to oblige companies to do so, which A large percentage of them responded.”

The industrial initiative and housing loans.

Al-Alaq pointed out that “the industrial initiative has not stopped, but the amounts approved for it have been exhausted, and the volume of the loaned initiatives has reached more than 13 trillion dinars,” indicating that “the Central Bank has raised the interest on the housing initiative to 2 percent, and this is a low price compared to other countries.” Globalism".

He explained that "the stated interest does not include complexes that received previous payments, while it includes new complexes."    LINK

Al-Fateh: The American decision still dominates Iraq.. What do we need to get rid of it?, 30 SEPT

 Al-Fateh: The American decision still dominates Iraq.. What do we need to get rid of it?

Today, Saturday, the Al-Fatah Alliance said that the American decision is still “dominant” over Iraqi political decision-making, and while it confirmed that the country has not fully recovered, it indicated the possibility of removing Iraqi funds from American custody.   

The leader of the coalition, Aed Sahib, said in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, “America is putting pressure on Iraq because it has not completely emerged from the UN resolutions, especially since the process of removing Iraqi funds from American custody may cause the loss and seizure of these funds.”

He added, "The Iraqi state's decision has not fully recovered. If we want to compare the strength of the Iraqi decision and Qatar's in dealing with the United States of America, we notice that the latter has a very great advantage, as it possesses large sovereign funds."

The leader of the Al-Amiri coalition explained, “These policies confirm one thing, which is that Iraq has not officially recovered, and the American decision is still dominant and in control of Iraqi political decision-making.”

Sahib said: “We need a long period for Iraq to get rid of these accumulations and control its economic situation away from America.”

The head of the Victory Alliance, Haider al-Abadi, had previously confirmed that America is imposing measures on us regarding the dollar without stopping its smuggling through the banks of Turkey and the Emirates, indicating that Washington considers Iraq a “wall of fate.”

During the current period, America has worked to destroy the Iraqi currency by imposing sanctions on Iraqi banks and banning the dollar under many pretexts, which in one way or another led to a severe financial crisis in the Iraqi markets.   link

Iraq = International = Forex💣IQD = $3.00 - $4.25?🤔Iraq Dinar RV Updates ...

Resolving Financial Relations: Iraq and Iran Settle Gas Debt, 30 SEPT

 Resolving Financial Relations: Iraq and Iran Settle Gas Debt, 30 SEPT

New Approach to Settling Debts

The Iraqi Central Bank recently announced a significant shift in the financial relations between Iraq and Iran, marking a new chapter in their economic dealings. A new agreement has been reached between Baghdad and Tehran, addressing the longstanding issue of Iraq’s gas debt to Iran. The precise details of this novel approach remain undisclosed, but the announcement signals a resolution to the long-standing problem of Iraq’s debt to Iran.

Impact of US Sanctions

Given the decades of conflict and international sanctions, Iraq relies heavily on gas imports from Iran to meet about a third of its energy needs. However, US sanctions on Iranian oil and gas have imposed restrictions on how Baghdad can pay for these imports. As a result, direct cash transfers to Iran are not possible, and payments must be held in a bank account, from which Tehran can fund imports of food and medicines. This system has left Iraq heavily in arrears, leading Iran to respond by periodically cutting off the gas supply.

Calls for Unlocking Payments

In response to the ongoing issue, a coalition of pro-Iran factions in Iraq, known as the Coordination Framework, has urged the government to press the United States to unlock pending payments for gas imports. This coalition, which holds significant influence over Iraqi parliament, voiced its concerns over frequent power outages experienced across the country during the hot summer months, when temperatures often reach 50 degrees Celsius (122 degrees Fahrenheit).

Alternative Solutions

To reduce dependence on Iranian gas, Iraq has been exploring several alternatives, including imports from Gulf countries like Qatar and recovering flared gas from oil fields. The government is also considering bartering oil for gas with Iran, a move designed to alleviate the worsening electricity crisis in Iraq. This move does not violate U.S. sanctions on Tehran, which apply to financial transactions but not to barter deals. However, the arrangement has not been officially communicated to Washington.

The Barter Agreement

According to a senior political official close to the Iraqi government, the barter agreement would see Iraq send 250,000 barrels of crude oil to Iran daily. This arrangement could potentially mitigate the severe power shortages in Iraq caused by Iran cutting off the gas supply due to unpaid debts. In return, Iran would resume its gas exports to Iraq, thereby restoring the energy supply to previous levels.

