Thursday, August 10, 2023

Evening News with MarkZ 08/10/2023

Thursday Evening News with MarkZ 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Well, it’s Thursday night…..another week almost done.

Member: I pray this is the weekend we all are waiting for. 

Member: Evening all. I am ready to hear some good news.

Member: Mark –Why do you think Venezuela is a “dark horse”?

MZ: Venezuela has natural gas and the largest oil reserves in the world….one f the largest gold reserves in the world…..they have recently found some very crucial rare earth minerals as well. Then you look at the land and agriculture. Venezuela is horribly undervalued-in my opinion. 

Member: I'm banking on the Bolivar for the long run

MZ: “From Iraq: “Suspect from the heist of the century of $3.7 trillion in Iraqi dinar or $2.5 billion USD  stolen from the general tax authority “ They have a suspect and he is being extradited back to Iraq. That’s a lot of dinar. 

MZ: There are a couple interesting banking stories….

MZ: One: Somebody making a reservation at a very expensive hotel in California, went online to try to book a room. As he was about to pay –he noticed something new on the website. They take different currencies as payment- a list of 30 or 40 of them from different countries.. …..including  Iraq and Vietnam. When we called the booking agent said he had never seen this before. The question was asked “Do you know what this means?”  and the booking agent said “I know exactly what this means-all the currencies are getting ready to be in line 1 to 1 with each other. “ 

MZ: There are even McDonalds now that you can pay with multiple currencies…..this was an encouraging story. Different people at well connected places are starting to hear this…its getting out. 

MZ: Now for the banking story. This is a fun one:  From a reader :”So today I was helping my mom over the phone with her online banking. She mentions to me that a private client service from her major bank has been trying to get in touch with her in regards to the dong she has purchased. I advised her to make a meeting with him. 

She went to the bank to make her appointment. She called me later and mentioned she made the appointment with the branch manager. This manager knew all about the QFS, and dinar, dong and Zim. She advised mom that she has to have at least $100,000 in cash to make an appointment with private client services. My mom has $800 bucks in her account. 

So the appointment was made on the basis of the future value of the dong which she purchased through that bank. The appointment with the VP of investments private client services will be this coming Monday morning. Both mother and daughter will be going. 

MZ:  So we should get news on that then if we have not already crossed the finish line

MZ: Also of note:  Tomorrow Mr. C will not be joining us tomorrow. He will join us next week to make up for it. I expect MilitiaMan to join us tomorrow morning . 

MZ: I had some great conversations with some folks this evening. There is a lot moving right now…lots of moving pieces. 

MZ: I feel very confident that the Iranian Rial is going to be in the first basket. Some fantastic movement on that front has occurred since last night. I feel very comfortable saying the Iranian Rial will now be in that first basket. 

Member: What rate do you believe Iran to be mark?

Member: Mark said he expects it to be close to the Iraq Dinar….maybe a bit less. 

Member: Jim Wilie said a couple of months ago that he thought the Irian Riel will go first, and all others will follow

Member: MARK Z, I just got an email from Regions Bank say they can now transfer LARGE sums of money transfers anywhere in the world immediately!!! Isn't that ISO2022 QFS???

Member: I heard a rumor that august 12th was the absolute back date for the RV based on what brics.

Member: Sudani made an announcement on TV today that they have commissioned the building of 15 new hospitals in IRAQ..  RV soon???

Member: What banks can Canadians exchange at?

Member: I  heard RV banks in Canada are HSBC, Scotia bank and Royal Bank

Member: Let's push the red easy button and get this over with this weekend.


Member: Thanks to all…..we sure appreciate you Mark and mods…..

Markz will be on rumble on SATURDAYS ONLY so he can speak his mind. You will find him on YouTube during the week.


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )


ETFs with Iraq Exposure, 10 AUGUST

The table below displays all U.S. listed equity ETFs that maintain significant exposure to stocks listed in Iraq. Note that ETFs that do not include Iraq within the top 10 country allocations may not be included below.

For details on the underlying holdings of each ETF, including individual security allocations and country breakdowns, click on the ticker symbol in the following table.

SDIV.  Global X SuperDividend ETF

"ISX traded +6 billion dinars worth of equities last week", 10 AUGUST

 Shafaq News/ The Iraq Stock Exchange (ISX) traded equities valued at more than six billion dinars last week. 

A report of the market obtained by Shafaq News agency said, "more than nine billion equities were traded in the past week at a value of nine billion dinars via 3,839 transactions."

"ISX-60 index closed at 767.97, 5.81% above the opening session's 723.32," the report said.

It is noteworthy that Iraq Stock Exchange installed Central Depository and Electronic Trading Systems in 2009. It organizes five weekly sessions and lists 103 public companies from different economic sectors.


US Dollar Loses Ground Against Iraqi Dinar in Baghdad and Erbil Markets

Shafaq News/ The US dollar declined in its exchange rates against the Iraqi dinar on Thursday, marking a noticeable drop in Baghdad and Erbil markets.