Future Outlook

Despite the challenges, Iraq is committed to meeting its energy needs and reducing its reliance on Iranian gas. The government recently announced a massive 27 billion energy deal with a French energy giant, TotalEnergies, which is expected to boost local electricity production. This deal is seen as a significant step towards shifting Iraq away from needing Iranian gas imports. The Iraqi Prime Minister has expressed optimism that these projects will end the need for imports within two to three years upon completion.

Legacy of War: How Past Conflicts Fuel Present Resistance Movements, 30 sept

 Legacy of War: How Past Conflicts Fuel Present Resistance Movements, 30 sept

The Shadow of the Past

The echo of past conflicts often lingers long after the final gunshot has faded into silence. This is strikingly true for the eight-year Iran-Iraq War, the memories of which continue to fuel resistance movements even today. A veteran’s perspective offers a unique insight into the enduring legacy of this conflict and how past wars influence present and future movements.

The Iran-Iraq War: A Memory Etched in Stone

For eight tumultuous years, the nations of Iran and Iraq were embroiled in a bitter conflict that would leave an indelible mark on both countries. Saddam Hussein, the then dictator of Iraq, forced this war onto Iran, and it was a war that received backing from various Western countries. The memory of this conflict remains a potent source of inspiration for resistance movements even today.

A Veteran’s Perspective

A veteran who lived through this conflict shares his belief that the war continues to fuel resistance movements. The memory of the conflict, the sacrifices, and the struggle for survival has not faded with time. Instead, it has become a rallying cry for those who seek to resist oppression and assert their rights. The war, in this sense, has become an enduring symbol of resistance and a source of inspiration for those who seek to challenge the status quo.

War as a Catalyst for Resistance

Wars have often served as catalysts for resistance movements. The shared experience of war, with its many sacrifices and hardships, can foster a strong sense of solidarity among those who lived through it. This sense of shared struggle can, in turn, fuel the desire for change and serve as a powerful motivator for resistance.

The Role of Western Countries

Another factor that contributes to the enduring legacy of this conflict is the role played by Western countries. The fact that these countries backed Saddam Hussein in his war against Iran is a memory that still rankles many. This perceived betrayal has served to fuel anti-Western sentiment and has become a rallying point for resistance movements. It serves as a potent reminder that the fight is not just against local oppressors, but also against foreign powers that seek to influence the region’s affairs.


The enduring legacy of the Iran-Iraq War and its impact on contemporary resistance movements is a testament to the profound effects of war. Far from being confined to the past, the memories and experiences of conflicts can continue to shape the present and influence the future. As we seek to understand current resistance movements and the forces that drive them, we must not overlook the shadow of past conflicts that looms large over the present.

VND Investment Tip #VND Vietnam Forex Zimbabwe Even Better Longer Wait? by SANDY INGRAM

House of Representatives: Key Votes and Draft Laws, 30 sept

 House of Representatives: Key Votes and Draft Laws, 30 sept

Overview of Recent Legislative Activities

The House of Representatives has been engaged in a series of votes on various decisions and draft laws. These include issues relating to social, diplomatic, and administrative matters. The House has also been involved in the ratification of agreements with foreign governments. However, some important votes have been postponed for later dates.

Acknowledging Tragedy: Hamdaniya District Decision

One of the critical decisions passed by the House of Representatives pertains to the tragic events in the Hamdaniya district. Although the specifics of this tragedy have not been disclosed, the decision by the House signifies their acknowledgment and commitment to address the incident. The move also showcases the role of the House in responding to incidents that affect the nation’s citizens and their well-being.

Diplomatic Relations: Iraq, Armenia, and Cyprus

The House also ratified agreements between the Republic of Iraq and the Armenian and Cypriot governments. These agreements aim to exempt holders of diplomatic and service passports from certain entry features. This decision highlights the ongoing effort to strengthen diplomatic ties and facilitate smoother international relations.

Appointments and Elections

In addition to regulatory decisions, the House has been active in electing and appointing individuals to key positions. Notably, Ali Youssef Shukri was appointed as the head of the Advisors and Experts Authority. Furthermore, Mohamed Younis al-Jubouri was elected as the head of the Accountability and Justice Authority, with Salah Muzahim serving as Vice-President. These appointments underline the House’s commitment to ensuring competent leadership in key governmental roles.

Postponed Decisions: National Nuclear Supervisory Bill and Creation of Halabja Governorate

Despite the progress in decision-making and law drafting, some key votes have been postponed. These include the vote on the draft law on the National Nuclear, Supreme, Chemical and Biological Supervisory Bill. The delay in this vote underlines the complexity and significance of the issue, as it pertains to national security and international relations. Similarly, the vote to create the Halabja Governorate in the Republic of Iraq has also been postponed. This decision relates to the administrative division of the country and affects local governance.


In conclusion, the activities of the House of Representatives reflect a diverse range of national issues. From addressing social tragedies to facilitating international relations, the House is instrumental in shaping the nation’s policy and administrative landscape. The postponed votes also highlight the ongoing challenges and complexities in decision-making at the national level.



So, in the past we have talked lots about SECURITY & STABILITY and how they were necessary to conduct the Project to Delete the zeros, which leads to the RV and Reinstatement.
But we talked more about the stability part and so let’s cover the security part today.
Is Iraq secure?
Do they have the capability the worth off another major ISIS or like threat?
I quote – “The Joint Operations Command confirmed, today, Wednesday, that it possesses all preparations and weapons to preserve the country’s security and capabilities.
The command’s spokesman, Major General Tahseen Al-Khafaji, said {to Al-Furat News}: “We, as security forces, possess the preparations and weapons that enable us to maintain the security of our country, its capabilities, and vital targets.”
Al-Khafaji added, “The armament of the security forces is good and we aspire for it to be higher, as well”.
Also the US government in Washington confirmed that the presence of US troops in Iraq is agreed with Baghdad days after statements by Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shiaa Al-Sudani that ISIS no longer poses a threat, and that his country no longer needs the international coalition.
I quote from the article – “ US forces are in Iraq at the invitation of the Iraqi government to undertake the task of advising, assisting and empowering,” State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said.
Also Al-Sudani noted in an interview with C. N. On the sidelines of his participation in the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, the “the Iraqi and American Ministries of Foreign Affairs are arranging a date this year, to meet the invitation of the American President for us to visit Washington,” noting that “one of the most important topics to be discussed in the visit is the Strategic Framework Agreement.”
You decide if Iraq is now secure enough….. 😊
Does it meet these guidelines of SECUIRTY imposed by the U.S.?
Why would the US agreed to pull out of Iraq is they felt it was not secure enough and Iraqis could not handle a crisis?
THE DOLLAR SAGA continues….
We also read in the news today that over the course of the dollar crisis, the government took several decisions that were intended to reduce the value of the dollar against the dinar, but these decisions failed to find solutions, and the crisis is still continuing.
The economic expert, Diaa Al-Mohsen, believes that the Central Bank of Iraq is “incapable” of finding the real mechanism to control the rise in dollar prices, pointing out that “the Central Bank works with a mechanism that allows the process of evasion and currency smuggling.
But we know the solution they must take and that is to make the Iraqi dinar more valuable than the US dollar.
Al-Sudani months ago already told us the dinar was more valuable but the “official rate” is still 1/6 of a penny.
So, until they decide to pull the plug and let it go they will continue this fight against the dollar.
The new peg is to six main of the developed countries with only about 65% to the USD.
They are now pumping 2/3 more oil and have agriculture exports now and also 132 tons of gold.
Also lots of needed and valued industry needed minerals.
The Customs & Tariffs alone, if they can get their head out of their asses, could rival the oil revenues.
They are filthy rich! 😊
I am seeing a constant rate of about USD $3.80-$4.25 range on the back screens at the bank right now.
I wish we can see the RV at least within Iraq so they can exchange to the newer lower denominations by then, but I do not have a date.
Holiday in Iraq on Ocober 3 – iraqis will for the first time celebrate their Independence Day.
Next day – October 4 is Iraq finally a member of World Trade Organization.
This is hard facts that cannot be debunked.
Can Iraq still continue with the program rate of 1132 until the end of the year?
Or will CBI release the new small category notes before October 4?
This would be a grand idea for al-Sudani to do for the people on liberation day.
As you know they will not give out any dates only a window when they plan to do it.
I was told October for the re-education and them they should follow closely with the newer lower notes.
But remember this is not their final rate.
It is only a temporary rate in-country for the citizens to make the transition to the newer lower denominations and to suck up all the 3 zero notes.
I said temporary even in Iraq.
The dinar CAN NOT have two rates at once.
We will see a different rate on FOREX and this will then be the in-country then also once they complete the redenomination, which will be much higher.
Since they do plan, as far as I am hearing, to reinstate the dinar until around January, they will use the in-country RV rate first, as I just mentioned.
At that time the programs rates are done.
No more 1132, it will be around 1:1 with the US dollar.
About the WTO accession, the articles told us months ago they were in the final stages and so they are all ready to go.
They only want a currency that can be international prior to making the final move.
They don’t need the currency to revalue only reinstate to be in the WTO, but we know they will revalue when they do reinstate it and go international.
I repeat, they DO NOT have to RV (no mandate for the WTO says they do) only need to reinstate for the WTO, but they are choosing to significantly revalue when they do reinstate it.