According to a report by Shafaq News agency, the two central stock exchanges, Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya, in Baghdad, registered a morning exchange rate of 152,000 Iraqi dinars for every 100 US dollars. This represents a reduction from the previous day's rates, as Wednesday's figures had reached 153,100 dinars per 100 dollars.

Meanwhile, the exchange shops in the local markets of Baghdad also witnessed a downward trend in dollar prices. The selling price in these markets reached 153,000 dinars for every 100 dollars, while the purchase price was recorded at 151,000 dinars for the same amount.

In Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region, the local stock market reported decreased rates. The selling price for the US dollar in Erbil reached 152,200 dinars per 100 dollars, with the purchase price at 152,100 dinars for the same quantity.

Compare 5 best trading platforms in Iraq for 2023, 10 AUGUST

 The Invezz team of expert traders, data analysts, and financial writers frequently test the best trading platforms. Amongst a range of features, we ranked the top brokers in Iraq according to their affordability, security, and available international markets.

In this article, we answer the question: what are the best online brokers in Iraq for Iraqi users?

What is the best stock trading app in Iraq?

Our rankings reveal that the best online broker in Iraq is Skilling.

Having assessed 100+ brokers, this list represents the three services that top our rankings as the overall best online trading platforms in Iraq. 

1- Skilling



More about stock trading platforms in Iraq

What products can I trade with a Iraqi stock broker?

You can trade stocks from Iraq, or invest in leading companies from around the world. Here’s a breakdown of what (and how) you can trade with the best online brokers Iraq.


  • Iraqi stocks. One option is to simply buy and sell stocks that are listed in Iraq. This is normally the most straightforward option for Iraqi residents, as you can buy shares in any company that’s listed on a Iraqi stock exchange.
  • US stocks. Some of the best known companies in the world are listed in the United States. The best online broker in Iraq will also let you invest in stocks that are listed on the NYSE or the NASDAQ exchange in the US, but it depends on the legal restrictions in Iraq.
  • International stocks. You may also be able to buy shares in companies that are based in the rest of the world. The best international brokers in Iraq offer global stocks, but it may be a limited selection. If you want to buy equities from outside Iraq or the US, be sure to check those stocks are available through your online broker before you sign up.


ETFs (exchange traded funds) are investment funds that pool money together from lots of different investors and use it to track a particular index, like the S&P 500. Even if you can’t invest in every stock from every country, you can usually find an alternative in an ETF that tracks the performance of Iraq’s top stock exchanges and indexes. 

Mutual funds

Mutual funds are professionally managed investments. You buy shares in the fund through an investment platform and the manager decides what to invest it in. 

Mutual funds and ETFs are similar, but the former are managed by a professional who tries to beat the market, while the latter buy and sell stocks automatically based on a set of fixed criteria. The best stock broker in Iraq allows you to invest in stocks from Iraq, as well as ETFs and mutual funds.

Futures and options

Futures and options contracts involve making an agreement to purchase a stock in the future at an agreed price. They’re favoured by stock traders and can be used as a way of speculating on how you think a company’s price might change in the future.

How much does it cost to use the best online brokers in Iraq?

It is normally free to sign up to a stock trading platform in Iraq. The main cost comes in the form of trading fees, which depend on the platform and on what you want to trade. Some of the best stock trading apps in Iraq offer completely free trading, while others charge a flat fee or commission per trade.

Are stock brokers in Iraq regulated?

Yes, online brokers have to be regulated in order to offer share dealing services. Ideally, you want to find a broker that offers top-tier regulatory protection either through your local regulator, or through an internationally recognised institution. 

The best brokers in Iraq are regulated internationally through institutions such as CySEC (Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission). 

How to buy stocks in Iraq

Every stock trading app in Iraq is designed to help you invest with the minimum of fuss. 

Follow this six step guide to learn how to buy shares online in Iraq for the first time.

1. Find a Iraqi trading app

Compare the best online stock brokers in Iraq and choose your favourite from the list at the top of this page.

2. Create an account

Once you’ve chosen the best broker Iraq, set up an account by supplying your email address and password. Fill in personal details like your name and address.

3. Verify the broker account

Before you use an online trading platform in Iraq you need to verify your identity. Upload a copy of your driving licence or passport to do this. The verification process can take up to 24 hours, but is often much quicker than that.

4. Deposit money into your trading account

You can make your initial deposit via a card payment, bank transfer, or an alternative payment method. Many of the best online brokers in Iraq accept PayPal and similar e-wallets, but you should check this ahead of time.

5. Search for a stock and place your trade

Find the stocks you want to trade using their ticker symbol. Enter the details of your trade, and hit ‘buy’ to execute it.

6. Monitor your investment

Check up on your investment regularly. Use the latest news and stock market research to help you decide when to sell your shares, and lock in a profit or loss.

What does “financial inclusion” mean? BY MNT GOAT, 18 SEPT

BY 48.5%.. BANKS ASSOCIATION: FINANCIAL INCLUSION IN IRAQ HAS INCREASED (What does “financial inclusion” mean? Shame on you if you don’t kno...