(Any so-called intel guru that tells you the Oil and Gas law (HCL) is all done is flat out lying to you. Why do you even listen to their calls or visit their sites? They have no clue.)
Since the first session of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, in 2005, the draft oil and gas law has been locked away, as disagreements prevent its approval in its final form.
After 18 years, he announced, in late last August, the formation of a committee to develop “a draft of the oil and gas law and present it to the government and the House of Representatives,” according to what MP Firas Al-Muslimawy revealed to the Iraqi News Agency, “INA.”
The representative confirmed that “there is a real will in the House of Representatives to legislate the law,” noting that “Iraq’s oil is one and indivisible, and there is a movement towards achieving justice in the distribution of wealth to the people, whether in the Kurdistan region, the center, or the south.”

Weekend News with MarkZ 09/30/2023

Weekend News with MarkZ 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

MZ: We talk with Matt and Lucas (CBD Gurus) for the first 30 minutes and then talk about the news of the week and what next week may bring.

Member: Mark, hope your having a good time in Vegas. Just remember what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

Member: Welcome to the weekend….and the last day of September…and the Last day of the fiscal year 2023!!!!   

Member: And it’s a Saturday…..Saturday night is when all the banks close worldwide for a short time……coincidence????   Or Perfect Storm ?

Member: Did anyone hear Nader yesterday? He says he got paid from the HCL

Member: What is the HCL?

MZ: The Hydo Carbon Law. Its where they share money, profits, revenues from oil-natural gas ect…..with the citizens of Iraq including the Kurdish region. We have been told for many years this is a key piece. And Very soon after the HCL was implemented we were told that we would see the dinar value changes. 

Member: Wish he said something about rate - I've seen $5 in country elsewhere

Member: TNT also stated he received reports from Iraq contacts that they received HCL funds. He mentioned a rate of $5.00! WOWZA

Member:  I wouldn't be surprised if it went that high... So much has been kept under wraps for a long time on purpose

Member:  It's right in the middle of Mark's expected range - 4-6

MZ: So HCL money….Nader is saying there are reports of people receiving HCL money. That does not mean a revalued dinar yet. Just that the HCL is completed and paying. 

MZ: I am continuing to hear very positive stuff on expectations of a rate change. They are giving us dates from this weekend to sometime in the first week of October.

MZ: Nothing on CMKX and Mr. C did check in this morning and he has not been paid. 

MZ: No news from bond holders …yet. I do know who has an appointment on Tuesday and has great expectations of walking away fully funded…’s a rumor until they have money in their pockets. 

MZ: I will be at a meet and greet this afternoon at 2 pm PST….…..if there is internet and I have more news I will try to share it then. 

Member: I heard Iraq and Kuwait have an agreement to keep the dinar within a few cents of each other’s currency.

Member: Kuwait is about $3.50 or so right now…or somewhere in that ballpark. 

Member: Does anyone know if we will be taxed on this exchange?

Member: if it's taxed just be thankful for what you're getting it's a blessing

Member: I was told that all we are doing is exchanges! No tax on exchanging currencies-imo

Member: I heard The Fed did try to tax currencies 25% that are changed, but they don't think it's going to happen

MZ: I continue to hear we will not have taxes on this exchange. I suggest everyone plan on having taxes…..but hopefully there will be none. I had just picked up more currency to cover taxes if there is any. You guys handle it how you want to. 

Member: Does the RV (Revaluation) have to happen before Iraq ascends to the World Trade organization on Oct. 4th?

MZ: Not but the dinar has to be a fully accepted international currency all around the world without any restrictions…..this would be a massive change.

MZ: I do know a few Iraqi citizens that are planning trips home to Iraq next week in anticipation. Does this mean anything…..I guess it could…or it couldn’t???. 

Member: I have a great Wells Fargo update ... they are closing branches and let a number of people go yesterday in Oregon. Giving some the option to go to wealth management.

Member: I’m not even going to lie I’m beginning to doubt this whole thing. So much time into it and nothing.

Member:  It,s been a long and slow and at times painful journey, but the last year has been amazing. We are there...Keep the faith

Mod: Every Situation in life is temporary, So when Life is Good, Make Sure you enjoy it, and when life is NOT so Good, Remember that it Will NOT LAST Forever and BETTER Days are Ahead! 

Member:  Goodbye, September. Bring on Red October! Or maybe Green October??


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )


Weekend News with MarkZ 09/30/2023

Iraq pushes to enforce arbitration award against Turkey: Iraqi oil report, 30 SEPT

 Iraq pushes to enforce arbitration award against Turkey: Iraqi oil report, 30 SEPT

Shafaq News/ In a U.S. legal filing, Iraq contested Turkey's effort to flip the award in its own favor, as the two sides still appear deadlocked over the resumption of Iraqi Kurdistan's oil exports, Iraqi Oil Report revealed on Saturday. 

Iraq is pressing forward with its attempt to enforce a major arbitration award against Turkey, arguing for a U.S. court to enter a judgment of $601.9 million in Iraq's favor.

The Sept. 28 legal filing is a sign that Baghdad and Ankara do not appear to be close to the kind of diplomatic agreement needed to reopen Iraq's northern oil export pipeline via Turkey, despite a flurry of technical talks in mid-September that seemed to be laying the preliminary groundwork for a restart.


Sandy Ingram 

 More than a few people are saying we are unwise to expect that the IQD will revalue to $1 or $2.  What people outside the IQD investment do not yet understand is this -

 Even if the IQD only increases in value to $0.20 to 1 Iraqi dinar, in the beginning, many people would experience a profit of $200,000 [$0.20 X 1,000,000] or more. This is when visitors stop talking down to IQD investors and start asking where can I purchase the currency...

Iraq is on the verge of satisfying the IMF (International Monetary Fund) recommendation that they have a solid income stream outside the oil industry.  The Development Road Project will not only provide 4 billion US dollars in revenue each year, it will also increase the GDP of Iraqi citizens.


 What about the HCL It's ready.  Why isn't it out?  It's waiting for the new exchange rate.

What do you think the rate will be when it comes out

 I don't care!  What I care about is for them to announce in 72 hours their sanction free and their currency is restriction  If it's international hello Forex...

What will it turn into, that's what you need to be paying attention to and at what speed...It ain't going to be no 6 months to a year before it reaches the potential of the Middle Eastern exchange rates of 3 to 1.  No.  Shoot, you're going to sleep, the next morning, boom!

Security and stability.  Mission accomplished...That's what it boils down to.  That's what we need for the monetary reform to come out...

CSC is the Central Security Custody system.  

Somewhere between the 28th and the 1st and these next 72 hours this CSC will go into effect because it was a mandate from the BIS to make sure Iraq was ready on the 28th to do international transfers...The auctions we believe you will see a change in them on the 28th...This is an important step.  There are many steps that are occurring right now at the end of this monetary reform that are important. 

An economic expert explains the importance of Iraq’s gold reserves, 30 SEPT

 An economic expert explains the importance of Iraq’s gold reserves

An economic expert explained the importance of gold in the reserves of the Central Bank of Iraq.
Salah Nouri told {Al-Furat News} agency, “The gold reserve is a cover for the national currency in addition to the dollar and the euro, and the Central Bank of Iraq, like the rest of the central banks in the world, invests in gold, with the aim of diversifying the reserve and obtaining returns, by buying and selling in global markets, The first of which is the London market.
He referred to “measuring the central bank’s reserve, that is, the assets it owns, which are gold, the dollar and euro currency, and US Treasury bonds as investments.”
Nouri continued, “As for international transaction settlements, they are mainly made in the dollar currency, and then in the euro currency to a lesser and limited extent.”
The World Gold Council showed in its report this September that gold reserves in Arab countries amounted to 1,515.1 tons, and Iraq ranked fourth with 132 tons after Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, and Algeria.

Iraqi Dinar Reform Announcement | The Gazette's Role | Forex Alert | Pat...

Al-Sudani puts the dots on the letters in America’s backyard: With draw and do not interfere in Iraqi affairs, 30 SEPT

 Al-Sudani puts the dots on the letters in America’s backyard: With draw and do not interfere in Iraqi affairs

Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani invested his presence in New York perfectly to highlight Iraq’s lack of need for the presence of foreign forces, as well as the categorical refusal in America’s backyard to interfere in Iraqi affairs, in a move that confirms the government’s determination to implement the most important items of its government programs, which is to end the foreign presence from the country.
In several successful speeches and meetings, the Prime Minister pointed to the need to differentiate between the positive relationship with neighboring countries and the negative relationship that reaches the stage of intervention.
Al-Sudani continued, “All countries, including America, if they want to establish relations with Iraq, must respect the country’s sovereignty and the will of its people,” explaining, “The need for a foreign presence in the country has disappeared since Iraq is capable of protecting its country, and a new agreement will be concluded to regulate military relations.” With America.
While he renewed Iraq’s position of rejecting the presence of any foreign combat forces on its territory, indicating the existence of joint efforts to organize the work of foreign advisors.
In addition, member of the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee, Ahmed Al-Moussawi, describes the statements of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani regarding withdrawing foreign forces from Iraq and not allowing Washington to interfere in Iraqi affairs as courageous.
Al-Moussawi said in a statement to Al-Maalouma: “Sudani’s speech and his confirmation that Iraq does not need foreign forces opens the doors to reviewing its agreements with Washington, and they will be supported through Parliament.”
He added, “Al-Sudani’s statements regarding withdrawing foreign forces from Iraq and not allowing Washington to interfere in Iraqi affairs were courageous and frank about the country’s sovereignty.”
He pointed out that “the government will not allow the launch of aggression against neighboring countries, and will not allow any party to undermine the country’s national security through foreign presence.”

Record condensate exports by Basra Gas Company bolster Iraq's economy and environment, 30 SEPT

 Record condensate exports by Basra Gas Company bolster Iraq's economy and environment, 29 SEPT

Shafaq News / The Iraqi Ministry of Oil announced on Thursday that Basra Gas Company achieved its highest export rate of 25,000 tons of condensates (C5) as part of its efforts to boost export volumes through the Umm Qasr Port in Basra, thus supporting the country's economy.

In a statement attributed to Andrew Wyber, the Commissioner of Basra Gas Company, it was highlighted that the export of 25,000 tons of condensates represents a significant achievement that will increase export rates and bolster Iraq's financial revenues. He also noted that this export operation marks a new record for Basra Gas Company and will enable the company to expand into new markets.

Furthermore, he emphasized, "Iraq has the potential to become a global player in the liquefied petroleum gas and condensates sector, and we aspire to be among the advanced nations in terms of exports."

In a related statement, Sultan Al-Maliki, the Director of the Commercial Department at Basra Gas Company, remarked, "This achievement is the result of cooperative efforts among various departments and teams within the company, and it is a source of pride for us."

He also pointed out that the ability to load larger shipments will allow importing companies to transport these shipments to more distant destinations and markets in the East, where there is a higher and more efficient utilization of condensates in the chemical industry.

It is noteworthy that Basra Gas Company had previously loaded 16,300 tons of condensates. With the increased production, the company safely and efficiently raised the shipment volume to 25,000 tons using the vessel "Marlin". This signifies the loading of larger shipments, enhancing the company's current and future export capabilities.

In addition, Basra Gas Company has significantly increased its associated gas production, more than tripling its output from when it was established in 2013. So far, it has prevented over 160 million tons of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere.

With the full operation of the Basra Gas Liquids Plant, an additional 10 million tons of carbon dioxide will be prevented from polluting the air, increasing the company's capacity to eliminate around 30 million tons of carbon dioxide annually, according to the Ministry of Oil.

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